Faculty Profile

Jesus Rosales-Ruiz

Associate Professor
Behavior Analysis
College of Health and Public Service



PhD, University of Kansas, 1995.
Major: Human Development: Developmental and Child Psychology
Degree Specialization: Behavior Analysis
Dissertation Title: "Verbs as instructional stimuli in the control of stimulus-equivalence effects"
MA, University of Kansas, 1983.
Major: Human Development and Family Life
Dissertation Title: "A method for displaying visual discrimination and generalization within complex stimulus control"
BA, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, 1979.
Major: Licenciado en Psicología (Psychology)
Dissertation Title: "An analysis of the choice of positive consequences by preschool and retarded children"

Current Scheduled Teaching*

HLSC 6950.031, Doctoral Dissertation, Summer 2024
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Summer 2024

* Texas Education Code 51.974 (HB 2504) requires each institution of higher education to make available to the public, a syllabus for undergraduate lecture courses offered for credit by the institution.

Previous Scheduled Teaching*

BEHV 3770.001, Building Skills with Behavior Technology, Fall 2023 Syllabus SPOT
HLSC 6950.046, Doctoral Dissertation, Fall 2023
BEHV 5820.705, Internship, Fall 2023
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Fall 2023
BEHV 5250.005, Topics in Behavior Analysis, Fall 2023 SPOT
HLSC 6950.046, Doctoral Dissertation, Summer 5W2 2023
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Summer 10W 2023
BEHV 3770.001, Building Skills with Behavior Technology, Spring 2023 Syllabus SPOT
BEHV 5560.001, Development of Behavior Intervention Programs, Spring 2023 SPOT
HLSC 6950.046, Doctoral Dissertation, Spring 2023
BEHV 5820.705, Internship, Spring 2023
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Spring 2023
BEHV 5815.705, Practicum, Spring 2023
HLSC 6950.046, Doctoral Dissertation, Fall 2022
BEHV 5820.705, Internship, Fall 2022
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Fall 2022
BEHV 5810.715, Practicum, Fall 2022 SPOT
BEHV 5815.705, Practicum, Fall 2022 SPOT
BEHV 5250.005, Topics in Behavior Analysis, Fall 2022 SPOT
BEHV 3770.001, Building Skills with Behavior Technology, Spring 2022 Syllabus SPOT
BEHV 5560.001, Development of Behavior Intervention Programs, Spring 2022 SPOT
HLSC 6950.046, Doctoral Dissertation, Spring 2022
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Spring 2022
BEHV 5815.705, Practicum, Spring 2022 SPOT
BEHV 6910.705, Developing Behavior Analytic Expertise II, Fall 2021
BEHV 5820.705, Internship, Fall 2021
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Fall 2021
BEHV 5810.715, Practicum, Fall 2021 SPOT
BEHV 5815.705, Practicum, Fall 2021
BEHV 5900.705, Special Problems, Fall 2021
BEHV 5250.005, Topics in Behavior Analysis, Fall 2021 SPOT
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Summer 5W1 2021
BEHV 5815.705, Practicum, Summer 5W1 2021
BEHV 3770.001, Building Skills with Behavior Technology, Spring 2021 Syllabus SPOT
BEHV 6810.705, Developing Behavior Analytic Expertise I, Spring 2021
BEHV 5560.001, Development of Behavior Intervention Programs, Spring 2021 SPOT
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Spring 2021
BEHV 5815.705, Practicum, Spring 2021 SPOT
BEHV 5900.705, Special Problems, Spring 2021
BEHV 3770.001, Building Skills with Behavior Technology, Fall 2020 Syllabus SPOT
BEHV 5820.705, Internship, Fall 2020 SPOT
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Fall 2020
BEHV 5810.715, Practicum, Fall 2020 SPOT
BEHV 5815.705, Practicum, Fall 2020 SPOT
BEHV 5250.005, Topics in Behavior Analysis, Fall 2020 SPOT
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Summer 5W2 2020
