Dornith Doherty
University of North Texas
Department of Studio Art
MFA, Yale University, 1988
Major: Photography
BA, Rice University, 1980
Major: Spanish Language and Literature; French Language
Professional Positions
- University Distinguished Research Professor, University of North Texas. University of North Texas. (2014 - Present).
- Assistant Professor, Herron School of Art, Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis. Herron School of Art, Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis. (1988 - 1994).
- Professor, University of North Texas. University of North Texas. (2007 - 2014).
- Associate Professor, University of North Texas. University of North Texas. (1996 - 2007).
- Associate Professor, Herron School of Art, Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis. Herron School of Art, Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis. (1994 - 1995).
Professional Memberships
- Society for Photographic Education. (1997 - Present).
- The Society for Photographic Education Board of Directors. (2009 - 2013).
Teaching Experience
- ART 2655 - Black and White Photography II, 7 courses.
- ART 3600 - Color Photography, 4 courses.
- ART 4172 - Photography: Digital Photoimaging, 4 courses.
- ART 4450 - Professional Internship, 24 courses.
- ART 4806 - Photography Studio, 4 courses.
- ART 4900 - Special Problems, 7 courses.
- ART 5806 - Photography Studio, 8 courses.
- ART 5900 - Special Problems, 6 courses.
- ART 5920 - Research Problems in Lieu of Thesis, 1 course.
- ART 5930 - Research Problems in Lieu of Thesis, 1 course.
- ART 5940 - Creative Project, 4 courses.
- ART 5945 - MFA Exhibition, 4 courses.
- ASTU 2255 - Photography II, 16 courses.
- ASTU 2502 - Beginning Photography: Photo II, 15 courses.
- ASTU 3000 - Interdisciplinary: Rotating Topics, 1 course.
- ASTU 3250 - Photography III, 3 courses.
- ASTU 3501 - Intermediate Photography: Rotating Topics, 1 course.
- ASTU 4250 - Photography Studio, 10 courses.
- ASTU 4260 - Photography: Advanced Digital Photoimaging, 1 course.
- ASTU 4290 - Topics in Photography, 1 course.
- ASTU 4500 - Senior Photography Studio, 6 courses.
- ASTU 5000 - Topics in Studio Art, 1 course.
- ASTU 5001 - Graduate Seminar, 3 courses.
- ASTU 5015 - Creative Project, 12 courses.
- ASTU 5020 - MFA Exhibition, 13 courses.
- ASTU 5250 - Photography Studio, 14 courses.
- ASTU 5900 - Special Problems, 2 courses.
University of North Texas
Teaching at Other Institutions
- Jardín Botánico de Medellín, Colombia, Master Workshop: Scientific Imaging for Creative Ends co-taught with Director of Research, Gabriela Dora, 2024.
- Midwestern State University, Art / Science Creative Collaborations Workshop, 2016.
- Houston Center for Photography, Master Class Workshop, 2016.
Directed Student Learning
- Master's Thesis Committee Member, Studio Art. (November 2024 - May 2026).
- Master's Thesis Committee Member, Studio Art. (November 2024 - May 2026).
- Master's Thesis Committee Chair, Studio Art. (October 2024 - May 2026).
- Master's Thesis Committee Chair, Studio Art. (2023 - 2025).
- Master's Thesis Committee Member, Studio Art. (2023 - 2025).
- Master's Thesis Committee Chair, Studio Art. (October 2023 - May 2025).
- Master's Thesis Committee Chair, Studio Art. (2022 - 2024).
- Master's Thesis Committee Chair, Studio Art. (October 2022 - May 2024).
- Master's Thesis Committee Chair, Studio Art. (October 2022 - May 2024).
- Master's Thesis Committee Member, Studio Art. (October 2022 - May 2024).
- Master's Thesis Committee Member, Studio Art. (2022 - May 2024).
- Master's Thesis Committee Member, Studio Art. (2021 - 2023).
- Master's Thesis Committee Member, Studio Art. (2020 - 2022).
- Master's Thesis Committee Member, Studio Art. (2019 - 2021).
- Master's Thesis Committee Member, Studio Art. (2019 - 2021).
- Master's Thesis Committee Chair, "Fragmenting Time," Studio Art. (2018 - 2021).
- Master's Thesis Committee Chair, "Brachaid," Studio Art. (2017 - 2020).
- Master's Thesis Committee Chair, "Women Workers of the Borderlands," Studio Art. (2017 - 2020).
- Master's Thesis Committee Chair, "Skin Deep," Studio Art. (2017 - 2020).
- Master's Thesis Committee Member, Studio Art. (2017 - 2020).
- Master's Thesis Committee Member, Studio Art. (2017 - 2020).
- Master's Thesis Committee Member, Studio Art. (2017 - 2019).
- Master's Thesis Committee Member, Studio Art. (2015 - 2018).
- Master's Thesis Committee Member, "What My Mother Left Me: Lessons and Reactions," Studio Art. (2015 - 2017).
- Master's Thesis Committee Member, "Assemblage," Studio Art. (2015 - 2017).
- Master's Thesis Committee Member, Studio Art. (2014 - 2017).
- Master's Thesis Committee Member, Studio Art. (2014 - 2017).
- Master's Thesis Committee Chair, Studio Art. (2014 - May 2017).
- Master's Thesis Committee Member, Studio Art. (2015 - 2016).
- Master's Thesis Committee Chair, Studio Art. (May 2016).
- Master's Thesis Committee Chair, Studio Art. (May 2016).
- Master's Thesis Committee Member, Studio Art. (2014 - 2015).
- Major Professor, Studio Art. (May 2015).
- Master's Thesis Committee Chair, "After Jordan/ A Corner of Canaan," Studio Art. (2011 - 2014).
- Master's Thesis Committee Chair, "Points of Reference / Invasive," Studio Art. (2011 - 2014).
- Master's Thesis Committee Chair, Studio Art. (2010 - 2013).
- Master's Thesis Committee Chair, Studio Art. (2010 - 2013).
- Master's Thesis Committee Chair, Studio Art. (2009 - 2013).
- Master's Thesis Committee Chair, Studio Art. (2009 - 2012).
- Master's Thesis Committee Chair, Studio Art. (2009 - 2012).
- Master's Thesis Committee Member, Studio Art. (2009 - 2012).
- Master's Thesis Committee Chair, Studio Art. (2010 - 2010).
- Master's Thesis Committee Chair, Studio Art. (2010 - 2010).
- Master's Thesis Committee Chair, Studio Art. (2009 - 2009).
- Master's Thesis Committee Chair, Studio Art. (2009 - 2009).
- Master's Thesis Committee Chair, Studio Art. (2009 - 2009).
- Master's Thesis Committee Member, Studio Art. (2009 - 2009).
- Master's Thesis Committee Member, Art History. (2009 - 2009).
- Master's Thesis Committee Member, Studio Art. (2009 - 2009).
- Master's Thesis Committee Chair, Studio Art. (2008 - 2008).
- Master's Thesis Committee Member, Studio Art. (2008 - 2008).
- Master's Thesis Committee Member, Studio Art. (2008 - 2008).
- Master's Thesis Committee Member, Studio Art. (2008 - 2008).
- Master's Thesis Committee Chair, Studio Art. (2007 - 2007).
- Master's Thesis Committee Chair, Studio Art. (2006 - 2006).
- Master's Thesis Committee Chair, Studio Art. (2006 - 2006).
- Master's Thesis Committee Chair, Studio Art. (2005 - 2005).
- Master's Thesis Committee Chair, Studio Art. (2005 - 2005).
- Master's Thesis Committee Member, Studio Art. (2005 - 2005).
- Master's Thesis Committee Chair, Studio Art. (2003 - 2003).
- Master's Thesis Committee Chair, Studio Art. (2003 - 2003).
- Master's Thesis Committee Member, Studio Art. (2002 - 2002).
- Master's Thesis Committee Member, Studio Art. (2001 - 2001).
- Master's Thesis Committee Member, Studio Art. (1997 - 2000).
Awards and Honors
- Insight Award, Society for Photographic Education. (2025).
- CVAD Flagship Faculty Project Grant, UNT. (December 2023).
- Nominated for Louis Roederer Photography Prize for Sustainability, Champagne Louis Roederer. (2023).
- UNT Scholarly and Creative Activity Award, UNT. (2022).
- Museum of Contemporary Art/Ontario Science Centre Idea Project Artist, MOCA Toronto & Ontario Science Centre. (April 20, 2019).
- Nominated for Anonymous Was a Woman Award (Nominee), Anonymous Was a Woman Award 2019. (2019).
- Nominated for Prix Pictet (Nominee), The Prix Pictet. (2019).
- Texas State Artist 2D, Texas Legislature. (January 1, 2016).
- Creative Impact Award, University of North Texas. (2015).
- Fotoseptiembre Choice Award, Fotoseptiembre Organization. (September 1, 2014).
- Honored Educator, Society for Photographic Education. (2013).
- Woman That Soar Award, Women That Soar. (2012).
Published Intellectual Contributions
- Doherty, D. (2024). Iluminaciones: Miradas a los Helechos en Colombia. 44. Medellín, Jardín Botánico de Medellín.
- Doherty, D., Gaylord, K. (2023). Carter Handbook.
- Doherty, D. Disturbed Ecologies: Photography, Geopolitics, and the Northern Landscape in the Era of Environmental Crisis (Chapter: Scene and Unseen: (Re-)envisioning the Arctic Imaginary through Photography).
- Legido, T., Doherty, D. (2023). Ellas Illustran Botánica.
- Doherty, D., Callahan, S. (2022). Art + Archive: Understanding the Archival Turn in Contemporary Art,. Manchester University Press.
- Doherty, D. (2022). Grafting the Grape Exhibition Catalogue. St. Louis, Missouri, Sachs Museum.
- Doherty, D. (2022). Prix Pictet Collage: Women in Photography.
- Doherty, D., Stirrat, B. (2021). State of Nature Picturing Indiana Biodiversity. Grunwald Gallery of Art, Indiana University.
- Doherty, D., Naomi, R. (2020). A World History of Photography, 5th Edition. Abbeville Press.
- Doherty, D., Pfeifer, N. (2020). Solanum Tubersosum: Potato: Apple of the Earth. Missouri Botanical Garden.
- Doherty, D., Ware, K., Rohrbach, J. (2019). Archiving Eden at the National Academy of Sciences. National Academy of Sciences.
- Doherty, D. (2019). Contact 2019: Scotiabank Contact Photography Festival (Catalogue). Toronto, Canada,
- Paddock, E., Doherty, D. (2019). New Territory: Landscape Photography Today. Denver Art Museum.
- Doherty, D., Goddard, S.H. (2018). Big Botany.
- Doherty, D. (2018). Deluge, Holly Johnson Gallery.
- Doherty, D., Matlisky, B. (2018). Endangered Species: Artists on the Front Line of Biodiversity.
- Doherty, D., Wright, L., Brown, J. (2018). Making Life Visible: Art Biology and Visualization Faulconer Gallery.
- Doherty, D., Oliver-Smith, K. (2018). The World to Come: Art in the Age of the Anthropocene Harn Museum of Art.
- Doherty, D., Oktober Matthews, K. (2018). Unique: Making Photographs in the Age of Ubiquity. Amsterdam, NL,
- Doherty, D. (2017). "Archiving Eden". Amsterdam, NL, Schilt Publishing.
- Doherty, D. (2017). "f2 Fotofestival Catalogue". Dortmund, Germany,
- Doherty, D., Clint, W. (2017). Twenty-five: A Celebration; Twenty-five: A Conclusion. Galvenston, Texas, Galveston Arts Center.
- Doherty, D., Rayner, G., Lovejoy, T. (2016). Changing Circumstances: Looking at the Future of the Planet. Amsterdam, Schilt Publishing.
- Doherty, D., Zotos, J. (2016). STOW. Houston, Texas, Houston Center for Photography.
- Doherty, D., O'Brien, B. (2015). Kinetic: Highlights from the Polsinelli Art Collection. Polsinelli.
- Kingston, Angela. (2014). Oasis. Art Museum of Southeast Texas.
- Scherer, Scott. (2014). Seeds Science Sustenance and Snacks, the Photographs of Dornith Doherty, The University of Texas at San Antonio Art Gallery. The University of Texas at San Antonio Art Gallery.
- Alligood, Chad and Bacigalupi, Don. (2014). State of the Art: Discovering American Art Now, Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art. Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art.
- Kingston, Angela. (2013). 3 AM Wonder, Paranoia, and the Restless Night.
- Sasse, Julie. (2013). Desert Grasslands.
- Melis, Wim. (2012). Terra Cognita. Noorderlicht Photography Festival.
- Parsons, Sara-Jayne. (2011). Confined: The Captive and Keeper in Contemporary Life.
- Ware, Katherine. (2011). Earth Now: American Photographers and the Environment.
