Dr. Carlos A. Ordonez
University of North Texas
Department of Physics
(940) 565-4860
Email: Carlos.Ordonez@unt.edu
PhD, University of Texas, 1990
Major: Physics
BS, University of Texas, 1984
Major: Physics
Professional Positions
- Professor, University of North Texas. University of North Texas. (2004 - Present).
- Associate Professor, University of North Texas. University of North Texas. (1998 - 2004).
- Assistant Professor, University of North Texas. University of North Texas. (1992 - 1998).
- Assistant Professor, University of Texas at El Paso. University of Texas at El Paso. (1990 - 1992).
Teaching Experience
- PHYS 1051 - The Solar Systems Observations Laboratory, 1 course.
- PHYS 1061 - Stellar Systems Observations Laboratory, 1 course.
- PHYS 1251 - Science and Technology of Musical Sound, 1 course.
- PHYS 3010 - Modern Physics, 21 courses.
- PHYS 3030 - Laboratory in Modern Physics, 7 courses.
- PHYS 3310 - Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences, 2 courses.
- PHYS 3510 - Physics, Computation and Software Applications, 1 course.
- PHYS 4110 - Statistical and Thermal Physics, 14 courses.
- PHYS 4210 - Electricity and Magnetism, 8 courses.
- PHYS 4600 - Computer Based Physics, 9 courses.
- PHYS 4900 - Special Problems, 6 courses.
- PHYS 4910 - Special Problems, 6 courses.
- PHYS 4950 - Senior Thesis, 19 courses.
- PHYS 4951 - Honors College Capstone Thesis, 3 courses.
- PHYS 4955 - Senior Thesis Capstone, 16 courses.
- PHYS 4980 - Experimental Course, 1 course.
- PHYS 5700 - Computational Physics, 11 courses.
- PHYS 5900 - Special Problems, 13 courses.
- PHYS 5910 - Special Problems, 18 courses.
- PHYS 5920 - Research Problems in Lieu of Thesis, 3 courses.
- PHYS 5930 - Research Problems in Lieu of Thesis, 3 courses.
- PHYS 5950 - Master's Thesis, 5 courses.
- PHYS 6910 - Special Problems, 2 courses.
- PHYS 6940 - Individual Research, 31 courses.
- PHYS 6950 - Doctoral Dissertation, 34 courses.
University of North Texas
Directed Student Learning
- Dissertation Committee Member, "Power Scaling Hollow Core Fiber Gas Laser Amplifiers," Physics. (July 2023).
- Dissertation Committee Member, "Investigation of the p-B11 Reaction," Physics. (August 29, 2022).
- Dissertation Committee Member, "Electron-Positronium Elastic Scattering, Single-, and Double- Photodetachment of the Positronium Negative Ion," Physics. (August 29, 2022).
- Directed Individual/Independent Study, "Cool Fusion Velocity Selector," Physics. (August 19, 2024 - December 13, 2024).
- Directed Individual/Independent Study, "Cool Fusion Charged Particle Detection," Physics. (August 19, 2024 - December 13, 2024).
- Directed Individual/Independent Study, "Cool Fusion Neutron Detection," Physics. (August 19, 2024 - December 13, 2024).
- Dissertation Defense Committee Member, "Optimizing Ultra-Broadband Microwave Radiation Through Plasma Dynamics of USPL Filaments," Physics. (August 19, 2024 - December 13, 2024).
- Dissertation Defense Committee Member, "Simulations of an Artificially Structured Boundary for Charged Particle Confinement," Physics. (August 19, 2024 - December 13, 2024).
- Dissertation Committee Member, "Simulations of an Artificially Structured Boundary for Charged Particle Confinement," Physics. (August 29, 2022 - July 2024).
- Dissertation Committee Member, "Characterizing Ultra Short Pulse Laser Driven Plasma Filaments and the Effects on the Resulting Ultra Broadband Microwave Pulse," Physics. (January 18, 2022 - June 2024).
- Directed Individual/Independent Study, "Cool Fusion Velocity Selector," Physics. (January 16, 2024 - May 10, 2024).
- Directed Individual/Independent Study, "Cool Fusion Neutron Detection," Physics. (January 16, 2024 - May 10, 2024).
