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Mike I. Baskes

Research Professor

University of North Texas

Department of Materials Science and Engineering



Published Intellectual Contributions

    Journal Article

  • Salloom, R., Baskes, M.I., Srivilliputhur, S.G. (2022). Atomic level simulations of the phase stability and stacking fault energy of FeCoCrMnSi high entropy alloy. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering. 30 075002. IOP.

Contracts, Grants, Sponsored Research


  • Shepherd, N.D. (Co-Principal), Mishra, R.S. (Principal), Baskes, M.I. (Co-Principal), Reidy, R.F. (Co-Principal), Scharf, T.W. (Co-Principal), Young, M.L. (Co-Principal), Banerjee, R. (Co-Principal), Srivilliputhur, S.G. (Co-Principal), Mukherjee, S. (Co-Principal), Agrawal, P. (Co-Principal), "Hierarchically Structured Materials Systems for Enhanced Dynamic Performance," sponsored by ARL, Federal, $5250000 Funded. (2023 - 2024).
  • Grant - Research

  • Srivilliputhur, S.G. (Principal), Banerjee, R. (Co-Principal), Baskes, M. (Co-Principal), "An Atomic Bonding Informed Approach to Rewrite the Rules of Solid-Solution and Precipitation Strengthening," sponsored by Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Federal, $1005000 Funded. (2020 - 2023).
  • Baskes, M.I. (Co-Principal), Banerjee, R. (Co-Principal), Srivilliputhur, S.G. (Principal), "An Atomic Bonding Informed Approach to Rewrite the Rules of Solid-Solution and Precipitation Strengthening," sponsored by Air Force Office of Scientific Research, FED, Funded. (2020 - 2023).
  • Baskes, M.I. (Principal), "MS State Collaboration," sponsored by Mississippi State University, NFP, Funded. (2020 - 2021).