- Doherty, D., Vela de la Torre, A. (2011). Fotonoviembre 2011, XI Bienal Internacional de Fotografia de Tenerife.
- Doherty, D. (2010). Contemporary U.S. Photography, FotoFest 2010 Catalogue.
- (42 page catalogue in conjunction with traveling exhibition at the Galveston Arts Center and the Martin Museum of Art) Willour, Clint. (2010). Dornith Doherty at Mid-Career. Galveston Arts Center.
- Harrington, Elda. (2010). XVI Encuentros Abiertos Festival de la Luz 2010 Catalogue.
- Mazzeo, Michael. (2009). Arbor (Exhibition catalogue). New York, Michael Mazzeo Gallery.
- Doherty, D. (2009). Federal Reserve Bank Houston Branch Collection of Art Catalogue.
- Doherty, D. (2009). The Art Collection at the University of Texas at San Antonio. University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Estrada-Berg, Victoria. (2007). "UNT/TCU: Conversations Reverberations on Landscapes".
- Altered Terrain, Photographs by Dornith Doherty. (2007). Altered Terrain, Photographs by Dornith Doherty. Holly Johnson Gallery.
- Hirsch, Robert. (2007). Light and Lens : Photography in the Digital Age.
- Doherty, D., London, Upton, Stone, Brill. (2007). Photography, 9th Edition. New Jersey, Prentice Hall.
- Doherty, D. (2007). Two by Two for Aids and Art Exhibition Catalogue.
- Tyson, Janet. (2006). Dornith Doherty and Serena Lin Bush.
- Doherty, D. (2006). Fotofest 2006 The Earth/Artists Responding to Violence.
- Lehtonen, Kimmo. (2006). Shifts: Archives in Dialogue and New Identities in Documentarism. Essay by Dornith Doherty , "Agua Quemada, the Rio Grande Project".
- Doherty, D. (2005). Photography Quarterly, Center for Photography at Woodstock.
- Doherty, D. (2004). ARTifacts , Van Ael, Peter. Midwestern State University Art Gallery.
- Doherty, D. (2004). Managing Eden, University of North Texas Art Gallery.
- Doherty, D., , L. (2004). Photography, 8th Edition. New Jersey, Prentice Hall.
- Doherty, D. (2003). Houston Center for Photography Print Auction Catalog.
- Doherty, D. (2002). Parsons, Sara-Jayne, Sprawl: Aspects of Human Agency in the Landscape. Arlington Museum of Art, Arlington Texas.
- Doherty, D. (2002). The Eighth International Festival of Photography.
- Kalil, Susie. (2001). Liquid. Houston, Texas, James Gallery.
- Doherty, D. (2000). FotoFest 2000, The Eighth International Festival of Photography.
- Newman, David, Dornith Doherty. (2000). The Artifice of Nature, The Nature of Artifice.
- Waligore, Marilyn. (2000). The Shelf-Life of Objects, Contemporary Still Life Photography.
- Joanna Weber. (1998). FotoFest '98, The Seventh International Festival of Photography..
- Dornith Doherty. (1998). FotoFest '98, The Seventh International Festival of Photography..
- Doherty, D., Block, D. (1998). Revelation. Dallas, Texas, Dallas Visual Art Center.
- Caslin, Jean,Dornith Doherty. (1996). Animalia: Photographs by Six Texas Artists.
- Hirsch, Robert,Dornith Doherty. (1996). Exploring Color Photography.
- Jurus, Rick,Dornith Doherty. (1995). The first annual Photographic Educators Exhibition: The Cutting Edge in Photographic Education..
- Thomas, J. Thomas,Dornith Doherty. (1994). Directions, the First All-Campus Fine Arts Faculty Exhibition from Indiana University.
- Doherty, D. (1993). 49th Wabash Valley Exhibition. Terre Haute, Indiana, Sheldon Swope Art Museum.
- Dornith Doherty. (1993). Current Works 1993.
- Hirsch, Robert,Dornith Doherty. (1993). Exploring Color Photography.
- Enyeart, James,Dornith Doherty. (1993). Illuminance '93.
- Stainback, Charles,Dornith Doherty. (1993). Photonational.
- Doherty, D. (1992). Day, Holliday T. Nine for the Nineties.
- Parsley, Jacque. (1992). Extinction is Forever.
- Erlich, Thomas. (1992). Our University in the State: The Arts.
- Doherty, D. (1992). Second Annual Photography Exhibition. Baltimore, Maryland, Maryland Federation of Art.
- Dornith Doherty. (1991). A Survey of Regional Art.
- Dornith Doherty. (1991). Current Works 1991. Kansas City, Missouri, Society for Contemporary Photography.
- Doherty, D., Begley, J. (1991). Showcase 1991. A Survey of Regional Art. Louisville, Kentucky, Louisville Visual Arts Assocations.
- Dornith Doherty. (1991). US Biennial IV.
- Dornith Doherty. (1989). Illuminance.
- Dornith Doherty. (1989). Photospiva '89.
- Doherty, D. (2006). The Rio Grande Project: Burnt Water/Agua Quemada. Archives in Dialogue and New Identities in Documentarist, The Center for Creative Photography & IPRN Group. Finland, Kimmo Lehtonen.
- Doherty, D., Goddard, S.H. (2018). “Survival Against the Odds: Seed Banks and the Quest to Preserve Plant Biodiversity". Big Botany Conversations with the Plant World.
- Doherty, D. (2014). Galdy, Andrea and Heudecker, Sylvia, editors, Doherty, Dornith, “Collecting Nature/Archiving Eden”, Collecting Nature. Cambridge Scholars Press. Cambridge: 2014. Collecting Nature. Cambridge, Cambridge Scholars Press.
- Doherty, D. (2012). Illuminating Memory and Identity: Jun Itoi's Photographic Life. Oyama City, Japan,
- Doherty, D. (2000). “Recent Work by Luis González Palma” Poetry and Passion: Recent Work by Luis González Palma. Denton, Texas,
- Doherty, D., Turns, A. (2021). Top Seeds: Artists Capture Global Efforts to Future-Proof Nature. United Kingdom, The Guardian.
- Doherty, D., Jenkins, M. (2021). A Smithsonian museum turns to art, not science, to hammer home a warning about Mother Nature. Washington Post.
- Doherty, D., Catlin, R. (2021). The Sad Truths Behind these Unsettling Works of Art. Smithsonian Magazine.
- Doherty, D., Cosentino, L. (2021). “Seeds in the Soil, Seeds in the Mind”,. Lansing, MI, City Pulse.
- Doherty, D., Renken, L. (2020). Photographer explores both the beauty and the dark side of seed banks. Peoria Journal.
- Doherty, D., Eggermont, M. (2019). “Portfolio by Dornith Doherty". Cover, 2 - 3, 66 - 90. Zygote Quarterly.
- Doherty, D., Tennant, D. (2019). “Dornith Doherty, Moody Gallery, Houston, Texas". Visual Art Source, Online Editorial Feature.
- Doherty, D., Jenkins, M. (2019). “Archiving Eden sprouts interest with intriguing botany photographs”. page E14. Washington Post.
- Doherty, D. (2018). "Thought-provoking exhibition at the Whatcom Museum explores endangered species and biodiversity”
- Doherty, D. (2018). “Harn Museum of Art Brings Together Contemporary Art Addressing Human Impact on the Environment”
- Doherty, D., Fenton, C. (2018). “The World to Come” Arts District Magazine, September, 2018.
- Doherty, D., Oliver-Smith, K. (2018). “At the Harn: Art and Ecological Change” The Gainesville Sun and, (1 reproduction).
- Doherty, D., Boyd, K. (2018). “Charting New Territory in Landscape Photography”, Hyperallergic,.
- Doherty, D., Anspon, C.D. (2018). “The Good Seed” Paper City Magazine, July-August 2018, pp 50-51. (5 reproductions).
- Doherty, D., Jenkins, R. (2018). “Not Dead Yet: Landscape Photography Clings to the Present at DAM”, One Good Eye.
- Doherty, D., Paglia, M. (2018). “Review: New Territory: Landscape Photography Today Lives Up to (Half) its Name”. Westword.
- Doherty, D., Meyers, W. (2018). “New Territory: Landscape Photography Today and New Topographics: Review: The Lay of the Photographic Land”. The Wall Street Journal.
- Doherty, D., Park, J. (2018). “Seaweed Unlike You’ve Ever Seen It: Making Life Visible Closes this Weekend” Little Village Magazine. Little Village Magazine.
- Doherty, D., Brady, A. (2018). “Unearthing Centuries of Interdependence Between Humans and Plants". Hyperallergic.
- Doherty, D., Henderson, S. (2018). “Art & Biology: Can Artists Enhance Scientific Understanding?”. The Iowa Source.
- Doherty, D., Larson, C. (2018). “Faulconer Gallery is “Making Life Visible” The Scarlet and Black.
- Doherty, D., Cox, R. (2018). “Sowing the Seeds of Time: Dornith Doherty and the Archiving Eden Project” (15 reproductions). Exposure, the Journal of the Society for Photographic Education.
- Doherty, D. (2017). "Future of Earth" (editions published in England, China, and Sweden) (one reproduction). BBC Focus.
- , Doherty, D. (2017). Archiving Eden. Firecracker : Supporting Women Photographers.
- Doherty, D. (2017). Doherty, Dornith “The Seed Banks at the End of the World: Archiving Eden” (8 reproductions). Pgs. 37-43. Vice Magazine.
- Doherty, D., Geere, D. (2017). “Beating Mass Extinction” (2 reproductions). Pgs. 36-43. BBC Focus Magazine.
- Doherty, D., Mayer, K. (2017). “Die Samenbank Gottes" (9 reproductions). Pgs. 76-83. Focus Magazine.
- Doherty, D., Sánchez, C. (2017). “Las Nuevas Arcas de Noé: Bancos de Semillas” (9 reproductions). XL Semanal Magazine.
- Doherty, D., Carter, S. (2017). “Amon Carter Museum hosts Dornith Doherty: Archiving Eden." (5 images of the exhibition). Patron Magazine Interview.
- Doherty, D., Macon, A. (2017). “Dornith Doherty Sees the Future in a Seed” (one reproduction). D Magazine.
- Doherty, D., Snyder, K. (2017). “Amon Carter Museum: Archiving Eden Exhibit Holds Seeds to Survival” (2 reproductions). Fort Worth Business Press.
- Doherty, D., Lin, K. (2017). “Deposits” (one reproduction). Fort Worth Weekly.
- Doherty, D., André, L.M. (2017). “Book of the Week: Dornith Doherty’s Archiving Eden”. Photo-Eye Blog.
- Doherty, D., Herrerías, V. (2017). “Agua Quemada”. Crónica Ambiental Magazine.
- Doherty, D. (2017). “Inside a Global Noah's Ark for Plants”. PDN Photo of the Day.
- Doherty, D. (2017). “Les archives du jadin d’Eden” (12 reproductions). Greenpeace Magazine.
- Doherty, D., Haynes, P. (2017). “Planetary Gardening at Huw Davies Gallery is a Quality Exhibition” (one reproduction) Reprinted in Canberra Times.
- Bridges, S. (2016). Bridges, Stephen “Seeds of Resistance: Critical Approaches to the Corporatization of Soil, Seeds and Stone Fruit”, Seismopolite #14 Journal of Art and Politics (Norway). Seismopolite #14 Journal of Art and Politics.
- Doherty, D. (2016). Invoking Vision. 55 - 67. Denmark,
- Doherty, D. (2016). Seeds of Hope. 5. Sue Steward.
- Doherty, D. (2016). Vinyl Vista.
- Doherty, D. (2016). Parsons, Sara-Jayne, “Rio Grande: Verbranntes Wasser” and Doherty, Dornith “Archiving Eden”. 34-39, 50-55.
- Doherty, D. (2016). Six Must-Attend Events: Texas Landscapes, Red Poppies and More. Michael Hoinski.
- Doherty, D. (2016). Changing Circumstances, Looking at the Future of the Planet. Other. Caia Hagel.
- Doherty, D. (2016). FotoFest is Bleak and Beautiful. Section G, page 1, 12. Molly Grenzer.
- Doherty, D. (2016). FotoFest 2016 photographers cover the changing world in biennial exhibit. Molly Grenzer.
- Doherty, D. (2016). Best Things We Saw at the FotoFest Biennial 2016. Jeanette Moses.
- Doherty, D. (2016). FotoFest 2016: Artists Capture Human Impact on a Changing Planet – in Pictures.
- Black, E. (2016). "Everything is Connected". ((three reproductions)) Artillery.
- Doherty, D. (2016). Heroic Environmental Images Headline Houston's Vaunted FotoFest: Saving the Planet Through Art?. Catherine Anspon.
- Doherty, D. (2016). Return to Earth: FotoFest 2016 Focuses on Environmental Change. Laura Wellen.
- Doherty, D. (2016). Photographers Explore the Future of the Planet at FotoFest 2016. Sarah Cascade.