- Directed Individual/Independent Study, "Ion-Boundary Interactions," Physics. (August 21, 2023 - December 15, 2023).
- Directed Individual/Independent Study, "Plasma Space-Charge Based Confinement," Physics. (August 21, 2023 - December 15, 2023).
- Directed Individual/Independent Study, "Artificially Structured Boundary that Produces a Purely Magnetic Periodic Field," Physics. (August 21, 2023 - December 15, 2023).
- Dissertation Defense Committee Member, "Transport of Proton, Hydrogen and Alpha Particle Through Atomic Hydrogen Environment," Physics. (August 21, 2023 - December 15, 2023).
- Major Professor, "Artificially Structured Boundary that Produces a Purely Magnetic Periodic Field," Physics. (August 21, 2023 - December 15, 2023).
- Major Professor, "Ion-Boundary Interactions," Physics. (August 21, 2023 - December 15, 2023).
- Directed Individual/Independent Study, "Ion-Boundary Interactions," Physics. (January 17, 2023 - May 12, 2023).
- Directed Individual/Independent Study, "Plasma Space-Charge Based Confinement," Physics. (January 17, 2023 - May 12, 2023).
- Directed Individual/Independent Study, "Artificially Structured Boundary that Produces a Purely Magnetic Periodic Field," Physics. (January 17, 2023 - May 12, 2023).
- Major Professor, "Artificially Structured Boundary that Produces a Purely Magnetic Periodic Field," Physics. (January 17, 2023 - May 12, 2023).
- Major Professor, "Ion-Boundary Interactions," Physics. (January 17, 2023 - May 12, 2023).
- Major Professor, "Artificially Structured Boundary," Physics. (January 17, 2023 - May 12, 2023).
- Supervised Research, "Plasma Space-Charge Based Confinement," Physics. (January 17, 2023 - May 12, 2023).
- Directed Individual/Independent Study, "Artificially Structured Boundary," Physics. (August 29, 2022 - December 16, 2022).
- Directed Individual/Independent Study, "Accelerator-Based Fusion Fuel Options for Using an Artificially Structured Boundary," Physics. (August 29, 2022 - December 16, 2022).
- Directed Individual/Independent Study, "Accelerator-Based Fusion With an Artificially Structured Boundary that Produces a Purely Magnetic Periodic Field," Physics. (August 29, 2022 - December 16, 2022).
- Major Professor, "Exploration for High Energy Charged Particle Emissions from Ionic Bomardment of Palladium," Physics. (August 29, 2022 - December 16, 2022).
- Major Professor, "Accelerator-Based Fusion With an Artificially Structured Boundary that Produces a Purely Magnetic Periodic Field," Physics. (August 29, 2022 - December 16, 2022).
- Major Professor, "Artificially Structured Boundary," Physics. (August 29, 2022 - December 16, 2022).
- Supervised Research, "Accelerator-Based Fusion Fuel Options for Using an Artificially Structured Boundary," Physics. (August 29, 2022 - December 16, 2022).
- Directed Individual/Independent Study, "Artificially Structured Boundary," Physics. (January 18, 2022 - May 13, 2022).
- Directed Individual/Independent Study, "Plasma Space-Charge Based Confinement," Physics. (January 18, 2022 - May 13, 2022).
- Directed Individual/Independent Study, "Magnetic Plasma Expulsion," Physics. (January 18, 2022 - May 13, 2022).
- Dissertation Defense Committee Member, "Ionized Molecular Hydrogen Confinement Using Electron Space-Charge - A Plasma Trap," Physics. (January 18, 2022 - May 13, 2022).
- Major Professor, "Artificially Structured Boundary," Physics. (January 18, 2022 - May 13, 2022).
- Major Professor, "Artificially Structured Boundary," Physics. (January 18, 2022 - May 13, 2022).
- Major Professor, "Artificially Structured Boundary," Physics. (January 18, 2022 - May 13, 2022).
- Supervised Research, "Plasma Space-Charge Based Confinement," Physics. (January 18, 2022 - May 13, 2022).
- Supervised Research, "Magnetic Plasma Expulsion," Physics. (January 18, 2022 - May 13, 2022).
