Dr. Robert L. Bland
University of North Texas
Department of Public Administration
(940) 565-2165
Email: Robert.Bland@unt.edu
PhD, University of Pittsburgh, 1981
Major: Public and International Affairs
Specialization: Public Administration
MBA, University of Tennessee at Nashville, 1977
Major: Business Administration
MPA, University of Tennessee, 1975
Major: Public Administration
BS, Pepperdine University, 1973
Major: Biology/History, with honors
Professional Positions
- Endowed Professor of Local Government, UNT. UNT. (2014 - Present).
- Professor, UNT. UNT. (1993 - 2014).
- Chair, UNT. UNT. (1992 - 2013).
- Associate Professor, UNT. UNT. (1992 - 1993).
- Assistant Chair, UNT. UNT. (1991 - 1992).
- Associate Professor, UNT. UNT. (1987 - 1992).
- Assistant Professor, UNT. UNT. (1982 - 1987).
- Instructor, University of Pittsburgh. University of Pittsburgh. (1978 - 1982).
- Part time Visiting Instructor, West Virginia University. West Virginia University. (1978 - 1980).
Professional Memberships
- International City/County Management Association. (November 2017 - Present).
- Section on Intergovernmental Administration and Management. (August 2015 - Present).
- Texas City Management Association (TCMA). (September 1995 - Present).
- Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA). (September 1983 - Present).
- Government Finance Officers Association of Texas (GFOAT). (September 1983 - Present).
- Association for Budgeting and Financial Management (ABFM). (September 1982 - Present).
- American Society for Public Administration (ASPA). (September 1976 - Present).
Development Activities
- Faculty Fellowship, Recruitment Program of High-end Foreign Experts, (People's Republic of China) State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs (SAFEA). Beijing,China. (May 2018 - July 2019).
- Faculty Fellowship, "Establishing Long-term Partnerships with Top-Tier Public Administration Programs", UNT China Venture Fund. Denton,TX,United States of America. (May 2016 - July 2019).
Teaching Experience
- EADP 4810 - Emergency Management Intership, 2 courses.
- PADM 3410 - Financial Aspects of Government., 1 course.
- PADM 4900 - Special Problems, 1 course.
- PADM 5035 - Professional Practice for Public managers, 6 courses.
- PADM 5400 - Managing Financial Resources, 16 courses.
- PADM 5420 - Revenue Policy and Administration, 24 courses.
- PADM 5430 - Financial Accountability in Government, 13 courses.
- PADM 5700 - Seminar in Public Administration, 5 courses.
- PADM 5800 - Public Management Internship, 1 course.
- PADM 5810 - MPA Internship Practicum, 3 courses.
- PADM 5900 - Special Problems, 13 courses.
- PADM 6035 - Social Science Inquiry, 1 course.
- PADM 6700 - Workshop in Public Administration, 1 course.
- PADM 6710 - Seminar in Public Administration and Management, 18 courses.
- PADM 6900 - Special Problems, 7 courses.
- PADM 6940 - Directed Research in Public Administration, 9 courses.
- PADM 6950 - Doctoral Dissertation, 20 courses.
University of North Texas
Teaching at Other Institutions
- Renmin University of China (Beijing), American Public Finance Policy and Administration, Summer 2019.
- The University of Texas at Austin (LBJ School of Public Affairs), PA 388 Local Government Finance, Fall 2014.
- The University of Texas at Austin, PA 388 Local Government Finance, Fall 2013.
Non-Credit Instruction
- Guest Lecture, Central University of Finance and Economics (Beijing), 150 participants. (November 29, 2021).
- Guest Lecture, Central University of Finance and Economics (Beijing), 60 participants. (November 29, 2021).
- Workshop, Center for Public Management, 30 participants. (November 15, 2017 - November 16, 2017).
- Workshop, Texas Association of Appraisal Districts, 85 participants. (October 27, 2015 - October 27, 2015).
- Workshop, Texas Municipal Clerks Association, 125 participants. (April 17, 2015 - April 17, 2015).
Directed Student Learning
- Dissertation Committee Chair, "Revisiting the Theory of Revenue Diversification: Insights From an Empirical Analysis of Texas Cities’ Sales Tax Strategies and Local Economic Development Outcomes," Public Administration. (September 1, 2023).
- Dissertation Committee Chair, Public Administration. (September 1, 2022 - May 31, 2023).
- Dissertation Committee Chair, "The Economic Impact of Local Government and Nonprofit Expenditures on Property Values: Evidence from 41 Large Texas Cities," Public Administration. (January 2021 - May 15, 2022).
- Dissertation Committee Chair, "The Impact of the Introduction of a Value-Added Tax on Saudi Arabia's Economy and Budget," Public Administration. (February 2021 - March 11, 2022).
- Dissertation Committee Member, Counseling and Higher Education. (December 2020 - December 15, 2021).
- Dissertation Committee Chair, "An Analysis of the Flypaper and Fungibility Effects of Intergovernmental Revenue on Municipal Operating and Capital Budgets," Public Administration. (September 2016 - March 20, 2020).
- Dissertation Committee Chair, "The Impact of Property Tax Exemptions on Fiscal Behavior: A Longitudinal Analysis of 41 Texas Cities," Public Administration. (September 2015 - June 20, 2019).
