Dr. Adriane M. Bezusko
Senior Lecturer
University of North Texas
Department of English
Email: Adriane.Bezusko@unt.edu
PhD, Rice University, 2014
Major: English
Specialization: Contemporary American Literature
Dissertation: Trafficking in the Spaces of Poverty: Reading the Post-War Wars of American Culture -
MA, Rice University, 2011
Major: English
Licensures and Certifications
- English Language Arts and Reading Grades 8-12, State Board for Educator Certification. (2006 - 2026).
Teaching Experience
- ENGL 1310 - First Year Writing I, 10 courses.
- ENGL 1311 - Honors First Year Writing I, 1 course.
- ENGL 1320 - First Year Writing II, 4 courses.
- ENGL 2326 - American Literature, 4 courses.
- ENGL 2341 - Forms of Literature, 5 courses.
- ENGL 3110 - Academic Writing in the Humanities, 2 courses.
- ENGL 3840 - American Literature 1870 to the Present, 3 courses.
- ENGL 4700 - Instruction and Assessment in English Language Arts, 8 courses.
University of North Texas
Directed Student Learning
- Undergraduate Honors Thesis, "Writing Preparation of High School Students," English. (September 1, 2023 - December 1, 2023).
Awards and Honors
- Distinguished Teaching Award, Department of English, TCU. (April 1, 2019).
Presentations Given
- Bezusko, A. (Author & Presenter), Humanities Texas Institute, “Teaching Critical Reading Skills.”, Dallas, United States of America. (2019 - 2019).
- Bezusko, A. (Author & Presenter), Interdisciplinary Works-In-Progress Series, "The Value of Ruin and Grit: Narratives of Disaster after 9/11", TCU Honors College, Fort Worth, United States of America. (2020 - 2020).
- Bezusko, A.M. (Author & Presenter), American Studies Association, “Poor Queer Survival: Resisting Dispossession in Winter’s Bone”, American Studies Association, Baltimore, MD, United States of America. (2024 - 2024).
- Bezusko, A.M. (Author & Presenter), American Studies Association, Queer Identities in the Classroom: Radical Acts of Loving in a Red State., American Studies Association, Montreal, Canada, Canada. (2023).
- Bezusko, A.M. (Author & Presenter), American Literature Association, Queer White Trash: Failure to Protect Laws in Bastard out of Carolina, American Literature Association, Boston, United States of America. (2023).
- Bezusko, A.M. (Author & Presenter), UNT Postwar Faculty Colloquium, Queer White Trash: Failure to Protect Laws in Bastard out of Carolina, UNT English Department, Denton, United States of America. (2023).
Invited Talk
Oral Presentation
University Service
- Member, CLASS council of advisors. (August 1, 2024 - Present).
- Committee Member, Curriculum Committee. (August 1, 2024 - Present).
- Committee Member, WGST PAC Committee. (August 1, 2024 - Present).
- Faculty Advisor, Undergraduate Advisor. (June 1, 2024 - Present).
- Faculty Mentor, ELA Mentor Support Network. (September 1, 2023 - Present).
- Faculty Mentor, Professional Faculty Mentor. (September 1, 2023 - Present).
- Member, ACUE Program. (August 20, 2023 - June 1, 2024).
- Committee Member, Curriculum Committee. (September 1, 2022 - September 1, 2023).
- Other (Assistant Director), First Year Writing Program. (August 14, 2022 - August 1, 2023).
- Faculty Advisor, Sigma Tau Delta. (September 20, 2021 - December 1, 2022).
- Other (Research), TSI Compliance/Developmental Grants. (October 8, 2022 - November 2022).
- Committee Member, Lecturer Search Committee. (April 14, 2022 - May 25, 2022).
Professional Service
- Conference-Related, National Women's Studies Association. San Francisco, CA. (November 14, 2019 - November 17, 2019).