Dr. Christophe Chaguinian
University of North Texas
World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
(950) 565-2389


PhD, Indiana University, 2003.
Major: French
Degree Specialization: French Literature
MA, Indiana University, 1998.
Major: French Literature
MA, University of Alabama, 1991.
Major: French
Degree Specialization: French Literature
Dissertation Title: Les Albas Provencales: Edition Critique
DEUG, Université de Paris X, Nanterre, 1987.
Major: Classics

Professional Positions

Academic - Post-Secondary
Associate Professor, UNT. (2014 – Present).
Assistant Professor of French, UNT. (2008 – Present).
Visiting Assistant Professor of French, University of Illinois. (20082008).
Visiting Assistant Professor of French, Illinois State University. (20072007).
Visiting Assistant Professor of French, Northern Illinois University. (20062007).

Professional Memberships

Société internationale pour l'´étude du théâtre médiéval. (2017 – Present).

Medieval and Renaissance Drama Society. (2015 – Present).

Member, Société internationale d'études épiques Rencesvals. (2009 – Present).

Member, American Association of Teachers of French. (2008 – Present).

Member, International Courtly Literature Society (ICLS). (2005 – Present).

Development Activities Attended

Self-Study Program,"Webinar: Myths and Misconceptions in Communicative Language Teaching," Klett World Languages, United States of America. (May 23, 2024May 23, 2024).

Self-Study Program,"Webinar: Enhancing Language Learning with Real-World Content," Vista Higher Learning, United States of America. (April 4, 2024April 4, 2024).

Self-Study Program,"Webinar, “Transforming Student Language Experiences with High Impact Practices”,," Vista Higher Learning, United States of America. (October 30, 2023October 30, 2023).

Self-Study Program,"Webinar: “Tentacularity: Strengthening Your Program by Extending it Beyond the Department”," Vista Higher Learning, United States of America. (October 4, 2023October 4, 2023).

Self-Study Program,"Webinar: “Five Steps to Creating Language Pathways”, MLA (September 26, 2023)," MLA, United States of America. (September 26, 2023September 26, 2023).

Self-Study Program,"Webinar: “French for All"," French Embassy, United States of America. (May 24, 2023May 24, 2023).

Self-Study Program,"Webinar: ‘Reflections on Inclusive Teaching in the World Languages Classroom”," Vista Higher Learning4, United States of America. (March 14, 2023March 14, 2023).


Teaching Experience

University of North Texas
FREN 2040, Intermediate French, 1 course.
FREN 3040, Advanced Readings in French Culture, 1 course.
FREN 3050, Advanced Readings in French, 7 courses.
FREN 3055, Image of the Artist in France Throughout the Ages, 10 courses.
FREN 3070, Advanced French Grammar and Composition, 9 courses.
FREN 3075, Writing in French: Style and Technique, 3 courses.
FREN 3080, Advanced French Conversation, 2 courses.
FREN 3350, The French : Myths and Realities, 1 course.
FREN 4030, Survey of French Literature I, 1 course.
FREN 4060, Studies in French Literature, 3 courses.
FREN 4080, Business French, 1 course.
FREN 4900, Special Problems, 6 courses.
FREN 4920, Cooperative Education in French, 13 courses.
FREN 4980, Experimental Course, 2 courses.
FREN 5200, Seminar in French, 17 courses.
FREN 5330, History of the French Language, 2 courses.
FREN 5410, Topics in Medieval Literature, 11 courses.
FREN 5430, Topics in Renaissance Literature, 6 courses.
FREN 5900, Special Problems, 2 courses.
FREN 5950, Master's Thesis, 2 courses.

Directed Student Learning

Master's Comprehensive Exam Member or Grader, World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. (February 2024February 2024).

Master's Comprehensive Exam Member or Grader, World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. (September 2023October 2023).

Master's Comprehensive Exam Member or Grader, World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. (September 2023October 2023).

Master's Comprehensive Exam Member or Grader, World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. (June 2022June 2022).

Master's Comprehensive Exam Member or Grader, World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. (March 2022March 2022).

Master's Comprehensive Exam Member or Grader, World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. (March 2022March 2022).