- Dissertation Committee Chair, "The Adoption, Management, and Performance of Local Government Investment Pools: A Comparative Analysis of State Practices," Public Administration. (2013 - 2016).
- Dissertation Committee Chair, "An Analysis of the Economic and Institutional Factors Affecting Recovery by State and Local Governments from Hurricanes," Public Administration. (May 2015 - July 2016).
- Dissertation Committee Chair, "Explaining Economic Development Strategies Using Product Differentiation Theory: A Reconceptualization of Competition Among City Governments," Public Administration. (August 2011 - February 2015).
- Dissertation Committee Chair, "Cost of Issuing Debt: An Analysis of the Factors Affecting the Net Interest Cost of State Bonds," Political Science. (May 1996).
- Dissertation Committee Chair, "Municipal Bond Ratings and the Willingness to Issue Debt: A Pooled Cross-sectional Analysis of Texas Cities," Political Science. (December 1995).
Awards and Honors
- Robert L. Bland Endowed Professor of Local Government (2014 - present), Department of Public Administration. (January 2014).
- Elected Fellow, National Academy of Public Administration (2012 - present). (2012).
- Honorary Lifetime Membership, International City/County Management Association. (October 25, 2017).
- 2023 UNT Eminent Faculty Award, UNT Foundation. (April 28, 2023).
- Professor of the Year -- 2018-19, Public Administration Student Association.
- Professor of the Year -- 2017-18, Public Administration Student Association.
- Professor of the Year -- 2015-16, Public Administration Student Association.
- Professor of the Year -- 2008-09, Public Administration Student Association.
- Stephen B. Sweeney Memorial Academic Award, International City/County Management Association.
- Terrell Blodgett Academician Award, Texas City Management Associaion.
- Honor Professor Award -- 2006, UNT Student Government Association.
- Award for Excellence in Financial Management, Government Finance Officers Association.
Published Intellectual Contributions
- Bland, R.L., Overton, M.R. (2019). A Budgeting Guide for Local Government, 4th edition. (4th) 400. Washington, D.C., International City/County Management Association. https://icma.org/publications/budgeting-guide-local-government-fourth-edition
- Robert L. Bland. (2013). A Budgeting Guide for Local Government , 3rd edition. (3rd edition) Washington, D.C., International City/County Management Association. http://icma.org/en/press/print/a_budgeting_guide_for_local_government
- Robert L. Bland. (2005). A Revenue Guide for Local Government 2nd edition. Washington, D.C., International City/County Management Association.
- Robert L. Bland, Irene S. Rubin. (1997). Budgeting: A Guide for Local Governments. Washington, D.C., International City/County Management Association.
- Robert L. Bland. (1986). Financing City Government in Texas: A Revenue Handbook for City Officials. Austin, Texas, Texas Municipal League.
- Bland, R.L., Overton, M.R., Prentice, V. (2023). The Road to Entrepreneurial Budgeting and Beyond: A Reconceptualization of the Development of Budget Innovations in the United States. Research Handbook on Public Financial Management.
- Bland, R.L., Andrew, S., Short, J. (2016). Financial Resiliency by Local Governments to Natural Disasters. Washington D.C., American Society for Public Administration.
- Robert L. Bland. (2013). Chapter 9, The Property Tax. Management Policies in Local Government Finance, 6th edition. (6th) 171-191. Washington, D.C., International City/County Management Association. http://bookstore.icma.org/BestSeller_P2274.cfm
- Robert L. Bland; edited by Edward J. Clynch and Thomas P. Lauth. (2006). Texas: Performance-based Budgeting and Management. Budgeting in the States: Institutions, Processes and Poliicies. 277-292. Westport, CT, Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc..
- Robert L. Bland; edited by Roy Meyers. (1999). Chapter 24, Budgeting for Capital Improvements. The Handbook of Government Budgeting. 653-677. San Francisco, Jossey-Bass.
- Robert L. Bland; edited by Nicholas G. Apostolou and D. Larry Crumbley. (1992). Chapter 21, Enhancing Local Government Revenues. Handbook of Governmental Accounting and Finance, 2nd edition. (2nd edition) 21.1-21.35. New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc..
- Robert L. Bland with Chilik Yu; edited by James Perry. (1989). Acquiring and Repaying Debt. Handbook of Public Administration. 337-355. San Francisco, Jossey-Bass.
- Robert L. Bland; edited by John Eddy, William Miller, David Stilson and B. E. Martin. (1985). An Integrative Approach to Budgeting in Nonprofit Organizations," in Higher Education Administration: Selected Resources For Management and Leadership.
- Shi, Y.L., Li, Q., Bland, R.L. (2023). Fiscal Self-sufficiency, Debt Limits, and Fiscal Sustainability in China’s Emerging Municipal Bond Market. Public Administration and Development. 43 (4) 267-327. Denton,
- Overton, M.R., Bland, R.L. (2022). Budget Volatility and Economic Base Composition in Local Governments. Municipal Finance Journal. 43 (1) 1-23. Civic Research Institute.