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Summer 5W1 2020
BEHV 5815.705, Practicum, Summer 5W2 2020
BEHV 3770.001, Building Skills with Behavior Technology, Spring 2020 Syllabus
BEHV 5560.001, Development of Behavior Intervention Programs, Spring 2020
BEHV 4951.002, Honors College Capstone Thesis, Spring 2020
BEHV 5820.705, Internship, Spring 2020
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Spring 2020
BEHV 5815.705, Practicum, Spring 2020
BEHV 5900.705, Special Problems, Spring 2020
BEHV 3770.001, Building Skills with Behavior Technology, Fall 2019 Syllabus SPOT
BEHV 6810.705, Developing Behavior Analytic Expertise I, Fall 2019
BEHV 3996.004, Honors College Mentored Research Experience, Fall 2019
BEHV 5820.705, Internship, Fall 2019 SPOT
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Fall 2019
BEHV 5900.705, Special Problems, Fall 2019
BEHV 5250.005, Topics in Behavior Analysis, Fall 2019 SPOT
BEHV 5820.705, Internship, Summer 5W2 2019 SPOT
BEHV 5820.705, Internship, Summer 5W1 2019
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Summer 5W2 2019
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Summer 5W1 2019
BEHV 3770.001, Building Skills with Behavior Technology, Spring 2019 Syllabus SPOT
BEHV 5560.001, Development of Behavior Intervention Programs, Spring 2019 SPOT
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Spring 2019
BEHV 5815.705, Practicum, Spring 2019
BEHV 5900.705, Special Problems, Spring 2019
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Fall 2018
BEHV 5815.705, Practicum, Fall 2018
BEHV 5900.705, Special Problems, Fall 2018
BEHV 5250.005, Topics in Behavior Analysis, Fall 2018 SPOT
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Summer 5W1 2018
BEHV 5810.705, Practicum, Summer 5W2 2018
BEHV 5560.001, Development of Behavior Intervention Programs, Spring 2018 SPOT
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Spring 2018
BEHV 4400.001, Organizational Behavior Management, Spring 2018 Syllabus SPOT
BEHV 5815.705, Practicum, Spring 2018
BEHV 5900.705, Special Problems, Spring 2018
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Fall 2017
BEHV 5815.705, Practicum, Fall 2017
BEHV 5900.705, Special Problems, Fall 2017
BEHV 5250.005, Topics in Behavior Analysis, Fall 2017 SPOT
BEHV 3440.001, Data Collection and Analysis, Summer 5W2 2017
BEHV 5820.705, Internship, Summer 5W2 2017
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Summer 5W2 2017
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Summer 5W1 2017
BEHV 5810.705, Practicum, Summer 5W1 2017
BEHV 5815.705, Practicum, Summer 5W1 2017
BEHV 5900.705, Special Problems, Summer 5W1 2017
BEHV 5560.001, Development of Behavior Intervention Programs, Spring 2017 SPOT
BEHV 5820.705, Internship, Spring 2017
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Spring 2017
BEHV 5815.705, Practicum, Spring 2017
BEHV 5820.705, Internship, Fall 2016
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Fall 2016
BEHV 5810.715, Practicum, Fall 2016 SPOT
BEHV 5900.705, Special Problems, Fall 2016
BEHV 5250.005, Topics in Behavior Analysis, Fall 2016 SPOT
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Summer 5W1 2016
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Summer 5W2 2016
BEHV 5900.705, Special Problems, Summer 5W1 2016
BEHV 5900.705, Special Problems, Summer 5W2 2016
BEHV 5560.001, Development of Behavior Intervention Programs, Spring 2016 SPOT
BEHV 5820.705, Internship, Spring 2016
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Spring 2016
BEHV 5810.705, Practicum, Spring 2016
BEHV 5815.705, Practicum, Spring 2016 SPOT
BEHV 4900.705, Special Problems, Spring 2016
