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Dr. Aaron P. Roberts

Vice President

University of North Texas

Department of Biological Sciences

(940) 891-6957



  • PhD, Miami University, 2005
    Major: Zoology
  • MS, Miami University, 2001
    Major: Zoology
  • BS, University of Missouri, 1999
    Major: Biological Sciences

Professional Positions

  • Postdoctoral Fellow, Environmental Toxicology, Clemson University. Clemson University. (2005 - 2006).
  • Research Assistant, Miami University. Miami University. (1999 - 2005).
  • Technician, USGS Columbia Environmental Research Center. USGS Columbia Environmental Research Center. (1998 - 1999).
  • Academic - Post-Secondary

  • Professor, University of North Texas. University of North Texas. (2018 - Present).
  • Associate Director, Advanced Environmental Research Institute. Advanced Environmental Research Institute. (2015 - 2019).
  • Professional

  • Associate Vice President for Research and Innovation, University of North Texas. University of North Texas. (2021 - Present).
  • Director, Advanced Environmental Research Institute. Advanced Environmental Research Institute. (2019 - 2021).
  • Associate Professor, University of North Texas. University of North Texas. (2012 - 2018).
  • Assistant Professor, North Texas. North Texas. (2006 - 2012).

Professional Memberships

  • Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. (1999 - Present).


Teaching Experience

    University of North Texas

  • BIOL 1130 - Environmental Science, 3 courses.
  • BIOL 1132 - Environmental Science, 1 course.
  • BIOL 3900 - Advanced Research in Life Sciences, 3 courses.
  • BIOL 4005 - Contemporary Topics in Biology, 8 courses.
  • BIOL 4375 - Molecular Toxicology, 6 courses.
  • BIOL 4380 - Fundamentals of Aquatic Toxicology, 10 courses.
  • BIOL 4650 - ENVIR FIELD COURSE, 2 courses.
  • BIOL 4900 - Special Problems, 11 courses.
  • BIOL 4940 - Honors Research in Biology, 1 course.
  • BIOL 4950 - Honors Thesis in Biology, 1 course.
  • BIOL 4951 - Honors College Capstone Thesis, 2 courses.
  • BIOL 5005 - TOPICS IN BIOLOGY, 4 courses.
  • BIOL 5030 - Foundations of Environmental Science, 3 courses.
  • BIOL 5040 - Contemporary Topics in Environmental Science and Ecology, 7 courses.
  • BIOL 5375 - Molecular Toxicology, 5 courses.
  • BIOL 5380 - Fundamentals of Aquatic Toxicology, 10 courses.
  • BIOL 5650 - Environmental Science Field Course, 2 courses.
  • BIOL 5900 - Special Problems, 14 courses.
  • BIOL 5910 - Special Problems, 6 courses.
  • BIOL 5950 - Master's Thesis, 26 courses.
  • BIOL 6900 - Special Problems, 2 courses.
  • BIOL 6910 - Special Problems, 2 courses.
  • BIOL 6940 - Individual Research, 33 courses.
  • BIOL 6950 - Doctoral Dissertation, 26 courses.

Directed Student Learning

  • Major Professor, Biological Sciences. (September 2022).
  • Major Professor, Biological Sciences. (September 2019).
  • Major Professor, Biological Sciences. (September 1, 2018 - December 2023).
  • Major Professor, Biological Sciences. (September 2019 - August 2023).
  • Major Professor, Biological Sciences. (September 1, 2018 - August 2023).
  • Major Professor, Biological Sciences. (August 1, 2013 - August 1, 2021).
  • Undergraduate Honors Thesis Chair, Biological Sciences. (January 2019 - December 2019).
  • Major Professor, Biological Sciences. (August 1, 2015 - July 23, 2018).
  • Major Professor, Biological Sciences. (August 1, 2015 - July 3, 2018).
  • Major Professor, Biological Sciences. (August 1, 2014 - August 1, 2017).
  • Undergraduate Honors Thesis Chair, Biological Sciences. (September 2016 - May 2017).
  • Major Professor, Biological Sciences. (August 1, 2012 - December 31, 2016).
  • Major Professor, Biological Sciences. (August 1, 2010 - December 1, 2015).
  • Other, Biological Sciences. (August 1, 2011 - August 1, 2014).

Awards and Honors

  • Decker Scholar Award, University of North Texas. (April 1, 2021).
  • College of Science Research Award, College of Science. (2019).
  • Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Exceptional Paper Award, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. (July 1, 2018).
  • COS Faculty SMART Lecture, UNT College of Science. (September 2018).
  • Keynote Speaker, Southeast SETAC Conference. (August 2018).


Published Intellectual Contributions

    Book Chapter

  • Burggren, W.W., Roberts, A.P., Hamilton, T., Khursigara, A. (2023). Behavior annd Ecotoxicology. Encyclopedia of Fish Physiology, Second Edition.
  • Journal Article