- Directed Individual/Independent Study, "Artificially Structured Boundary," Physics. (August 23, 2021 - December 10, 2021).
- Directed Individual/Independent Study, "Plasma Space-Charge Based Confinement," Physics. (August 23, 2021 - December 10, 2021).
- Directed Individual/Independent Study, "Magnetic Plasma Expulsion," Physics. (August 23, 2021 - December 10, 2021).
- Major Professor, "Artificially Structured Boundary," Physics. (August 23, 2021 - December 10, 2021).
- Major Professor, "Artificially Structured Boundary," Physics. (August 23, 2021 - December 10, 2021).
- Supervised Research, "Plasma Space-Charge Based Confinement," Physics. (August 23, 2021 - December 10, 2021).
- Major Professor, "Classical Simulations of the Drift of Magnetobound States of Positronium," Physics. (August 2021).
- Directed Individual/Independent Study, "Artificially Structured Boundary," Physics. (June 1, 2021 - August 6, 2021).
- Directed Individual/Independent Study, "Artificially Structured Boundary," Physics. (January 11, 2021 - May 1, 2021).
- Directed Individual/Independent Study, "Plasma Space-Charge Based Confinement," Physics. (January 11, 2021 - May 1, 2021).
- Directed Individual/Independent Study, "Magnetic Plasma Expulsion," Physics. (January 11, 2021 - May 1, 2021).
- Major Professor, "Investigation of Plasma Expulsion Coil Conditions for Magnetically Confined Plasma," Physics. (January 11, 2021 - May 1, 2021).
- Major Professor, "Simulation of the Formation of Antihydrogen Via Magnetobound Positronium," Physics. (January 11, 2021 - May 1, 2021).
- Supervised Research, "Plasma Space-Charge Based Confinement," Physics. (January 11, 2021 - May 1, 2021).
- Supervised Research, "Magnetic Plasma Expulsion," Physics. (January 11, 2021 - May 1, 2021).
- Directed Individual/Independent Study, "Plasma Space-Charge Based Confinement," Physics. (August 24, 2020 - December 11, 2020).
- Directed Individual/Independent Study, "Generating a Magnetic Plasma Expulsion Field Using a Rectangular Current Loop," Physics. (August 24, 2020 - December 11, 2020).
- Directed Individual/Independent Study, "Magnetic Plasma Expulsion," Physics. (August 24, 2020 - December 11, 2020).
- Major Professor, "Plasma Immersed Artificially Structured Boundary," Physics. (August 24, 2020 - December 11, 2020).
- Major Professor, "Magnetobound States," Physics. (August 24, 2020 - December 11, 2020).
- Major Professor, "A Discussion of Electric Propulsion Systems and Related Technological Advancement," Physics. (August 24, 2020 - December 11, 2020).
- Supervised Research, "Plasma Space-Charge Based Confinement," Physics. (August 24, 2020 - December 11, 2020).
- Supervised Research, "Magnetic Plasma Expulsion," Physics. (August 24, 2020 - December 11, 2020).
- Directed Individual/Independent Study, "Plasma Actuators," Physics. (June 1, 2020 - August 7, 2020).
- Directed Individual/Independent Study, "Simulation of an Antihydrogen Gravity Measurement," Physics. (June 1, 2020 - August 7, 2020).
- Major Professor, "Effect of Using Parallel Wires for Plasma Fueling from Within a Magnetic Plasma Expulsion Field," Physics. (June 1, 2020 - August 7, 2020).
- Directed Individual/Independent Study, "Plasma Actuators," Physics. (January 13, 2020 - May 8, 2020).
- Directed Individual/Independent Study, "Simulation of an Antihydrogen Gravity Measurement," Physics. (January 13, 2020 - May 8, 2020).
- Directed Individual/Independent Study, "Simulation of an Antihydrogen Gravity Measurement," Physics. (January 13, 2020 - May 8, 2020).
- Directed Individual/Independent Study, "Closed-Form Expressions for the Magnetic Fields of Rectangular and Circular Finite-Length Solenoids and Current Loops," Physics. (January 13, 2020 - May 8, 2020).
