Dr. David C. Shiner
University of North Texas
(940) 565-3874


PhD, University of Michigan, 1988.
Major: Physics
Dissertation Title: "Extending Precision in the Optical Spectroscopy of Hydrogen"
BA, University of California at Berkeley, 1977.
Major: Physics

Professional Positions

Professor, University of North Texas. (2013 – Present).
Associate Professor, University of North Texas. (20022012).
Assistant Professor, University of North Texas. (19942000).
Associate Research Physicist and Lecturer, Yale University. (19891994).

Professional Memberships

Sigma Xi. (1994 – Present).

Optical Society of America. (1992 – Present).

Group on Precision Measurement and Fundamental Constants. (1990 – Present).

American Physical Society. (1989 – Present).

Secretary-Treasurer, Offices and Committee Assignments:American Physical Society Group on Precision Measurement and Fundamental Constants. (20032007).

Awards and Honors

Fellow, American Physical Society. (20132013).


Teaching Experience

University of North Texas
PHYS 1062, Stars and the Universe, 2 courses.
PHYS 1210, Conceptual Physics, 5 courses.
PHYS 1270, Science and Technology of Musical Sound, 1 course.
PHYS 1311, Introduction to the World of Physics, 2 courses.
PHYS 1315, Introduction to the World of Physics, 3 courses.
PHYS 1410, General Physics I, 8 courses.
PHYS 2910, Special Problems, 1 course.
PHYS 3210, Mechanics, 4 courses.
PHYS 3220, Mechanics, 4 courses.
PHYS 3310, Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences, 8 courses.
PHYS 3420, Electronics, 21 courses.
PHYS 4210, Electricity and Magnetism, 2 courses.
PHYS 4900, Special Problems, 3 courses.
PHYS 4910, Special Problems, 4 courses.
PHYS 4950, Senior Thesis, 9 courses.
PHYS 4955, Senior Thesis Capstone, 7 courses.
PHYS 5500, Quantum Mechanics I, 2 courses.
PHYS 5510, Quantum Mechanics II, 2 courses.
PHYS 5710, Advanced Classical Mechanics I, 4 courses.
PHYS 5720, Electromagnetic Theory I, 3 courses.
PHYS 5900, Special Problems, 7 courses.
PHYS 5910, Special Problems, 25 courses.
PHYS 5920, Research Problems in Lieu of Thesis, 1 course.
PHYS 5930, Research Problems in Lieu of Thesis, 2 courses.
PHYS 5941, Colloquium, 2 courses.
PHYS 5950, Master's Thesis, 3 courses.
PHYS 6000, Mathematical Methods of Physics I, 5 courses.
PHYS 6030, Electromagnetic Theory II, 3 courses.
PHYS 6110, Statistical Mechanics I, 2 courses.
PHYS 6910, Special Problems, 7 courses.
PHYS 6940, Individual Research, 38 courses.
PHYS 6950, Doctoral Dissertation, 38 courses.

Directed Student Learning

Other,"Modeling and Observing Stray Magnetic Fields from Custom-Built Magnetic Circuits," Physics. (June 2022December 2022).

Doctoral Advisory Committee Chair,"Towards Increased Precision of the 4He:23P1→23P2 Transition Measurement Using Laser Spectroscopy," Physics. (September 2015December 2021).

Supervised Research,"Analysis of a Thulium Fiber Laser and of Proposed Experimental Tests," Physics. (January 2020May 2021).

Supervised Research,"Microradian Control of Laser Beam Direction," Physics. (September 2019May 2020).

Doctoral Advisory Committee Chair, Physics. (September 2016May 9, 2020).

Doctoral Advisory Committee Chair,"Investigation of Specialized Laser and Optical Techniques to Improve Precision Atomic Spectroscopy of Helium," Physics. (January 2016May 9, 2020).

Other,"Senior Thesis (in progress) "High Efficiency Single Frequency and Polarization Fiber Laser for Precision Measurements",". (20142015).

Other,"Coauthor "0.5W CW single frequency blue at 486 nm via SHG with net conversion of 81.5% from the NIR using a 30 mm PPMgO:SLT crystal in a resonant cavity",". (20132015).

Other,"Dissertation (in progress) "The Difference in Nuclear Size Between Helium-3 and Helium-4 Using Precision Laser Spectroscopy of Helium",". (20092015).