- Doherty, D. (2015). Beating Mass Extinction. (286) 38-47. Duncan Geere.
- Doherty, D. (2015). Seed Safekeeping. 78-79. Eli Wallace.
- Doherty, D. (2015). Ten Years After. 42. Sarah Vukalovic.
- Doherty, D. (2015). Dornith Doherty at Holly Johnson Gallery. John Zotos.
- Doherty, D. (2015). Visiting Artist Documents Seed Banks. Ethan Metcalfe.
- Doherty, D. (2015). Dornith Doherty Finds Seeds of Inspiration in Photographing Global Vaults. Lana Sweeten-Schultz.
- Doherty, D. (2015). Healing Body and Soul. Section E, pages 1 & 3. Rick Brettell.
- Doherty, D. (2014). Who will Remember Us? Plants and the Archive. 36 (1) 151. Antonia Azabari, Natania Meeker.
- Doherty, D. (2014). Take a Tour of the World’s Best Hope to Survive After a Climate Change Apocalypse. Sydney Brownstone.
- Doherty, D. (2014). Archiving Eden Ahead of the Apocalypse. Laura C. Mallonee.
- Doherty, D. (2014). Where We Have Come, Where We are Going. Sarah Hamilton.
- Doherty, D. (2014). Heirloom Harvests, Up Close and Personal. CJ Lotz.
- Doherty, D. (2014). Archiving Eden: Dornith Doherty. 91-101. Lotta Jorgensen.
- Doherty, D. (2014). Doomsday Vault. 10 102-109. Chris Harrigan.
- Doherty, D. (2014). Interview & Portfolio: Dornith Doherty on Archiving Eden. Anne, Kelly.
- Doherty, D. (2014). The State of The State of the Art. Peter Plagens.
- Doherty, D. (2014). Crystal Bridges: The Anti-Whitney Biennial. Judith H. Dobrzynski.
- Doherty, D. (2014). Fotoseptiembre Pic(k)s: Five Shows Not to Miss at this Year’s Fest. Sarah Fisch.
- Doherty, D. (2014). Dornith Doherty: Archiving Eden. Raven Lim.
- Doherty, D. (2014). 3 am Wonder, Paranoia, and the Restless Night Exhibition Review. Anne, French.
- Doherty, D. (2014). 3am: Wonder, Paranoia, and the Restless Night at Chapter Arts Center, Cardiff. Shay Guo.
- Doherty, D. (2013). Exhibition at the Bluecoat Probes the Night’s Darkest Hour 3am: Wonder, Paranoia and the Restless Night. Jose Villareal.
- Doherty, D. (2013). Technology and Photographic Art. Jessie Wender.
- Doherty, D. (2013). What do you get up to at 3am?.
- Doherty, D. (2013). Death March. Stephanie Elizondo Griest.
- Doherty, D. (2013). 3am Wonder, Paranoia, and the Restless Night. Anneka French.
- Doherty, D. (2013). Sowing the Seeds of Preservation. Stephan J Lyons.
- Glentzer, M. (2012). “Last Call: FotoFest Must-Sees”. Houston Chronicle.
- , E.A. (2012). “Interview with Dornith Doherty”. Pgs. 19-23. SPOT, Journal of the Houston Center for Photography.
- Doherty, D. (2011). Earth Now: American Photographers and the Environment.
- Lucinda, B. (2010). Message from the Mountain. Cover & pgs. 8-9. Denton Record Chronicle.
- Antelo, M. (2010). Archivando el Eden. Pgs. 38-41. Pryecto Bamboo.
- Avedon, E. (2009). Dornith Doherty : Archiving Eden.
- Britt, D. (2009). Dornith Doherty. Pg. 7. Zest Magazine, Houston Chronicle.
- Carter, S. (2009). Image Conscious. Pgs. 48-50. Modern Luxury.
- Doherty, D. (1997). Featured Artist, Galleries Section. Pg. 1. Evansville Courier.
- Doherty, D. (1994). Dornith Doherty, Reenchanting Nature. Pg. 1. Kansas City, Missouri, Update: Society for Contemporary Photography.
- Doherty, D. (2024). “Illuminations: Past Present and Future of Fern Research”.
- Doherty, D. (2023). Integrating Botany, History, Culture, and Contemporary Art in a Botanical Garden Museum.
- Ponette-Gonzalez, A.G., Pitre, C., Lee, A., Rindy, J.E., Doherty, D., Fry, M., Johnson, J.A. (2021). Bird feathers are potential biomonitors for airborne elemental carbon. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment.
- Siegwarth, K., Doherty, D. (2020). Dornith Doherty: Archiving Eden. (Autumn, 2020) pp 14-23.
- Doherty, D., Constantini, G. (2020). Seedscapes: Future-Proofing Nature. Leonardo.
- Doherty, D., Parsons, S. (2019). “Burnt Water/Agua Quemada”, The Eyes Magazine #26, Fall 2019, pp 30-41. 30 - 41. The Eyes Magazine #26.
- Doherty, D. (2019). “Dornith Doherty: Archiving Eden” (7 reproductions). Vol. XXXV (Number 2, Winter 2019) 6 - 15. Issues in Science and Technology.
- Doherty, D., Gulati, R. (2019). “The Soul of a Start-Up”. 84 - 91. Harvard Business Review.
- Doherty, D., Hou, C. (2019). “Stockpile”. The Scientist.
- Doherty, D., Zuckerman, C. (2019). “These X-rays of Seeds Turn Biology into Art". National Geographic Science and Innovation.
- Doherty, D., Thulin, L. (2019). “Dornith Doherty’s Mesmerizing Photos Capture the Contradictions of Seed Banking”. Smithsonian Magazine.
- Doherty, D., Grout, B., Bennet, J. (2018). Operating a Successful Cryopreservation Facility. Planer PC.
- Granberry, M. (2012). “UNT Photography Professor Wins Coveted Guggenheim Fellowship”. Dallas Morning News.
- de Kruijff, J. (2012). Noorderlicht BredaPhoto Unseen, 3 Evenementen die je Niet Mag Missen. Pgs. 70-71. Focus Magazine.
- Doherty, D. (2012). SOURCE: Antioch’s Seeds in Art, Resown. Dayton City Paper.
- Vollmer, A. (2011). X-ray images of seed life invisible to the human eye”. Feature Shoot.
- Bram, D. (2011). Portfolio published in conjunction with the Earth Now exhibition. Fraction Magazine.
- Newitz, A. (2011). “Haunting photographs of the world’s seed vaults, which may be our only hope after agricultural apocalypse. Earth Now: American Photographers and the Environment.
- Crane-Murdoch, S. (2011). New Mexico Exhibit Redefines Landscape Photography”. High Country News.
- Charissa Terranova. (2007). "Constructing Images with nature's help".
- Tchmyreya, Irina. (2006). "A Review of FotoFest 2006".
- Bubnova, Katya. (2006). "FotoFest", Digitweek, St. Petersburg.
- Bo, Li. (2006). "Houston FotoFestival, A Communication Platform for Photography".
- Mitchell, Dee. (2006). "Photo Festival Clicks in Houston".
- Klaasmeyer, Kelly. (2006). "Trees and Rocks, FotoFest Takes on the Earth".
- Martin, Merritt. (2005). "Kyoto Song" Dallas Observer.
- Van Ryzin, Jean. (2003). "A Conference that Clicks with Art".
- Ali, Atteqa. (2003). "Inside/Outside: Texas Women Photographers".
- Hepola, Sarah. (2003). "Womens' Work is Never Done".
- Doherty, D. (2003). Dallas Home Design.
- Mariani, Anthony. (2002). "American Beauty: Arlington Museum of Art Finds the Sparkle in Sprawl".
- Ingalls, Hunter. (2002). "Art Beat".
- Lin, Kristian. (2002). "House Paint".
- Devine, John. (2001). "Dream Catcher".
- Daniel, Mike. (2001). "Texas Tall Tales".
- Doherty, D. (2001). Shaping the South.
- Sime, Tom. (2000). "Camera gives new views of 'still life'".
- Richardson News. (2000). "Shelf-Life: UTD Exhibit on Contemporary photography is a mind-blower".
- Lindsey, Bryan. (1999). " The Big Picture; Dornith Doherty takes on Nature and Culture in her latest show".
- Parsons, Sara-Jayne. (1999). "Human Existence and the Natural World".
- Gray, Channing. (1999). "Images at Bannister".
- Wayland, Judy. (1999). "Voices: Recent Work from Dornith Doherty".
- Dailey, C.S. (1999). Denton Gallery Showcasing Professor's Photography. Pgs. 3-19. Fort Worth Star-Telegram.
- Doherty, D. (1999). Chronicle. Pgs. 3, 16. Chronicle.
- Anspon, C.D. (1998). "Dornith Doherty at James”. Houston, TX, Public News.
- De La Rosa, Y. (1998). “Letter from Fort Worth: Teuton for Texas". Art
- Doherty, D. (1997). “Contemporary Photography Displays Varied Techniques”. Pg. 3, Section G. Fort Worth, TX, Fort Worth Star-Telegram.
- Doherty, D. (1997). “Wide Angle View of Photography”. Pg. 61. Dallas Morning News, The Guide.
- Doherty, D. (1997). “New Exhibit at Rosewood focuses on Photography". Kettering-Oakwood Times.
- Jesse, K.W. (1997). “Still Life with Wings: Rosewood Features Magical Art of Dornith Doherty”. Dayton Daily News.
- Felps, P. (1997). “Dentonite to perform in New York". Denton Record Chronicle.
- Anspon, C.D. (1997). “Showcase of Texas Art Opens Downtown”. Houston, TX, Public News.
- Vallongo, K. (1993). “Freezing a Frame for Eternity: Exhibit Showcases Modern American Photography”. Toledo Blade.
- Doherty, D. (1993). Cover Artist. Cover. Arts Indiana.
- Cowdrick, C. (1993). Engendered. Kansas City,
- Mewhinney, J., Delaney, T. (1993). “Doherty explores life’s mysteries”. Pg. 10. Ft Wayne, Indiana, The Tribune Star.
- Blevins, K. (1993). “Suspect Terrain”. Dialogue.
- Hoffman, N. (1992). “Eiteljorg Exhibit Breaks ground as artists explore landscape”. Pg. E-1. The Indianapolis News.
- Harris, B. (1992). “Eco-aware exhibit challenges viewers”. The Indianapolis Star.
- Heilenman, D. (1992). ”Viewpoints: Two by Two”. The Louisville Courier-Journal.
- Falk, C. (1992). “Photo exhibit upholds tradition”. The Capital.
- Heilenman, D. (1991). “Louisville Art Association Review”. The Courier-Journal.
- Moore, C.M. (1991). “Showcase ‘91 features best of local artists”. The Louisville Cardinal.
- Vallongo, S. (1991). “Quality impresses in photographers’ first national show”. The Blade.
- Forestner, A. (1991). “The Medium’s a Winner Too in ARC Gallery National Exhibit”. Chicago Tribune.
- Banner, K. (1990). “Border Crossing: Indiana Women and Art/IndianaWomen Artists, An Invitational Show”. Dialogue.
- Calhoon, S. (1990). “Vernon Cheek, Dornith Doherty, Linda Robbennolt, Karen Thompson”. New Art Examiner.
- Cunningham, A. (1990). "Doherty, Pope on exhibit: Photographs Give Truth the Eye at Museum”. The Indianapolis Star.
- Matter, K. (1990). “Exhibit Focuses on Photography”,. Lafayette Journal & Courier.
- Smith, J. (1990). “Museum Hosts Two New Shows”. Lafayette Leader.
- Pratt, J. (1989). “Arts In Review: Omnibus ‘89”. Arts Indiana.
- Garmel, M. (1989). “Artist Worked her Way through Grief by Painting". The Indianapolis News.
- Chandler, M. (1989). “Seeing the Artistic Spectrum from One End to Another”. The Indianapolis Star.
- Cunningham, A. (1989). "Herron’s Omnibus is Really Ten Mini-Exhibitions”. Indianapolis New Times Magazine.
- Mannheimer, S. (1989). “Art League Gives Photographers Day in Sun”. The Indianapolis Star.
- Doherty, D., Yao, D. (2022). Herb East Sustains Like A Seed. Shanghai,
- Doherty, D. (2022). Seeds of Life:Artist Dornith Doherty finds beauty and optimism in the layers of catastrophe and preservation.
- Doherty, D., Gershorn, L. (2021). Take A Virtual Tour of Artworks Inspired by Efforts to Preserve Plant Biodiversity. Smithsonian Magazine.
- Doherty, D., Smithson, A. (2021). Conversations with Nature: Dornith Doherty: Archiving Eden. Lenscratch.
- Doherty, D., Arnold, A. (2021). Seeds of Artistry. Professional Photographer magazine.