BEHV 5900.705, Special Problems, Spring 2016
BEHV 3770.001, Building Skills with Behavior Technology, Fall 2015 Syllabus SPOT
BEHV 5820.705, Internship, Fall 2015
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Fall 2015
BEHV 5815.705, Practicum, Fall 2015
BEHV 5900.705, Special Problems, Fall 2015
BEHV 5250.005, Topics in Behavior Analysis, Fall 2015 SPOT
BEHV 5820.705, Internship, Summer 5W1 2015 SPOT
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Summer 5W1 2015
BEHV 5815.705, Practicum, Summer 5W2 2015
BEHV 5815.705, Practicum, Summer 5W1 2015 SPOT
BEHV 4900.705, Special Problems, Summer 5W2 2015
BEHV 5900.705, Special Problems, Summer 5W1 2015
BEHV 3770.001, Building Skills with Behavior Technology, Spring 2015 Syllabus
BEHV 5560.001, Development of Behavior Intervention Programs, Spring 2015
BEHV 5820.705, Internship, Spring 2015
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Spring 2015
BEHV 5810.705, Practicum, Spring 2015
BEHV 5900.705, Special Problems, Spring 2015
BEHV 3770.001, Building Skills with Behavior Technology, Fall 2014 Syllabus
BEHV 5820.705, Internship, Fall 2014
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Fall 2014
BEHV 5000.001, Observation and Measurement of Behavior and Environment, Fall 2014
BEHV 5810.705, Practicum, Fall 2014
BEHV 5815.705, Practicum, Fall 2014
BEHV 5900.705, Special Problems, Fall 2014
BEHV 5250.005, Topics in Behavior Analysis, Fall 2014
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Summer 5W2 2014
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Summer 5W1 2014
BEHV 5810.705, Practicum, Summer 5W2 2014
BEHV 5815.705, Practicum, Summer 5W2 2014
BEHV 5815.705, Practicum, Summer 5W1 2014
BEHV 3770.001, Building Skills with Behavior Technology, Spring 2014 Syllabus
BEHV 5560.001, Development of Behavior Intervention Programs, Spring 2014
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Spring 2014
BEHV 5810.705, Practicum, Spring 2014
BEHV 5815.705, Practicum, Spring 2014
BEHV 5900.705, Special Problems, Spring 2014
BEHV 5560.001, Development of Behavior Intervention Programs, Fall 2013
BEHV 5820.705, Internship, Fall 2013
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Fall 2013
BEHV 5000.001, Observation and Measurement of Behavior and Environment, Fall 2013
BEHV 5810.705, Practicum, Fall 2013
BEHV 5815.705, Practicum, Fall 2013
BEHV 5900.705, Special Problems, Fall 2013
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Summer 5W1 2013
BEHV 5810.705, Practicum, Summer 5W2 2013
BEHV 5900.705, Special Problems, Summer 5W1 2013
BEHV 5900.705, Special Problems, Summer 5W2 2013
BEHV 3770.001, Building Skills with Behavior Technology, Spring 2013 Syllabus
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Spring 2013
BEHV 5810.705, Practicum, Spring 2013
BEHV 5815.705, Practicum, Spring 2013
BEHV 4900.705, Special Problems, Spring 2013
BEHV 5900.705, Special Problems, Spring 2013
BEHV 5250.005, Topics in Behavior Analysis, Spring 2013
BEHV 5560.001, Development of Behavior Intervention Programs, Fall 2012
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Fall 2012
BEHV 5000.001, Observation and Measurement of Behavior and Environment, Fall 2012
BEHV 5810.705, Practicum, Fall 2012
BEHV 5900.705, Special Problems, Fall 2012
BEHV 5820.705, Internship, Summer 5W2 2012
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Summer 5W1 2012
BEHV 4900.705, Special Problems, Summer 5W2 2012
BEHV 5900.705, Special Problems, Summer 5W1 2012
BEHV 3770.001, Building Skills with Behavior Technology, Spring 2012
BEHV 5820.705, Internship, Spring 2012
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Spring 2012
BEHV 5810.705, Practicum, Spring 2012
BEHV 5815.705, Practicum, Spring 2012