  • Condini, M.V., Malinowski, C.R., Hoeinghaus, D.J., Harried, B.L., Roberts, A.P., Soulen, B.K., Roark, K.J., Khursigara, A.J., Fischer, L.G., Possamai, B., Hostim-Silva, M., Garcia, A.M. (2023). Spatial analysis of mercury and stable isotopes in the vulnerable Dusky Grouper Epinephelus marginatus along the Brazilian coast.. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 187 114526.
  • Magnuson, J.T., Leads, R.R., McGruer, V., Qian, L., Tanabe, P., Roberts, A.P., Schlenk, D. (2023). Transcriptomic profiling of miR-203a inhibitor and miR-34b-injected zebrafish (Danio rerio) validates oil-induced neurological, cardiovascular and eye toxicity response pathways.. Other. 254 106356.
  • Soulen, B.K., Divine, L.M., Venables, B.J., Roberts, A.P. (2022). Persistent organic pollutant exposure and associations with gene expression in northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus) from St. Paul Island, Alaska. Marine Environmental Research. 182
  • Price, E., Bonatesta, F., McGruer, V., Schlenk, D., Roberts, A.P., Mager, E. (2022). Exposure of zebrafish larvae to water accommodated fractions of weathered crude oil alters steroid hormone concentrations with minimal effect on cholesterol. Aquatic Toxicology. 242 106045.
  • Leads, R.R., Magnuson, J.T., Lucero, J., Lund, A.K., Schlenk, D., Chavez, J.R., Roberts, A.P. (2022). Transcriptomic responses and apoptosis in larval red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) co-exposed to crude oil and ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 179
  • Magnuson, J.T., Stieglitz, J.D., Garza, S.A., Benetti, D.D., Grosell, M., Roberts, A.P. (2020). Development of visual function in early life stage mahi-mahi (coryphaena hippurus). Other. 53 (5-6) 203-214.
  • Kirby, A.R., Galli, G., Crossley, J., Sweet, L.E., Crossley, D.A., Roberts, A.P. (2020). Gill filament filament permeabilization: A novel approach to assess mitochondrial function in sheepshead minnows (Cyprinodon variegatus) following anthraquinone exposure. Other. 230
  • Bridges, K.N., Alloy, M.M., Damare, L., Palmer, I., Forth, H.P., Morris, J., Stoeckel, J.A., Roberts, A.P. (2020). Planktonic Fiddler Crab (Uca longisignalis) Are Susceptible to Photoinduced Toxicity Following in ovo Exposure in Oiled Mesocosms. Environmental Science & Technology. 54 (10) 6254-6261.
  • Harried, B.L., Daugherty, D.J., Hoeinghaus, D.J., Roberts, A.P., Venables, B.J., Sutton, T.M., Soulen, B.K. (2020). Population contributions of large females may be eroded by contaminant body burden and maternal transfer: a case study of Alligator Gar. 40 566-579.
  • Bonatesta, F., Leads, R., Price, E., Roberts, A., Mager, E. (2020). Effects of dissolved organic carbon, ultraviolet light and their co-exposure on Deepwater Horizon crude oil acute toxicity to larval red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 39 (12) 2509-2515.
  • Magnuson, J., Bautista, N., JoAnn, L., Lund, A., Xu, E., Schlenk, D., Burggren, W.W., Roberts, A. (2020). Exposure to crude oil induces retinal apoptosis and impairs visual function in fish. Environmental Science & Technology. 54 (5) 2843–2850.
  • Bridges, K.N., Magnuson, J.T., Curran, T., Barker, A., Roberts, A.P., Venables, B.J. (2019). Alterations to the vision-associated transcriptome of zebrafish (Danio rerio) following developmental norethindrone exposure. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology. 69 137-142.
  • Hoang, T.C., Black, M.C., Knuteson, S.L., Roberts, A.P. (2019). Environmental Pollution, Management, and Sustainable Development: Strategies for Vietnam and Other Developing Countries. Environmental Management. 63 (4) 433-436.
  • Soulen, B.K., Adams, D.H., Roberts, A.P. (2019). Mercury accumulation, speciation, and temporal trends in Atlantic Stingrays (Hypanus sabinus). Ecotoxicology. 28 (3) 251-260.
  • Perrichon, P., Stieglitz, J.D., Xu, E.G., Magnuson, J.T., Pasparakis, C., Mager, E.M., Wang, Y., Schlenk, D., Benetti, D.D., Roberts, A.P., Grosell, M., Burggren, W.W. (2019). Mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus) life development: morphological, physiological, behavioral and molecular phenotypes.. 248 (5) 337-350.
  • Soulen, B.K., Venables, B.J., Johnston, D.W., Roberts, A.P. (2018). Accumulation of PBDEs in stranded harp (Pagophilus groenlandicus) and hooded seals (Cystophora cristata) from the Northeastern United States. Marine Environmental Research. 138 96-101.
  • Bridges, K.N., Zhang, Y., Curran, T., Magnuson, J.T., Venables, B.J., Durrer, K.E., Allen, M.S., Roberts, A.P. (2018). Alterations to the Intestinal Microbiome and Metabolome of Pimephales promelas and Mus musculus Following Exposure to Dietary Methylmercury. Environmental Science & Technology. 52 (15) 8774-8784.
  • Magnuson, J.T., Khursigara, A.J., Allmon, E.B., Esbaugh, A.J., Roberts, A.P. (2018). Effects of Deepwater Horizon crude oil on ocular development in two estuarine fish species, red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) and sheepshead minnow (Cyprinodon variegatus). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 166 186 - 191.
  • Bridges, K.N., Lay, C.R., Alloy, M.M., Gielazyn, M.L., Morris, J.M., Forth, H.P., Takeshita, R., Travers, C.L., Oris, J.T., Roberts, A.P. (2018). Estimating incident ultraviolet radiation exposure in the northern Gulf of Mexico during the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 37 (6) 1679-1687.
  • Bridges, K.N., Krasnec, M.O., Magnuson, J.T., Morris, J.M., Gielazyn, M.L., Chavez, J.R., Roberts, A.P. (2018). Influence of variable ultraviolet radiation and oil exposure duration on survival of red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) larvae. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 37 (9) 2372-2379.
  • Sweet, L.E., Revill, A.T., Strzelecki, J., Hook, S.E., Morris, J.M., Roberts, A.P. (2018). Photo-Induced Toxicity Following Exposure to Crude Oil and Ultraviolet Radiation in 2 Australian Fishes. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 37 (5) 1359-1366.
  • Damare, L.M., Bridges, K.N., Alloy, M.M., Curran, T., Soulen, B.K., Forth, H.P., Lay, C.R., Morris, J.M., Stoeckel, J.A., Roberts, A.P. (2018). Photo-induced toxicity in early life stage fiddler crab (Uca longisignalis) following exposure to Deepwater Horizon oil. Ecotoxicology. 27 (4) 440-447.
  • Xu, E.G., Magnuson, J.T., Diamante, G., Mager, E.M., Pasparakis, C., Grosell, M., Roberts, A.P., Schlenk, D. (2018). Changes in microRNA-mRNA signatures agree with morphological, physiological, and behavioral changes in larval mahi-mahi treated with Deepwater Horizon oil. Environmental Science & Technology. 52 (22) 13501-13510.
  • Alloy, M., Garner, T., Bridges, K., Mansfield, C., Carney, M., Forth, H., Krasnec, M., Lay, C., Takeshita, R., Morris, J., Roberts, A.P. (2017). Co-exposure to sunlight enhances the toxicity of naturally weathered Deepwater Horizon oil to early lifestage red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) and speckled seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 36 780-785.
  • Pasparakis, C., Sweet, L.E., Stieglitz, J.D., Benetti, D., Casente, C.T., Roberts, A.P., Grosell, M. (2017). Combined effects of oil exposure, temperature and ultraviolet radiation on buoyancy and oxygen consumption of embryonic mahi-mahi, &ITCoryphaena hippurus&IT. Aquatic Toxicology. 191 113-121.
  • Wormington, A.M., Coral, J., Alloy, M.M., Delmare, C.L., Mansfield, C.M., Klaine, S.J., Bisesi, J.H., Roberts, A.P. (2017). EFFECT OF NATURAL ORGANIC MATTER ON THE PHOTO-INDUCED TOXICITY OF TITANIUM DIOXIDE NANOPARTICLES. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 36 (6) 1661-1666.
  • Gamer, T.R., Hart, M.A., Sweet, L.E., Bagheri, Hanna T. J., Morris, J., Stoeckel, J.A., Roberts, A.P. (2017). Effects of Deepwater Horizon Oil on the Movement and Survival of Marsh Periwinkle Snails (Littoraria irrorata). Environmental Science & Technology. 51 (15) 8757-8762.
  • Bridges, K., Venables, B.J., Roberts, A.P. (2017). Effects of dietary methylmercury on the dopaminergic system of adult fathead minnows and their offspring. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 36 1077-1084.
  • Sweet, L.E., Magnuson, J., Garner, T., Alloy, M.M., Stieglitz, J.D., Benetti, D., Grosell, M., Roberts, A.P. (2017). Exposure to ultraviolet radiation late in development increases the toxicity of oil to mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus) embryos. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 36 1592-1598.
  • Condini, M.V., Hoeinghaus, D.J., Roberts, A.P., Soulen, B.K., Garcia, A.M. (2017). Mercury concentrations in dusky grouper Epinephelus marginatus in littoral and neritic habitats along the Southern Brazilian coast. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 115 (1) 266–272. Pergamon.
  • Roberts, A.P., Alloy, M.M., Oris, J.T. (2017). Review of the photo-induced toxicity of environmental contaminants. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology. 191 160–167. Elsevier.
  • Xu, E., Khursigara, A., Magnuson, J., Hazard, E., Hardiman, G., Esbaugh, A., Roberts, A.P., Schlenk, D. (2017). Larval red drum sublethal exposure to weathered DWH crude oil: Developmental and transcriptomic consequences. Environmental Science & Technology. 51 (17) 10162-10172.
  • Bridges, K.N., Soulen, B.K., Overturf, C., Drevnick, P.E., Roberts, A.P. (2016). Embryotoxicity of maternally-transferred methylmercury to fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. Wiley Online Library.
  • Stieglitz, J.D., Mager, E.M., Hoenig, R.H., Alloy, M., Esbaugh, A.J., Bodinier, C., Benetti, D.D., Roberts, A.P., Grosell, M. (2016). A novel system for embryo-larval toxicity testing of pelagic fish: Applications for impact assessment of Deepwater Horizon crude oil. Chemosphere. 162 261–268. Elsevier.
  • Alloy, M., Baxter, D., Stieglitz, J., Mager, E.M., Hoenig, R., Benetti, D., Grosell, M., Oris, J., Roberts, A.P. (2016). Ultraviolet radiation enhances the toxicity of Deepwater Horizon oil to mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus) embryos. Environmental Science & Technology. 50 (4) 2011–2017. American Chemical Society.
  • Burggren, W.W., Dubansky, B., Roberts, A.P., Alloy, M. (2015). Deepwater horizon oil spill as a case study for interdisciplinary cooperation within developmental biology, environmental sciences and physiology. World Journal of Engineering and Technology. 3 (04) 7. Scientific Research Publishing.
  • Alloy, M.M., Boube, I., Griffitt, R.J., Oris, J.T., Roberts, A.P. (2015). Photo-induced toxicity of Deepwater Horizon slick oil to blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) larvae. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 34 (9) 2061–2066. Wiley Online Library.
  • Mansfield, C., Alloy, M., Hamilton, J., Verbeck, G.F., Newton, K., Klaine, S., Roberts, A.P. (2015). Photo-induced toxicity of titanium dioxide nanoparticles to Daphnia magna under natural sunlight. Chemosphere. 120 206–210. Elsevier.
  • Barst, B.D., Bridges, K., Korbas, M., Roberts, A.P., Van Kirk, K., McNeel, K., Drevnick, P.E. (2015). The role of melano-macrophage aggregates in the storage of mercury and other metals: An example from yelloweye rockfish (Sebastes ruberrimus). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 34 (8) 1918–1925. Wiley Online Library.
  • Overturf, C., Wormington, A., Blythe, K., Gohad, N., Mount, A., Roberts, A.P. (2015). Toxicity of noradrenaline, a novel anti-biofouling component, to two non-target zooplankton species, Daphnia magna and Ceriodaphnia dubia. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology. 171 49–54. Elsevier.
  • Mansfield, C., Alloy, M., Verbeck, G.F., Roberts, A.P. (2014). Photoenhanced toxicity of titanium dioxide nanoparticles under natural sunlight. Chemosphere. 120 206-210.
  • Blake, D., Nar, M., D’Souza, N.A., Glenn, J.B., Klaine, S.J., Roberts, A.P. (2014). Treatment with Coated Layer Double Hydroxide Clays Decreases the Toxicity of Copper-Contaminated Water. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 66 (4) 549–556. Springer US.
  • Review

