Dr. Ruthanne Thompson
University of North Texas
Biological Sciences
(940) 891-6713


EdD, University of North Texas, 2003.
Major: Curriculum and Instruction
Degree Specialization: Science
Dissertation Title: The Effect of a Laboratory-Based, Incontext, Constructivist Teaching Approach on Preservice Teachers' Science Knowledge and Teaching Efficacy
MEd, University of North Texas, 1996.
Major: Counseling and Student Services
Degree Specialization: Counseling and Human Development
BS, SMSU, 1986.
Major: Secondary Biology

Licensures and Certifications

Secondary Science Teaching Certification, Texas Education Agency. (August 1986 – Present).

Professional Memberships

Board Member, Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences. (2017 – Present).

National Association of Science Teachers. (2016 – Present).

North American Association for Environmental Education. (2016 – Present).

National Association of Biology Teachers. (2015 – Present).

Member, Association of Science Teacher Education. (2006 – Present).

Member, National Association of Research in Science Teaching. (2006 – Present).

Development Activities Attended

Conference Attendance,"Teaching with Technology: Science Summit," Pearson, Miami, Florida, United States of America. (November 3, 2017November 4, 2017).

Awards and Honors

Outstanding Department Award, Office of the Provost. (October 2019October 2020).


Teaching Experience

University of North Texas
BIOL 1080, Biology for Elementary Education, 6 courses.
BIOL 1081, Biology Laboratory for Elementary Education, 27 courses.
BIOL 1082, Biology for Educators, 26 courses.
BIOL 1112, Contemporary Biology, 99 courses.
BIOL 1132, Environmental Science, 3 courses.
BIOL 1135, Environmental Science Laboratory, 7 courses.
BIOL 2900, Special Problems, 2 courses.
BIOL 4700, Research Methods for Secondary Science Instruction, 5 courses.
BIOL 4900, Special Problems, 4 courses.
BIOL 5005, TOPICS IN BIOLOGY, 5 courses.
BIOL 5045, Scientific College Teaching, 3 courses.
BIOL 5900, Special Problems, 18 courses.
BIOL 5910, Special Problems, 3 courses.
BIOL 5950, Master's Thesis, 13 courses.
BIOL 6900, Special Problems, 15 courses.
BIOL 6910, Special Problems, 1 course.
BIOL 6940, Individual Research, 24 courses.
BIOL 6950, Doctoral Dissertation, 27 courses.
CHEM 4700, Research Methods for Secondary Science Instruction, 5 courses.
GRSC 5000Z, Graduate Student Teaching Excellence, 29 courses.
PHYS 4700, Research Methods for Secondary Science Instruction, 2 courses.

Directed Student Learning

Major Professor, Biological Sciences. (September 2019 – Present).

Major Professor,"Dissertation," Biological Sciences. (September 2017 – Present).

Major Professor, Biological Sciences. (September 2016 – Present).

Dissertation Committee Member,"Concept Mapping to Measure Growth of Teacher Content Knowledge," Teacher Education and Administration. (2016 – Present).

Dissertation Committee Member,"Dissertation," Biological Sciences. (2014 – Present).

Dissertation Committee Member, Teacher Education and Administration. (2012 – Present).

Major Professor,"Understanding Undergraduate STEM Identity Through Structural Equation Modeling: The Significance of Informal STEM experiences and the Interplay Between STEM Identity and Graphical Literacy," Biological Sciences. (August 2018May 2024).

Dissertation Committee Member,"Quantifying Student Satisfaction and Academic Performance: A Comparison of Four Active Learning Techniques in an Online, Asynchronous, Graduate Anatomy Course.," Biological Sciences. (June 2019April 6, 2023).

Dissertation Committee Member,"New Teacher PBL Planning and Implementation," Teacher Education and Administration. (20152021).

Dissertation Committee Member,"Long-Term 5E-Based Professional Development Impact on Eigth-Grade Science Teachers' Content and Pedagogical Knowledge," Teacher Education and Administration. (2017December 2020).

Major Professor, Biological Sciences. (August 2018May 2020).

