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Dr. Miguel F. Acevedo


University of North Texas

Department of Electrical Engineering

(940) 891-6701



  • PhD, University of California, Berkeley, 1980
    Major: Biophysics
    Dissertation: "Tropical forests dynamics: a modeling approach"
  • MENG, University of California, Berkeley, 1978
    Major: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
    Dissertation: "On a Markovian model of forest succession: its application to tropical forests"
  • MS, University of Texas, Austin, 1972
    Major: Electrical Engineering
    Dissertation: "A probabilistic study of two-level storage hierarchies"
  • BS, University of Texas, Austin, 1971
    Major: Electrical Engineering

Professional Positions


  • Member, Advanced Environmental Research Institute, UNT. Advanced Environmental Research Institute, UNT. (2016 - Present).
  • Regents Professor, Electrical Engineering Dept., UNT. Electrical Engineering Dept., UNT. (2008 - Present).
  • Affiliated, Institute of Applied Science (Environmental Science), UNT. Institute of Applied Science (Environmental Science), UNT. (2007 - Present).
  • Associate Member (currently retired), Center for Simulation and Modeling (CESIMO), Universidad de Los Andes (ULA), Mérida, Venezuela. Center for Simulation and Modeling (CESIMO), Universidad de Los Andes (ULA), Mérida, Venezuela. (1992 - Present).
  • Founding Director, Environmental Modeling Laboratory, Institute of Applied Sciences (IAS), UNT. Environmental Modeling Laboratory, Institute of Applied Sciences (IAS), UNT. (1992 - Present).
  • Interim Chair, Mechanical and Energy Engineering Dept., UNT. Mechanical and Energy Engineering Dept., UNT. (2009 - 2010).
  • Affiliated, Geography Dept., UNT. Geography Dept., UNT. (2007 - 2010).
  • Coordinator, Biological and Environmental Engineering, UNT. Biological and Environmental Engineering, UNT. (2007 - 2008).
  • Professor, Electrical Engineering Dept., UNT. Electrical Engineering Dept., UNT. (2007 - 2008).
  • Regents Professor, Geography Dept., UNT. Geography Dept., UNT. (2006 - 2007).
  • Professor, Geography Dept. and IAS (Environmental Science), UNT. Geography Dept. and IAS (Environmental Science), UNT. (1996 - 2006).
  • Associate Professor, Geography and IAS (Environmental Science), UNT. Geography and IAS (Environmental Science), UNT. (1992 - 1996).
  • Professor, Control Systems, School of Systems Engineering, Universidad de Los Andes (ULA), Mérida. Control Systems, School of Systems Engineering, Universidad de Los Andes (ULA), Mérida. (1989 - 1992).
  • Chair, Control Systems, School of Systems Engineering, Universidad de Los Andes (ULA), Mérida. Control Systems, School of Systems Engineering, Universidad de Los Andes (ULA), Mérida. (1987 - 1989).
  • Associate Professor, Control Systems, School of Systems Engineering, Universidad de Los Andes (ULA). Control Systems, School of Systems Engineering, Universidad de Los Andes (ULA). (1976 - 1986).
  • Director, School of Systems Engineering, Universidad de Los Andes (ULA). School of Systems Engineering, Universidad de Los Andes (ULA). (1975 - 1975).
  • Chair, Control Systems, School of Systems Engineering, Universidad de Los Andes (ULA), Mérida. Control Systems, School of Systems Engineering, Universidad de Los Andes (ULA), Mérida. (1974 - 1974).
  • Assistant Professor, Systems Engineering, Universidad de Los Andes (ULA), Merida. Systems Engineering, Universidad de Los Andes (ULA), Merida. (1973 - 1974).
  • Assistant Professor, Electronics Engineering Dept., Universidad Simon Bolivar. Electronics Engineering Dept., Universidad Simon Bolivar. (1972 - 1973).


Teaching Experience

    University of North Texas

  • BIOL 4900 - Special Problems, 1 course.
  • BIOL 4930 - Special Problems, 1 course.
  • BIOL 5900 - Special Problems, 6 courses.
  • BIOL 5950 - Master's Thesis, 15 courses.
  • BIOL 6900 - Special Problems, 6 courses.
  • BIOL 6940 - Individual Research, 3 courses.
  • BIOL 6950 - Doctoral Dissertation, 29 courses.
  • EENG 1910 - Project I Learning to Learn, 1 course.
  • EENG 2610 - Circuit Analysis, 11 courses.
  • EENG 2900 - Special Problems, 2 courses.
  • EENG 2920 - Analog and Digital Circuit Design Project, 11 courses.
  • EENG 2980 - Experimental Course, 2 courses.
  • EENG 4010 - Topics in Electrical Engineering, 6 courses.
  • EENG 4330 - Environmental Systems, 1 course.
  • EENG 4340 - Environmental Monitoring, 10 courses.
  • EENG 4350 - Renewable Electrical Power Systems, 10 courses.
  • EENG 4900 - Special Problems in Electrical Engineering, 5 courses.
  • EENG 5330 - Environmental Systems, 2 courses.
  • EENG 5340 - Environmental Monitoring, 10 courses.
  • EENG 5350 - Renewable Electrical Power Systems, 11 courses.
  • EENG 5890 - Directed Study, 9 courses.
  • EENG 5900 - Special Problems, 14 courses.
  • EENG 5940 - Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering, 3 courses.
  • EENG 5950 - Master's Thesis, 18 courses.
  • EENG 6940 - Individual Research, 3 courses.
  • EENG 6950 - Doctoral Dissertation, 11 courses.
  • GEOG 1710 - Earth Science, 1 course.
  • GEOG 4900 - Special Problems, 6 courses.
  • GEOG 4960 - Geography Institute, 1 course.
  • GEOG 4980 - Experimental Course, 1 course.
  • GEOG 5120 - Research in Physical Geography, 3 courses.
  • GEOG 5150 - Water Resources Seminar, 1 course.
  • GEOG 5190 - Advanced Quantitative Techniques, 3 courses.
  • GEOG 5400 - Environmental Modeling, 2 courses.
  • GEOG 5900 - Special Problems, 10 courses.
  • GEOG 5950 - Master's Thesis, 11 courses.
  • MEEN 4110 - Alternative Energy Sources, 1 course.
  • MEEN 5110 - Alternative Energy Sources, 1 course.