Master's Comprehensive Exam Member or Grader, World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. (February 2022February 2022).

Master's Comprehensive Exam Member or Grader, World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. (May 2021May 2021).

Other,"The French Chanson de Geste," Honors College. (January 2019May 2019).

Master's Thesis Committee Co-Chair, World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. (January 2019May 2019).

Master's Thesis Committee Member,"The Lady of the Marshes: Place, Identity, and Coudrette's Mélusine in Late-Mdieval Poitou," Art Education and Art History. (April 12, 2014).

Awards and Honors

Nominated for: CLASS Award in Graduate Teaching, CLASS UNT. (20232024).

Honors Day Nomination, University of North Texas. (April 3, 20192019).

Thank you note, University of North Texas. (February 11, 20192019).

Thank you note, University of North Texas. (December 20182018).

Thank you note, University of North Texas. (December 20172017).


Published Intellectual Contributions

Abstracts and Proceedings
Chaguinian, C. (2010). La modernité comme barrière à la compréhension des "Diaboliques" Actes du Congrès international Barbey et la modernité, Sorbonne, Paris, December 1-3, 2008..
Chaguinian, C. (2023). Good Friday Ceremonies with Articulated Figures in Medieval and Early Modern Europe. Paris: Classiques Garnier. https://classiques-garnier.com/our-history.html
Chaguinian, C. (2017). The Jeu d'Adam: MS Tours 927 and the Provenance of the Play. 304. https://arc-humanities.org/products/t-84104-97121-59-6721/
Chaguinian, C. (2014). Le Jeu d'Adam: une édition bilingue. 201.
Chaguinian, C. (2008). L'alba occitane: une édition critique . Publication in the series Classiques français du Moyen Age..
Book Chapter
Chaguinian, C. (2016). Les Néologismes de Barbey d'Aurevilly. Barbey d'Aurevilly. Perspectives critiques.. 335-46. Paris: Garnier.
Book Review
Chaguinian, C. (2018). Hasenohr, Geneviève, ed. and trans., Le Jeu d’Adam, with an introduction by Geneviève Hasenohr and Jean-Pierre Bordier. (Texte Courant 1.) Geneva: Droz, 2017. Speculum. 93(3), 856-57. http://www.medievalacademy.org/?page=Speculum
Chaguinian, C. (2012). Barbier Josiane, Monique Cottret and Lydwine Scordia eds. Amour et désamour du prince du haut Moyen Age à la révolution française. Paris: Kimé, 2011..
Chaguinian, C. (2011). SVEC 2008: 6. Architecture. Cultural history. Autobiography. Oxford, Voltaire Foundation, 2008..
Chaguinian, C. (2010). Benhamou, Reed. Regulating the Académie: Art, Rules and Power in ancien régime France. Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 2009..
Chaguinian, C. (2009). Marie-Geneviève Grossel and Jean-Charles Herbin eds., Les Chansons de langue d'oïl. L'art des trouvères. Valenciennes: PU Valenciennes, 2008. Encomia.
Chaguinian, C. (2009). Sobin, Gustaf. Ladder of Shadows Reflecting on Medieval Vestige in Provence and Languedoc. Berkeley: California UP, 2009..
Chaguinian, C. (2008). Dominique Billy and Ann Buckley eds., Etudes de langue et de littérature médiévales offertes à Peter T. Ricketts à l'occasion de son 70ème anniversaire. Turnhout: Brepols, 2005..
Chaguinian, C. (2008). Sayce, Olive. Exemplary Comparison from Homer to Petrarch. Cambridge: Brewer, 2008..
Chaguinian, C. (2007). Caïti-Russo, Gilda., Les troubadours et la cour des Malaspina. (Lo gat ros). Montpellier: Montpellier UP, 2005..
Chaguinian, C. (2007). Keith Busby, Bernard Guidot and Logan E. Whalen eds., 'De sens rassis' Essays in Honor of Rupert T. Pickens. (Faux Titre, 259). Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, 2005..
Journal Article
Chaguinian, C. (2022). The Good Friday Ceremonies of the Burial of Christ: A Survey of European Practices. European Medieval Drama. 26, 41-64. Brepols. https://www.brepols.net/products/IS-9782503597485-1
Chaguinian, C. (2020). Y a-t-il eu des marionnettes religieuses au Moyen-Age ? Retour sur l’hypothèse classique de Charles Magnin. Cahiers de recherches médiévales et humanistes. 40(2), 379-408. Paris: Classiques Garnier. https://journals.openedition.org/crm/
Chaguinian, C. (2018). Are the Latin Responsories of the Jeu d’Adam the Source of the Play?”. European Medieval Drama. 21, 123-139. Brepols. http://www.brepols.net/Pages/BrowseBySeries.aspx?TreeSeries=EMD
Chaguinian, C. (2015). Origine institutionnelle et géographique du Jeu d'Adam: quelques hypothèses. Le Moyen Age. Revue d'histoire et de philologie. 121(2), 361-82. De Boeck. http://revuesdbsup.cairn.info/revue-le-moyen-age.htm
Chaguinian, C. (2014). Le Bonheur dans le crime: une lecture maistrienne.. Littératures. 70, 179-95. Toulouse:. https://litteratures.revues.org/
Chaguinian, C. (2013). Traces de la représentation dans le Jeu d'Adam. Le Moyen Age. Revue d'histoire et de philologie. 119(3-4), 543-66. De Boeck. http://revuesdbsup.cairn.info/revue-le-moyen-age.htm
Chaguinian, C. (2012). Les Diaboliques: rhétorique et message moral..
Chaguinian, C. (2011). "Ut pictura poesis: le cas de la Chanson de Roland". Neophilologus. 95(1), 27-49.
Chaguinian, C. (2007). "Alba et gayta: deux définitions à problème de la Doctrina de compondre dictatz et leur possible solution".
Chaguinian, C. (2007). L'alba dans le système des genres troubadouresques. Réflexions sur le rapport des troubadours à la production non-troubadouresque. Cahiers de Civilisation Médiévale.
Chaguinian, C. (2004). "Essai d'établissement de la langue d'origine de la composition Or levez sus, franca cortoiza gan (PC 342, 1) de Peire Espanhol".