- Major Professor, "Antimatter-Based Propulsion and Antimatter Storage," Physics. (January 13, 2020 - May 8, 2020).
- Major Professor, "Magnetobound States," Physics. (January 13, 2020 - May 8, 2020).
- Major Professor, "Generating a Magnetic Plasma Expulsion Field Using a Rectangular Current Loop," Physics. (January 13, 2020 - May 8, 2020).
- Major Professor, "A Discussion of Electric Propulsion Systems and Related Technological Advancement," Physics. (January 13, 2020 - May 8, 2020).
- Major Professor, "Effect of Using Parallel Wires for Plasma Fueling from Within a Magnetic Plasma Expulsion Field," Physics. (January 13, 2020 - May 8, 2020).
- Major Professor, "Antimatter Gravity Measurement Possibilities and a Conceptual Description of the Use of Cones and Apertures for an Antihydrogen Gravity Experiment," Physics. (January 13, 2020 - May 8, 2020).
- Directed Individual/Independent Study, "Initial Research with the Warp Particle-In-Cell Code," Physics. (August 26, 2019 - December 13, 2019).
- Major Professor, "Magnetobound States of Pair Particles," Physics. (August 26, 2019 - December 13, 2019).
- Major Professor, "Effect of Using a Rectangular Current Loop for Producing a Magnetic Plasma Expulsion Field," Physics. (August 26, 2019 - December 13, 2019).
- Major Professor, "Expulsion Region for a Magnetic Field Produced by an Artificially Structured Boundary," Physics. (August 26, 2019 - December 13, 2019).
- Major Professor, "Antimatter Gravity Measurement Possibilities and a Conceptual Description of the Use of Cones and Apertures for an Antihydrogen Gravity Experiment," Physics. (August 26, 2019 - December 13, 2019).
- Supervised Research, "Antihydrogen Gravity Experiment," Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science. (August 26, 2019 - December 13, 2019).
- Supervised Research, "Antihydrogen Gravity Experiment," Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science. (August 26, 2019 - December 13, 2019).
- Supervised Research, "Density Limit for Plasma Space-Charge Based Confinement of Ions," Physics. (August 26, 2019 - December 13, 2019).
- Supervised Research, "Antihydrogen Gravity Experiment," Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science. (August 26, 2019 - December 13, 2019).
- Supervised Research, "Closed-Form Expressions for the Magnetic Fields of Circular and Rectangular Current Loops and Finite-Length Solenoids," Physics. (August 26, 2019 - December 13, 2019).
- Directed Individual/Independent Study, "Simulation of a Finite-Length Solenoid Magnetized Plasma," Physics. (June 03, 2019 - August 09, 2019).
- Directed Individual/Independent Study, "Initial Research with the Warp Particle-In-Cell Code," Physics. (June 03, 2019 - August 09, 2019).
- Major Professor, "Simulation of a Finite-Length Solenoid Magnetized Plasma," Physics. (June 03, 2019 - August 09, 2019).
- Supervised Research, "Initial Research with the Warp Particle-In-Cell Code," Physics. (June 03, 2019 - August 09, 2019).
- Supervised Research, "Initial Research with the Warp Particle-In-Cell Code," Physics. (June 03, 2019 - August 09, 2019).
- Directed Individual/Independent Study, "Classical Trajectory Monte Carlo Simulation of Plasma Fueling Using Magnetic Plasma Expulsion," Physics. (January 14, 2019 - May 10, 2019).
- Directed Individual/Independent Study, "Initial Research with the Warp Particle-In-Cell Code," Physics. (January 14, 2019 - May 10, 2019).
- Directed Individual/Independent Study, "Closed-Form Expressions for the Magnetic Fields of Circular and Rectangular Current Loops and Finite-Length Solenoids," Physics. (January 14, 2019 - May 10, 2019).
- Major Professor, "Magnetobound States of Pair Particles," Physics. (January 14, 2019 - May 10, 2019).
- Major Professor, "Simulation of a Finite-Length Solenoid Magnetized Plasma," Physics. (January 14, 2019 - May 10, 2019).
- Major Professor, "Particle Confinement by Dual Concentric Solenoids," Physics. (January 14, 2019 - May 10, 2019).