  • Takeshita, R., Bursian, S.J., Colegrove, K.M., Collier, T.K., Deak, K., Dean, K.M., De Guise, Sylvain, DiPinto, L.M., Elferink, C.J., Esbaugh, A.J., Griffitt, R.J., Grosell, M., Harr, K.E., Incardona, J.P., Kwok, R.K., Lipton, J., Mitchelmore, C.L., Morris, J.M., Peters, E.S., Roberts, A.P., Rowles, T.K., Rusiecki, J.A., Schwacke, L.H., Smith, C.R., Wetzel, D.L., Ziccardi, M.H., Hall, A.J. (2021). A review of the toxicology of oil in vertebrates: what we have learned following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Other. 24 (8) 355-394.
  • Technical Report

  • Lay, C., Morris, J., Takeshita, R., Forth, H., Travers, C., Roberts, A.P., Alloy, M., Garner, T., Bridges, K. (2015). Incident UV Radiation and extinction coefficients in the Northern Gulf of Mexico during the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. Deepwater Horizon Natural Resource Damage Assessment Report.
  • Garner, T., Hart, M., Roberts, A.P., Stoeckel, J., Morris, J. (2015). Migration and survival of marsh periwinkles exposed to Deepwater Horizon oil. Deepwater Horizon Natural Resource Damage Assessment Report.
  • Lay, C., Morris, J., Takeshita, R., Forth, H., Travers, C., Roberts, A.P., Alloy, M., Garner, T., Overturf, C. (2015). The effect of ultraviolet radiation on the toxicity of Deepwater Horizon oil. Deepwater Horizon Natural Resource Damage Assessment Report.