- Sun, J., Bland, R.L., Yue, L. (2022). The Impact of Property Tax Exemption Policies on the Effective Property Tax Rate: Evidence from 41 Texas Cities. Quality and Quantity. 41 1-20. London, Springer. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11135-022-01439-0
- Nukpezah, J.A., Bland, R.L. (2017). The Impact of New Vendors on Depositor Demand and Performance of the Texas Local Government Investment Pool. Municipal Finance Journal. 38 (1) 1-25. Atlanta, Georgia, Civic Research Institute. https://www.civicresearchinstitute.com/online/article_abstract.php?pid=4&iid=1295&aid=8469
- Michael Overton. (2016). Assessing the Contributions of Collaborators in Public-Private Partnerships: Evidence from Tax Increment Financing. American Review of Public Administration. 46 (4) 418-435. Sage Publishers. http://arp.sagepub.com/content/46/4/418.full.pdf+html
- Julius Nukpezah and Patrick Shinkle. (2015). Determinants of Depositor Demand for the Texas Local Government Investment Pool. Public Budgeting & Finance. 35 (3) 95-115. Public Financial Publications, Inc.. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/pbaf.12068/abstract
- Michael Overton. (2014). The Great Recession's Impact on Credible Commitment: An Analysis of Private Investment in Tax Increment Financing Districts. State and Local Government Review. 46 (4) 282-297. Sage Publishers. http://slg.sagepub.com/content/46/4/282.full.pdf+html
- Robert L. Bland. (2003). State Income Tax and Local Government Borrowing Cost Revisited. Municipal Finance Journal. 24 (2) 1-15. Civic Research Institute.
- Robert L. Bland. (2000). State Guarantees for School Debt and the Texas Penalty. Municipal Finance Journal. 21 (2) 1-12. Civic Research Institute.
- Robert L. Bland with Wes Clarke. (1998). The University's Role in Credentialing the Public Finance Officer. Public Budgeting & Finance. 18 (2) 10-17. Public Financial Publications, Inc..
- Robert L. Bland. (1997). Franchise Fees and Telecommunications Services: Is a New Paradigm Needed?. Other. 437-443.
- Robert L. Bland with Phanit Laosirirat. (1997). Tax Limitations To Reduce Municipal Property Taxes: Truth in Taxation in Texas. Journal of Urban Affairs. 19 (1) 45-58. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1467-9906.1997.tb00396.x/abstract
- Robert L. Bland with Samuel Nunn. (1992). The Impact of Capital Spending on Municipal Operating Budgets. Public Budgeting & Finance. 12 (2) 32-47.
- Robert L. Bland with Li-Khan Chen. (1990). Taxable Municipal Bonds: State and Local Governments Confront the Tax-Exempt Limitation Movement. Public Administration Review. 50 (1) 42-48.
- Robert L. Bland with Chilik Yu. (1988). State Credit Assistance for Public School Debt: A Comparison of the Cost Effectiveness of Five State Programs. Journal of Education Finance. 13 (4) 460-476.
- Robert L. Bland with Chilik Yu. (1987). Municipal Bond Insurance: An Assessment of Its Effectiveness at Lowering Interest Costs. Government Finance Review. 23-26.
- Robert L. Bland. (1987). The Interest Cost Savings From Municipal Bond Insurance: The Implications for Privatization. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Winter, pp. 6 (2) 207-219. John Wiley & Sons, Inc..
- Robert L. Bland. (1986). The Effect of Cash Management Innovations on the Investment Income of Local Governments. State and Local Government Review. 18 (1) 20-25. http://www.jstor.org/stable/4354865?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents
- Bland, R.L. (1986). Increasing City Revenues Without Increasing Taxes. Texas Town and City. Austin, Texas, Texas Municipal League.
- Robert L. Bland with Peyton Foster Roden. (1986). Issuer Sophistication and Underpricing in the Negotiated Municipal Bond Market. Journal of Financial Research. 9 (2) 163-170. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1475-6803.1986.tb00445.x/abstract
- Robert L. Bland with Daniel W. Parker. (1985). Cash Investment Practices in Texas Cities: The Results of a Survey of Finance Directors.
- Robert L. Bland with Bobby Praytor. (1985). Cash Management in Texas Cities. Other.
- Robert L. Bland. (1985). Cash Management Practices in Smaller Texas Cities. Government Finance Review. 45-47. Chicago, Illinois, Government Finance Officers Association.
- Robert L. Bland. (1985). The Interest Cost Savings From Experience in the Municipal Bond Market. Public Administration Review. 45 (1) 233-237. http://www.jstor.org/stable/3110152?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents
- Robert L. Bland. (1984). The Interest Savings From Optimizing Issue Size and Frequency of Participation in the Municipal Bond Market. Public Budgeting & Finance. 4 (4) 53-59. Public Financial Publications, Inc..
- Robert L. Bland. (1984). The Implicit Price of Housing Attributes: An Explication and Application of the Theory to Mass Appraisal Research. Other. 3 (1) 55-65. Chicago, Illinois, IAAO.
- Bland, R.L., McLain, Jr., L.F. (2020). Managing Through Tragedies: Keeping Your Career Intact and on Track. Public Management (PM). 103, No. 1 10-15. Washington, DC, International City/County Management Association. https://issuu.com/icma-pm/docs/pm_jan_2021
- Bland, R.L., Overton, M. (2020). A Century of Budget Innovation. Public Management (PM). 102 7-12. Washington, DC, International City/County Management Association. https://icma.org/articles/pm-magazine/century-budget-innovation
- Robert L. Bland. (2002). Accounting and Financial Reporting Study Guide.
