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Dr. Neville G. McFerrin

Assistant Professor

University of North Texas

Department of Art History



  • PhD, University of Michigan, 2015
    Major: Classical Art and Archaeology
    Dissertation: The Art of Power: Ambiguity, Adornment, and the Performance of Social Position in the Pompeian House
  • BA, Oberlin College, 2008
    Major: Greek Language and Literature, Latin Language and Literature, Archaeological Studies
    Dissertation: Tria Cordia: Negotiations of Identity in Republican Samnium

Professional Positions

    Academic - Post-Secondary

  • Assistant Professor, University of North Texas. University of North Texas. (2020 - Present).
  • Visiting Assistant Professor, Ohio University. Ohio University. (2018 - 2020).
  • Assistant Professor, Sweet Briar College. Sweet Briar College. (2017 - 2018).
  • Visiting Assistant Professor, Sweet Briar College. Sweet Briar College. (2016 - 2017).
  • Lecturer, University of Michigan. University of Michigan. (2015 - 2015).

Professional Memberships

  • Multiculturalism, Race and Ethnicity in Classics Consortium. (November 20, 2017 - Present).
  • College Art Association. (August 1, 2017 - Present).
  • American Schools of Overseas Research. (February 15, 2015 - Present).
  • Phi Beta Kappa. (May 25, 2008 - Present).
  • Sigma Xi. (May 25, 2008 - Present).
  • Archaeological Institute of America. (January 1, 2007 - January 31, 2024).
  • Society for Classical Studies. (September 1, 2015 - December 31, 2020).


Teaching Experience

    University of North Texas

  • AEAH 4801 - Topics in Art History, 2 courses.
  • AEAH 4803 - Art of Ancient Rome, 1 course.
  • AEAH 5801 - Topics in Art History, 2 courses.
  • ART 2350 - Art History Survey I, 2 courses.
  • ART 5900 - Special Problems, 4 courses.
  • ARTH 4801 - Topics in Art History, 2 courses.
  • ARTH 4802 - Art of Ancient Greece, 2 courses.
  • ARTH 4803 - Art of Ancient Rome, 2 courses.
  • ARTH 4847 - Topics in Ancient Mediterranean Art, 3 courses.
  • ARTH 4848 - Art History Senior Seminar, 2 courses.
  • ARTH 4849 - Dress and Fashion in the Early Modern Period, 2 courses.
  • ARTH 5801 - Topics in Art History, 3 courses.
  • ARTH 5847 - Seminar in Ancient Mediterranean Art, 4 courses.
  • ARTH 5849 - Art History Research Project, 3 courses.
  • ARTH 5900 - Special Problems, 2 courses.

Teaching at Other Institutions

  • Ohio University, Beginning Latin II, Spring 2020.
  • Ohio University, Roman Archaeology, Spring 2020.
  • Ohio University, Beginning Latin I, Fall 2019.
  • Ohio University, The Wonders of the Ancient Mediterranean, Fall 2019.
  • Ohio University, Archaeology and Art: Contexts and Controversies, Spring 2019.
  • Ohio University, Beginning Latin II, Spring 2019.
  • Ohio University, Roman Archaeology, Spring 2019.
  • Ohio University, Beginning Latin I, Fall 2018.
  • Ohio University, Classical Mythology, Fall 2018.
  • Ohio University, The Wonders of the Ancient Mediterranean, Fall 2018.
  • Sweet Briar College, Intermediate Latin II: Two Views on a Conspiracy--Cicero and Sallust, Spring 2018.
  • Sweet Briar College, Introductory Latin II, Spring 2018.
  • Sweet Briar College, Ovid and the Re-Imagination of the Past, Spring 2018.
  • Sweet Briar College, Senior Seminar: Women and Classical Reception, Spring 2018.
  • Sweet Briar College, Special Topics in Classical Culture: Representing Fashion in the Ancient Mediterranean, Spring 2018.
  • Sweet Briar College, Vergil and Latin Epic, Spring 2018.
  • Sweet Briar College, First Year Inquiry, Fall 2017.
  • Sweet Briar College, Intermediate Latin: Catullus and the Art of Translation, Fall 2017.
  • Sweet Briar College, Introductory Latin, Fall 2017.
  • Sweet Briar College, Roman Culture and Society: The Roman World in 15 Objects, Fall 2017.
  • Sweet Briar College, Topics in Latin Literature: Love, Lust, and Marriage in Latin Literature, Fall 2017.
  • Sweet Briar College, Classical Mythology, Spring 2017.
  • Sweet Briar College, Gender and Sexuality in the Ancient World, Spring 2017.
  • Sweet Briar College, Intermediate Latin: Catullus and the Art of Translation, Fall 2016.
  • Sweet Briar College, Introductory Latin, Fall 2016.
  • Sweet Briar College, The Later Roman Empire, Fall 2016.
  • Sweet Briar College, Introductory Latin II, Spring 2016.
  • University of Michigan, The Ancient Greek World, Fall 2015.