Presentations Given

Invited Talk

Chaguinian, C. (Author & Presenter), Newman Research Seminar in Late Ancient and Byzantine Cultures, Good Friday Ceremonies of the Burial of Christ in Medieval Europe, Newman Institute, Uppsala Sweden, Sweden. (20242024).

Oral Presentation

Chaguinian, C. (Author & Presenter), 31th c. Leeds International Medieval Congress, Good Friday Ceremonies of the Burial of Christ after 1570, Leeds, UK, United Kingdom. (20242024).

Chaguinian, C. (Author & Presenter), Twenty-first International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities, Seeing Is Believing: Medieval Liturgical Ceremonies With The Use Of Articulated Figures, Sorbonne University, Paris, France, France. (20232023).

Chaguinian, C. (Author & Presenter), 28th Leeds International Medieval Congress, The Ceremonies of the Burial of Christ on Good Friday: A Survey of European Practices, Leeds, UK, United Kingdom. (20212021).

Chaguinian, C. (Coordinator/Organizer), 27th Leeds International Medieval Congress, The Ceremonies of the Burial of Christ on Good Friday : A Survey of European Practices, Société internationale pour l'étude du théâtre médiéval, Leeds, UK, United Kingdom. (20202020).

Chaguinian, C. (Presenter), Sixteenth Triennial Colloquium of SITM, Puppets in Medieval Liturgy, SITM (Société internationale pour l'étude du théâtre médiéval), Genoa, Italy, Italy. (20192019).

Chaguinian, C. (Author & Presenter), 53rd International Congress on Medieval Studies, Did Liturgical Puppets Exist in the Middle Ages? Re-Examining Charles Magnin’s classic hypothesis, Kalmazoo, MI, United States of America. (20182018).

Chaguinian, C. (Presenter), 24th Leeds International Medieval Congress, "Are the Latin Responsories of the Jeu d’Adam the Source of the Play?”, Leeds, United Kingdom, United Kingdom. (20172017).