Directed Student Learning

  • Dissertation Committee Chair, "Microgrid development," Electrical Engineering. (August 2024).
  • Dissertation Committee Member, Biological Sciences. (2024).
  • Dissertation Committee Chair, "Battery-Less Off-grid Renewable Energy Systems: Trends, Approaches and Applications," Electrical Engineering. (2023).
  • Other (Advisor Senior Design Project), "Plant monitoring Network," Electrical Engineering. (August 2023 - May 2024).
  • Other (Advisor Senior Design Project), "Water Quality Monitoring System for Crustacean Based Aquaponics," Electrical Engineering. (January 2023 - December 2023).
  • Other (Advisor Senior Design Project), "Beer Fermentation Data Logger," Electrical Engineering. (September 2021 - May 2022).
  • Other (Advisor Senior Design Project), "Soil Quality Network (SQN) and Data Logging Node," Electrical Engineering. (January 2021 - December 2021).
  • Other (Advisor Senior Design Project), "Design and testing of a low-cost wireless soil moisture sensor for agriculture," Electrical Engineering. (January 2021 - December 2021).
  • Other (Advisor Senior Design Project), "Hybrid Power Generation with Supercapacitor storage," Electrical Engineering. (December 2020).
  • Other (Advisor Senior Design Project), "Renewable Power System with Hydrogen Fuel Cell," Electrical Engineering. (2019 - 2020).
  • Other (TAMS Undergraduate Research), "Expanding sensor input to Moteino for soil moisture wireless sensor networks," Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science. (2019 - 2020).
  • Dissertation Committee Chair, "Efficient hybrid energy harvesting and management for wireless sensor networks," Electrical Engineering. (January 2016 - 2020).
  • Other (Advisor Senior Design Project), "Solar Powered Tiny Home on Wheels," Electrical Engineering. (September 2018 - 2019).
  • Other (Advisor Senior Design Project), "Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Data Acquisition System," Electrical Engineering. (September 2017 - December 2018).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Chair, "Improving photovoltaic panel efficiency by cooling water circulation," Electrical Engineering. (September 2017 - December 2018).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Member, "Smart Microgrid Energy Management Using A Wireless Sensor Network," Electrical Engineering. (September 2017 - December 2018).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Chair, "Resilience of microgrid during catastrophic events," Electrical Engineering. (September 2017 - May 2018).
  • Dissertation Committee Member, "The Population Genetic Structure of Quadrula aurea (Bivalvia: Unionidae) a Threatened Freshwater Mussel in Central Texas," Biological Sciences. (January 2012 - December 2017).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Chair, "Arduino based hybrid MPPT controller for wind and solar," Electrical Engineering. (January 2016 - November 2017).
  • Other (Advisor Senior Design Project), "Static Wick," Electrical Engineering. (September 2016 - May 2017).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Chair (Major professor), "Moteino-Based Wireless Data Transfer for Environmental Monitoring," Electrical Engineering. (September 2016 - May 2017).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Member, "Design of a machine condition monitoring system with Bluetooth low energy," Electrical Engineering. (September 2016 - May 2017).
  • Other (Senior Design Project), "Effectiveness of low wind turbines and photovoltaic panels for service in Denton County," Electrical Engineering. (September 2016 - May 2017).
  • Other (Senior Design Project), "Diesel Fuel Catalyst Doser," Electrical Engineering. (January 2016 - December 2016).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Member, "Analysis of Students' Knowledge, Perceptions, and Interest in Engineering Post Teacher Participation in a National Science Foundation (NSF) Research Experience for Teachers (RET) Professional Development," Biological Sciences. (October 2014 - October 2016).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Member, "A study of the impact of unconventional sources within a large urban area: evidence from spatio-temporal assessment of volatile organic compounds," Mechanical and Energy Engineering. (September 2015 - May 2016).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Member, "Performance Evaluation of UNT Apogee Stadium Wind Turbines," Mechanical and Energy Engineering. (September 2015 - May 2016).
  • Other (Senior Design Project), "High-precision Brushless DC Motor Driver," Electrical Engineering. (September 2015 - May 2016).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Member, "Modelado de la Distribución Espacial de la Precipitación Media Mensual de los Andes Venezolanos," Other - Outside UNT. (January 2015 - May 2016).
  • Dissertation Committee Member, "Modeling and simulation of the vector-borne dengue disease and the effects of regional variation of temperature in the disease prevalence in a homogenous and heterogeneous human population," Computer Science and Engineering. (2013 - May 2016).
  • Other (Senior Design Project), "Wind and Solar Hybrid MPPT Design," Electrical Engineering. (January 2015 - December 2015).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Chair, "An Arduino based control system for a brackish water desalination plant," Electrical Engineering. (September 2014 - May 2015).
  • Dissertation Committee Co-Chair, "Diversidad de especies arbóreas en paisajes boscosos fragmentados en el sur de Venezuela," Other - Outside UNT. (2013 - May 2015).
  • Dissertation Committee Member, "Impacto de la fragmentación de la selva nublada y su reemplazo por pastura sobre su estructura y ecohidrología en Los Andes venezolanos," Other - Outside UNT. (2012 - 2014).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Chair, "An application of digital video recording and off-grid technology to burrowing owl conservation research," Electrical Engineering. (2012 - 2014).
  • Dissertation Committee Chair, "Developing a forest gap model to be applied to a watershed-scaled landscape in the cross timbers ecoregion using a topographic wetness index," Biological Sciences. (2005 - 2014).
  • Dissertation Committee Chair, "Quantifying forest vertical structure to determine bird habitat quality in the Greenbelt Corridor along the Elm Fork of the Trinity River, North Texas," Biological Sciences. (2005 - 2013).
  • Other, "Maximum Power Point Tracker for PV Cells," (2011 - 2011).
  • Other (Senior Design Project), "Ponded Infiltration Monitoring System," Electrical Engineering. (2011 - 2011).
  • Other (Senior Design Project), "Electronic Camshaft," Electrical Engineering. (2011 - 2011).
  • Other, "Power Factor Correction Using Current Control Technique," (2011 - 2011).
  • Dissertation Committee Chair, "Measuring Atmospheric Nitrogen Dioxide and Ozone concentration by Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy," Biological Sciences. (2006 - 2011).
  • Dissertation Committee Chair, "Soil characteristics and forest composition and structure along a topographical transect in the floodplain of the elm fork of the Trinity River, north Texas," Biological Sciences. (2005 - 2011).
  • Dissertation Committee Chair, "Habitat Fragmentation by land-use change: one-horned rhinoceros in Nepal and red-cockaded woodpecker in Texas,," Biological Sciences. (2006 - 2010).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Chair, "The Impact of Climate and Flooding on Tree Ring Growth of Fraxinus pennsylvanica in North-Central Texas.," Biological Sciences. (2007 - 2009).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Chair, "Integrating environmental data acquisition and low cost Wi-Fi data communication.," Electrical Engineering. (2007 - 2009).
  • Dissertation Committee Co-Chair, "Del vástago al ecosistema: un enfoque progresivo a la modelización de las sabanas neotropicales," Other - Outside UNT. (2000 - 2009).
  • Other, "Performed research in my laboratory on soil moisture instruments and sensors. Conducted field work with post-doctoral fellows and PhD graduate students.," (2008 - 2008).
  • Other, "Performed research in my laboratory on soil moisture instruments and sensors. Conducted field work with post-doctoral fellows and PhD graduate students.," (2008 - 2008).
  • Other, "Performed research in my laboratory on soil moisture instruments and sensors. Conducted field work with post-doctoral fellows and PhD graduate students.," (2008 - 2008).
  • Other, "Performed research in my laboratory on soil moisture instruments and sensors. Conducted field work with post-doctoral fellows and PhD graduate students.," (2008 - 2008).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Chair, "Soil characteristics estimation and its application in water balance dynamics," Geography and the Environment. (2006 - 2008).
  • Dissertation Committee Chair, "Modelo de dinamica de bosques tropicales estacionales en los llanos occidentales de Venezuela," Other - Outside UNT. (2004 - 2008).
  • Other, "Has made two presentations (one poster and one oral) at McNair National meetings.," (2007 - 2007).
  • Other, "Recipient of Hispanic Scholarship Fund award, and Morris K. Udall scholarship.," (2007 - 2007).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Chair, "Facet Simulation in the Imataca Forest Reserve, Venezuela: permanent plot data and spatial analysis," Geography and the Environment. (2006 - 2006).
  • Other, (2006 - 2006).
  • Dissertation Committee Chair, "Automated low cost instrument for measuring total column ozone," Biological Sciences. (2002 - 2006).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Chair, "Assessing the potential effects of climate variability on reservoir water volume in North-Central Texas using GIS and models: A case study of Ray Roberts Lake," Geography and the Environment. (2005 - 2005).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Chair, "Rainfall-Runoff Changes due to Urbanization: A Comparison of Different Spatial Resolutions For Lumped Surface Water Hydrology Models Using HEC-HMS," Biological Sciences. (2005 - 2005).
  • Dissertation Committee Chair, "Simulation of physical and chemical processes in reservoirs: two case studies," Biological Sciences. (2002 - 2005).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Chair, "Analysis of the one-horned rhinoceros, Rhinoceros unicornis habitat in the Royal Chitwan National Park, Nepal," Biological Sciences. (2001 - 2005).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Chair, "Evaluacion De La Calidad Del Agua Del Embalse Macagua (Edo. Bolívar â€" Venezuela) Aplicando Modelos de Simulación," Other - Outside UNT. (2004 - 2004).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Chair, "Simulation of local watershed nutrient and sediment delivery to Lake Texoma," Biological Sciences. (2004 - 2004).
  • Dissertation Committee Chair, "Modeling of land use change effects on storm water quantity and quality in the City of Carrollton and the North Texas area," Biological Sciences. (2001 - 2003).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Chair, "Landscape forest modeling of the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico," Biological Sciences. (2000 - 2002).
  • Dissertation Committee Chair, "Development of a procedure to evaluate groundwater quality and potential sources of contamination in the East Texas Basin," Biological Sciences. (1998 - 2001).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Member, "An examination of the riparian bottomland forest in North Central Texas through ecology, history, field study, and computer simulation," Biological Sciences. (1998 - 2001).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Chair, "Modelos de Simulacion a diferentes escalas de la dinámica del bosque tropical Reserva forestal de Imataca Sector Central," Other - Outside UNT. (2000).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Chair, "Estimated extent and fate of chlorinated solvent contamination in the soil of the naval air station, Dallas, Texas," Biological Sciences. (1996 - 1998).
  • Dissertation Committee Chair, "Light spectra distributions in temperate conifer-forest canopy gaps, Oregon and in tropical cloud-forest canopy, Venezuela," Biological Sciences. (1994 - 1998).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Chair, "Simulating thermal and chemical spills in coupled cooling reservoirs," Biological Sciences. (1994 - 1997).
  • Dissertation Committee Chair, "Forest landscape dynamics: a semi-Markov modeling approach," Biological Sciences. (1993 - 1997).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Chair, "Aplicacion de un modelo de simulacion de base individual a la dinámica del bosque tropical: un caso de los llanos venezolanos," Other - Outside UNT. (1992 - 1995).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Chair, "Aplicacion de Modelos de Base Individual a Bosques Tropicales Americanos: Un Caso de la Guayana Venezolana," Other - Outside UNT. (1992 - 1995).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Chair, "Impacto de Cambios Climaticos Sobre la Fenología y Producción del Maíz Híbrido PB-8 en Barinas y Turén," Other - Outside UNT. (1989 - 1991).
  • Other, "Operatividad del computador de proceso CMR21 en el proceso de reducción del aluminio," (1990 - 1990).
  • Other, "Estudio de factibilidad de la instalación de un analizador de oxígeno para la combustión de un horno de destilación atmosférica," (1990 - 1990).
  • Other, "Interfaz de comunicación para captura de datos en patios de tanques," (1990 - 1990).
  • Other, "Simulación de comunidades biespecíficas y multiespecíficas," (1989 - 1989).
  • Other, "Emulación de una consola de control con un microcomputador," (1987 - 1987).
  • Other, "Estudio de un sistema de supervisión y adquisición de datos para una planta de producción de acetileno y una planta criogénica," (1987 - 1987).
  • Other, "Programas de contaje de piezas con balanzas electrónicas," (1987 - 1987).
  • Other, "Computarización de un espectrómetro para análisis de metales en VENALUM," (1986 - 1986).
  • Other, "Automatización computarizada de enlace radio-teléfono-datos," (1986 - 1986).
  • Other, "Instrumentacion computarizada para análisis de transmisión de datos," (1986 - 1986).
  • Other, "Controlador autonomo programable de múltiples lazos de control," (1986 - 1986).
  • Other, "Estrategia de control utilizando un modelo de estructura jerárquica. Aplicación en el problema de contaminación del río Albarregas.," (1985 - 1985).
  • Other, "Estadísticas vitales y simulación del crecimiento poblacional de Rhodnius neivai LENT, 1953 (Hemíptera: Reduviidae) en condiciones de laboratorio," (1985 - 1985).
  • Other, "Operación conjunta del sistema de abastecimiento de agua potable para la región de Falcón en tiempo real," (1984 - 1984).
  • Other, "Clasificación numérica de estructuras neuronales usando teoría de la información," (1983 - 1983).
  • Other, "Sistemas automatizado para manejo y control de ganado vacuno," (1983 - 1983).
  • Other, "Transmisión de señales bioeléctricas," (1983 - 1983).
  • Other, "Análisis y diseño de un sistema de adquisición automática de datos neuronales," (1983 - 1983).
  • Other, "Contaminación del rio Albarregas: Modelo de polución e Identificación de parámetros en formas de tratamientos," (1980 - 1980).
  • Other, "Optimización y análisis ecológico aplicados a los experimentos agrícolas," (1980 - 1980).
  • Other, "Un modelo predictivo de la producción agropecuaria en la subregión Chama Mocoties," (1974 - 1974).
  • Other, "Planteamiento de un modelo matemático de la población de la subregión Chama -Mocoties," (1974 - 1974).
  • Other, "Modelo Dinámico de la población del Edo," (1974 - 1974).
  • Other, "Un paquete de rutinas para el control de procesos con un minicomputador digital," (1974 - 1974).
  • Other, "Un modelo de regulación de la hipertermia," (1973 - 1973).