BEHV 5900.705, Special Problems, Spring 2012
BEHV 5250.005, Topics in Behavior Analysis, Spring 2012
BEHV 5560.001, Development of Behavior Intervention Programs, Fall 2011
BEHV 5820.705, Internship, Fall 2011
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Fall 2011
BEHV 5000.002, Observation and Measurement of Behavior and Environment, Fall 2011
BEHV 5815.705, Practicum, Fall 2011
BEHV 4900.705, Special Problems, Fall 2011
BEHV 5900.705, Special Problems, Fall 2011
BEHV 5820.705, Internship, Summer 5W2 2011
BEHV 5820.705, Internship, Summer 5W1 2011
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Summer 5W2 2011
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Summer 5W1 2011
BEHV 5815.705, Practicum, Summer 5W1 2011
BEHV 5900.705, Special Problems, Summer 5W1 2011
BEHV 3770.001, Building Skills with Behavior Technology, Spring 2011 Syllabus
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Spring 2011
BEHV 5810.705, Practicum, Spring 2011
BEHV 5815.705, Practicum, Spring 2011
BEHV 5900.705, Special Problems, Spring 2011
BEHV 5250.006, Topics in Behavior Analysis, Spring 2011
BEHV 3440.001, Data Collection and Analysis, Fall 2010 Syllabus
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Fall 2010
BEHV 5000.002, Observation and Measurement of Behavior and Environment, Fall 2010
BEHV 5810.705, Practicum, Fall 2010
BEHV 5815.705, Practicum, Fall 2010
BEHV 4900.705, Special Problems, Fall 2010
BEHV 5900.705, Special Problems, Fall 2010
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Summer 5W1 2010
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Summer 5W2 2010
BEHV 5810.705, Practicum, Summer 5W1 2010
BEHV 5815.705, Practicum, Summer 5W1 2010
BEHV 5900.705, Special Problems, Summer 5W1 2010
BEHV 3770.001, Building Skills with Behavior Technology, Spring 2010 Syllabus
BEHV 3440.001, Data Collection and Analysis, Spring 2010
BEHV 5560.001, Development of Behavior Intervention Programs, Spring 2010
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Spring 2010
BEHV 5810.705, Practicum, Spring 2010
BEHV 5815.705, Practicum, Spring 2010
BEHV 4900.705, Special Problems, Spring 2010
BEHV 5900.705, Special Problems, Spring 2010
BEHV 3440.001, Data Collection and Analysis, Fall 2009
BEHV 5820.705, Internship, Fall 2009
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Fall 2009
BEHV 5000.002, Observation and Measurement of Behavior and Environment, Fall 2009
BEHV 5810.705, Practicum, Fall 2009
BEHV 4900.705, Special Problems, Fall 2009
BEHV 5900.705, Special Problems, Fall 2009
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Summer 5W2 2009
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Summer 5W1 2009
BEHV 5815.705, Practicum, Summer 5W2 2009
BEHV 5815.705, Practicum, Summer 5W1 2009
BEHV 5900.705, Special Problems, Summer 5W1 2009
BEHV 5900.705, Special Problems, Summer 5W2 2009
BEHV 3770.001, Building Skills with Behavior Technology, Spring 2009
BEHV 3440.001, Data Collection and Analysis, Spring 2009
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Spring 2009
BEHV 5810.705, Practicum, Spring 2009
BEHV 5815.705, Practicum, Spring 2009
BEHV 5900.705, Special Problems, Spring 2009
BEHV 5250.005, Topics in Behavior Analysis, Spring 2009
BEHV 3440.001, Data Collection and Analysis, Fall 2008
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Fall 2008
BEHV 5000.002, Observation and Measurement of Behavior and Environment, Fall 2008
BEHV 5810.705, Practicum, Fall 2008
BEHV 5815.705, Practicum, Fall 2008
BEHV 4900.705, Special Problems, Fall 2008
BEHV 5900.705, Special Problems, Fall 2008
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Summer 5W2 2008
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Summer 5W1 2008
