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Dr. James C. Williams

Research Professor

University of North Texas

Department of Materials Science and Engineering

(940) 369-5491-



  • PhD, University of Washington, 1968
    Major: Metallurgical Engineering
  • MS, University of Washington, 1964
    Major: Metallurgical Engineering
  • BS, University of Washington, 1962
    Major: Metallurgical Engineering

Professional Positions

  • Distinguished Research Professor, University of North Texas. University of North Texas. (2012 - Present).
  • Professor and Honda Chair Emeritus, The Ohio State University. The Ohio State University. (2010 - Present).
  • Professor and Honda Chair, The Ohio State Univeristy. The Ohio State Univeristy. (2004 - 2010).
  • Dean of Engineering and Honda Chair, The Ohio State Universityty. The Ohio State Universityty. (2001 - 2004).
  • Professor and Honda Chair, The Ohio State University. The Ohio State University. (1999 - 2001).
  • Visiting Professor, Technical University of Hamburg. Technical University of Hamburg. (1999 - 1999).
  • General Manager, G.E. Aircraft Engines. G.E. Aircraft Engines. (1988 - 1999).
  • Dean, Carnegie Mellon. Carnegie Mellon. (1983 - 1988).
  • President, Mellon Institute. Mellon Institute. (1981 - 1983).
  • Assoc. & Professor, Carnegie Mellon. Carnegie Mellon. (1975 - 1981).
  • Program Development Manager, Rockwell Science Center. Rockwell Science Center. (1974 - 1975).
  • Program Manager, Rockwell International. Rockwell International. (1974 - 1974).
  • Group Leader, Rockwell International Science Center. Rockwell International Science Center. (1970 - 1974).
  • Technical Staff, Rockwell International Science Center. Rockwell International Science Center. (1968 - 1970).
  • Lead Engineer, Boeing. Boeing. (1964 - 1967).
  • Engineering Aide, Boeing. Boeing. (1962 - 1964).

Professional Memberships

  • American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers. (Present).
  • Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand. (Present).
  • Cornell University. (Present).
  • Edgar Orton, Jr. Ceramic Foundation. (Present).
  • Engineering Systems, Inc.. (Present).
  • IIS Bangalore, India. (Present).
  • The Ohio State University. (Present).
  • University of South Carolina. (Present).
  • University of Virginia. (Present).
  • National Academy of Engineering. (1987 - Present).
  • The National Research Council. (2009 - 2009).
  • The National Research Council. (2009 - 2009).
  • The National Research Council. (2005 - 2007).


Teaching Experience

    University of North Texas

  • MTSE 5020 - Mechanical Properties of Materials, 8 courses.

Directed Student Learning

  • Other,

Awards and Honors

  • Champion H. Mathewson Award, TMS. (2012).
  • Guest Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China. (2012).
  • Elected Distinguished Life Member, ASM International. (2011).
  • Henry Marion Howe Medal, ASM International. (2011).
  • Diamond Award, College of Engineering, University of Washington. (2010).
  • Elected Honorary Member, Japan Institute of Metals. (2010).
  • James Douglas Gold Medal, AIME. (2010).
  • Russ Ogden Award, Committee B10, ASTM. (2010).
  • Honorary Professor, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK. (2009).
  • Ian Polmear Lecturer, University of Monash. (2009).
  • Institute of Metals Lecturer and Robert F. Mehl Medal, TMS Annual Meeting. (2008).
  • Peter and Claire Scott Award for Excellence in Engineering Education, College of Engineering, OSU. (2008).
  • Distinguished Lecturer on Excellence in Engineering Education, Dayeh University, Taiwan. (2007).
  • Hsun Lee Lecturer, Institute for Metals Research, Shenyang, China. (2005).
  • CS Barrett Silver Medal and Lecture, Colorado School of Mines. (2004).
  • G E Aircraft Engines Propulsion Hall of Fame, General Electric. (2003).
  • Titanium Achievement Award, International Titanium Association. (2003).
  • Alpha Sigma Mu Lecturer, Alpha Sigma Mu National Metallurgical Honorary Fraternity. (2002).
  • Alumni Service Award, Materials Department, University of Washington. (2002).
  • Application to Practice Award, TMS. (2002).
  • Life Member, Alpha Sigma Mu National Metallurgical Honorary Fraternity. (2000).
  • Campbell Lecturer, ASM International. (1999).
  • Elected Fellow, TMS - AIME. (1998).
  • Distinguished Materials and Society Lecturer, ASM International and TMS-AIME. (1997).
  • Spirit Award, Prairie A&M University. (1994).
  • Leadership Award, TMS-AIME. (1993).
  • Alumni Achievement Award, College of Engineering, University of Washington. (1992).
  • Gold Medal, ASM International. (1992).
  • Elected Member, National Academy of Engineering. (1987).
  • Elected Fellow, ASM International. (1983).


Published Intellectual Contributions


  • G. Lütjering and J. C. Williams. (2007). Titanium, 2nd ed..
  • G. Lütjering and J. C. Williams. (2003). Titanium.
  • Book Chapter