Other,"Senior Thesis "Stable Single Frequency Fiber Laser for Precision Measurements",". (20142014).

Other,"Senior Thesis "Analysis and Measurement of the Alignment Sensitivity of an Optical Cavity for Second Harmonic Generation",". (20142014).

Other,"Senior Thesis "Theoretically Evaluating the Efficient Generation of Blue via Second Harmonic Generation Using 20 mm PPMgO: SLT in an IR Buildup Cavity",". (20142014).

Other,"Dissertation "Highly Efficient Single Frequency Blue Laser Generation By Second Harmonic Generation Of Infrared Lasers Using Quasi Phose Matching In Periodically Poled Ferroelectric Crystals",". (20032014).

Other,"Independent Research project on programming a digital signal processor for resonant cavity control,". (20112012).

Other,"Senior Thesis "A Method for Obtaining Focal Length due to Temperature Gradients in a Crystal",". (20112011).

Other,"American Physical Society poster "Generation of single frequency blue light by highly efficient harmonic generation of IR laser diodes in resonance build-up cavities using nonlinear crystals",". (20102011).

Other,"Dissertation "A High Efficiency High Power Blue Laser By Resonant Doubling In PPKTP",". (20042011).

Other,"Independent Research project in atomic physics and laser laboratory,". (20092010).

Other,"Dissertation "A Determination of the Fine Structure Constant Using Precision Measurements in Helium Fine Structure",". (20042010).

Other,"Independent research project "Simple Model and Characterization of a Fiber-coupled Diode Laser",". (20082009).

Other,"Thesis "Nonlinear UV Laser Build-up Cavity: An Efficient Design",". (20072009).

Other,"Independent Research Project on cavity ray optics,". (20072008).

Other,"Independent Research project: Nonlinear Crystal Waveguide Sum Frequency Bandwidth,". (20072007).

Other,"American Physical Society poster "Some Investigations with Fiber Coupled Laser Diode Modules for Use in Precision Spectroscopy",". (20052006).

Other,"Thesis "Laser Frequency Doubling in an External Resonant Optical Cavity",". (20032005).

Other,"American Physical Society poster "Work on an Atomic Beam Apparatus for Precision Laser spectroscopy of Tritium",". (20032004).

Other,"American Physical Society poster "Improvements in an Atomic Beam Apparatus for Use in Precision Spectroscopy of Helium",". (20022004).

Other,"Thesis "Precision Measurements of the Hyperfine Structure of the 23P state of 3He",". (20012003).

Other,"Thesis "Theoretical Study of Second Harmonic Generation of a Blue Laser at 486 nm Using a BBO Crystal in a Standing Wave Build Up Cavity",". (20002002).

Other,"Senior Thesis "Precision Measurements in the Fine Structure of Helium",". (20002001).

Other,"American Physical Society poster "Exploring Systematic Uncertainties in a Precise Laser Measurement of the Fine Structure of Atomic Helium",". (19992000).

Other,"Coauthor "Precise Measurement of the J=1 to J=2 Fine Structure Interval in the 23P State of Helium",". (19971999).

Other,"Coauthor "Precise Measurement of the J=1 to J=2 Fine Structure Interval in the 23P State of Helium",". (19971999).

Other,"Thesis "Precision Atomic Spectroscopy with an Integrated Electro-Optic Modulator and DBR Diode Laser at 1083 nm",". (19971999).

Other,"Thesis "Precision Spectroscopy Using a High Speed Integrated Electro-Optic Modulator",". (19951997).

Other,"American Physical Society poster "Work Towards a New Precision Source of Alpha Using Helium Fine Structure",". (19951997).

Other,"American Physical Society poster "Laser Spectroscopy in Helium: Towards a New Atomic Physics Source of Alpha",". (19951996).

Other,"American Physical Society poster "Laser Spectroscopy in Helium: Towards a New Atomic Physics Source of Alpha",". (19951996).


