Nick P. Magera
Teaching Fellow
University of North Texas
Department of Psychology
Teaching Experience
- PHED 1211 - Intermediate Weight Lifting, 3 courses.
- PSYC 3317 - Quantitative Methods Lab, 9 courses.
- PSYC 3620 - Developmental Psychology, 1 course.
- PSYC 3650 - Experimental Methods, 1 course.
University of North Texas
Presentations Given
- Cusack, K.W. (Author & Presenter), Palmateer, T.M. (Author & Presenter), Magera, N.P. (Author & Presenter), Petrie, T.A. (Author), American Psychological Association, A culturally-tailored approach to applying self-compassion to athlete populations, American Psychological Association, Minneapolis, MN, United States of America. (2022).
- Arnold, E. (Author & Presenter), Hayes, C.J. (Author), Magera, N.P. (Author), Petrie, T.A. (Author), American Psychological Association, Student-Athletes’ Perceptions of Athletic Staff’s View of Mental Health, APA, Washington DC, United States of America. (2021 - 2021).
- Magera, N.P. (Author & Presenter), Wallace, B. (Author & Presenter), Slavin, L.E. (Author & Presenter), Petrie, T.A. (Author & Presenter), Brown, K. (Author), Association for Applied Sport Psychology Annual Conference, Facilitating DI Student Athletes and Help-Seeking: The Role of Key Stakeholders and Athlete Attitudes, Beliefs, and Knowledge about Mental Health Services, AASP, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States of America. (2024 - 2024).
- Kit, O. (Author & Presenter), Moore, E.G. (Author), Petrie, T.A. (Author & Presenter), Magera, N.P. (Author & Presenter), Association for Applied Sport Psychology Annual Conference, Longitudinal analysis of self-compassion, body satisfaction, and eating disorders among female collegiate athletes, AASP, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States of America. (2024 - 2024).
- Kit, O. (Author & Presenter), Magera, N.P. (Author & Presenter), Petrie, T.A. (Author & Presenter), The Annual Conference of the Association for Applied Sport Psychology, Relationship of Gender, Race, and Sport to Collegiate Athletes' Alcohol Use and Sleep Disturbances, AASP, Orlando, FL, United States of America. (2023 - 2023).
- Chambers, K. (Author & Presenter), Pryor, C. (Author & Presenter), Magera, N.P. (Author & Presenter), Petrie, T.A. (Author), The 37th annual convention of the Association of Applied Sport Psychology, Prevalence of mental health stigma in Division I athletic department: Implications of race and gender, AASP, Fort Worth, TX, United States of America. (2022 - 2022).
- Magera, N.P. (Author & Presenter), Beebe, K.E. (Author), Hayes, C.J. (Author), Harker, J. (Author), Kiefer, H.R. (Author), Petrie, T.A. (Author), American Psychological Association, Stigma, Attitudes, and Intentions to Seek Mental Health Care in Division I Athletes: A Mediation Model, American Psychological Association, Minneapolis, MN, United States of America. (2022).
- Palmateer, T.M. (Author & Presenter), Magera, N.P. (Author), Walsh, J. (Author & Presenter), Petrie, T.A. (Author), Association for Applied Sport Psychology: Annual Conference, Sport Psychology Students' Perceptions of Their Professors' Sexual Attractions, Portland, Oregon, United States of America. (2019 - 2019).