Presentations Given

    Invited Talk

  • Roberts, A. (Author & Presenter), Departmental Seminar, New insights into PAH Photoinduced Toxicity, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, United States of America. (2019 - 2019).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author & Presenter), UNT COS SMART Talk, Researching Disaster: Understanding the effects of oil spills on aquatic organisms, UNT COS, Denton, TX, United States of America. (2018).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author & Presenter), Bridges, K.N. (Author), Krasnec, M. (Author), Morris, J. (Author), Gielazyn, M. (Author), Venables, B.J. (Author), 2018 SETAC Europe Meeting, Advances in the effects of UV on oil toxicity to aquatic organisms, SETAC, Rome, Italy, Italy. (2018 - 2018).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author & Presenter), Departmental Seminar, Teaching an old dog new tricks: New insights into PAH photo-induced toxicity, Clemson University, United States of America. (2017).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author & Presenter), Departmental Seminar, Development of a risk-based model for PAH photo-induced toxicity following an oil spill, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, Canada. (2017 - 2017).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author & Presenter), Departmental Seminar, Evaluating the risk posed by environmental contaminants to ELS organisms, University of North Texas, Denton, TX, United States of America. (2017 - 2017).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author & Presenter), Departmental Seminar, The role of macrophages in mercury toxicity in fish, University of California-Riverside, United States of America. (2016).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author & Presenter), Departmental Seminar, The role of UV radiation in toxicity assessments following an oil spill, University of West Florida, United States of America. (2016).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author & Presenter), Seminar, Photo-induced toxicity of PAH in the DWH NRDA, USGS, United States of America. (2016).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author & Presenter), Departmental Seminar, Photo-induced toxicity of PAH to early lifestage organisms following an oil spill, Clemson University, United States of America. (2015).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author & Presenter), Departmental Seminar, The role of macrophages in mercury toxicity in fish, Miami University, United States of America. (2015).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author & Presenter), Departmental Seminar, The role of macrophages in mercury toxicity in fish, Sam Houston State University, United States of America. (2015).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author & Presenter), Departmental Seminar, The role of macrophages in mercury toxicity in fish, Texas Tech University, United States of America. (2014).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author & Presenter), Departmental Seminar, The role of macrophages in mercury toxicity in fish, University of Miami, United States of America. (2014).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author & Presenter), Departmental Seminar, The role of macrophages in mercury toxicity in fish, University of Tennessee-Chattanooga, United States of America. (2014).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author & Presenter), Seminar, Photo-induced toxicity following an oil spill: Considerations for early lifestage organisms, Texas Christian University, United States of America. (2014).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author & Presenter), SETAC Asia Pacific Conference, CYP1A as a biomarker following an oil spill, SETAC, Adelaide, Australia, Australia. (2014).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author & Presenter), SETAC Asia Pacific Conference, Photoenhanced toxicity of oil spills to early lifestage marine organisms, SETAC, Adelaide, Australia, Australia. (2014).
  • Keynote/Plenary Address

  • Roberts, A. (Author & Presenter), Rocky Mountain SETAC Meeting, What a marine oil spill can teach us about PAH toxicity at high elevations, Rocky Mountain SETAC, Denver, CO, United States of America. (2019 - 2019).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author & Presenter), SETAC-Southeastern Meeting, Advances in the understanding of UV radiation effects on oil toxicity, SETAC, Dauphin Island, AL, United States of America. (2018).
  • Oral Presentation