  • A.L. Pilchak and J.C. Williams. (2010). Clarification of the fracture plane of dwell fatigue cracks in titanium alloys.
  • C. A. Yablinsky, K. M. Flores, M. J. Mills, J. C. Williams, Joe Rigney. (2008). Fatigue Behavior in Monocrystalline Ni-based Superalloys for Blade Applications.
  • A.L. Pilchak, Z.T. Li, J.J. Fisher, A.P. Reynolds, M.C. Juhas and J.C. Williams. (2007). Friction Stir Welding and Processing IV.
  • A. L. Pilchak, M. C. Juhas and J. C. Williams. (2007). The Effect of Friction Stir Processing on Microstructure and Properties of Investment Cast Ti-6Al-4V.
  • M.C. Brandes, M.J. Mills, and J.C. Williams. (2007). The Effect of Primary and Secondary Alpha Morphology on the Cold Creep Response of β -Processed Ti-6-2-4-2.
  • David Norfleet , Jim Williams , Somnath Ghosh , Michael Mills and Stan Rokhlin. (2007). The Use of Modeling and Experiment to Understand "Dwell Fatigue".
  • M. Niinomi and J. C. Williams. (2004). Properties and Applications of Ti: Current Status and Future Needs.
  • V. Sinha, M.J. Mills, and J.C. Williams. (2001). Dwell-Fatigue Behavior of Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo-0.1Si Alloy.
  • R. R. Boyer, J. C. Williams and N. E. Paton. (2001). Evolving Aerospace Applications fi Ti Alloys.
  • R. E. Schafrik and J. C. Williams. (2001). Jet Engine Materials.
  • A. Gysler, G. Luetjering and J. C. Williams. (2000). Titanium Alloys.
  • M. Niinomi, T. Kobayashi, M. Iwai, T. Hirota, J. C. Williams and A. W. Thompson. (1996). Fracture Characteristics and Slip Behavior Related to Microstructures in Ti-24Al-11Nb (at%).
  • James C. Williams. (1995). Materials Requirements for Aircraft Engines.
  • J. C. Williams. (1995). The Production, Behavior and Application of Ti Alloys.
  • James C. Chesnutt, Anthony W. Thompson and James C. Williams. (1994). Effect of Microstructure on Fatigue Crack Propagation in Alpha-Beta Titanium Alloys.
  • R. G. Baggerly and J. C. Williams. (1994). Identification of a {332} Twinning Mode Resulting From Compressive Deformation of Solution Treated BCC Ti-Mo Single Crystals.
  • R. G. Baggerly and James C. Williams. (1994). The Deformation and Strengthening of BCC Ti-Mo Alloys.
  • J. C. Williams. (1994). The Development of Advanced Gas Turbines: the Technical and Economic Environment.
  • C. H. Ward, A. W. Thompson and J. C. Williams. (1993). Elevated Temperature Tensile Behavior of the Alloy Ti-25-10-3-1.
  • E. A. Starke, Jr. and J. C. Williams. (1989). Microstructure and the Fracture Mechanics of Fatigue Crack Propagation.
  • J. C. Williams and G. W. Kuhlman. (1989). Titanium Alloys.
  • J. C. Williams and B. B. Rath. (1988). An Overview of Consolidation of RSP Materials.
  • P. L. Martin and J. C. Williams. (1988). Using Rapid Solidification Processing to Produce Microstructures with Optimum Properties.
  • J. M. Larsen, J. C. Williams, and A. W. Thompson. Crack Closure Effects on the Growth of Small Surface Cracks in Titanium-Aluminum Alloys.
  • J. C. Williams. (1986). Microduplex Alloys: Strengthening.
  • F. H. Froes and J. C. Williams. (1986). Titanium Alloys: Powder Metallurgy.
  • J. C. Williams and J. C. Chesnutt. (1986). Titanium Alloys: Thermomechanical Treatment.
  • J. C. Williams. (1986). Titanium: Alloying.
  • D. Banerjee, C. G. Rhodes, and J. C. Williams. (1985). On the Nature of a/b Interfaces in Titanium Alloys.
  • M. Okada, D. Banerjee, and J. C. Williams. (1985). Tensile Properties of Ti-15V-3Al-3Cr-3Sn Alloy.
  • J. E. Costa, D. Banerjee, and J. C. Williams. (1985). The Effect of Hydrogen on Microstructure and Properties of Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al.
  • J. E. Allison, P. A. Russo, S. R. Seagle, and J. C. Williams. (1985). The Effect of Microstructure on the Ultrasonic Attenuation Characteristics of Ti-6Al-4V.
  • D. Banerjee, J. E. Allison, F. H. Froes, and J. C. Williams. (1985). The Effect of Si on the Microstructure of High Temperature Ti Alloys.
  • S. Ankem, G. K. Scarr, and J. C. Williams. (1985). The Effect of Yttrium on Hot Workability of Ti-5Al Alloy.
  • G. K. Scarr, J. C. Williams, S. Ankem, and H. B. Bomberger. (1985). The Effect of Zirconium and Oxygen on Alpha-2 Precipitation in Ti-Al Alloys.
  • M. Peters and J. C. Williams. (1985). The Effects of Composition and Heat Treatment on the Mechanical Properties of Four a+b Ti-Alloys.
  • J. E. Allison and J. C. Williams. (1985). The Role of Crack Closure in Rationalizing the Variations in Titanium Alloys.
  • J. E. Costa, D. Banerjee, and J. C. Williams. (1984). Hydrogen Effects in b -Titanium Alloys.
  • T. W. Duerig and J. C. Williams. (1984). Overview: Microstructure and Properties of b -Ti Alloys.
  • P. L. Martin and J. C. Williams. (1984). Overview: Some Thoughts on Alloy Design.
  • G. T. Gray,III, A. W. Thompson, and J. C. Williams. (1984). The Effect of Microstructure on Fatigue Crack Path and Crack Propagation Rate.
  • J. C. Williams and E. A. Starke, Jr.. (1984). The Role of Thermomechanical Processing in Tailoring the Properties of Aluminum and Titanium Alloys.