- Supervised Research, "Classical Trajectory Monte Carlo Simulation of Plasma Fueling Using Magnetic Plasma Expulsion," Physics. (January 14, 2019 - May 10, 2019).
- Supervised Research, "Initial Research with the Warp Particle-In-Cell Code," Physics. (January 14, 2019 - May 10, 2019).
- Supervised Research, "Simulation of a Finite-Length Solenoid Magnetized Plasma," Physics. (January 14, 2019 - May 10, 2019).
- Directed Individual/Independent Study, "Plasma Fueling, Heating, and Neutrality Control Using Magnetic Plasma Expulsion," Physics. (August 27, 2018 - December 14, 2018).
- Directed Individual/Independent Study, "Particle-In-Cell Simulation of a Dual-Solenoid Magnetized Plasma," Physics. (August 27, 2018 - December 14, 2018).
- Directed Individual/Independent Study, "Closed-Form Expressions for the Magnetic Fields of Circular and Rectangular Current Loops and Finite-Length Solenoids," Physics. (August 27, 2018 - December 14, 2018).
- Directed Individual/Independent Study, "Design of a Single-Magnet Charged-Particle Trapping Experiment," Physics. (August 27, 2018 - December 14, 2018).
- Major Professor, "Giant Increase in Cross-Magnetic-Field Transport Rate as an Electron-Positron Plasma Cools," Physics. (August 27, 2018 - December 14, 2018).
- Major Professor, "Axial Loss Rate from a Dual-Solenoid Magnetized Plasma," Physics. (August 27, 2018 - December 14, 2018).
- Directed Individual/Independent Study, "Particle-In-Cell Simulation of a Dual-Solenoid Magnetized Plasma," Physics. (June 1, 2018 - August 31, 2018).
- Supervised Research, Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science. (September 1, 2016 - August 31, 2018).
- Directed Individual/Independent Study, "Initial Research with the Warp Particle-In-Cell Code," Physics. (January 16, 2018 - May 11, 2018).
- Major Professor, "Particle-In-Cell Simulation of a Plasma in a Dipole Magnetic Field," Physics. (January 16, 2018 - May 11, 2018).
- Major Professor, "Thermocompressor Experiment," Physics. (January 16, 2018 - May 11, 2018).
- Major Professor, "Effect of Gravity on Magnetobound States of Protonium," Physics. (January 16, 2018 - May 11, 2018).
- Major Professor, "Giant Increase in Cross-Magnetic-Field Transport Rate as an Electron-Positron Plasma Cools," Physics. (January 16, 2018 - May 11, 2018).
- Major Professor, "Artificially Structured Boundary for Control and Confinement of Beams and Plasmas," Physics. (January 16, 2018 - May 11, 2018).
- Major Professor, "Examination of Magnetic Plasma Expulsion," Physics. (January 16, 2018 - May 11, 2018).
- Supervised Research, "Research Assistants for 2017," Physics. (January 01, 2017 - December 31, 2017).
- Supervised Research, "Particle-In-Cell Simulation of a Plasma in a Dipole Magnetic Field," Physics. (August 28, 2017 - December 15, 2017).
- Supervised Research, "Thermocompressor Experiment," Physics. (August 28, 2017 - December 15, 2017).
- Supervised Research, "Giant Increase in Cross-Magnetic-Field Transport Rate as an Electron-Positron Plasma Cools," Physics. (August 28, 2017 - December 15, 2017).
- Supervised Research, "Loss Cone for a Sharply Curved Magnetic Mirror," Physics. (August 28, 2017 - December 15, 2017).
- Supervised Research, "Antihydrogen Beam Formation by Transporting an Antiproton Beam Through an Electron-Positron Plasma That Produces Magnetobound Positronium," Physics. (August 28, 2017 - December 15, 2017).
- Supervised Research, "Effect of Gravity on Quasibound States of Antihydrogen," Physics. (August 28, 2017 - December 15, 2017).
- Supervised Research, "Charged Particle Reflection by a Planar Artificially Structured Boundary With Electrostatic Plugging," Physics. (August 28, 2017 - December 15, 2017).