  • Green, C. (Author & Presenter), Roberts, A. (Author), SETAC North America Annual Meeting, Effects of embryonic exposure to Aroclor 1254 on neurologic and cardiac endpoints in zebrafish, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Virtual, United States of America. (2020 - 2020).
  • Leads, R. (Author & Presenter), Green, C. (Author), Roberts, A. (Author), SETAC North America Annual Meeting, Influence of cardiotoxicity on visual function in developing zebrafish exposed to Deepwater Horizon crude oil, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Virtual, United States of America. (2020 - 2020).
  • , J. (Author & Presenter), Roberts, A. (Author), SETAC North America Annual Meeting, Transcriptomics to behavior: What the Deepwater Horizon oil spill taught us about eye development and visual function in early lifestage fishes, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, United States of America. (2020 - 2020).
  • Leads, R. (Author & Presenter), Roberts, A. (Author), 2019 SETAC North America Meeting, IncidenceofApoptosisinLarvalRed Drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) Co-exposed to Crude Oil and Ultraviolet Radiation, SETAC, Toronto, Canada, Canada. (2019 - 2019).
  • Magnuson, J. (Author & Presenter), Leads, R. (Author), Roberts, A. (Author), 2019 SETAC North America Meeting, Influenceofultravioletradiationontran- scriptomic effects in larval red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) following exposure to weathered crude oil, SETAC, Toronto, Canada, Canada. (2019 - 2019).
  • Harried, B. (Author & Presenter), Soulen, B. (Author), Roberts, A.P. (Author), Hoeinghaus, D.J. (Author), 2018 American Fisheries Society National Meeting, Mercury body burden and maternal transfer, egg quality, and fecundity of alligator gar in the lower Trinity River: Are bigger fish always better for recruitment?, AFS, Atlantic City, NJ, United States of America. (2018).
  • Magnuson, J. (Author & Presenter), Roberts, A.P. (Author), 2018 GoMOSES Annual Meeting, The effects of oil exposure on visual function in early lifestage fishes, GoMOSES, New Orleans, LA, United States of America. (2018).
  • Magnuson, J. (Author), Nelson, D. (Author), Roberts, A.P. (Author), Crossley, D.A. (Author), 2018 SETAC Europe Meeting, A wide range of endpoints are impacted by oil exposure in early and later lifestages of marine fishes, SETAC, Rome, Italy, Italy. (2018).
  • Magnuson, J. (Author & Presenter), Roberts, A.P. (Author), 2018 SETAC Europe Meeting, The effects of oil exposure on visual function in early lifestage fishes, SETAC, Rome, Italy, Italy. (2018).
  • Bridges, K. (Author & Presenter), Sweet, L. (Author), Gnau, J. (Author), Soulen, B. (Author), Magnuson, J. (Author), Venables, B.J. (Author), Roberts, A.P. (Author), 2018 SETAC North America Meeting, Photoperiod, exposure duration, and latent mortality: Effects of photo-induced toxicity on aquatic organisms, SETAC, Sacramento, CA, United States of America. (2018).
  • Magnuson, J. (Author & Presenter), Roberts, A.P. (Author), 2018 SETAC North America Meeting, Transcriptomics to behavior: What Deepwater Horizon can teach us about fish vision, SETAC, Sacramento, CA, United States of America. (2018).
  • Harried, B. (Author & Presenter), Soulen, B. (Author), Roberts, A.P. (Author), Hoeinghaus, D.J. (Author), 2018 TX Chapter of AFS Annual Meeting, Mercury body burden and maternal transfer, egg quality, and fecundity of alligator gar in the lower Trinity River: Are bigger fish always better for recruitment?, TX AFS, College Station, TX, United States of America. (2018).
  • Harried, B. (Author & Presenter), Soulen, B. (Author), Roberts, A.P. (Author), Hoeinghaus, D.J. (Author), SETAC-South Central Meeting, Mercury body burden and maternal transfer, egg quality, and fecundity of alligator gar in the lower Trinity River: Are bigger fish always better for recruitment?, SETAC, Junction, TX, United States of America. (2018).
  • Magnuson, J. (Author & Presenter), Roberts, A.P. (Author), SETAC-South Central Meeting, The effects of oil exposure on visual function in early lifestage fishes, SETAC, Junction, TX, United States of America. (2018).
  • Magnuson, J. (Author & Presenter), Roberts, A.P. (Author), SETAC-Southeastern Meeting, Transcriptomics to behavior: What Deepwater Horizon can teach us about fish vision, SETAC, Dauphin Island, AL, United States of America. (2018).
  • Bridges, K.N. (Author & Presenter), Zhang, Y. (Author), Magnusson, J. (Author), Curran, T. (Author), Allen, M. (Author), Venables, B.J. (Author), Roberts, A.P. (Author), 2018 SETAC Europe Meeting, Lifestage and species-specific effects of dietary methyl mercury exposure, SETAC Europe, Rome, Italy, Italy. (2018 - 2018).
  • Pasparakis, C. (Author & Presenter), Sweet, L. (Author), Mager, E.M. (Author), Stieglitz, J. (Author), Benetti, D. (Author), Roberts, A.P. (Author), Grosell, M. (Author), Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Meeting, Combined Effects of Oil Exposure, Temperature and Ultraviolet Radiation on the Early Life Stages of Mahi-Mahi (Coryphaena hippurus), Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative, New Orleans, LA, United States of America. (2018 - 2018).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author), American Fisheries Society, Egg quality, quantity, and contamination in alligator gar: do BOFFFFs matter?, AFS, Tampa, FL, United States of America. (2017).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author), American Fisheries Society, Impacts of oil exposure on mahi-mahi, AFS, Tampa, FL, United States of America. (2017).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author), Ecological Society of America, Photo-induced toxicity of Deepwater Horizon oil: Applications to understanding oil spills and future directions for research, ESA, Portland, OR, United States of America. (2017).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author), Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference, Impacts of oil exposure on mahi-mahi: From the subcellular and molecular level through populations and ecosystems, GoMRI, New Orleans, LA, United States of America. (2017).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author), Venables, B.J. (Author), International Conference on Environmental Pollution, Remediation, and Management, Effects of methylmercury on the dopaminergic system of fathead minnows, Various, Quy Nhon, Vietnam, Vietnam. (2017).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author), International Conference on Environmental Pollution, Remediation, and Management, Effects of oil exposure on vision in an estuarine fish species, Various, Quy Nhon, Vietnam, Vietnam. (2017).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author), International Conference on Environmental Pollution, Remediation, and Management, The effects of photoproducts generated from irradiated crude oil exposures on pelagic and estuarine fish species, Various, Quy Nhon, Vietnam, United States of America. (2017).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author & Presenter), International Conference on Environmental Pollution, Remediation, and Management, The energetic costs of increased temperature, ultraviolet light, and crude oil co-exposures to mahi mahi, Various, Quy Nhon, Vietnam, Vietnam. (2017).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author), International Conference on Environmental Pollution, Remediation, and Management, The photo-induced toxicity of Australian northwest shelf crude oil to yellowtail kingfish and black bream, Various, Quy Nhon, Vietnam, Vietnam. (2017).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author), Pollutant Response in Marine Organisms, Photo-enhanced toxicity of oil to aquatic organisms: Photo-sensitization, photo-modification, and modeling, Various, Matsuyama, Japan, Japan. (2017).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author), South Central SETAC Meeting, Effects of oil exposure on vision in an estuarine fish species, SETAC, Houston, TX, United States of America. (2017).