  • H. M. Kim and J. C. Williams. (1983). The Effects of Composition and Temperature on the Dislocation Structure of Cyclically Deformed Ti-Al Alloys.
  • John E. Allison and James C. Williams. (1983). The Role of Deformation Character on Fatigue Crack in Titanium Alloys.
  • F. H. Froes, R. G. Berryman, and J. C. Williams. (1982). Development of a New Moderate Strength, High Fracture Toughness Ti Alloy: Ti-4.5Al-5Mo-1.5Cr (CORONA 5).
  • G. T. Gray,III, A. W. Thompson, J. C. Williams, and D. H. Stone. (1982). Influence of Microstructure on Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior in Fully Pearlitic Steels.
  • J. C. Williams, F. H. Froes, and S. Fujishiro. (1982). Microstructure and Properties of the Alloy Ti-11.5Mo-6Zr-4.5Sn (Beta III).
  • P. L. Martin and J. C. Williams. (1982). Microstructure Evolution in Rapidly Solidified Ni3 (Mo,X) Alloys.
  • J. C. Williams and J. P. Hirth. (1982). Microstructure-Property Relations and Their Role in RSP Materials.
  • J. C. Williams. (1982). Phase Transformations in Ti Alloys - A Review of Recent Developments: A Critical Review.
  • J. A. Brooks, J. C. Williams, and A. W. Thompson. (1982). Solidification and Solid State Transformations of Austenitic Stainless Steel Welds.
  • J. C. Williams, A. W. Thompson, C. G. Rhodes, and J. C. Chesnutt. (1982). Strengthening and Fracture Mechanisms in Titanium Alloys; A Critical Review.
  • A.W. Thompson, J. C. Williams, J. D. Frandsen, and J. C. Chesnutt. (1982). The Effect of Microstructure on Fatigue Crack Propagation Rate in Ti-6Al-4V.
  • A. Gysler, J. E. Allison, J. C. Williams, and G. Luetjering. (1982). The Effect of Quenching and Aging on Fatigue Crack Propagation Rate in Ti-Al Alloys.
  • F. H. Froes, R. F. Malone, V. C. Petersen, C. G. Rhodes, J. C. Chesnutt, J. C. Williams, and J. A. Hall. (1982). The Metallurgical Synthesis of a New Generation of Deep Hardenable Titanium Alloys: The Metastable Beta Ti-Mo-V-Cr-Al System - Design and Properties.
  • J. C. Chesnutt, A. W. Thompson, and J. C. Williams. (1981). Fatigue Crack Propagation and Fracture of Titanium Alloys.
  • H. Margolin, J. C. Chesnutt, G. Luetjering, and J. C. Williams. (1981). Fracture Fatigue and Wear: Critical Review.
  • H. M. Kim, H. G. Paris, and J. C. Williams. (1981). Monotonic and Cyclic Deformation Behavior of -Phase Ti-Al Alloys.
  • J. E. Gould and J. C. Williams. (1981). Solidification Structures and Phase Transformations in Welded Ti Alloys.
  • J. C. Williams and A. W. Thompson. (1981). Strengthening of Metals and Alloys.
  • T. W. Duerig, R. M. Middleton, G. T. Terlinde, and J. C. Williams. (1981). Stress Assisted Transformation of Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al.
  • G. T. Terlinde, T. W. Duerig, and J. C. Williams. (1981). The Effect of Heat Treatment on Microstructure and Tensile Properties of Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al.
  • J. C. Williams and G. Luetjering. (1981). The Effect of Slip Length and Slip Character on the Properties of Titanium Alloys.
  • P. L. Martin, H. A. Lipsitt, N. T. Nuhfer, and J. C. Williams. (1981). The Effects of Alloying on the Microstructure and Properties of Ti3 Al and TiAl.
  • T. W. Duerig, G. T. Terlinde, and J. C. Williams. (1981). The w -Phase Reaction in Titanium Alloys.
  • J. E. Gould, D. Becker, and J. C. Williams. (1980). Microstructural Characterization of Ti Weldments.
  • P. L. Martin, H. A. Lipsitt, and J. C. Williams. (1980). The Structure of As-Extruded RSR Ni-Al-Mo and Ni-Al-Mo-X Alloys.
  • JA. Brooks, A. W. Thompson, and J. C. Williams. (1980). Weld Cracking of Austenitic Stainless Steels---Effects of Impurities and Minor Elements.
  • J. C. Williams and N. E. Paton. (1978). Transmission Electron Microscopy.
  • S. M. Copley and J. C. Williams. (1976). Alloys Design for High Strength (Non-Ferrous).
  • J. C. Williams. (1976). Hydride Formation.
  • J. C. Williams. (1976). Precipitation in Titanium Base Alloys.
  • O. Buck, D. O. Thompson, N. E. Paton, and J. C. Williams. (1975). The Relation Between Internal Friction Spectra and the Athermal b® w Transformation in Ti-V-0 and Ti-V-H Alloys.
  • N. E. Paton and J. C. Williams. (1974). The Effect of Hydrogen on Titanium and Its Alloys.
  • J. C. Williams. (1973). Phase Transformations in Titanium Alloys: A Review.
  • N. E. Paton, J. C. Williams, and G. P. Rauscher. (1973). The Deformation of a -Phase Titanium.
  • H. L. Marcus, J. C. Williams, and N. E. Paton. (1972). The Influence of Gaseous Environments on Corrosion Fatigue.
  • J. C. Williams, N. E. Paton, P. J. Stocker, and H. L. Marcus. (1971). Aqueous Stress Corrosion Cracking and Stress Corrosion Fatigue of a High Strength Titanium Alloy.
  • J. C. Williams, D. H. Polonis, and R. Taggart. (1970). An Electron Microscopy Study of Phase Transformations in Titanium-Copper Alloys.
  • J. C. Williams, R. R. Boyer, and M. J. Blackburn. (1969). The Influence of Microstructure on the Fracture Topography of Titanium Alloys.
  • Conference Proceeding

