Guru Khalsa
Assistant Professor
University of North Texas
Department of Physics
PhD, University of Texas at Austin, 2013
Major: Physics
Professional Memberships
- Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science. (February 1, 2024 - Present).
- Materials Research Society. (2018 - Present).
- Americal Physics Society. (2006 - Present).
Development Activities
- Workshop, Effective Mentoring, American Physical Society. United States of America. (November 1, 2023).
- Continuing Education Program, Adapting to Innovation (AI), Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. United States of America. (June 2024 - August 2024).
Teaching Experience
- PHYS 2900 - Special Problems, 1 course.
- PHYS 3510 - Physics, Computation and Software Applications, 1 course.
- PHYS 4500 - Introduction to Solid State Physics, 2 courses.
- PHYS 5450 - Survey of Solid State Physics, 2 courses.
- PHYS 5900 - Special Problems, 1 course.
- PHYS 5910 - Special Problems, 2 courses.
- PHYS 6940 - Individual Research, 3 courses.
University of North Texas
Directed Student Learning
- Directed Individual/Independent Study, Physics. (2024).
- Directed Individual/Independent Study, Physics. (2024).
- Dissertation Committee Member, "Temporally and Spectrally Driven Complex Systems," Physics. (2024).
- Dissertation Committee Member, "Computational Physics Modeling of Catalysis," Physics. (2024).
- Supervised Research, Physics. (2024).
- Postdoctoral Research Supervision, "Condensed Matter Physics Research," Physics. (2023).
- Directed Individual/Independent Study, "Theoretical Condensed Matter and Computational Physics Orientation and Research," Physics. (October 2023 - December 2025).
- Directed Individual/Independent Study, "Theoretical Condensed Matter and Computational Physics Orientation and Research," Physics. (October 2024 - May 2025).
Awards and Honors
- Best Oral Presentation Award for “An Epitaxial GaN/NbN Heterostructure Exhibiting Concurrent Superconductivity and Quantum Hall Effect” Science Advances, Vol. 7, no. 8, eabf1388 (2021) at the 2021 MRS Spring Meeting, presented by Ph.D. student Phillip Dang., 2021 Materials Research Society Spring Meeting. (April 22, 2021).
- Ed Nicollian Award awarded for “Electronic properties of epitaxial NbN/GaN interfaces” Science Advances Vol. 7, no. 52, eabi5833 (2021) at the 51st IEEE Semiconductor Interface Specialists Conference, San Diego, CA, with Ph.D. student John Wright., 51st IEEE Semiconductor Interface Specialists Conference. (December 8, 2020).
- A+ Teaching Award, Cornell Dancers Alliance Awards. (May 5, 2020).
- Best Poster for “Ultrafast optical control of magnetic phase in GdTiO3 from first principles.” The 53rd Course of the International School of Crystallography, Magnetic Crystallography, Erice, Italy., The 53rd Course of the International School of Crystallography, Magnetic Crystallography. (June 7, 2019).
- La Prix La Recherche – Physique for “Récompensant des travaux d'une grande diversité portés avec enthousiasme... [Rewarding work of great diversity carried out with enthusiasm…]” for “Neuromorphic computing with nanoscale spintronic oscillators," Nature 547, 428–431 (2017) in the category of Physics., La Recherche. (January 31, 2018).
- National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow, National Institute of Standards and Technology. (August 1, 2013).
Published Intellectual Contributions
- Riou, M., Torrejon, J., Araujo, F., Tsunegi, S., Khalsa, G., Querlioz, D., Brtolotti, P., Leroux, N., Markovic, D., Cros, V., Yakushiji, K., Fukushima, A., Kubota, H., Yuasa, S., Stiles, M.D., Grollier, J. (2021). Reservoir Computing Leveraging the Transient Non-linear Dynamics of Spin-Torque Nano-Oscillators.
- Khalsa, G., Benedek, N.A., Moses, J. (2022). Giant Optical Nonlinearities and Ultrafast Control of Optical Symmetry via IR-Resonant Raman Scattering. Other.
- Zheng, J., Khalsa, G., Benedek, N.A., Moses, J. (2022). Two-pulse enabled coherent control of structural dynamics. Other.