Published Intellectual Contributions

Abstracts and Proceedings
Pound, J., Cameron, G., Tidwell, J., Shiner, D. C. (2023). Work on Precision Helium Spectroscopy: Some Experimental Details with Regard to Laser Alignment and B Field Measurement and Modeling.. Bulletin of the American Physical Society. 68(7), . https://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/DAMOP23/Session/F01.114
Cameron, G., Pound, J., Shiner, D. C. (2022). Work on Improving the Precision of Helium Laser Spectroscopy. Bulletin of the American Physical Society. 67(7), . https://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/DAMOP22/Session/V01.85
Shiner, D. C., Cameron, G., Khademian, A., Friedrichsen, A. (2021). Update on Improving the Precision of Helium Laser Spectroscopy. Bulletin of the American Physical Society. 66(6), . American Physical Society. https://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/DAMOP21/Session/V01.127
Shiner, D. C., Cameron, G., Cuevas, J., Khademian, A. (2020). Continued Work on Improving the Precision of Helium Laser Spectroscopy. Bulletin of the American Physical Society. 65(4), . http://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/DAMOP20/Session/E01.157
Shiner, D. C., Currey, R., Cameron, G., Thornton, E., Khademian, A. (2019). Convenient fiber laser sources for use in atomic physics. Bulletin of the American Physical Society. 64(4), . http://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/DAMOP19/Session/S01.95
Shiner, D. C., Nook, C., Cameron, G. (2019). Efforts to Improve Precision Laser Spectroscopy of Helium Fine Structure. Bulletin of the American Physical Society. 64(4), . http://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/DAMOP19/Session/L01.36
Shiner, D. C., Khademian, A., Currey, R., Truscott, M. (2018). Developing convenient fiber and solid state laser sources for use in atomic physics. Bulletin of the American Physical Society. 63(5), . http://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/DAMOP18/Session/T01.152
Shiner, D. C., Cameron, G., Nook, C., Florence, J. T., Alnasser, K. (2018). Work on Improving Precision Laser Spectroscopy of Helium Fine Structure. Bulletin of the American Physical Society. 63(5), . http://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/DAMOP18/Session/M01.92
Shiner, D. C., Khademian, A., Jampani, S., Truscott, M., Jayaraj, A. (2017). Current studies and improvements on a single frequency blue source generated by second harmonic from IR. Bulletin of the American Physical Society. 62(8), 1. http://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/DAMOP17/Session/K1.129
Shiner, D. C., Cameron, G., Currey, R., Alnasser, K., Nook, C., Khademian, A. (2017). Ongoing Work to Improve Precision Laser Spectroscopy of Helium Fine Structure. Bulletin of the American Physical Society. 62(8), 1. http://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/DAMOP17/Session/D1.3
Shiner, D. C., Khademian, A. (2016). Current work on developing more convenient single frequency blue and UV lasers using second harmonic generation.. Bulletin of the American Physical Society. 61(8), . http://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/DAMOP16/Session/K1.63
Shiner, D. C., Khademian, A., Cameron, G., Nault, K. (2016). Making custom fiber lasers for use in an atomic physics experiment. Bulletin of the American Physical Society. 61(8), . http://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/DAMOP16/Session/D1.74
Shiner, D. C., Khademian, A., Jadhav, S. (2015). 0.5W CW single frequency blue at 486 nm via SHG with net conversion of 81.5% from the NIR using a 30 mm PPMgO:SLT crystal in a resonant cavity. 9347, . https://www.spiedigitallibrary.org/conference-proceedings-of-spie/9347/93470C/05W-CW-single-frequency-blue-at-486-nm-via-SHG/10.1117/12.2077307.full
Shiner, D. C. (2008). "Developing Laser Sources for High Precision Atomic Spectroscopy".
Shiner, D. C. (2006). "Improvements on a Laser Spectroscopy Experiment to Measure Helium Fine Structure".
