Priya Kizhakkethil
Adjunct Faculty
University of North Texas
Department of Information Science
PhD, University of North Texas, 2020
Major: Information Science
GAC, University of North Texas, 2014
Major: Digital Content Management
MS, University of North Texas, 2014
Major: Information Science
Teaching Experience
- INFO 4223 - Introduction to Metadata for Information Organization, 3 courses.
- INFO 5223 - Metadata for Information Organization and Retrieval, 9 courses.
University of North Texas
Published Intellectual Contributions
- Zavalina, O.L., Shakeri, S., Kizhakkethil, P., Phillips, M.E. (2018). Uncovering Hidden Insights for Information Management: Examination and Modeling of Change in Digital Collection Metadata. Proceedings of the iConference 2018. iSchools.
- Zavalina, O., Shakeri, S., Kizhakkethil, P. (2016). An Empirical Investigation of Change in Subject Metadata in WorldCat. International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA).
- Alemneh, D.G., Zavalina, O.L., Tarver, H.M., Zavalina, O.L., Phillips, M.E., Kizhakkethil, P. (2015). Knowledge Representation and Subject Access in Electronic Theses and Dissertations: Analysis of Creators’ and Users’ Assumptions and Expectations. International Council on Knowledge Management.
- Zavalina, O.L., Phillips, M.E., Kizhakkethil, P., Alemneh, D.G., Tarver, H.M. (2015). Representation of Recorded Knowledge and Extended Date/Time Format: A Case Study of the Digital Public Library of America. International Council on Knowledge Management.
- Enoch, Todd & Harker, Karen. (2015). The Quick and the Dirty: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Database Overlap at the Journal Title Level. The Serials Librarian. The Serials Librarian. 68 (1-4) 249-254.
- Miksa, S.D., Klein, J., Bank, N., Dewitt-Miller, E.J., Kizhakkethil, P., McLain, C. (2024). The intersection of information organization research and information behavior research : an analysis of Cataloging & Classification Quarterly articles from 1980 to 2023. Cataloging and Classification Quarterly. 62 (3-4) 255-279.
- Zavalina, O.L., Alemneh, D.G., Kizhakkethil, P., Phillips, M.E., Tarver, H.M. (2015). Extended date/time format (EDTF) in the digital public library of America’s metadata: Exploratory analysis. Other. 52 (1) 1–5.
Conference Proceeding
Journal Article
Contracts, Grants, Sponsored Research
- Zavalina, O.L. (Principal), Kizhakkethil, P., Shakeri, S., "Towards and Integrated Model of Metadata Change," sponsored by UNT IS Department, IS Faculty-Student Summer Research Grant, University of North Texas, $8000 Funded. (2017 - 2017).
- Zavalina, O.L. (Principal), Kizhakkethil, P., "Examination of Metadata Change For Evaluation And Improvement Of Metadata Quality In Large-Scale Digital Libraries," sponsored by UNT LIS Department, LIS Faculty-Student Summer Research Grant, University of North Texas, $5000 Funded. (2014 - 2014).