- He, Z., Khalsa, G. (2024). Optical Control of Ferroaxial Order. Physical Review. 6 (043220) American Physical Society.
- Savant, C.P., Verma, A., Nguyen, T., van Deurzen, L., Chen, Y., He, Z., Rezaie, S.S., Gollwitzer, J., Gregory, B., Ruff, J., Khalsa, G., Singer, A., Muller, D.A., Xing, H.G., Jena, D., Casamento, J. (2024). Self-activated epitaxial growth of ScN films from molecular nitrogen at low temperatures. Applied Physics Letters. 12 (111108)
- Zheng, J., Khalsa, G., Moses, J. (2023). Phonon-mediated third-harmonic generation in diamond.
- Verma, A., Golez, D., Gorobtsov, O.Y., Kaj, K., , R.R., Kaaret, J.Z., Lamb, E., Khalsa, G., Nair, H.P., Sun, Y., Bouck, R., Schreiber, N., Ruff, J., Ramaprasad, V., Kubota, Y., Togashi, T., Stoica, V.A., Padmanabhan, H., Freeland, J.W., Benedek, N.A., Shpyrko, O.G., Harter, J.W., Averitt, R.D., Schlom, D.G., Shen, K.M., Millis, A.J., Singer, A. (2023). Picosecond volume expansion drives a later-time insulator-metal transition in a nano-textured Mott Insulator.
- Khalsa, G., Kaaret, J.Z., Benedek, N.A. (2023). Coherent control of the translational and point group symmetries of crystals with light. Physical Review B. 109 (024110) 15. College Park, MD, American Physical Society.
- Zhang, Y., Liu, M., Jena, D., Khalsa, G. (2022). Tight-binding band structure of β- and α-phase Ga2O3 and Al2O3. Journal of Applied Physics.
- Kaaret, J.Z., Khalsa, G., Benedek, N.A. (2022). A strategy to identify materials exhibiting a large nonlinear phononics response: tuning the ultrafast structural response of LaAlO3 with pressure. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter.
- Mallick, S., Khalsa, G., Kaaret, J.Z., Zhang, W., Butak, M., Gibbs, A.S., Hadermann, J., Halasyamani, P., Benedek, N.A., Hayward, M.A. (2021). The influence of the 6s(2) configuration of Bi3+ on the structures of A \textquoteright BiNb2O7 (A \textquoteright = Rb, Na, Li) layered perovskite oxides.
- Yu, T., Wright, J., Khalsa, G., Pamuk, B., Chang, C.S., Matveyev, Y., Wang, X., Schmitt, T., Feng, D., Muller, D.A., Xing, H.G., Jena, D., Strokov, V.N. (2021). Momentum-resolved electronic structure and band offsets in an epitaxial NbN/GaN superconductor/semiconductor heterojunction. Science Advances.
- Lei, C., Khalsa, G., Du, J., MacDonald, A.H. (2021). Majorana zero modes in a cylindrical semiconductor quantum wire. Physical Review B.
- Olsson, K.S., Choe, J., Rodriguez-Vega, M., Khalsa, G., Benedek, N.A., He, J., Fang, B., Zhou, J., Fiete, G.A., Li, X. (2021). Spin-phonon interaction in yttrium iron garnet. Physical Review B.
- Khalsa, G., Benedek, N.A., Moses, J. (2021). Ultrafast Control of Material Optical Properties via the Infrared Resonant Raman Effect. Physical Review X.
- Wright, J., Chang, C., Waters, D., Lupke, F., Feenstra, R., Raymond, L., Koscica, R., Khalsa, G., Muller, D., Xing, H.G., Jena, D. (2021). Unexplored MBE growth mode reveals new properties of superconducting NbN. Other.
- Dang, P., Khalsa, G., Chang, C., Katzer, D., Nepal, N., Downey, B.P., Wheeler, V.D., Suslov, A., Xie, A., Beam, E., Cao, Y., Lee, C., Muller, D.A., Xing, H.G., Meyer, D.J., Jena, D. (2021). An all-epitaxial nitride heterostructure with concurrent quantum Hall effect and superconductivity. Science Advances.