Directed Student Learning

  • Major Professor, Art History. (August 15, 2023).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Member, Studio Art. (May 2023).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Member, Studio Art. (May 2023).
  • Major Professor, Art History. (January 2023).
  • Major Professor, Art History. (January 2023).
  • Dissertation Committee Member, "Imperial Critique in Petronius's Satyricon," History. (November 2022).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Member, Studio Art. (November 2022).
  • Major Professor, Art History. (August 2022).
  • Major Professor, Art History. (April 2022).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Member, Art Education and Art History. (January 27, 2022).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Member, History. (January 15, 2022).
  • Doctoral Comprehensive Exam Member or Grader, History. (January 2022).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Member, "Tourism, Travel, and Textiles: An Analysis of Mary McFadden and a Japanese-Inspired Textile," Art History. (January 2022).
  • Dissertation Committee Member, History. (May 4, 2021).
  • Major Professor, "Dextro Pede! Interpreting Comprehensive Space Use in the House of the Gilded Cupids, Pompeii," Art History. (January 2023 - March 15, 2024).
  • Major Professor, "Working with Orphaned Objects: Next Steps in Provenance Research," Art History. (January 2023 - December 17, 2023).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Co-Chair, History. (August 2022 - December 2022).
  • Supervised Research, "Depictions of Herakles on Attic Greek Vases," Studio Art. (August 2021 - December 2, 2021).
  • Supervised Research, "Weaving and Community," Design. (August 2021 - December 1, 2021).
  • Master's Thesis Committee Member, "Lebanese Modernity in the Global Art Canon: Contextulaizing Saloua Raouda Choucair's Retrospective at the Tate Modern," Art Education and Art History. (September 2020 - May 2021).
  • Supervised Research, "The Life, Conservation, and Exhibition of Pompeian Mosaics," Art Education and Art History. (January 26, 2021 - May 3, 2021).

Awards and Honors

  • Faculty Research Grant, Sweet Briar College. (May 15, 2017).
  • Rackham Humanities Dissertation Fellowship, University of Michigan. (August 15, 2014).
  • Rackham Humanities Research Fellowship, University of Michigan. (August 15, 2013).
  • Contexts for Classics Graduate Translation Prize: Latin, Contexts for Classics, University of Michigan. (April 17, 2012).
  • Rackham Recruitment Grant, University of Michigan. (April 30, 2008).
  • Oberlin Classics Alumni Prize, Oberlin College. (May 5, 2008).


Published Intellectual Contributions

    Book Chapter

  • McFerrin, N. (2021). A Sense of Scale: Proprioception, Embodied Subjectivities, and the Space of Kingship at Persepolis. Handbook of the Senses in the Ancient Near East. 189-210. London, Routledge.
  • McFerrin, N. (2021). Andromeda Unbound: Possession, Perception, and Adornment in Pompeian Wall Painting. Dress in Mediterranean Antiquity. 215-228. London, Bloomsbury.
  • McFerrin, N. (2019). The Tangible Self: Embodiment, Agency, and the Functions of Adornment in Achaemenid Persia. Fashioned Selves: Dress and Identity in Antiquity. 231-246. London, Oxbow.
  • McFerrin, N. (2017). Fabrics of Inclusion: Deep Wearing and the Potentials of Materiality on the Apadana Reliefs. What Shall I Say of Clothes? Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to the Study of Dress in Antiquity.. Selected Papers on Ancient Art and Architecture III. 143-159. Boston, MA, Archaeological Institute of America.
  • Conference Proceeding

  • McFerrin, N. (2015). Flirting with Uncertainty: Mutability, Metamorphosis, and Fashionability in the Greco-Roman Imagination. Shapeshifting: Transformative Paradigms of Fashion and Textile Design. 1-15. Auckland, University of Auckland.
  • Journal Article