Dissertation Committee Member,"What do They Know About Science? Initial Certification Testing of Elementary Preservice Teacher Candidates," Teacher Education and Administration. (September 2016May 2020).

Major Professor,"The Effects of Leadership Development on Student Retention in STEM," Biological Sciences. (2014May 2020).

Major Professor,"Effect Size of Mandatory Science Course EC-6 Texas Examinations for Educator Standards (TExES) Certification Examination at a North Texas University," Biological Sciences. (June 2015December 2019).

Master's Thesis Committee Member,"The Effects of Probiotics on Growth, and Metabolism in Juvenile Oreochromis mossambicus (Mozambique Tilapia)," Biological Sciences. (2014December 2019).

Major Professor,"Assessing Student Preferences of Urban Green Spaces and Green Infrastructure in North Central Texas," Biological Sciences. (2014May 2019).

Major Professor,"Key Factors Influencing Completion Rates among Historically Underrepresented Student Groups in STEM Fields," Biological Sciences. (2013December 2018).

Major Professor,"Long-Term Cintizen Science Water Monitoring Data: An Exploration of Accuracy Over Space and Time," Biological Sciences. (2013December 2018).

Major Professor,"Project-Based Learning versus Current Laboratory Manual-Based Learning in the Microbiology Laboratory," Biological Sciences. (June 2015May 2017).

Major Professor,"Analysis of Students' Knowledge, Perceptions, and Interest in Engineering post Teacher Participation in a National Science Foundation Research Experience for Teachers Professional Development," Biological Sciences. (2011December 2016).

Major Professor,"The Continuing Under representation of Latinos in Science," Biological Sciences. (2014May 2016).

Major Professor,"Empirical Evidence in Support of a Research Based Water Conservation Education Program," Biological Sciences. (2010December 2015).

Major Professor,"Genetic Interest Assesment," Biological Sciences. (September 2011May 2013).

Major Professor,"M.S. Graduate," Biological Sciences. (2007December 2011).

Undergraduate Honors Thesis,"B.S. Graduate," Computer Science and Engineering. (2007May 2011).

Doctoral Advisory Committee Member,"The Parent Participation Discourse of a Community School: Diverse Ideas and Perceptions about Educational Partnership at an Inner City Community School," Teacher Education and Administration. (20062010).

Doctoral Advisory Committee Member,"Latent Transition Analysis of Pre-Service Teacher’s Efficacy in Mathematics and Science," Teacher Education and Administration. (20062009).

Major Professor,"PSM Graduate," Biological Sciences. (20062009).

Awards and Honors

University Distinguished Teaching Professorship, Provost's Office. (March 2017 – Present).

President's Council Teaching Award, President's Council. (September 2015September 2015).

Honors Day Student Recognition of Faculty, UNT. (20092009).