- Katzer, D., Nepal, N., Hardy, M.T., Downey, B.P., Storm, D.F., Lin, E.J., Yan, R., Khalsa, G., Wright, J., Lang, A.C., Growden, T.A., Gokhale, V., Wheeler, V.D., Kramer, A.R., Yater, J.E., Xing, H.G., Jena, D., Meyer, D.J. (2020). Molecular Beam Epitaxy of Transition Metal Nitrides for Superconducting Device Applications. Other.
- Mei, A.B., Miao, L., Wahila, M.J., Khalsa, G., Wang, Z., Barone, M., Schreiber, N.J., Noskin, L.E., Paik, H., Tiwald, T.E., Zheng, Q., Haasch, R.T., Sangiovanni, D.G., Piper, L.F., Schlom, D.G. (2019). Adsorption-controlled growth and properties of epitaxial SnO films. Other.
- Zhu, T., Khalsa, G., Havas, D.M., Gibbs, A.S., Zhang, W., Halasyamani, P., Benedek, N.A., Hayward, M.A. (2019). Cation exchange as a mechanism to engineer polarity in layered perovskites.
- Riou, M., Araujo, F., Torrejon, J., Tsunegi, S., Khalsa, G., Querlioz, D., Bortolotti, P., Cros, V., Yakushiji, K., Fukushima, A., Kubota, H., Yuasa, S., Stiles, M., Grollier, J. (2019). Neuromorphic Computing through Time-Multiplexing with a Spin-Torque Nano-Oscillator ....
- Yan, R., Khalsa, G., Schaefer, B.T., Jarjour, A., Rouvimov, S., Nowack, K., Xing, H.G., Jena, D. (2019). Thickness dependence of superconductivity in ultrathin NbS2. Other.
- Jena, D., Page, R., Casamento, J., Dang, P., Singhal, J., Zhang, Z., Wright, J., Khalsa, G., Cho, Y., Xing, H.G. (2019). The new nitrides: layered, ferroelectric, magnetic, metallic and superconducting nitrides to boost the GaN photonics and electronics eco-system. Other.
- Yan, R., Khalsa, G., Vishwanath, S., Han, Y., Wright, J., Rouvimov, S., Katzer, D., Nepal, N., Downey, B.P., Muller, D.A., Xing, H.G., Meyer, D.J., Jena, D. (2018). GaN/NbN epitaxial semiconductor/superconductor heterostructures. Nature.
- Khalsa, G., Benedek, N.A. (2018). Ultrafast optically induced ferromagnetic/anti-ferromagnetic phase transition in GdTiO_3 from first principles. Other.
- Bhattacharya, A., Skinner, B., Khalsa, G., Suslov, A.V. (2016). Spatially inhomogeneous electron state deep in the extreme quantum limit of strontium titanate. Nature Communications.
- Khalsa, G., Stiles, M.D., Grollier, J. (2015). Critical current and linewidth reduction in spin-torque nano-oscillators by delayed self-injection. Other.
- Xie, M., Khalsa, G., MacDonald, A. (2014). Optical conductivity of the $t_2g$ two-dimensional electron gas. Other.
- Araki, Y., Khalsa, G., MacDonald, A.H. (2014). Weak localization, spin relaxation, and spin diffusion: Crossover between weak and strong Rashba coupling limits. Other.
- Allen, S., Jalan, B., Lee, S., Ouellette, D.G., Khalsa, G., Jaroszynski, J., Stemmer, S., MacDonald, A.H. (2013). Conduction-band edge and Shubnikov--de Haas effect in low-electron-density SrTiO$_3$. Other.
- Khalsa, G., Lee, B., MacDonald, A. (2013). Theory of $t_2g$ electron-gas Rashba interactions. Other.
- Chang, Y., Khalsa, G., Moreschini, L., Walter, A.L., Bostwick, A., Horn, K., MacDonald, A.H., Rotenberg, E. (2013). Uniaxial strain induced band splitting in semiconducting SrTiO$_3$. Other.
