Nichole M. Gligor
University of North Texas
Political Science


Teaching Experience

University of North Texas
PSCI 2305, US Political Behavior and Policy, 4 courses.
PSCI 2306, US and Texas Constitutions and Institutions, 8 courses.
PSCI 2316, Honors US and Texas Constitutions and Institutions, 1 course.
PSCI 3010, American State and Local Government, 2 courses.
PSCI 3100, Topics in American Government, 1 course.
PSCI 4120, Public Opinion and Participation, 1 course.
PSCI 4952, Political Science Capstone Seminar, 3 courses.

Directed Student Learning

Other,"Immigration and National Security," Economics. (January 30, 2022May 1, 2022).


Published Intellectual Contributions

Journal Article
Gligor, D. M., Stank, T. P., Gligor, N. M., Ogden, J. A., Nowicki, D. R., Farris, M. T., Idug, Y., Rana, R., Porchia, J., Patil, K. S. (2022). Examining the rigor of SCM research: the case of supply chain agility. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal.
Gligor, N. M., Gligor, D. M. (2021). A roadmap to understanding restrictive immigration policy outcomes. Social Science Quarterly. 102(4), 1830-1847.
Maloni, M. J., Gligor, D. M., Blumentritt, T., Gligor, N. M. (2021). Fear or Competition? Antecedents to U.S. Business Student Immigration Attitudes. Journal of Management Education.
Bozkurt, S., Gligor, D. M., Gligor, N. M. (2021). Investigating the impact of psychological customer engagement on customer engagement behaviors: the moderating role of customer commitment. Other.
Gligor, D. M., Gligor, N. M., Maloni, M. (2019). The impact of the supplier's market orientation on the customer market orientation-performance relationship. International Journal of Production Economics. 216, 81-93.
Gligor, D. M., Gligor, N. M., Holcomb, M., Bozkurt, S. (2019). Distinguishing between the concepts of supply chain agility and resilience: A multidisciplinary literature review. International Journal of Logistics Management. 30(2), 467-487.

Presentations Given

Invited Talk

Gligor, N. (Presenter), Deontic Anger in Political Science, Deontic Anger in Political Science, University of North Texas, University of North Texas, United States of America. (20212021).


Gligor, N. (Author & Presenter), PRIEC, The Effect of Deontic Anger on Charitable Donation Behavior, University of North Texas, United States of America. (20212021).

Scholarly Meeting Contribution

Garg, V. (Author & Presenter), Niranjan, S. (Author), Gligor, N. M. (Author), Pohlen, T. L. (Author), Prybutok, V. R. (Author), Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) 32nd Annual Conference, A systematic literature review of drones used in last-mile delivery: A logistics perspective, Online, United States of America. (20222022).


University Service

Workshop Organizer, Careers in Political Science Guest Speaker Series. (February 3, 2023May 2023).