- Doherty, D., Keller, T. (2020). Vom Sinn und Unsinn der Gentechnick. (December 2020/ January 2021) Cover and page 16-21. Pflanzenfreund.
- Doherty, D., Cary, B. (2020). Book Review: Archiving Eden monograph by Dornith Doherty. F-Stop Magazine.
- Doherty, D., Hester, J. (2020). The Unexpected Elegance of Apocalyptic Seed Vaults in Photos. Atlas Obscura.
- Rossetti, E. (2012). Institute Fellows Further Artistic Excellence. Pgs. 20-24. UNT Research Magazine,
- McWhorter, M. (2011). “Documenting the World’s Botanical Reserves”. (14) Finite Foto Magazine.
- Brook, P. (2011). “Seedbank Vaults Hedge Against Apocalypse”. Wired Magazine.
Book Chapter
Catalogue Essay
Critical Review
Journal Article
Magazine/Trade Publication
Presentations Given
- Doherty, D. (Other), Borderlands, (2013 - 2013).
- Doherty, D. (Panelist), Take the Lens Cap Off: Trends in Photography, (2013 - 2013).
- Doherty, D. (Other), TEDx, (2013 - 2013).
- Doherty, D. (Other), Temporal Photography, (2013 - 2013).
- Doherty, D. (Other), The World's Botanical Reserves, (2013 - 2013).
- Doherty, D. (Other), (2012 - 2012).
- Doherty, D. (Other), (2012 - 2012).
- Doherty, D. (Other), Honored Educator, (2012 - 2012).
- Doherty, D. (Other), Archiving Eden, (2011 - 2011).
- Doherty, D. (Other), At Mid-Career, (2011 - 2011).
- Doherty, D. (Other), Two Visions, Multiple Manifestations, Giving Form to the Archive, (2011 - 2011).
- Doherty, D. (Other), Artist Eye: Dornith Doherty, (2010 - 2010).
- Doherty, D. (Other), Gallery Talk, Dornith Doherty, (2010 - 2010).
- Doherty, D. (Other), Archiving Eden, (2009 - 2009).
- Doherty, D. (Other), Art Social with Susan kae Grant, (2009 - 2009).
- Doherty, D. (Other), Exhibition talk, (2009 - 2009).
- Doherty, D. (Other), "From Michael Jordan to Melting Glaciers: The Role of Digital Technologies in Imaging Climate Change.", (2008 - 2008).
- Doherty, D. (Panelist), "Multivalent Nature", (2007 - 2007).
- Doherty, D. (Other), "Burnt Water/Agua Quemada: The Rio Grande Project", (2006 - 2006).
- Doherty, D. (Panelist), "Straight from the Heart", (2006 - 2006).
- Doherty, D. (Other), Booker T. Washington High School, (2006 - 2006).
- Doherty, D. (Other), University of Texas at Arlington Art Gallery, (2006 - 2006).
- Doherty, D. (Other), "Digital Imaging", (2005 - 2005).
- Doherty, D. (Panelist), "On the Road", (2005 - 2005).
- Doherty, D. (Panelist), "Sprawl: Human Agency in the Landscape ", (2004 - 2004).
- Doherty, D. (Panelist), Literature, Culture, and Environment: Positioning Ecocriticism, (2004 - 2004).
- Doherty, D. (Other), Women's Museum, (2004 - 2004).
- Doherty, D. (Other), Grace Museum, (2003 - 2003).
- Doherty, D. (Other), Museum of Fine Arts, (2002 - 2002).
- Doherty, D. (Other), Notre Dame University, (2002 - 2002).
- Doherty, D. (Chair), Playing the Wild Card, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in the Liberal Arts International Conference, (2002 - 2002).
- Doherty, D. (Chair), "Negotiating Change: The Image, between Nature and Community", (2001 - 2001).
- Doherty, D. (Other), Exhibition talk, (2000 - 2000).
- Doherty, D. (Other), University of New Mexico-Albuquerque, (2000 - 2000).
- Doherty, D. (Author & Presenter), Miradas a los Helechos de Colombia, Illuminations, Jardín Botánico de Medellín, Medellin, Colombia, Colombia. (2024).
- Doherty, D. (Author & Presenter), Artist Series University of Massachusetts- Lowell, Artist Talk, University of Massachusetts- Lowell, University of Massachusetts- Lowell, United States of America. (2024).
- Doherty, D. (Author & Presenter), Arizona Science Centre STEAM, Dornith Doherty Research and Collaboration, Arizona Science Centre, Tucson, AZ, United States of America. (2024).
- Doherty, D. (Author & Presenter), American Association of Public Gardens, Archiving Eden: Seed Banks and Art/Science Collaborations, American Association of Public Gardens, online, United States of America. (2024).
- Doherty, D. (Author & Presenter), Artist Scientist Dialogue, Photographer Dornith Doherty Pictures the Future of Biodiversity, Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, webinar, Washington DC, United States of America. (2022 - 2022).
- Doherty, D. (Author & Presenter), Artist Talk, The Pleasures and Terrors of Expeditionary Photography, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, United States of America. (2021).
- Doherty, D. (Author & Presenter), Sachs Museum, Roundabout/Circuition: Conversation with Dr. Allison Miller, Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, MO, United States of America. (2021).
- Doherty, D. (Author & Presenter), SMU School of Art, Artist Talk: Working from the Archive, SMU, Dallas, TX, United States of America. (2021).
- Doherty, D. (Author & Presenter), Impressions Gallery Online Photobook Fair 2020, Dornith Doherty and Maarten Schilt: Publishing Archiving Eden, Impressions Gallery, Bradford, England and online, United Kingdom. (2020).
- Doherty, D. (Presenter), Museum of Contemporary Art Toronto Artist Lecture, Vault: Exchange Conversation with Dornith Doherty and MOCA Social Practice Volunteers, MOCA Toronto, Toronto and online, Canada. (2020).
- Doherty, D. (Presenter), Phytopia India Bioscience / Art, In Conversation with Dornith Doherty and Giovanni Aloi, Science Gallery Bengaluru, India, India and online, India. (2020).
- Doherty, D. (Author & Presenter), Mediated Garden, San Antonio College, San Antonio, Texas, United States of America. (2018).
- Doherty, D. (Author & Presenter), Seed Banking, Art/Science Collaborations, and Data Visualization, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Millbrook, NY, United States of America. (2018).
- Doherty, D. (Author & Presenter), Seeding Change Exhibition Research Day, Archiving Eden: Preserving Biodiversity for an Uncertain Future, University of Plymouth, Plymouth, England, United Kingdom. (2018).
- Doherty, D. (Author & Presenter), "Artist-Curator-Chef Dialogue", FotoFest Biennial, Doubletree Hotel, Houston, Texas, United States of America. (2016 - 2016).
- Doherty, D. (Author & Presenter), "Thirty-Five Years Later", Houston Center for Photography, Houston, Texas, United States of America. (2016 - 2016).
- Doherty, D. (Author & Presenter), Seeds of Art, Midwestern State University, Wichita Falls, Texas, United States of America. (2016 - 2016).
- Doherty, D. (Author & Presenter), Changing Circumstances: Looking at the Future of the Planet, Silver Street Studios, Houston, Texas, United States of America. (2016 - 2016).
- Doherty, D. (Author & Presenter), Dornith Doherty: Oasis, Art Museum of Southeast Texas, Beaumont, Texas, United States of America. (2014 - 2014).
- Doherty, D. (Author & Presenter), Gallery Talk, Beaumont Independent School District, Beaumont, Texas, United States of America. (2014 - 2014).
- Doherty, D. (Author & Presenter), Community College Humanities Association Regional Conference, Time and Scale in Art/Science Collaborations, United States of America. (2018).
- Doherty, D. (Presenter), UC Berkeley Botanic Garden Research Talk Series, Research Talk: Illuminating the Invisible: art+science and the preservation of biodiversity, UC Berkley, Berkeley, California, United States of America. (2023 - 2023).
- Doherty, D. (Presenter), Solo exhibition artist talk, Archiving Eden, Bradley University, Peoria, IL, United States of America. (2020).
- Doherty, D. (Presenter), Solo museum exhibition artist talk, Dornith Doherty in conversation with Katherine Siegwarth, Dayton Institute of Art, Dayton, Ohio, United States of America. (2020).
- Doherty, D. (Author & Presenter), Visiting Artist lecture, Expeditionary Photography, Bowling Green University, Bowling Green, Ohio, United States of America. (2020).
- Doherty, D. (Presenter), Humanities Lecture Series, Dornith Doherty: Arts in the Humanities, Rice University, Houston Texas, United States of America. (2020).
- Doherty, D. (Author & Presenter), Society for Photographic Education South Central Regional Conference, Archiving Eden: A 10-Year Art/Science Collaboration, Society for Photographic Education, Baton Rouge, LA, United States of America. (2018 - 2018).
- Doherty, D. (Author & Presenter), Łódź Fotofestiwal, Human Nature and Archiving Eden, Łódź, Poland, Poland. (2018).
- Doherty, D. (Author & Presenter), Archiving Eden, Amon Carter Museum of American Art, Fort Worth, Texas, United States of America. (2017 - 2017).
- Doherty, D. (Author & Presenter), dataSTEAM, East Carolina University, Greenville, North Carolina, United States of America. (2017 - 2017).
- Doherty, D. (Author & Presenter), Archiving Eden, The Cary Institute, Millbrook, New York, United States of America. (2017 - 2017).
- Doherty, D. (Author & Presenter), Visiting Artist Lecture Series: Dornith Doherty, University of Texas at Arlington School of Art, Arlington, Texas, United States of America. (2017 - 2017).
- Doherty, D. (Author & Presenter), "Doomsday Vaults, Suspended Animation, and Cultural Anxiety in the Age of the Anthropocene", Association of Art Historians Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom. (2016 - 2016).
- Doherty, D. (Author & Presenter), "Seed Banks as Oases of Biodiversity", Department of Geography and the Environment, UNT, Denton, Texas, United States of America. (2016 - 2016).
- Doherty, D. (Author & Presenter), Master Class (2 days), Houston Center for Photography, Houston, Texas, United States of America. (2016 - 2016).
- Doherty, D. (Author & Presenter), Art / Science Collaborations and Workshop, Midwestern State University, Wichita Fallas, Texas, United States of America. (2016 - 2016).
- Doherty, D. (Author & Presenter), Marfa Dialogues Houston, Museum of Fine Arts-Houston, Houston, Texas, United States of America. (2016 - 2016).
- Doherty, D. (Author & Presenter), Art/Science Lecture, TCU Art Department, Fort Worth, Texas, United States of America. (2016 - 2016).
- Doherty, D. (Author & Presenter), Art and Ecology Forum, Midwestern State University, Wichita Falls, Texas, United States of America. (2014 - 2014).
- Doherty, D. (Author & Presenter), Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada, Brock University, St. Catharines, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada, Canada. (2019 - 2019).
- Doherty, D. (Author & Presenter), D.C. Art Science Evening Rendezvous (DASER), National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D. C., D.C. Art Science Evening Rendezvous (DASER), National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D. C., United States of America. (2019 - 2019).
- Doherty, D. (Author & Presenter), Moody Gallery, Houston, Texas, Moody Gallery, Houston, Texas, Moody Gallery, Houston, Texas, United States of America. (2019 - 2019).
- Doherty, D. (Author & Presenter), Ontario Science Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Ontario Science Centre, Ontario Science Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Canada. (2019 - 2019).
- Doherty, D. (Author & Presenter), University of Nebraska, Lincoln, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, University of Nebraska,, Lincoln, Nebraska, United States of America. (2019 - 2019).
- Doherty, D. (Author & Presenter), Łódź Fotofestiwal, Gallery Talk, Łódź, Poland, Poland. (2018).
- Doherty, D. (Other), Denton Camera Club, Denton Camera Club, Denton, Texas, United States of America. (2017 - 2017).
- Doherty, D. (Author & Presenter), Crystal Realities to Artificial Intelligence Panel Discussion, Crystal Realities to Artificial Intelligence Panel Discussion, Dishman Museum of Art, Beaumont Texas, United States of America. (2022 - 2022).
- Doherty, D. (Author & Presenter), Michigan State University Science Fest, Seeds of Resistance Artist Panel, MSU Broad Museum, United States of America. (2021).
- Doherty, D. (Panelist), Seedscapes: Future-Proofing Nature Artist Panel, Seedscapes, Royal Albert Memorial Museum, Exeter, UK, United Kingdom. (2021).
- Doherty, D. (Panelist), Society for Photographic Education National Conference, Modus Operandi: Approaches to Contemporary Research-Based Practice, Society for Photographic Education, Houston, Texas, United States of America. (2020).
- Doherty, D. (Panelist), Symposium Seedscapes: Future-Proofing Nature, Seeding Change, Impressions Gallery, Bradford, England, United Kingdom. (2020).