- Khalsa, G., MacDonald, A.H. (2012). Theory of the SrTiO$_3$ surface state two-dimensional electron gas. Other.
- Bistritzer, R., Khalsa, G., MacDonald, A.H. (2011). Electronic structure of doped $d^0$ perovskite semiconductors. Other.
- Bistritzer, R., Khalsa, G., MacDonald, A.H. (2010). d0 Perovskite-Semiconductor Electronic Structure.
Book Chapter
Conference Proceeding
Journal Article
Presentations Given
- Khalsa, G. (Author & Presenter), Center for Non-Perturbative Studies of Functional Materials under Non-Equilibrium Conditions (NPNEQ) Virtual Meeting, Ultrafast symmetry control in crystalline materials with light, Virtual Meeting, United States of America. (2024).
- Khalsa, G. (Author & Presenter), Complex Quantum Systems Seminar, Ultrafast symmetry control in crystalline materials with light, University of Texas at Austin, Department of Physics, United States of America. (2024).
- Khalsa, G. (Author & Presenter), University of Wisconsin – Madison, Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC) Virtual Meeting, Ultrafast symmetry control in crystalline materials with light, Virtual Meeting, United States of America. (2024).
- Khalsa, G. (Author & Presenter), Physics Colloquium, Ultrafast symmetry control in crystalline materials with light, University of Texas at Dallas, Department of Physics, United States of America. (2024).
- Khalsa, G. (Author & Presenter), Physics Collquium, New pathways for control of structure, symmetry, and function in condensed matter, University of North Texas, Department of Physics, United States of America. (2023).
- Khalsa, G. (Presenter), UNT Physics Colloquium, New pathways for control of structure, symmetry, and function in condensed matter, UNT Physics, UNT Physics, United States of America. (2023 - 2023).
- Khalsa, G. (Presenter), UNT Physics Colloquium, Khalsa Research Group -- Condensed Matter Theory, UNT Physics, UNT Physics, United States of America. (2023 - 2023).
- Khalsa, G. (Author & Presenter), Condensed Matter Theory/Theoretical and Computational Theory Seminar, Twisted tessellations — coherent control of the translational and point group symmetries of crystals with light, Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland. (2023).
- Khalsa, G. (Author & Presenter), X Ultrafast Dynamics and Metastability & Ultrafast Bandgap Photonics 2023, New strategies for ultrafast structural control in the mid- and far-infrared, Crete, Greece, Greece. (2023).
- Khalsa, G. (Author & Presenter), Physics Colloquium, New pathways for control of structure, symmetry, and functionality in condensed matter, University of North Texas, Department of Physics, United States of America. (2023).
- Khalsa, G. (Author & Presenter), Physics Colloquium, New pathways for control of structure, symmetry, and functionality in condensed matter, University of Alabama at Birmingham, United States of America. (2023).
- Khalsa, G. (Author & Presenter), Physics Colloquium, New pathways for control of structure, symmetry, and functionality in condensed matter, Temple University, Department of Physics, United States of America. (2023).
- Khalsa, G. (Author & Presenter), Future electronics based on nitride superconductors, Johns Hopkins University, United States of America. (2022).
- Khalsa, G. (Author & Presenter), VII Ultrafast Dynamics and Metastability & Ultrafast Bandgap Photonics 2022, Twisted tessellations: coherent translational and rotational symmetry control in crystalline materials with light, Crete, Greece, United States of America. (2022).
- Khalsa, G. (Author & Presenter), VIII Ultrafast Dynamic and Ultrafast Bandgap Photonics, Ultrafast control of material optical properties via the infrared resonant Raman effect, Georgetown University, United States of America. (2021).
- Khalsa, G. (Author & Presenter), Complex Quantum Systems Seminar, Novel structural, functional, and optical control of materials with infrared light, University of Texas at Austin, Physics Department, United States of America. (2020).
- Khalsa, G. (Author & Presenter), Electronic Materials and Applications 2020, Towards ultrafast control of dielectric properties of materials through optical phonon excitation, Orlando, Florida, United States of America. (2020).