- Robert L. Bland with Wayne Anderson and Lawrence Sprecher. (1992). Local Revenue Sources for Housing and Related Infrastructure: A Workbook for Polish Local Governments.
- Robert L. Bland. (1989). Local Revenue Diversification. Alternatives for Achieving a More Efficient and Equitable Structure. Rethinking Texas Taxes, Final Report of the Select Committee on Tax Equity. 357-361. Austin, Texas, Texas Legislative Budget Board.
- Robert L. Bland (editor). (1985). Budgeting and Financial Management Course III for the Texas Municipal Clerks and Secretaries Certification Program.
- Robert L. Bland. (1982). Financing County Government: The Final Report of the Tax Review Advisory Commission of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
- Robert L. Bland. (1986). The Effectiveness of Municipal Bond Insurance. Texas Government Finance Officers Newsletter.
- Robert L. Bland with Patricia Sari Spear. (1985). The School Bond Guarantee Program: Boon or Bane?. Texas Lone Star. 12.
- Robert L. Bland with Joseph James. (1978). Proposition 13.
- Bland, R.L., Sun, J., Shi, Y. (2023). China's Policy to Limit Use of Public-Private Partnerships by Municipalities to Finance Capital Improvements A Regression Discontinuity Design Analysis of the Fiscal Impact. Cambridge, Massachusetts, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy. https://www.lincolninst.edu/publications/working-papers/chinas-policy-limit-use-public-private-partnerships-municipalities
Book Chapter
Journal Article
Magazine/Trade Publication
Research Report
Presentations Given
- State Income Tax and Local Government Borrowing Cost Revisited, (2002 - 2002).
- Performance Budgeting in Texas State Government, (2001 - 2001).
- State Guarantees of School Debt: The Case of Texas Permanent School Fund, (1998 - 1998).
- "The Effect of Truth-in-Taxation on Property Tax Yields: Evidence From a Pooled time-Series Analysis of Texas Cities" (Revised version of 1990 paper), (1994 - 1994).
- "The Impact of Management Styles on State Budgeting Practices", (1993 - 1993).
- "The Impact of Capital Spending on Municipal Operating Budgets: In Search of Budget Control", (1991 - 1991).
- "A Pooled Time-Series Analysis of the Effect of Truth-in-Taxation on Property Tax Yields", (1990 - 1990).
- "Revenue Alternatives: New Ideas for Local Governments", (1989 - 1989).
- "The Market's Response to Taxable Municipal Bonds", (1989 - 1989).
- "Where's the Money Coming From?", (1989 - 1989).
- "Alternative Revenue Sources: Filling the Gaps", (1988 - 1988).
- "An Unearned Income Tax for Texas: A Review of the Policy Issues", (1988 - 1988).
- "Land Use Planning and Impact Fees: Where Do We Go From Here?", (1988 - 1988).
- "Taxes and Economic Development: Finding the Balance", (1988 - 1988).
- "The Economics and Politics of Local Revenue Diversification: A Review of the Alternatives", (1988 - 1988).
- "Financing the Smaller City in Texas", (1987 - 1987).
- "Alternative Revenue Sources for Texas Cities", (1986 - 1986).
- "How Effective is Municipal Bond Insurance at Lowering Interest Cost?", (1986 - 1986).
- "Revenue Issues and Budgeting Practices in City Government", (1986 - 1986).
- "Techniques and Strategies for Raising Revenues and Lowering Costs", (1986 - 1986).
- "The Effect of Cash Management Innovations on Interest Earnings", (1986 - 1986).
- "An Assessment of the Effect of Cash Management Innovations on Interest Income: The Results of a Survey of Texas Cities", (1985 - 1985).
- "Toward a Theory of Urban Housing Markets Relevant to Mass Appraisal", (1981 - 1981).
- Bland, R.L. (Author & Presenter), Overton, M. (Author), International City/County Management Association, “Reenergizing Neighborhoods: Does Tax Increment Financing Get Us to ‘Wow?’”, ICMA, Seattle, United States of America. (2015 - 2015).
- Bland, R.l. (Coordinator/Organizer), Association for Budgeting and Financial Management, Funding Public Finance and Budgeting Research: Sources and Strategies for Obtaining Grants, ABFM, Washington, D.C., United States of America. (2017 - 2017).
- Adu, E. (Author & Presenter), Bland, R.L. (Author), Association for Budgeting and Financial Management (ABFM), Denver, Colorado. 2023, Redistributive Effects of Non-Profit Spending in 41 Texas Cities, University of North Texas, Denver, Colorado, United States of America. (2023 - 2023).
- Bland, R.L. (Author), Bamanie, M. (Author & Presenter), Association for Budgeting and Financial Management (ABFM), The Impact of the Value-Added Tax’s Introduction on Saudi Arabia’s Governance, Association for Budgeting and Financial Management (ABFM), Miami, Florida, United States of America. (2022).
- Bland, R.L. (Author), Prentice, V.A. (Author & Presenter), Association for Budgeting and Financial Management (ABFM), The Role of Local Government Spending in Creating Property Wealth and Promoting Its Equitable Distribution, Association for Budgeting and Financial Management (ABFM), Miami, Florida, United States of America. (2022).
