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Dr. Kelly T. Donahue-Wallace


University of North Texas

Department of Art History

(940) 565-3529



  • PhD, University of New Mexico, 2000
    Major: Art History
    Dissertation: "Prints & Printmakers in Viceregal Mexico City, 1600-1800"
  • MA, University of New Mexico, 1994
    Major: Art History
    Dissertation: "An Odyssey of Images: the Flemish, Spanish, and New Spanish Print Sources of New Mexican Colonial Hide Paintings"
  • BA, University of California, Santa Cruz, 1990
    Major: Art History

Professional Positions

    Academic - P-12

  • Bilingual Teacher, Los Angeles Unified School District. Los Angeles Unified School District. (1990 - 1992).
  • Academic - Post-Secondary

  • Affiliated Faculty, University of North Texas. University of North Texas. (2022 - Present).
  • Professor of Art History, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas. University of North Texas, Denton, Texas. (2014 - Present).
  • Manager of Online Courses, Department of Art History. Department of Art History. (2022 - 2023).
  • Department Chair, University of North Texas. University of North Texas. (2016 - 2019).
  • Program Coordinator, Interdisciplinary Art and Design Studies, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas. University of North Texas, Denton, Texas. (2007 - 2018).
  • Associate Professor of Art History, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas. University of North Texas, Denton, Texas. (2006 - 2014).
  • Department Chair, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas. University of North Texas, Denton, Texas. (2007 - 2010).
  • Interim Department Chair, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas. University of North Texas, Denton, Texas. (2006 - 2007).
  • Assistant Professor of Art History, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas. University of North Texas, Denton, Texas. (2000 - 2006).
  • Art History Program Coordinator, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas. University of North Texas, Denton, Texas. (2002 - 2005).
  • Teaching Assistant/Instructor of Record, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico. University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico. (1998 - 1999).

Professional Memberships

  • American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies. (2013 - Present).
  • Women's Studies Affiliated Faculty. (2006 - Present).
  • American Society for Hispanic Art Historical Studies, a College Art Affiliated Society. (2004 - Present).
  • Art Historians Interested in Pedagogy and Technology, a College Art Affiliated Society. (2004 - Present).
  • Latin American Studies Association. (2001 - Present).
  • College Art Association. (1998 - Present).
  • NGen Senior Faculty Fellow. (2007 - 2010).
  • Studies in Sexualities Affiliated Faculty. (2006 - 2008).

Development Activities

  • Workshop, Improving Your Online Course, Quality Matters. United States of America. (March 2013 - March 2013).
  • Continuing Education Program, Assessment Training, CLEAR, University of North Texas. United States of America. (September 2007 - May 2008).


Teaching Experience

    University of North Texas

  • AEAH 3770 - Visual Arts Studies : Computer Art Applications, 1 course.
  • AEAH 4760 - Visual Arts Studies: A Global Examination of Aesthetics, 1 course.
  • AEAH 4800 - Methodologies in the History of Art and Visual Culture, 1 course.
  • AEAH 4806 - Topics in Renaissance Art, 4 courses.
  • AEAH 4807 - Topics in Seventeenth Century Art, 2 courses.
  • AEAH 4818 - Topics in Latin American Art, 6 courses.
  • AEAH 4844 - History of Prints, 9 courses.
  • AEAH 4848 - Art History Senior Seminar, 6 courses.
  • AEAH 4899 - Interdisciplinary Art and Design Studies Capstone, 9 courses.
  • AEAH 5801 - Topics in Art History, 1 course.
  • AEAH 5806 - Seminar in Renaissance Art, 2 courses.
  • AEAH 5818 - Seminar in Latin American Art, 4 courses.
  • AEAH 5844 - History of Prints, 9 courses.
  • AEAH 5848 - Seminar in Art History, 1 course.
  • AEAH 5849 - Art History Research Project, 5 courses.
  • AEAH 5900 - Special Problems, 1 course.
  • ART 1300 - Art Appreciation for non art majors, 1 course.
  • ART 2360 - Art History Survey II, 4 courses.
  • ART 4070 - Topics in Art History, 1 course.
  • ART 4130 - Renaissance Art in Italy, 2 courses.
  • ART 4160 - Topics in Latin American Art, 2 courses.
  • ART 4180 - Seventeenth Century Art, 2 courses.
  • ART 4190 - History of Prints, 3 courses.
  • ART 4450 - Professional Internship, 29 courses.
  • ART 4570 - Interdisciplinary Topics in Art, 1 course.
  • ART 4900 - Special Problems, 10 courses.
  • ART 5130 - Seminar in Renaissance Art, 1 course.
  • ART 5160 - Seminar in Latin American Art, 3 courses.
  • ART 5190 - Seminar in Art History, 1 course.
  • ART 5191 - History of Prints, 3 courses.
  • ART 5450 - Professional Internship, 1 course.
  • ART 5900 - Special Problems, 20 courses.
  • ART 5910 - Special Problems, 1 course.
  • ART 5950 - Master's Thesis, 5 courses.
  • ART 5955 - Research Project, 2 courses.
  • ART 6950 - Doctoral Dissertation, 1 course.
  • ARTH 4807 - Topics in Seventeenth Century Art, 1 course.
  • ARTH 4818 - Topics in Latin American Art, 2 courses.
  • ARTH 4844 - History of Prints, 2 courses.
  • ARTH 4848 - Art History Senior Seminar, 1 course.
  • ARTH 5806 - Seminar in Renaissance Art, 2 courses.
  • ARTH 5844 - History of Prints, 3 courses.
  • ARTH 5849 - Art History Research Project, 1 course.

Non-Credit Instruction

  • Management/Executive Development, Department of Art History, 20 participants. (January 1, 2023 - December 31, 2023).
  • Management/Executive Development, Department of Art History, 36 participants. (January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2022).
  • Management/Executive Development, Department of Art History, 36 participants. (January 1, 2021 - December 31, 2021).
  • Management/Executive Development, Department of Art History, 11 participants. (January 1, 2020 - December 31, 2020).