  • Pasparakis, C. (Author & Presenter), Sweet, L. (Author), Mager, E.M. (Author), Stieglitz, J. (Author), Casente, C. (Author), Benetti, D. (Author), Roberts, A.P. (Author), Grosell, M. (Author), American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Impacts of Oil Exposure on Mahi Embryos, Tampa, FL, United States of America. (2017).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author), Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference, Exposure to ultraviolet radiation increases the toxicity of oil to mahi-mahi embryos, GoMRI, Tampa, FL, United States of America. (2016).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author), Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference, Photo-induced toxicity of Deepwater Horizon oil to native Gulf of Mexico fish and invertebrates, GoMRI, Tampa, FL, United States of America. (2016).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author), Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference, Toxicity of very thin surface slicks of Deepwater Horizon oil to pelagic Gulf of Mexico fish embryos and invertebrates, GoMRI, Tampa, FL, United States of America. (2016).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author), Rocky Mountain SETAC Meeting, Photo-induced toxicity of Northwest Shelf crude oil in Australia, SETAC, Denver, CO, United States of America. (2016).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author), SETAC North America, Combined effects of oil exposure, temperature, and UV radiation on buoyancy and oxygen consumption of embryonic mahi-mahi, SETAC, Orlando, FL, United States of America. (2016).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author), SETAC North America, Oiled vision: Understanding fishes' visual response to oil spills through research and film, SETAC, Orlando, FL, United States of America. (2016).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author), SETAC North America, Sublethal impacts of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on pelagic predators from the Gulf of Mexico: Communicating science to a broad audience, SETAC, Orlando, FL, United States of America. (2016).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author), SETAC North America, The effects of photoproducts generated from irradiated crude oil exposures on pelagic and estuarine fish species, SETAC, Orlando, FL, United States of America. (2016).
  • Grosell, M. (Author & Presenter), DiNicola, D. (Author), Stieglitz, J. (Author), Wang, Y. (Author), Mager, E.M. (Author), Nelson, D. (Author), Heuer, R. (Author), Crossley, D.A. (Author), Schlenker, L. (Author), Pasparakis, C. (Author), Perrichon, P. (Author), Magnuson, J. (Author), Roberts, A.P. (Author), Benetti, D. (Author), Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry North America Annual Meeting, Sublethal Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on Pelagic Top Predators from the Gulf of Mexico – Communicating Science to a Broad Audience, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Orlando, FL, United States of America. (2016).
  • Sweet, L. (Author & Presenter), Magnuson, J. (Author), Garner, T. (Author), Alloy, M. (Author), Stieglitz, J. (Author), Mager, E.M. (Author), Benetti, D. (Author), Grosell, M. (Author), Roberts, A.P. (Author), Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Meeting, Exposure to Ultraviolet Radiation Increases the Toxicity of Oil to Mahi-Mahi (Coryphaena hippurus) Embryos, Tampa, FL, United States of America. (2016).
  • Magnuson, J. (Author & Presenter), Sweet, L. (Author), Garner, T. (Author), Alloy, M. (Author), Stieglitz, J. (Author), Mager, E.M. (Author), Benetti, D. (Author), Grosell, M. (Author), Roberts, A.P. (Author), Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Meeting, Molecular Characterization of Antioxidant Response in Mahi-Mahi (Coryphaena hippurus) Embryos Co-Exposed to Oil and Ultraviolet Radiation, Tampa, FL, United States of America. (2016).
  • Morris, J. (Author & Presenter), Forth, H. (Author), Lay, C. (Author), Takeshita, R. (Author), Krasnec, M. (Author), Lipton, J. (Author), Alloy, M. (Author), Overturf, C. (Author), Garner, T. (Author), Roberts, A.P. (Author), Mager, E.M. (Author), Stieglitz, J. (Author), Pasparakis, C. (Author), Zongli, Y. (Author), Benetti, D. (Author), Grosell, M. (Author), Chesney, E. (Author), O'Shaughnessy, K. (Author), Gielazyn, M. (Author), Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Meeting, Toxicity of Very Thin Surface Slicks of Deepwater Horizon Oil to Pelagic Gulf of Mexico Fish Embryos and Invertebrates, Tampa, FL, United States of America. (2016).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author), International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Mercury distribution in fish liver at the tissue, cellular, and subcellular level: Implications for toxicity, South Korea, Korea, South. (2015).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author), SETAC North America, Effects of DWH oil on behavior of marsh periwinkles, SETAC, Salt Lake City, UT, United States of America. (2015).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author), SETAC North America, Effects of DWH spill oil on oysters, SETAC, Salt Lake City, UT, United States of America. (2015).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author), SETAC North America, Embryotoxicity of maternally-transferred methylmercury to fathead minnows, SETAC, Salt Lake City, UT, United States of America. (2015).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author), SETAC North America, Photoinduced toxicity of DWH oil to early lifestage red drum and speckled seatrout, SETAC, Salt Lake City, UT, United States of America. (2015).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author), SETAC North America, Physiological effects of oil on pelagic fish species of the Gulf of Mexico, SETAC, Salt Lake City, UT, United States of America. (2015).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author), SETAC North America, The effects of NOM on the photo-induced toxicity of TiO2 nanoparticles, SETAC, Salt Lake City, UT, United States of America. (2015).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author), SETAC North America, Toxicity of DWH oil to two nearshore spawning fish species, SETAC, Salt Lake City, UT, United States of America. (2015).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author), SETAC North America, Toxicity of thin surface slicks of DWH oil to Gulf of Mexico species, SETAC, Salt Lake City, UT, United States of America. (2015).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author & Presenter), Hughes, L.E. (Author), SETAC North America, Use of classroom based laboratories to promote research experience in environmental toxicology, SETAC, Salt Lake City, UT, United States of America. (2015).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author), SETAC North America, Evaluation of maternal transfer of dietary methylmercury and implications for embryotoxicity in fathead minnows, SETAC, Vancouver, Canada, Canada. (2014).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author), SETAC North America, Photoinduced toxicity of nanoTiO2 to Daphnia magna under natural sunlight, SETAC, Vancouver, Canada, Canada. (2014).
  • Grosell, M. (Author & Presenter), Pasparakis, C. (Author), Mager, E.M. (Author), Esbaugh, A. (Author), Stieglitz, J. (Author), Hoenig, R. (Author), Bodinier, C. (Author), Incardona, J. (Author), Scholtz, N. (Author), Roberts, A.P. (Author), Benetti, D. (Author), Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry North America Annual Meeting, Impacts of Deepwater Horizon (DWH) Oil on Pelagic Fish from the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) – An Overview of Relevant Endpoints and Effects, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. (2014).
  • Grosell, M. (Author & Presenter), Esbaugh, A. (Author), Mager, E.M. (Author), Stieglitz, J. (Author), Hoenig, R. (Author), Benetti, D. (Author), Roberts, A.P. (Author), Incardona, J. (Author), Scholtz, N. (Author), Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry North America Annual Meeting, Impacts of Deepwater Horizon Oil on Pelagic Fish from the Gulf of Mexico – An Overview of Testing Efforts and Results, Long Beach, CA, United States of America. (2012).
  • Panel Presentation