  • McFerrin, N. (2023). A Time for Fashion: Roman Pearls, Pompeian Paintings, and the Materials of Modernity. Fashion Studies. (Special Issue on Fashion Futures) 1-27. Toronto, Fashion Studies.
  • McFerrin, N. (2019). Masks, Mirrors, and Mediated Perception: Reflective Viewing in the House of the Gilded Cupids. Arts 2019, 8. (Special Issue on Ancient Mediterranean Painting, Volume 2) 1-17.
  • McFerrin, N. (2014). Excavations at Acquachiara (Atessa), 2002-2009. Quaderni di Archeologia d'Abruzzo: Notizario della Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici dell'Abruzzo. (3) 143-159. Sesto Fiorentino, All'Insegna del Giglio.

Presentations Given

    Invited Talk

  • McFerrin, N.G. (Author & Presenter), Radford Center for Gender Studies Distinguished Lecturer Series, Andromeda Unbound: Re-Thinking Gender in the House of the Dioscuri, Center for Gender Studies, Radford, VA, United States of America. (2022 - 2022).
  • McFerrin, N. (Author & Presenter), Beyond Iconography: Reconsidering Myth in the House of the Dioscuri, Pompeii, Art History Society, University of North Texas, Denton, TX, United States of America. (2021 - 2021).
  • McFerrin, N. (Author & Presenter), Picturing Beauty at the Chicago Art Institute, History Society and Classics Colloquium, University of North Texas, Denton, TX, United States of America. (2021 - 2021).
  • McFerrin, N. (Author & Presenter), Constructing Ephemerality: Materiality, Control, and the House of Loreius Tibertinus, Art History Society, University of North Texas, Denton, TX, United States of America. (2021 - 2021).
  • McFerrin, N. (Author & Presenter), Stone, Light, and Skin: Reconsidering Gender in the House of the Dioscuri, Center for Gender Studies, Radford University, Radford, Virginia, United States of America. (2020 - 2020).
  • McFerrin, N. (Author & Presenter), Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies Spring Colloquium, Andromeda Unbound: Objectification, Agency, and Embodied Perception in Pompeian Domestic Spaces, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, United States of America. (2019 - 2019).
  • McFerrin, N. (Author & Presenter), Classics and World Religions Colloquium, A Study in Carnelian: Mystery Novels and the Villa of the Mysteries, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, United States of America. (2018 - 2018).
  • McFerrin, N. (Author & Presenter), Conversation in the Gallery Speaker Series on Grrl Power: Iterations of the Feminine, Designing Women: Power, Production, and the Gendered Gaze on the Bay of Naples, Pannell Gallery, Sweet Briar, Virginia, United States of America. (2017 - 2017).
  • McFerrin, N. (Author & Presenter), Leisure and Luxury in the Age of Nero, the Villas of Oplontis near Pompeii, Faculty and Distinguished Guests Lecture Series, Andromeda Unchained: Possession, Perception, and Adornment in Pompeian Wall Painting, Museum of the Rockies, Bozeman, Montana, United States of America. (2016 - 2016).
  • McFerrin, N. (Author & Presenter), Interdisciplinary Archaeology Workshop, Semiotics, Materiality, and Fashionability: New Paradigms for Viewing Pompeian Wall Painting, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States of America. (2016 - 2016).
  • McFerrin, N. (Author & Presenter), Field Archaeology Series, The Sangro Valley Project: New Excavations at Acquachiara, Kelsey Museum of Archaeolgy, Ann Arbor, Michgian, United States of America. (2015 - 2015).
  • McFerrin, N. (Author & Presenter), Kelsey in Carthage: The 1925 Carthage Expedition, Kelsey Museum of Archaeology, Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States of America. (2013 - 2013).
  • McFerrin, N. (Author & Presenter), All Dressed Up and Nowhere to Go: Depictions of Jewelry in Room 5 of the Villa of the Mysteries, Kelsey Museum of Archaeology, Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States of America. (2012 - 2012).
  • McFerrin, N. (Author & Presenter), Field Archaeology Series, The Sangro Valley Project: 10 Years of Excavation in Abruzzo, Kelsey Museum of Archaeology, Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States of America. (2010 - 2010).
  • Lecture