Awards and Honors

  • Regents Professor, UNT. (2008).
  • Citation for Distinguished Service to International Education, UNT. (2007).
  • Research Distinction, PPI Level IV., FONACIT Venezuela. (2007).
  • Regents Professor, UNT. (2006).
  • Regent's Faculty Lecturer, UNT. (2001).


Published Intellectual Contributions

    Abstracts and Proceedings

  • Monticino M., E. Brooks, T. Cogdill, M. Acevedo and B. Callicott. (2006). Applying a Multi-Agent Model to Evaluate Effects of Development Proposals and Growth Management Policies on Suburban Sprawl.
  • Segarra, J., Raventós, J., Acevedo, M., and J. F. Silva. (2006). Modelling responses of savanna grass species to water supply and competition.
  • Monticino M.G, T. Cogdill and M.F. Acevedo. (2002). Cell Interaction in Semi-Markov Forest Landscape Models. pp 227-232. In: Rizzoli A.E. and A.J. Jakeman (Eds.). Integrated Assessment and Decision Support.
  • Raventós J., M.F. Acevedo and J. Segarra. (2002). Growth dynamics of tropical savanna grasses: from individual shoots to plant models. pp: 456-461. In: Rizzoli A.E. and A.J. Jakeman (Eds.). Integrated Assessment and Decision Support.
  • Allen,H. J., W.T. Waller, J.H. Kennedy, K.L. Dickson, M.F. Acevedo and L.P. Ammann. (2001). Real-Time Whole Organisms Biomonitoring - Deployment, Status, and Future. Pp:187-192. AWRA.
  • Acevedo M.F., K. McGregor, R. Andressen, H. Ramírez and M. Ablan. (1999). Relations of climate variability in Venezuela to tropical Pacific SST.
  • Atkinson S.F., M.F. Acevedo, K.L. Dickson and D.A. Rolbecki. (1998). Distinguishing between chlorophyll-a and suspended solids in lake water using hyperspectral data. In: E.T. Engman (ed.) Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology. 3499: 97-104.
  • Acevedo M.F.. (1998). Modeling Stress in Ecosystems: Potential Application to Space Exploration.
  • Schell T.T., M.F. Acevedo, F.C. Bogs, J. Newell, K.L. Dickson, and F. L. Mayer. (1996). Assessing Pollutant Loading to Bayou Chico, Florida by Integrating an Urban Stormwater Runoff and Fate Model with GIS.
  • Tonella G., M.F. Acevedo, M. Ablan, C. Domingo, H. Hoeger, and M. Sananes. (1994). Simulation of Ecosystems with GLIDER: A Discrete- Continuous Simulation Language. pp 20-23. In M.H. Hamza Applied Modelling and Simulation.
  • Atkinson, S.F., M.F. Acevedo, and G. Tonella. (1992). GIS and global climate change.
  • Yanes, A. and Acevedo, M.. (1982). Tide-driven drainage networks: the case of Guara Island..
  • Acevedo M.F.. (1980). Electrical Network Simulation of Tropical Forests Successional Dynamics. In D. Dubois (Ed.) Progress in Ecological Engineering and Management by Mathematical Models. pp. 883-892.
  • Book

  • Acevedo, M.F. (2023). Real-Time Environmental Monitoring: Sensors and Systems, Second Edition - Lab Manual. 465. Boca Raton, FL:, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Acevedo, M.F. (2023). Real-Time Environmental Monitoring: Sensors and Systems, Second Edition - Textbook.. 403. Boca Raton, FL, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group..
  • Acevedo, M.F. (2018). Introduction to renewable power systems and the environment with R. 439. Boca Raton, FL, CRC Press.
  • Acevedo, M.F.. (2016). Simulation of Ecological and Environmental Models. CRC Press.
  • Acevedo, M.F. (2015). Real-Time Environmental Monitoring. CRC Press, Informa UK Limited.
  • Acevedo, M.F. (2013). Data Analysis and Statistics for Geography and Environmental Science and Engineering..
  • Raventós J, J.G. Segarra and M.F. Acevedo. (2005). Modelos de metapoblaciones y de la dinámica espacio-temporal de comunidades. ("Models of metapopulations and spatio-temporal community dynamics") 284 pp..
  • Acevedo M.F.. (2004). Simulation of Ecological and Environmental Models.
  • Acevedo M.F. and J. Raventós. (2003). Dinámica y Manejo de Poblaciones: modelos unidimensionales ("Population dynamics and management: one dimensional models") 282 pp..
  • Book Chapter

  • Segarra, J., Raventós, J., Acevedo, M.F.. (2011). Savanagua: A Spatially Explicit Competition Modeling of Savanna Ecosystems pp. 173-212, In: B. Veress and J. Szigethy (Eds.). Horizons in Earth Science Research. Volume 4..
  • Vallejo, R. (Ed.), C. Steinitz, L. Rojo, F. Luizao, M. Millán, A. Pulido, R. Schemenauer, C. Gracia, J. Ruíz de la Torre, J.J. Ramírez, J. Cortina, M. Acevedo, F. Prieto, C. Kirketerp, J. Bosco Senra, J. Botey, D. Gómez Orea, J.F. Bellot, S. González. (2009). "Documento de Síntesis Semana Temática 1 de Agua y Tierra [Planificación Territorial, Forestación]". (Synthesis document for Week 1 on Land and Water [Regional Planning and Afforestation]". 25‑77.
  • Yang, J., C. Zhang, X. Li, Y. Huang, S. Fu, and M.F. Acevedo. (2008). Remote Near-Real-Time Environmental Monitoring with Integrated Wired and Wireless Sensors. In: Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications, pp. 224-236. Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
  • Monticino MG, Acevedo M., Callicott B., Cogdill T, Ji M., and Lindquist C.. (2004). Coupled Human and Natural Systems: A Multi-Agent Based Approach. Volume 1, pp: 196-202. In Pahl-Wostl, C., Schmidt, S., Rizzoli, A.E. and Jakeman, A.J. (eds), Complexity and Integrated Resources Management, Transactions of the 2nd Biennial Meeting of the International Environmental Modelling and Software Society.
  • Urban D.L., M.F. Acevedo and S.L. Garman. (1999). Scaling Fine-scale Processes to Large-scale Patterns using Models derived from Models: Meta-Models. Chapter 4, pp. 70-98. In: Mladenoff, D. J., and W. L. Baker, eds. Spatial modeling of forest landscape change: Approaches and applications.
  • Ramírez H., A. Torres-Lezama and M.F. Acevedo. (1998). Análisis económico de diferentes estrategias de aprovechamiento en un bosque de los llanos occidentales venezolanos. In: Memorias del Primer Congreso Latinoamericano de IUFRO, pp: 436-451.
  • Acevedo M.F., D.P. Smith and M. Ablan. (1997). Vegetation Dynamics in North Central Texas: A Prospectus for Landscape Scale Modeling. In: D.Lyons and P. Hudak (Eds.) Geographic Perspectives on the Texas Region.
  • Acevedo, M.F., D.L. Urban and M. Ablan. (1996). Landscape scale forest dynamics: GIS, gap and transition models. In: Goodchild M.F., L.T. Steyaert, B.O. Parks M.P. Crane, C.A. Johnston, D.R. Maidment and S. Glendinning. GIS and Environmental Modeling: Progress and Research Issues. Chapter 33 pp 181-185.
  • Waller W.T., M.F. Acevedo, E.L. Morgan, K.L. Dickson, J.H. Kennedy, L.P. Ammann, H.L. Allen, and P.R. Keating. (1994). Biological and Chemical Testing in Storm Water. Stormwater NPDES Related Monitoring Needs pp: 177-193.
  • Acevedo M.F.. (1994). Greenhouse Warming: Impacts on Biodiversity. In Majumdar, S.K., F.J. Brenner, J.E. Lovich, J. Schalles and E.W. Miller (Eds), pp 136-150. Biological Diversity: Problems and Challenges.
  • Acevedo M.F.. (1982). Sediment transport and hydroelectric power generation in the high mountains of Venezuela. In W. Mitsch, R. Bosserman and J. Klopatek (Eds.) Energy and Ecological Modelling. pp: 327-330.
  • Acevedo M.F.. (1980). Modeling ecosystems subject to sudden and periodic disturbances. In G. Lasker (Ed.) Applied Systems and Cybernetics. Vol IV pp: 1972-1931.
  • Acevedo M.F.. (1980). Non equilibrium ecology; chronic and impulsive disturbances. In R. Ragade and J. Dillon (Eds.) Paradigms in changing times. Vol I. pp: 72-80.
  • Acevedo M.F.. (1980). Tropical Rain Forest Dynamics: a simple mathematical model. In J.I. Furtado (Ed.) Tropical Ecology and Development. pp. 219-227.
  • Conference Proceeding

  • Gurung, S., Thakur, S., Smithers, B., Acevedo, M.F. (2020). Wireless soil moisture sensor networks for agriculture. 01 1-9. IEEE, Waste-management Education Research (WERC). 2020..
  • Atkinson, S.F., Acevedo, M.F., Dickson, K.L., Rolbecki, D.A., Engman, E.T. (1998). Distinguishing between chlorophyll-a and suspended solids in lake water using hyperspectral data. SPIE Proceedings. 3499 97. SPIE.
  • Journal Article