Shiner, D. C. (2006). "Some Investigations with Fiber Coupled Laser Diode Modules for Use in Precision Spectroscopy".
Shiner, D. C. (2006). "Work on Laser Sources for High Precision Spectroscopy".
Shiner, D. C. (2005). "High Power FBG Stabilized Precision IR Laser Source and Application to Convenient Second Harmonic Generation,".
Shiner, D. C. (2005). "Work on Improving a High Precision Experiment in Helium,".
Shiner, D. C. (2004). "Improvements in an Atomic Beam Apparatus for Use in Precision Spectroscopy of Helium,".
Shiner, D. C. (2004). "Initial Results on an Approach for Creating Tunable UV Radiation for Spectroscopy at 243 nm,".
Shiner, D. C. (2004). "Precise Measurement of the J=0 to J=2 Fine Structure Interval in the 2P Triplet State of Helium,".
Shiner, D. C. (2004). "Work on an Atomic Beam Apparatus for Precision Laser spectroscopy of Tritium,".
Shiner, D. C. (2003). "Investigating an Approach for Creating Tunable UV Radiation for Spectroscopy at 243nm,".
Shiner, D. C. (2003). "Measurement of the Fine and Hyperfine Structure in the triplet 2S-2P transition of Helium-3,".
Shiner, D. C. (2002). "Measurement of the Fine and Hyperfine Structure in the Triplet 2S-2P transition of Helium-3,".
Shiner, D. C. (2002). "Measurement of the J=2 to J=0 Fine Structure Interval of the 2S-2P transition in Helium,".
Shiner, D. C. (2002). "Study of Methods for Producing a Tunable UV Laser for Spectroscopy at 243 nm,".
Shiner, D. C. (2000). "Exploring Systematic Uncertainties in a Precise Laser Measurement of the Fine Structure of Atomic Helium,".
Shiner, D. C. (2000). "Precision Measurement of the J=1 to J=2 Fine Structure Interval in the 2P Triplet State of Helium,".
Shiner, D. C. (2000). "Testing Atomic Theory and Experiment with Helium Fine Structure,".
Shiner, D. C. (1999). "Work on a Precision Measurement of Helium Fine Structure,".
Shiner, D. C. (1991). "Measurement of the Lamb Shift of He 21S0,".
Shiner, D. C. (1984). "Current Work on Two-Photon Excitation in a Hydrogen Beam for the Measurement of the Rydberg Constant and me/mp,".
Book Chapter
Shiner, D. C. (1999). "Precision Atomic Spectroscopy with an Integrated Electro-Optic Modulator,".
Journal Article
Cameron, G., Cuevas, J., Pound, J., Shiner, D. C. (2021). A Miniature Permanent Magnet Assembly with Localized and Uniform Field with an Application to Optical Pumping of Helium. European Journal of Applied Sciences. 11(19), 13. Basel: MDPI. https://doi.org/10.3390/app11198886
Currey, R., Khademian, A., Shiner, D. C. (2020). Development of a Thulium Fiber Laser for an Atomic Spectroscopy Experiment. Journal of Engineered Fibers. 8(2), . MDPI. https://doi.org/10.3390/fib8020012
Shiner, D. C. (2011). Blue Laser Via IR Resonant Doubling with 71% Fiber to Fiber Efficiency. Optics Letters. 36(15), . https://www.osapublishing.org/ol/abstract.cfm?URI=ol-36-15-2940
Shiner, D. C., Smiciklas, M. (2010). Determination of the Fine Structure Constant Using Helium Fine Structure. Physical Review Letters. 105, . http://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.123001
Shiner, D. C. (2007). "Evaluation of a 486 nm Single Frequency Source Using an MgO:PPLN Waveguide Doubled Semiconductor Laser,".
Shiner, D. C. (2000). "Precise Measurement of the J=1 to J=2 Fine Structure Interval in the 23P State of Helium,".
Shiner, D. C. (2000). "Precise Measurement of the J=1 to J=2 Fine Structure Interval in the 23P State of Helium,".
Shiner, D. C. (1995). "Measuring the Fine Structure Constant Using Helium Fine Structure,".
Shiner, D. C. (1995). "Three-Nucleon Charge Radius: A Precise Laser Determination Using 3He,".
Shiner, D. C. (1994). "Precise Measurement of the Lamb Shift and Fine Structure of the 2S-2P Transition in Triplet Helium,".
Shiner, D. C. (1993). "H2, D2, and HD Ionization Potentials by Accurate Calibration of Several Iodine Lines,".
Shiner, D. C. (1991). "Measurement of the Lamb Shifts in Singlet Levels of Atomic Helium,".