  • Thompson, R. (Panelist), Albert, M.V. (Panelist), Sidorova, A. (Panelist), Fu, S. (Panelist), Roberts, A.P. (Moderator), University Research Day, Exploring the Role of AI in Research, UNT, Denton, Tx, United States of America. (2023 - 2023).
  • Poster

  • Mager, E. (Author & Presenter), Price, E. (Author), Bonatesta, F. (Author), McGruer, V. (Author), Schlenk, D. (Author), Roberts, A.P. (Author), SETAC South Central Regional Chapter Annual Meeting, Exposure of Zebrafish Larvae to Water Accommodated Fractions of Weathered Crude Oil Alters Steroid Hormone Concentrations with Minimal Effect on Cholesterol, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Denton, TX, United States of America. (2023 - 2023).
  • Mager, E. (Author & Presenter), Bonatesta, F. (Author), Leads, R. (Author), Price, E. (Author), Roberts, A. (Author), Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry North America Annual Meeting, SciCon2, Effects of Dissolved Organic Carbon, Ultraviolet Light and their Co-exposure on Deepwater Horizon Crude Oil Acute Toxicity to Larval Red Drum (Sciaenops ocellatus), Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Virtual, United States of America. (2020).
  • Green, C. (Author & Presenter), Hoeinghaus, D.J. (Author), Roberts, A.P. (Author), Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Mercury concentrations in fishes from the Upper Paraná River basin, United States of America. (2019 - 2019).
  • Soulen, B. (Author & Presenter), Roberts, A. (Author), 2019 SETAC North America Meeting, Accumulation of PBDEs in Harp (Pagophilus groenlandicus) and Hooded Seals (Cystophora cristata) from the Northwestern Atlantic, SETAC, Toronto, CA, Canada. (2019 - 2019).
  • Green, C. (Author & Presenter), Hoeinghaus, D.J. (Author), Roberts, A. (Author), 2019 SETAC North America Meeting, MERCURY CONCENTRATIONS IN FISHES FROM THE UPPER PARANÁ RIVER BASIN, SETAC, Toronto, Canada, United States of America. (2019 - 2019).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author), Federation Graduate Research Symposium, Effects of oil on visual development in sheepshead minnows, TWU, Denton, TX, United States of America. (2017).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author), International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Mercury accumulation and speciation in the livers of marine and freshwater fish species, Various, Providence, RI, United States of America. (2017).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author), Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference, Oxidative stress and molecular responses in mahi-mahi embryos exposed to UV radiation and oil, GoMRI, Tampa, FL, United States of America. (2016).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author), International Conference on the Environmental Effects of Nanotechnology, The effects of NOM on the photo-induced toxicity of TiO2 nanoparticles, Various, Boulder, CO, United States of America. (2016).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author), Venables, B.J. (Author), SETAC North America, Accumulation of PBDE in stranded harp and hooded seals from the northeastern United States, SETAC, Orlando, FL, United States of America. (2016).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author), SETAC North America, Effects of oil exposure on vision in a pelagic marine predator, mahi-mahi, SETAC, Orlando, FL, United States of America. (2016).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author), SETAC North America, Mercury concentrations in Florida apple snails and snail kites, SETAC, Orlando, FL, United States of America. (2016).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author), Venables, B.J. (Author), SETAC North America, Metabolic profiling of fathead minnow larvae exposed to maternally-transferred methylmercury, SETAC, Orlando, FL, United States of America. (2016).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author), Venables, B.J. (Author), SETAC North America, The effects of crude oil co-exposed with multiple stressors on the metabolomic profile of mahi-mahi embryos, SETAC, Orlando, FL, United States of America. (2016).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author), South Central SETAC Meeting, Mercury concentrations in Florida apple snails and snail kites, SETAC, Ft Worth, TX, United States of America. (2016).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author), US Natural Resource Damage Assessment Symposium, Photo-induced toxicity of Deepwater Horizon oil to native Gulf of Mexico fish and invertebrate species, US government, Phoenix, AZ, United States of America. (2016).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author), Venables, B.J. (Author), Meeting of the Marine Mammal Society, Accumulation of PBDE in gray and hooded seals, Marine Mammal Society, San Francisco, CA, United States of America. (2015).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author), SETAC Europe Meeting, Photo-induced toxicity of Deepwater Horizon oil to native Gulf of Mexico fish and invertebrate species, SETAC, Barcelona, Spain, Spain. (2015).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author), SETAC North America, Application of benchmark dose response models to assess carbon nanotube ecotoxicity, SETAC, Salt Lake City, UT, United States of America. (2015).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author), SETAC North America, Incorporation of recovery time in modeling photo-induced toxicity of PAH, SETAC, Salt Lake City, UT, United States of America. (2015).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author), SETAC North America, Development of a laboratory model for examining dietary selenium and mercury interactions in a simple aquatic food chain., SETAC, Vancouver, Canada, Canada. (2014).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author), SETAC North America, Investigation of apoptosis mechanisms following photo-induced toxicity in sheepshead minnow, SETAC, Vancouver, Canada, Canada. (2014).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author), SETAC North America, Mercury accumulation and speciation in Atlantic stingrays from Indian River Lagoon, Florida, SETAC, Vancouver, Canada, Canada. (2014).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author), SETAC North America, Mercury accumulation and speciation in the livers of marine and freshwater fish species, SETAC, Vancouver, Canada, Canada. (2014).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Author), SETAC North America, Toxicity of a novel anti-fouling agent noradrenaline to D. magna, SETAC, Vancouver, Canada, Canada. (2014).
  • Scholarly Meeting Contribution

  • Christian, J. (Author & Presenter), Holt, P.M. (Author), Chumchal, M.M. (Author), Roberts, A.P. (Author), Gomes, L.C. (Author), Agostinho, A.A. (Author), Hoeinghaus, D.J. (Author), 14th Annual Ecological Integration Symposium, Effects of body size, trophic position and ecosystem type on mercury in fishes of the Upper Paraná River Basin, Brazil, Texas A&M University, United States of America. (2013 - 2013).
  • Christian, J. (Author & Presenter), Holt, P.M. (Author), Chumchal, M.M. (Author), Roberts, A.P. (Author), Gomes, L.C. (Author), Agostinho, A.A. (Author), Hoeinghaus, D.J. (Author), Biology Graduate Research Day, Effects of body size, trophic position and ecosystem type on mercury in fishes of the Upper Paraná River Basin, Brazil, University of North Texas, United States of America. (2013 - 2013).

Media Contributions


  • "Nanoparticles: Environmental Problems or Problem Solvers?," BioScience. (March 1, 2018).

Contracts, Grants, Sponsored Research


  • Roberts, A.P., "Bioaccumulation of PFCs in Freshwater Lakes," sponsored by Abt Associates, Private, $68859 Funded. (2022 - 2023).
  • Roberts, A., "Toxicity Assessment for Support of the Lower Duwamish River NRDA," sponsored by Suquamish Tribe, Private, $132979 Funded. (2020 - 2022).
  • Roberts, A.P., "Latent effects of embryonic exposure to PCBs in zebrafish," sponsored by NOAA, Federal, $120000 Funded. (2019 - 2021).
  • Roberts, A., "Field support for PFAS sampling and litigation," sponsored by Abt Associates, Private, $25000 Funded. (2019 - 2019).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Principal), "Developing photo-induced toxicity modeling to inform oil spill response," sponsored by NOAA, Federal, $140000 Funded. (2017 - 2018).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Principal), "UV Modeling at the Taylor Energy Site," sponsored by NOAA, Federal, $30000 Funded. (2017 - 2017).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Principal), "Photoenhanced Toxicity of DWH Spill Oil to GoM Organisms," sponsored by Various, Federal, $1100000 Funded. (2011 - 2016).
  • Roberts, A., "Toxicity Assessment for Support of the Lower Duwamish River NRDA," sponsored by Suquamish Tribe, Private, Funded. (2020 - 2022).
  • Roberts, A., "Latent effects of embryonic exposure to PCBs in zebrafish," sponsored by NOAA, Federal, Funded. (2019 - 2021).
  • Roberts, A., "Field support for PFAS sampling and litigation," sponsored by Abt Associates, Private, Funded. (2019 - 2019).
  • Fellowship

  • Wormington, A. (Principal), Roberts, A.P. (Co-Principal), "US EPA GRO Fellowship," sponsored by US EPA, Federal, $21000 Funded. (2014 - 2016).
  • Grant - Research