- Bland, R.L. (Author & Presenter), Shi, Y. (Author & Presenter), Sun, J.L. (Author), Association for Budgeting and Financial Management, The Fiscal Impact of China’s Regulatory Policy to Affect Municipal Use and Financing of the Public-Private Partnerships for Capital Improvements, Association for Budgeting and Financial Management, Miami, Florida, United States of America. (2022).
- Bland, R.L. (Author), Bamanie, M. (Author & Presenter), Association for Budgeting and Financial Management, The Impact of the Introduction of a Value–Added Tax on Saudi Arabia’s Economy and Budget, Association for Budgeting and Financial Management, Washington, DC, United States of America. (2021).
- Bland, R.L. (Author), Ukwandi, K. (Author & Presenter), Association for Budgeting and Financial Management, Impact of Greater Dependency on the Property Tax on Local Expenditures, Association for Budgeting and Financial Management, Washington, DC, United States of America. (2021).
- Bland, R.L. (Author), Prentice, V. (Author & Presenter), Association for Budgeting and Financial Management, The Contribution of Nonprofit Expenditures to Economic Value Creation, Association for Budgeting and Financial Management, Washington, DC, United States of America. (2021).
- Bland, R.L. (Author), Boadu, B. (Author & Presenter), Association for Budgeting and Financial Management, An Analysis of the Flypaper and Fungibility Effects of Intergovernmental Revenue on Municipal Operating and Capital Expenditures, Washington, D.C., United States of America. (2019 - 2019).
- Bland, R.L. (Author), Sun, J. (Author), Association for Budgeting and Financial Management, The Effect of Tax Exemptions on the Tax Liabilities of Other Property Owners, Washington, D.C., United States of America. (2019 - 2019).
- Boadu, B. (Author & Presenter), Association for Budgeting and Financial Management, An Exploratory Analysis of the Joint Flypaper Effect of Intergovernmental Revenue on Operating and Capital Spending by City Governments, Denver, Colorado, United States of America. (2018 - 2018).
- Sun, J. (Author & Presenter), Association for Budgeting and Financial Management, Do Property Tax Exemptions Lead to More Diversified Revenue Structures?, Denver, Colorado, United States of America. (2018 - 2018).
- Sun, J. (Author), Association for Budgeting and Financial Management, Do Property Tax Exemptions Shift the Tax Burden to Other Taxpayers?, Denver, Colorado, United States of America. (2018 - 2018).
- Bland, R.L. (Author), Boadu, B. (Author), Public Finance and the New Economy, The Impact of Intergovernmental Grants on Capital Spending by Municipalities: A Test of the Flypaper Effect, Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, Georgia State University, United States of America. (2018 - 2018).
- Bland, R.L. (Chair), Shi, Y. (Author & Presenter), Sun, J. (Author), Li, Q. (Author & Presenter), Association for Budgeting and Financial Management, An Analysis of the Emerging Bond Market in China: A Preliminary Profile of the Provincial Bond Market, ABFM, Washington, D.C., United States of America. (2017 - 2017).
- Bland, R.L. (Author), Sun, J. (Author & Presenter), Association for Budgeting and Financial Management, The Impact of Property Tax Exemptions on Local Budgets and on Taxpayers: A Longitudinal Analysis of 41 Texas Cities, ABFM, Washington, D.C., United States of America. (2017 - 2017).
- Bland, R.l. (Author), Overton, M. (Author & Presenter), Association for Budgeting and Financial Management, “Exploring the Linkage between Economic Base and Revenue Stability in Large Municipal Governments.”, ABFM, Seattle, United States of America. (2016 - 2016).
- Bland, R.L. (Author & Presenter), Nukpezah, J.A. (Author), Association for Budgeting and Financial Management, “The Impact of Graduate Professional Education in Public Administration on State Bond Ratings.”, ABFM, Seattle, United States of America. (2016 - 2016).
- Bland, R.L. (Author), Overton, M. (Author & Presenter), Association for Budgeting and Financial Management, “The Road to Entrepreneurial Budgeting and Beyond: The Evolution of Budget Innovations and the Role of Citizens in Budget Decisions.”, ABFM, Seattle, United States of America. (2016 - 2016).
- Bland, R.L. (Author), Short, J. (Author & Presenter), Texas Weather Conference, “The Impact of Hurricanes on Local Economies.”, Austin, Texas, United States of America. (2016 - 2016).
- Bland, R.L. (Author & Presenter), Association for Budgeting and Financial Management, "Reconceptualizing Performance Measurement: A Holistic and Just Approach:, ABFM, Washington, D.C., United States of America. (2015 - 2015).
- Bland, R.L. (Author & Presenter), National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration, Emergencies, Disasters, and Terrorism: The Challenge for Public Finance, NASPAA, Minneapolis, Minn, United States of America. (2006 - 2006).
- Bland, R.L. (Chair), International City/County Management Association, Managing Through Tragedies: Keeping Your Career Intact and on Track, Remote (virtual), United States of America. (2020).
- Bland, R.L. (Coordinator/Organizer), Association for Budgeting and Financial Management, Showcase panel: Partnerships and Contracts - Incentives, Opportunities, and Responses, Remote (virtual), United States of America. (2020).
