Faculty Profile

Jorge Aviles-Diz

College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences



PhD, University of Salamanca, 2009.
Major: Philology
Dissertation Title: "La producción dramática de Manuel Fernández y González (1840-1850). Estudio y edición"
MA, University of Salamanca, Spain, 2001.
Major: Lengua y Literatura Española
BA, University of Salamanca, Spain., 1997.
Major: Lengua y Literatura Española (English Minor).

Current Scheduled Teaching*

No current or future courses scheduled.

* Texas Education Code 51.974 (HB 2504) requires each institution of higher education to make available to the public, a syllabus for undergraduate lecture courses offered for credit by the institution.

Previous Scheduled Teaching*

SPAN 5215.001, Generation 98 Novel, Spring 2024 SPOT
SPAN 4320.001, Survey of Spanish Literature, Spring 2024 Syllabus SPOT
SPAN 1010.014, Elementary Spanish, Fall 2023 Syllabus SPOT
SPAN 3110.001, Introduction to Hispanic Literature, Fall 2023 Syllabus SPOT
SPAN 5202.001, Golden Age Spanish Novel, Spring 2023 SPOT
SPAN 4320.001, Survey of Spanish Literature, Spring 2023 Syllabus SPOT
SPAN 5545.001, Realism and Naturalism in 19th century Spain, Fall 2022 SPOT
SPAN 3150.001, Spanish Culture and Civilization, Fall 2022 Syllabus SPOT
SPAN 3150.001, Spanish Culture and Civilization, Spring 2022 Syllabus SPOT
SPAN 4900.004, Special Problems, Spring 2022 Syllabus
SPAN 4320.001, Survey of Spanish Literature, Spring 2022 Syllabus SPOT
SPAN 1010.013, Elementary Spanish, Fall 2021 Syllabus SPOT
SPAN 5525.001, From Enlightenment to Romanticism, Fall 2021 SPOT
SPAN 5215.001, Generation 98 Novel, Spring 2021 SPOT
SPAN 3150.001, Spanish Culture and Civilization, Spring 2021 Syllabus SPOT
SPAN 1010.003, Elementary Spanish, Fall 2020 Syllabus SPOT
SPAN 3110.001, Introduction to Hispanic Literature, Fall 2020 Syllabus SPOT
SPAN 3150.001, Spanish Culture and Civilization, Fall 2020 Syllabus SPOT
SPAN 1020.013, Elementary Spanish, Spring 2020 Syllabus
SPAN 3150.001, Spanish Culture and Civilization, Spring 2020 Syllabus
SPAN 5900.702, Special Problems, Spring 2020
SPAN 1010.014, Elementary Spanish, Fall 2019 Syllabus SPOT
SPAN 3150.001, Spanish Culture and Civilization, Fall 2019 Syllabus SPOT
SPAN 5525.001, From Enlightenment to Romanticism, Spring 2019 SPOT
SPAN 1030.005, Review of Elementary Spanish, Spring 2019 Syllabus SPOT
SPAN 1010.014, Elementary Spanish, Fall 2018 Syllabus SPOT
SPAN 1010.015, Elementary Spanish, Fall 2018 Syllabus SPOT
SPAN 3110.002, Introduction to Hispanic Literature, Fall 2017 Syllabus SPOT
SPAN 3150.001, Spanish Culture and Civilization, Fall 2017 Syllabus SPOT
SPAN 5900.705, Special Problems, Fall 2017
SPAN 3110.002, Introduction to Hispanic Literature, Spring 2017 Syllabus SPOT
SPAN 1030.014, Review of Elementary Spanish, Spring 2017 Syllabus SPOT
SPAN 5200.003, Seminar in Spanish, Spring 2017 SPOT
SPAN 5900.701, Special Problems, Spring 2017 SPOT