Directed Student Learning

  • Master's Thesis Committee Chair, Art History. (January 1, 2024).
  • Dissertation Committee Member, "Painters in Colonial Mexico 1650-1750: artistic networks and the production of space," Art History. (January 2023).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Member, Art Education and Art History. (August 2021 - December 2022).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Member, Art Education and Art History. (2021 - May 2022).
  • Dissertation Committee Member, Art Education and Art History. (2018 - December 2021).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Chair, Art Education and Art History. (May 2021 - November 2021).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Member, Art Education and Art History. (November 2020 - May 2021).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Member, Studio Art. (January 2020 - May 2020).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Member, Art Education and Art History. (December 2019 - May 2020).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Member, Art Education and Art History. (December 2019 - May 2020).
  • Internship Advisor, Art Education and Art History. (August 2019 - December 2019).
  • Internship Advisor, Art Education and Art History. (August 2019 - December 2019).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Member, Studio Art. (2017 - 2019).
  • Internship Advisor, Art Education and Art History. (August 2017 - December 2017).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Member, Studio Art. (2016 - 2017).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Member, Art Education and Art History. (2016 - 2017).
  • Internship Advisor, Art Education and Art History. (January 2017 - May 2017).
  • Internship Advisor, Art Education and Art History. (August 2016 - December 2016).
  • Dissertation Committee Member, Art Education and Art History. (2016 - 2016).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Member, Art Education and Art History. (2015 - 2016).
  • Internship Advisor, Art Education and Art History. (May 2016 - August 2016).
  • Internship Advisor, Art Education and Art History. (January 2016 - May 2016).
  • Internship Advisor, Art Education and Art History. (August 2015 - December 2015).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Member, Art Education and Art History. (2014 - 2015).
  • Dissertation Committee Member, "Dissertation: Ver y ser visto. Visions of Alameda Park and the Cultural Agenda of Eighteenth-Century Bourbon Mexico," (2009 - 2015).
  • Internship Advisor, Art Education and Art History. (May 2015 - August 2015).
  • Internship Advisor, Art Education and Art History. (May 2015 - August 2015).
  • Internship Advisor, Art Education and Art History. (May 2015 - August 2015).
  • Internship Advisor, Art Education and Art History. (January 2015 - May 2015).
  • Internship Advisor, Art Education and Art History. (January 2015 - May 2015).
  • Internship Advisor, Art Education and Art History. (January 2015 - May 2015).
  • Internship Advisor, Art Education and Art History. (January 2015 - May 2015).
  • Internship Advisor, Art Education and Art History. (January 2015 - May 2015).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Chair, Art Education and Art History. (2010 - 2012).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Chair, Art Education and Art History. (2010 - 2011).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Member, Art Education and Art History. (2010 - 2011).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Chair, Art Education and Art History. (2009 - 2010).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Chair, Art Education and Art History. (2009 - 2010).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Chair, Art Education and Art History. (2008 - 2009).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Chair, Art Education and Art History. (2004 - 2006).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Chair, Art Education and Art History. (2004 - 2006).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Chair, Art Education and Art History. (2003 - 2005).

Awards and Honors

  • Nominated for Nomination: Berkshire Conference Article Prize, Berkshire Conference of Women Historians. (January 2023).
  • Nominated for Nomination: Colonial Latin American Review Best Article Prize, Colonial Latin American Review. (May 2022).
  • Game-Based Learning Teacher of the Year, Triseum. (January 2017).
  • Winner Exemplary Online Teacher & Course Award, University of North Texas. (2017).
  • Mentor of the Year, Honors College Eagle Feather Journal. (September 1, 2016).
  • Winner UNT Teacher-Scholar Award, University of North Texas. (2015).
  • Featured Mentor in UNT Research Magazine, University of North Texas. (2012).
  • Nominated as TAEA Higher Education Art Educator of the Year, Texas Art Education Association. (2012).
  • Finalist Teacher Scholar Award, University of North Texas. (2011).
  • Hayden Humanities Book Award for Transforming Images, University of Colorado, Boulder. (2010).
  • Winner, Exemplary Online Course Design Award, University of North Texas. (2010).
  • Faculty Recognition by H. White, Honors Day, University of North Texas. (2007).
  • Faculty Recognition by K. Wagstrom, Honors Day, UNT. (2007).
  • Nominated for Nominated for J.H. Shelton Excellence in Teaching Award, University of North Texas, University of North Texas. (2006).
  • Winner, Exemplary Online Course Designer, University of North Texas, University of North Texas. (2005).
  • Friends of Art Award, University of New Mexico, University Art Museum, University of New Mexico. (1999).
  • College of Fine Arts Profiles in Success, University of New Mexico, University of New Mexico. (1998).
  • Graduate Achievement Award, University of New Mexico, (1995).


Published Intellectual Contributions


  • Kelly Donahue-Wallace. (2017). Jeronimo Antonio Gil and the Idea of the Spanish Enlightenment . University of New Mexico Press.. Albuquerque, NM, University of New Mexico Press.
  • Kelly Donahue-Wallace. (2008). Art and Architecture of Viceregal Latin America, 1521-1821. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press.
  • Kelly Donahue-Wallace Contributing co-editor with Laetitia LaFollette and Andrea Pappas. (2008). Teaching Art History with New Technologies: Reflections and Case Studies. Cambridge, Cambridge Scholars.
  • Book Chapter