  • Rodney R. Boyer and James C. Williams. Developments in research and applications in the titanium industry in the USA.
  • Adam L. Pilchak, Matt C. Brandes, Robert E.A. Williams and James C. Williams. Investigation of faceted crack initiation and propagation in near-alpha titanium alloys.
  • Adam L. Pilchak,, Kazuo Nakase, Ikuhiro Inagaki, Yoshihisa Shirai, Andrew H. Rosenberger and James C. Williams. The influence of microstructure and microtexture on fatigue crack initiation and growth in α + β titanium.
  • A.L. Pilchak, A. Bhattacharjee, R.E.A. Williams and J.C. Williams. (2009). The effect of microstructure on fatigue crack initiation in Ti-6Al-4V.
  • A. L. Pilchak, M. C. Juhas and J. C. Williams. (2006). Friction Stir Processing of Investment Cast Ti-6Al-4V: Microstructure and Properties.
  • J. C. Williams, S. Ghosh. (2003). Thermo-mechanical Processing of High Performance Ti Alloys-Recent Progress and Future Needs.
  • J. C. Williams. (2000). Thermo-Mechanical Processing of High Performance Ti Alloys Recent Progress and Future Needs.
  • J. C. Williams. (1999). Alternate Materials Choices -- Some Challenges to the Increased Use of Ti Alloys.
  • J. C. Williams. (1997). Aircraft Engine Materials: Recent Trends and Future Directions.
  • J. C. Williams. (1997). Balancing Affordability and Performance in Aircraft Engines.
  • J. C. Williams. (1997). Intermetallics for Structural Applications: Potential, Reality and the Road Ahead.
  • J. C. Williams. (1993). Intermetallic Compounds: an Assessment of Progress and Potential.
  • C. H. Ward, I. Roman, J. C. Williams and A. W. Thompson. Microstructure, Tensile Ductility, and Fracture Toughness of Ti-25Al-10Nb-3V-1Mo.
  • Mitsuo Niinomi, Toshiro Kobayashi, Kazunori Ryoguh, James C. Williams, Warren H. Garrison and Anthony W. Thompson. (1991). Fracture Characteristics of Ti-24Al-11Nb Alloys.
  • J. C. Williams. (1991). Trends in Aircraft Materials.
  • C. H. Ward, J. C. Williams, A. W. Thompson, D. G. Rosenthal and F. H. Froes. (1988). Fracture Mechanisms in Titanium Aluminide Intermetallics.
  • S. Ankem, G. K. Scarr, I. L. Caplan, J. C. Williams, S. R. Seagle and H. B. Bomberger. (1988). Multiple Regression Analysis of the Effects of Various Alloying Elements on the Properties of Titanium.
  • Hak-Min Kim and J. C. Williams. (1986). The Low Cycle Fatigue Behavior of Ti-Al Alloys at Elevated Temperatures.
  • J. E. Costa, D. Banerjee, J. C. Williams, and A. W. Thompson. The Effect of Hydrogen on the Deformation-Induced a " Martensite in Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al.
  • J. C. Chesnutt, J. C. Williams, and A. W. Thompson. Fatigue Crack Propagation in Titanium Alloys.
  • P. S. Follansbee, D. Banerjee, and J. C. Williams. Localized Deformation and Fracture Due to Low Velocity Particulate Erosion of Ductile Metals by Spherical Particles.
  • R. E. Lewis, W. C. Coons, J. C. Williams, and G.K. Scarr. (1983). Continuous Cooling Transformations in Ti-6Al-2Cb-1Ta-0.8Mo.
  • Anthony W. Thompson and James C. Williams. (1983). Deformation Behavior of Cu-2.5% Ti.
  • P. L. Martin and J. C. Williams. (1983). Microstructural Development During Aging of Ni-Mo-Al-X Alloys.
  • R. Strychor and J. C. Williams. (1983). Phase Transformations in Ti-Al-Nb Alloys.
  • M. Peters, J. C. Williams, and C. Chen. (1982). Effects of Composition on Mechanical Properties of (a+b ) Ti-Alloys.
  • G. T. Gray,III, A. W. Thompson, J. C. Williams, and D. H. Stone. The Effect of Microstructure on Fatigue Crack Propagation Pearlitic Eutectoid Steels.
  • P. S. Follansbee, G. B. Sinclair, and J. C. Williams. (1981). Modelling of Low Velocity Particulate Erosion in Ductile Materials.
  • S. D. Dumolt, D. E. Laughlin, and J.C. Williams. (1981). The Effect of Welding on the Microstructure of the Age Hardening Aluminum Alloy 2219.
  • C.Chen and J. C. Williams. (1980). The Observation of Interface Phase in an µ+b Ti Alloy.
  • F. H. Froes, V. C. Petersen, R. F. Malone, R. G. Berryman, J. C. Chesnutt, C. G. Rhodes, and J. C. Williams. (1976). Advanced Titanium Alloys: Design and Properties.
  • N. E. Paton, J. C. Williams, J. C. Chesnutt, and A. W. Thompson. (1976). The Effects of Microstructure on the Fatigue and Fracture of Commercial Titanium Alloys.
  • J. C. Williams, F. H. Froes, C. F. Yolton, and I. M. Bernstein. (1976). The Influence of Thermomechanical Processing on the Microstructure of Metastable b -Ti Alloys.
  • G. Garmong and J. C. Williams. (1973). The Deformation of Ductile Ni-W Eutectic Composites.
  • N. E. Paton, D. de Fontaine, and J. C. Williams. (1971). Direct Observation of the Diffusionless (b®b+w ) Transformation in Titanium Alloys.
  • N. E. Paton and J. C. Williams. (1970). The Deformation of Body-Centered-Cubic Titanium-Vanadium Single Crystals.
  • J. C. Williams and M. J. Blackburn. (1970). The Structure, Mechanical Properties and Deformation Behavior of Ti-Al and Ti-Al-X Alloys.
  • M. J. Blackburn and J. C. Williams. (1969). Metallurgical Aspects of the Stress Corrosion Cracking of Titanium Alloys.
  • Journal Article