  • McFerrin, N.G. (Author & Presenter), Pourdavoud Lecture Series, An Entangled Empire: Dress, Reciprocal Construction, and the Experience of Kingship at Persepolis, Pourdavoud Institute for the Study of the Iranian World at the University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, United States of America. (2024).
  • McFerrin, N.G. (Author & Presenter), Osher Lifelong Learning Institute Fall 2024 Course Series, The Art of the Party: Curating Conversation in Roman Dining Spaces, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the University of North Texas, Denton, TX, United States of America. (2023 - 2023).
  • McFerrin, N.G. (Author & Presenter), Kimbell Art Museum Art in Context Lecture Series, The Beauty of Work: Picturing Skill from Greek Sculpture to Pompeian Wall Painting, Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth, TX, United States of America. (2023).
  • McFerrin, N. (Author & Presenter), Honors Colloquium Speaker Series, The Self as Other: Reflective Viewing in the House of the Gilded Cupids, Sweet Briar College, Sweet Briar, Virginia, United States of America. (2017 - 2017).
  • McFerrin, N. (Author & Presenter), Fashion in a Time of Revolution: Utopian Anti-Fashion and Russian Constructivism, Department of the History of Art, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States of America. (2016 - 2016).
  • McFerrin, N. (Author & Presenter), Dressing the Ideal Women, Department of the History of Art, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States of America. (2016 - 2016).
  • McFerrin, N. (Author & Presenter), I'm Not a Witch, I'm Your Wife! Women, Witchcraft, and Transgression in Greek and Roman Literature, Department of Ancient Civilizations and Biblical Studies, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States of America. (2014 - 2014).
  • McFerrin, N. (Author & Presenter), Answers and Their Questions: Reconsidering Roman Wall Painting, Department of Art History, Oberlin College, Oberlin Ohio, United States of America. (2013 - 2013).
  • McFerrin, N. (Author & Presenter), A Small World After All? Depictions of Race in Disney's "A Small World", Department of the History of Art, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States of America. (2012 - 2012).
  • McFerrin, N. (Author & Presenter), Sumptuary Legislation in Greece and Rome, Kelsey Museum of Archaeolgy, Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States of America. (2012 - 2012).
  • Other

  • McFerrin, N.G. (Discussant), 1980s: Representational Pressures, Departures, and Beginnings, Response to "National Culture? New Pressures on Afro-Arab Arts", Association for the Modern and Contemporary Art of the Arab World, Iran, and Turkey, Denton, TX, United States of America. (2022).
  • Paper