  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T., Mues Orts, P., Amador Marrero, P. La luz que merecen. El círculo de pintores y grabadores en México 1720-1780.. La circulación de imágenes entre los pintores y grabadores mexicanos del siglo XVIII. Mexico City,
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (2023). Good Taste within Reach. The Mexican Medals of Jerónimo Antonio Gil. O Gosto neoclássico - A dimensão americana: instituições, atores e obras. 54-75. Rio de Janeiro, Fundação Casa de Rui Barbosa.
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. Pruebas de estado, estampas imperfectas, y la cultura religiosa en México. Cultura Escrita y Religión en la Nueva España y el Mundo Hispánico Moderno. Mexico City, Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliograficas/Universidad National Autonoma de Mexico.
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. Bruñida, tachada, y corregida. La lectura material de estampas virreinales. Proceedings of the XLVI Coloquio Internacional de la Historia del Arte. XLIV Mexico City, DF, Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas/Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico.
  • Donahue-Wallace, K. (2022). La red profesional de imprentas de estampas y grabadores mexicanos entre los siglos XVIII y principios del siglo XIX. La construccion de imaginarios. Historia y cultura visual en Iberoamerica 1521-1821. 235-254. Mexico City, Editorial Ariadna.
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (2021). Spanish Book Illustration and the Hijos de la Academia. Illustration and Ornamentation in the Iberian Book World, 1450-1800. Brill.
  • Luis Gordo Pelaez. (2021). A Culture of Print in Viceregal Mexico. A Companion to Early Modern Mexico City. Leiden, Brill.
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (2019). Making it Ours: Religious Art in Eighteenth-Century Colonial Spanish American Newspapers. Eighteenth-Century Art Worlds: A Global Geography of Art. Bloomsbury.
  • Donna Pierce. (2014). La corte vestida de gala: The Royal Academy of San Carlos and the Spectacle of Colonial Life. In Festivals and Daily Life in the Arts of Colonial Latin America. Denver, Denver Art Museum.
  • Josef Diaz and Suzanne Stratton-Pruitt. (2014). Splendid Worship and Hybrid Spaces: The Paintings of Colonial New Mexico. Painting the Divine: Images of Mary in the New World. Santa Fe, Fresco Books.
  • Eds. Paul Niell and Stacie Widdifield. (2013). A Taste for Art in Late Colonial New Spain. Visual Cultures of Latin America: Essays on Buen Gusto and Classicism, 1780-1910.. 93-113. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press.
  • Kelly Donahue-Wallace. (2012). An Evangelist of Taste: The Book Collection of Jerónimo Antonio Gil. The Artist as Reader. Leiden, Brill.
  • Edited by Thomas E. Chavez. (2012). An Odyssey of Images: The Print Sources of New Mexican Colonial Hide Paintings. A Moment in Time: The Odyssey of New Mexico's Segesser Hides. Santa Fe, Rio Grande Books.
  • Ed. Marina Garone. (2012). Los grabados de la Biblioteca Palafoxiana en la Ilustracion. Miradas a la cultura del libro en Puebla. Mexico City, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico.
  • Denise Amy Baxter and Kelly Donahue-Wallace. (2010). Case Study: Redesigning Art History Survey II. Next Generation Course Redesign. New York, Peter Lang.
  • Kelly Donahue-Wallace;Editor Clara Bargellini. (2009). Painted Hides at New Mexico's Franciscan Missions. El arte de las misiones del Norte de la Nueva España. Mexico City, Antiguo Colegio de San Ildefonso.
  • Kelly Donahue-Wallace. (2008). A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with a Lot of Luggage: Spanish Colonial Material Culture in the U.S. Southwest. The David B. Warren Material Culture Symposium. Houston, Museum of Fine Arts.
  • Kelly Donahue-Wallace; Editors Richard Phillips and Kellen McIntyre. (2006). "Abused and Battered: Printed Images and the Female Body in Viceregal New Spain." In Women and Art in Early Modern Latin America.. Leiden, Brill.
  • Kelly Donahue-Wallace; Editors Claire Farago and Donna Pierce. (2006). "Hide Paintings, Print Sources, and the Early Expression of a New Mexican Colonial Identity." In Transforming Images: Locating New Mexican Santos in-between Worlds .. College Park, Pennsylvania State University Press.
  • Book Review

  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. Review of Collective Creativity and Artistic Agency in Colonial Latin America. Colonial Latin American Review.
  • Donahue-Wallace, K. (2021). Review of Emily A. Engel. Pictured Politics: Visualizing Colonial History in South American Portrait Collections. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2020..
  • Donahue-Wallace, K. (2021). Review of Goya: A Portrait of the Artist by Janis Tomlinson (Princeton University Press). CAA Reviews.
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (2019). Review of Katzew, Ilona, Jaime Cuadriello, Paula Mues Orts, Luisa Elena Alcalá, Ronda Kasl, Painted in Mexico, 1700-1790 : Pinxit Mexici. Los Angeles, California, Mexico City, Munich ; New York: Los Angeles County Museum of Art ; Fomento Cultural Banamex, DelMonico Books/Prestel Publishing, 2017. Latin American and Latinx Visual Culture.
  • Kelly Donahue-Wallace. (2016). Review of Las capillas del Vía Crucis de la ciudad de México. Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos. 39
  • Kelly Donahue-Wallace. (2014). Review of exhibition: Renaissance to Goya: prints and drawings from Spain. British Museum, Prado Museum, Museum of New Mexico. Forthcoming in CAAReviews, 2014..
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (2014). Review of Visible Empire: Botanical Expeditions & Visual Culture in the Hispanic Enlightenment . By Daniela Bleichmar. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 2012. The Americas.
  • Kelly Donahue-Wallace. (2008). Review of Leopoldo Méndez: Revolutionary Art and the Mexican Print by Deborah Caplow. Print Quarterly.
  • Kelly Donahue-Wallace. (2007). Review of The Arts in Latin America 1492-1821, exhibition catalog.
  • Kelly Donahue-Wallace. (2005). Review of Painting a New World: Mexican Art and Life 1521-1821 by Donna Pierce, Rogelio Ruíz Gomár, and Clara Bargellini.
  • Kelly Donahue-Wallace. (2005). Review of Presidio, Mission and Pueblo: Spanish Architecture and Urbanism in the United States by James Early.
  • Kelly Donahue-Wallace. (2005). Review of The Penitente Brotherhood: Patriarchy and Hispano-Catholicism in New Mexico by Michael P. Carroll.
  • Kelly Donahue-Wallace. (2004). Review of Imagining Identity in New Spain: Race, Lineage, and the Colonial Body in Portraiture and Casta Paintings by Magali M. Carrera.
  • Kelly Donahue-Wallace. (2002). Review of Bartolomé Esteban Murillo: Paintings in American Collections by Suzanne Stratton-Pruitt.
  • Kelly Donahue-Wallace. (2002). Review of exhibition "The Grandeur of Viceregal Mexico: Treasures from the Franz Mayer Museum".
  • Kelly Donahue-Wallace. (2002). Review of Theaters of Conversion: Religious Architecture and Indian Artisans in Colonial Mexico by Samuel Y. Egerton.
  • Kelly Donahue-Wallace. (2001). Review of Santos: Enduring Images of Northern New Mexican Village Churches by Marie Romero Cash.
  • Kelly Donahue-Wallace. (2001). Review of Urban Images of the Hispanic World 1493-1793 by Richard Kagan.
  • Kelly Donahue-Wallace. (2000). Review of Copper as Canvas: Two Centuries of Masterpiece Paintings on Copper, 1575-1775.
  • Kelly Donahue-Wallace. (1999). Review of Architecture and its Sculpture in Viceregal Mexico by Robert S. Mullen.
  • Conference Proceeding