  • Suvendran, S., Johnson, D., Acevedo, M., Smithers, B., Xu, P. (2024). Effect of Irrigation Water Quality and Soil Compost Treatment on Salinity Management to Improve Soil Health and Plant Yield.. Water. 16 (10) MDPI.
  • Suvendran, S., Johnson, D., Acevedo, M.F., Smithers, B., Xu, P. (2024). Electromagnetic Water Treatment and Soil Compost Incorporation to Alleviate the Impact of Soil Salinization. Water. 16 (11) 23. MDPI.
  • Zaika, M.G., Széliga, M., Kummer, A.C., Wiecheteck, G., Campos, L., Carranza, G., Acevedo, M.F. (2020). Parâmetros de tratabilidade em sistemas de alagados construídos aplicado ao reuso de resíduos de dessalinização (Tratability parameters in constructed wetlands applied to the reuse of desalination residues). Revista AIDIS de Ingeniería y Ciencias Ambientales. 13 (2) 239-308. Mexico,
  • Almeida, J.P., Kummer, A.C., Carranza, G., Campos, L.C., Sz\~A\copyrightliga, Marcos Rog\~A\copyrightrio, Acevedo, M.F., Gervasoni, R., Wiecheteck, G.K. (2020). Eficiência de um sistema piloto de dessalinização de água salobra. Other. 25 107 - 114. scielo.
  • Wiecheteck, G.K., Campos, L.C., Carranza, G.A., Acevedo, M.F., Szeliga, M.R., de Souza, M.E., Bovaroti, T., Rodrigues, A.C., de Almeida, J.P., Kummer, A.C. (2019). Addressing drinking water salinity due to sea water intrusion in Praia de Leste, Parana, by a brackish water desalination pilot plant. Desalination and Water Treatment. 169 9-21. Elsevier BV.
  • Bhatt, M., Hartmann, J., Acevedo, M.F. (2018). Seasonal variations of biogeochemical matter export along the Langtang-Narayani river system in central Himalaya. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 238 208-234. Elsevier.
  • Acevedo, M.F., Harvey, D., Palis, F. (2018). Food security and the environment: Interdisciplinary research to increase productivity while exercising environmental conservation. Global Food Security. Global Food Security. 16 127-132. Elsevier.
  • Delgado, L.A., Matteucci, S., Acevedo, M.F., Valeri, C., Blanca, R., Márquez, J. (2017). Direct causes inducing land usage and forest cover changes, at landscape scale, in southern Venezuela. Interciencia. 42 (3) 148-156. Caracas, Interciencia Journal.
  • Bhatt, M., Takeuchi, N., Acevedo, M.F. (2016). Chemistry of Supraglacial Ponds in the Debris-Covered Area of Lirung Glacier in Central Nepal Himalayas. Aquatic Geochemistry. 22 (1) 35-64.
  • Barton, C.M., Ullah, I.I., Bergin, S.M., Sarjoughian, H.S., Mayer, G.R., Bernabeu-Auban, J.E., Heimsath, A.M., Acevedo, M.F., Riel-Salvatore, J.G., Arrowsmith, J.R. (2016). Experimental socioecology: Integrative science for anthropocene landscape dynamics. Anthropocene. 13 34 - 45.
  • Thapa, V., Acevedo, M.F. (2016). Habitat quantity of Red-cockaded Woodpecker Picoides borealis (Aves: Piciformes: Picidae) in its former historic landscape near the Big Thicket National Preserve, Texas, USA. Journal of Threatened Taxa. 8 (1) 8309. Wildlife Information Liaison Development Society.
  • Thapa, V., Acevedo, M.F., Limbu, K.P.. (2014). An analysis of the habitat of the Greater One-horned Rhinoceros Rhinoceros unicornis (Mammalia: Perissodactyla: Rhinocerotidae) at the Chitwan National Park, Nepal. Journal of Threatened Taxa. 6 (10) 6313–6325.
  • Acevedo, M.F. and Ataroff, M.. (2012). Leaf Spectra and Weight of Species in Canopy, Sub-canopy, and Understory Layers in a Venezuelan Andean Cloud Forest.. Other. 2012 (Article ID 839584) 14.
  • Segarra, J., Raventós, J., Acevedo M.F., Silva, J. F., García-Núñez, C.. (2012). Modelling competitive ability of Neotropical savanna grasses: Simulation of shading and drought impacts on biomass production. Ecological Informatics 13: 57-69..
  • Garcia, O.N., Varanasi, M.R., Acevedo, M.F., Guturu, P.. (2011). An Innovative Project and Design Oriented Electrical Engineering Curriculum at the University of North Texas. .
  • Acevedo M.F.. (2011). Interdisciplinary progress in food production, food security and environment research.
  • 7. Ramírez-Angulo, H., Acevedo, M., Ataroff, M., & Torres-Lezama, A.. (2010).
  • Stevens K.J, M.R. Wellner, and M.F. Acevedo. (2010). Dark septate endophyte and arbuscular mycorrhizal status of vegetation colonizing a bottomland hardwood forest after a 100 year flood..
  • Yang, J., Zhang, C., Li, X., Huang, Y., Fu, S., Acevedo, M.F. (2010). Integration of wireless sensor networks in environmental monitoring cyber infrastructure. Wireless Networks. 16 (4) 1091--1108. Springer US.
  • Segarra, J., M. Acevedo, J. Raventós, C. Garcia-Núñez, and J.F. Silva. (2009). Coupling soil water and shoot dynamics in three grass species: A spatial stochastic model on water competition in Neotropical savanna..
  • Ramírez Angulo, H.C., Acevedo, M.F., Ataroff, M. & Torres Lezama, A.. (2009). Crecimiento diamétrico de especies arbóreas en un bosque estacional de los llanos occidentales de Venezuela..
  • Yang, J., C. Zhang, X. Li, Y. Huang, S. Fu, and M.F. Acevedo.. (2009). Integration of wireless sensor networks in environmental monitoring cyber infrastructure..
  • Acevedo M.F, J. B. Callicott, M. Monticino, D. Lyons, J. Palomino, J. Rosales, L. Delgado, M. Ablan, J. Davila, G. Tonella, H. Ramírez, E. Vilanova.. (2008). Models of Natural and Human Dynamics in Forest Landscapes: cross-site and cross-cultural synthesis..
  • Ablan, M., Andressen, R., Vargas, M. P. & Acevedo, M.. (2008). Propuesta metodológica para el control de calidad de datos de precipitación. ("Methodological proposal for quality control of rainfall data".
  • Callicott J.B., Rozzi R., Delgado L., Monticino M., Acevedo M., Harcombe P.. (2007). Biocomplexity and Conservation of Biodiversity Hotspots: Three Case Studies from the Americas.
  • Moreno N., Quintero R., Ablan M., Barros R., Dávila J., Ramírez H., Tonella G., Acevedo M.F.. (2007). Biocomplexity of deforestation in the Caparo tropical forest reserve in Venezuela: an integrated multi-agent and cellular automata model..
  • Monticino M., Acevedo M.F, Callicott J.B., Cogdill T., Lindquist C. (2007). Coupled Human and Natural Systems: A Multi-Agent Based Approach..
  • Acevedo M.F, J. Rosales, L. Delgado, M. Ablan, J. Davila, J. B. Callicott, M. Monticino. (2007). Modelos de interacción humano-ambiental: el enfoque de la Biocomplejidad. ("Models of human-nature interaction: the Biocomplexity approach").
  • Callicott, J.B., Acevedo, M.F., Gunter, P., Harcombe, P., Lindquist, C., Monticino, M.. (2006). Biocomplexity in the Big Thicket.
  • Ramírez-Angulo H., M. Ablan, A. Torres-Lezama and M.F. Acevedo. (2006). Simulación de la dinámica de un bosque tropical en los Llanos Occidentales de Venezuela ("Simulation of a tropical forest in the Western Plains of Venezuela").
  • Segarra J.G., J. Raventós J, and M.F. Acevedo. (2005). Growth of tropical savanna grass plants in competition: a shoot population model.
  • Raventós J, J.G. Segarra and M.F. Acevedo. (2004). Growth dynamics of tropical savanna grass species using projection matrices.
  • Acevedo M.F., M. Ataroff, S. Monteleone, and C.A. Estrada. (2003). Heterogeneidad estructural y lumínica del sotobosque de una selva nublada andina de Venezuela. ("Structural and light heterogeneity of the understory in an Andean cloud forest of Venezuela").
  • Alderman J.H., P.F. Hudak and M. Acevedo.. (2002). Chemical ratios and groundwater contamination in East Texas..
  • Acevedo M.F. and J. Raventós. (2002). Growth Dynamics of three tropical savanna grass species: an individual module model.
  • Acevedo M.F., S. Monteleone, Ataroff M. and C.A. Estrada. (2001). Aberturas del dosel y espectro de la luz en el sotobosque de una selva nublada andina de Venezuela ("Canopy gaps and understory light spectrum in a Venezuelan Andean cloud forest").
  • Acevedo M.F., M. Ablan, D.L. Urban and S. Pamarti. (2001). Estimating parameters of forest patch transition models from gap models.
  • Acevedo M.F., S. Pamarti, M. Ablan, D.L. Urban and A. Mikler. (2001). Modeling Forest Landscapes: Parameter Estimation from Gap Models over Heterogeneous Terrain. SIMULATION. 77 (1-2) 53-68. SAGE Publications.
  • Acevedo M.F and W.T. Waller. (2000). Modelling and control of a simple trophic aquatic system.
  • Morton M., K. Dickson K., W. Waller, M. Acevedo, F. Mayer and M. Ablan M.. (2000). Methodology for the evaluation of cumulative episodic exposure to chemical stressors in aquatic risk assessment. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 19 (4) 1213-1221. Oxford University Press (OUP).
  • Acevedo M.F.. (1998). Modeling Stress in Ecosystems: Potential Application to Space Exploration.
  • Newell J., K.L. Dickson, J.W. Fitzgerald, S.F. Atkinson and M.F. Acevedo. (1997). A landscape ecological characterization of the Ray Roberts Lake study area, north central Texas: temporal variations in landscape pattern, 1987 1992.
  • Acevedo M.F.. (1997). Book Review: The Impact of Global Warming on Texas, G. North, J. Schmandt and J. Clarkson (eds.). University of Texas Press, 1995.
  • Acevedo M.F., M. Ablan, K.L. Dickson, W.T. Waller, F.L. Mayer and M. Morton. (1997). Estimating pesticide exposure in tidal streams of Leadenwah Creek, South Carolina.
  • Ramírez H., A. Torres-Lezama and M.F. Acevedo. (1997). Simulación de la dinámica de grupos de especies vegetales en un bosque de los llanos occidentales venezolanos.
  • Allen J.H., W.T. Waller, M.F. Acevedo, E.L. Morgan, K.L. Dickson, and J.H. Kennedy. (1996). A minimally-invasive technique to monitor valve movement behavior in bivalves.
  • Andressen R., A. Robock and M.F. Acevedo. (1996). Escenarios de cambio climático por efecto invernadero y deforestación para Venezuela.
  • Acevedo, M.F., D.L. Urban and H.H. Shugart. (1996). Models of Forest Dynamics based on roles of tree species.
  • Acevedo M.F., Jaimez R., C. Maytín, G. Tonella and M. Harwell. (1995). Assessing potential impacts of global climate change on maize and black bean in Venezuela.
  • Acevedo, M.F., T.W. Waller, D. Smith, D. Poage and P. McIntyre. (1995). Cladoceran population responses to stress with particular reference to sexual reproduction.
  • Maytín C., M.F. Acevedo, R. Jaimez, R. Andressen, M.A. Harwell, A. Robock and A. Azócar. (1995). Potential Effects of Global Climatic Change on the Phenology and Yield of Maize in Venezuela.
  • Hanes R.A, M.F. Acevedo and F.A. Schoolmaster. (1995). The Political and Institutional Framework for Environmental Regulation in Venezuela: Implications for Free Trade Negotiations.
  • Acevedo, M.F., D.L. Urban, and M. Ablan. (1995). Transition and gap models of forest dynamics.
  • Jaimez R., G. Tonella and M.F. Acevedo. (1994). Modeling the impact of climate change on yield of black beans in western Venezuela.
  • Acevedo M.F.. (1989). Diversity of plants on Cerros Marahuaka, Huachamacare and Duida, Amazon Territory.
  • Acevedo M.F.. (1982). Algunas relaciones entre los sistemas lineales y la dinámica del oxigeno disuelto en ríos sujetos a contaminantes orgánicos. Revista Ingeniería de Sistemas. 38-42.
  • Acevedo M.F.. (1981). On Horn's Markovian Model of Forest Dynamics with particular reference to tropical forests.
  • Duek J., M.F. Acevedo and J. Edelman. (1978). Analysis of Characters and Classification based on Information Theory in Species of Greater Antilles of the Fern Family Gleicheniacea.
  • Rondón, R., Acevedo, M., Araujo, J. & Dulhoste, J.-C.. (1978). Un modelo de regulación de la hipertermia. Ciencia e Ingeniería. 15 161-174.
  • Manuscript

