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Myungsup Kim

Associate Professor

University of North Texas

Department of Economics

(940) 369-6664



  • PhD, Michigan State University, 2005
    Major: Economics
  • BA, Yonsei University, 1998
    Major: Economics

Professional Positions

    Academic - Post-Secondary

  • Associate Professor, University of North Texas. University of North Texas. (2011 - Present).
  • Assistant Professor, University of North Texas. University of North Texas. (2005 - 2011).

Professional Memberships

  • Western Economic Association International. (Present).
  • Southern Economic Association. (2016 - Present).

Development Activities

  • Conference Attendance, Conference on Teaching and Research in Economic Education (CTREE), American Economic Association. Atlanta,GA,United States of America. (May 29, 2024 - May 31, 2024).
  • Conference Attendance, AEA 2022 Virtual Annual Meeting, American Economic Association. United States of America. (January 7, 2022 - January 9, 2022).
  • Workshop, ESTIMATE: The Reduced From, Department of Economics, Michigan State University. United States of America. (December 14, 2021 - December 15, 2021).
  • Workshop, 2021 Stata Economics Virtual Symposium, Stata. United States of America. (November 10, 2021 - November 10, 2021).


Teaching Experience

    University of North Texas

  • ECON 4630 - Research Methods for Economists, 13 courses.
  • ECON 4870 - Introduction to Econometrics, 30 courses.
  • ECON 4900 - Special Problems, 5 courses.
  • ECON 5000 - Economic Concepts, 1 course.
  • ECON 5050 - Seminar on Contemporary Economic Problems, 1 course.
  • ECON 5630 - Research Methods, 11 courses.
  • ECON 5640 - Multivariate Regression Analysis, 26 courses.
  • ECON 5650 - Advanced Econometrics, 14 courses.
  • ECON 5655 - Econometric Analysis of Panel Data, 16 courses.
  • ECON 5900 - Special Problems, 4 courses.

Directed Student Learning

  • Dissertation Committee Member, Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Law. (May 2024).
  • Dissertation Committee Member, Management. (September 2021 - June 2022).
  • Dissertation Committee Member, Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Law. (December 2018 - May 2021).
  • Dissertation Committee Member, Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Law. (January 2017 - May 2019).
  • Dissertation Committee Member, Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Law. (August 2016 - August 2018).
  • Directed Individual/Independent Study, Economics. (January 2017 - May 2017).
  • Dissertation Committee Member, Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Law. (January 2014 - May 2016).
  • Directed Individual/Independent Study, Economics. (January 2015 - May 2015).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Member, Economics. (January 2011 - August 2011).

Awards and Honors

  • The CLASS Advisory Board Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching, University of North Texas. (November 7, 2023).
  • Nominated for The CLASS Advisory Board Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching, University of North Texas. (November 2022).
  • Nominated for The CLASS Advisory Board Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching, University of North Texas. (April 2021).


Published Intellectual Contributions

    Book Chapter

  • Chao, J., Kim, M., Sul, D. (2014). Mean Average Estimation of Dynamic Panel Models with Nonstationary Initial Condition. Other. 33 241-279.
  • Journal Article

  • Nieswiadomy, M.L., Kim, M. (2024). Grade Inflation at 34 Public Universities in Texas (2012- 2019). Applied Economics.
  • Gharoie Ahangar, R., Kim, M. (2022). The Impact of COVID-19 Shocks on Business and GDP of Global Economy. American Business Review. 25 (2) 244-270.
  • Rous, J.J., Kim, M., Fry, M.J., Oppenheim, V., Tiwari, C. The Impact of Shale Gas Well Proximity on Housing Values.
  • Kim, M., Oppenheim, V., Rous, J.J. Housing Insecurity for U.S. Renter Households During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
  • Rous, J.J., Oppenheim, V., Kim, M., Fry, M.J., Tiwari, C., Rice, M.D. (2020). Evaluating Determinants of Shale Gas Well Locations in an Urban Setting. The Annals of Regional Science. 65 (3) 26.
  • Kim, M., Lee, C., Barouch, P. Wage dispersion and teacher effectiveness on public middle schools in Texas, U.S.A. using fixed effects estimation.
  • Bae, S., Kim, M., Yoo, K. (2018). The Effect of Piracy and Digital Rights Management on the Vertically Related Content Industries. Review of Network Economics. 16 (1) 1 - 26.
  • McPherson, M.A., Kim, M., Dorman, M., Perera, N. (2013). Research Output at U.S. Economics Departments. Applied Economics Letters. 20 (9) 889-892.
  • Bonnie Harllee, Myungsup Kim and Michael Nieswiadomy. (2009). "Political Influence on Historical ESA Listings by State: A Count Data Analysis". Public Choice. 140 (1-2) 390-401.
  • McPherson, M.A., Jewell, T., Kim, M. (2009). What Determines Student Evaluation Scores? A Random Effects Analysis of Undergraduate Economics Classes. Eastern Economic Journal. 35 37-51.
  • Kim, M., Schmidt, P. (2008). Valid Tests of Whether Technical Efficiency Depends on Firm Characteristics. Journal of Econometrics. 144 409-427.
  • Kim, M., Kim, Y., Schmidt, P. (2007). On the Accuracy of Bootstrap Confidence Intervals for Efficiency Levels in Stochastic Frontier Models with Panel Data. Journal of Productivity Analysis. 28 165-181.