  • Donahue-Wallace, K. (2021). Localizando a la red de grabadores novohispanos. Tras los pasos de Ignacio García de las Prietas. V Congreso Internacional del Barroco Iberoamericano. Granada, V Congreso Internacional del Barroco Iberoamericano.
  • Kelly Donahue-Wallace. (2009). "El mercado internacional del arte en la Gazeta de Mexico". IV International Congress of Iberoamerican Baroque, Ouro Preto, Brazil; You do not have access to modify this field.IV International Congress of Iberoamerican Baroque. Ouro Preto, Brazil,
  • Encyclopedia Article

  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (2018). Geronimo Antonio Gil. Grove Art Online. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (2010). Architecture--Early Colonial. Encyclopedia of Latin America. Greenwood Press.
  • Kelly Donahue-Wallace; Ed. Michael Francis. (2010). Art--Early Colonial. Encyclopedia of Latin America. Greenwood Press.
  • Kelly Donahue-Wallace; Ed. Merrill Smith. (2004). "Art." In Encyclopedia of Rape.
  • Kelly Donahue-Wallace; Ed. Michael Werner. (1997). "Prints." In Encyclopedia of Mexico vol. 2.
  • Instructor's Manual

  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (2023). Living with Art Instructor's Manual.
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (2016). World of Art. (6) Pearson.
  • Journal Article

  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. La fortunas y desgracias de un grabador. Las demandas judiciales contra Manuel López López. Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas.
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (2023). Las ilustraciones e imágenes en los inventarios y libros de cuentas de una imprenta mexicana de los siglos xviii y xix. Nierika. 24 (12) 20-59. Mexico City,
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (2022). Imprinting Exemplarity: A Culture of Print in Mexican Nuns’ Portraits. Colonial Latin American Review.
  • Donahue-Wallace, K. (2021). Lady of the House: The Print Publishing Career of Augustina Meza. Open Arts Journal.
  • Donahue-Wallace, K., Yavelberg, J. (2020). Understanding the Student Perspective of Art History Survey Course Outcomes Through Game Development. Art History Pedagogy and Practice.
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (2014). "Otro Album Artistico de Bernardo Olivares.". Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas.
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (2012). "Spinning the King: Prints, Printing, and the Equestrian Portrait of Charles IV.". Print Quarterly. 29 (4) 411-416.
  • Ed. Ben Vinson. (2011). "Prints and the Circulation of Colonial Images." Oxford Bibliographies Online ..
  • Author: Kelly Donahue-Wallace, Ed. Ben Vinson. (2011). Prints and the Circulation of Images. Oxford Journals.
  • Kelly Donahue-Wallace and Betony Latham. (2010). "'Not Just Indecent but Positively Obscene': Lascivious Pictures and the Mexican Inquisition".
  • Kelly Donahue-Wallace. (2009). "Toward Theories of Printmaking". Journal of the Mid-America Print Council.
  • Kelly Donahue-Wallace. (2008). "Picturing Prints in Viceregal New Spain.".
  • Kelly Donahue-Wallace. (2007). "Assessment in Art History.". CAA News.
  • Kelly Donahue-Wallace. (2007). "Saintly Beauty and the Printed Portrait.".
  • Kelly Donahue-Wallace. (2006). "Publishing Prints in Eighteenth-Century Mexico City.".
  • Kelly Donahue-Wallace co-authored with Jacqueline Chanda. (2005). "A Case Study in Integrating the Best Practices of Face-to-Face Art History and Online Teaching.".
  • Kelly Donahue-Wallace. (2005). "Bajo los tormentos del tórculo: Printed Ecclesiastical Portraits in Eighteenth Century New Spain.".
  • Kelly Donahue-Wallace co-authored with Jacqueline Chanda. (2004). "A Case Study in Integrating the Best Practices of Face-to-Face Art History and Online Teaching.".
  • Kelly Donahue-Wallace. (2004). "Coming Out of the Darkness: Translating the Face-to-Face Art History Lecture into the Online Environment.".
  • Kelly Donahue-Wallace. (2004). "El grabado en la Real Academia de San Carlos de Nueva España.".
  • Kelly Donahue-Wallace. (2004). "Imaginando el terror de rebelión: Los grabados de la Vida de J.J. Dessalines." In Actas de la II Jornada de Historia del Arte: Arte y crisis en Iberoamérica..
  • Kelly Donahue-Wallace. (2002). "La casada imperfecta: A Woman, a Print, and the Inquisition.".
  • Kelly Donahue-Wallace. (2002). "Nuevas aportaciones sobre los grabadores novohispanos." In Barroco iberoamericano: Territorio, espacio, y arte..
  • Kelly Donahue-Wallace. (2001). "A Virgin of Sorrows Attributed to Juan Correa.".
  • Kelly Donahue-Wallace. (2001). "Printmakers in Eighteenth-Century Mexico City: Francisco Sylverio, José Mariano Navarro, José Benito Ortuño, and Manuel Galicia de Villavicencio.".
  • Kelly Donahue-Wallace. (1996). "Print Sources of New Mexican Colonial Hide Paintings.".
  • Software

