Ipsita Lahiri
University of North Texas
Biological Sciences
(940) 565-4472


MS, University of North Texas, 2013.
Major: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Dissertation Title: Metabolic Engineering in Plants to Control Source/Sink Relationship and Biomass Distribution
MSc, University of Calcutta, 2001.
Major: Plant Physiology
BS, University of Calcutta, 1999.
Major: Botany
Degree Specialization: Zoology and Chemistry (Minor)


Teaching Experience

University of North Texas
BIOL 1730, Biology for Science Majors I Laboratory, 98 courses.
BIOL 1733, Honors Biology for Science Majors I Laboratory, 18 courses.
BIOL 1740, Biology for Science Majors II Laboratory, 59 courses.
BIOL 1744, Honors Biology for Science Majors II Laboratory, 18 courses.
BIOL 1760, Biology for Science Majors Laboratory, 508 courses.
BIOL 1761, Honors Biology for Science Majors Laboratory, 51 courses.


Published Intellectual Contributions

Journal Article
Cao, T., Lahiri, I., Singh, V., Louis, J., Shah, J., Ayre, B. G. (2013). Metabolic engineering of raffinose-family oligosaccharides in the phloem reveals alterations in carbon partitioning and enhances resistance to green peach aphid. Frontiers in Plant Science. 4(263), . http://www.frontiersin.org/Journal/Abstract.aspx?s=907&name=plant_physiology&ART_DOI=10.3389/fpls.2013.00263!!!
Yan, Z., Ma, L., Zhu, Y., Lahiri, I., Hahm, M. G., Liu, Z., Yang, S., Xiang, C., Lu, W., Peng, Z., Sun, Z., Kittrell, C., Lou, J., Choi, W., Ajayan, P. M., Tour, J. M. (2013). Three-dimensional metal-graphene-nanotube multifunctional hybrid materials.. ACS Nano. 7(1), 58-64.
Lahiri, I., Lahiri, D., Jin, S., Agarwal, A., Choi, W. (2011). Carbon nanotubes: how strong is their bond with the substrate?. ACS Nano. 5(2), 780-7.
Huang, J., Kim, U., Wang, B., Lahiri, I., Lee, E., Eklund, P. C., Choi, W. (2011). Controlled growth of single-walled carbon nanotubes for unique nanodevices.. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 11(1), 262-9.
Lahiri, I., Oh, S. W., Hwang, J. Y., Cho, S., Sun, Y. K., Banerjee, R., Choi, W. (2010). High capacity and excellent stability of lithium ion battery anode using interface-controlled binder-free multiwall carbon nanotubes grown on copper.. ACS Nano. 4(6), 3440-6.
Seelaboyina, R., Lahiri, I., Choi, W. (2010). Carbon-nanotube-embedded novel three-Dimensional alumina microchannel cold cathodes for high electron emission.. Nanotechnology. 21(14), 145206.