Dr. Esther Sanchez-Couto
University of North Texas


PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2013.
Major: Romance Languages and Literatures
Degree Specialization: Romance Languages: Hispanic Literature
Dissertation Title: "Representaciones del silencio en la narrativa femenina de España y México (1990-2012)"
MA, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2008.
Major: Spanish
Certificate, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 2000.
Major: Certificate of Pedagogical Aptitude
BA, Universidade de Vigo, Spain, 1999.
Major: Spanish

Professional Positions

Lecturer of Spanish, University of North Texas. (2014 – Present).
Adjunct Faculty, University of North Texas. (20132014).
Graduate Teaching Fellow, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. (20082013).
Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of North Carolina at Greensboro. (20062008).

Professional Memberships

American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. (September 15, 2014 – Present).

Asociación para la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera. (August 30, 2014 – Present).

Computer-Assisted Language Instruction Consortium. (August 30, 2014 – Present).

Film in Language Teaching Association. (August 30, 2014 – Present).

Council for European Studies. (2014 – Present).

Texas Foreign Language Association. (September 15, 2013 – Present).

Modern Language Association. (May 30, 2013 – Present).

Asociación Internacional de Literatura y Cultura Femenina Hispánica. (2013 – Present).

Development Activities Attended

Tutorial,"In the Driver´s Seat: Preparing Students for AI-Enhanced Workplaces," MacMillan Learning, United States of America. (November 21, 2023).

Tutorial,"Take Location-Based Attendance and Check Comprehension with iClicker," DSI CLEAR, United States of America. (September 25, 2023).

Tutorial,"Skill for Inclusive Conversation," LinkedIn Learning. UNT Bridge, United States of America. (April 11, 2022).

Workshop,"Managing Difficult Classroom," University of North Texas, United States of America. (September 10, 2021).

Tutorial,"Developing Cross-Cultural Intelligence," Linkedln Learning, United States of America. (April 9, 2021).

Tutorial,"Accessibility for Online Teaching," University of North Texas, United States of America. (March 10, 2021).

Tutorial,"Accommodating Disabilities," University of North Texas, United States of America. (December 31, 2020).

Tutorial,"Using an Equity Framework to Engage Students with Minoritized Identities," University of North Texas, United States of America. (December 31, 2020).

Tutorial,"Diversity and Inclusion," University of North Texas, United States of America. (December 30, 2020).

Tutorial,"From Behaving to Belonging: The Inclusive Art of Supporting Students Who Challenge Us," ASCD, United States of America. (September 1, 2020).

Seminar,"Teaching for Deeper Learning," ASCD, United States of America. (February 4, 2020).

Tutorial,"Your Students, My Students, Our Students: Rethinking Equitable and Inclusive Classrooms," ASCD, Denton, Texas, United States of America. (December 12, 2019).

Tutorial,"How to Become the Educator That Male Black and Latino Students Need," ASCD, Denton, Texas, United States of America. (September 17, 2019).

Tutorial,"Rise to the Challenge: Designing Rigorous Learning That Maximazes Student Success," ASCD, Denton, Texas, United States of America. (September 10, 2019).

Tutorial,"The New Three Rs: Trauma-Invested Strategies for Fostering Resilient Learners," ASCD, Denton, Texas, United States of America. (March 5, 2019).

Tutorial,"All Learning is Social and Emotional: Helping Students Develop Essential Skills for the Classroom and Beyond.," ASCD, Denton, Texas, United States of America. (February 28, 2019).

Tutorial,"Get Your Classroom Thinking! Deeper Learning Strategies for Any Classroom," ASCD, Denton, Texas, United States of America. (January 15, 2019).

Tutorial,"Engage the Brain: How to Design for Learning that Taps into the Power of Emotion," ASCD, United States of America. (November 29, 2018).

Tutorial,"Motivating and Managing Difficult Students: A Discipline with Dignity Approach," ASCD, United States of America. (April 24, 2018).

Tutorial,"From Being Stuck to Making Things Stick: Teaching so Students Remember," ASCD, United States of America. (March 13, 2018).

Tutorial,"Equipping Educators with Effective Violence Prevention and Crisis Response Strategies," ASCD, United States of America. (March 8, 2018).

Tutorial,"Disrupting Poverty: Five Powerful Classroom Practices," ASCD, United States of America. (February 17, 2018).

Tutorial,"Navigating Social and Emotional Learning from the Inside Out," ASCD, United States of America. (January 25, 2018).

Tutorial,"Multiple Intelligences," ASCD, United States of America. (January 18, 2018).

Tutorial,"NFLRC Assessment in Online Language Course," TED Lessons, United States of America. (September 27, 2017October 25, 2017).