Presentations Given


Ali Khademian, Shilpa Jadhav and David Shiner. (20142014).

Nima Rezaeian and David Shiner. (20142014).

Ali Khademian and David Shiner. (20132013).

Ali Khademian, Koustubh Danekar, Nafiseh Aflakian and David Shiner. (20122012).

Nima Hassan Rezaeian, Ali Khademian, and David Shiner. (20122012).

Koustubh Danekar, Ali Khademian, Nema Rezaeian and David Shiner. (20102010).

Marc Smiciklas and David Shiner. (20102010).

Ali Khademian, Marc Smiciklas, Koustubh Danekar, Nic Rady and David Shiner. (20082008).

Ali Khademian, Koustubh Danekar, Krista Jensen and David Shiner. (20062006).

Ali Khademian, Marc Smiciklas, Koustubh Danekar and David Shiner. (20062006).

Marc Smiciklas, Ali Khademian and David Shiner. (20062006).

Ali Khademian and David Shiner. (20052005).

Marc Smiciklas, Koustubh Danekar, Ali Khademian and David Shiner. (20052005).

Ali Khademian and David Shiner. (20042004).

David McNeil, Ali Khademian and David Shiner. (20042004).

Marc Smiciklas and David Shiner. (20042004).

Nicolas Lopez, Koustubh Danekar, Marc Smiciklas, and David Shiner. (20042004).

Ali Khademian and David Shiner. (20032003).

Marc Smiciklas and David Shiner. (20032003).

Ali Khademian and David Shiner. (20022002).

Marc Smiciklas and David Shiner. (20022002).

D. Shiner. (20002000).

J. Castillega, D. Livingston and D. Shiner. (20002000).

Leslie Prochaska, Drake Livingston, Jaime Castillega, Aric Sanders and D. Shiner,. (20002000).

D. Livingston, J. Castillega, A. Sanders and D. Shiner. (19991999).

Chris Koelher, Drake Livingston and David Shiner, "Precision Spectroscopy Using a High Speed Integrated Electro-Optic Modulator," Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 43 1318 (1998).. (19981998).

Zhiming Wu, Chris Koelher, and David Shiner, "Work Towards a New Precision Source of Alpha Using Helium Fine Structure," presented at the 1997 general meeting of the American Physical Society, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 42 1085 (1997).. (19971997).

D. Shiner, "Lamb Shifts in Helium: Two-electron Systems, Alpha, and Few-Body Nuclear Physics," presented at the Texas Conference on Foundations and Applications of QED in honor of Willis Lamb, Bellingham WA, Aug. 19-21, 1996. (Invited talk). (19961996).

D. Shiner, "Precision Spectroscopy in Helium and the Interface with Nuclear Physics," presented at the 1996 meeting of the Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics of the American Physical Society, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 40 1080 (1996). (Invited talk). (19961996).

Z.-M. Wu, C. Koelher, P. Iverson, and D. Shiner, "Laser Spectroscopy in Helium: Towards a New Atomic Physics Source of Alpha," presented at the 1996 fall meeting of the Texas Section of the American Physical Society, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 41 1850 (1996).. (19961996).

D. Shiner and R. Dixson, "The Fine and Hyperfine Structure of the Triplet 2S-2P Transition in Helium," presented at the 1995 meeting of the Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics of the American Physical Society, Toronto Canada, May 16-19, 1995, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 40 1280 (1995).. (19951995).

D. Shiner, "High Precision Lamb Shift Measurements and Tests of Few-Body Nuclear Theory," presented at an international conference on Quantum Optics in Fundamental and Applied Physics," Jackson Hole, WY, Aug. 9-12, 1995. (Invited talk). (19951995).

D. Shiner, "Laser Spectroscopy of Helium for Precise Measurements of A=3 and A=4 Nuclear Sizes," presented at the annual meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics of the American Physical Society, Bloomington IN, Oct. 25-28, 1995, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 40 1613 (1995).. (19951995).

D. Shiner and R. Dixson, "Measuring the Fine Structure Constant, , Using Helium Fine Structure," presented at the 1994 Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements, Boulder C0. June 27-July 1, 1994.. (19941994).

D. Shiner, R. Dixson and V. Vedantham. (19941994).

D. Shiner, R. Dixson and V. Vedantham, "A Precise Measurement of the Charge Radius of the 3He Nucleus Using Laser Spectroscopy and a 3He-4He Isotope Shift," presented at the 1994 joint meeting of the American Physical Society and the American Association of Physics Teachers, Washington D.C., April 1994 (Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 39 1239 (1994)).. (19941994).

D. Shiner, R. Dixson and V. Vedantham, "A Precise Measurement of the Charge Radius of the 3He Nucleus Using Laser Spectroscopy and a 3He-4He Isotope Shift," presented at the joint meeting of the American Physical Society and the American Association of Physics Teachers, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 39 1239 (1994).. (19941994).