  • Takeshita, R. (Principal), Schwacke, L. (Principal), Gielazyn, M. (Co-Principal), Rowles, T. (Co-Principal), Fazioli, K. (Co-Principal), Lund, A.K. (Co-Principal), Roberts, A.P. (Co-Principal), Mintzer, V. (Co-Principal), Shultz, I. (Co-Principal), Whitehead, H. (Co-Principal), "Co-producing a conceptual model to support assessments of cumulative effects from multiple stressors on Houston area dolphins under CERCLA and OPA," sponsored by NOAA, Federal, $2030752 Funded. (2023 - 2028).
  • Burggren, W.W. (Principal), Roberts, A.P. (Co-Principal), Lund, A.K. (Co-Principal), "Development of Rapid Behavioral and Cellular Screening of Neurotoxic Agents”," sponsored by Department of Defense, Federal, $507525 Funded. (2024 - 2027).
  • Roberts, A.P., "Photoinduced toxicity of chemical countermeasures in oil spill response," sponsored by Texas General Land Office, State, $304118 Funded. (2021 - 2023).
  • Hoeinghaus, D.J. (Principal), Roberts, A. (Co-Principal), "Linking ranch management to aquatic ecosystem functioning," sponsored by Dixon Water Foundation, Private, $135000 Funded. (2020 - 2023).
  • Roberts, A. (Principal), Hoeinghaus, D.J. (Co-Principal), Kennedy, J.H. (Co-Principal), "Acquisition of a modular laboratory for water research," sponsored by Fidelity, Private, $300000 Funded. (2020 - 2022).
  • Roberts, A., "Development of an in situ testing platform for deployment during an oil spill," sponsored by Texas General Land Office, State, $317809 Funded. (2019 - 2021).
  • Roberts, A.P., Hoeinghaus, D.J., "Ranch Management Impacts on Surface Water Quality and Biodiversity," sponsored by Dixon Water Foundation, Private, $55151 Funded. (2019 - 2020).
  • Boettger, R.K. (Principal), Wulff, S. (Principal), Hoeinghaus, D.J. (Co-Principal), Roberts, A.P. (Co-Principal), "Collaborative research: Evaluating a data-driven approach to teaching technical writing to STEM majors," sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, $290768 Funded. (2017 - 2020).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Principal), Burggren, W.W. (Principal), Crossley, D.A. (Principal), Mager, E.M. (Principal), "RECOVER 2," sponsored by Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative, Other, $1113292 Funded. (2018 - 2020).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Principal), "Cooperative Research Agreement with Abt Associates," sponsored by Abt Associates, Private, $110000 Funded. (2016 - 2018).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Co-Principal), Burggren, W.W. (Co-Principal), Crossley, D.A. (Principal), "RECOVER Consortium," sponsored by Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative, Private, $2700000 Funded. (2014 - 2017).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Principal), "Photoenhanced toxicity of crude oil to Australian fish," sponsored by CSIRO, International, $75000 Funded. (2016 - 2016).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Principal), "Development of Marine Antifouling Coatings Utilizing a Fouling Deterrence Strategy," sponsored by US Navy, Federal, Funded. (2011 - 2014).
  • Roberts, A.P., Hoeinghaus, D.J. (Co-Principal), "Mercury in tropical freshwater ecosystems: A partnership between UNT and Maringá State University, Brazil," sponsored by Charn Uswachoke International Development Fund, University of North Texas, $6750 Funded. (2011 - 2012).
  • Hoeinghaus, D.J. (Principal), Roberts, A. (Co-Principal), "Linking ranch management to aquatic ecosystem functioning," sponsored by Dixon Water Foundation, Private, Funded. (2020 - 2022).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Principal), "Toxicity Testing Program for the Lower Duwamish Rive," sponsored by Suquamish Tribe, OG, Funded. (2020 - 2022).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Principal), "Zebrafish Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Science Plan," sponsored by Abt Associates, Inc., IND, Funded. (2021 - 2021).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Principal), "Effects of PCB on Early Lifestage Zebrafish," sponsored by Abt Associates, Inc., IND, Funded. (2019 - 2021).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Principal), "Development of an in situ testing platform for use in oil spill response and assessment," sponsored by Texas General Land Office, ST, Funded. (2019 - 2021).
  • Roberts, A., Hoeinghaus, D.J., "Ranch Management Impacts on Surface Water Quality and Biodiversity," sponsored by Dixon Water Foundation, Private, Funded. (2019 - 2020).
  • Hoeinghaus, D.J. (Co-Principal), Boettger, R.K. (Principal), Ludi, S.A. (Co-Principal), "Collaborative Research: Evaluating a Data-Driven Approach to Teaching Technical Writing to STEM Majors," sponsored by National Science Foundation, FED, Funded. (2017 - 2020).
  • Roberts, A. (Principal), Burggren, W.W. (Principal), Crossley, D.A. (Principal), Mager, E. (Principal), "RECOVER 2," sponsored by Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative, Other, Funded. (2018 - 2020).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Principal), Venables, B.J. (Other), Crossley, D.A. (Co-Principal), Mager, E.M. (Co-Principal), Burggren, W.W. (Co-Principal), "Relationship of Effects of Cardiac Outcomes in fish for Validation of Ecological Risk-II (RECOVER-II)," sponsored by University of Miami - School of Medicine, NFP, Funded. (2018 - 2020).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Principal), "Field Sampling Support for Abt Associates," sponsored by Abt Associates, Inc., IND, Funded. (2019 - 2019).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Principal), "Abt Post Doc Fellowship," sponsored by Abt Associates, Inc., IND, Funded. (2016 - 2018).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Principal), Crossley, D.A. (Principal), Burggren, W.W. (Principal), "Relationships of Effects of Cardiac Outcomes in Fish to Validation of Ecological Risk (RECOVER)," sponsored by University of Miami - School of Medicine, NFP, Funded. (2015 - 2018).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Principal), "UV Modeling at Taylor Energy Site," sponsored by Abt Associates, Inc., IND, Funded. (2017 - 2017).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Principal), "Phototoxicity Testing for NOAA Oil Spill Response Program," sponsored by Abt Associates, Inc., IND, Funded. (2016 - 2017).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Principal), "PAH Phototoxicity to Plankton," sponsored by Stratus Consulting, IND, Funded. (2014 - 2016).
  • Roberts, A.P. (Principal), "Photoenhanced Toxicity of DWH Oil to fish and Zooplankton," sponsored by DNU Stratus Consulting (FFT), IND, Funded. (2011 - 2015).


University Service

  • Chairperson, Promotion and Tenure B Committee. (September 2019 - Present).
  • Committee Member, Faculty Council. (September 1, 2017 - Present).
  • Committee Member, Promotion and Tenure A Committee. (2015 - Present).
  • Chairperson, Search Committee - Systems Biology. (September 2019 - March 2020).
  • Committee Member, TA Scholarship Committee. (2014 - 2019).
  • Chairperson, Faculty Council. (September 1, 2018 - August 31, 2019).
  • Co-Director, AERI Associate Director. (2016 - May 2019).
  • Committee Member, Executive Committee. (2014 - May 2019).
  • Chairperson, Search Committee. (2015 - 2016).
  • Program Coordinator, Grad Program Coordinator Env Sci. (2010 - 2015).

Professional Service

  • Other (Endowment Trustee), SETAC-North America. (November 2019 - Present).
  • Editorial Review Board Member, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. (2014 - Present).
  • Editorial Review Board Member, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. (2014 - Present).
  • Reviewer, Journal Article, 18 Scientific Journals. (2006 - Present).
  • Reviewer, Grant Proposal, Various Funding Agencies. (2006 - Present).
  • Mentor, Environmental Education Initiative. Denton, TX. (June 2020 - June 2020).
  • Committee Member, International Conference on Environmental Pollution, Restoration, and Management Advisory Committee. (2016 - 2017).
  • Committee Member, SETAC Annual Meeting Committee. (2014 - 2015).