- Supervised Research, "Charged Particle Reflection by a Planar Artificially Structured Boundary With Electrostatic Plugging," Physics. (August 28, 2017 - December 15, 2017).
- Supervised Research, "Magnetic Plasma Expulsion," Physics. (August 28, 2017 - December 15, 2017).
- Supervised Research, "Effect of Gravity on Magnetobound States of Positronium," Physics. (January 1, 2016 - December 15, 2017).
- Supervised Research, "Design and Simulation of a Novel Concentric Cone Antihydrogen Gravity Experiment," Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science. (June 5, 2017 - August 11, 2017).
- Supervised Research, "Antihydrogen Atom Formation via Capturing of Positron by Antiproton Beam Traveling Through Electron-Positron Plasma," Physics. (January 17, 2017 - May 12, 2017).
- Supervised Research, "Effect of Gravity on Magnetobound States of Protonium," Physics. (January 17, 2017 - May 12, 2017).
- Supervised Research, "Giant Increase in Cross-Magnetic-Field Transport Rate as an Electron-Positron Plasma Cools," Physics. (January 17, 2017 - May 12, 2017).
- Supervised Research, "Loss Cone for a Sharply Curved Magnetic Mirror," Physics. (January 17, 2017 - May 12, 2017).
- Supervised Research, "Effect of Gravity on Quasibound States of Antihydrogen," Physics. (January 17, 2017 - May 12, 2017).
- Supervised Research, "Charged Particle Reflection by a Planar Artificially Structured Boundary With Electrostatic Plugging," Physics. (January 17, 2017 - May 12, 2017).
- Supervised Research, "Magnetic Plasma Expulsion," Physics. (January 17, 2017 - May 12, 2017).
- Supervised Research, "Effect of Electron-Positron Collision Energy on Antihydrogen Synthesis Via Magnetobound States," Physics. (January 17, 2017 - May 12, 2017).
Published Intellectual Contributions
- Patel, S.S., Sun, S.R., Ordonez, C.A. (2019). Concentric Cone Antihydrogen Gravity Experiment. 2160 070003. AIP Conference Proceedings.
- Hedlof, R.M., Ordonez, C.A. (2018). Artificially Structured Boundary for Confinement of Effectively Unmagnetized Cryogenic Antimatter Plasmas. 1928 020003. AIP Conference Proceedings.
- Hermosillo, M., Thornton, E.A., Ordonez, C.A. (2017). Antihydrogen Beam Formation by Transporting an Antiproton Beam Through an Electron-Positron Plasma That Produces Magnetobound Positronium. Physics Procedia. 90 399-406. Physics Procedia.
- Hermosillo, M., Ordonez, C.A. (2016). Antihydrogen Synthesis Via Magnetobound States of Protonium Within Proton-Positron-Antiproton Plasmas. P4.112. Forty-Third Conference on Plasma Physics.
- Thornton, E.A., Ordonez, C.A. (2016). Effect of a Finite Antiproton Mass on Antihydrogen Synthesis Via Magnetobound Positronium Within Electron-Positron-Antiproton Plasmas. P4.115. Forty-Third Conference on Plasma Physics.
- Hongtrakul, W., Ordonez, C.A., Weathers, D.L. (2024). A Particle-In-Cell Study of Electrostatic Potential Well Formation in an Edge-Confined Non-Neutral Plasma. AIP Advances. 14 085105.
- Ordonez, C.A., Weathers, D.L. (2023). Centrifugal-Electrostatic Confinement Fusion. Physics of Plasmas. 30 092111.
- Kiester, A.S., Ordonez, C.A., Weathers, D.L. (2022). Ionized molecular hydrogen build-up and confinement inside the space charge of a continually resupplied electron plasma. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Sciences. 50 (2) 210-221. Denton,
- Aguirre, F.F., Ordonez, C.A. (2021). Simulation of the Formation of Antihydrogen Via Magnetobound Positronium. AIP Advances. 11 095211.
- Hampton, S., Lane, R.A., Hedlof, R.M., Phillips, R.E., Ordonez, C.A. (2020). Closed-Form Expressions for the Magnetic Fields of Rectangular and Circular Finite-Length Solenoids and Current Loops. AIP Advances. 10 065320.
