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Keith W. Brown

Teaching Fellow

University of North Texas

Department of Philosophy and Religion

(940) 565-2266



  • MA, University of North Texas, 2016
    Major: Philosophy
  • BA, University of North Texas, 2013
    Major: Philosophy

Professional Memberships

  • Karl Japsers Society of North America. (December 28, 1999 - Present).
  • Society for Phenomenology and the Human Sciences. (October 30, 1999 - Present).


Teaching Experience

    University of North Texas

  • PHIL 1050 - Introduction to Philosophy, 13 courses.
  • PHIL 1400 - Ethics and Society, 5 courses.
  • PHIL 2050 - Introduction to Logic, 2 courses.
  • PHIL 2070 - Great Religions, 1 course.
  • PHIL 3120 - Social and Political Philosophy, 1 course.
  • PHIL 3310 - Ancient Greek Philosophy, 2 courses.
  • PHIL 4200 - Science, Technology, and Society, 1 course.
  • PHIL 4500 - Existentialism, 1 course.


Published Intellectual Contributions

    Book Chapter

  • Brown, K.W. (2014). Anarchism. Encyclopedia of ETHICS, SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, AND ENGINEERING, 2ND EDITION. 1 67–69. Engage.
  • Journal Article

  • Holbrook, J.B., Barr, K., Brown, K.W. (2013). Research impact: We need negative metrics too. Nature. 497 (7450) 439–439. Nature Publishing Group.
  • Callicott, J., Parker, J., Batson, J.S., Bell, N.M., Brown, K.W., Moss, S. (2011). The Other in A Sand County Almanac. Environmental Ethics. 33 (2) 115–146.
  • Brown, K.W., Cavazos, R. (2005). Why is this show so dumb? Advertising revenue and program content of network television. Review of Industrial Organization. 27 17--34. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  • Textbook

  • Callicott, J., Callicott, van Buren, J. (2018). Greek Natural Philosophy: The Presocratics and their importance for environmental philosophy. 384. San Diego, CA, COGNELLA.