- Doherty, D. (Author & Presenter), A2RU National Conference: Arts Environments: Design, Resilience, and Sustainability, Making Resilience Visible: Social/Environmental Research and the Visual Arts, United States of America. (2018).
- Doherty, D. (Author & Presenter), Big Botany, Seed Banking and Big Botany, Spencer Museum of Art, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, United States of America. (2018).
- Doherty, D. (Panelist), Exposure: Photography Book Publishing, The Cedars Union Arts Center, Dallas, Texas, United States of America. (2018).
- Doherty, D. (Panelist), "Art and Science in the Changing Texas Landscape", Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, United States of America. (2016 - 2016).
- Ponette, A.G. (Author & Presenter), Doherty, D. (Author), Pitre, C. (Author), Lee, A. (Author), Fry, M. (Author), Johnson, J. (Author), American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Benefits of Integrating Scientific Research and Visual Arts for Undergraduate Students and Faculty, San Francisco, CA, United States of America. (2019 - 2019).
- Ponette, A.G. (Author), Pitre, C. (Author & Presenter), Lee, A. (Author), Doherty, D. (Author), Johnson, J. (Author), Fry, M.J. (Author), Southwestern Division of the American Association of Geographers Meeting, Bird feathers as biomonitors of soot pollution, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States of America. (2018).
- Doherty, D. (Panelist), State of the Art Symposium, Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, Bentonville, Arkansas, United States of America. (2014 - 2014).
Invited Talk
Keynote/Plenary Address
Panel Presentation
Artistic and Professional Performances and Exhibits
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Dornith Doherty Archiving Eden: Exchange", Los Angeles County Arboretum, Los Angeles, California, United States of America. (September 2024 - January 2025).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Ellas Ilustran Botánica", La Casa de Las Ciencias, Logroño, Spain (2022), traveled to Cristina Enea Fundazioa, San Sebastián, Spain (2023) and the Real Jardín Botánico, Madrid, Spain (2024)., La Casa de Las Ciencias, Logroño, Spain (2022), traveled to Cristina Enea Fundazioa, San Sebastián, Spain (2023) and the Real Jardín Botánico, Madrid, Spain (2024)., Spain. (February 11, 2022 - December 26, 2024).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Illuminations: Dornith Doherty: Miradas a los Helechos de Colombia", Jardín Botánico de Medellín, Medellín, Colombia, Colombia. (June 4, 2024 - November 15, 2024).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "New Acquisitions", Dyson Cancer Centre, Royal United Hospital, Bath, England, United Kingdom. (April 2024 - October 2024).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Reseeding", CityCentre Gallery, Houston, Texas, United States of America. (March 2024 - September 2024).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "In Pursuit of Light: Women in Photography from the Permanent Collection", Martin Museum of Art, Baylor, Texas, United States of America. (January 2024 - April 2024).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Earthly Forms", TC Energy Center, Houston, Texas, United States of America. (August 2023 - December 2023).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Reverie", UT Southwestern Medical Center, Harold C. Simmons Comprehensive Cancer Center Contemplation Room permanent installation, Dallas, Texas, United States of America. (January 2021 - December 2023).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Duets", Haggerty Gallery, University of Dallas, Dallas, Texas, United States of America. (September 2023 - October 2023).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Natural Discourse @ di Rosa", di Rosa Center for Contemporary Art, Napa, California, United States of America. (May 2023 - September 2023).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Dornith Doherty, Illuminations", Botanical Research Institute of Texas & Fort Worth Botanic Garden, Fort Worth, Texas, United States of America. (February 17, 2023 - June 2023).
- Residency – Visiting. Doherty, D., "Artist affliate at Botanical Research Institute of Texas", Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Fort Worth, United States of America. (June 2021 - June 2023).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Entanglements", Center for Visual Art MSU, Denver, Colorado, United States of America. (January 2022 - March 2023).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Dornith Doherty", Tarleton State University Gallery of Art, Stephenville Texas, United States of America. (January 2023 - February 2023).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Unsettled Natures: Artists Reflect on the Age of Human", Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, Washington D.C., United States of America. (2021 - 2022).
- Art - Exhibition, Two-Person. Doherty, D., "Roundabout/Circuition for Grafting the Grape", Stephen and Peter Sachs Museum Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, Missouri, United States of America. (2021 - 2022).
- Residency – Visiting. Doherty, D., "Roundabout/Circuition", Sachs Museum, Danforth Center for Plant Sciences, Collaborative project with Dr. Allison Miller and the Miller Perennial Plant Biodiversity and Evolution research lab (University of St. Louis and the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center), Nezka Pfeifer, Museum Curator at the Stephen and Peter Sachs Museum at the Missouri Botanical Garde, and Keith E. Duncan, manager of the X-ray imaging facility and research scientist at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center. Artworks resulting from this collaboration were shown at the Sachs Museum in St. Louis, MO., United States of America. (2019 - 2022).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Crystal Realities to Artificial Intelligence: Multidisciplinary Explorations in Photography", Dishman Art Museum, Beaumont, Texas, United States of America. (September 24, 2022 - November 12, 2022).
- Art - Exhibition, Three-Person. Doherty, D., "Threshold", Sam Houston State University Art Gallery, Huntsville, Texas, United States of America. (September 6, 2022 - October 8, 2022).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Respire", Cole Art Center,, Nacogdoches, Texas, United States of America. (January 25, 2022 - March 20, 2022).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Seedling Cabinets I, II, III", solo, Rice University, BioScience Collaborative, Rice University, BioScience Collaborative Houston, Texas, United States of America. (October 2021 - December 2021).
- Art - Affiliations and Collections. Doherty, D., "Permanent Collection of the Dayton Art Institute", United States of America. (2021).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Back to the Garden", CADD Space @ Siematic, Dallas, Texas, United States of America. (2021 - 2021).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "From the Vault: Selections from the Art Museum of Southeast Texas", Tyler Museum of Art,, Tyler, Texas, United States of America. (2021 - 2021).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Seeds of Resistance", Broad Museum, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, United States of America. (2021).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "State of Nature: Picturing Indiana Biodiversity (traveling)", Indiana State Museum, Indianapolis, IN, United States of America. (2021).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Seedscapes: Future-Proofing Nature (traveling)", Impressions Gallery, Bradford, Yorkshire, England, Royal Albert Memorial Museum & Art Gallery, Exeter, England; The Dick Institute, Kilmarnock, Scotland, United Kingdom. (September 2020 - December 2021).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Dayton Institute of Art", Dayton, Ohio, United States of America. (2020 - 2021).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Companion Species", Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, Bentonville, AR, United States of America. (November 2020 - May 2021).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Atlas of the Invisible II", Holly Johnson Gallery, Dallas, Texas, United States of America. (November 2020 - January 2021).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Back and Forth: Celebrating Women", Holly Johnson Gallery, United States of America. (2020 - 2020).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Phytopia", Science Gallery of Bengaluru, India, India. (2020).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "State of Nature: Picturing Indiana Biodiversity (traveling)", Grunwald Gallery of Art, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, United States of America. (2020 - 2020).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "The World to Come: Art in the Age of the Anthropocene (traveling + catalogue)", DePaul Art Museum, Chicago, IL, United States of America. (2020).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Heuser Art Gallery", Bradley University, Peoria, Illinois, United States of America. (2020 - 2020).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Vault: Exchange", Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Canada. (2020 - 2020).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "The World to Come: Art in the Age of the Anthropocene (traveling + catalogue)", Harn Museum of Art at University of Florida & University of Michigan Museum of Art, Gainesville, Florida & Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States of America. (2018 - 2020).
- Art - Affiliations and Collections. Doherty, D., "Permanent Collection at Frost Bank", Frost Bank, San Antonio, Texas, United States of America. (2019).
- Art - Affiliations and Collections. Doherty, D., "Permanent Collection at Lamar University", Lamar University, Beaumont, Texas, United States of America. (2019).
- Art - Affiliations and Collections. Doherty, D., "Permanent Collection at National Academy of Sciences", National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C., United States of America. (2019).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Assembly, Photography from Houston’s Galleries", FotoFest, Houston, Texas, United States of America. (2019 - 2019).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Potato (Solanum tuberosum): Apple of the Earth", Stephen and Peter Sachs Museum, Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, Missouri, United States of America. (2019 - 2019).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Reflections, Projections, Collections: Landscape in Review", SP/N Gallery at University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, Texas, United States of America. (2019 - 2019).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Summertime Blues", Holly Johnson Gallery, Dallas, Texas, United States of America. (2019 - 2019).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Vault: Exchange", Contact Photography Festival Core exhibition: Idea Projects, Ontario Science Centre, Toronto, Canada, Canada. (2019 - 2019).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Atlas of the Invisible", Moody Gallery, Houston, Texas, United States of America. (2019 - 2019).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "National Academy of Sciences Art Gallery", Washington D.C., United States of America. (2019 - 2019).
- Residency – Artist. Doherty, D., "Museum of Contemporary Art/Ontario Science Centre Artist-in-Residence", Museum of Contemporary Art/Ontario Science Centre, Toronto, Canada, Canada. (2019 - 2019).
- Other. Pitre, C., Anna, L., Doherty, D., Ponette, A.G., Fry, M., Johnson, J., "Pollumage, an art science integrative exhibition", Elm Fork Center, UNT Environmental Science Building, Denton, Texas, United States of America. (April 1, 2019 - April 22, 2019).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Altering Nature: Pictures of a Changing Environment", Tracey Morgan Gallery, Asheville, North Carolina, United States of America. (2018 - 2018).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Big Botany: Conversations with the Plant World", Spencer Museum of Art at University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, United States of America. (2018 - 2018).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Endangered Species: Artists on the Front Line of Biodiversity", Whatcom Museum, Bellingham, Washington, United States of America. (2018 - 2018).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Holiday Exhibition", Moody Gallery, Houston, Texas, United States of America. (2018 - 2018).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Making Life Visible: Art, Biology, and Visualization", Faulconer Gallery at Grinnell College, Grinnell, Iowa, United States of America. (2018 - 2018).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "New Territory: Landscape Photography Today", Denver Art Museum, Denver, Colorado, United States of America. (2018).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Łódź Fotofestiwal: Human Nature (Ludska Natura)", Łódź Fotofestiwal, Łódź, Poland, Poland. (2018 - 2018).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Deluge", Holly Johnson Gallery, Dallas, Texas, United States of America. (2018 - 2018).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Mediated Garden", San Antonio College, San Antonio, Texas, United States of America. (2018 - 2018).
- Residency – Artist. Doherty, D., "Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies Artist-in-Residence", Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Millbrook, New York, United States of America. (2018 - 2018).
- Art - Affiliations and Collections. Doherty, D., "Permanent Collection at Amon Carter Museum of American Art", Amon Carter Museum of American Art, Fort Worth, Texas, United States of America. (2017 - 2017).
- Art - Affiliations and Collections. Doherty, D., "Permanent Collection at Capital One", Capital One, Dallas, Texas, United States of America. (2017).
- Art - Affiliations and Collections. Doherty, D., "Permanent Collection at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute", Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America. (2017).
- Art - Affiliations and Collections. Doherty, D., "Permanent Collection at Midfirst Bank", Midfirst Bank, Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States of America. (2017).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "dataSTEAM", Janice Faulkner Gallery at East Carolina University, Greenville, North Carolina, United States of America. (2017 - 2017).
- Art - Exhibition, Invitational. Doherty, D., "Die Grenzen des Wachstums (The Limits of Growth)", f2 Fotofestival, Kulturort Depot, Dortmund, Germany, Germany. (2017 - 2017).
- Art - Exhibition, Invitational. Doherty, D., "Juror’s Works: Celebrating 40 Years of PhotoSpiva", Spiva Center for the Arts, Joplin, Missouri, United States of America. (2017 - 2017).
- Art - Exhibition, Invitational. Doherty, D., "Planetary Gardening", PhotoAccess, Manuka Arts Centre, Canberra, Australia, Australia. (2017 - 2017).
- Art - Exhibition, Invitational. Doherty, D., "State of the Art: Discovering American Art Now", Frist Center for the Visual Arts, Nashville, Tennessee, United States of America. (2017 - 2017).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Archiving Eden", Amon Carter Museum, Fort Worth, Texas, United States of America. (2017 - 2017).
- Curatorial Work. Doherty, D., "Art/Science Graduate Exhibition: Succession", Elm Fork Eagle Exhibit Hall, Environmental Sciences Building, United States of America. (2017).
- Art - Affiliations and Collections. Doherty, D., "Permanent Collection", Kings Park Biodiversity Conservation Centre, Western Australia, Perth, Western Australia, United States of America. (2016).