SPAN 3110.002, Introduction to Hispanic Literature, Fall 2016 Syllabus SPOT
SPAN 3150.001, Spanish Culture and Civilization, Fall 2016 Syllabus SPOT
SPAN 5950.701, Master's Thesis, Spring 2016
SPAN 5200.002, Seminar in Spanish, Spring 2016 SPOT
SPAN 3110.002, Introduction to Hispanic Literature, Fall 2015 Syllabus SPOT
SPAN 5950.701, Master's Thesis, Fall 2015
SPAN 3150.001, Spanish Culture and Civilization, Fall 2015 Syllabus SPOT
SPAN 3090.005, Advanced Spanish Grammar I, Spring 2015 Syllabus
SPAN 3110.002, Introduction to Hispanic Literature, Spring 2015 Syllabus
SPAN 5950.701, Master's Thesis, Spring 2015
SPAN 3110.002, Introduction to Hispanic Literature, Fall 2014 Syllabus
SPAN 5950.002, Master's Thesis, Fall 2014
SPAN 3150.001, Spanish Culture and Civilization, Fall 2014 Syllabus
SPAN 5215.001, Generation 98 Novel, Spring 2014
SPAN 3110.001, Introduction to Hispanic Literature, Spring 2014 Syllabus
SPAN 5950.001, Master's Thesis, Spring 2014
SPAN 3110.002, Introduction to Hispanic Literature, Fall 2013 Syllabus
SPAN 5950.003, Master's Thesis, Fall 2013
SPAN 4320.001, Survey of Spanish Literature, Fall 2013 Syllabus
SPAN 5950.720, Master's Thesis, Spring 2013
SPAN 5200.002, Seminar in Spanish, Spring 2013
SPAN 3110.002, Introduction to Hispanic Literature, Fall 2012 Syllabus
SPAN 5950.720, Master's Thesis, Fall 2012
SPAN 4320.001, Survey of Spanish Literature, Fall 2012 Syllabus
SPAN 2040.002, Intermediate Spanish, Summer 5W1 2012
SPAN 2040.004, Intermediate Spanish, Summer 5W1 2012
SPAN 3110.002, Introduction to Hispanic Literature, Spring 2012 Syllabus
SPAN 5950.720, Master's Thesis, Spring 2012
SPAN 5200.002, Seminar in Spanish, Spring 2012
SPAN 3060.005, Advanced Spanish Composition and Oral Practice, Fall 2011 Syllabus
SPAN 5950.720, Master's Thesis, Fall 2011
SPAN 4320.001, Survey of Spanish Literature, Fall 2011 Syllabus
SPAN 5200.002, Seminar in Spanish, Summer 5W1 2011
SPAN 5215.001, Generation 98 Novel, Spring 2011
SPAN 4320.002, Survey of Spanish Literature, Spring 2011 Syllabus
SPAN 3110.005, Introduction to Hispanic Literature, Fall 2010 Syllabus
SPAN 4320.001, Survey of Spanish Literature, Fall 2010 Syllabus
SPAN 1020.002, Elementary Spanish, Summer 5W2 2010 Syllabus
SPAN 1020.302, Elementary Spanish, Summer 5W2 2010
SPAN 3110.005, Introduction to Hispanic Literature, Spring 2010 Syllabus
SPAN 4320.001, Survey of Spanish Literature, Spring 2010 Syllabus
SPAN 4320.002, Survey of Spanish Literature, Spring 2010 Syllabus
SPAN 3060.001, Advanced Spanish Composition and Oral Practice, Fall 2009 Syllabus
SPAN 3060.002, Advanced Spanish Composition and Oral Practice, Fall 2009 Syllabus
SPAN 3060.003, Advanced Spanish Composition and Oral Practice, Fall 2009 Syllabus
SPAN 3150.001, Spanish Culture and Civilization, Fall 2009 Syllabus

* Texas Education Code 51.974 (HB 2504) requires each institution of higher education to make available to the public, a syllabus for undergraduate lecture courses offered for credit by the institution.