Chaguinian, C. (Presenter), Fifteenth Triennal Colloquium of the Société international pour l'étude du théâtre médiéval, The Carmina Burana Ludus de Passione and its Sources, SITM, Durham, UK, United Kingdom. (2016).

Chaguinian, C. (Presenter), 50th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Large Clerical Dramas of the Twelfth-Thirteenth Centuries: A Secular Churches Phenomenon?, Kalamazoo, MI, United States of America. (2015).

chaguinian, c. (Presenter), Leeds International Medieval Congress, "The Vernacular Jeu d'Adam: An Ecclesiastical Play?", Leeds, UK, United Kingdom. (20142014).

Chaguinian, C. (Presenter), 11th Annual Conference of the Société of Dix-Neuviémistes, Le Bonheur dans le crime de Barbey d'Auervilly: une lecture maistrienne, Exete, UK, United Kingdom. (20132013).

Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research

Grant - Research
Chaguinian, C., "CLASS Small grant," Sponsored by Sponsored by CLASS, University of North Texas, $3500 Funded. (20232023).
Chaguinian, C. (Other), "Mellon Institute in French paleography," Sponsored by Newberry Library (Chicago), $3410. (20122012).
Chaguinian, C. (Other), "Research Enabling Grant," Sponsored by UNT, $5600. (20102011).
Chaguinian, C. (Other), "Travel grant to work at Newberry," Sponsored by Newberry Library (Chicago), $500. (20102010).
Chaguinian, C. (Other), "Research Initiation Grant," Sponsored by UNT, $5000. (20082008).

Awards and Honors

Nominated for: CLASS Advisory Board Award for Excellence in Research, Scholarship or Creative Activity, University of North Texas. (May 22, 20192019).


University Service

Member, Faculty Council. (September 19, 2023 – Present).

Committee Chair, Personnel Affairs Committee. (September 2023 – Present).

Committee Member, Reappointment, Promotion, Tenure Committee. (August 2018 – Present).

Faculty Advisor, Director of Graduate Studies. (August 2017 – Present).

Committee Chair, Graduate Affairs Committee. (August 2017 – Present).

Director, Tours Exchange Program. (August 2016 – Present).

Other, French Section Monthly Meeting. (August 2016May 2023).

Member, Personal Affairs Committee. (August 2019May 2022).

Committee Member, Faculty Salary Study Committee. (January 2017May 2022).

Other, Executive Committee. (August 2016May 2022).

Other, Election Judge. (20162020).

Faculty Advisor, Brochure to update French MA. (2019).

Faculty Advisor, Travel grants for students. (20192019).

Committee Chair, Personnel Affairs Committee. (August 2018May 2019).

Member, French Search Committee. (August 2017May 2018).

Member, Reappointment, Promotion, Tenure Committee. (August 2017May 2018).

Member, French Search Committee. (August 2016May 2017).

Member, Graduate Affairs Committee. (August 2016May 2017).

Committee Chair, Personnel Affairs Committee. (August 2016May 2017).

Other, Graduate Affairs Committee. (January 2016May 2017).

Committee Chair, Reappointment, Promotion, Tenure Committee. (January 2016May 2016).

Committee Member, Personnel Affairs Committee. (August 2015May 2016).

Member, Graduate Affairs Committee. (August 2010May 2015).

Other, COOP Program. (August 2008May 2014).

Member, Executive Committee. (20112013).

Member, Chair Search Committee. (20112011).

Committee Chair, Speakers Committee. (August 2009May 2011).

Other, Graduate Affairs Committee. (August 2008May 2010).

Member, Russian Lecturer Search Committee. (20092009).

Member, Speakers Committee. (August 2008May 2009).

Professional Service

Board of Advisors, International Conference on Animation (Poland), Bialystok. (September 16, 2021September 19, 2021).

Editorial Review Board Member, European Medieval Drama. (20202020).

Board of Advisors, International Conference on Passion Plays in Spain, Tarragona. (March 27, 2020March 28, 2020).

Awards and Honors

Thank You note, UNT. (20222022).