  • Kelly Donahue-Wallace co-authored with Randal Wallace. (2004). Web Tutor (ISBN 0534640893). Online Study Guide and Instructor Resources for Gardner's Art Through the Ages, 12 edition.
  • Test and Measurement Instrument

  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (2017). REVEL Assessment Package for Cothren, Art Hisory, 6th edition. Pearson.
  • Textbook

  • Donahue-Wallace, K., Getlein, M. (2023). Living with Art, 13th edition. (13) 574. McGraw Hill.
  • Donahue-Wallace, K., Getlein, M. (2019). Living with Art. (12th) 575. McGraw Hill.
  • Kelly Donahue-Wallace co-authored with Randal Wallace. (2008). Teacher's Manual for Gardner's Art Through the Ages: Concise Edition.

Presentations Given

  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Other), "Jerónimo Antonio Gil, Laocoön's Son, and the Spanish Enlightenment", (2014 - 2014).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Other), The Empire Strikes Back: Jerónimo Antonio Gil and the Craft of Imperial Identity in Late Colonial New Spain, (2014 - 2014).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Other), The Secret Life of (Images of) the Virgin Mary, (2014 - 2014).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Chair), "Jeronimo Antonio Gil and the Formation of a Director General, (2012 - 2012).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Other), "Teaching Art History Online", (2012 - 2012).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Other), La corte vestida de gala: The Royal Academy of San Carlos and the Spectacle of Colonial Life, (2012 - 2012).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Other), A Taste for Art in Late Colonial Mexico, (2010 - 2010).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Panelist), Hayden Book Prize Symposium: Transfiorming Images, (2010 - 2010).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Other), Paper: "Nuevas Aportaciones Sobre Jeronimo Antonio Gil", (2010 - 2010).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Other), Paper: "Otro Album de Bernardo Olivares", (2010 - 2010).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Other), Paper: "Pintando la fe en el Nuevo Mexico Virreinal", (2010 - 2010).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Other), Paper: "Spinning the King", (2009 - 2009).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Other), Paper: "Teaching Art History with New Technologies", (2009 - 2009).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Other), Paper: "An Evangelist of Taste: The Print Collection of Jerónimo Antonio Gil.", (2008 - 2008).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Other), Paper: "Toward Theories of Printmaking", (2008 - 2008).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Chair), "Innovative Course Design Competition", (2007 - 2007).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Other), Paper: "A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with a lot of Luggage: Spanish Colonial Material Culture in the US Southwest", (2007 - 2007).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Other), Paper: "Consuming Culture: Art in the Gazeta de México", (2007 - 2007).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Other), Paper: "Public and Notorious Patriotism.", (2007 - 2007).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Other), Paper: "The Authority of Printedness.", (2007 - 2007).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Other), Paper:: "Picturing Prints in Colonial Art", (2007 - 2007).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Other), "Emblems of Virtue", (2006 - 2006).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Chair), "Locating the Global in the Art of the American Viceroyalties", (2006 - 2006).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Chair), "Teaching Art History Online.", (2006 - 2006).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Other), Paper: "El Mercado Internacional del Arte en la Gazeta de México", (2006 - 2006).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Other), Paper: "Prints of the Brave: New Research on the Transatlantic Shipment of Prints", (2006 - 2006).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Other), Paper: "Saintly Beauty", (2006 - 2006).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Chair), "Blending New Learning Technologies into Traditional Art-Historical Instruction at the Introductory Level", (2005 - 2005).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Other), "Fridamania", (2005 - 2005).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Other), "Whips, Chains, and the Chastity of Nuns", (2004 - 2004).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Other), Meeting of Art Historians Interested in Pedagogy and Technology, (2004 - 2004).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Other), Paper : "Imaginando el terror de rebellion: Los grabados de la Vida de J.J. Dessalines", (2004 - 2004).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Other), Paper: "A Case Study in Integrating the Best Practices of Face-to-Face Art History and Online Teaching" Co-authored with Jacqueline Chanda, (2004 - 2004).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Other), Paper: "The Authority of Prints in Early Modern New Spain", (2004 - 2004).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Other), Presentation: "Managing Assessment Online", (2004 - 2004).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Other), "Bajo los tormentos de la prensa: Printed Images of Mexican Colonial Clerics", (2003 - 2003).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Chair), "Islamic Latin America", (2003 - 2003).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Chair), "Latin American Eighteenth-Century Printmaking", (2003 - 2003).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Chair), "Mexican Colonial Art", (2003 - 2003).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Other), "Mexican Colonial Art", (2003 - 2003).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Other), "Much have I travell'd in the realms of gold: A Spanish Colonial Trunk at a Cultural Crossroads", (2002 - 2002).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Other), "Picturing Colonial and Modern Mexico", (2002 - 2002).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Chair), "Printmaking and Photography in Colonial and Post-Colonial Contexts", (2002 - 2002).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Other), "Art Through the Ages Session: Southern Baroque", (2001 - 2001).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Other), Paper: "From the Hard Entrails of the Copper: Printmaking in Viceregal New Spain", (2001 - 2001).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Other), Paper: "Locating the Print in Spanish Colonial Art Historiography", (2001 - 2001).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Other), Paper: "Nuevas Aportaciones Sobre los Grabadores Novohispanos", (2001 - 2001).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Other), Paper: "Print Publishing in Colonial Mexico", (2001 - 2001).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Other), "Defending the Status Quo: The Mexican Inquisition and the Print", (2000 - 2000).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Other), "The Hide Paintings of Colonial New Mexico", (2000 - 2000).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Other), Paper: "Abused and Battered: The Treatment of Printed Images of the Female Body in Viceregal Mexico", (1999 - 1999).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Other), Paper: "Seducing the Ignorant Masses: The Printed Image, the Mexican People and the Holy Office of the Inquisition", (1998 - 1998).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Other), Paper: "The Mexican Inquisition and the Printed Image", (1997 - 1997).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Other), Paper: "The Most Terrible of Terribles: The Image of Death in the Engravings of The Portentous Life of Death", (1996 - 1996).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Other), "An Odyssey of Images: The Influence of European and New World Prints on Eighteenth-Century Hide Paintings in New Mexico", (1995 - 1995).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Other), "The History of Book Illustration in Colonial New Spain", (1995 - 1995).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Other), Paper: "Emblematic Imagery in Fray Diego Durán's Historia de las Indias de la Nueva España", (1995 - 1995).
  • Demonstration