Tutorial,"Creating a Culture of Reflective Practice," ASCD, United States of America. (October 24, 2017).

Tutorial,"Teaching to Strengths: Supporting Students Living with Trauma, Violence, and Chronic Stress," ASCD, United States of America. (September 19, 2017).

Tutorial,"Beyond Grammar and Vocabulary: Learning about Conversation," Pearson, United States of America. (October 13, 2016).

Tutorial,"It´s Time to Talk… We Have Things to Do," Pearson, United States of America. (October 13, 2016).

Tutorial,"How to Integrate Digital Content into the Classroom Curriculum," ASCD, United States of America. (October 12, 2016).

Tutorial,"Blended Learning," Apperson, United States of America. (November 12, 2015).

Tutorial,"Using data to Enhance Teaching and Learning," Apperson, United States of America. (November 5, 2015).

Workshop,"Developing Materials for Heritage Learners of Spanish," COERLL. Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning, Austin, Texas, United States of America. (July 30, 2015).

Seminar,"Intermediate Spanish Film & Technology Symposium," McGraw Hill Education, Hollywood, Florida, United States of America. (March 26, 2015March 27, 2015).

Tutorial,"Motivating Heritage Language Learners: Authentic Task and Materials," ACTFL, United States of America. (March 11, 2015).

Tutorial,"Differentiated Instruction: Heritage and Mixed Classes," ACTFL, United States of America. (February 18, 2015).

Tutorial,"Teaching Heritage Languages: Approaches and Strategies.," ACTFL, United States of America. (January 28, 2015).

Conference Attendance,"ACTFL ANNUAL CONVENTION & WORLD LANGUAGES EXPO," ACTFL, San Antonio, Texas, United States of America. (November 21, 2014November 23, 2014).

Workshop,"TEACHING EXCELLENCE SEMINAR," University of North Texas, Denton, Texas, United States of America. (August 21, 2014).

Workshop,"Focusing Instruction and Assessment for Effective Language Learning," TFLA SUMMER INSTITUTE, Arlington, Texas, United States of America. (July 8, 2014July 10, 2014).

Workshop,"Cengage Learning´s 2014 Experience Event: Introductory and Intermediate Spanish," Cengage Learning, Austin, Texas, United States of America. (February 28, 2014March 1, 2014).


Teaching Experience

University of North Texas
SPAN 1010, Elementary Spanish, 23 courses.
SPAN 1020, Elementary Spanish, 7 courses.
SPAN 1030, Review of Elementary Spanish, 12 courses.
SPAN 2040, Intermediate Spanish, 4 courses.
SPAN 2050, Intermediate Spanish, 4 courses.
SPAN 3003, Advanced Grammar, 12 courses.
SPAN 3004, Advanced Composition, 9 courses.
SPAN 3030, Readings in Spanish American Short Story, 1 course.
SPAN 3060, Advanced Spanish Composition and Oral Practice, 6 courses.
SPAN 3090, Advanced Spanish Grammar I, 10 courses.
SPAN 4310, Survey of Spanish Literature, 1 course.


Published Intellectual Contributions

Book Chapter
Sanchez-Couto, E. (2020). Del texto a la pantalla y de la pantalla al aula: Reescritura histórica en El corazón de la Tierra (2007). Desde el siglo XIX : Reescrituras, Traducciones, Transmedialidad. 273-279. Calambur.
Sanchez-Couto, E. (2019). El Ministerio del Tiempo viaja a la clase ELE americana: Una propuesta docente. Mito e Historia en la televisión y el cine español. 357-71. Albatros.
Sanchez-Couto, E. (2019). Usos Pedagógicos del documental historiográfico: La resistencia al Canon de Concepción Arenal (1820-1893). Numancia: Representaciones culturales de resistencia en el mundo hispánico. 195-210. Wisteria.
Sanchez-Couto, E. (2019). ¿Qué le duele?: Representaciones de la medicina en la pintura del siglo XIX. Literatura y Medicina: Teoría y Praxis (1800-1930). 1, 17-37. Ediciones de La Torre.
Sanchez-Couto, E. (2017). La insurrección: Victoria Menor en la revolución sandinista de Nicaragua. Asedios a la narrativa de Antonio Skármeta.. 103-120. LIma: Universidad Ricardo Palma.
Sanchez-Couto, E. (2016). Silencios poderosos en La Muerte y la Doncella de Ariel Dorfman. Other. 187-95.
Book Review
Sanchez-Couto, E. (2015). Townsend, Tamara L. Memory and Identity in the Narratives of Soledad Puértolas: Constructing the Past and the Self. Lanham: Rowman & Lit- tlefield, 2014. 153 pp.. Romance Notes. 55, 163-65.
Sanchez-Couto, E. (2011). "Weldt-Besson, Helene Carol. Subversive Silences: Nonverbal Expression and Implicit Narrative Strategies in the Works of Latin American Women Writers. Madison: Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 2009. 277pp.". 163, 97-99. Hispanófila.
Sanchez-Couto, E. (2009). "Guerra, Lucía. Mujer y escritura. Fundamentos teóricos de la crítica feminista.". Letras Femeninas. 35(2), 371-72.
Journal Article
Sanchez-Couto, E. (2017). Rubén Darío: Un poeta en busca de cuadros. Other. 23, 285-297. Valladolid: Universitas Castellae.
Sanchez-Couto, E. (2016). "Búsqueda de la identidad femenina en el teatro de Rosario Castellanos". 27(2), 105-127. Hispanic Journal.
Sanchez-Couto, E. (2014). "El desafío de la narración interior en Duerme de Carmen Boullosa". Letras Femeninas. 40(2), 165-81.