BEHV 5810.705, Practicum, Summer 5W1 2008
BEHV 5815.705, Practicum, Summer 5W1 2008
BEHV 5815.705, Practicum, Summer 5W2 2008
BEHV 5900.705, Special Problems, Summer 5W1 2008
BEHV 5900.705, Special Problems, Summer 5W2 2008
BEHV 3770.001, Building Skills with Behavior Technology, Spring 2008
BEHV 3440.001, Data Collection and Analysis, Spring 2008
BEHV 5560.002, Development of Behavior Intervention Programs, Spring 2008
BEHV 5820.705, Internship, Spring 2008
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Spring 2008
BEHV 5810.705, Practicum, Spring 2008
BEHV 5815.705, Practicum, Spring 2008
BEHV 4900.705, Special Problems, Spring 2008
BEHV 5900.705, Special Problems, Spring 2008
BEHV 3440.001, Data Collection and Analysis, Fall 2007
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Fall 2007
BEHV 5000.002, Observation and Measurement of Behavior and Environment, Fall 2007
BEHV 5810.705, Practicum, Fall 2007
BEHV 5815.705, Practicum, Fall 2007
BEHV 4900.705, Special Problems, Fall 2007
BEHV 5900.705, Special Problems, Fall 2007
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Summer 5W1 2007
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Summer 5W2 2007
BEHV 5900.705, Special Problems, Summer 5W1 2007
BEHV 3770.001, Building Skills with Behavior Technology, Spring 2007
BEHV 3440.001, Data Collection and Analysis, Spring 2007
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Spring 2007
BEHV 5815.705, Practicum, Spring 2007
BEHV 4900.705, Special Problems, Spring 2007
BEHV 5900.705, Special Problems, Spring 2007
BEHV 5250.005, Topics in Behavior Analysis, Spring 2007
BEHV 3440.001, Data Collection and Analysis, Fall 2006
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Fall 2006
BEHV 5000.002, Observation and Measurement of Behavior and Environment, Fall 2006
BEHV 5900.705, Special Problems, Fall 2006
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Summer 5W2 2006
BEHV 5810.705, Practicum, Summer 5W1 2006
BEHV 5815.705, Practicum, Summer 5W1 2006
BEHV 4900.705, Special Problems, Summer 5W2 2006
BEHV 4900.705, Special Problems, Summer 5W1 2006
BEHV 5900.705, Special Problems, Summer 5W1 2006
BEHV 5900.705, Special Problems, Summer 5W2 2006
BEHV 3770.001, Building Skills with Behavior Technology, Spring 2006
BEHV 3440.001, Data Collection and Analysis, Spring 2006
BEHV 5560.001, Development of Behavior Intervention Programs, Spring 2006
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Spring 2006
BEHV 5810.705, Practicum, Spring 2006
BEHV 4900.705, Special Problems, Spring 2006
BEHV 5900.705, Special Problems, Spring 2006
BEHV 3440.001, Data Collection and Analysis, Fall 2005
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Fall 2005
BEHV 5000.002, Observation and Measurement of Behavior and Environment, Fall 2005
BEHV 5900.705, Special Problems, Fall 2005
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Summer 5W2 2005
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Summer 5W1 2005
BEHV 5900.705, Special Problems, Summer 5W1 2005
BEHV 5900.705, Special Problems, Summer 5W2 2005
BEHV 3770.001, Building Skills with Behavior Technology, Spring 2005
BEHV 3440.001, Data Collection and Analysis, Spring 2005
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Spring 2005
BEHV 5810.705, Practicum, Spring 2005
BEHV 4900.705, Special Problems, Spring 2005
BEHV 5900.705, Special Problems, Spring 2005
BEHV 5250.005, Topics in Behavior Analysis, Spring 2005
BEHV 3440.001, Data Collection and Analysis, Fall 2004
BEHV 5560.001, Development of Behavior Intervention Programs, Fall 2004
BEHV 5950.705, Master's Thesis, Fall 2004
BEHV 5810.705, Practicum, Fall 2004
BEHV 5900.705, Special Problems, Fall 2004

