Jeffrey J. Rous
University of North Texas


PhD, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1996.
Major: Economics
BA, Knox College, 1989.
Major: Economics

Professional Positions

Associate Professor, University of North Texas, Denton, TX. (2002 – Present).
Assistant Professor, University of North Texas, Denton, TX. (19962002).
Research Assistant, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC. (19921996).

Professional Memberships

American Economic Association. (Present).

Awards and Honors

Recognized as an Outstanding Instructor, Kappa Kappa Gamma. (19991999).

Certificate of Appreciation as an Example of an Outstanding Instructor, Discovery Program at UNT. (19971997).


Teaching Experience

University of North Texas
ECON 1100, Principles of Microeconomics, 8 courses.
ECON 3000, Current Economic Issues, 2 courses.
ECON 3550, Intermediate Micro Theory, 32 courses.
ECON 4180, The Economics of Health Care, 6 courses.
ECON 4650, Urban Economics, 25 courses.
ECON 4900, Special Problems, 2 courses.
ECON 5030, Microeconomic Analysis, 5 courses.
ECON 5180, Economics of Health Care, 6 courses.
ECON 5340, Advanced Microeconomic Theory, 12 courses.
ECON 5750, Urban Economics, 24 courses.
ECON 5900, Special Problems, 3 courses.

Directed Student Learning

Master's Thesis Committee Member,"Public Market Trade Areas: Local Goods, Farmers, and Community in the U.S. Southwest Region, 1996-2016," Geography and the Environment. (September 1, 2016May 1, 2018).

Master's Thesis Committee Member,"The Challenges of Micro Enterprises for Obtaining Agglomeration Benefits- A Case Study of Toluca, Mexico," Hospitality, Event and Tourism Management. (September 1, 2010May 1, 2011).


Published Intellectual Contributions

Journal Article
Cobb, S. L., McPherson, M. A., Molina, D. J., Quintanilla, J. A., Rasmussen, E., Rous, J. J. (2018). Teaching Economics to the Masses: The Effects of Student Help Centers on Academic Outcomes. International Review of Economics Education. 27(January 2018), 16-23.
Martinez, J., McPherson, M. A., Molina, D. J., Rous, J. J. (2013). The Economic Geography of Microenterprises: Clustering, Networking, and Knowledge Spillovers. Enterprise Development & Microfinance. 24(4), 346-361. Practical Action Publishing.
Kim, Y. S., Rous, J. J. (2012). House Price Convergence: Evidence from U.S. State and Metropolitan Area Panels. Journal of Housing Economics. 21(12), 169-186.
McPherson, M. A., Rous, J. J. (2010). Access to Finance and Small Enterprise Growth: Evidence from East Java. Journal of Developing Areas. 43(2), 159-172.
Jewell, R., Rous, J. J. (2009). Measuring the Benefit of Prenatal Care in a Less-Developed Country: Semi-Parametric Estimates from Uruguay. Journal of Developing Areas. 42(2), 57-75.
Aggarwal, R. M., Rous, J. J. (2006). Awareness and Quality of Knowledge Regarding HIV/AIDS among Women in India. Journal of Development Studies. 42(3), 371-401.
Hotchkiss, D. R., Rous, J. J., Seiber, E. E., Berruti, A. A. (2005). Is Maternal and Child Health Service Use a Causal Gateway to Subsequent Contraceptive Use?: A Multi-Country Study. Population Research and Policy Review. 24(6), 543-571.
Seiber, E., Hotchkiss, D., Rous, J. J., Berruti, A. (2005). The Effects of MCH Service Utilization on Subsequent Contraceptive Use in Bolivia and Guatemala. Social Science & Medicine. 61(2), 279-291.
Rous, J. J., Jewell, R., Brown, R. (2004). Estimating the Impact of Prenatal Care Visits on Birth Weight: A Full-Information Maximum Likelihood Estimation. Health Economics. 13(3), 251-264.
Rous, J. J., Hotchkiss, D. (2003). An Empirical Analysis of the Determinants of Household Health Care Expenditures in Nepal with Controls for Endogenous Illness and Provider Choice: A Full-Information Maximum Likelihood Estimation. Health Economics. 12(6), 431-451.
Rous, J. J. (2001). Is Breast-feeding a Substitute for Contraception in Family Planning?. Demography. 38(4), 497-512.
Brown, R., Jewell, R., Rous, J. J. (2000). Provider Availability, Race and Abortion Demand. Southern Economic Journal. 67(3), 656-671.
Brown, R., Jewell, R., Rous, J. J. (1999). Abortion Decisions Among Hispanic Women Along the Texas-Mexico Border. Social Science Quarterly. 81(1), 237-252.
Hotchkiss, D., Magnani, R., Rous, J. J., Azelmat, M., Mroz, T., Heikel, J. (1999). The Effects of Maternal-Child Health Service on Subsequent Contraceptive Use in Morocco. Journal of Biosocial Science. 31(2), 145-165.
Hotchkiss, D., Rous, J. J. (1998). Household Health Expenditure in Nepal: Implications for Health Care Financing Reform. Health Policy and Planning. 13(4), 371-383.
Akin, ., Rous, J. J. (1997). The Effect of Provider Characteristics on Contraceptive Provider Choice: A Two-equation Full Information Maximum Likelihood Estimation. Demography. 34(4), 513-523.
Research Report
Hotchkis, D. R., Rous, J. J., Seiber, E. E., Berruti, A. A. (2003). The Influence of Maternal & Child Health Service Utilization & Access to Private Sector Family Planning Services on Subsequent Contraceptive Use: A Multicountry Study. Other. Washington, DC.: Commercial Market Strategies Project, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu.
Hotchkiss, D. R., Rous, J. J., Berruti, A., Magnani, R. J. (2000). The Effects of MCH Service Utilization on Subsequent Contraceptive Use in Tanzania. Washington, DC.: USAID's Commercial Market Strategies Project, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu.