  • Sarjoughian, H.S., Boyd, W.A., Acevedo, M.F. (2018). Challenges of achieving efficient simulations through model abstraction. 12. arXiv.
  • Popular Press Article

  • Acevedo M.F.. (2002). Asistencia técnica para el desarrollo de modelos limnológicos en el Bajo Caroní. Informe Final.
  • Acevedo M.F., T. Schell, B. Hunter and S. Monteleone. (1995). GIS-Aided Spatial Analysis of Fuel Oil #6 and Orimulsion Spill Impacts on Vegetation in Tampa Bay. In: Ault J.S., M.A. Harwell and V. Myers (Eds.) (with 41 contributors). Comparative Ecological Risk Assessment. Volume II (Parts I-IV). Technical Support Document for the Comparison of the Ecological Risks to the Tampa Bay Ecosystem for spills of Fuel Oil #6 and Orimulsion.
  • Research Report

  • Acevedo, M.F., Smithers, B.J., Mallory, R.K., Xu, P., Xu, X. (2020). Pilot Evaluation of a Sustainable Autonomous Brackish Groundwater Desalination System, Final Report of Agreement No. R17AC00035 to the Desalination and Water Purification Research and Development Program.
  • Acevedo M.F., S.F. Atkinson, K.L. Dickson, S.L. García-Iturbe, T. L. Palmer, A. L. Rich, A. C. Upton, W.T. Waller. (2004). Lake Texoma Watershed and Reservoir Modeling.
  • Acevedo M.F., García S., Resplandor A., Stredel J. y E. Rodríguez. (2002). Asistencia técnica para el desarrollo de modelos limnológicos en el Bajo Caroní. Anexo del Informe Final.
  • Waller W.T., M.F. Acevedo, J.H. Kennedy, K.L. Dickson, S.H. Cairns, L. Ammann, W. Walker, D. Burke, F. L. Mayer, M.A. Lewis. (1998). Development and Evaluation of Diagnostic Indicators of Ecological Condition of Gulf of Mexico Bayous: Bayou Chico Statistical Summary and Assessment Framework.
  • Acevedo M.F., F. Bogs, K.L. Dickson, T.W. Waller, S.F. Mayer and M. Lewis. (1998). Solar radiation profiles in Bayou Chico: PAR, high-resolution spectra and implications for chlorophyll assessments. In: Waller W.T., M.F. Acevedo, J.H. Kennedy, K.L. Dickson, S.H. Cairns, L. Ammann, W. Walker, D. Burke, F. L. Mayer, M.A. Lewis. 1998. Development and Evaluation of Diagnostic Indicators of Ecological Condition of Gulf of Mexico Bayous: Bayou Chico Statistical Summary and Assessment Framework..
  • Waller W.T., K. L. Dickson, M. F. Acevedo and B. Hunter. (1997). Environmental Assessment of Lake Arlington Phase I: Characterization of point and non-point source loadings from western watersheds. 30 pp..
  • Waller W.T., M.F. Acevedo, H.J. Allen and F.U. Schwalm. (1996). The use of remotely sensed bioelectric action potential to evaluate episodic toxicity events and ambient toxicity.
  • Acevedo M.F.. (1987). Diversity of Vascular Plants versus Area and Population Structure of Melocactus on the Island of La Blanquilla. 45 pp..
  • Technical Report

  • Acevedo M.F., C. Durán, R. Hanes. (2007). Proyecto de Evaluación de los elementos técnicos-económicos fundamentales para la identificación del sistema de red inalámbrica más idóneo para INGALA en Galápagos. Términos de referencia para la evaluación de impacto ambiental y plan de manejo ambiental.
  • Acevedo M.F., K.L. Dickson, T.W. Waller, S.F. Mayer and M. Lewis. (1998). Diurnal rhythms and vertical profiles of dissolved oxygen in Bayou Chico: zonal patterns, simulations and implications for productivity. In: Waller W.T., M.F. Acevedo, J.H. Kennedy, K.L. Dickson, S.H. Cairns, L. Ammann, W. Walker, D. Burke, F. L. Mayer, M.A. Lewis. 1998. Development and Evaluation of Diagnostic Indicators of Ecological Condition of Gulf of Mexico Bayous: Bayou Chico Statistical Summary and Assessment Framework.
  • Acevedo M.F.. (1995). Contributor to: Harwell, M.A., J.S. Ault and J.H. Gentile (Eds.) (with 43 contributors). Comparative Ecological Risk Assessment. Volume I. Comparison of the Ecological Risks to the Tampa Bay Ecosystem for spills of Fuel Oil #6 and Orimulsion.
  • Acevedo M.F.. (1995). Management of wastewater in metropolitan Lima coastal pollution control and management project..
  • Harwell C.C., R. Hanes, M. Acevedo, M.A. Harwell. (1993). Free Trade and the Environment: A Prospective Analysis and Case Study of Venezuela.
  • Acevedo M.F. et al.. (1989). Several reports on Assessment of Global Climate Effects on the Venezuelan Agricultural and Ecological Systems.
  • Acevedo, M.F. et al.. (1983). Several reports on Environmental and Ecological Information on the Orinoco River Delta, the Orinoco River Plains, and the Forests South of the Orinoco River.
  • Acevedo M.F. and D. Diaz. (1982). Two reports on ecological model of the dynamics of aquatic weeds on islands of the Orinoco river delta.
  • Acevedo, M.F.. (1980). "Dinámica sucesional de bosques tropicales: modelos matemáticos y teoría de sistemas". Trabajo presentado para ascender a la categoría de profesor agregado.
  • Acevedo, M. & Marquis, R.. (1978). A survey of the light gaps of the tropical rain forest at Llorona, Peninsula de Osa: Llorona Independent Research.

