Dr. Marcia De Avila
Adjunct Faculty
University of North Texas
Department of Dean's Office
Email: Marcia.Deavila@unt.edu
PhD, Texas A&M University, 1991
Major: Adult and Extension Education
Specialization: Self Perceived NEeds of the ABE Student
MA, Washington State University, 1976
Major: Child Development
Dissertation: A Model Parental Involvement Program for Bilingual/Bicultural Day Care -
BA, Pan American University, 1974
Major: Sociology
Teaching Experience
- EDBE 3480 - Bilingualism and Multiculturism for English Language Learning : Issues and Perspectives, 1 course.
- EDBE 4490 - Teaching ESL EC 12: Instructional Strategies and Resources, 3 courses.
- EDCI 4108 - Student Teaching in the Secondary School, 3 courses.
- EDCI 4118 - Student Teaching in the Secondary School, 3 courses.
- EDCI 4608 - Apprentice Teaching I in Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science, 1 course.
- EDCI 4618 - Apprentice Teaching II in Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science, 1 course.
- EDCI 5105 - Internship I, 2 courses.
- EDCI 5108 - Student Teaching in the Secondary Schools, 5 courses.
- EDCI 5115 - Internship II, 2 courses.
- EDCI 5118 - Student Teaching in the Secondary Schools, 5 courses.
- EDEE 4101 - Clinical Teaching, 19 courses.
- EDEE 4102 - Clinical Teaching, 20 courses.
- EDEE 5101 - Student Teaching in EC through Grade 6, 8 courses.
- EDEE 5102 - Student Teaching in EC through Grade 6, 8 courses.
- EDEE 5105 - Internship I, 7 courses.
- EDEE 5115 - Internship II, 5 courses.
- EDME 4103 - Student Teaching in Grades 4 8, 2 courses.
- EDME 4104 - Student Teaching in Grades 4 8, 2 courses.
- EDSE 4108 - Student Teaching in the Secondary School, 1 course.
- EDSE 4118 - Student Teaching in the Secondary School, 1 course.
- EDSE 5108 - Student Teaching in the Secondary Schools, 4 courses.
- EDSE 5118 - Student Teaching in the Secondary Schools, 4 courses.
- EDSP 4110 - Clinical Teaching in Special Education, 3 courses.
- EDSP 5430 - Advanced Practicum: Special Education, 3 courses.