D. Shiner, R. Dixson and V. Vedantham, "An Atomic Physics Test of Realistic Models of the Nuclear Force," paper presented at the Fourteenth International Conference on Atomic Physics, Boulder CO, July 31-Aug. 5, 1994.. (19941994).

D. Shiner, R. Dixson and V. Vedantham, "The Three Nucleon Charge Radius: A Precise Laser Determination," paper presented at the 14th International Conference on Few Body Problems in Physics, Williamsburg Virginia, May 26-31, 1994.. (19941994).

D. Shiner, R. Dixson and V. Vedantham, "The Three Nucleon Charge Radius: A Precise Laser Determination," paper presented at the 14th International Conference on Few Body Problems in Physics, Williamsburg Virginia, May 26-31, 1994.. (19941994).

R. Dixson and D. Shiner, "The Lamb Shift and Fine Structure of the 23S-23P Transition in Helium," presented at the 1994 joint meeting of the American Physical Society and the American Association of Physics Teachers, Washington D.C., April 1994 (Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 39 1059 (1994)).. (19941994).

R. Dixson and D. Shiner, "The Lamb Shift and Fine Structure of the 23S-23P Transition in Helium," presented at the joint meeting of the American Physical Society and the American Association of Physics Teachers, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 39 1059 (1994).. (19941994).

V. Vedantham, R. Dixson and D. Shiner, "A Precise Measurement of a 3He-4He Isotope Shift and a New Value for the Charge Radius of the 3He Nucleus," presented at the 1993 fall meeting of the New England Section of the APS, Oct. 1994 (Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 39 1431 (1994)).. (19941994).

D. Shiner, "Precision Measurement in Triplet Helium of the 2S to 2P Transition and its Fine Structure," invited poster at the 1993 Gordon Conference on Atomic Physics, Wolfeboro, NH, July 5-9, 1993. (Invited poster). (19931993).

D. Shiner, R. Dixson and P. Zhao "Precision Measurement in Triplet Helium of the 2S to 2P Transition and its Fine Structure," postdeadline paper, APS Meeting of the Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Reno Nevada, May 1993.. (19931993).

D. Shiner, "Wavelength Measurements That are More Precise Than the Realization of the Meter," presented at the Quantum Electronics and Laser Sciences Conference, Anaheim, CA, May 10-15, 1992, OSA Technical Digest Series 13, 54 (1992). (Invited talk). (19921992).

W. Lichten, D. Shiner and Zhi-Xiang Zhou, "First Two-Photon Spectroscopy of Singlet Helium", Twelfth International Conference on Atomic Physics, Abstracts of Contributed Papers, VIII-24, Ann Arbor, MI, July 29 - August 3, 1990. (Invited talk, D. Shiner presented). (19901990).

Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research

Grant - Research
Shiner, D. C. (Principal), "A table-top magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) system," Sponsored by Universtiy of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, State, $33027 Funded. (September 1, 2017August 31, 2019).
Shiner, D. C. (Principal), "Precision Laser Studies of Basic Atoms and Nuclei," Sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, $407072 Funded. (September 1, 2014August 31, 2019).
Shiner, D. C. (Principal), "Precision Laser Studies of Basic Atoms and Nuclei," Sponsored by National Science Foundation, $405000. (20112014).
Shiner, D. C. (Principal), "Research Experience for Undergraduates Supplement," Sponsored by National Science Foundation, $10000. (20032005).
Shiner, D. C. (Other), "Capital Equipment support for NSF grant," Sponsored by University of North Texas, $45000. (20002005).
Shiner, D. C. (Principal), "Precision Laser Studies of Basic Atoms and Nuclei," Sponsored by National Science Foundation, $284655. (20002005).
Shiner, D. C. (Principal), "Research Experience for Undergraduates Supplement," Sponsored by National Science Foundation, $5000. (20022003).
Shiner, D. C. (Other), "Shared Capital Equipment on Laser Experiments," Sponsored by University of North Texas, $61000. (19992001).
Shiner, D. C. (Other), "Capital Equipment support for NIST grant," Sponsored by University of North Texas, $45000. (19972001).
Shiner, D. C. (Principal), "Laser Spectroscopy of the Helium Atom for a Determination of the Fine Structure Constant," Sponsored by National Institute of Standards and Technology, $150000. (19972001).
Shiner, D. C. (Other), "Start-up Capital Equipment," Sponsored by University of North Texas, $35000. (19982000).
Shiner, D. C. (Other), "Junior Faculty Summer Research Award," Sponsored by University of North Texas, $5000. (19971997).
Shiner, D. C. (Other), "Capital Equipment support for THECB grant," Sponsored by University of North Texas, $99200. (19961997).
Shiner, D. C. (Principal), "Laser Spectroscopy of the Helium Atom for a Determination of the Fine Structure Constant," Sponsored by Texas Higher Education Coordinatiing Board, $63000. (19961997).
Shiner, D. C. (Other), "Junior Faculty Summer Research Award," Sponsored by University of North Texas, $5000. (19951995).
Shiner, D. C. (Co-Principal), "Laser Spectroscopy National Science," Sponsored by Basic Atoms Foundation, $291294. (19911994).