- Art - Affiliations and Collections. Doherty, D., "Permanent Collection at Kings Park Biodiversity Conservation Centre", Kings Park Biodiversity Conservation Centre, Western Australia, Australia. (2016).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Experiencing Nature", Houston Methodist Hospital, Houston, Texas, United States of America. (2016 - 2016).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "It's Official: Celebrating Texas State Artists", Holly Johnson Gallery, Dallas, Texas, United States of America. (2016 - 2016).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Moody Gallery Celebrates Forty Years", Moody Gallery, Houston, Texas, United States of America. (2016 - 2016).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "State of the Art: Discovering American Art Now", Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States of America. (2016 - 2016).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Twenty-Five: A Celebration", Galveston Arts Center, Galveston, Texas, United States of America. (2016 - 2016).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "You are Here: Texas Photographers Respond to the Texas Landscape", Texas A&M Art and Architecture Gallery, College Station, Texas; and Atrium Fine Art Gallery, Duschense Academy, Houston, Texas, United States of America. (2016 - 2016).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Changing Circumstances: Looking at the Future of the Planet", FotoFest Photography Biennial, Silver Street Studios, Houston, Texas, United States of America. (2016 - 2016).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "STOW", University of North Texas / ArtSpace Dallas / Houston Center for Photography, United States of America. (2016 - 2016).
- Art - Affiliations and Collections. Doherty, D., "Permanent Collection at Art Museum of Southeast Texas", Art Museum of Southeast Texas, Beaumont, Texas, United States of America. (2015).
- Art - Affiliations and Collections. Doherty, D., "Permanent Collection at Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art", Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, Bentonville, Arkansas, United States of America. (2015).
- Art - Affiliations and Collections. Doherty, D., "Permanent Collection at Museum of Fine Arts", Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas, United States of America. (2015).
- Art - Affiliations and Collections. Doherty, D., "Permanent Collection at UT Southwestern Medical Center", UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, United States of America. (2015).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Carneal Simmons Contemporary", Dallas, Texas, United States of America. (2015 - 2015).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Kings Park and Botanic Garden", West Perth, Australia, Australia. (2015 - 2015).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Millennium Seed Bank Research Seedlings and Lochner-Stuppy Test Garden", Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, United States of America. (2015 - 2015).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "STEM City", Coconino Center for the Arts, Flagstaff, Arizona, United States of America. (2015 - 2015).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "The Lesser Exotics of Texas or How the Barren Ground Caribou Would Never Occupy the Same Space as the Javelina", Bath House Cultural Center, Dallas, Texas, United States of America. (2015 - 2015).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Dornith Doherty: Archiving Eden", Land Institute, Salina, Kansas, United States of America. (2015 - 2015).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Exchange", Holly Johnson Gallery, Dallas, Texas, United States of America. (2015 - 2015).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "The Seeds of Art", Juanita Harvey Gallery, Midwestern State University, Wichita Falls, Texas, United States of America. (2015 - 2015).
- Curatorial Work. Mann, P., Doherty, D., Neese, A., "Permanence and Impermanence", United States of America. (2015 - 2015).
- Art - Affiliations and Collections. Doherty, D., "Permanent Collection at Museum of Texas Tech University", Museum of Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, United States of America. (2014).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "3am: Wonder, Paranoia, and the Restless Night", The Bluecoat Art Centre, Liverpool; Chapter, Cardiff, Wales; The Exchange, Penzance: Ferens Art Gallery, Hull, England, United States of America. (2014 - 2014).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "IAA Fellows: Celebrating Five Years of Achievement", UNT on the Square Gallery, Denton, Texas, United States of America. (2014 - 2014).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Photo-Eye Gallery", Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States of America. (2014 - 2014).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "PhotoTXcetera Invitational Exhibition", Kevin Page Gallery, Dallas, Texas, United States of America. (2014 - 2014).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "State of the Art: Discovering American Art Now", Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, Bentonville, Arkansas, United States of America. (2014 - 2014).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Archive: Australia", McMurtrey Gallery, Houston, Texas, United States of America. (2014 - 2014).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Oasis", Art Museum of Southeast Texas, Beaumont, Texas, United States of America. (2014 - 2014).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Seeds, Science, Sustenance and Snacks: the Photography of Dornith Doherty", Fotoseptiembre Biennial/University of Texas at San Antonio Art Gallery, United States of America. (2014 - 2014).
- Art - Affiliations and Collections. Doherty, D., "Permanent Collection at Federal Reserve Bank", Federal Reserve Bank at Houston Branch, Houston, Texas, United States of America. (2013).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Grasslands", Tucson Museum of Art, Tucson, Arizona, United States of America. (2013 - 2013).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "IAA Fellows Exhibition", UNT ArtSpace, Dallas, United States of America. (2013 - 2013).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Selections from the Permanent Collection", Amon Carter Museum of American Art, Fort Worth, Texas, United States of America. (2013 - 2013).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Dornith Doherty", Fundación Cultural de Esperanza, Argentina, United States of America. (2013 - 2013).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Dornith Doherty", La Fundación Ramseyer Dayer, Argentina, United States of America. (2013 - 2013).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Dornith Doherty", Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes Rosa Galisteo de Rodriguez, Santa Fe, Argentina, Argentina. (2013 - 2013).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Dornith Doherty", Museum of Photography, Rafaela, Argentina, United States of America. (2013 - 2013).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Dornith Doherty", The Contemporary, Monterey, California, United States of America. (2013 - 2013).
- Art - Affiliations and Collections. Doherty, D., "Permanent Collection at Centro de Fotografía", Centro de Fotografía, Isla de Tenerife, Spain, Spain. (2012).
- Art - Affiliations and Collections. Doherty, D., "Permanent Collection at Frontier Science", Frontier Science, Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America. (2012).
- Art - Affiliations and Collections. Doherty, D., "Permanent Collection at Martin Museum of Art", Martin Museum of Art, Waco, Texas, United States of America. (2012).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Source", Antioch College Art Gallery, Yellow Springs, Ohio, United States of America. (2012 - 2012).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Sustenance", Northlight Gallery, Arizona State University, Tempe Arizona, United States of America. (2012 - 2012).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Terra Cognita", Museum Belvédère, Heerenveen, Netherlands, Netherlands. (2012 - 2012).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "The Creative Risk: Todd Hido, Kelli Connell, Susan Burnstine, Dornith Doherty", MSU Visual Art Center, Starkville, Mississippi, United States of America. (2012 - 2012).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Three of a Kind", McMurtrey Gallery, Houston, Texas, United States of America. (2012 - 2012).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Cache", McMurtrey Gallery, Houston , Texas, United States of America. (2012 - 2012).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Dornith Doherty", Union Presbyterian Seminary Early Center, Richmond, Virginia, United States of America. (2012 - 2012).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Atlanticas Colectivas, Fotonoviembre Photography Biennial", Centro de Fotografia, Isla de Tenerife, Spain, Spain. (2011 - 2011).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Confined: The Captive and Keeper in Contemporary Life", Look 11, Liverpool International Photography Festival,The Bluecoat Arts Centre, Liverpool, England, United States of America. (2011 - 2011).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Earth Now: American Landscape Photographers and the Environment", New Mexico Museum of Art, Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States of America. (2011 - 2011).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Edge of Life: Forest Pathology Art", Stephen F Austin University, Nacogdoches, Texas, United States of America. (2011 - 2011).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Science, Poetry, and the Photographic Image", Trois Gallery, Savannah College of Art and Design, Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America. (2011 - 2011).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Stockpile", Holly Johnson Gallery, Dallas, Texas, United States of America. (2011 - 2011).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Vault II", Environmental Science Building Lobby, UNT, United States of America. (2011 - 2011).
- Residency – Artist. Doherty, D., "Carestream Molecular Imaging Residency", Carestream Molecular Imaging, New Haven, Connecticut, United States of America. (2011 - 2011).
- Other. "Regalamos Arte", Arcimboldo Galeria de Arte, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (2011 - 2011).
- Other. "Science, Poetry, and the Photographic Image", Northlight Gallery, University of Arizona, Tempe, Arizona, (2011 - 2011).
- Other. "A River Runs Through it: Perception vs. Reality TV, Inconvenient Truths and other Reactions on the Battle of the Alamo", University of Texas at San Antonio Art Gallery, (2011 - 2011).
- Art - Affiliations and Collections. Doherty, D., "Permanent Collection at National Center for Genetic Resources Preservation", National Center for Genetic Resources Preservation, Fort Collins, Colorado, United States of America. (2010).
- Art - Affiliations and Collections. Doherty, D., "Permanent Collection at W Hotel and Residences", W Hotel and Residences, Dallas, Texas, United States of America. (2010).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Light and Vision II Forty Years of Photography", Rice University Media Center, Houston, Texas, United States of America. (2010 - 2010).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Dornith Doherty at Mid-Career: Photographs 2007-2010", Galveston Arts Center (In conjunction with FotoFest International Photography Biennial), United States of America. (2010 - 2010).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Dornith Doherty at Mid-Career: Photographs 2007-2010", Martin Museum of Art, Baylor University, Waco, Texas (catalogue), United States of America. (2010 - 2010).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Encuentros Abiertos Festival de Luz Photography Biennial: Galería Arcimboldo", Buenos Aires, Argentina, United States of America. (2010 - 2010).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "VAULT", UNT on the Square Gallery, Denton, Texas, United States of America. (2010 - 2010).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "(Un)natural Worlds", Rockport Center for the Arts, Rockport, Texas, United States of America. (2009 - 2009).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Arbor", Michael Mazzeo Gallery, (online) New York, New York, United States of America. (2009 - 2009).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Back in Red", McMurtrey Gallery, Houston, Texas, United States of America. (2009 - 2009).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Flash", CADD Art Lab, Dallas, Texas, United States of America. (2009 - 2009).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Laura Wzorek is in the building", Finite Foto (online exhibition), United States of America. (2009 - 2009).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Nature Perceived, Nature Conceived", Williams Tower Gallery, Houston, Texas, United States of America. (2009 - 2009).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Un-Natural Nature of Food Fraction Magazine (online exhibition)", Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States of America. (2009 - 2009).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Yuma Symposium 30th Anniversary Exhibition", Yuma Art Center, Yuma, Arizona, United States of America. (2009 - 2009).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Archiving Eden", McMurtrey Gallery, Houston, Texas, United States of America. (2009 - 2009).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Archiving Eden II", Holly Johnson Gallery, Dallas, Texas, United States of America. (2009 - 2009).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "2x2", Rachofsky House, Dallas, Texas, United States of America. (2008 - 2008).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Faculty Highlights", UNT Artspace FW Gallery, Fort Worth, Texas, United States of America. (2008 - 2008).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "FATHOM: Exploring the Depths of Water as Concept Content, and Context", Texas State University, San Marcos Art Gallery, United States of America. (2008 - 2008).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Pictures of Things: Contemporary Still Life Photography", Visual Arts Center, Portsmouth, Virginia, United States of America. (2008 - 2008).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Dornith Doherty", National Center for Genetic Resources Preservation, Fort Collins, Colorado, United States of America. (2008 - 2008).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Contemporary Art Dealers of Dallas", Holly Johnson Gallery, Dallas, Texas, United States of America. (2007 - 2007).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Dornith Doherty & Luther Smith Reverberations on Landscapes", UNT artspace FW Gallery, Fort Worth, Texas, United States of America. (2007 - 2007).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Water on the Edge: Six Photographers", Environmental Sciences Gallery, UNT, United States of America. (2007 - 2007).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Altered Terrain", Holly Johnson Gallery, Dallas, Texas (catalogue), United States of America. (2007 - 2007).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Dornith Doherty: New Work", McMurtrey Gallery, Houston, Texas, United States of America. (2007 - 2007).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "A Touch of Red", McMurtrey Gallery, Houston, Texas, United States of America. (2006 - 2006).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Dornith Doherty / Serena Lin Bush", University of Texas at Arlington Art Gallery, Arlington, Texas, United States of America. (2006 - 2006).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Past/ Present", Vanderbilt University Art Gallery, Nashville, TN, United States of America. (2006 - 2006).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Photo LA", Los Angeles, California, United States of America. (2006 - 2006).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Silver Retrospective Exhibition", Houston Center for Photography, Houston, Texas, United States of America. (2006 - 2006).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "The Association of International Photography Art Dealers, Inc.", New York, New York, United States of America. (2006 - 2006).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Dornith Doherty", McMurtrey Gallery, Houston, Texas, United States of America. (2006 - 2006).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "FotoFest 2006, Burnt Water/Agua Quemada", ]Winter Street Studios, Houston, Texas, United States of America. (2006 - 2006).
- Art - Affiliations and Collections. Doherty, D., "Permanent Collection at Suez Energy", Suez Energy, Houston, Texas, United States of America. (2005).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Crossroads: Points of Transition and Intersection", Nicholls State University Art Gallery, Thibodaux, Louisiana, United States of America. (2005 - 2005).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Reconstruction: Making Pictures", University of Texas at San Antonio Satellite Gallery, United States of America. (2005 - 2005).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Small Matters", Gerald Peters Fine Art, Dallas, Texas, United States of America. (2005 - 2005).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Women in Print", El Centro Community College Art Gallery, Dallas, Texas, United States of America. (2005 - 2005).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Yuma Art Center", Yuma, Arizona, United States of America. (2005 - 2005).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Dornith Doherty: Fotografie", Galerie Lužánky, Brno, Czech Republic, United States of America. (2005 - 2005).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Temporal Screens: Photographs of Kyoto", Gerald Peters Fine Art, Dallas, Texas, United States of America. (2005 - 2005).