  • T. Pasang, W. Z. Misiolek, J.C. Sabol, J.C. Williams, R. Michell, A. B. Short, G. Littlefair. (2020). Opportunities and Issues in the Application of Titanium Alloys for Aerospace Components. Venice,
  • A.L. Pilchak, D. Banerjee and J.C. Williams. (2019). Observations on the crystallographic and morphological aspects of grain boundary α formation. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. Venice,
  • M.C. Brandes, A.L. Pilchak and J.C. Williams. (2018). Fatigue and fracture of near-α and α + β titanium alloys. Venice,
  • W.H. Peter, W. Chen, Y. Yamamoto, R. Dehoff, T. Muth, S.D. Nunn, J.O. Kiggans, M.B. Clark, A.S. Sabau, S. Gorti, C.A. Blue and J.C. Williams. (2012). Current Status of Ti PM: Progress, Opportunities and Challenges.
  • J.C. Sabola, T. Pasang, W.Z. Misioleka and J.C. Williams. (2012). Localized tensile strain distribution and metallurgy of electron beam welded Ti--5Al--5V--5Mo--3Cr titanium alloys.
  • Dipankar Banerjee, Adam Pilchak and James C. Williams. (2012). Processing, structure, texture and microtexture in titanium alloys.
  • Adam L. Pilchak, Weijie Lu and James C. Williams. (2012). Progress in understanding the fatigue behavior of Ti alloys.
  • W. Chen, Y. Yamamoto, W.H. Peter, M.B. Clark, S.D. Nunn, J.O. Kiggans, T.R. Muth, C.A. Blue, J.C.Williams, and K. Akhtar. The investigation of die-pressing and sintering behavior of CP-Ti and Ti-6Al-4V powders made by Armstrong Process®.
  • Banerjee D and Williams JC. (2012). The science of titanium and its alloys.
  • W.H. Peter, T. Muth, W. Chen, Y. Yamamoto, B. Jolly, N.A. Stone, G.M.D. Cantin, J. Barnes, M. Paliwal, R. Smith, J. Capone, A. Liby, J. Williams, and C. Blue. (2012). Titanium sheet fabricated from powder for industrial applications.
  • W. Chen, Y. Yamamoto, W.H. Peter, S.B. Gorti, A.S. Sabau, M.B. Clark, S.D. Nunn, J.O. Kiggans, C.A. Blue, J.C. Williams, B. Fuller, and K. Akhtar. (2011). Cold compaction study of Armstrong Process® Ti-6Al-4V powders.
  • A. Bhattacharjee, A.L. Pilchak, O. Lobkis, J.W. Foltz, S.I. Rokhlin and J.C. Williams. Correlating ultrasonic attenuation with microtexture in a near alpha titanium alloy.
  • John W. Foltz, Brian Welk, Peter C. Collins, Hamish L. Fraser & James C. Williams. (2011). Formation of Grain Boundary a in b Ti Alloys: Its Role in Deformation and Fracture Behavior of These Alloys.
  • A.L. Pilchak and J.C. Williams. Microstructural evolution during friction stir processing of Ti-6Al-4V.
  • A.L. Pilchak, W. Tang, H. Sahiner, A.P. Reynolds and J.C. Williams. (2011). Microstructural evolution during friction stir welding of mill-annealed Ti-6Al-4V.
  • A.L. Pilchak and J.C. Williams. (2011). Observations on the role of hydrogen in facet formation.
  • A.L. Pilchak and J.C. Williams. The effect of friction stir processing on the mechanical properties of investment cast and hot isostatically pressed Ti-6Al-4V.
  • M. Atapour, A. Pilchak, G.S. Frankel, and J.C. Williams. (2010). Corrosion Behavior of Friction Stir and Gas Tungsten Arc Welded Ti-6Al-4V.
  • M. Atapour, A. Pilchak, G.S. Frankel, and J.C. Williams. (2010). Corrosion Behavior of Investment Cast and Friction Stir Processed Ti-6Al-4V.
  • M. Atapour, A. Pilchak, G.S. Frankel, J.C. Williams. (2010). Corrosion Behavior of Ti-6Al-4V with Different Thermomechanical Treatments and Microstructures.
  • M. Atapour, A.L. Pilchak, G.S. Frankel and J.C. Williams. (2010). Corrosion behavior of β titanium alloys for biomedical applications.
  • A.L. Pilchak, R.E.A. Williams, and J.C. Williams. (2010). Crystallography of Fatigue Crack Initiation and Growth in Fully Lamellar Ti-6Al-4V.
  • A.L. Pilchak and J.C. Williams. Crystallography of fluted fracture in near-α titanium alloys.
  • A.L. Pilchak, R.E.A. Williams and J.C. Williams. (2010). Crystallography of high cycle fatigue crack initiation and growth in fully lamellar Ti-6Al-4V.
  • A.L. Pilchak, D. Banerjee and J.C. Williams. (2010). Observations on the crystallographic and morphological aspects of grain boundary α formation.
  • A.L. Pilchak, A.H. Young and J.C. Williams. (2010). Stress corrosion cracking facet crystallography of Ti-8Al-1Mo-1V.
  • A. L. Pilchak and J. C. Williams. Comments on "Development of grain structure in b -phase field during friction stir welding of Ti-6Al-4V'.
  • A.L. Pilchak, A. Bhattacharjee, A.H. Rosenberger and J.C. Williams. (2009). Low ∆K faceted crack growth in titanium alloys.
  • A.L. Pilchak and J.C. Williams. (2009). The effect of Yttrium on the fatigue behavior of investment cast and wrought Ti-6Al-4.
  • A.L. Pilchak, M.C. Juhas and J.C. Williams. (2008). A Comparison of Friction Stir Processing of Investment Cast and Mill-annealed Ti-6Al-4V.
  • A.L. Pilchak, D.M. Norfleet, M.C. Juhas, and J.C. Williams. (2008). Friction Stir Processing of Investment Cast Ti-6Al-4V: Microstructure and Properties.
  • Z.Y. Ma, A.L. Pilchak, M.C. Juhas and J.C. Williams. (2008). Microstructural refinement and property enhancement of cast light alloys via friction stir processing.