Presentations Given

    Design Work

  • Rous, J.J. (Author & Presenter), Fry, M.J. (Author), Kim, M. (Author), Oppenheim, V. (Author), Tiwari, C. (Author), Southern Economic Association, The Impact of Shale Gas Well Proximity on Housing Values, Tampa Bay, FL, United States of America. (2016 - 2016).
  • Invited Talk

  • Kim, M. (Author & Presenter), Stochastic Frontier Model, Efficiency Analysis in Stochastic Frontier Model, Montreal, Canada, Canada. (2008 - 2008).
  • Oral Presentation

  • Kim, M. (Author & Presenter), Nieswiadomy, M.L. (Author & Presenter), Western Economic Association International, Grade Inflation Marches on at 37 Public Universities in Texas (2012-2019), San Diego, CA, United States of America. (2023 - 2023).
  • Kim, M. (Author & Presenter), Nieswiadomy, M.L. (Author & Presenter), Texas Consortium of Hispanic Serving Institutions Economics Department, Grade Inflation at Texas Universities, University of North Texas, United States of America. (2022 - 2022).
  • Kim, M. (Author & Presenter), Nieswiadomy, M.L. (Author), UNT ERG Workshop, Grade Inflation Marches on at 37 Public Universities in Texas (2012-2019), Denton, TX, United States of America. (2022 - 2022).
  • Kim, M. (Author & Presenter), Rous, J. (Author & Presenter), UNT ERG Workshop, Migration data description, Denton, TX, United States of America. (2022 - 2022).
  • Kim, M. (Author), Bae, S. (Author & Presenter), Yoo, K. (Author), Southern Economic Association, The Effect of Piracy and Digital Rights Management on the Vertically Related Content Industries, Washington, DC, United States of America. (2016 - 2016).
  • Kim, M. (Author & Presenter), Rous, J.J. (Author), Kwon, J. (Author), McPherson, M.A. (Author), Western Economic Association International, Differential Urban Growth and Filtering in Urban and Suburban Neighborhoods, Honolulu, United States of America. (2015 - 2015).
  • Kim, M. (Author & Presenter), Chao, J. (Author), Sul, D. (Author), Advances in Econometrics Conference, Model averaging estimation of dynamic panel models with nonstationary initial conditions, Dallas, TX, United States of America. (2013 - 2013).
  • Kim, M. (Author & Presenter), Jewell, T. (Author), Western Economic Association International, Extending the three-point line in college basketball, Seattle, WA, United States of America. (2013 - 2013).
  • Kim, M. (Author & Presenter), Chao, J. (Author), Sul, D. (Author), Conference in Honor of Peter Schmidt, Impact of Initial Conditions on Dynamic Panel Estimation, League City, TX, United States of America. (2011 - 2011).
  • Kim, M. (Author & Presenter), Chao, J. (Author), Sul, D. (Author), Midwest Econometrics Group, Impact of Initial Conditions on Dynamic Panel Estimation, St. Louis, MO, United States of America. (2010 - 2010).
  • Kim, M. (Author & Presenter), Eastern Economic Association International, Evaluation of Instructors' performance on Teaching: Stochastic Frontier Model Approach, Philadelphia, PA, United States of America. (2010 - 2010).
  • Kim, M. (Author & Presenter), Western Economic Association International, Evaluating Teaching Efficiencies by Stochastic Frontier Model, Honolulu, HI, United States of America. (2008 - 2008).
  • Kim, M. (Author & Presenter), Schmidt, P. (Author), Southern Economic Association, LM Tests in One-Step Estimation of the Effects of Exogenous Variables on Technical Efficiency in Stochastic Frontier Model, New Orleans, LA, United States of America. (2004 - 2004).
  • Kim, M. (Author & Presenter), Schmidt, P. (Author), Red Cedar Conference, Reducing the Number of Moment Conditions in Finite Samples: the Dynamic Panel Data Model, East Lansing, MI, United States of America. (2001 - 2001).
  • Paper