Presentations Given

  • Interdisciplinary progress in food production, food security and environment research., (2011 - 2011).
  • Adaptive management of Mediterranean forest ecosystems to climate change, (2010 - 2010).
  • Integrating environmental monitoring and modeling, (2010 - 2010).
  • Taller de Aplicación de redes en proyectos de investigación en ciencias ambientales. (International Keynote Address: "Applications workshop on use of networks in environmental science research"), (2009 - 2009).
  • Utilización de redes de alta velocidad en proyectos de investigación en ciencias ambientales. (International Keynote Address: "Use of high-speed networks in environmental science research"), (2009 - 2009).
  • Acevedo, M.F. (Other), (2008 - 2008).
  • Acevedo, M.F. (Presenter), Análisis Espaciales y Desarrollo de Energía Alternativa (Spatial analysis and alternative energy), (2008 - 2008).
  • Acevedo, M.F. (Other), Hydrological models at the doctorate program of Ecology, (2008 - 2008).
  • Acevedo, M.F. (Other), Investigación en la Amazonía, (2008 - 2008).
  • Invited Speaker: "Modelación de los cambios de cobertura del territorio y sus consecuencias hidrológicas" ("Modeling changes of land use and its hydrological consequences"), (2008 - 2008).
  • Invited Speaker: "Models of coupled natural-human systems: applications to sustainability", (2008 - 2008).
  • Invited Speaker: "Biocomplejidad: integrando lo biótico, físico y socio-económico" (Biocomplexity: integrating biotic, physical and socio-economic factors), (2007 - 2007).
  • Invited Speaker: "Coupled Natural and Human Dynamics: Cross-Site and Cross-Cultural Synthesis", (2007 - 2007).
  • Keynote Speaker: "Biocomplejidad: un enfoque para la conservación y manejo de la biodiversidad que integra lo biótico, físico y socio-económico" (Biocomplexity: conservation and management of biodiversity by integrating biotic, physical and socio-economic factors), (2006 - 2006).
  • Acevedo M.F. 2005. Invited Speaker, (2005 - 2005).
  • Acevedo M.F. et al. Poster Integrating Models of Natural and Human Dynamics in Forest Landscapes acress scales and cultures, (2005 - 2005).
  • Acevedo M.F. Keynote Speaker. Ecosystem Modeling: Challenges and Opportunities, (2005 - 2005).
  • Acevedo, M.F. (Presenter), Cross-site and cross-cultural synthesis for Biocomplexity, (2005 - 2005).
  • Acevedo, M.F. (Moderator), Integrating environmental modeling and human systems models: the Biocomplexity challenge, (2005 - 2005).
  • Acevedo, M.F. (Other), International Partnerships to address Complex Environmental problems, (2005 - 2005).
  • Acevedo, M.F. (Presenter), Cross-site and cross-cultural synthesis for Biocomplexity, (2004 - 2004).
  • Acevedo M.F. Panelist in Biocomplexity and Geographers – How can Geographers be leaders in the NSF Biocomplexity program?, (2003 - 2003).
  • Acevedo, M.F. (Other), Classes on Global Climate Change, as part of Environmental Dynamics Course, Tropical Ecology, program, (2003 - 2003).
  • Acevedo M.F. Biocomplexity: An interdisciplinary project, (2002 - 2002).
  • Acevedo M.F. See the forest for the trees: Scaling in forest landscapes, (2002 - 2002).
  • Acevedo, M.F., Monteleone, S, Ataroff, M. y Estrada, C. Calidad de luz en el sotobosque de una selva nublada andina de Venezuela, (2001 - 2001).
  • Acevedo, M.F. (Other), Seminar Forest Modeling: from trees to landscape, (2001 - 2001).
  • Acevedo, M.F. (Other), Seminar, Forest Modeling: from trees to landscape, (2001 - 2001).
  • Ablan, M. and M.F. Acevedo. 1999. MOSAICO: Un enlace modelo- SIG para simular dinamica forestal a nivel de paisaje, (1999 - 1999).
  • Acevedo, M.F., M. Ablan, S. Pamarti, D.L. Urban and A. Mikler. 1999. Parameterization of a Landscape Semi-Markov Meta-model, (1999 - 1999).
  • Allen, H.J., J.M. Hemming, P.K. Turner, W.T. Waller, M.F. Acevedo and L.P. Amman. Use of a Ceriodaphnia dubia concentration dependent time to death model to predict responses to episodic exposures, (1999 - 1999).
  • Acevedo, M.F. (Other), Short course, on "Modelos ambientales y su integración a SIG" (Environmental Models and integration to GIS), (1999 - 1999).
  • 17. Acevedo M.F., R. Andressen, K. McGregor, H. Ramírez and M. Ablan. 1998. Climate variability scenarios for the Llanos of Venezuela: soil moisture and SST anomalies, (1998 - 1998).
  • Acevedo M.F. 1998. Modeling Stress in Ecosystems: Potential Application to Space Exploration, (1998 - 1998).
  • Acevedo M.F. and W.T. Waller. 1998. Modeling and real-time control of aquatic trophic systems, (1998 - 1998).
  • Acevedo, M.F. (Other), Developing Information Management Activities in the Latin American LTER, (1998 - 1998).
  • Morton M.G., F.L. Mayer, K.L. Dickson, W.T. Waller and M.F. Acevedo. 1998. Probabilistic ecological risk assessment method evaluating cumulative episodic exposure to chemical stressors applied to a South Carolina tidal stream community impacted by agricultural runoff, (1998 - 1998).
  • Ramírez H., A. Torres-Lezama and M.F. Acevedo. 1998. Análisis económico de diferentes estrategias de aprovechamiento en un bosque de los llanos occidentales venezolanos, (1998 - 1998).
  • Acevedo, M.F. (Other), Seminar Modeling Forests: from trees to landscapes, (1998 - 1998).
  • Acevedo, M.F. (Other), Seminar Tropical Forest Dynamics and Management, (1998 - 1998).
  • 22. Rolbiecki D.A., K.L. Dickson, S.F. Atkinson and M.F. Acevedo. 1997. High-resolution analysis of light attenuation in lake Texoma (Oklahoma-Texas) to estimate Chlorophyll-a concentration, (1997 - 1997).
  • Acevedo M.F., Ablan M., D.L. Urban and S.L. Garman. 1997. Calibrating MOSAIC from ZELIG runs: procedures and examples, (1997 - 1997).
  • Acevedo M.F., M. Ablan, K.L. Dickson, W.T. Waller, F.L. Mayer and M. Morton. 1997. Modeling pesticide exposure in tidal streams, (1997 - 1997).
  • Ramírez H., A.Torres-Lezama, R. Baldoceda and M.F. Acevedo. 1997. Predicción de la respuesta de un bosque tropical venezolano a diferentes estrategias de manejo, (1997 - 1997).
  • Acevedo, M.F. (Other), Short course on Geostatistics and erosion models, (1997 - 1997).
  • Acevedo, M.F. (Other), Tropical forest modeling and simulation, (1995 - 1997).
  • 28. Acevedo D.V., F.C. Bogs, Bin Qiu, J. Hemming, S. Monteleone, M.F. Acevedo, S.F. Atkinson, K.L.Dickson. 1996. Measuring light spectrum in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, (1996 - 1996).
  • Ablan M., M.F. Acevedo and D.L. Urban. 1996. Forest ecosystem simulation models: from the stand to the landscape, (1996 - 1996).
  • Acevedo M.F. 1996. Exposure analysis of simulated oil spills, (1996 - 1996).
  • Necsoiu D.M., M.F. Acevedo, and S.F. Atkinson. 1996. The utilization of hyper spectral imagery in estimation of structural attributes of Douglas Fir and Western Hemlock forest stands in Andrews Forest, Oregon, (1996 - 1996).
  • Acevedo, M.F. (Other), Two short courses on Ecosystem Analysis, (1996 - 1996).
  • Bogs F., M.F. Acevedo, K.L. Dickson and W.T. Waller. 1995. Chlorophyll-a estimation from high-resolution spectral light profiles measured in the Bayou Chico estuary, Florida, (1995 - 1995).
  • Acevedo M.F. and D.L. Urban. 1994. A GIS-based, semi-Markovian model of landscape dynamics, (1994 - 1994).
  • Acevedo M.F., Waller W.T. and D.P. Smith. 1994. Cladoceran population response to stress: switch to sexual reproduction, (1994 - 1994).
  • Acevedo, M.F. (Other), Three conferences on Species interactions, environmental factors and spatial dimension in community models linked with GIS, (1994 - 1994).
  • Acevedo M.F and M.A. Harwell. 1993. Assessing the environmental consequences of global climate and economic changes in Venezuela, (1993 - 1993).
  • Acevedo M.F, D.L. Urban and M. Ablan. 1993. Landscape scale forest dynamics: GIS, gap and transition models, (1993 - 1993).
  • Acevedo M.F., W.T. Waller, D. Smith, D. Poage and P. McIntyre. 1993. Modeling Ceriodaphnia dubia population responses to varying food quality and quantity, (1993 - 1993).
  • Demonstration

  • Acevedo, M.F. (Author & Presenter), Smithers, B.J. (Author), Field Day at Arkansas Valley Research Center (AVRC)., Renewable Power Desalination and Sustainable Agriculture, Colorado State University, Rocky Ford, CO., United States of America. (2022).
  • Lecture

  • Acevedo, M.F. (Other), Video Conference to University of Alicante PhD students, Topic: Markov and Semi-Markov population models, University of Alicante PhD program, Denton-Alicante (online), United States of America. (2000).
  • Oral Presentation

  • Emadi, C. (Author & Presenter), Dos Santos Neto, F. (Author & Presenter), Mager, E.M. (Author), Smithers, B. (Author), Li, X. (Author), Acevedo, M.F. (Author), Water Innovations and Networking Workshop, Desalination Concentrate as a Potential Resource for Inland Aquaculture, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Alamogordo, NM, United States of America. (2023 - 2023).
  • Acevedo, M.F. (Author & Presenter), Smithers, B. (Author), 5th Annual WIN Workshop, Renewable and Efficient Electric Power to Desalinate Brackish Water for Irrigation, Brackish Groundwater National Desalination Research Facility (BGNDRF), US Bureau of Reclamation., Alamogordo, NM, United States of America. (2022 - 2022).
  • Acevedo, M.F. (Author), Smithers, B.J. (Author), Gurung, S. (Author), 4th Annual WIN Workshop. 2021., Open-source cyberinfrastructure for food-energy-water systems, Brackish Groundwater National Desalination Research Facility (BGNDRF), US Bureau of Reclamation., Alamogordo, NM, United States of America. (2021 - 2021).
  • Acevedo, M.F. (Author), Smithers, B. (Author), Mallory, R.K. (Author), Bailey, R. (Author), Suter, J. (Author), Xu, P. (Author), Johnson, D. (Author), 3rd Annual WIN Workshop, Decarbonized Power Desalination and Sustainable Agriculture, Brackish Groundwater National Desalination Research Facility (BGNDRF), US Bureau of Reclamation, Alamogordo, NM:, United States of America. (2020).
  • Acevedo, M.F. (Author), Smithers, B. (Author), Mallory, R.K. (Author), Silva, U. (Author), 3rd Annual WIN Workshop., Concentrate as a Medium for Growing Shrimp, Brackish Groundwater National Desalination Research Facility (BGNDRF), US Bureau of Reclamation, Alamogordo, NM, United States of America. (2020).
  • Acevedo, M.F. (Author & Presenter), 2nd Annual Water Innovations (WIN) Workshop,, Integration of Renewable Energy, Desalination, Agriculture, and Aquaculture, Brackish Groundwater National Desalination Research Facility (BGNDRF), Alamogordo, NM, United States of America. (2019 - 2019).
  • Acevedo, M.F. (Author & Presenter), 1st Annual WIN Workshop,, Wind and Solar Desalination for Small Scale Agriculture and Potable Water., Brackish Groundwater National Desalination Research Facility (BGNDRF),, Alamogordo, New Mexico., United States of America. (2018).
  • Acevedo, M. (Author & Presenter), Boyd, W. (Author), Sarjoughian, H. (Author), Ullah, I. (Author), Barton, M. (Author), 9th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, Integrating socio-environmental models: vegetation, agriculture, and landform dynamics, iEMSS, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA, United States of America. (2018 - 2018).
  • Acevedo, M.F. (Author & Presenter), Implementing and monitoring a sustainable desalination pilot-scale plant, Third Workshop, Hybrid Wind-Solar Renewable Power – Experience in Praia de Leste, Institute of International Education (IIE), Global Innovation Initiative (GII), Ponta Grossa, Praia de Leste, and Curitiba,, Brazil. (2016 - 2016).
  • Acevedo, M.F. (Author & Presenter), Implementing and monitoring a sustainable desalination pilot-scale plant, First Workshop, Hybrid Wind-Solar Renewable Power, Institute of International Education (IIE), Global Innovation Initiative (GII), Denton, United States of America. (2015 - 2015).
  • Other