  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Author & Presenter), Case Studies, College Art Association, New York, NY, United States of America. (2017).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Author & Presenter), Writing Test Questions to Assess for Higher Order Thinking Skills, Pearson Academic Publishing, Webinar, United States of America. (2016).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Author & Presenter), A Class on its Head: Reflections on Flipping Art History, Pearson Academic Publishing., Webinar, United States of America. (2015).
  • Invited Talk

  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Author & Presenter), Seminario Historia del libro y la lectura, Maestría en Historia, Reflexiones sobre el grabado libresco en Mexico, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Virtual, Mexico. (2023 - 2023).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K. (Author & Presenter), Luis Martin Lecture Series, Imprinting Exemplarity in Nuns' Portraits, Meadows Museum of Spanish Art, Dallas, Texas, United States of America. (2022 - 2022).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K. (Author & Presenter), Luis Martin Lecture Series, A Nun's Life in Early Modern Spanish America, Meadows Museum of Spanish Art, Dallas, Texas, United States of America. (2022 - 2022).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K. (Author & Presenter), Northwestern University, Author's Presentation, Department of Art History, United States of America. (2021 - 2021).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K. (Author & Presenter), La representacion del grabado en el arte colonial, Museo Colonial, Bogota, Colombia, Colombia. (2020).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Author & Presenter), Yavelberg, J. (Author & Presenter), Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, College Art Association, Los Angeles, California, United States of America. (2018).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Author & Presenter), A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with a Lot of Luggage, Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, Texas, United States of America. (2016).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Author & Presenter), A ‘Her’story of Prints, Women Printmakers of Austin, Austin, Texas, United States of America. (2016).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Author & Presenter), You want me to do what?!: Assessment in Art History, Pearson Academic Publishing, Webinar, United States of America. (2016).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Author & Presenter), Colonial Arts in Texas, Museum of Spanish Colonial Art, Dallas, Texas, United States of America. (2015).
  • Keynote/Plenary Address

  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Author & Presenter), Imprinting Exemplarity: A Culture of Print in Mexican Nuns’ Portraits, Michigan State University, Lansing, MI, United States of America. (2017).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Author & Presenter), Not Entirely Remote: New Mexican Colonial Hide Paintings at a Cultural Crossroads, Museum of New Mexico History, Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States of America. (2017).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Author & Presenter), Jeronimo Antonio Gil, the Idea of the Spanish Enlightenment, and the Royal Academy of San Carlos, University of Texas, San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas, United States of America. (2016).
  • Lecture

  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Author & Presenter), A Culture of Print in Viceregal New Spain, Michigan State University, Lansing, MI, United States of America. (2017).
  • Paper

  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Author & Presenter), Congreso Internacional: America en el centro. Circulación de imágenes en el mundo iberico, La circulación de imágenes entre los pintores y grabadores mexicanos del siglo XVIII, CIRIMA. Circulación de la imagen en la Geografía artística del mundo hispánico en la Edad Moderna. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación del Gobierno de España, PID2020-112808GB-I00, Puebla, Mexico, Mexico. (2023 - 2023).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Author & Presenter), Cultura escrita y religión en la Nueva España y el mundo hispánico moderno, Pruebas de estado, estampas imperfectas, y la cultura religiosa en México, National Library of Mexico, Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliograficas, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico. (2023 - 2023).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K. (Author & Presenter), XVI Reunion Internacional de Historiadores de Mexico, Estampas imperfectas y la red de grabadores mexicanos del siglo XVIII, University of Texas, Austin, Austin, Texas, United States of America. (2022 - 2022).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Author & Presenter), XLVI Coloquio Internacional de Historia del Arte, Bruñida, tachada, y corregida. La lectura material de estampas virreinales, Instituto de Investigaciones Esteticas, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico. (2022 - 2022).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K. (Author & Presenter), V-CIBI (Congreso Internacional de Barroco Iberoamericano, Localizando a la red de grabadores novohispanos. Tras los pasos de Ignacio García de las Prietas, Universidad de Granada, Spain, Spain. (2020 - 2021).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K. (Author & Presenter), Congreso Internacional Virtual 21. Un año, dos conmemoraciones, diversas Historias de América, 1521-1821, Todos los del barrio: Localizando a la red profesional de grabadores mexicanos en el siglo XVIII, JORNADAS VIRTUALES DE HISTORIA DE AMÉRICA, virtual, Spain. (2020 - 2020).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K. (Author & Presenter), Prints in Their Place--Canceled due to COVID, Who Are the People in Your Neighborhood: Finding the Mexican 18th-Century Printmaking Profession, Courtauld Institute, London, United Kingdom. (2020).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Author & Presenter), Yavelberg, J. (Author & Presenter), Understanding the Student Perspective of Art History Survey Course Outcomes Through Game Development, College Art Association, United States of America. (2019).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Author & Presenter), Typography, Illustration and Ornamentation in the Early Modern Iberian Book World, 1450-1800, Spanish Book Illustration and the Hijos de la Academia, Centre for the History of the Media at University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, Ireland. (2018).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Author & Presenter), College Art Association, Mapping the Noble and Loyal City, Los Angeles, California, United States of America. (2018).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Other), Asociacion de Historiadores Latinoamericanistas de Europa, The Empire Strikes Back: Jerónimo Antonio Gil and the Craft of Imperial Identity in Late Colonial New Spain, Berlin, Germany, Germany. (2015 - 2015).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Author & Presenter), Southeast College Art Association, The Museum of Jerónimo Antonio Gil, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, United States of America. (2015).
  • Scholarly Meeting Contribution