Presentations Given

Design Work

Rous, J. J. (Author & Presenter), Fry, M. J. (Author), Kim, M. (Author), Oppenheim, V. (Author), Tiwari, C. (Author), Southern Economic Association, The Impact of Shale Gas Well Proximity on Housing Values, Tampa Bay, FL, United States of America. (20162016).


Rous, J. J. (Author & Presenter), Brown, R. W. (Author), Jewell, R. T. (Author), 1999 Bohan Lecture at Knox College, Provider Availability, Race, and Abortion Demand, Galesburg, Illinois, United States of America. (1999).

Oral Presentation

Kim, M. (Author & Presenter), Rous, J. (Author & Presenter), UNT ERG Workshop, Migration data description, Denton, TX, United States of America. (20222022).

Kim, M. (Author & Presenter), Rous, J. J. (Author), Kwon, J. (Author), McPherson, M. A. (Author), Western Economic Association International, Differential Urban Growth and Filtering in Urban and Suburban Neighborhoods, Honolulu, United States of America. (20152015).


Cobb, S. L. (Author), McPherson, M. A. (Author & Presenter), Molina, D. J. (Author), Rous, J. J. (Author), Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Annual Professors' Conference, Teaching Economics to the Masses: The Effects of Student Help Centers on Academic Outcomes, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, St. Louis, MO, United States of America. (2014).

Cobb, S. L. (Author), Molina, D. J. (Author), McPherson, M. A. (Author & Presenter), Rous, J. J. (Author), AEA Conference on Teaching Economics and Research in Economic Education, Teaching Economics to the Masses: The Effects of Student Help Centers on Academic Outcomes, American Economic Association, Washington, DC, United States of America. (2014).

Rous, J. J. (Author & Presenter), Kim, M. (Author), Kwon, J. (Author), McPherson, M. A. (Author), Spaces and Flows, Neighborhood Change in the Face of Urban Growth, Netherlands. (2013).

Rous, J. J. (Author & Presenter), Aggarwal, R. M. (Author), American Social Science Association, Awareness and Quality of Knowledge about AIDS among women in India, United States of America. (2004).

Rous, J. J. (Author & Presenter), Jewell, R. T. (Author), Southern Economic Association Annual Meeting, The Effect of Prenatal Care on Birth Weight in Texas Border Counties: A Full-Information Maximum Likelihood Approach, Tampa Bay, FL, United States of America. (2001).