Published Publications

Published Intellectual Contributions

Aviles-Diz, J. (2023). Calas en las espiritualidades literarias hispánicas. 239. Valladolid: Ediciones Universitas Castellae.
Aviles Diz, J. (2022). Poéticas del espacio. Valladolid: Universitas Castellae.
Aviles Diz, J. (2022). La tragedia del Tasso. Obra inédita de Manuel Fernández y González. Valladolid: Biblioteca Decimonónica.
Aviles Diz, J. (2021). Identidad nacional e imaginario histórico en el teatro de Manuel Fernández y González. Madrid: Ediciones de la Torre.
Aviles Diz, J. (2021). Literatura y Medicina. Teoria y Praxis (1800-1930). Volumen II. Madrid: Ediciones de la Torre.
Aviles Diz, J. (2020). Narrar lo invisible: Aproximaciones al mundo narrativo de Sara Mesa. Valencia: Ediciones Albatros.
Aviles Diz, J. (2019). Literatura y Medicina. Teoría y Praxis (1800-1930). Madrid: Ediciones De la Torre.
Aviles-Diz, J. (2018). Perversiones decimononicas. Literatura y parafilia en el siglo XIX. Valencia: Albatros.
Aviles-Diz, J. (2015). Alfredo. Edición, introducción y notas.. Valladolid: Universitas Castellae.
Aviles-Diz, J. (2012). El teatro de Manuel Fernández y González: Traición con traición se paga y Cid Rodrigo de Vivar. Estudio y edición crítica.
Book Chapter
Aviles-Diz, J. (2022). El árbol sin raíces: Humor y moral en el teatro de José Fernández Bremón.. Recepción y canon: El panteón de las letras hispánicas. Valladolid: EUC.
Aviles-Diz, J. (2020). Espacio diegético y subjetividad en Cara de Pan. Narrar lo invisible. Aproximaciones al mundo literario de Sara Mesa. Valencia: Albatros.
Aviles Diz, J. (2019). ¿Simila similibus curentur? Teatro y homeopatía en la España del siglo XIX. Literatura y medicina: Teoría y praxis (1800-1930). 73-100. Madrid: Ediciones de la Torre.
Aviles-Diz, J. (2019). "Personajes del pasado, mujeres del presente: Amelia Folch y la (re)escritura de la mujer decimonónica". Mito e historia en el cine y la televisión español. Ed. Christine L. Blackshaw. Spain, 275-290. Valencia: Ediciones Albatros.
Aviles-Diz, J. (2019). "Presencias en la ausencia: Antonio Saviñón y la (re)lectura decimonónica de Numancia". Numancia: representaciones culturales del mundo hispánico. 9-20. Madrid: Wisteria.
Aviles-Diz, J. (2018). "El Alzheimer en la literatura infantil española: una aproximación". En torno a la enfermedad social. 8-20. Madrid: Wisteria.
Aviles-Diz, J. (2018). “De los gustos sin pecar, el mejor… ¿es el cagar? Perfumes de Barcelona y la poesía escatológica del siglo XIX”.. Perversiones decimonónicas. Literatura y parafilia en el siglo XIX.. 75-101. Valencia: Albatros.
Aviles-Diz, J. (2017). "Érase una vez: La narrativa infantil de Antonio Skármeta". Antonio Skármeta: Nuevas lecturas. 163-181. Lima: Fondo Editorial Universidad Ricardo Palma.
Book Review
Aviles-Diz, J. (2013). "Revolución, restauración y novela ideológica. La novela de Luis S. Villarminio".
Aviles-Diz, J. (2013). Epistolario. Américo Castro y Marcel Bataillon (1923-1972). .
Aviles-Diz, J. (2012). Manuel Chaves Nogales: El oficio de contar.
Aviles-Diz, J. (2005). "Los Impostores, de Santiago Gamboa".
Aviles-Diz, J. (2004). "Dos novelitas poco edificantes o dos novelas espejo: Herir tu fiera carne y Sanar tu piel amarga".
Aviles-Diz, J. (2004). "El secreto callado. Sobre Un siglo tras de mí, de Eloy Urroz".
Journal Article
Aviles-Diz, J. (2020). “Garbancito de la Mancha y la formación de la conciencia nacional". 4(2), 1-20. Charleston, SC: College of Charleston.
Aviles-Diz, J. (2019). “Entre la renuncia y el olvido: nuevas notas al teatro de Eulogio Florentino Sanz”.. Siglo Diecinueve. 25, 283-305. Valladolid:.