- Residency – Artist. Doherty, D., "Nature Conservancy Residency", Nature Conservancy, Southmost Preserve, Texas, United States of America. (2005 - 2005).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Artifacts", Midwestern State University Art Gallery, Wichita Falls, Texas, United States of America. (2004 - 2004).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Free Scapes", Gerald Peters Fine Art, Dallas, Texas, United States of America. (2004 - 2004).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Summer Focus, Bassetti Fine Art Photographs", Bassetti Gallery, New Orleans, Louisiana, United States of America. (2004 - 2004).
- Art - Affiliations and Collections. Doherty, D., "Permanent Collection at Goldman-Sachs", Goldman-Sachs, New York, New York, United States of America. (2003).
- Art - Affiliations and Collections. Doherty, D., "Permanent Collection at Golin-Harris, Inc.", Golin-Harris, Inc., Washington, D.C., United States of America. (2003).
- Art - Affiliations and Collections. Doherty, D., "Permanent Collection at Harrah’s Casino", Harrah’s Casino, New Orleans, Louisiana, United States of America. (2003).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Managing Eden", Center for Photography at Woodstock, New York, United States of America. (2003 - 2003).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Texas Women Photographers", Women and Their Work Gallery, Austin, Texas/Galveston Art Center/Houston Center for Photography/Grace Museum, Abilene, Texas, United States of America. (2003 - 2003).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Dornith Doherty: Exploring the Rio Grande", Pillsbury and Peters Fine Art, Dallas, Texas, United States of America. (2003 - 2003).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "20th Anniversary Exhibition", Houston Center for Photography, Houston, Texas, United States of America. (2002 - 2002).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "FotoFest: Dornith Doherty, John Sparagana, & Anne Stautberg", James Gallery, Houston, Texas, United States of America. (2002 - 2002).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Modalities of the Visible: A Survey of Contemporary Art in North Texas", New Forum Gallery, BCCA, Dallas, Texas, United States of America. (2002 - 2002).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Sprawl: Aspects of Human Agency in the Landscape", Arlington Museum of Art, Arlington, Texas, United States of America. (2002 - 2002).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Dornith Doherty", Kilgore College, Texas, United States of America. (2002 - 2002).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Southern Light Gallery", Amarillo, Texas, United States of America. (2002 - 2002).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Uncanny Landscapes", Isis Gallery, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana, United States of America. (2002 - 2002).
- Art - Affiliations and Collections. Doherty, D., "Permanent Collection at Brandt Museum", Brandt Museum, Odense, Denmark, Denmark. (2001).
- Art - Affiliations and Collections. Doherty, D., "Permanent Collection at University of Texas at San Antonio", University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas, United States of America. (2001).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Dan Rangland and Dornith Doherty", Bassetti Fine Art Photographs, New Orleans, Louisiana, United States of America. (2001 - 2001).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Texas Tall Tales, PDNB Gallery", Dallas, Texas, United States of America. (2001 - 2001).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Dornith Doherty", Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, United States of America. (2001 - 2001).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Liquid, new work by Dornith Doherty", James Gallery, Houston, Texas, United States of America. (2001 - 2001).
- Other. "Nature & Artifice, Three Texas Photographers", Ameen Art Gallery, Nicholls State University, Thibodaux, LA, (2001 - 2001).
- Art - Affiliations and Collections. Doherty, D., "Permanent Collection at Sprint Corporation", Sprint Corporation, Overland Park, Kansas, United States of America. (2000).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Dornith Doherty, New Work", Brookhaven College, Farmer's Branch, Texas, United States of America. (2000 - 2000).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Misnomers", McDonough Museum of Art, Youngstown, Ohio, United States of America. (2000 - 2000).
- Other. "10x2+2: 22 Texas Artists", DiverseWorks Gallery, Houston, Texas, (2000 - 2000).
- Other. "FotoFest 2000", James Gallery, Houston, Texas, (2000 - 2000).
- Other. "IndiCollects", Herron Art Gallery, Indianapolis, Indiana, (2000 - 2000).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Dornith Doherty", Center for the Visual Arts, Denton, Texas, United States of America. (1999 - 1999).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Voices: Recent Work by Dornith Doherty", University Gallery, Texas A&M University-Commerce, Commerce, Texas, United States of America. (1999 - 1999).
- Other. "Flora and Fauna", Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas, (1999 - 1999).
- Other. "Material World", James Gallery, Houston, Texas, (1999 - 1999).
- Other. "Spectres: Dornith Doherty and Sybil Miller", Bannister Gallery, Rhode Island College, Providence, Rhode Island, (1999 - 1999).
- Other. "The Shelf-life of Objects: Contemporary Still Life Photography", University of Texas-Dallas, Texas, (1999 - 1999).
- Art - Affiliations and Collections. Doherty, D., "Permanent Collection at The City of Denton, Texas", City of Denton, Texas, Denton, Texas, United States of America. (1998).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Fragmentary Evolutions", James Gallery, Houston, United States of America. (1998 - 1998).
- Residency – Artist. Doherty, D., "United States Department of the Interior, Artist-in-Residence Program", United States Department of the Interior, Joshua Tree National Park, Joshua Tree National Park, California, United States of America. (1998 - 1998).
- Other. "Blurred Boundaries", Winter Street Art Center, Houston, Texas, (1998 - 1998).
- Other. "Reunion", James Gallery, Houston, Texas, (1998 - 1998).
- Art - Exhibition, Group. Doherty, D., "Flora Bella", Galveston Arts Center, Galveston, Texas, United States of America. (1997 - 1997).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Constructing Identity", Southern Arkansas University Art,Gallery, Magnolia, Arkansas, United States of America. (1997 - 1997).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Traces", University of Notre Dame Photography Gallery, Notre Dame, Indiana, United States of America. (1997 - 1997).
- Other. "Dornith Doherty/John C. Nelson", New Harmony Gallery of Contemporary Art,New Harmony, Indiana, (1997 - 1997).
- Other. "Dornith Doherty/Kristy Deetz", Rosewood Art Centre Gallery, Kettering, Ohio, (1997 - 1997).
- Other. "Introductions: Contemporary Texas Photographers", Fort Worth Contemporary Art Center, Fort Worth, Texas, (1997 - 1997).
- Other. "Revelation", , Dallas Visual Art Center, Dallas, Texas, (1997 - 1997).
- Other. "Animalia: Photographs by Six Texas Artists", Art Museum of Southeast Texas, Beaumont, Texas, (1996 - 1996).
- Other. "Dornith Doherty/Mark Merline", Mt. Vernon Nazarene College Art Gallery, Mt. Vernon, Ohio, (1996 - 1996).
- Other. "Indiana University All Campus Art Exhibition", Indiana University Art Museum, Bloomington, Indiana, (1995 - 1995).
- Other. "International Photography Educators Exhibition", LRC Gallery,Sinclair College, Dayton, Ohio, (1995 - 1995).
- Other. "Photography in Mexico", List Art Center Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, (1995 - 1995).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Reenchanting Nature", Society for Contemporary Photography Gallery, Kansas City, Missouri, United States of America. (1994 - 1994).
- Other. "Indiana Arts Commission Fellowship Exhibition", Indiana State Office Building, Indianapolis, Indiana, (1994 - 1994).
- Art - Affiliations and Collections. Doherty, D., "Permanent Collection at Museum of Fine Arts", Museum of Fine Arts, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States of America. (1993).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "New Color Work", Rice University Media Center, Houston, Texas, United States of America. (1993 - 1993).
- Other. "Photo National", Zoller Gallery, Pennsylvania State University, (1993 - 1993).
- Other. "Photographic Art: Current Forms", Indiana University Southeast, New Albany, Indiana, (1993 - 1993).
- Other. "Photography for the Nineties Sheldon Swope Art Museum", Terre Haute, Indiana, (1993 - 1993).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Science Projects", Science Projects Sinclair College, Dayton, Ohio, United States of America. (1992 - 1992).
- Other. "35 Contemporary Artists", University of Nebraska Art Gallery, Lincoln, Nebraska, (1992 - 1992).
- Other. "Extinction is Forever", , Liberty Gallery Invitational Liberty Gallery, Louisville, Kentucky, (1992 - 1992).
- Other. "Photography: Nine for the Nineties", Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indianapolis, Indiana, (1992 - 1992).
- Other. "Suspect Terrain", Museum of American Indian and Western Art,Indianapolis, Indiana, (1992 - 1992).
- Art - Affiliations and Collections. Doherty, D., "Permanent Collection at Minneapolis Institute of Arts", Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States of America. (1990).
- Art - Affiliations and Collections. Doherty, D., "Permanent Collection at Sheldon Swope Art Museum", Sheldon Swope Art Museum, Fort Wayne, Indiana, United States of America. (1990).
- Other. "Carl Robert Pope & Dornith Doherty", , Photographs Indiana State Museum, Indianapolis, Indiana, (1990 - 1990).
- Other. "Evocative Presence: Greater Lafayette Museum of Art Invitational Color Photography Exhibition", Greater Lafayette Museum of Art, Lafayette, Indiana, (1990 - 1990).
- Other. "Indiana Women Artists: An Invitational Show", Editions Limited Gallery, Indianapolis, Indiana, (1990 - 1990).
- Art - Exhibition, One-Person. Doherty, D., "Mysterious Spaces", Norton Center at Centre College, Danville, Kentucky, United States of America. (1989 - 1989).
- Other. "Omnibus'89", Herron Gallery, Indianapolis, Indiana, (1989 - 1989).
- Other. "Photography", The Next Generation,ASUC Art Studio, University of California, Berkeley, CA, (1989 - 1989).
- Art - Affiliations and Collections. Doherty, D., "Permanent Collection at Yale University Library", Yale University Library, New Haven, Connecticut, United States of America. (1988).
- Other. "MFA Thesis Exhibition", Yale University Art and Architecture Gallery, (1988 - 1988).
Media Contributions
- "Outside of New York Episode 19," Outside of New York Episode 19: Dornith Doherty. (October 22, 2018).
- "Dornith Doherty at the Prairie Festival PF 2015 Livestream at the Land Institute," Land Institute. (2015).
- "Susan Byrnes Community Voices Interview," WYSO Public Radio Ohio. (November 2, 2020).
- "Artist Dornith Doherty on capturing images of seeds from around the world," Canadian Broadcasting Company Tom Power's Q. (January 20, 2020).
- "“Indictment and Hope in Bellingham Exhibit on Endangered Species”," KNKX. (October 11, 2018).
- "State of the Arts: Photographer Dornith Doherty is Archiving Eden," Art and Seek, KERA. (August 11, 2017).
- "Praxis Radio: Dornith Doherty," WYBC Yale Radio: Praxis Radio: Dornith Doherty. (April 17, 2017).
- "Interview: Marfa Dialogues: Houston," Host: Travis Bubenik KTRS Marfa Public Radio. (2016).
- "Art Uncovered: Dornith Doherty," Interview with Thomas Seely on Breakthru Radio (NYC). (2014).
Contracts, Grants, Sponsored Research
- Doherty, D., "Idea Project Artist-in-Residence," sponsored by Museum of Contemporary Art/Ontario Science Centre (jointly sponsored), International, $6000 Funded. (2019 - 2020).
- Doherty, D., "Texas State Artist 2D (bestowed by the Texas Legislature)," State, Funded. (2016 - 2016).
- Doherty, D. (Other), "John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation," Other, Funded. (2012 - 2013).
- Doherty, D. (Principal), "UNT Institute for the Advancement of the Arts Fellowship," sponsored by Institute for the Advancement of the Arts, University of North Texas, Funded. (2010 - 2010).
- Doherty, D. (Other), "William J. Fulbright Garcia Robles Lecture/Research Grant to Mexico," sponsored by Fulbright Foundation, International, Funded. (1994 - 1995).
- Doherty, D. (Principal), "Indiana Arts Commission Individual Artist Master Fellowship," sponsored by Indiana Arts Commission, Other, Funded. (1993 - 1993).
- Doherty, D. (Principal), "Society for Contemporary Photography Fellowship," Other, Funded. (1993 - 1993).
- Doherty, D. (Principal), "Summer Faculty Fellowship," sponsored by Indiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis, Other, Funded. (1990 - 1990).
- Doherty, D. (Principal), "Houston Center for Photography Fellowship," sponsored by Houston Center for Photography, Other, Funded. (1985 - 1985).
- Doherty, D., "Idea Project Artist-in-Residence," sponsored by Museum of Contemporary Art/Ontario Science Centre (jointly sponsored), International, Funded. (2019 - 2020).
