Leslie K. Finger
University of North Texas
Political Science


PhD, Harvard University, 2017.
Major: Political Science
Dissertation Title: Group Power and Policy Change in Education
MA, Harvard University, 2012.
Major: Political Science


Teaching Experience

University of North Texas
PSCI 2316, Honors US and Texas Constitutions and Institutions, 6 courses.
PSCI 3300, Political Science Research Methods, 5 courses.
PSCI 4490, Topics in Public Policy, 3 courses.

Directed Student Learning

Supervised Research,"Undergraduate Capstone Thesis," Political Science. (January 2023May 2023).

Supervised Research,"Honors Contract Paper," Political Science. (January 2023May 2023).

Supervised Research,"Honors Contract Paper," Political Science. (February 2022May 2022).


Published Intellectual Contributions

Book Chapter
Chambers-Ju, C., Finger, L. K. (2016). Teachers’ Unions in Mexico: The Politics of Patronage.
Book Review
Finger, L. K. (2022). Firepower: How the NRA Turned Gun Owners into a Political Force by Matthew Lacombe. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2021. 328 pp. $29.95. Political Science Quarterly. 137(4), 811-812.
Finger, L. K. (2021). Making Social Welfare Policy in America: Three Case Studies since 1950, Edward D. Berkowitz. Political Science Quarterly. 136(2), 385-387. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/polq.13180
Finger, L. K. (2018). Citizens by Degree: Higher Education Policy and the Changing Gender Dynamics of American Citizenship. Perspectives on Politics. 26(4), 1187-1189.
Journal Article
Finger, L. K., Houston, D. (2023). Public Goods, Private Goods, and School Preferences. Harvard Educational Review. 93(1), 53-82.
Hartney, M. T., Finger, L. K. (2022). Politics, Markets, and Pandemics: Public Education’s Response to COVID-19. Perspectives on Politics. 20(2), 457-473.
Finger, L. K., Reckhow, S. (2021). Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups. State Politics & Policy Quarterly. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/state-politics-and-policy-quarterly/article/abs/policy-feedback-and-the-polarization-of-interest-groups/E2CD649157B49DA43C6D9235909F3F8A
Finger, L. K., Gift, T., Miner, (2021). DCPS or Sidwell Friends? How Politician Schooling Choices Affect Voter Evaluations. American Politics Research. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1532673X211042002
Finger, L. K., Lastra-Anadon, C. (2021). Advocates For Hire: How Government Contracting Shapes Politics. Governance.
Finger, L. K., Hartney, M. T. (2019). Financial Solidarity: the Future of Unions in the post-Janus Era. Perspectives on Politics.
Finger, L. K. (2019). Interest Group Influence and the Two Faces of Power. American Politics Research. 47(4), 378-401.
Finger, L. K. (2018). Giving to Government: The Policy Goals and Giving Strategies of New and Old Foundations. Interest Groups and Advocacy. 7(3), 312-345.
Finger, L. K. (2018). Vested Interests and the Diffusion of Education Reform across the States. Policy Studies Journal. 46(2), 378-401.
Finger, L. K., Gindin, J. (2015). From Proposal to Policy: Social Movements and Teachers’ Unions in Latin America. Prospects: Quarterly Review of Comparative Education. 45(3), 365-378.
Magazine/Trade Publication
Finger, L. K., Gift, T. (2019). Some People Want Lottery-Based Admissions. That’s a Terrible Idea. The Chronicle of Higher Education. https://www.chronicle.com/article/some-people-want-lottery-based-admissions-thats-a-terrible-idea
Finger, L. K., Hartney, M. T. (2020). What determined if schools reopened? How many Trump voters were in a district. https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2020/11/10/partisanship-schools-reopening-virus-trump-unions/
Finger, L. K., Hartney, M. T. (2020). Remote or In-Person Reopening Decisions Are Linked to Trump 2016 Vote Share, Catholic School Presence, a New Study Finds. EducationNext. https://www.educationnext.org/remote-in-person-reopening-decisions-linked-to-trump-2016-vote-share-catholic-school-presence-new-study/
Finger, L. K. (2011). Bˆonus de SP n˜ao deve morrer com o de NY [S˜ao Paulo’s teacher bonus shouldn’t die with New York’s]. Folha de São Paulo.
Research Report
Gindin, J., Finger, L. K. (2014). Promoting Education Quality: The Role of Teachers’ Unions in Latin America.
Finger, L. K. (2021). Voters prefer candidates who send their children to public over private school. USAPP. USAPP (London School of Economics). https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/usappblog/2021/10/01/voters-prefer-candidates-who-send-their-children-to-public-over-private-school/
Finger, L. K., Reckhow, S. (2019). Walmart Heirs Shift From Red To Purple: The Evolving Political Contributions Of The Nation’s Richest Family. Histphil. Histphil. https://histphil.org/2019/06/03/walmart-heirs-shift-from-red-to-purple-the-evolving-political-contributions-of-the-nations-richest-family/
Finger, L. K. (2019). Interest groups’ influence on policy comes through the presence of faithful legislative allies – not gifts to their campaigns. USAPP. USAPP (London School of Economics). https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/usappblog/2019/02/28/interest-groups-influence-on-policy-comes-through-the-presence-of-faithful-legislative-allies-not-gifts-to-their-campaigns/
Finger, L. K. (2018). Giving To Government: Foundation Grants To State Education Agencies. Histphil. Histphil. https://histphil.org/2018/11/19/giving-to-government-foundation-grants-to-state-education-agencies/
Finger, L. K. (2018). Do Strikes Signal Union Strength?. EducationNext. EducationNext. https://www.educationnext.org/does-labor-activism-signal-union-strength-west-virginia/
Finger, L. K. (2016). How Friedrichs Saved Public Sector Unions - But Not In The Way You Think. EducationNext. EducationNext. https://www.educationnext.org/how-friedrichs-saved-public-sector-unions-but-not-in-the-way-you-think/