- Ordonez, C.A. (2020). Magnetic Confinement of Effectively Unmagnetized Plasma Particles. Physics of Plasmas. 27 122501.
- Hedlof, R.M., Ordonez, C.A. (2019). Artificially Structured Boundary Plasma Trap. Physics of Plasmas. 26 092509.
- Martinez, A., Ordonez, C.A. (2019). Classical Trajectory Monte Carlo Simulation of Plasma Fueling Using Magnetic Plasma Expulsion. AIP Advances. 9 075209.
- Lane, R.A., Ordonez, C.A. (2019). Electrostatic Equilibria of Non-Neutral Plasmas Confined in a Penning Trap With Axially Varying Magnetic Field. Physics of Plasmas. 26 052511.
- Phillips, R.E., Ordonez, C.A. (2018). Magnetic Plasma Expulsion. Physics of Plasmas. 25 012508.
- Hedlof, R.M., Ordonez, C.A. (2017). Charged Particle Reflection by a Planar Artificially Structured Boundary With Electrostatic Plugging. AIP Advances. 7 115123.
- Aguirre, F.F., Ordonez, C.A. (2017). Giant Increase in Cross-Magnetic-Field Transport Rate as an Electron-Positron Plasma Cools. Physics of Plasmas. 24 104502.
- Lane, R.A., Ordonez, C.A. (2016). Confinement of Antiprotons in the Electrostatic Space Charge of Positrons in a Model of the Alpha Antihydrogen Trap. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 49 074008.
Conference Proceeding
Journal Article
Presentations Given
- Ordonez, C.A. (Author & Presenter), Nuclear Fusion Reactions That Involve Electron Participation, Colloquium for East Texas A&M University, Department of Physics, United States of America. (2024).
- Ordonez, C.A. (Author & Presenter), Reduction of Plasma-Surface Interactions By Using An Artificially Structured Boundary, Colloquium for UNT Department of Physics, United States of America. (2022).
- Wood, K.S. (Author & Presenter), Ordonez, C.A. (Author), 63rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Density Limit for Electrostatic Ion Confinement Using the Space-Charge of an Electron Plasma, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States of America. (2021).
- Wood, K. (Author & Presenter), Ordonez, C. (Author), 2021 Joint Spring Meeting of the Texas Sections of APS, AAPT and Zone 13 of the SPS, Density Limit for Plasma Space-Charge Based Electrostatic Ion Confinement, Virtual, United States of America. (2021).
- Ordonez, C. (Presenter), Magnetic Plasma Confinement Research at UNT, United States of America. (2019 - 2019).
- Hedlof, R.M. (Author & Presenter), Ordonez, C.A. (Author), Twelfth International Workshop on Non-Neutral Plasmas, Artificially Structured Boundary for Confinement of Unmagnetized Cryogenic Antimatter Plasmas, Appleton, Wisconsin, United States of America. (2017).
- Wood, K. (Author & Presenter), Weathers, D.L. (Author), Ordonez, C.A. (Author), Twenty-Sixth International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, Accelerator-Based Fusion Fuel Options for Using an Artificially Structured Boundary, Denton, Texas, United States of America. (2022).
- Claycomb, L. (Author & Presenter), Weathers, D.L. (Author), Ordonez, C.A. (Author), Twenty-Sixth International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, Accelerator-Based Fusion With an Artificially Structured Boundary that Produces a Purely Magnetic Periodic Field, Denton, Texas, United States of America. (2022).
- Ordonez, C.A. (Author & Presenter), Weathers, D.L. (Author), Twenty-Sixth International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, Accelerator-Based Fusion with Reduced Electronic Stopping Made Possible by an Artificially Structured Boundary, Denton, Texas, United States of America. (2022).
- Martinez, A. (Author & Presenter), Phillips, R.E. (Author), Ordonez, C.A. (Author), 60th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Plasma Fueling, Heating, and Neutrality Control Using Magnetic Plasma Expulsion, Portland, Oregon, United States of America. (2018).