  • Rous, J.J. (Author & Presenter), Kim, M. (Author), Kwon, J. (Author), McPherson, M.A. (Author), Spaces and Flows, Neighborhood Change in the Face of Urban Growth, Netherlands. (2013).

Contracts, Grants, Sponsored Research

    Grant - Research

  • Zhou, Y. (Principal), Carroll, M.C., Jiang, H., Kim, M., Rous, J.J., Yang, X., "Team Mentoring Grant," University of North Texas, $5000 Funded. (2021 - 2022).
  • Kim, M. (Other), "Indicator KPSS Test with a Time Trend," sponsored by University of North Texas, Research Initiation Grant, University of North Texas, $3000 Funded. (2006 - 2006).


University Service

  • Other, Assistant Chair. (August 2024 - Present).
  • Committee Chair, Personnel Affairs Committee. (January 2024 - Present).
  • Student Recruiter, Finding CLASS! - Majors and Minors Fair. (February 2023 - Present).
  • Workshop Organizer, Causal Inference Workshop. (October 2021 - Present).
  • Workshop Organizer, Stata Workshop. (October 2021 - Present).
  • Workshop Organizer, R Workshop. (September 2021 - Present).
  • Committee Member, Graduate scholarship committee. (March 2021 - Present).
  • Faculty Mentor, Mentor for Hanchen Jiang. (September 2020 - Present).
  • Committee Member, Personnel Affairs Committee. (August 2016 - Present).
  • Faculty Advisor, Dallas/Fort Worth Association for Business Economics (DABE) Essay Contest. (January 2016 - Present).
  • Committee Member, CAS Computing Committee. (January 2014 - Present).
  • Member, Library Liaison / Acquisitions Coordinator. (January 2014 - Present).
  • Prepare/Grade Certification Exams, Econometrics Exit Exam. (May 2011 - Present).
  • Workshop Organizer, Department Seminar Organizer. (August 2011 - December 2021).
  • Committee Member, Promotion and Tenure Committee. (January 2021 - May 2021).
  • Committee Member, Faculty Recruiting Committee. (September 2019 - March 2020).
  • Committee Member, Faculty Recruiting Committee. (September 2018 - March 2019).
  • Committee Member, Faculty Recruiting Committee. (August 2016 - May 2017).
  • Committee Chair, Awards Committee. (August 2015 - May 2016).
  • Committee Member, Promotion and Tenure Committee. (August 2014 - May 2016).
  • Committee Member, Awards Committee. (August 2014 - May 2015).
  • Committee Member, Ad Hoc Charter Revision Committee. (January 2013 - May 2013).
  • Committee Member, Promotion and Tenure Committee. (August 2012 - May 2013).
  • Committee Member, CAS Computing Committee. (January 2010 - May 2013).
  • Committee Member, Personnel Affairs Committee. (August 2007 - May 2013).
  • Committee Chair, Human Security Cluster Search Committee. (August 2011 - May 2012).
  • Member, Traffic Appeals Court Panel. (January 2008 - May 2012).
  • Committee Member, Faculty Recruiting Committee. (August 2010 - May 2011).
  • Committee Member, Faculty Recruiting Committee. (August 2010 - May 2011).

Professional Service

  • Reviewer, Journal Article, American Business Review. (2024 - Present).
  • Reviewer, Journal Article, Studies in Higher Education. (2023 - 2024).
  • Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Econometrics. (2021 - 2021).