Presentations Given

Invited Talk

Finger, L. K. (Other), Politics of Education course, Interest Groups in Education, University of Georgia, United States of America. (20222022).

Finger, L. K. (Other), Politics of Education course, Interest Groups in Education, University of Georgia, United States of America. (20212021).

Panel Presentation

Finger, L. K. (Author & Presenter), Benton, R. (Author), APSA Annual Meeting, Homeschooling and the Evolving Role of Public Schools in Rural America, Los Angeles, United States of America. (20232023).

Finger, L. K. (Author & Presenter), Southwestern Social Science Association, Tweeting for Members: How Teachers' Unions Adapt their Strategy and Rhetoric on Twitter, Fort Worth, United States of America. (2023).

Finger, L. K. (Discussant), APSA Annual Meeting, Education, Democracy, and Discrimination, Montreal, Canada. (20222022).

Finger, L. K. (Author & Presenter), APSA Annual Meeting, Tweeting for Members: How Teachers’ Unions Adapt their Strategy and Rhetoric, Montreal, Canada. (20222022).

Finger, L. K. (Author & Presenter), WPSA Annual Meeting, Tweeting for Members: How Teachers’ Unions Adapt their Strategy and Rhetoric, Portland, United States of America. (20222022).

Finger, L. K. (Author & Presenter), Hartney, M. T. (Author), APSA Annual Meeting, Politics, Markets, and Pandemics: Public Education’s Response to COVID-19, APSA, Virtual, United States of America. (20212021).

Finger, L. K. (Discussant), APSA Annual Meeting, Enduring Lessons in Education Politics and Policy from the COVID-19 Pandemic, Virtual, United States of America. (20212021).

Finger, L. K. (Discussant), Winter 2021 Comparative Labor Politics Workshop, Discussant Comments: Winter 2021 Comparative Labor Politics Workshop, APSA Labor Politics Section, Virtual, United States of America. (20212021).

Finger, L. K. (Discussant), APSA Annual Meeting, Discussant Comments on: “A Lone Star State of Mind: Civics Education and Texas Teachers”, Virtual, United States of America. (20202020).


Noh, H. (Author & Presenter), Lyon, M. (Author), Finger, L. K. (Author), APSA Annual Meeting, Protest as Political Catalyst: How Teacher Strikes Shape Political Behavior, Los Angeles, United States of America. (20232023).

Coyoli, J. (Author & Presenter), Finger, L. K. (Author), Davies, E. (Author), Phillips, J. (Author), APSA Annual Meeting, Bureaucratic Selection and Politics: Evidence from Teachers in Brazil, Montreal, Canada. (20222022).