- Hermosillo, M. (Author & Presenter), Ordonez, C.A. (Author), Twenty-Fifth International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, Axial Emission Rate of Charged Particles from a Dual-Solenoid Magnetized Plasma, Grapevine, Texas, United States of America. (2018).
- Sun, S.R. (Author & Presenter), Patel, S.S. (Author), Ordonez, C.A. (Author), Twenty-Fifth International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, Concentric Cone Antihydrogen Gravity Experiment, Grapevine, Texas, United States of America. (2018).
- Tran, C. (Author & Presenter), Ordonez, C.A. (Author), Fall 2017 Joint Meeting of the Texas Section of the APS, Texas Section of the AAPT, and Zone 13 of the Society of Physics Students, Antihydrogen Atom Formation via Capturing of Positron by Antiproton Beam Traveling Through Electron-Positron Plasma, Richardson, Texas, United States of America. (2017).
Oral Presentation
Contracts, Grants, Sponsored Research
- Ordonez, C.A. (Principal), "Equilibria of Two Relaxed Plasma Species With One Species Confined by the Space Charge of the Other Species," sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, $223000 Funded. (2018 - 2024).
- Ordonez, C.A. (Principal), "Collaborative Research: Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Plasma Physics of Antihydrogen Generation and Trapping," sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, $228000 Funded. (2015 - 2019).
- Ordonez, C.A. (Principal), "Collaborative Research: Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Plasma Physics of Antihydrogen Generation and Trapping," sponsored by Department of Energy, Federal, $440997 Funded. (2006 - 2019).
- Ordonez, C.A. (Principal), "Equilibria of Two Relaxed Plasma Species With One Species Confined by the Space Charge of the Other Species," sponsored by National Science Foundation, FED, Funded. (2018 - 2022).
- Ordonez, C.A. (Principal), "Collaborative Research: Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Plasma Physics of Antihydrogen Generation and Trapping," sponsored by National Science Foundation, FED, Funded. (2015 - 2019).
- Ordonez, C.A. (Principal), "Collaborative Research: Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Plasma Physics of Antihydrogen Generation and Trapping," sponsored by U.S. Department of Energy, FED, Funded. (2006 - 2019).
- Ordonez, C.A. (Principal), "Collaborative Research: Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Plasma of Antihydrogen Generation and Trapping," sponsored by National Science Foundation, FED, Funded. (2012 - 2016).
Grant - Research
University Service
- Committee Member, College Computing Committee. (2017 - Present).
- Committee Chair, Department Graduate Committee. (August 2024 - December 2024).
- Committee Chair, Department Graduate Committee. (August 2023 - December 2023).
- Committee Member, Department Executive Committee. (September 2021 - May 2023).
- Committee Member, Ad Hoc Faculty Search Committee for Energy and Photonics Faculty Positions. (September 2021 - May 2022).
- Committee Chair, Ad Hoc Faculty Search Committee for Lecturer and Senior Lecturer Positions. (June 2021 - December 2021).
- Committee Member, Department Graduate Committee. (September 2015 - May 2021).
- Committee Member, Ad Hoc Faculty Search Committee for Astrophysics Faculty Position. (October 2019 - May 2020).
- Committee Member, Ad Hoc Faculty Grievance Committee. (January 14, 2019 - May 10, 2019).
- Committee Member, Ad Hoc Faculty Search Committee for Physics Chair Position. (September 1, 2018 - December 31, 2018).
- Committee Member, Ad Hoc Faculty Search Committee for Computational Physics Faculty Position. (2017).
Professional Service
- Reviewer, Grant Proposal, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Fusion Energy Sciences, Research in Basic Plasma Science and Engineering. (April 2024).
- Reviewer, Journal Article, Physics of Plasmas. (June 2020).
- Reviewer, Journal Article, Physics of Plasmas. (May 2020).
- Reviewer, Journal Article, Physics of Plasmas. (February 2020).
- Reviewer, Journal Article, Physics Letters A. (June 2018).
- Reviewer, Grant Proposal, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Fusion Energy Sciences, 2018 Fusion Energy Sciences Postdoctoral Research Program. (April 2018).
- Reviewer, Journal Article, Cryogenics. (August 2017).
- Reviewer, Journal Article, Applied Energy. (June 2017).