Published Intellectual Contributions

Book Chapter
Thompson, R. (2008). Student Study Companion to Life on Earth, 5th Edition.
Journal Article
Thompson, R., Alexis, N., Harrell, P. E. (2023). Predicting Preservice Teachers Performance on the Science Core of the EC-6 TExES General Certification Examination. Electronic Journal for Research in Science & Mathematics Education. 27(3), 36. Fort Worth, TX: International Consortium for Research in Science & Mathematics Education (ICRSME). https://ejrsme.icrsme.com/issue/view/1703
Long, C., Harrell, P. E., Subramaniam, K., Pope, E., Thompson, R. (2023). Strengthening Elementary Preservice Teachers’ Physical Science Content Knowledge: A Three-Year Study. Research in Science Education. 53(3), 613-632. Springer.
Archibald, A., Hudson, C., Heap, T., Thompson, R., Lin, L., Demeritt, J. H., Lucke, H. R. (2023). A Validation of AI-Enabled Discussion Platform Metrics and Relationships to Student Efforts. TechTrends. 67(2), 9. Springer. https://www.springer.com/journal/11528
Harrell, P. E., Waid, J., Thompson, R. (2022). Using Inquiry-based Learning to develop Earth Science Pedagogical Content Knowledge. Research in Science and Technological Education. 41(4), 33. Taylor & Francis. https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/crst20
Harrell, P. E., Subramaniam, K., Long, C. S., Thompson, R., Pope, E. (2022). Increasing Hispanics in the educator workforce: A science methods intervention to improve passing rates on an EC-6 science certification examination. Journal of Latinos and Education. 22(4), 11. Routledge Taylor & Francis. https://www.tandfonline.com/journals/hjle20
Heap, T., Thompson, R., Fein, A. (2020). Designing Teacher Professional Development Programs to Support a Rapid Shift to Digital. Educational Technology Research and Development. 69, 4. Springer. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11423-020-09863-5
Kelly, A., Thompson, R., Mitchell, F., Kennedy, J. H., Ponette, A. G. (2020). Accuracy of long-term volunteer water monitoring data: A multiscale analysis from a statewide citizen science program. PLOS: Public Library of Science. 15(1), 19. Open Access: Public Library of Science. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/
Harrell, P. E., Thompson, R., *Brooks, K. (2019). Leaving schools behind: The impact of school setting and working conditions on teacher retention and migration. Journal of Science Teacher Education. 30(2), 144-158. http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1046-560X
Albus, K., Thompson, R., Mitchell, F. (2019). Usability of Existing Volunteer Water Monitoring Data: What Can the Literature Tell Us?. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice. 6(1), 41. Ubiquity Press. https://theoryandpractice.citizenscienceassociation.org/
Premraj, D., Thompson, R., Hughes, L. E., Adams, J. (2019). Key Factors Influencing Retention Rates Among Historically Under-represented Student Groups in STEM Fields. Journal of College Student Retention. 28. Sage. https://journals.sagepub.com/home/csr
Thompson, R., Serna, V. (2016). Empirical evidence in support of a research-informed water conservation education program. Applied Environmental Education & Communication. 15(1), 30-44. Taylor & Francis.
Fry, M. J., Hoeinghaus, D. J., Ponette, A. G., Thompson, R., La Point, T. W. (2012). Fracking vs. faucets: balancing energy needs and water sustainability at urban frontiers. Environmental Science & Technology. 46, 7444-7445.
Thompson, R., Bolin, G., Coe, A. (2012). Assessing the Degree of Integrated Learner-Centered Instruction on Student Outcomes in a Large Non-Major Environmental Science Course. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. 6(1), 40. Georgia: Georgia Southern University.
Thompson, R., Bolin, G. (2011). Indicators of Success in STEM Majors: A Cohort Study. (212), 18-24. York, PA: National Association for College Admission Counseling.
Thompson, R., Coe, A., Klaver, I., Dickson, K. (2011). Design and Implementation of a Research Informed Water Conservation Program.. Applied Environmental Education & Communication. 15(1), 30-44. https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/ueec20/current
Thompson, R., Coe, A. (2010). The Right Stuff: Inquiry Training, Teaching & Transfer for Content Mastery in the Sciences. 8(4), 8. Hays, Kansas: Fort Hays State University.
Thompson, R. (2007). Investigating Minerals: Promoting Integrated Inquiry.
Thompson, R. (2007). Science Activities, Vol. 44.
Research Report
Thompson, R., Reeder, C. EEI - 10 year impact report.
Thompson, R. Dallas EEI Five Year Assessment: Indicators of Programmatic Success. Other.
Thompson, R. (2009). Dallas EEI Annual Assessment of Programmatic Progress.
Thompson, R. (2008). Cyberinfrastructure: Environmental Modeling.
Thompson, R. (2008). Cyberinfrastructure: Wireless Sensor Networks.
Thompson, R. (2008). Dallas EEI Three Year Assessment: Indicators of Programmatic Success.
Thompson, R. (2007). Cyberinfrastructure: Database Management.
Thompson, R. (2007). High Performance Schools = Highly Qualified Teachers = Highest Academic Achievement?.
Thompson, R. (2006). Dallas Environmental Education Initiative (EEI) Base-line Program Assessment.
Thompson, R. (2009). Too Good To Throw Away, Dallas!.
Thompson, R. (2007). The Scope of Biology: From Cells to Ecosystems.
Thompson, R. (2006). Environmental Science: Laboratory & Field Activities.
Thompson, R. (2004). Private Whys?.
Thompson, R. (2002). Water . . . Works!.