  • Adam Pilchak, Mary Juhas, and Jim Williams. (2007). Microstructural Changes Due to Friction Stir Processing of Investment Cast Ti-6Al-4V.
  • Adam Pilchak, Mary Juhas, and Jim Williams. (2007). Observations of Tool-Workpiece Interactions during Friction Stir Processing of Ti-6Al-4V.
  • V. Sinha, M.J. Mills, and J.C. Williams. (2006). Crystallography of Fracture Facets in a Near-alpha Titanium Alloy.
  • V. Sinha, M.J. Mills, and J.C. Williams. Determination of Crystallographic Orientation of Dwell-fatigue Fracture Facets in Ti-6242 Alloy.
  • V. Sinha, R.B. Schwarz, M.J. Mills, and J.C. Williams. Influence of Hydrogen Content on the Dwell Fatigue Behavior of Ti-6242 Alloy.
  • V. Sinha, J.E. Spowart, M.J. Mills, and J.C. Williams. (2006). Observations on the Faceted Initiation Site in the Dwell-Fatigue Tested Ti-6242 alloy: Crystallographic Orientation and Size Effects.
  • R.Schafrik; L. Christodoulou; and J.C. Williams. (2005). Collaboration Is an Essential Part of Materials Development.
  • J. C. Williams. (2004). High Performance Materials Development in the 21st Century: Trends and Directions.
  • David M. Norfleet, Michael J. Mills, Jim C. Williams and Michael D. Uchic. Size Effects Associated with Ti-6-2-4-2 Single Colonies.
  • V. Sinha, M. J. Mills and J. C. Williams. (2004). Understanding the Contributions of Normal-Fatigue and Static Loading to the Dwell Fatigue in a Near-Alpha Titanium Alloy.
  • J. C. Williams and E.A. Starke, Jr.. (2003). Progress in structural materials for aerospace systems.
  • J. C. Williams, R. G. Baggerly and N. E. Paton. (2002). The Deformation Behavior of HCP Ti-Al Alloy Single Crystals.
  • J. C. Williams. (2001). Thermo-Mechanical Processing of High Performance Ti Alloys Recent Progress and Future Needs.
  • J. C. Williams. (1999). Alternate Materials Choices -- Some Challenges to the Increased Use of Ti Alloys.
  • Edgar A. Starke, Jr. and James C. Williams. (1999). Structural Materials: Challenges and Opportunities.
  • J-M Theret and J. C. Williams. (1997). Business Directions and Materials Challenges for the Aircraft Engine Industry.
  • Michael B. Heaney, James C. Williams and Vincent Mazauric. (1996). University-industry Interactions: Some Industrial Scientists' Perspectives.
  • Mitsuo Niinomi, Toshiro Kobayashi, Masahiko Iwai, Tomoaki Hirota, J. C. Williams and A. W. Thompson. (1995). Fracture Characteristics and Microstructures of Intermetallic Compound Ti-24Al-11Nb (at%).
  • 185. James C. Williams. (1995). Materials for High Temperature Structures in the 21st Century.
  • C. H. Ward, J. C. Williams and A. W. Thompson. (1993). Dynamic Environmental Embrittlement of an a 2 Titanium Aluminide.
  • C. H. Ward, A. W. Thompson and J. C. Williams. (1993). Elevated Temperature Fracture Behavior of Ti-25Al-10Nb-3V-1Mo.
  • D.M. Dimiduk, A. W. Thompson and J. C. Williams. (1993). The Compositional Dependence of Antiphase-boundary Energies and the Mechanism of Anomalous Flow in Ni3 Al.
  • D. G. Backman and J. C. Williams. (1992). Advanced Materials for Aircraft Engine Applications.
  • Wu-Yang Chu, A. W. Thompson and J. C. Williams. (1992). Hydrogen Solubility in a Titanium Aluminide.
  • Wu-Chang Chu, A. W. Thompson and J. C. Williams. (1992). Hydrogen Solubility in a Titanium Aluminide Alloy.
  • 172. J. C. Williams. (1992). The Effect of a Changing Environment on the Requirements for Engine Materials.
  • Mitsuo Niinomi, Toshiro Kobayashi, Kazunori Ryoguh, J. C. Williams, W. M. Garrison and A. W. Thompson. (1991). Fracture Characteristics of Titanium-based Intermetallic Compound Ti3 Al.
  • C. H. Ward, J. C. Williams and A. W. Thompson. (1990). An Auto-recrystallization Reaction in Ti-base Intermetallics.
  • Wonsuk Cho, Anthony W. Thompson and James C. Williams. (1990). Behavior of Ti-25Al-10Nb-3V-1Mo.
  • C. H. Ward, J. C. Williams and A. W. Thompson. (1990). Microstructural Instability in the Alloy System Ti-25Al-10Nb-3V-1Mo.
  • G. T. Gray III, G. Luetjering and J. C. Williams. (1990). The Influence of Oxygen on the Structure, Fracture, and Fatigue Crack Propagation Behavior of Ti-8.6 Wt.%Al,.
  • J. C. Chesnutt and J. C. Williams. (1990). Titanium Aluminides for Advanced Aircraft Engines.
  • C. H. Ward, J. C. Williams, A. W. Thompson, D. G. Rosenthal and F. H. Froes. (1989). Fracture Mechanisms in Titanium Aluminide Intermetallics.
  • D. Banerjee, C. G. Shelton, B. Ralph and J. C. Williams. (1988). A Resolution of the Interface Phase Problem in Titanium Alloys.
  • C. L. Baker, J. Chene, I. M. Bernstein and J. C. Williams. (1988). Hydrogen Effects in [001] Oriented Nickel Base Super Alloy Single Crystals.
  • W. S. Walston, N. R. Moody, M. Dollar, I. M. Bernstein and J. C. Williams. (1988). The Effect of Hydrogen on the Deformation and Fracture of PWA 1480.
  • D. Banerjee, C. G. Rhodes and J. C. Williams. (1987). Discussion of Contribution by Sridhar and Sarma.
  • Gregor Terlinde, Manfred Peters, Gerd Lütjering, and James C. Williams. (1987). Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of a Dispersion-Hardened P/M Al-10MN and a P/M Al-10MN-2.5Si Alloy.