Invited Talk
Panel Presentation
Professional Meeting Contribution
Scholarly Meeting Contribution
Media Contributions
- "Guest column: Reflections of a Community Member of the Editorial Board," Denton Record-Chronicle. (November 4, 2018).
- "Guest column: Supreme Court lifts restrictions on states’ taxing online sales," Denton Record-Chronicle. (June 28, 2018).
- "Guest editorial, “Should seniors get tax break? Proposition 1: Tax freeze for Denton seniors, disabled”," Denton Record-Chronicle. (April 23, 2017).
- "“Dallas officials wonder if we spend too much on public safety. But how do we fare against other U.S. cities?”," Dallas Morning News. (August 21, 2016).
- ""Debt-free Dallas: A brilliant way to save taxpayers’ money, or a stupid idea that will ruin the city?”," Dallas Morning News. (April 29, 2016).
- "Firefighter Overtime," Denver Post. (April 5, 2016).
- ""Overtime Compensation for Firefighters"," Portland (Maine) Herald Observer. (March 21, 2016).
- "Guest Editorial: "Partnerships Key for Convention Center"," Denton Record-Chronicle. (October 4, 2014).
- "Reflections on the City Manager Search," Dallas Morning News. (February 4, 2014).
- "City Needs Financial Tools," Denton Record-Chronicle. (August 24, 2011).
- "Budget Brawl Harmful," Denton Record-Chronicle. (April 8, 2011).
- "Pursuit of Integrity Key," Denton Record-Chronicle. (January 26, 2011).
- "Managers Forge Budgets," Denton Record-Chronicle. (November 27, 2010).
- "City,County Leaders are the Unsung Heroes of Democracy," Fort Worth Star Telegram. (November 18, 2010).
- "Respect Governing Bodies," Denton Record-Chronicle. (September 4, 2010).
- "“The Economics of the Package Liquor Proposition on the Denton Ballot"," NTTV. (October 30, 2014).
- "“Law Firms that Specialize in Delinquent Tax and Toll Collections,"," CNN. (October 29, 2014).
Contracts, Grants, Sponsored Research
- Bland, R.L., "Gordon R. Carpenter Scholarship in Public Service," sponsored by Sumners Foundation, Private, $10000 Funded. ( - 2021).
- Bland, R.L., "Hatton W. Sumners Scholarships in Public Administration," sponsored by Hatton W. Sumners Foundation, Private, $129163 Funded. (2019 - 2019).
- Bland, R.L., "Gordon Carpenter Endowed Scholarship in Public Service," sponsored by Hatton W. Sumners Foundation, Regional, $25000 Funded. ( - 2019).
- Bland, R.L. (Principal), "Hatton W. Sumners Scholarships in Public Administration," sponsored by Hatton W. Sumners Foundation, Private, $150000 Funded. (2018 - 2018).
- Bland, R.L. (Principal), "Texas Research Incentive Program," sponsored by State of Texas, State, $65250 Funded. (2017 - 2018).
- Bland, R.L. (Principal), "Hatton W. Sumners Scholarships in Public Administration," sponsored by Hatton W. Sumners Foundation, Private, $153500 Funded. (2017 - 2017).
- Bland, R.L. (Principal), "Hatton W. Sumners Scholarships in Public Administration," sponsored by Hatton W. Sumners Foundation, Private, $139000 Funded. (2016 - 2016).
- Bland, R.l. (Principal), "Hatton W. Sumners Scholarships in Public Administration," sponsored by Hatton W. Sumners Foundation, Private, $130500 Funded. (2015 - 2015).
- Bland, R.L., "Hatton W. Sumners Scholarships in Public Administration," sponsored by Hatton W. Sumners Foundation, Private, Funded. (2019 - 2019).
- Bland, R.L., "Gordon Carpenter Endowed Scholarship in Public Service," sponsored by Hatton W. Sumners Foundation, Regional, Funded. ( - 2019).
- Bland, R.L. (Principal), "Hatton W. Sumners Scholarships in Public Administration," sponsored by Hatton W. Sumners Foundation, Private, Funded. (2018 - 2018).
- Bland, R.L. (Principal), "Texas Research Incentive Program," sponsored by State of Texas, State, Funded. (2017 - 2018).
- Bland, R.L. (Principal), "Hatton W. Sumners Scholarships in Public Administration," sponsored by Hatton W. Sumners Foundation, Private, Funded. (2017 - 2017).
- Bland, R.l. (Principal), "Hatton W. Sumners Scholarships in Public Administration," sponsored by Hatton W. Sumners Foundation, Private, Funded. (2015 - 2015).
- Bland, R.L. (Principal), Shi, Y. (Co-Principal), Sun, J. (Supporting), "The Fiscal Impact of China’s Policy to Control Municipal Use of Public-Private Partnerships to Finance Capital Improvements: A Regression Discontinuity Design Analysis," sponsored by Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, International, $35000 Funded. (2022 - 2023).
- Shi, Y. (Principal), Bland, R.L. (Co-Principal), Li, Q. (Co-Principal), "Fiscal Self-sufficiency, Debt Limits, and Fiscal Sustainability in China’s Emerging Municipal Bond Market," sponsored by Program on the People’s Republic of China International Fellowship Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, International, $35000 Funded. (2021 - 2022).