Presentations Given

Invited Talk

Thompson, R. (Author & Presenter), North Texas Water Symposium, A Data Driven Water Conservation Education Program, North Texas, Tarrant Regional and Upper Trinity Regional Water Districts and City of Dallas Water Utilities, Coppell, Tx, United States of America. (20232023).

Thompson, R. (Author & Presenter), Denton Rotary Club Meeting, The Worth of Water, Denton Rotary Club, Denton Texas, United States of America. (20232023).

Thompson, R. (Author & Presenter), Great Conversations, The Worth of Water, UNT Honors College, UNT, United States of America. (20232023).

Thompson, R. (Author & Presenter), UNT Research on Tap, When the Well Runs Dry: The Worth of Water, UNT Research and Innovation, Dan's Silverleaf, United States of America. (20222022).

Thompson, R. (Author & Presenter), UNT's Spring SMART Talk, The role of science education research in effecting calculated change, UNT College of Science, UNT Union, United States of America. (20222022).

Thompson, R. (Presenter), Invited: Catalyst 2018, Measuring your ROI, Rogue Water, San Antonio, TX, United States of America. (20182018).

Thompson, R. (Author), Invited: Water Efficiency Network of North Texas, Overview of Dallas Water Utilities Environmental Education Initiative, City of Dallas, Carrollton, Tx, United States of America. (20182018).

Thompson, R. (Presenter), Invited: Macmillan Learning Biology Workshop, Measuring Learning While Learning, Macmillan Learning, Sheraton Hotel, Dallas Tx, United States of America. (20162016).

Thompson, R. (Author & Presenter), Invited: A Conservationist's Vision for Preserving Water in the State of Texas, The State (TX) of Water Conservation, DAR, Denton, TX, United States of America. (20152015).


Thompson, R. (Presenter), Biology Textbook Forum, Addressing Curricular Content in Non-Majors Biology, Pearson, San Francisco, CA, United States of America. (20112011).

Thompson, R. (Presenter), NSF Funded teacher workshop, Elementary Student Misconceptions in Earth Science, NSF, Arlington, TX, United States of America. (20102010).

Thompson, R. (Panelist), Environmental Science Educational Forum, Teaching Challenges for Non-majors Environmental Science Text Books, Pearson, San Francisco, CA, United States of America. (20102010).

Thompson, R. (Author & Presenter), NSF funded Strategic Planning Meeting, Models in Education, NSF, UNT Discovery Park, Denton TX, United States of America. (20092009).

Oral Presentation

Thompson, R. (Author & Presenter), Heap, T. (Author & Presenter), THECB Digital Learning Summit, Building AI into your Microcredentials, THECB, Virtual, United States of America. (20232023).

Thompson, R. (Author & Presenter), Heap, T. (Author & Presenter), 2023 DT&L & SOLAr UPCEA conference, Using AI to Complement Teacher Presence and Foster Student Literacy, UPCEA, Wisconsin, United States of America. (20232023).

Silva, S. D. (Author & Presenter), Eaves, T. (Author), Atkinson, M. B. (Author), Thompson, R. (Author), ACS SWRM, Investigating the Relationships Between Undergraduates' STEM Identity and STEM Problem Solving Processes, American Chemical Society, Baton Rouge, LA, United States of America. (20222022).

Thompson, R. (Author & Presenter), Heap, T. (Author & Presenter), Fein, A. (Author & Presenter), UPCEA Annual Conference, Integrating Affordable, Accessible, and Scalable VR in Online (Biology) Courses, University Professional & Continuing Education Association, Orlando, Florida, United States of America. (20222022).

Thompson, R. (Author & Presenter), 8th Annual World Environmental Education Congress, Effects of a Water Conservation Education Program on Water Use in Single-Family Homes in Dallas, Texas, World Environmental Education Congress, Gothenburg, Sweden, Sweden. (20152015).

Thompson, R. (Author & Presenter), American Water Works Association Annual Conference and Exposition, Dallas Environmental Education Initiative, Denver, CO, United States of America. (20132013).