University Service

Member, Faculty Senate Oversite Committee on the Core Curriculum. (January 1, 2022 – Present).

Committee Member, Faculty Senate. (September 2023August 2025).

Committee Member, Executive Committee. (June 2022June 2024).

Member, Outreach. (September 2021September 2023).

Committee Chair, Ad-Hoc Grade Appeal. (December 2021May 2023).

Member, Physics department computational resources (COMSOL). (September 2019September 2021).

Committee Member, Executive Committee. (September 2020May 2021).

Member, Undergraduate Committee. (September 1, 2017September 2020).

Committee Member, Ad Hoc Grievance Committee. (June 1, 2019July 1, 2019).

Chairperson, Graduate Committee. (September 01, 2016August 31, 2017).

Member, Ad hoc committee on Advanced Undergrad Lab. (20142016).

Member, Physics Ad-Hoc Recruitment Committee. (20142016).

Member, Physics Facilities Committee. (20122013).

Member, Physics Graduate Committee. (20082013).

Committee Chair, Optical Physics Search Committee. (20112012).

Member, Physics Chair Search. (20102011).

Member, Physics Executive Committee. (20092011).

Committee Chair, Optical Physics Search Committee. (20072009).

Committee Chair, Exam Committee. (20062009).

Committee Chair, Facilities Committee. (20052008).

Member, Arts and Sciences Ad Hoc Space Policy Committee. (20062007).

Other, Committee on the Evaluation of University Administrators. (20062007).

Other, Committee on the Evaluation of University Administrators. (20052006).

Committee Chair, Facilities Committee. (20042005).

Committee Chair, Faculty Senate, Committee on the Evaluation of University Administrators. (20042005).

Other, Executive Committee, Masters & Ph.D. Exam Committee. (20032004).

Other, Faculty Senate, Committee on the Evaluation of University Administrators/ Faculty Senate Election Committee. (20032004).

Other, Executive Committee. (20022003).

Other, Faculty Senate, Committee on the Evaluation of University Administrators/ Faculty Senate Election Committee. (20022003).

Other, Search committee. (20012002).

Other, Personnel Committee and Masters & Ph.D. Exam Committee. (20002001).

Member, Undergraduate Committee. (19971999).

Member, Facilities Committee. (19941998).

Other, Physics Colloquium Coordinator. (19961997).

Member, Election Committee. (19951997).

Professional Service

Reviewer, Grant Proposal, NIST (Nat. Inst. St. Tech.) Precision Measurement Grants Committee. (January 1, 2010 – Present).

Guest Speaker, Texas A&M Commerce, Commerce, Texas. (2013).

Other, University of North Texas. (20102010).

University of Texas at Arlington Physics Colloquium. (20022002).

Physics Olympics. (19952002).

Argonne National Laboratory (atomic physics seminar). (20002000).

University of North Texas (colloquium). (20002000).

University of Texas at Austin (atomic physics seminar). (19971997).

Mean Green Physics Demonstration Team. (19961996).

University of North Texas (colloquium). (19951995).

Assistant Election Judge. (19941995).

Yale (nuclear physics seminar). (19941994).

Yale (colloquium). (19931993).

University of Delaware (atomic physics seminar). (19911991).

Yale (atomic physics seminar). (19891989).

University of Michigan (atomic physics seminar). (19881988).

Public Service

Committee Member, UNT Physics Olympics, Denton, Texas. (January 2023 – Present).

Program Organizer, Mean Green Physics Demonstration Team, Denton, Texas. (January 1, 1995 – Present).