  • Acevedo, M.F. (Author & Presenter), Acevedo, B.J. (Author), Arkansas Valley Research Center (AVRC) Advisory Council, Renewable and Efficient Electric Power to Desalinate Brackish Water for Irrigation, Colorado State University, Rocky Ford, CO, United States of America. (2023).
  • Paper

  • Wiecheteck, G.K. (Author & Presenter), Acevedo, M.F. (Author), Carranza, G. (Author), Campos, L. (Author), Almeida, J. (Author), Gervasoni, R. (Author), Széliga, M. (Author), Water and Development Congress & Exhibition 2017, Developing A Hybrid Wind-Solar Desalination System For Brackish Water In Brazil, IWA, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Argentina. (2017 - 2017).
  • Poster

  • Emadi, C. (Author), Dos Santos Neto, F. (Author), Smithers, B. (Author), Acevedo, M.F. (Author), Mager, E. (Author & Presenter), Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Effects of Salinity on the Toxicity and Real-Time Metabolic Rate Responses of Acute Ammonia Exposure to Juvenile Macrobrachium rosenbergii, Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, College Station, TX, United States of America. (2025).
  • Dos Santos Neto, F. (Author & Presenter), Dang, T. (Author), Smithers, B. (Author), Li, X. (Author), Mager, E. (Author & Presenter), Acevedo, M.F. (Author), Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Image Recognition Model for Crustacean Postlarvae Counting and Size Estimation, Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, College Station, TX, United States of America. (2025).
  • Emadi, C. (Author & Presenter), Dos Santos Neto, F. (Author), Smithers, B. (Author), Acevedo, M.F. (Author), Mager, E. (Author), Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry North America Annual Meeting, Effects of Salinity on the Toxicity and Real-Time Metabolic Rate Responses of Acute Ammonia Exposure to Juvenile Macrobrachium rosenbergii, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Fort Worth, TX, United States of America. (2024).
  • Acevedo, M.F. (Author & Presenter), Li, X. (Author), Mager, E.M. (Author & Presenter), Smithers, B. (Author & Presenter), 2024 NSF Cyber-Physical Systems Principal Investigators' Meeting, Integrating sensors, controls, and ecotoxicology with decoupled aquaponics using brackish groundwater and desalination concentrate for sustainable food production, National Science Foundation, Nashville, TN, United States of America. (2024).
  • Emadi, C. (Author & Presenter), Dos Santos Neto, F. (Author), Smithers, B. (Author), Acevedo, M.F. (Author), Mager, E. (Author), Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Toxicity Assessment and Real-Time Metabolic Trait Responses of Juvenile Macrobrachium rosenbergii to Ammonia Exposure at Different Salinities, Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Nacogdoches, TX, United States of America. (2024).
  • Emadi, C. (Author & Presenter), Dos Santos Neto, F. (Author), Smithers, B. (Author), Acevedo, M.F. (Author), Mager, E. (Author), Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry North America Annual Meeting, Toxicity Assessment and Real-Time Metabolic Trait Responses of Juvenile Macrobrachium rosenbergii to Ammonia Exposure at Different Salinities, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Louisville, KY, United States of America. (2023).
  • Zakia, M.B. (Author), Kummer, A.C. (Author), Széliga, M.R. (Author), Wiecheteck, G.K. (Author & Presenter), Campos, L.C. (Author), Carranza, G. (Author), Acevedo, M.F. (Author), Water and Development Congress & Exhibition 2017, Brine Treatment with Constructed Wetlands for Irrigation Systems, IWA, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Argentina. (2017).

Contracts, Grants, Sponsored Research

    Grant - Research

  • Acevedo, M.F. (Principal), Mager, E.M. (Co-Principal), Li, X. (Co-Principal), "CPS: Medium: Integrating sensors, controls, and ecotoxicology with decoupled aquaponics using brackish groundwater and desalination concentrate for sustainable food production," sponsored by United States Department of Agriculture, Federal, $1000000 Funded. (2023 - 2025).
  • Acevedo, M.F., Xu, P. (Co-Principal), Johnson, D. (Co-Principal), Bayley, R. (Co-Principal), Suter, J., "INFEWS/T2: Improving crop yield and soil salinity by cost-effective integration of microbial community, hydrology, desalination, and renewable power,," sponsored by National Science Foundation (NSF), Federal, $2500000 Funded. (2019 - 2024).
  • Acevedo, M.F. (Principal), Mager, E. (Co-Principal), "Using Brackish Groundwater and Desalination Concentrate for Food Production," sponsored by UNT College of Engineering and College of Science, University of North Texas, $10000 Funded. (2021 - 2022).
  • Acevedo, M.F. (Principal), Xu, P. (Co-Principal), "Pilot evaluation of a sustainable autonomous brackish groundwater desalination system," sponsored by US Bureau of Reclamation, US Department of the Interior, Federal, $115000 Funded. (2017 - 2019).
  • Acevedo, M.F. (Co-Principal), "The Emergence of Coupled Natural and Human Landscapes in the Western Mediterranean," sponsored by National Science Foundation (NSF), Federal, $183000 Funded. (2013 - 2018).
  • Acevedo, M.F. (Principal), "Implementing and monitoring a sustainable desalination pilot-scale plant. With G. Carranza, UNT-I, L. Campos, University College London, UK, G. Wiecheteck State University of Ponta Grossa, Brazil.," sponsored by Institute of International Education (IIE), Global Innovation Initiative (GII), Federal, $200000 Funded. (2015 - 2018).
  • Acevedo, M.F. (Principal), "Autonomous sustainable brackish desalination system for smallholder farming households. Finalist. With C. Dosoretz and O. Lahav, Technion, L. Al-Hadidi, NCARE, Jordan, M. Bhatt, AITM, Nepal, and G. Wiechetek, UEPG, Brazil.," sponsored by Desal Prize, USAID., Federal, $13500 Funded. (2014 - 2015).
  • Acevedo, M.F. (Principal), "RET Site: Research Experiences for Teachers in Sensor Networks," sponsored by National Science Foundation (NSF), Federal, $500000 Funded. (2011 - 2014).
  • Acevedo, M. (Co-Principal), "WSC-Category 1: Integrated Biophysical-Social Research for Water and Ecosystem Sustainability in an Effluent-Driven Urbanizing Watershed,," sponsored by University of North Texas, Federal, $149954 Funded. (2010 - 2011).
  • Acevedo, M.F. (Co-Principal), "CRI: IAD Large-Scale Environmental Monitoring Sensor Networks for Computing Research, With Y. Huang (PI), S. Fu and X. Li, R. Thompson and T. Waller," sponsored by National Science Foundation (NSF), Federal, $245999 Funded. (2007 - 2011).
  • Acevedo, M.F. (Principal), "INFEWS/T2: Improving crop yield and soil salinity by cost-effective integration of microbial community, hydrology, desalination, and renewable power," sponsored by National Science Foundation, FED, Funded. (2019 - 2024).
  • Acevedo, M.F. (Principal), "The Emergence of Coupled Natural and Human Landscapes in the Western Mediterranean," sponsored by Arizona State University, NFP, Funded. (2013 - 2019).
  • Acevedo, M.F. (Principal), "Pilot Evaluation of a Sustainable Autonomous Brackish Groundwater Desalination System," sponsored by The Bureau of Reclamation, FED, Funded. (2017 - 2019).
  • Acevedo, M.F. (Principal), "Global Research and Education Initiative on Sustainable Desalination Technology," sponsored by Institute of International Education, NFP, Funded. (2015 - 2018).
  • Acevedo, M.F. (Principal), "Implementing and monitoring a sustainable desalination pilot-scale plant. With G. Carranza, UNT-I, L. Campos, University College London, UK, G. Wiecheteck State University of Ponta Grossa, Brazil.," sponsored by Institute of International Education (IIE), Global Innovation Initiative (GII), Federal, Funded. (2015 - 2018).
  • Acevedo, M.F. (Principal), "Autonomous sustainable brackish desalination system for smallholder farming households. Finalist. With C. Dosoretz and O. Lahav, Technion, L. Al-Hadidi, NCARE, Jordan, M. Bhatt, AITM, Nepal, and G. Wiechetek, UEPG, Brazil.," sponsored by Desal Prize, USAID., Federal, Funded. (2014 - 2015).
  • Acevedo, M.F. (Principal), "RET Site: Research Experiences for Teachers in Sensor Networks," sponsored by National Science Foundation (NSF), Federal, Funded. (2011 - 2014).
  • Acevedo, M. (Co-Principal), "WSC-Category 1: Integrated Biophysical-Social Research for Water and Ecosystem Sustainability in an Effluent-Driven Urbanizing Watershed,," sponsored by University of North Texas, Federal, Funded. (2010 - 2011).
  • Acevedo, M.F. (Co-Principal), "CRI: IAD Large-Scale Environmental Monitoring Sensor Networks for Computing Research, With Y. Huang (PI), S. Fu and X. Li, R. Thompson and T. Waller," sponsored by National Science Foundation (NSF), Federal, Funded. (2007 - 2011).
  • Grant - Teaching

  • Acevedo, M.F. (Principal), Thompson, R. (Co-Principal), Fu, S. (Co-Principal), "Research Experiences for Undergraduates," sponsored by NSF, Federal, Funded. (2009 - 2010).
  • Sponsored Research

  • Acevedo, M.F. (Principal), Fu, S. (Co-Principal), Thompson, R. (Co-Principal), "Research Experiences for Teachers in Environmental Sensor Networks," sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, Funded. (2011 - 2014).
  • Acevedo, M.F. (Principal), Thompson, R. (Co-Principal), Fu, S., "CI-TEAM Demonstration Project," sponsored by NSF, Federal, Funded. (2009 - 2009).