  • S. Ankem, D. Banerjee, D. J. McNeish, J. C. Williams and S. R. Seagle. (1987). Silicide Formation in Ti-3Al-8V-6Cr-4Zr-2Mo.
  • J. E. Costa, A. W. Thompson and J. C. Williams. (1987). The Effect of Hydrogen on Mechanical Properties in Beta Annealed and Water-Quenched Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al.
  • D. Banerjee and J. C. Williams. (1986). Microstructure and Slip Character in Titanium Alloys.
  • R. Strychor, J. C. Williams, and W. A. Soffa. (1986). Phase Transformations and Modulated Microstructures in Ti-Al-Nb Alloys.
  • J. C. Williams. (1986). University - Industry Interactions.
  • G. T. Gray,III, A. W. Thompson, and J. C. Williams. (1985). Influence of Microstructure on Fatigue Crack Initiation in Fully Pearlitic Steels.
  • T. W. Duerig, J. E. Allison, and J. C. Williams. (1985). Microstructural Influence on Fatigue Crack Propagation in Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al.
  • J. E. Allison and J. C. Williams. (1985). Near-Threshold Fatigue Crack Growth Phenomena at Elevated Temperature in Titanium Alloys.
  • J. C. Williams and P. L. Martin. (1985). Ordering Reactions in Ni-Al-Mo-Ta and Ni-Al-Mo-W Superalloys.
  • W. Kromp, P. Trimmel, F. B. Prinz, and J. C. Williams. (1985). Vibratory Compaction of Metal Powders.
  • J. A. Brooks, A. W. Thompson, and J. C. Williams. (1984). A Fundamental Study of the Beneficial Effects of Delta Ferrite in Reducing Weld Cracking.
  • Anthony W. Thompson and James C. Williams. (1984). Age-Hardening in Cu-2.5pct Ti.
  • S. D. Dumolt, D. E. Laughlin, and J. C. Williams. (1984). Formation of a Modified b ' Phase in Aluminum Alloy 6061.
  • P. L. Martin and J. C. Williams. (1984). Long Range Order in Ni3 Mo Based Ternary Alloys: I. Isothermal Aging Response.
  • P. L. Martin and J. C. Williams. (1984). Long Range Order in Ni3Mo Based Ternary Alloys: II. Coherent Phase Solvii.
  • M. Peters and J. C. Williams. (1984). Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of a Welded (a+b ) Ti Alloy.
  • J. A. Brooks, J. C. Williams, and A. W. Thompson. (1983). Microstructural Origin of the Skeletal Ferrite Morphology of Austenitic Stainless Steel Welds.
  • G. T. Terlinde, T. W. Duerig, and J. C. Williams. (1983). Microstructure, Tensile Deformation, and Fracture in Aged Ti 10V-2Fe-3Al.
  • G. T. Gray,III, J. C. Williams, and A. W. Thompson. (1983). Roughness-Induced Crack Closure: An Explanation for Microstructurally Sensitive Fatigue Crack Growth.
  • J. A. Brooks, J. C. Williams, and A. W. Thompson. (1983). STEM Analysis of Primary Austenite Solidified Stainless Steel Welds.
  • D.Banerjee and J. C. Williams. (1983). The Effect of Foil Preparation Technique on Interface Phase Formation in Ti Alloys.
  • J. A. Brooks, A. W. Thompson, and J. C. Williams. (1983). Variations in Weld Ferrite Content Due to P and S.
  • G. Terlinde, G. Luetjering, M. Peters, J.C. Williams and H. Paris. (1982). Studies of the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Al-10Mn and Al-10Mn-2.5Si.
  • P. S. Follansbee, G. B. Sinclair, and J. C. Williams. (1981). Modelling of Low Velocity Particulate Erosion in Ductile Materials by Spherical Particles.
  • T. W. Duerig, G. T. Terlinde, and J. C. Williams. (1980). Phase Transformations and Tensile Properties of Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al.
  • J. C. Williams, F. H. Froes, and C. F. Yolton. (1980). Some Observations on the Structure of Ti-11.5Mo-6Zr-4.5Sn (Beta III) As Affected by Processing History.
  • F. H. Froes, C. F. Yolton, J. M. Capenos, M.G.H. Wells, and J. C. Williams. (1980). The Relationship between Microstructure and Age Hardening Response in the Metastable Beta Titanium Alloy Ti-11.5Mo-6Zr-4.5Sn (b -III).
  • M. R. Plichta, H. I. Aaronson, J. C. Williams, and G. W. Franti. (1979). Precipitation Mechanisms in a m Ti-X Alloys and the Meyrick Theory of Cellular Reaction Initiation.
  • G. W. Franti, J. C. Williams, and H. I. Aaronson. (1978). A Survey of Eutectoid Systems.
  • R. E. Smelser, J. L. Swedlow, and J. C. Williams. (1978). Analysis of Local Stresses and Strains in Ti-6Al-4V Widmanstatten a+b Microstructures.
  • J. C. Williams, F. H. Froes, J. C. Chesnutt, C. G. Rhodes, and R. G. Berryman. (1978). Development of High Fracture Toughness Titanium Alloys.
  • F. H. Froes, J. C. Chesnutt, C. G. Rhodes, and J. C. Williams. (1978). Relationship of Fracture Toughness and Ductility to Microstructure and Fractographic Features in Advanced Deep Hardenable Titanium Alloys.
  • R. G. Berryman, J. C. Chesnutt, F. H. Froes, and J. C. Williams. (1977). A New Titanium Alloy with Improved Fracture Toughness: Ti-4.5AP-5Mo-1.5Cr.
  • J. C. Chesnutt and J. C. Williams. (1977). Comments on the Electron Fractography of a -Titanium.
  • A. W. Thompson and J. C. Williams. (1977). Nuclei for Ductile Fracture.
  • M. R. Plichta, J. C. Williams, and H. I. Aaronson. (1977). On the Existence of the b®a Transformation in the Alloy Systems Ti-Ag, Ti-Au and Ti-Si.