Rous, J. J. (Author & Presenter), Brown, R. W. (Author), Jewell, R. T. (Author), Missouri Valley Economic Association Annual Meeting, Estimating the Impact of Prenatal Care Visits on Birth Weight: A Full-Information Maximum Likelihood Estimation, United States of America. (2001).

Rous, J. J. (Author & Presenter), Hotchkiss, D. R. (Author), International Health Economics Association Annual Meeting, An Empirical Analysis of the Determinants of Household Health Care Expenditures in Nepal with Controls for Endogenous Illness and Provider Choice: A Full-Information Maximum Likelihood Estimation, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Netherlands. (1999).

Rous, J. J. (Author & Presenter), Hotchkiss, D. R. (Author), Southwestern Economic Association Annual Meeting, Health Care Financing in Nepal: The Role of Household Expenditure. At the Southwestern Economic Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, United States of America. (1997).

Rous, J. J. (Author & Presenter), Southern Economic Association Annual Meeting, Breastfeeding and Contraception as Substitute Family Planning Strategies, Washington DC, United States of America. (1996).

Rous, J. J. (Author & Presenter), Population Association of America Annual Meeting, Breastfeeding and Contraception as Substitute Family Planning Strategies. At the Population Association of America Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, United States of America. (1996).

Rous, J. J. (Author & Presenter), Akin, J. S. (Author), Population Association of America Annual Meeting, The Role of Provider Characteristics in the Choice of Family Planning Provider, Miami, FL, United States of America. (1994).

Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research

Grant - Research
Zhou, Y. (Principal), Carroll, M. C., Jiang, H., Kim, M., Rous, J. J., Yang, X., "Team Mentoring Grant," University of North Texas, $5000 Funded. (20212022).
Jewell, R. (Co-Principal), Lyons, D. (Co-Principal), McPherson, M. A. (Co-Principal), Molina, D. J. (Co-Principal), Rice, M. D. (Co-Principal), Rous, J. J. (Co-Principal), "An Exploratory Survey of the Micro Enterprises in Central Mexico with a Focus on Agglomeration Externalities and Benefits of Return Migration," Sponsored by Charn Uswachoke Fund (UNT), University of North Texas, $2000 Funded. (20082009).
Rous, J. J. (Co-Principal), "An Exploratory Survey of the Micro Enterprises in Central Mexico with a Focus on Agglomeration Externalities and Benefits of Return Migration," Sponsored by IUNT Hispanic and Global Studies Initiatives Fund, $24580. (20092009).
Rous, J. J. (Co-Principal), "An Exploratory Survey of the Micro Enterprises in Central Mexico with a Focus on Agglomeration Externalities and Benefits of Return Migration," Sponsored by UNT Charn Uswachoke International Development Fund, $2000. (20082009).
Rous, J. J. (Co-Principal), "AIDS Knowledge and Condom Use among Women in India," Sponsored by NICHD Small Grants Program, $100000. (20052006).
Rous, J. J. (Co-Principal), "Determinants of Knowledge about AIDS among Women in India," Sponsored by UNT Research Opportunities Program Grant, $4886. (20032004).
Rous, J. J. (Co-Principal), "Infant Health in the Border Region of Texas," Sponsored by Texas Advanced Research Program (TARP) Grant, $71000. (20002001).
Rous, J. J. (Principal), "Determinants of Household Health Expenditure in Nepal," Sponsored by Research Initiation Grant from UNT, $3750. (19992000).
Rous, J. J. (Principal), "Are Breastfeeding and Contraceptive Use Substitute Family Planning Strategies?," Sponsored by Research Initiation Grant from UNT, $3800. (19971997).

Awards and Honors

Best Paper, 2018, International Review of Economics Education. (April 5, 2019 – Present).


University Service

Committee Member, R1 Our Way Task Force, 2021. (November 1, 2021 – Present).

Faculty Advisor, Economics Students Organization. (August 2018 – Present).

Chairperson, Personnel Affairs Committee. (2015 – Present).

Committee Member, Department of Economics Personnel Affairs Committee. (2010 – Present).

Committee Member, Graduate microeconomics exit exam committee. (1996 – Present).