Copyrights, Patents

  • Instrument, system and method for automated low cost atmospheric measurements, Date Patent Approved: 2009. .


University Service

  • Member, Promotion and Tenure Committee (PAC). (2020 - Present).
  • Grant Proposal Reviewer, Internal, UNT Research Office / College of Engineering / College of Science. (2023).
  • Chairperson, Circuit Analysis Coordination Committee. (2020 - 2022).
  • Director, Texas Environmental Observatory. (1999 - 2022).
  • Member, Diversity and Inclusion Awareness (DIA) committee of the College of Engineering. (2020 - 2021).
  • Faculty Mentor, Edgard Munoz-Coreas. (2020 - 2021).
  • Committee Member, Research Space Adjudication Subcommittee (RSAS). (2019 - 2021).
  • Chairperson, Faculty Search Committee EE Department. (2019 - 2020).
  • Chairperson, Promotion and Tenure Commitee. (2015 - 2020).
  • Other (Ad hoc Committee Member), Promotion and tenure committee - CENG. (December 2012 - December 2018).
  • Committee Member, Promotion and Tenure Committee. (2012 - 2018).
  • Committee Chair, Promotion and Tenure Committee. (2008 - 2009).
  • Committee Member, Promotion and Tenure Committee. (2008 - 2009).
  • Other (Promoted visits and academic collaboration), ULA faculty and students with UNT. (1992 - 2009).
  • Other (Organized participation), UNT as collaborating university of UNAMAZ. (2008 - 2008).
  • Committee Member, College of Engineering Dean Search Committee. (2007 - 2008).
  • Committee Member, Executive Committee. (2007 - 2008).
  • Other (Developed formal signed UNT-UA academic agreement), UNT-UA. (2005 - 2007).
  • Committee Member, Several university governance committees at UNT. (1992 - 2007).
  • Other (Represented UNT), International Conference on University Collaborations. (November 29, 2007 - November 30, 2007).
  • Program Organizer, Research and Study Abroad Experience for UNT Students. (2005 - 2006).
  • Other (Developed formal signed academic agreement), UNT-UNEG. (2001 - 2006).
  • Other (Co-directed several MS and PhD theses), ULA students. (1992 - 2006).
  • Other (Co-organized with Dr. Bruce Hunter), UNT Study Abroad experience to Tenancingo and Toluca, Mexico. (2004 - 2004).
  • Program Organizer, UNT-UAEM course exchange program. (2004 - 2004).
  • Other, UNT-UAEM on Assessing risks of pesticides used for flower cultivation in the State of Mexico. (2004 - 2004).
  • Other (Promoted visits and academic collaboration), UNEG faculty and students with UNT and two UNEG students have attended UNT and graduated: one MS (D. Figuera) and one PhD (Selma García). (1998 - 2004).
  • Committee Member, Promotion and Tenure Committee. (2001 - 2003).
  • Other (Developed formal signed academic agreement), UNT-ULA. (1996 - 2001).
  • Other (Co-Organizer and Chair), Two workshops on free trade and the environment, North South Center, University of Miami. (1992 - 1993).
  • Other (Visiting researcher), Department of Environmental Sciences. (1987 - 1987).

Public Service

  • Committee Member, Selection Committee. (1996 - 1999).

Professional Service

  • Editor, Associate Editor, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. (2023 - Present).
  • Reviewer, Journal Article, Ecological Modeling. (2023).
  • Reviewer, Grant Proposal, NSF. (2023).
  • Reviewer, Journal Article, Ecological Modelling. (2022 - 2022).
  • Reviewer, Grant Proposal, Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres. Berlin, (2022 - 2022).
  • Reviewer, Journal Article, Landscape Ecology. (2022 - 2022).
  • Editor, Journal Editor, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, SAGE Publishing. (2019 - 2022).
  • Editorial Review Board Member, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, SAGE Publishing. (2014 - 2022).
  • Reviewer, Journal Article, Ecological Modelling. (2021).
  • Reviewer, Journal Article, Landscape Ecology. (2021).
  • Reviewer, Grant Proposal, NWO-WOTRO Science for Global Development. (2021).
  • Member, National Science Foundation, Review Panel. (2020).
  • Reviewer, Journal Article, Environmental Science and Pollution Research. (2019 - 2019).
  • Reviewer, Journal Article, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. (2019 - 2019).
  • Reviewer, Journal Article, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. (2019 - 2019).
  • Reviewer, Book, Taylor and Francis Group. (2019 - 2019).
  • Reviewer, Journal Article, Agronomy for Sustainable Development. (2018 - 2018).
  • Reviewer, Journal Article, Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International.. (2018 - 2018).
  • Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Membrane Science. (2017).
  • Reviewer, Journal Article, Landscape Ecology. (2017).
  • Reviewer, Journal Article, PLOS. (2017 - 2017).
  • Reviewer, Journal Article, Progress in Physical Geography. (2017).
  • Reviewer, Grant Proposal, United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation. Jerusalem, (2017).
  • Reviewer, Grant Proposal, United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation Jerusalem, Israel. (2017 - 2017).
  • Reviewer, Journal Article, Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. (2016 - 2016).
  • Reviewer, Journal Article, Landscape Ecology. (2016 - 2016).
  • Other (Site Review Panel), NSF. (2016).
  • Reviewer, Journal Article, PLOS. (2016 - 2016).
  • Reviewer, Journal Article, Desalination and Water Treatment. (2015).
  • Reviewer, Grant Proposal, Global Center for Food Systems Innovation Grants. CRDF Global.. Washington DC, DC. (2015).
  • Reviewer, Grant Proposal (Four center projects), INCT (National Institutes of Science and Technology, in Portuguese). (2015).
  • Reviewer, Journal Article, Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management (IEAM). (2015).
  • Other (Panel Review), NSF. (2015).
  • Reviewer, Journal Article, PLOS. (2015 - 2015).
  • Reviewer, Journal Article, Revista de Biología Tropical RBT. (2015).
  • Reviewer, Journal Article, AJPS. (2014).
  • Reviewer, Journal Article, Biotropica. (2014).
  • Reviewer, Journal Article, Bosque. (2014).
  • Reviewer, Journal Article, Ciencia e Ingenieria. (2014).
  • Reviewer, Journal Article, Ecological Modelling. (2014).
  • Reviewer, Journal Article, Energies. (2014).
  • Reviewer, Journal Article, Landscape Ecology. (2014).
  • Reviewer, Journal Article, PLOS. (2014).
  • Committee Member, Domain Science and Education Coordination Committee of Domain 11 for the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON). (2009 - 2014).
  • Committee Member, Science Committee, Edwards Aquifer Habitat Conservation Plan, Edwards Aquifer Authority. San Antonio, Texas. (June 2013 - May 2014).
  • Committee Member, International Program Committee, The Third IASTED African Conference on Water Resource Management, AfricaWRM 2010. Gaborone, (2010 - 2010).
  • Program Organizer, Two NSF funded joint collaborative research projects: a) Landscape models and management of tropical forests in Venezuela, and b) Biocomplexity: Integrating models of natural and human dynamics in forest landscapes across scales and cultures funded by NSF. (1998 - 2010).
  • Committee Member, International Center for Advanced Agronomical Studies of the Mediterranean (CIHEAM).. Zaragoza, (2009 - 2009).
  • Member, Several peer-review panels for the NSF. Washington, DC, (1995 - 2009).
  • Key Lab of Geographic Information Science, China's Ministry of Education, ECNU. (2008 - 2008).
  • Other (Represented UNT), Higher Education in Texas Confronts the Climate Change Challenge, Summit Meeting. (November 27, 2007).
  • Member, Review panel National Science Foundation (NSF), Division of Environmental Biology. Washington, DC, (2006 - 2006).
  • Committee Member, Steering Committee of Understanding and Harnessing Complexity in the Environment 2005 Biocomplexity Awardees Meeting. (2005 - 2005).
  • Other (Panelist), Division of Biological Infrastructure, the EPSCOR program, the BCE program, STC program, and the NCES. Washington, DC, (2002 - 2005).
  • Committee Member, Ecological Processes and Effects Committee. (1997 - 2001).
  • Committee Member, Information Management Committee. (1997 - 1999).
  • Committee Member, Secondary Uses of Data Committee. (1998 - 1998).
  • Workshop Organizer, Six PAN EARTH workshops on global climate change effects on agriculture, tropical forests and savannas. (1989 - 1990).
  • Member, Graduate Studies Committee of the National Scientific and Technological Research Council (CONICIT). Caracas, (1985 - 1987).
  • Other (Delegate), Several committees of the Scientific and Humanistic Development Council (CDCHT). (1980 - 1985).


  • EDELCA (Caroní River Hydroelectrical Corporation), Venezuela, (2008 - 2008).
  • ESLARED Fundación Escuela Latinoamericana de Redes (Latin American Foundation for Networks School) for INGALA, Ecuador, (2007 - 2007).
  • Corporación Venezolana de Guayana (CVG)-EDELCA (Caroni River Hydroelectrical Corporation), Venezuela, Proyecto Tocoma,, (2005 - 2005).
  • CVG-EDELCA, Venezuela, Proyecto Caruachi, (2001 - 2001).
  • World Bank, Infrastructure Operations Division, Latin America and the Caribbean, Washington DC., (1995 - 1995).
  • Office of Global Climate Change, Ministry of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (MARNR), Caracas, Venezuela, (1991 - 1991).
  • Yanes & Associates, Caracas, Venezuela., (1990 - 1991).
  • Technical Office of the Orinoco-Apure Project, MARNR, Caracas, Venezuela., (1983 - 1989).
  • Fundacion TERRAMAR, (1985 - 1987).
  • Agricultural Development Division of the Corporación Venezolana de Guayana (CVG), Puerto Ordaz, Venezuela, (1982 - 1983).