  • Donahue-Wallace, K. (Discussant), College Art Association, Reflections on Teaching and Learning, United States of America. (2020).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Co-Chair), Baxter, D.A. (Co-Chair), prove It! p ublish It! Art h istory and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, College Art Association, United States of America. (2017).

Artistic and Professional Performances and Exhibits

  • Art - Exhibition, Invitational. Donahue-Wallace, K.T., "Truth, Lies, and Print (Working Title)", Blanton Museum, University of Texas, Austin, United States of America. (October 2022).

Contracts, Grants, Sponsored Research


  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T., "Living with Art," sponsored by McGraw Hill, International, Funded. (2017 - 2018).
  • Grant - Research

  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T., "A Culture of Prints," University of North Texas, $5000 Funded. (2019 - 2020).
  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Principal), "The Culture of Prints in Colonial New Spain," sponsored by Research and Creativity Enhancement Grant, University of North Texas, $11300 Funded. (2011 - 2011).
  • Grant - Service

  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T., "Mentoring Grant for Department Chairs," University of North Texas, $5000 Funded. (2018 - 2019).
  • Grant - Teaching

  • Donahue-Wallace, K.T. (Principal), "The Business of Art," sponsored by Learning Enhancement Grant, University of North Texas, $5000 Funded. (2013 - 2014).


University Service

  • Committee Member, Department Retention Promotion and Tenure Committee. (September 1, 2023 - August 31, 2025).
  • Committee Member, College Retention Promotion and Tenure Committee. (September 1, 2021 - September 1, 2023).
  • Committee Chair, IADS Visiting Assistant Professor Search Committee. (June 2023 - August 2023).
  • Faculty Mentor, College of Visual Arts and Design. (August 2022 - May 2023).
  • Chairperson, Faculty Senate Budget Committee. (September 11, 2019 - September 2022).
  • Committee Member, History Department Search Committee. (December 1, 2021 - May 2022).
  • Committee Chair, Art History Visiting Assistant Professor Search Committee. (November 2021 - May 2022).
  • Member, Faculty Professional Development Plan Committee. (September 1, 2021 - May 2022).
  • Committee Member, UNT Foundation Awards Selection Committee. (September 2019 - May 2022).
  • Committee Member, Grade Appeal Committee. (January 28, 2022 - February 2022).
  • Member, College Retention, Promotion, and Tenure Committee. (March 2021 - May 2021).
  • Member, Research Misconduct Committee. (January 2021 - May 2021).
  • Member, College Retention, Promotion, and Tenure Committee. (August 2019 - May 2020).
  • Reference Writer, Teaching Fellow Award. (December 2019).
  • Program Coordinator, IADS Program Coordinator. (August 2019 - December 2019).
  • Committee Member, College Grievance Committee. (December 4, 2019 - December 13, 2019).
  • Reference Writer, Regents Professor. (September 2019 - October 2019).
  • Reference Writer, Ulys and Vera Knight Mentor Award. (September 2019 - October 2019).
  • Member, NEH Selection Committee. (July 2019 - August 2019).
  • Committee Member, Committee on the Evaluation of Administrators. (October 2018 - August 2019).
  • Chairperson, Council of Chairs. (September 1, 2018 - August 31, 2019).
  • Member, Academic Committee. (September 1, 2016 - August 31, 2019).
  • Member, Executive Committee. (September 1, 2016 - August 31, 2019).
  • Member, NEH Selection Committee. (July 2018 - August 2018).
  • Program Coordinator, Department of Art Education and Art History. (2008 - 2017).
  • Workshop Organizer, College of Visual Arts and Design Preview Day. (October 2017 - October 2017).
  • Member, NEH Selection Committee. (July 2017 - August 2017).
  • Workshop Organizer, College of Visual Arts and Design/IADS program. (August 2016 - March 9, 2017).
  • Committee Chair, Department Retention, Promotion, and Tenure Committee. (2014 - 2016).
  • Workshop Organizer, College of Visual Arts and Design Preview Day. (October 2016 - October 2016).
  • Committee Member, Search Committee--Advising Office Director. (2014 - 2014).
  • Member, Core Drawing and Design Search Committee. (2013 - 2014).
  • Member, Department Retention, Promotion, and Tenure Committee. (2013 - 2014).
  • Committee Member, Faculty Senate Committee on the Status of Women. (2011 - 2012).
  • Committee Chair, Faculty Senate Committee on the Teaching Effectiveness. (2011 - 2012).
  • Committee Member, College Retention, Promotion and Tenure Committee. (2010 - 2012).
  • Member, Fashion Design Search. (2010 - 2011).
  • Committee Member, Core Curriculum Oversight Committee. (2008 - 2009).
  • Other (Faculty Senator), Faculty Senate. (2006 - 2009).
  • Committee Member, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee. (2006 - 2009).
  • Committee Chair, Art Education Search Committee. (2005 - 2006).
  • Committee Member, Academic Committee. (2004 - 2006).
  • Committee Member, Executive Committee. (2003 - 2005).
  • Committee Member, Distance Learning Steering Committee. (2000 - 2004).
  • Committee Member, Academic Committee. (2001 - 2003).
  • Committee Member, Studio Personnel Committee. (2000 - 2002).
  • Committee Member, Art History Search Committee. (2000 - 2001).
  • Committee Member, Visiting Artist/Gallery Committee. (2000 - 2001).
  • Committee Member, Technology Committee. (2000 - 2000).