- Bland, R.L. (Co-Principal), Overton, M. (Co-Principal), "Reconsidering the Association of Economic Development and Local Government Fiscal Health: Finding the Linkages between a City’s Economic Base and its Budget Volatility," sponsored by The Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, Private, $33000 Funded. (2016 - 2018).
- Bland, R.L. (Co-Principal), Shi, Y. (Principal), "Fiscal Self-sufficiency, Debt Limits, and Fiscal Sustainability in China's Emerging Municipal Bond Market," sponsored by Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, NFP, Funded. (2021 - 2022).
- Bland, R.L. (Co-Principal), Overton, M. (Co-Principal), "Reconsidering the Association of Economic Development and Local Government Fiscal Health: Finding the Linkages between a City�s Economic Base and its Budget Volatility," sponsored by The Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, Private, Funded. (2016 - 2018).
- Siebeneck, L.K. (Principal), Bland, R.L. (Other), "Administrative Services for the Texas Emergency Manager Certification Program," sponsored by Emergency Management Association of Texa, NFP, Funded. (2007 - 2016).
- Bland, R.L. (Principal), "American Public Finance Policy and Administration," sponsored by State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs (People's Republic of China), International, $13495 Funded. (2019 - 2019).
- Bland, R.L. (Principal), "Service grant to host a visiting professor from Renmin University, Beijing, China.," sponsored by UNT China Venture Fund, University of North Texas, $5500 Funded. (2017 - 2018).
- Bland, R.L. (Principal), "American Public Finance Policy and Administration," sponsored by State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs (People's Republic of China), International, Funded. (2019 - 2019).
Grant - Research
Grant - Service
Grant - Teaching
University Service
- Director, MPA Program Coordinator. (January 1, 2022 - Present).
- Member, Curriculum and Degrees Program Committee. (September 2019 - Present).
- Member, PhD Comprehensive Exam Committee. (2015 - Present).
- Member, MPA Comp Exam Grading Committee. (September 2023 - December 2023).
- Committee Member, HPS Special Committee for Consideration of Candidates for Full Profressor. (August 2023 - November 15, 2023).
- Committee Chair, ad hoc Faculty Professional Development Committee, i.e. post-tenure review committee (Appointed by Provost). (September 18, 2023 - October 17, 2023).
- Committee Member, HPS Graduate Advisor Selection Committee. (November 15, 2022 - December 20, 2022).
- Faculty Mentor, Department of Public Administration. (March 9, 2022 - September 15, 2022).
- Faculty Mentor, Yu (Kelly) Shi. (January 16, 2021 - May 2022).
- Chairperson, HPS Committee to Draft a Statement of Expectations for Promotion to Full Professor. (January 11, 2021 - March 31, 2022).
- Committee Chair, MPA Comp Exam Coordinator. (February 22, 2022).
- Program Organizer, Grant -- Sumners Foundation. (August 2021 - December 2021).
- Committee Member, UNT Executive Council of Center and Institute Directors. (August 2018 - July 2021).
- Chairperson, College of Health and Public Service (HPS) By-law Revision Committee. (January 2019 - February 2021).
- Co-Chair, HPS Advising Council Committee. (June 1, 2020 - February 2, 2021).
- Member, ad hoc Committee for Review of Promotion for Non-tenure Tack Faculty. (September 1, 2020 - October 15, 2020).
- Chairperson, Department Chair -- Criminal Justice. (February 11, 2019 - August 5, 2020).
- Guest Speaker, Faculty Speaker, MPA Hooding Ceremony. (December 13, 2019).
- Other (Coordinator), MPA Comprehensive Exam Coordinator. (July 15, 2019 - November 10, 2019).
- Member, Faculty Review Committee. (October 2018 - August 2019).
- Member, College of Health and Public Service (HPS) Promotion & Tenure Committee. (September 2018 - August 2019).
- Chairperson, Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Committee. (August 2017 - August 2019).
- Member, ad hoc Grade Appeal Committee, Raissa Mboma. (July 29, 2019 - August 15, 2019).
- Chairperson, ad hoc Committee to Review the Department's RP&T By-law. (January 2018 - April 2019).
- Other (Facilitator), Host: Candidates for the Hatton W. Sumners Scholarship. (April 1992 - 2018).
- Other (Hosting Visiting Scholar), Host for Visiting Scholar, Dr. Qing Li. (September 2017 - August 2018).
- Guest Speaker, MPA Hooding Ceremony. (2017).
- Guest Speaker, PhD Colloquium Speaker. (2015 - 2017).
- Other (Career Facilitator), MPA Alumni. (1992 - 2017).
- Other (Compiler), MPA Alumni Directory. (June 2015 - August 2017).
- Co-Chair, T.C. Broadnax Reception. (November 2016 - February 2017).
- Committee Member, UNT President's Management Excellence Council. (May 2011 - August 2014).
- Chairperson, Department Chair. (September 1992 - August 2013).
Public Service
- Other (Faculty Advisor), Bridges International. Denton, Texas. (April 2018 - Present).
- Guest Speaker, Texas Municipal Clerks Association. College Station, Texas. (April 13, 2023 - April 14, 2023).
- Guest Speaker, League of Women Voters of Texas (Denton Chapter). Denton, TX. (January 13, 2022).