  • McFerrin, N.G. (Author & Presenter), Sixth Workshop on Gender, Methodology, and the Ancient Near East, Deconstructing Gender at Persepolis: Lions, Men, and the Problem of the King, University of Malta, Valetta, Malta, Malta. (2024).
  • McFerrin, N.G. (Author & Presenter), College Art Association Annual Meeting, "In Her Hands: Agency, Comportment, and Period Gestures in Roman Italy", College Art Association, Chicago, United States of America. (2024).
  • McFerrin, N.G. (Author & Presenter), American Society of Overseas Research Annual Meeting, The Architecture of Comportment: Movement, Dress, and the Reciprocality of Identity Construction at Persepolis, American Society of Overseas Research, Chicago, IL, United States of America. (2023).
  • McFerrin, N.G. (Author & Presenter), International Congress on the Art and Archaeology of the Ancient Near East 13, Identity in Motion: Seals, Sealings, and the Architecture of Imperial Power at Persepolis, Copenhagen University, Copenhagen, Denmark, Denmark. (2023).
  • McFerrin, N.G. (Author & Presenter), College Art Association Annual Meeting, Reality Suspended: Icarus and the Perception of Falling in the House of the Priest Amandus, College Art Association, New York, NY, United States of America. (2023).
  • McFerrin, N.G. (Author & Presenter), American Society of Overseas Research Annual Meeting, A Cooperative Empire: Depicted Animals and Reciprocal Constitution at Persepolis, American Society of Overseas Research, Boston, MA, United States of America. (2022).
  • McFerrin, N.G. (Author & Presenter), Fifth Workshop in Gender, Methodology and the Ancient Near East, Mediated Bodies and Productive Entanglements: Observations on Categorical Elision at Persepolis, University of Helskini, Center of Excellence in Ancient Near Eastern Empires, Helsinki, Finland, Finland. (2022).
  • McFerrin, N.G. (Author & Presenter), Making Women Visible in the Art History Classroom and Beyond: BMCC Women's HERstory Month Colloquium, Women's Work: Dress, Craft, and the Re-Contextualization of the Parthenon Friezes, City University of New York-Borough of Manhattan Community College, New York, New York, United States of America. (2022).
  • McFerrin, N. (Author & Presenter), College Art Association Annual Meeting, Fashioning Memory: Togas, Time, and the Funerary Monuments of Roman Freedmen, College Art Association, Chigago, IL, United States of America. (2022 - 2022).
  • McFerrin, N.G. (Author & Presenter), American Society of Overseas Research Annual Meeting, The Yauna Revisited: Re-Conceptualizing Gender and its Terminologies at Persepolis, American Society of Overseas Research, Chicago, IL, United States of America. (2021 - 2021).
  • McFerrin, N.G. (Author & Presenter), Fourth Workshop of Gender, Methodology, and the Ancient Near East, Beyond Binaries: Slippage and the Elision of Gendered Boundaries at Persepolis, University of Helsinki, Centre of Excellence in Ancient Near Eastern Empires, Helsinki, Finland, Finland. (2021 - 2021).
  • McFerrin, N. (Author & Presenter), College Art Association Annual Meeting, Augmented Selves: Imaginal Space, Interactive Interplays, and the Production of Multi-Sensorial Slippage in the Villa of the Mysteries, College Art Association, New York, NY, United States of America. (2021 - 2021).
  • McFerrin, N. (Author & Presenter), American Schools of Overseas Research Annual Meeting, Crafting Entanglements: Dress, Slippage, and the Construction of Identity at Persepolis, American Schools of Overseas Research, Boston, MA, United States of America. (2020 - 2020).
  • McFerrin, N. (Author & Presenter), College Art Association Annual Conference, A Time for Fashion: Ephemeral Modernities, Neoclassical Politics, and Pompeian Women, College Art Association, Chicago, IL, United States of America. (2020 - 2020).
  • McFerrin, N. (Author & Presenter), American Schools of Oriental Research Annual Meeting, The Constructed Body: Surface, Skin, and Spatial Performativity in Achaemenid Persepolis, American Schools of Oriental Research, San Diego, California, United States of America. (2019 - 2019).
  • McFerrin, N. (Other), Exphrasis and the Visual Imagination in Antiquity, Ekphrasis and the Ephemeral, Yale University, New Haven, CT, United States of America. (2019 - 2019).
  • McFerrin, N. (Author & Presenter), College Art Association Annual Conference, Ephemeral Constructions: Materiality, Control, and Mediated Environments in the House of Loreius Tibertinus, College Art Association, New York, NY, United States of America. (2019 - 2019).
  • McFerrin, N. (Author & Presenter), American Schools of Oriental Research Annual Meeting, Constructed Ideologies: Proprioception, Bodily Experience, and the Space of Kingship at Persepolis, American Schools of Oriental Research, Denver, Colorado, United States of America. (2018 - 2018).
  • McFerrin, N. (Author & Presenter), Symposium Campanum, Material Bonds: Andromeda, Medea, and the Politics of Possession in the House of the Dioscuri, Vergilian Society, Cuma, Italy, United States of America. (2018 - 2018).
  • McFerrin, N. (Author & Presenter), College Art Association Annual Conference, In the Eye of the Beholder: The Alexander Mosaic, the House of Jason, and Resistance to Roman Rule in Pompeii, College Art Association, Los Angeles, California, United States of America. (2018 - 2018).
  • McFerrin, N. (Author & Presenter), American Schools of Oriental Research Annual Meeting, The Tangible Self: Materiality and Haptic Negotiations of Agency In, On, and At Persepolis, American Schools of Oriental Research, Boston, MA, United States of America. (2017 - 2017).
  • McFerrin, N. (Author & Presenter), American Schools of Oriental Research Annual Meeting, Embodied Meanings: Gendered Biases, Semiotic Slippage, and the Functions of Adornment in Achaemenid Persia, American Schools of Oriental Research, San Antonio, Texas, United States of America. (2016 - 2016).
  • McFerrin, N. (Author & Presenter), Reframing Roman Luxury, A Conference in Conjunction with the Exhibition Leisure and Luxury in the Age of Nero: The Villas of Oplontis near Pompeii, Scintilla's Necklace: Luxuria, Adornment, and the Materiality of Value, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States of America. (2016 - 2016).
  • McFerrin, N. (Author & Presenter), American Schools of Oriental Research Annual Meeting, Fabrics of Inclusion: Deep Wearing and the Mimetic Potentials of Materiality on the Apadana Reliefs, American Schools of Oriental Research, Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America. (2015 - 2015).
  • McFerrin, N. (Author & Presenter), Classical Receptions Workshop, The Body Politic: How Neoclassical Fashion Helped Shape the Politics of Nineteenth Century Britain, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States of America. (2015 - 2015).
  • McFerrin, N. (Author & Presenter), Classical Receptions Workshop, Dressing the Ideal Woman: Classical Fashion, Neoclassical Revival, and the Mediation of Women's Costume, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, United States of America. (2014 - 2014).
  • McFerrin, N. (Author & Presenter), Shapeshifting: An International Conference on the Transformative Paradigms of Fashion and Textile Design, Flirting with Uncertainty: Mutability, Metamorphosis, and Fashionability in the Greco-Roman Imagination, Auckland University, Auckland, New Zealand, New Zealand. (2014 - 2014).
  • McFerrin, N. (Author & Presenter), Graduate Student Colloquium, Speaking without Words: "Headedness," Female Agency, and Puabi's Adornments, Department of Near Eastern Studies, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States of America. (2014 - 2014).
  • McFerrin, N. (Author & Presenter), Graduate Student Colloquium, He Should Have Put a Ring on It: Power, Self-Presentation, and Personal Adornment on Palmyrene Funerary Busts, Department of Near Eastern Studies, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States of America. (2013 - 2013).
  • Professional Meeting Contribution