Media Contributions

"Right Wingers Gain Ground in Texas School Board Elections," Texas Observer. (May 13, 2022).
"Facing Thousands of Unvaccinated Students, Los Angeles District Pushes Back Vaccine Mandate Until Fall," The 74. (December 10, 2021).
"Former NEA Chief Eskelsen Garcia, Possible Education Secretary Pick, Under Scrutiny for Comments About Special-Needs Kids," The 74. (December 9, 2020).
"Gov. Abbott wants a school voucher plan. Can he win over rural Texans?," KERA. (March 9, 2023).
"North Texas judge blocks student loan forgiveness plan," NT Daily. (December 2, 2022).
"Billionaire Philanthropists Pushing Charter Schools and School Vouchers Also Fund Oklahoma’s Secretary of Education’s Six-Figure Salary," Oklahoma Watch. (May 19, 2022).
"Conservatives’ school board victories could give Texas GOP momentum for November elections, 2023 legislative session," Texas Tribune. (May 11, 2022).
"Amid Critical Race Theory Panic, Conservatives Sweep 'Nonpartisan' Texas School Board Elections," Dallas Observer. (May 10, 2022).
"Is Gov. Abbott pitting Texas parents against teachers? Education poised to be wedge issue," The Dallas Morning News. (January 26, 2022).
"A bumpy, partisan fall semester," The New York Times. (August 25, 2021).
"After a high point in the Obama administration, philanthropies no longer drive education policy," Chalkbeat. (May 13, 2021).
"The pandemic and bitter partisanship polarized 2020. Now it’s seeping into school board races.," The Philadelphia Inquirer. (May 12, 2021).
"Paper on the Politics of School Reopenings," Chalkbeat. (January 6, 2021).
"Abbott's Campaign for Private School Choice," KERA News. (March 2, 2023).
"The Politics of School from Home," The Science of Politics Podcast. (January 6, 2021).
"How Teach for America Shapes State Education Policy," The Education Exchange. (January 14, 2019).
"Texas Teachers and Administrators Hope a Teacher Pay Raise Bill Survives Political Differences," NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth. (January 25, 2023).

Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research

Grant - Research
Finger, L. K., "Research Seed Grant for "Homeschooling and the Evolving Role of Public Schools in Rural America"," University of North Texas, $3600 Funded. (2023March 2024).

Awards and Honors

Best Public Policy Paper Award, APSA Public Policy Section. (2022 – Present).


University Service

Member, Ad Hoc Evaluation Reform Committee. (20232023).

Workshop Organizer, American Politics Writing Group. (June 20222023).

Committee Member, Advancement Committee. (20222023).

Committee Member, American Politics Search Committee. (20222023).

Committee Member, Graduate Studies Committee. (20222023).

Member, Executive Committee. (August 2021August 2022).

Other, Workbook. (August 2021August 2021).

Other, Election Judge. (August 2020August 2021).

Committee Member, Graduate Professionalization Committee. (August 2020May 2021).

Professional Service

Reviewer, Journal Article, Studies in Higher Education. (July 2024 – Present).

Workshop Organizer, WPSA Education Politics & Policy Virtual Communities. (September 2022 – Present).

Reviewer, Journal Article, State Politics & Policy Quarterly. (April 2024April 2024).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Political Behavior. (March 2024March 2024).

Officer, President/Elect/Past, APSA Education Politics and Policy Section (Section 51). (September 2020September 2023).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Education Evaluation and Policy Analysis. (August 2023August 2023).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Perspectives on Politics. (July 2023August 2023).

Reviewer, Journal Article, American Educational Research Journal. (January 2023July 2023).

Workshop Organizer, Polisci Department American Politics Writing Group. (May 2022May 2023).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Sociological Methods and Research. (September 2022October 2022).

Session Chair, APSA Annual Meeting. (September 16, 2022September 16, 2022).

Reviewer, Journal Article, State Politics & Policy Quarterly. (July 2022August 2022).

Reviewer, Book, Routledge. (July 5, 2022).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Studies in Comparative International Development. (February 2022April 2022).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Perspectives on Politics. (March 21, 2022April 22, 2022).

Reviewer, Book, Rutgers University Press. (October 2021February 2022).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Interest Groups and Advocacy. (June 8, 2021December 15, 2021).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Educational Policy. (December 18, 2020June 8, 2021).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Perspectives on Politics. (March 7, 2021April 7, 2021).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Comparative Politics. (October 20, 2020November 19, 2020).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of School Choice. (July 5, 2020October 9, 2020).

Reviewer, Journal Article, American Political Science Review. (July 29, 2020August 29, 2020).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Sociology Compass. (April 11, 2020May 2, 2020).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. (February 4, 2020February 29, 2020).

Reviewer, Journal Article, American Educational Research Journal. (20192019).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Latin American Politics & Society. (20192019).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Policy Sciences. (20192019).

Reviewer, Journal Article, State Politics & Policy Quarterly. (20192019).

Reviewer, Journal Article, American Politics Research. (20182018).

Public Service

Other, Election Poll Worker, Denton. (September 2020November 2020).