Presentations Given

Oral Presentation

Sanchez-Couto, E. (Author & Presenter), KFLC, Propuestas didácticas para usar El Ministerio del Tiempo en el aula, University of North Texas, United States of America. (20192019).

Sanchez-Couto, E. (Author & Presenter), AILFCH, El tiempo entre costuras: Lecciones de espionaje y supervivencia con un dedal y una aguja, Houston, Texas, United States of America. (20162016).

Sanchez-Couto, E. (Author & Presenter), South Central Modern Language Association, Humor y memoria en Perdiendo el norte: Tragicomedia de la emigración española, Dallas, Texas, United States of America. (20162016).

Sanchez-Couto, E. (Author & Presenter), Twelfth Annual Conference on Latin American, Spanish, French, Francophone, and Luso-Brazilian Literatures, La escritura como declaración de odio en Las analfabetas de Pablo Paredes, University of Oklahoma, United States of America. (20162016).

Sanchez-Couto, E. (Author & Presenter), Rubén Darío desde la otra orilla del Atlántico, Rubén Darío: un poeta en busca de cuadros, Asociación de hispanistas “Siglo diecinueve”, Valladolid, Spain, Spain. (20162016).

Sanchez-Couto, E. (Author & Presenter), 69th Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Epifanía manierista: El arte como liberación en Te doy mis ojos (2003) de Icíar Bollaín, University of Kentucky, United States of America. (20162016).

Sanchez-Couto, E. (Author & Presenter), MIFLC, Reivindicación filosófica de las mujeres olvidadas de la historia en Hierba Mora de Teresa Moure, College of Charleston, United States of America. (20152015).

Sanchez-Couto, E. (Author & Presenter), Trauma individual y/o colectivo: reflexión y representación en la cultura hispánica, Uso del silencio como mecanismo de poder en La Muerte y la Doncella, McGill University & Universitas Castellae, Valladolid, Spain, Spain. (20152015).

Sanchez-Couto, E. (Author & Presenter), 68th Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, El problema de la mujer / la mujer como problema en la obra de Inma Chacón, University of Kentucky, United States of America. (20152015).

Sanchez-Couto, E. (Author & Presenter), 10th Annual Conference on Latin American, Spanish, French, Francophone, and Luso-Brazilian Literatures, La narración de una independencia: Mujer, familia y sociedad en el discurso de una nueva nación, University of Oklahoma, United States of America. (20142014).

Sanchez-Couto, E. (Author & Presenter), 67th Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, El secreto del silencio en Tiempo de arena de Inma Chacón, University of Kentucky, United States of America. (20142014).

Sanchez-Couto, E. (Author & Presenter), 9th Annual Conference on Latin American, Spanish, French, Francophone, and Luso-Brazilian Literatures, ¿Quién es Lucía Romero?: Juegos de identidad en La hija del caníbal (1997) y Lucía, Lucía (2003), University of Oklahoma, United States of America. (20132013).

Sanchez-Couto, E. (Author & Presenter), 6th Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, La estética del silencio en el arte y la escritura: El velázquez de París y El sueño de Venecia, University of Kentucky, United States of America. (20132013).

Sanchez-Couto, E. (Author & Presenter), 64th Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Una reflexión sobre la herencia vasca a través de la memoria femenina en El Cuaderno rojo, University of Kentucky, United States of America. (20112011).

Sanchez-Couto, E. (Author & Presenter), 63rd Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Narración interior en Duerme de Carmen Boullosa, University of Kentucky, United States of America. (20102010).