Aviles-Diz, J. (2018). "El médico como autor y personaje en el teatro posromántico español: el caso de Ricardo López Arcilla". 24, 133-156. Valladolid:.
Aviles-Diz, J. (2018). "Sobre el Don Juan Tenorio y la comedia de magia del XIX: Don Luis Osorio o vivir por arte del diablo de Manuel Fernández y González".
Aviles-Diz, J. (2018). "El teatro infantil en el siglo XIX: los casos de Manuel Ossorio Bernard y Francisco Pi y Arsuaga". 95(6), . Bulletin of Hispanic Studies.
Aviles-Diz, J. (2018). “Viajes de ida y vuelta: la ciudad como símbolo en el cine franquista de Pedro Lazaga”.. 22, 9-34.
Aviles-Diz, J. (2017). "Con la Iglesia hemos topado: Saturnino Calleja y la censura de cuentos infantiles". Neophilologus. 101(1), 75-91.
Aviles-Diz, J. (2017). "Ruben Darío y la crítica: la lectura hermeneutica de Mario Vargas Llosa". 23, 309-323.
Aviles-Diz, J. (2016). "El vodevil del horror: humor negro y trauma colectivo en El triángulo azul de Laila Ripoll. El trauma en la literatura hispánica. 17-25. Valladolid: Universitas Castellae.
Aviles-Diz, J. (2016). "Trilogía de la memoria: Un acercamiento a la obra de Laila Ripoll". Hispanic Research Journal. 17(4), 339-355.
Aviles-Diz, J. (2016). Memory, Modernity and Generational Recognition in Juan Copete´s Soliloquio de Grillos". International Journal of Iberian Studies. 29(1), 55-64.
Aviles-Diz, J. (2015). "Ecos goticos en el Alfredo de Joaquin Francisco Pacheco". Modern Language Notes. 130(2), 219-233.
Aviles-Diz, J. (2015). Carlos II el hechizado y lo gótico. Romance Notes. 55(1), 27-34.
Aviles-Diz, J. (2014). Ecos de la España franquista en el teatro de Laila Ripoll. 35(2), 77-94.
Aviles-Diz, J. (2014). Fosas de la identidad perdida: Representaciones de la memoria histórica en el teatro español contemporáneo. Hispanófila. 170(1), 73-95.
Aviles-Diz, J. (2014). Gil y Zárate and Carlos II el Hechizado. Modern Language Review. 109(4), 1013-1029.
Aviles-Diz, J. (2013). "La tragedia del Tasso. Drama inédito de Manuel Fernández y González". Romance Quarterly. 60(4), 208-220.
Aviles-Diz, J. (2013). Los desvanes de la memoria: Los niños perdidos de Laila Ripoll.
Aviles-Diz, J. (2013). Manuel Fernández y González y la revisión posromántica de las comedias de capa y espada. Bulletin of Spanish Studies. 90(3), 341-356.
Aviles-Diz, J. (2004). "Sanar tu piel amarga: una aproximación"..
Aviles Diz, J. (2021). Testimonios de lucha y resistencia: Conflictos bélicos en la España del siglo XIX. No. 27, 385. Valladolid:.
Summative Rating
Challenge and
Engagement Index
Response Rate

out of 5

out of 7
students responded
  • Overall Summative Rating (median):
    This rating represents the combined responses of students to the four global summative items and is presented to provide an overall index of the class’s quality. Overall summative statements include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 5 = Excellent, 3 = Good, and 1= Very poor):
    • The course as a whole was
    • The course content was
    • The instructor’s contribution to the course was
    • The instructor’s effectiveness in teaching the subject matter was
  • Challenge and Engagement Index:
    This rating combines student responses to several SPOT items relating to how academically challenging students found the course to be and how engaged they were. Challenge and Engagement Index items include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 7 = Much higher, 4 = Average, and 1 = Much lower):
    • Do you expect your grade in this course to be
    • The intellectual challenge presented was
    • The amount of effort you put into this course was
    • The amount of effort to succeed in this course was
    • Your involvement in course (doing assignments, attending classes, etc.) was