- Doherty, D., "CVAD Flagship Grant," sponsored by UNT College of Visual Arts + Design, Local, $10000 Funded. (2023 - 2024).
- Ponette-Gonzalez, A.G. (Principal), Fry, M. (Co-Principal), Ferring, D. (Co-Principal), Doherty, D. (Co-Principal), "Hazy views over U.S. public lands," sponsored by University of North Texas, Local, $4340 Funded. (2020 - 2021).
- Doherty, D., "Scholarly & Creative Activity Award: As Above, So Below," University of North Texas, $5000 Funded. (2018 - 2019).
- Doherty, D., "Faculty Development Leave: Land Bridges: Convergence and Divergence in a Moving Landscape," University of North Texas, Funded. ( - 2018).
- Fry, M.J. (Principal), Ponette, A.G. (Principal), Johnson, J., Doherty, D., "MENTORING TEAM GRANT, Air Space, Rights, and Materiality Working Group," sponsored by University of North Texas Office of Faculty Success, University of North Texas, $3400 Funded. (2017 - 2018).
- Doherty, D., "UNT Research and Creativity Enhancement Grant," University of North Texas, Funded. (2012 - 2012).
- Doherty, D., "UNT Research and Creativity Enhancement Grant," University of North Texas, Funded. (2010 - 2010).
- Doherty, D. (Co-Principal), "UNT Research Infrastructure Grant," University of North Texas, $25000 Funded. (2008 - 2008).
- Doherty, D. (Principal), "UNT Research Opportunity Program Grant," sponsored by Rio Grande Project, International, Funded. (2007 - 2007).
- Doherty, D. (Principal), "Japan Foundation Grant for 3 month residency in Kyoto, Japan," sponsored by Japan Foundation, International, Funded. (2003 - 2003).
- Doherty, D. (Principal), "Stewart Professional Fund Grant," International, Funded. (2002 - 2002).
- Doherty, D. (Principal), "UNT Research Opportunity Program Grant," University of North Texas, Funded. (2002 - 2002).
- Doherty, D. (Principal), "Arts Council of Indianapolis Recognition Grant," Other, Funded. (1990 - 1990).
- Doherty, D., "Carestream Molecular Imaging, short-term residency, New Haven, Connecticut," International, Funded. (2011 - 2011).
- Doherty, D. (Principal), "Faculty Development Leave," sponsored by University of North Texas, University of North Texas, Funded. (2011 - 2011).
- Doherty, D. (Co-Principal), "Hispanic and Global Studies Initiatives Fund Co-Recipient with Dr. Jennifer Way," sponsored by Hispanic and Global Studies Initiatives Fund, International, Funded. (2008 - 2008).
- Doherty, D. (Co-Principal), "Charn Uswachoke International Development Fund Co-Recipient with Dr. Jennifer Way," sponsored by Charn Uswachoke International Development Fund, International, Funded. (2007 - 2007).
- Doherty, D. (Principal), "Nature Conservancy, residency at Southmost Preserve, Texas," sponsored by Southmost Preserve for Rio Grande Project, State, Funded. (2005 - 2005).
- Doherty, D. (Principal), "Faculty Development Leave," sponsored by University of North Texas, University of North Texas, Funded. (2004 - 2004).
- Doherty, D. (Other), "United States Department of the Interior, Artist-in-Residence Program, Joshua Tree National Park, California," sponsored by United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Artist-in-Residence Program, Joshua Tree National Park, California, Federal, Funded. (1998 - 1998).
Grant - Research
Sponsored Research
University Service
- Program Organizer, Ad hoc tenure track faculty mentor meeting. (2024 - Present).
- Faculty Mentor, Faculty Mentor: Letitia Huckaby. (2023 - 2026).
- Member, College PAC (formerly RPTC). (September 2024 - May 2026).
- Faculty Mentor, Faculty mentor: Ranran Fan. (2023 - 2025).
- Member, Research Strategic Planning Commitee. (January 2025 - April 2025).
- Member, Chair Reappointment Review Committee. (December 2024 - March 2025).
- Member, Ad-hoc Research building public art / design committee. (2024 - 2024).
- Member, Heritage Post Oak Harvesting Art Reuse Committee. (2024).
- Guest Speaker, Research Day Panel: Research Mentorship.. (2024).
- Special Institutional Assignment, Oral History Interview for Portal to Texas History. (October 2024).
- Member, Department level PAC. (May 2024).
- Committee Member, Provost's Advisory Committee for Tenure and Promotion. (September 2022 - May 2024).
- Committee Member, Studio Dept Retention, Promotion Tenure Committee. (September 2022 - May 2024).
- Special Institutional Assignment, Oral History for UNT Portal to Texas History. (February 2024).
- Committee Member, Committee on Student Retention. (2023 - 2023).
- Special Institutional Assignment, Oral History Interview for Portal to Texas History. (October 2023).
- Co-Chair, Organized and Curated Alumni exhibition in CVAD building. (October 2023 - October 2023).
- Special Institutional Assignment, Oral History Interview for Portal to Texas History. (July 2023).
- Committee Member, Provost's Advisory Committee Research Misconduct. (January 2022 - June 2023).
- Committee Member, New Media Search Committee Member Attempt 2. (October 2022 - May 2023).
- Committee Member, Super PAC RPT committee for professors applying for promotion to Full. (August 2022 - December 2022).
- Committee Member, Ad Hoc Full Professor Advisory Committee of COACHE results. (2022 - 2022).
- Committee Member, Review Student Scholarship applications. (2022 - 2022).
- Member, New Media Faculty Search Committee 2021-2022. (August 2021 - May 2022).
- Committee Member, Dean's Search Committee. (2020 - 2021).
- Committee Member, CVAD Retention, Promotion and Tenure Committee. (2019 - 2021).
- Committee Member, Materials Research Facility Advisory Council. (2019 - 2021).
- Committee Member, Photography Technician Search Committee Member. (2019 - 2019).
- Committee Member (Faculty Member), Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Photography/New Media. (2019 - 2019).
- Member, Distinguished Research Professor Selection and Review Committee. (2017 - 2019).
- Member, Faculty Search: Photography Lecturer. (2018).
- Member, Faculty Search: Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Ceramics. (2018).
- Student Recruiter, First Flight and Pecha Kucha. (2018).
- Member, Retention, Promotion and Tenure Committee (College Level). (2018).
- Student Recruiter, First Flight. (2017).
- Member, PRINT Press Review Committee (ad hoc). (2017).
- Committee Member, Retention, Promotion and Tenure Committee (College Level). (2017).
- Chairperson, Department of Studio, Retention, Promotion and Tenure Committee. (2016 - 2017).
- Other (Beta Tester), Faculty Information System beta tester. (2016 - 2017).
- Member, Attended Portfolio Day. (2015 - 2017).
- Member, Department of Studio Chair Search. (2016).
- Member, Distinguished Research Professor Selection and Review Committee. (2016).
- Student Recruiter, First Flight. (2016).
- Member, Member of Scholarly and Creative Awards Committee. (2016).
- Member, University Distinguished Research Professor Selection and Review Committee. (2016).
- Program Coordinator, Photography Area Coordinator. (2014 - 2016).
- Member, Distinguished Research Professor Selection and Review Committee. (2015).
- Member, Interior Design Search Committee. (2015).
- Faculty Advisor, Co-developed a ten point enrollment plan for the photography area. (2014 - 2015).
- Member, Dean of CVAD Search Committee. (2014 - 2015).
- Faculty Advisor, Co-wrote Fabrication Laboratory Proposal. (2014 - 2014).
- Member, New Media Faculty Search Committee. (2014 - 2014).
- Committee Chair, Art Education Art History Promotion and Retention Committee. (2013 - 2014).
- Member, Dean Search Committee. (2013 - 2014).
- Member, UNT Research Creativity Enhancement Grant Review Committee. (2012 - 2013).
- Member, iARTA Faculty Search Committee. (2011 - 2012).
- Member, New Media Search Committee. (2011 - 2012).
- Member, Photography Faculty Search Committee. (2011 - 2012).
- Member, Faculty Promotion and Retention Committee. (2010 - 2012).
- Member, UNT Research Creativity Enhancement Review Committee. (2010 - 2010).
- Member, Block Grant Planning Committee. (2009 - 2010).
- Member, Art Education/Art History Division Promotion and Retention Committee. (2008 - 2009).
- Committee Chair, New Media Search Committee. (2008 - 2009).
- Other (Member/ Translator), UAEM site visit team. Review and evaluate curriculum and facilities. (2008 - 2009).
- Member, University Evaluation of Teaching Committee. (2008 - 2008).
- Member, UNT Evaluation of Teaching Committee. (2008 - 2008).
- Member, Ad Hoc Communication Design Faculty Search Committee. (2007 - 2008).
- Member, UAEM Public Art project Committee. (2007 - 2008).
- Member, Faculty Senate Committee on Committees. (2006 - 2008).
- Member, Faculty Senate Executive Committee. (2004 - 2008).
- Member, Faculty Senate Representative. (2002 - 2008).
- Member, Ad Hoc Photography Faculty Search Committee. (2006 - 2007).
- Member, Art Education/Art History Division Personnel Committee. (2004 - 2005).
- Member, SoVA Promotion and Tenure Committee. (2004 - 2005).
- Member, Art Education/Art History Division Personnel Committee. (2003 - 2004).
- Member, SoVA Promotion and Tenure Committee. (2003 - 2004).
- Member, Art Education/Art History Division Personnel Committee. (2002 - 2003).
- Member, Electronic Media Artist Search Committee. (2002 - 2003).
- Member, SoVA Promotion and Tenure Committee. (2002 - 2003).
- Member, Technology Advisory Committee. (2002 - 2003).
- Committee Chair, Ad Hoc Sculpture and Metals Search Committee. (2001 - 2002).
- Member, Electronic Media Artist Search Committee. (2001 - 2002).
- Member, Technology Advisory Committee. (2001 - 2002).
Professional Service
- External T&P Letter Writer, Baylor University. Waco, Texas. (2024 - 2024).
- External T&P Letter Writer, Guggenheim Foundation Reference. New York, New York. (2024 - 2024).
- Other (Endowed Professor External Reviewer), University of Vermont. Burlington, Vermont. (2024).
- External T&P Letter Writer, Stephen F Austin State University. Nacogdoches, Texas. (2022 - 2022).
- External T&P Letter Writer, Texas A&M Commerce. Commerce, Texas. (2022 - 2022).
- Committee Member, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies Artist-in-Residence Nomination Committee. (2019 - 2019).
- Committee Member, Heinz Foundation Heinz Award Nomination Committee. (2019 - 2019).
- Other (Juror, Photography Competition), Aga Khan Foundation, United States of America. (2017).
- Academic, Baylor University, Baylor University, United States of America. (2017).
- Academic, University of Arizona, University of Arizona, United States of America. (2017).
- Government, Texas Commission on the Arts Texas State Artist Committee, United States of America. (2016 - 2016).
- Academic (External Evaluator), University of Dallas, United States of America. (2016 - 2016).
- Other (External Evaluator), University of Nebraska at Kearney, United States of America. (2016 - 2016).
- Other (External Evaluator), University of New Mexico, United States of America. (2016 - 2016).
- Other (External Evaluator), University of South Carolina, United States of America. (2016 - 2016).
- Other (External Evaluator), Tyler School of Art, United States of America. (2015 - 2015).
- Other (Juror), Dallas Zoo Photography Contest, United States of America. (2014 - 2014).
- Other (External Evaluator), Hobart and William Smith Colleges, United States of America. (2014 - 2014).
- Other (Visual Arts Individual Grant Reviewer for the states of Maryland and New Jersey), Mid-America Arts Foundation, United States of America. (2014 - 2014).
- Other (External Evaluator), Notre Dame University, United States of America. (2014 - 2014).
- Other (Juror), Photo-Spiva 38 Annual Photography Competition, United States of America. (2014 - 2014).
- Other (External Evaluator), University of Texas at San Antonio, United States of America. (2014 - 2014).
- Baylor University, (2012 - 2012).
- Clemson University, (2012 - 2012).
- Indiana University-Purdue University, (2012 - 2012).
- Trinity University, (2012 - 2012).
- University of Georgia, (2012 - 2012).
- Howard Payne University, (2008 - 2008).
- Promotion and tenure candidate from University of South Carolina, (2008 - 2008).
- Promotion to full professor candidate from Georgia State University, (2008 - 2008).
- Exhibition Panel for Craighead Green Gallery's Summer Exhibition, (2007 - 2007).
- Fort Worth Camera Club, (2007 - 2007).
- Peer Review Panel for proposals for 2008 SPE National Conference, (2007 - 2007).
- Promotion and tenure candidate from Nicholls State University, (2007 - 2007).
- Promotion and tenure candidate from Stephen F. Austin University, (2006 - 2006).