- Khalsa, G. (Author & Presenter), Electronic Materials and Applications 2019, Ultrafast control of material properties through non-linear lattice dynamics from first principles, Orlando, Florida, United States of America. (2019).
- Khalsa, G. (Author & Presenter), Materials Theory Group Seminar, Engineering spin-orbit effects in complex oxide heterostructures, ETH-Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, Switzerland. (2015).
- Khalsa, G. (Author & Presenter), Pittsburgh Quantum Institute Seminar, Spin-orbit engineering in perovskite heterostructures, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States of America. (2015).
- Khalsa, G. (Author & Presenter), Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology, Electron Physics Group Seminar, Quantum confinement at perovskite surfaces/interfaces, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland, United States of America. (2013).
- Khalsa, G. (Author & Presenter), Theory of t2g electron-gas Rashba interactions, Argonna National Labs, Argonne, Illinois, United States of America. (2013).
- Khalsa, G. (Author & Presenter), Theory of t$_{2g}$ electron-gas Rashba interactions, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea, Korea, South. (2013).
- Khalsa, G. (Author & Presenter), Theory of t29 electron-gas Rashba interaction, University of Seoul, Seoul, South Korea, Korea, South. (2013).
- Khalsa, G. (Author & Presenter), 2012 International Summer School on Graphene, 2DEGs involving SrTiO_3, University Chouaib Doukkali, Morocco. (2012).
- Khalsa, G. (Author & Presenter), 2012 International Summer School on Graphene, Introduction to SrTiO_3, University Chouaib Doukkali, Morocco. (2012).
- Khalsa, G. (Author & Presenter), Oxide Fest, Theory of SrTiO3 2DEGs, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, United States of America. (2012).
- Khalsa, G. (Author & Presenter), Institute for Complex Adaptive Matter (ICAM) Workshop, Theory of SrTiO3 2DEGs, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Argentina. (2011).
- Khalsa, G. (Author & Presenter), Condensed Matter Physics Seminar, Conduction band structure of SrTiO_3 near the extreme quantum limit, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea, Korea, South. (2011).
- He, Z. (Author & Presenter), Khalsa, G. (Author), MRS Spring Meeting, A Strain-Enabled Novel Multiferroic State in Barium Hexaferrite through Suppression of Quantum Paraelectricity, Materials Research Society, Seattle, WA, United States of America. (2024).
- Pamuk, B. (Author & Presenter), Khalsa, G. (Author), MRS Spring Meeting, Superconducting properties of transition-metal nitrides from first principles: prospects for strain and isotope modification of superconducting critical temperatures, Materials Research Society, Seattle, WA, United States of America. (2024).
- Khalsa, G. (Author), MRS Spring Meeting, Ultrafast infrared-light-driven symmetry control in crystalline materials, Materials Research Society, Seattle, WA, United States of America. (2024).
- He, Z. (Author & Presenter), Khalsa, G. (Author), APS March Meeting, A Strain-Enabled Novel Multiferroic State in Barium Hexaferrite through Suppression of Quantum Paraelectricity, American Physical Society, Minneapolis, MN, United States of America. (2024).
- Kaaret, J.Z. (Author & Presenter), Khalsa, G. (Author), Gollwitzer, J. (Author), Gorobtsov, O. (Author), Suyoclu, E. (Author), Schlom, D.G. (Author), Singer, A. (Author), Benedek, N.A. (Author), APS March Meeting, Modeling a phonon-driven lattice expansion in thin film LaAlO$_3$, American Physical Society, Minneapolis, MN, United States of America. (2024).
- Pamuk, B. (Author & Presenter), Khalsa, G. (Author), APS March Meeting, Superconducting properties of transition-metal nitrides from first principles: prospects for strain and isotope modification of superconducting critical temperatures, American Physical Society, Minneapolis, MN, United States of America. (2024).
- Khalsa, G. (Author), APS March Meeting, Ultrafast infrared-light-driven symmetry control in crystalline materials, American Physical Society, Minneapolis, MN, United States of America. (2024).
