Dr. Carole A. Gilmore
Adjunct Faculty
University of North Texas
Department of Counseling and Higher Education
(972) 528-9008
Email: Carole.Gilmore@unt.edu
PhD, Grand Canyon University, 2021
Major: General Psychology
Specialization: Industrial and Organizational Psuchology
Teaching Experience
- COUN 2620 - Diversity and Cultural Awareness, 2 courses.
- COUN 4620 - Interpersonal Skills in Helping Relationships, 1 course.
- COUN 5300 - Systems, Leadership, and Program Development in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, 1 course.
- COUN 5580 - Family Counseling, 1 course.
- COUN 5720 - Internship in Counseling I, 1 course.
- COUN 5721 - Internship in Counseling II, 1 course.
- COUN 5790 - Counseling Culturally Diverse Clients, 3 courses.
- PSYC 1630 - General Psychology I, 1 course.
- PSYC 3100 - Social Psychology, 1 course.
- PSYC 4030 - Multicultural Psychology, 1 course.