Thompson, R. (Author & Presenter), NSF Engineering Education Awardees Conference, Research Experiences for Teachers in Wireless Sensor Networks, NSF, Arlington, VA, United States of America. (20122012).

Thompson, R. (Author & Presenter), 5th World Environmental Education Conference, Inquiry-based Environmental Education, Montreal, Canada, Canada. (20092009).

Panel Presentation

Thompson, R. (Panelist), Albert, M. V. (Panelist), Sidorova, A. (Panelist), Fu, S. (Panelist), Roberts, A. P. (Moderator), University Research Day, Exploring the Role of AI in Research, UNT, Denton, Tx, United States of America. (20232023).

Thompson, R. (Author & Presenter), PRSA Dallas 7th Annual Nonprofit Workshop, Value of AI for NonProfit Communications, PRSA, Dallas, United States of America. (20232023).


Long, C. (Author & Presenter), Fraser, B. J. (Author & Presenter), Thompson, R. (Author & Presenter), Subramaniam, K. (Author & Presenter), Harrell, P. E. (Author & Presenter), AERA 2020 Annual Meeting, Classroom Learning Environment and Student Attitudes towards Science in a Biology-for-Educators Course, American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA, United States of America. (20202020).

Harrell, P. E. (Author & Presenter), Thompson, R. (Author & Presenter), Hawaii International Conference on Education, STEM teacher transfer and retention, Honolulu, HI, United States of America. (20182018).

Harrell, P. E. (Author & Presenter), Pope, E. (Author & Presenter), Subramaniam, K. (Author), Thompson, R. (Author), Association for the Advancement of Science Teaching, Elementary science teacher knowledge about physical science: Using microteaching to improve content knowledge., Des Moines, IA, United States of America. (2017).

Harrell, P. E. (Author & Presenter), Thompson, R. (Author & Presenter), Hawaii International Conference on Education, Using teaching demonstrations and lesson plan feedback to improve elementary teacher content knowledge of science, Honolulu, HI, United States of America. (2017).


Silva, S. (Author & Presenter), Thompson, R. (Author), Atkinson, M. B. (Author), American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, "Exploring the Relationships between Informal STEM Experiences, STEM Identity, and Problem-Solving Processes of Undergraduate Students, American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA, United States of America. (20242024).

Gonzalez Villarreal, C. (Author & Presenter), Thompson, R. (Author), SABER 2023 Conference, Measuring the Effect of the Graduate Student Teaching Excellence Program for Scientific Teaching (GSTEP-ST) on Retention of Biology Undergraduate Students in STEM, Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research, Minneapolis, MN, United States of America. (20232023).

Media Contributions

"UNT prof: Kids are Learning to Save Water," Green Source. (June 25, 2019).
"Collin County Water Rates Could Rise to Meet Growing Population Needs," KERA. (August 2, 2023).
"What a Science Teacher Taught the Dallas Cowboys About Coaching," Wall Street Journal. (December 30, 2021).
"How UNT Professors helped Cowboys turn one of last year's biggest weaknesses into Dallas' advantage," Dallas Morning News. (December 29, 2021).
"Dallas Environmental Education Initiative," Dallas Morning News. (July 19, 2019).
"The Deep Side of Dallas Podcast," The Dallas Morning News. (January 13, 2022).

Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research

Grant - Research
Bland, D. M., l., Bell, V., Thompson, R., "UNT Digital Adjunct Faculty Training Academy," Sponsored by Office for the Provost & VPAA, Office of Faculty Success, University of North Texas, $5000 Funded. (October 1, 2019August 1, 2020).
Hughes, L. E. (Principal), Burleson, M. (Co-Principal), Thompson, R. (Co-Principal), "BIOFUELS: Biology Forum on Undergraduate Education in Life Sciences," University of North Texas, $4425 Funded. (October 1, 2015July 31, 2016).
Grant - Teaching
Fortney, B. S., Thompson, R., Terry, N., "(Resubmit) TNT AR SimLab Team Mentoring Grant: Developing Advanced Techniques in Teaching with Augmented Reality," Sponsored by The University of North Texas/Faculty Development, University of North Texas, $3000 Funded. (August 10, 2021May 1, 2022).
Fortney, B. S., Thompson, R., Terry, N., "TNT AR SimLab Team Mentoring Grant: Developing Advanced Techniques in Teaching with Augmented Reality," Sponsored by The University of North Texas/Faculty Development, University of North Texas, $3000 Funded. (December 18, 2020May 1, 2021).
Thompson, R. (Co-Principal), Atkinson, S. F., "Environmental Science QEP," Sponsored by University of North Texas, University of North Texas, $12000 Funded. (20082010).
Thompson, R. (Principal), "Transformative Instruction Initiative," Sponsored by CLEAR, University of North Texas, $10850 Funded. (20082009).