- Khalsa, G. (Author & Presenter), Kaaret, J.Z. (Author), Benedek, N.A. (Author), 2022 Ultrafast Phenomena in Cooperative Systems – Advances in the Dynamics and Control of Quantum Materials, Gordon Research Conference, Twisted tessellations: translational and rotational symmetry control in crystalline materials with light, Ventura, California, United States of America. (2022 - 2022).
- Khalsa, G. (Author & Presenter), Kaaret, J.Z. (Author), Benedek, N.A. (Author), 2022 Ultrafast Phenomena in Cooperative Systems – Collective Dynamics in Complex Phases of Bulk and 2D Materials, Gordon Research Seminar, Twisted tessellations: translational and rotational symmetry control in crystalline materials with light, Ventura, California, United States of America. (2022 - 2022).
- Khalsa, G. (Author & Presenter), Platform for the Accelerated Realization, Analysis, and Discovery of Interface Materials (PARADIM) Program Review, Future electronics based on nitride superconductors, Baltimore, Maryland, United States of America. (2022 - 2022).
- Khalsa, G. (Author & Presenter), Kaaret, J.Z. (Author), Benedek, N.A. (Author), 2022 School on Electron-Phonon Physics from First Principles, The University of Texas at Austin, Twisted tessellations: translational and rotational symmetry control in crystalline materials with light, Austin, Texas, United States of America. (2022 - 2022).
- Khalsa, G. (Author & Presenter), Benedek, N.A. (Author), Moses, J. (Author), 2022 Ultrafast Phenomena in Cooperative Systems – Collective Dynamics in Complex Phases of Bulk and 2D Materials, Gordon Research, Towards ultrafast control of dielectric properties of materials, Luca, Italy, United States of America. (2020 - 2020).
- Khalsa, G. (Author & Presenter), Benedek, N.A. (Author), Moses, J. (Author), 2022 Ultrafast Phenomena in Cooperative Systems – Collective Dynamics in Complex Phases of Bulk and 2D Materials, Gordon Research Conference, Towards ultrafast control of dielectric properties of materials, Luca, Italy, United States of America. (2020 - 2020).
- Khalsa, G. (Author & Presenter), Benedek, N.A. (Author), The 53rd Course of the International School of Crystallography, Magnetic Crystallography, Ultrafast optical control of magnetic phase in GdTiO3 from first principles, Erice, Italy, Italy. (2019 - 2019).
- Khalsa, G. (Author & Presenter), Benedek, N.A. (Author), Multiferroic and Magnetoelectric Materials – Gordon Research Conference, Bates College, Orthorhombic strain induced A-type anti-ferromagnetism in GdTiO3 from first-principles, Lewiston, Maine, United States of America. (2018 - 2018).
- Khalsa, G. (Author & Presenter), MacDonald, A.H. (Author), UT Austin Nano Night - Poster Session, The University of Texas at Austin, Strong Field Orbital Physics in the Conduction Band of SrTiO3, Austin, Texas, United States of America. (2011 - 2011).
Invited Talk
Oral Presentation
Media Contributions
- "Semiconductors reach the quantum world," Paul Scherrer Intitute. (December 22, 2021).
- "그래핀 무아레 무늬의 마법 [The Magic of Graphene Moiré Patterns]," HORIZON. (February 27, 2020).
- "Molecular Beam Epitaxy of Transition Metal Nitrides for Superconducting Device Applications," Phys. Status Solidi A: Compound Semiconductors. (February 1, 2020).
- "Les neurones artificiels deviennent nanométriques [Artificial neurons go nanometric]," La Recherche. (June 1, 2018).
- "Transistors driven by superconductors," Nature. (March 7, 2018).
- "A new spin on nanoscale computing," Nature. (July 27, 2017).
- "Surprise physics in insulating material offer path for faster tech," Cornell Chronicle. (February 9, 2024).
- "Collaboration gets quantum view of superconductor junction," Cornell Chronicle. (December 22, 2021).
- "Researchers create ‘beautiful marriage’ of quantum enemies.," Cornell Chronicle. (February 19, 2021).
- "Quick pulse of laser light can cause dramatic shift in material's properties," Cornell Chronicle. (March 12, 2018).
- "Novel semiconductor-superconductor structure features versatile gallium nitride.," Cornell Chronicle. (March 7, 2018).