* Texas Education Code 51.974 (HB 2504) requires each institution of higher education to make available to the public, a syllabus for undergraduate lecture courses offered for credit by the institution.

Published Publications

Published Intellectual Contributions

Rosales-Ruiz, J., Hunter, M. E. (2019). PORTL: The portable operant research and teaching lab.. 206. Sanger, Texas:. https://behaviorexplorer.com
Book Chapter
Rosales-Ruiz, J., Calkin, A. (2022). Lessons from Og: How to train a rat to lift weights and why you shouldn’t try to milk a chicken. Tribute to Ogden R. Lindsley: His life and contributions. 179-194. Hudson New York: Sloane Publishing. https://www.sloanpublishing.com/og
Hineline, P., Rosales-Ruiz, J. (2013). Behavior in Relation to Aversive Events: Punishment and Negative Reinforcement.. APA Handbook of Behavior Analysis.. (Vol. 1), 483-512. APA.
Journal Article
Kalafut, K., Feuerbacher, E., Rosales-Ruiz, J. (2024). The effects of multiple clicks prior to food delivery on performance in a domestic dog. 1(1), 25-41. https://jabaat.org/
Stordahl, S., Cihon, J., Ala'i-Rosales, S. S., Rosales-Ruiz, J. (2023). Increasing Socially Significant Behaviors for Children with Autism Using Synchronous Reinforcement. Education Sciences. 13, . https://www.mdpi.com/journal/education
Scallan, C., Rosales-Ruiz, J. (2023). The Constructional Approach: A Compassionate Approach to Behavior Change. Behavior Analysis in Practice. Springer. https://link.springer.com/journal/40617
Hunter, M., Rosales-Ruiz, J. (2023). The PORTL Laboratory. Perspectives on Behavior Science. no. 46, 355–376. Springer. https://link.springer.com/journal/40614
Katz, M., Rosales-Ruiz, J. (2022). Constructional fear treatment: Teaching fearful shelter dogs to approach and interact with a novel person. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior. 118(2), 278-291. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jeab.784
Nishimuta, M., Rosales-Ruiz, J., Will, S., Hunter, M. (2022). Equines do not live for grass alone: Training equines using social interaction as a reinforcer. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior. 118(2), 261-277. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jeab.786
Davidson, M., Rosales-Ruiz, J. (2022). Reducing the occurrence of mouthing and jumping in a dog through conditional discrimination training. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior. 118(2), 250-260. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jeab.787
Peiris, P., Rosales-Ruiz, J. (2022). Some detrimental effects of conditioned reinforcement on the maintenance of dog behavior. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior. 118(2), 337-348. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jeab.790
Fernandez, E., Rosales-Ruiz, J. (2021). A Comparison of Fixed-Time Food Schedules and Shaping Involving a Clicker for Halter Behavior in a Petting Zoo Goat. Psychological Record. 70(4), online. California: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40732-020-00420-3
Hunter, M. E., Rosales-Ruiz, J. (2019). The power of one reinforcer: The effect of a single reinforcer during shaping. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior. 111(3), 449-464.
Feuerbacher, E., Rosales-Ruiz, J. (2017). Can dogs learn concepts the same way we do? Concept formation in a german shepherd.. International Journal of Comparative Psychology. 30, 1-25. https://escholarship.org/uc/item/4pb6w96g
Rosales-Ruiz, J., Hunter, M. E. (2016). PORTL: Your portable Skinner Box.. 4, 34-36. https://www.bfskinner.org/behavioral-science/operants/
Weiss, S., Rosales-Ruiz, J. (2014). Operant/ Classical Conditioning: Comparisons, intersections and interactions. 27(4), 515-525. https://escholarship.org/uc/item/4c46c9gg
Blell, Z., Ala'i-Rosales, S. S., Rosales-Ruiz, J. (2010). The Effects of a Supportive Communication Training Workshop on the Verbal Behavior of Behavior Analysts. Behavior and Social Issues. 19, 144-166.
Rosales-Ruiz, J. (2009). Assessment and treatment of self-injury in a baboon. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. 42, 785-794.
Rosales-Ruiz, J. (2008). Experience-dependent plasticity: Differential changes in activation associated with repeated reinforcement.
Rosales-Ruiz, J. (2007). Teaching dogs the clicker way.
Rosales-Ruiz, J. (2006). The Effects of Graduated Exposure, Modeling, and Contingent Social Attention on Tolerance to Skin Care Products with Two Children with Autism.
Ellis, J., Ala'i-Rosales, S. S., Glenn, S., Rosales-Ruiz, J., Greenspoon, J. (2006). The effects of graduated exposure, modeling, and contingent social attention on tolerance to skin care products with two children with autism. Research in Developmental Disabilities. 27(6), 585-598. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0891422205000752
Rosales-Ruiz, J. (2004). A two-choice preference assessment with five Cotton-Top Tamarins (Saguinus oedipus).
Rosales-Ruiz, J. (2004). In the analysis of behavior, what could "develop" mean. In K. A. Lattal & P. N. Chase (Eds.).
Rosales-Ruiz, J. (2003). D. M. Baer developmental psychology: Why wait? Shape it! In K. S. Budd & T. Stokes (Eds.).
Rosales-Ruiz, J. (2001). Loading the problem loader: The effects of target training and shaping on trailer loading behavior of horses.
Rosales-Ruiz, J. (2001). Observing and apparently not needing to observe, in the analysis of symbolic reactions: Comments on Tonneau's critical analysis of equivalence relations.
Rosales-Ruiz, J. (2001). Programming common stimuli to promote generalized question-asking in a child with autism.
Rosales-Ruiz, J. (2000). Verbs and verb phrases as instructional stimuli in the control of stimulus-equivalence effects.
Rosales-Ruiz, J. (1998). In the analysis of behavior, what does "develop" mean.
Rosales-Ruiz, J. (1998). The effects of a CAN'T-ANSWER response option and instructions on stimulus equivalence. .
Rosales-Ruiz, J. (1997). A use of self-instruction to extend the generalization of a self-instructed in-common discrimination.
Rosales-Ruiz, J. (1997). Behavioral cusps: A developmental and pragmatic concept for behavior analysis.
Rosales-Ruiz, J. (1997). Object preference, stereotypy, and accuracy of responding.
Rosales-Ruiz, J. (1997). The quick development of equivalence classes in a paper-and-pencil format through written instructions..
Rosales-Ruiz, J. (1996). A behavior-analytic view of development.
Rosales-Ruiz, J. (1996). A task analysis for the shift from teacher instructions to self-instructions in performing in-common tasks.
Rosales-Ruiz, J. (1992). Interference in an identity-sorting task.