- Guest Speaker, Texas Municipal Clerks Association. Denton, TX. (April 14, 2021).
- Guest Speaker, National Association of Graduate-Professional Students. Denton, TX. (November 14, 2020).
- Guest Speaker, City of Sugar Land, Texas. Denton, TX. (October 8, 2020).
- Workshop Organizer, Lake Cities. Corinth, TX. (December 5, 2018 - December 5, 2018).
- Member, Denton Record-Chronicle Editorial Board. Denton, TX. (July 1, 2018 - October 31, 2018).
- Other (Facilitator for Interlocal Cooperation Retreat), Metroport Cities Partnership. Trophy Club, Texas. (October 18, 2018).
- Member, City of Denton, Charter Review Committee. Denton, TX. (December 2016 - June 2017).
- Committee Chair, City of Denton, Charter Review Committee, Subcommittee on Council Compensation. Denton, TX. (February 2017 - May 2017).
- Guest Speaker, City of Denton. Denton, Texas. (September 10, 2016 - September 10, 2016).
Professional Service
- Member, Governmental Accounting Standards Advisory Council (GASAC). Norwalk, Connecticut. (November 2023 - Present).
- Other (Member, Credentialing Advisory Board), International City/County Management Association. Washington, DC, (October 2017 - Present).
- Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Peer reviewer. (2015 - Present).
- Other (Member, Advisory Board on Graduate Education), International City/County Management Association. (1997 - Present).
- Editorial Review Board Member, Editorial Board, Municipal Finance Journal. (June 1995 - Present).
- Officer, President/Elect/Past, Association for Budgeting and Financial Management. Denton, TX. (November 2019 - December 2023).
- Board of Directors, Public Financial Publications, Inc.. (January 2018 - December 31, 2023).
- Conference-Related, Association for Budgeting and Financial Management. Washington, D.C., (January 1, 2021 - December 31, 2022).
- Other (Member, Executive Council), Association for Budgeting and Financial Management. (January 2017 - December 2022).
- External T&P Letter Writer, University of Delaware. Denton, TX. (April 1, 2022 - April 19, 2022).
- External T&P Letter Writer, Binghamton University. Denton, TX. (June 2021 - October 17, 2021).
- External T&P Letter Writer, University of Colorado Denver. Denton, TX. (September 1, 2021 - September 9, 2021).
- Discussant, NASPAA -- Section on Budgeting and Finance. Denton, TX. (October 2020).
- Committee Member, 2019 Burkhead Award Committee, Association for Budgeting and Financial Management. Denton, TX. (January 2019 - May 2020).
- Other (Member, Professional Development Committee), Texas City Management Association. (2016 - 2017).
- Editorial Review Board Member, Editorial Board, State and Local Government Review. (January 2014 - December 2016).
- Other (Keynote Speaker), Government Finance Officers Association of Texas. Austin, TX. (April 19, 2016 - April 19, 2016).
- Other (Member, Scholarship Awards Committee), Government Finance Officers Association of Texas. (1993 - 2015).
- Other (Principal representative for the MPA program), National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration. (2005 - 2013).
- Other (Member, Executive Council), NASPAA. (2005 - 2008).
- Member, Commission on Peer Review and Accreditation, NASPAA. (2001 - 2003).
- Other (Principal representative for the MPA program), National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration. (1992 - 2003).
- Other (Expert witness in the case of Town of Westlake, Texas v. Town of Southlake, Texas), U.S. Bankruptcy Court. (1997 - 1997).
- Other (Secretary (1990-91)), Association for Budgeting and Financial Management. (1991 - 1996).
- International City Management Association -- Eastern Europe Training Program. (1991 - 1992).
- Other (Board member), North Texas chapter of ASPA. (1990 - 1991).
- Southwestern Bell Telephone Company. (1989 - 1990).
- Other (Member, Executive Committee), Association for Budgeting and Financial Management. (1987 - 1990).
- City of Dallas. (1989 - 1989).
- Other (Member, Finance Committee), American Society for Public Administration. (1988 - 1988).
- City of Farmers Branch, Texas. (1986 - 1986).
- Texas Municipal Clerks and Secretaries. (1985 - 1985).
- Anchor Hocking Corporation. (1982 - 1982).
- Cyclops Steel Corporation. (1982 - 1982).
- Welch's Food Corporation. (1982 - 1982).
- Jones and Laughlin Steel Corporation. (1981 - 1982).
- Ross Park Center. (1981 - 1981).
- U.S. Steel Corporation. (1981 - 1981).
- Volkswagen of America. (1981 - 1981).
- City and County of Erie, Pennsylvania. (1980 - 1981).
- Chartiers Terrace Housing Association. (1980 - 1980).
- Beaver County, Pennsylvania. (1979 - 1980).
- Westinghouse Corporation. (1979 - 1980).
- Bethlehem Steel Corporation. (1978 - 1978).
- City of Philadelphia. (1978 - 1978).
- Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. (1977 - 1977).
- Academic, UNT VP for Finance and Administration, Denton, United States of America. (March 2019 - August 2020).
- Government, UNT, Vice President for Finance and Administration, Denton, Texas, United States of America. (October 2015 - August 2016).
- Government, UNT, Vice President for Finance and Administration, Denton, Texas, United States of America. (April 2014 - August 2015).