  • J. C. Chesnutt, C. G. Rhodes, R. G. Berryman, F. H. Froes, and J. C. Williams. (1977). The Effect of Microstructure on Fracture of a New High Toughness Titanium Alloy.
  • J. Y. Lim, C. J. McMahon, Jr., D. Pope, and J. C. Williams. (1976). The Effect of Oxygen on the Structure and Mechanical Behavior of Aged Ti-8wt%Al.
  • J. C. Chesnutt, C. G. Rhodes, and J. C. Williams. (1976). The Relationship Between Mechanical Properties, Microstructure and Fracture Topography in a+b Titanium Alloys.
  • J. C. Williams and G. Garmong. (1975). Microstructural Studies of a Ni-W Directionally Solidified Eutectic.
  • G. Garmong and J. C. Williams. (1975). Monotonic and Fatigue Deformation of Ni-W Directionally Solidified Eutectic.
  • C. G. Rhodes and J. C. Williams. (1975). Observations of an Interface Phase in the a/b Boundaries in Ti Alloys.
  • Anthony W. Thompson, Jon D. Frandsen, and James C. Williams. (1975). The Effect of Grain Size and Oxygen Content on Fatigue Crack Growth Rate in Titanium.
  • N. E. Paton, O. Buck, and J. C. Williams. (1975). The Effect of Hydrogen on the Strength, Modulus and Lattice Parameter of a Ti-Mo Alloy.
  • C. G. Rhodes and J. C. Williams. (1975). The Precipitation of a -Phase in Metastable b -Phase Ti Alloys.
  • J. C. Williams, A. W. Thompson and R. G. Baggerly. (1974). Accurate Description of Slip Character.
  • J. C. Chesnutt and J. C. Williams. (1974). An Investigation of the Relationship Between Fracture Topography and Microstructure of Three Titanium Alloys.
  • Anthony W. Thompson and James C. Williams. (1974). Electron Microscopy Studies of Precipitation in Cu-Ti Side-Band Alloys.
  • R. A. Spurling, C. G. Rhodes, and J. C. Williams. (1974). The Microstructure of Ti Alloys as Influenced by Thin-Foil Artifacts.
  • J. C. Williams, H. I. Aaronson, and B. S. Hickman. (1973). The Eutectoid Region of the Ti-Pd System.
  • J. C. Williams, A. W. Sommer, and P. P. Tung. (1973). The Influence of Oxygen Concentration on the Internal Stress and Dislocation Arrangements in Alpha Titanium.
  • N. E. Paton and J. C. Williams. (1973). The Influence of Oxygen Content on the Athermal b-w Transformation.
  • J. C. Williams, D. de Fontaine, and N. E. Paton. (1973). The w -Phase As An Example of An Unusual Shear Transformation.
  • J. C. Williams, R. Taggart, and D. H. Polonis. (1971). An Electron Microscopy Study of Modes of Intermetallic Compound Precipitation in Ti-Cu Alloys.
  • J. C. Williams, B. S. Hickman, and H. L. Marcus. (1971). The Effect of Omega Phase on the Mechanical Properties of Titanium Alloys.
  • J. C. Williams, B. S. Hickman, and D. H. Leslie. (1971). The Effect of Ternary Additions on the Decomposition of Metastable b -Phase Titanium Alloys.
  • D. de Fontaine, N. E. Paton, and J. C. Williams. (1971). The Omega Phase Transformation in Titanium Alloys As An Example of Displacement Controlled Ordering Reactions.
  • J. C. Williams, R. Taggart, and D. H. Polonis. (1970). The Morphology and Substructure of Ti:Cu Martensites.
  • J. C. Williams and B. S. Hickman. (1970). The Tempering Behavior of Orthorhombic Martensite Titanium Alloys.
  • R. E. Curtis, R. R. Boyer, and J. C. Williams. (1969). Relationship Between Composition Microstructure and Stress Corrosion Cracking (in Salt Solution) in Titanium Alloys.
  • M. J. Blackburn and J. C. Williams. (1969). Strength, Deformation Modes and Fracture in Titanium-Aluminum Alloys.
  • J. C. Williams and M. J. Blackburn. (1969). The Influence of Misfit on the Morphology and Stability of the Omega Phase in Titanium-Transition Metal Alloys.
  • B. S. Hickman, J. C. Williams, and H. L. Marcus. (1969). Transgranular and Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking of Titanium Alloys.
  • J. C. Williams and M. J. Blackburn. (1968). Identification of a Non-Basal Slip Vector in Titanium and Titanium Alloys.
  • M. J. Blackburn and J. C. Williams. (1968). Phase Transformations in Ti:Mo and Ti:V Alloys.
  • J. C. Williams and M. J. Blackburn. (1967). A Comparison of Phase Transformations in Three Commercial Titanium Alloys.
  • J. C. Williams. (1967). Some Observations on the Stress Corrosion Cracking of Three Commercial Titanium Alloys.
  • M. J. Blackburn and J. C. Williams. (1967). The Preparation of Thin Foils of Titanium Alloys.
  • Magazine/Trade Publication

  • D.D. Krueger and J. C. Williams. (1990). Don't Dismiss Metals.
  • Popular Press Article

  • J. M. Larsen, T. Nicholas, A. W. Thompson, and J. C. Williams. Small Crack Growth in Titanium-Aluminum Alloys.


University Service

  • Reference Writer, ASM Fellow Selection Committee. (October 1, 2020 - November 26, 2020).

Professional Service

  • Interaction with Industry, ad Hoc Groups including Pratt % Whitney, GE, Rolls Royce & about ten universities. London (host location) Meetings done by Microsoft Teams, NA. (October 10, 2020 - November 6, 2020).
  • Discussant, ASM International. Zoom Meeting, NA. (October 1, 2020 - October 28, 2020).