Contracts, Grants, Sponsored Research
- Rout, B. (Principal), Khalsa, G. (Co-Principal), Philipose, U. (Co-Principal), "Engineering Materials and Devices for Optimized Performances Under Extreme Conditions," sponsored by CHIPS in the Metroplex Collaboration, Regional, $25000 Funded. (2024).
- Khalsa, G. (Principal), Joshi, S.S. (Principal), "Stepping Out of the Sandbox: Expanding Additive Manufacturing to Functionalized Materials," sponsored by UNT COS/CENG Collaborative Research, University of North Texas, $10000 Funded. (2024).
Grant - Research
Copyrights, Patents
- Zhang, Y.F., Jena, D., Nair, H., Khalsa, G., Protasenko, V., Devices including (Group-III$_x$, Al$_y$)O$_z$ superlattices, WO2023215143A1. Provisional, Date of Patent Application: April 6, 2023. .
- Dang, P., Khalsa, G., Wright, J., Jena, D., Xing, H.G., Integrated quantum computing with epitaxial materials, US 20240177042. Regular, Date submitted to the University: 2022. Date of Patent Application: 2022. Date Patent Approved: 2024. .
- Casamento, J., Jena, D., Savant, C., Khalsa, G., He, Z., Xing, H.G., Low Energy, Plasma Free Growth of Nitride Semiconductors and Thin Films, 63/704,476. Provisional, Date of Patent Application: October 7, 2024. .
- Zheng, J., Khalsa, G., Moses, J., Phonon-enhanced nonlinear optical devices and methods, 63/526,403. Provisional, Date submitted to the University: 2023. Date of Patent Application: 2023. Date Patent Approved: 2023. .
- Jena, D., Khalsa, G., Liu, B., Nair, H., Protasenko, V., Zhang, Y., Gallium oxide photonics and nonlinear optics, 63/337,224. Provisional, Date submitted to the University: 2022. Date of Patent Application: 2022. .
- Yan, R., Khalsa, G., Wright, J., Xing, H.G., Jena, D., Katzer, D., Nepal, N., Downey, B., Meyer, D., GaN/NbN epitaxial semiconductor/superconductor heterostructures, US20210043824A1. Regular, Date submitted to the University: 2021. Date of Patent Application: 2021. Date Patent Approved: 2021. .
University Service
- Committee Member, Center for Microelectronics in Extreme Environments (CMEE). (March 1, 2024 - 2024).
- Committee Member, Space Committee. (September 1, 2024 - 2024).
- Committee Member, Graduate Committee. (January 1, 2024 - August 31, 2024).
- Committee Member, Hiring Committee -- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Physics. (August 2023 - March 2024).
- Committee Member, IDEA Committee. (September 1, 2023 - December 31, 2023).
Professional Service
- Chairperson, Gordon Research Conferences. Denton, TX. (December 13, 2023 - Present).
- Program Organizer, Gordon Research Conferences. Denton, Texas. (December 13, 2023 - Present).
- Reviewer, Journal Article, Physical Review Letters, Physical Review X, Physical Review B, Physical Review Materials, Applied Physics Letters, Nature Communications, npj Quantum Materials, Scientific Reports. (2011 - 2024).
- Session Chair, American Physical Society March Meeting. Minneapolis, Minnesota. (March 2024 - March 2024).
- Mentor, American Physical Society National Mentoring Community. Denton, Texas. (October 1, 2023 - December 1, 2023).
- Session Chair, American Physical Society March Meeting. Las Vegas, Nevada. (March 2023 - March 2023).
- Session Chair, American Physical Society March Meeting. Las Vegas, Nevada. (March 2023 - March 2023).
- Committee Member, Gordon Research Conferences. Ventura, California. (October 2022 - October 2022).
- Other (Moderator), Gordon Research Conferences. Ventura, California. (October 2022 - October 2022).
- Session Chair, American Physical Society March Meeting. Virtual Meeting. (March 2021 - March 2021).
- Session Chair, American Physical Society March Meeting. Los Angeles, California. (March 2018 - March 2018).