  • McFerrin, N.G. (Discussant), Annual Meeting of the American Society for Eighteenth Century Studies, Response, Gesture and the Legibility of the Eighteenth Century Body, American Society for Eighteenth Century Studies, Toronto, Canada. (2024).


University Service

  • Committee Member, Tenure Track Search Committee. (November 2022 - April 2023).
  • Member, Tenure Track Search Committee. (October 25, 2021 - April 2022).
  • Committee Member, Tenure Track Search Committee. (December 2020 - March 28, 2021).
  • Committee Member, Gender Studies Committee. (February 2017 - 2018).
  • Committee Member, Judicial Committee Faculty Representative. (2017 - 2018).
  • Other (The NCAA Faculty Athletics Representative is a member of the faculty who provides a bridge between faculty and athletics in all NCAA institutions.), NCAA Faculty Athletics Representative. (2017 - 2018).
  • Faculty Mentor, Volleyball Faculty Sponsor. (2017 - 2018).
  • Committee Member, Core Curriculum Design Team. (September 2017 - December 2017).
  • Member, Academic Orientation Seminar Leader. (August 2017 - August 2017).
  • Committee Member, Ad-Hoc Academic Orientation Committee. (March 2017 - August 2017).

Public Service

  • Guest Speaker, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the University of North Texas. Denton and Dallas, TX. (February 8, 2024 - October 16, 2024).
  • Guest Speaker, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the University of North Texas. Denton, TX. (October 9, 2023 - October 26, 2023).
  • Guest Speaker, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the University of North Texas. Denton, TX. (September 2021 - October 15, 2021).

Professional Service

  • Editor, Associate Editor, Archaeological Institute of America. (January 4, 2024 - Present).
  • Session Chair, American Society for Overseas Research. Denton and Boston, TX and MA. (November 18, 2023 - Present).
  • Committee Member, Archaeological Institute of America, Program Committee of the Annual Meeting. (March 30, 2024 - January 1, 2027).
  • Session Chair, American Society for Overseas Research. Chicago, IL. (January 2023 - November 17, 2024).
  • Editorial Review Board Member, Archaeological Institute of America. (December 2022 - January 4, 2024).
  • Committee Member, Archaeological Institute of America. Denton, TX. (January 10, 2022 - May 31, 2023).
  • Session Chair, American Society for Overseas Research. Boston, MA. (January 2022 - November 2022).
  • Session Chair, American Schools of Overseas Research. (February 2021 - February 2022).
  • Session Chair, American Schools of Overseas Research. (February 2020 - February 2021).