Awarded Grants

Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research

Rosales-Ruiz, J. (Co-Principal), Alai-Rosales, S. (Principal), "ESATP UNT ABA DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING COLLABORATION," Sponsored by Easter Seal of North Texas, Regional, $171280.00 Funded. (September 2018August 2019).
Grant - Research
Ortu, D., Rosales, J. (Co-Principal), Bugg, R. (Supporting), "A Novel Approach to Event-Related Potentials based on the Free-Operant Paradigm - Grantwriting Support," Sponsored by Seed Grant from HPS - University of North Texas, University of North Texas, Funded. (20212022).
Summative Rating
Challenge and
Engagement Index
Response Rate

out of 5

out of 7
students responded
  • Overall Summative Rating (median):
    This rating represents the combined responses of students to the four global summative items and is presented to provide an overall index of the class’s quality. Overall summative statements include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 5 = Excellent, 3 = Good, and 1= Very poor):
    • The course as a whole was
    • The course content was
    • The instructor’s contribution to the course was
    • The instructor’s effectiveness in teaching the subject matter was
  • Challenge and Engagement Index:
    This rating combines student responses to several SPOT items relating to how academically challenging students found the course to be and how engaged they were. Challenge and Engagement Index items include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 7 = Much higher, 4 = Average, and 1 = Much lower):
    • Do you expect your grade in this course to be
    • The intellectual challenge presented was
    • The amount of effort you put into this course was
    • The amount of effort to succeed in this course was
    • Your involvement in course (doing assignments, attending classes, etc.) was