Sanchez-Couto, E. (Author & Presenter), The Carolina Conference on Romance Literatures, "Questioning Textualities: A transatlantic Approach?, La figura de la mujer en Las Soledades de Góngora y Primero Sueño de Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, UNC-Chapel Hill, United States of America. (20082008).


Sanchez-Couto, E. (Author & Presenter), Representaciones de la diversidad humana (y no humana) en la cultura hispánica, La diversidad en la clase ELE, McGill University and Universitas Castellae, Spain. (20232023).

Sanchez-Couto, E. (Author & Presenter), El concepto de la muerte en la literatura hispánica, Ver para hablar: la muerte a través del arte, Asociación Siglo Diecinueve, Spain. (20232023).

Sanchez-Couto, E. (Author & Presenter), Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Mujer y Academia: La otra mano de Lepanto (2005) de Carmen Boullosa, United States of America. (20232023).

Sanchez-Couto, E. (Author & Presenter), Congreso Internacional Eros, Ágapes y Parafilia en las Literaturas Hispánicas, Ápapes literarios en los espacios públicos urbanos como vehículos de memoria cultural, McGill University and Universitas Castellae, Spain. (20222022).

Sanchez-Couto, E. (Author & Presenter), Congreso Internacional Espiritualidad y Literatura, El bordado de Dios: La relevancia de la perspectiva en el arte textil hispánico, Spain. (20222022).

Sanchez-Couto, E. (Author & Presenter), Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, El golpeteo del silencio en el silencio de La catedrática (2018) de María López Villarquide, United States of America. (20222022).

Sanchez-Couto, E. (Author & Presenter), MIFLC, Una introspección personal con hilos de silencio en Dolor y Gloria (2019), Furman University, SC, United States of America. (20212021).

Sanchez-Couto, E. (Author & Presenter), Congreso Internacional Recepción y Canon, El silencio en la estética de la recepción literaria, Valladolid, Spain. (20212021).

Sanchez-Couto, E. (Author & Presenter), MIFLC, Silencio vs Palabra en el arte de la comunicación, United States of America. (2020).

Sanchez-Couto, E. (Author & Presenter), University of Valladolid, Mujer y academia: Influencia de la formación académica en escritoras que enseñan en centros universitarios, Valladolid, Spain, Spain. (2020).

Sanchez-Couto, E. (Author & Presenter), KFLC, Museo del Prado en el aula: Apuntes pedagógicos, United States of America. (2020).

Sanchez-Couto, E. (Author & Presenter), MIFLC, Arte y Pedagogía: Representaciones de la lectura y el aprendizaje en el arte, University of North Texas, United States of America. (20192019).

Sanchez-Couto, E. (Author & Presenter), Asociación de Hispanistas Siglo XIX, Del texto a la pantalla y de la pantalla al aula: Reescritura histórica en El corazón de la Tierra (2007), Bergamo, Italy, Italy. (20192019).

Sanchez-Couto, E. (Author & Presenter), University of Valladolid in Soria, Las aventuras de Tadeo Jones (2012): Lecciones de heroísmo y cultura a través del cine de animación, Spain. (20192019).

Sanchez-Couto, E. (Author & Presenter), KFLC, El arte en la clase de español: Sofonisba Anguissola (1532-1625) en la corte de Felipe II, University of North Texas, United States of America. (20192019).

Sanchez-Couto, E. (Author & Presenter), South Central Modern Language Association Conference, Clara Campoamor, la mujer olvidada conquista el aula y desafía el canon, University of North Texas, United States of America. (20182018).

Sanchez-Couto, E. (Author & Presenter), Asociación de Hispanistas Siglo XIX, Resistencia y Pedagogía: El caso de Concepción Arenal (1820-1893), Soria, Spain, Spain. (20182018).

Sanchez-Couto, E. (Author & Presenter), KFLC, El Ministerio del Tiempo: Usos didácticos de la televisi´ón en la clase de español, University of North Texas, United States of America. (20182018).


University Service

Committee Member, University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee. (August 2023 – Present).

Director, Director of Undergraduate Studies. (August 2021 – Present).

Faculty Mentor, Mentor to New Teaching Assistants. (August 2021 – Present).

Co-Chair, Spanish Cine Club. (August 20, 2014 – Present).

Committee Member, Executive Committee. (August 2018May 2021).

Member, Curriculum Committee. (August 20, 2015May 2018).

Member, Awards Committee. (January 10, 2015May 15, 2015).

Member, Events Committee. (January 10, 2015May 15, 2015).

Member, Recruitment Committee. (January 10, 2015May 15, 2015).

Member, Arabic Search Committee. (September 1, 2014May 15, 2015).

Professional Service

Session Chair, Asociación de Hispanistas Siglo Diecinueve. (June 28, 2023).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Hispanófila. (2022).