Professional Service

  • External T&P Letter Writer, University of Texas, San Antonio. (January 2024 - Present).
  • Member, College Art Association. (1995 - Present).
  • Committee Member, Association of Print Scholars. (January 2022 - 2024).
  • External T&P Letter Writer, University of Oklahoma. (July 1, 2024 - September 13, 2024).
  • Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians. (July 29, 2024 - August 28, 2024).
  • Reviewer, Journal Article, Bulletin Hispanique. (May 1, 2024 - July 9, 2024).
  • External T&P Letter Writer, Johns Hopkins University. (July 2023 - October 2023).
  • Reviewer, Journal Article, Religions. (May 20, 2023).
  • External T&P Letter Writer, DePaul University. (July 2022 - August 2022).
  • External T&P Letter Writer, Yale University. (June 2022 - July 2022).
  • Reviewer, Journal Article, Latin American and Latinx Visual Culture Journal. (August 6, 2021).
  • External T&P Letter Writer, University of Central Florida. (February 2021 - June 2021).
  • Reviewer, Journal Article, ARTS International Arts Journal (Switzerland). (April 2021 - April 2021).
  • Reviewer, Journal Article, ARTS International Arts Journal (Switzerland). (March 2021 - March 2021).
  • Reviewer, Journal Article, ARTS International Art Journal (Switzerland). (February 2021 - February 2021).
  • Reviewer, Journal Article, IKON Journal for Iconographic Studies. (January 2021 - February 2021).
  • External T&P Letter Writer, University of Houston. (November 2020 - December 2020).
  • Other (Advisory Board Member), Art History Pedagogy and Practice Journal. (2015 - 2020).
  • Reviewer, Journal Article, Oxford University Press. (December 1, 2020 - December 30, 2020).
  • Reviewer, Journal Article, The Latin Americanist. (November 2020).
  • Reviewer, Journal Article, Oxford University Press. (October 1, 2020 - November 15, 2020).
  • Reviewer, Journal Article, Anuario Colombiano de Historia Social y de la Cultura. Bogota, (October 2020).
  • Reviewer, Book, Anthem Press. (August 1, 2020 - September 1, 2020).
  • Reviewer, Journal Article, Material Religion. (March 1, 2020 - March 31, 2020).
  • Reviewer, Book, Universidad Iberoamericana. (November 2019 - February 2020).
  • Reviewer, Book, Routledge Publications. (September 2019 - December 2019).
  • Editor, Guest Editor, Art History Pedagogy and Practice. (2018 - 2019).
  • Member, Art Historians Interested in Pedagogy and Technology. (2002 - 2019).
  • Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Guggenheim Foundation. (November 2019).
  • External T&P Letter Writer, Furman University. (August 2019 - September 2019).
  • External T&P Letter Writer, Kent State University. (July 2019 - September 2019).
  • Reviewer, Journal Article, Material Religion. (July 2019 - August 2019).
  • Committee Member, Southern Graphics Council International. (March 2017 - March 2019).
  • Member, American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies. (1999 - 2018).
  • Committee Member, Historians of Eighteenth-Century Art and Architecture. (November 2017 - November 2018).
  • Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians. (July 1, 2018 - July 31, 2018).
  • Other (Senior Faculty Member), NGen Course Redesign. (2010 - 2014).
  • Member, American Society for Hispanic Art Historical Studies. (2000 - 2014).
  • Other (External reviewer), Revue d'art canadienne/Canadian Art Review (RACAR). (2013 - 2013).
  • Other (External reviewer), Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. (2013 - 2013).
  • Committee Member, PRINT Press Ad hoc Advisory Committee. (2011 - 2012).
  • Editor, Journal Editor, Hispanic Research Journal. (2008 - 2012).
  • Member, QEP Advisory Board. (2010 - 2011).
  • Member, Wimba Pronto Pilot Test Group. (2010 - 2010).
  • Member, Women's Studies Advisory Board, University of North Texas. (2005 - 2010).
  • Member, Toulouse School of Graduate Studies Graduate Dean. (2008 - 2009).
  • Chairperson, Associate Director for Research Development Search, University of North Texas. (2008 - 2008).
  • Member, College of Engineering Dean Search, University of North Texas. (2007 - 2008).
  • Officer, President/Elect/Past, American Society for Hispanic Art Historical Studies, a College Art Association Affiliated Society. (2006 - 2008).
  • Officer, President/Elect/Past, Art Historians Interested in Pedagogy and Technology, a College Art Association Affiliated Society. (2005 - 2007).
  • Other (Newsletter Editor), American Society for Hispanic Art Historical Studies. (2004 - 2006).
  • Other (Board Member), Friends of the UNT Libraries, University of North Texas. (2001 - 2006).
  • Member, Sixteenth Century Studies. (2000 - 2006).
  • Member, Dean's Search Committee, University of North Texas. (2003 - 2005).
  • Other (Member, Executive Board, Chair of Collegiate Art Competition), Fuego y Alma Latino Arts and Culture Festival. Denton, Texas. (2003 - 2005).


  • Academic, Michael Cothren/Pearson, United States of America. (August 2017 - November 2017).
  • For Profit Organization, McGraw-Hill, United States of America. (August 1, 2016 - May 1, 2017).
  • University of Mary Washington, (2011 - 2011).