Awards and Honors

Texas Environmental Excellence Award, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). (May 04, 2016May 04, 2016).

Top External Funding Recipient, UNT. (20092009).

Distinguished Dissertation Award, UNT. (20032003).


University Service

Co-Chair, CLEAR Faculty Advisory Committee. (2021 – Present).

Committee Member, Mathematics Education Search Committee. (2021 – Present).

Committee Member, Science Educator Search Committee. (2021 – Present).

Co-Chair, Digital Strategy and Innovation Advisory Committee. (February 2019 – Present).

Member, Learning Spaces Strategy Committee. (February 2019 – Present).

Director, Executive Director - CLEAR. (January 3, 2019 – Present).

Member, COS Leadership Team. (September 2017 – Present).

Co-Director, Teach North Texas. (July 2015 – Present).

Committee Member, Distinguished Teaching Professor Award. (September 2018September 2021).

Committee Member, Personal Affairs Committee. (September 2018October 2020).

Committee Member, Promotion & Tenure. (September 2016October 2020).

Committee Member, Chemistry Education Researcher search committee. (August 2019December 2019).

Committee Member, UNT Vice Provost for Faculty Success Search. (November 2018November 2019).

Committee Member, Restoration Ecologist Search Committee. (October 2018January 2019).

Committee Member, COS Undergraduate Curriculum Committee. (September 2017September 2018).

Committee Chair, ENV Lecturer search committee. (April 2018August 2018).

Committee Chair, Faculty Search Committee - Teach North Texas. (November 17, 2017August 2018).

Committee Member, Classroom Innovations Committee. (September 2017January 2018).

Committee Member, Department of Geography Search Committee. (September 2017December 2017).

Committee Member, Instructional Lab Supervisor II search committee. (August 2017November 2017).

Committee Chair, Faculty Search Committee - Teach North Texas. (June 1, 2017August 1, 2017).

Committee Member, Department of Philosophy Search Committee. (November 5, 2016December 5, 2016).

Other, Status of Women. (20102015).

Committee Member, The Committee for the Evaluation of Faculty Teaching. (20112012).

Other, Open Access. (20102011).

Other, Cluster. (20092009).

Other, Search. (20082009).

Professional Service

Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of College Student Retention, Research, Theory and Practice. (September 2019 – Present).

Editorial Review Board Member, International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. (2015 – Present).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Environmental Education Research. (2014 – Present).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Applied Environmental Education and Communication. (2014 – Present).

Reviewer, Textbook, A Changing Planet. (July 25, 2013).

Reviewer, Conference Paper, Association of Science Teacher Education Conference. (December 2012December 2012).

Reviewer, Textbook, Environmental Science: Issues and Solutions. (January 2012January 2012).

Other, Creative Vision Social Services. (20092011).

Reviewer, Textbook, Biology Life on Earth. (April 2, 2011May 5, 2011).

Reviewer, Conference Paper, Association of Science Teachers International Conference. (February 2011February 2011).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Research in Science Teaching. (January 23, 2011February 23, 2011).

Public Service

Other, Keep Denton Beautiful. (19962008).


Academic, McGraw-Hill Education, United States of America. (20132014).

KERA. (20092010).

Awards and Honors

2019 COS Excellence in Service, College of Science. (October 2019 – Present).

Excellence in Environmental Education & Outreach, Green3 Awards. (September 22, 2017September 22, 2017).

Community Engagement Award, UNT. (20132013).

ExxonMobil Texas Science and Engineering Fair, ExxonMobil. (20062006).