Other, Department of Economics. (November 1, 2023August 1, 2024).

Chairperson, Inclusion and Diversity Task Force. (September 15, 2021May 12, 2022).

Co-Chair, Ad Hoc Charter Revision Committee. (September 15, 2021February 7, 2022).

Committee Member, CLASS Strategic Planning Steering Committee. (October 16, 2020May 15, 2021).

Other, Personnel Affairs Committee. (April 1, 2019September 6, 2020).

Committee Member, R1 Our Way Task Force, 2018. (August 20, 2019June 1, 2020).

Chairperson, Faculty Search Committee. (September 1, 2019April 30, 2020).

Chairperson, Faculty Search Committee. (August 2018April 2019).

Chairperson, Faculty Search Committee. (March 2018July 2018).

Committee Member, Promotion and Tenure Committee. (September 2006September 2017).

Member, Faculty Search Committee. (August 2016March 2017).

Member, Faculty Search Committee. (August 2015March 2016).

Other, UNT Sustainability Council. (20082015).

Chairperson, Grievance Committee. (February 2015May 2015).

Chairperson, Sustainability Council Evaluation and Assessment Committee. (September 2011May 2015).

Committee Member, UNT Tree Advisory Committee. (20092014).

Committee Chair, Journal Ranking Committee. (20112013).

Member, Grievance Committee. (February 2013April 2013).

Committee Chair, Personnel Affairs Committee. (20102012).

Other, UNT Sustainability Council Subcommittee on Financing the Office of Sustainability. (20102011).

Other, UNT Sustainability Council Subcommittee to Write Council Mission Statement. (20092010).

Other, Undergraduate Advisor. (20042010).

Other, Undergraduate mentor. (19982010).

Other, UNT Sustainability Council Subcommittee to conduct UNT Greenhouse Gas Inventory. (20082009).

Other, UNT Sustainability Council Subcommittee to Write Tree Policy. (20082009).

Committee Member, Personnel Affairs Committee. (20052006).

Other, General Studies Faculty Advisory Council. (20042006).

Other, University Review Committee. (September 2003August 2006).

Committee Member, Promotion and Tenure Committee. (20022005).

Committee Member, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee. (20022005).

Faculty Advisor, Economics Club. (19982005).

Committee Member, Executive Committee. (20022004).

Committee Member, Graduate econometrics exit exam committee. (19962004).

Committee Chair, Faculty Search Committee. (20012002).

Other, Coordinator of departmental microeconomics program. (19982001).

Committee Member, Journal Ranking Committee. (19992000).

Other, Mentoring program committee. (19981998).

Other, Co-coordinator of departmental undergraduate recruiting. (19961998).

Professional Service

Reviewer, Journal Article, Economic Development Quarterly. (20192019).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Annals of Regional Science. (20182018).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Studies in Family Planning. (20152015).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Population Research and Policy Review. (20142014).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Demography. (June 2012June 2012).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Applied Econometrics. (20112011).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Health Policy. (20052005).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Social Science and Medicine. (20052005).

Other, Southwestern Social Science Association Editorial Policies Committee. (20002003).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Health Policy and Planning. (20012001).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Southern Economic Journal. (20002000).

Public Service

Board Member, Denton Community Market, Denton, Texas. (January 1, 2015January 8, 2020).

Officer, President/Elect/Past, RL Turner Baseball Booster Club, Carrollton, Texas. (May 1, 2017April 30, 2018).

Officer, Vice President, RL Turner Baseball Booster Club, Carrollton, Texas. (May 1, 2016April 30, 2017).

Officer, Treasurer, RL Turner Baseball Booster Club, Carrollton, Texas. (May 1, 2015April 30, 2016).

Other, Lectured on U.S. Economic Growth from 1865-1918 for TAKS Institute (a continuing education program for public school teachers), Dallas, TX. (20032003).

Other, Lectured on U.S. Economic Growth from 1865-1918 for TAKS Institute, Austin, TX. (20022002).

Awards and Honors

President's Council Service Award 2022, University of North Texas. (January 5, 2022 – Present).

Nominated for: President's Council Service Award, UNT. (November 1, 2020November 1, 2020).