Dr. Tracy L. Dietz
University of North Texas
(940) 565-3534


PhD, University of North Texas, 1995.
Major: Sociology - Social Organization and Disorganization
Degree Specialization: Diversity, Health, Aging Studies
Dissertation Title: Bureaucracy and the Mexican American Elderly: Utilization of Formal and Informal Social Services.
MA, University of North Texas, 1992.
Major: Sociology
Dissertation Title: 'Predictors of Health Care and Social Service Utilization and Perceived Need among the Disabled Elderly in Canada.'
BA, Stephen F. Austin State University, 1990.
Major: Sociology
Degree Specialization: Communications

Professional Positions

Academic - Post-Secondary
Coordinator, Assessment and Accreditation, University of Central Florida, Office of the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs. (October 2007August 2009).
Associate Professor, University of Central Florida, Department of Sociology. (August 2003August 2009).
Interim Co-Director, Information Fluency Initiative (QEP),, University of Central Florida. (August 2007December 2007).
Faculty Fellow, Office of the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, University of Central Florida. (August 2006October 2007).
Assistant Professor, University of Central Florida, Department of Sociology & Anthropology. (August 1997August 2003).
Post Doctoral Research Fellow, University of New Hampshire, Family Research Laboratory. (February 1996July 1997).
Research Scientist, University of North Texas, Minority Aging Research Institute. (August 1995February 1996).
Associate Dean, University of North Texas. (August 17, 2009 – Present).

Licensures and Certifications

Graduate Certification in Aging Studies. (1994 – Present).

Post-doctoral Research Fellowship, University of New Hampshire. (19961997).

Professional Memberships

AACSB. (2009 – Present).

Society for the Study of Social Problems. (1992 – Present).

American Sociological Association. (1991 – Present).

Southwestern Social Science Association. (1991 – Present).

Southwestern Sociological Association. (1991 – Present).

Alpha Kappa Delta International Sociology Honor Society. (19892005).

Development Activities Attended

Conference Attendance,"AACSB Global Accreditation Conference," AACSB, Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America. (September 13, 2022September 15, 2022).

Conference Attendance,"AACSB Associate Dean's Conference," AACSB, St. Petersburg, Florida, United States of America. (October 27, 2021October 29, 2021).

Conference Attendance,"AACSB Global Accreditation Conference," AACSB, Virtual, Virtual, United States of America. (September 22, 2020September 25, 2020).

Conference Attendance,"AACSB Global Accreditation Conference," AACSB, San Antonio, TX, United States of America. (September 15, 2019September 17, 2019).

Conference Attendance,"Society for the Study of Social Problems Annual Meeting," Society for the Study of Social Problems, New York, NY, United States of America. (August 2019August 2019).

Conference Attendance,"Southwestern Social Science Association Annual Meeting," SSSA, Orlando, Texas, United States of America. (October 10, 2018October 13, 2018).

Conference Attendance,"ICAM," AACSB, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States of America. (April 20, 2018April 24, 2018).

Conference Attendance,"Southwestern Social Science Association Annual Meeting," SSSA, Austin, Texas, United States of America. (April 12, 2017April 15, 2017).

Workshop,"Continuous Improvement Review Seminar," AACSB, Minneapolis, MN, United States of America. (September 17, 2016).

Conference Attendance,"Southwestern Social Science Association Annual Meeting," SSSA, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States of America. (April 2016April 2016).

Seminar,"Impact Forum," AACSB, Tampa, Fl, United States of America. (October 10, 2015October 22, 2015).

Conference Attendance,"Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems," SSSP, Chicago, Illinois, United States of America. (August 2015August 2015).

Conference Attendance,"Southwestern Social Science Association Annual Meeting," SSSA, Denver, Colorado, United States of America. (April 2015April 2015).

Conference Attendance,"ICAM," AACSB, Tampa, Fl, United States of America. (April 26, 2015April 28, 2015).

Conference Attendance,"Associate Deans Conference," AACSB, San Antonio, Tx, United States of America. (November 11, 2014November 13, 2014).

Conference Attendance,"Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems," SSSP, San Francisco, CA, United States of America. (August 2014August 2014).

Conference Attendance,"Southwestern Social Science Association Annual Meeting," SSSA, San Antonio, Tx, United States of America. (April 2014April 2014).

Conference Attendance,"Accreditation Conference," AACSB, St. Louis, Mo, United States of America. (September 22, 2013September 24, 2013).


Teaching Experience

University of North Texas
ACCT 4800, Internship, 1 course.
BUSI 4700, Topics in International Business Practices and Policies, 2 courses.
DSCI 4800, Cooperative Education, 1 course.
FINA 4800, Internship, 1 course.
LSCM 4800, Logistics Internship, 2 courses.
MGMT 3880, Business Ethics and Social Responsibility, 7 courses.
MGMT 4800, Internship, 2 courses.
MGMT 5260, Employment, Placement and Personnel Planning, 7 courses.
MGMT 5550, Emerging Issues in Health Services Management, 6 courses.
MGMT 5660, International Management, 2 courses.
MGMT 5710, Seminar in Business Ethics and Social Responsibility, 4 courses.
MKTG 4800, Internship in Marketing, 2 courses.

Directed Student Learning

Dissertation Defense Committee Member, Counseling and Higher Education. (January 1, 2017 – Present).

Supervised Research,"O Mercado de Trabalho Para Os Tecnologos," Other - Outside UNT. (July 30, 2017November 6, 2017).


Published Intellectual Contributions

Book Chapter
Wright, J. D., Donley, A., Dietz, T. L., McNamara, R. H. (2008). Elderly Homelessness: A Growing Concern. Homeless in America. Greenwood Press.
Dietz, T. L., Jasinski, J. L., R. Tewksbury & E. E. Mustaine, (2003). Does Theory Really Guide Survey Research? Why is Theory Important in Surveys?. Controversies in Criminal Justice Research. Cincinnati, OH: Anderson Publishing.
Dietz, T. L., R. Tewksbury & E. E. Mustaine, (2003). The Value of Purely Theoretical Research vs. More 'Practical' Research. Controversies in Criminal Justice Research. Cincinnati, OH: Anderson Publishing.
Journal Article
Lanier, D. N., Dietz, T. L. (2012). Time Dynamics of Elder Victimization: Evidence from the NCVS, 1992 to 2005. Social Science Research. 41(2), 444-463.
Dietz, T. L. (2011). Substance Misuse, Suicidal Ideation and Suicide Attempts Among a National Sample of Homeless. Journal of Social Service Research. 37(1), 1-18.
Dietz, T. L. (2009). Drug and Alcohol Use among the Older Homeless: Predictors of Reported Current and Lifetime Substance Abuse Problems in a National Sample. Journal of Applied Gerontology. 28, 235-255.
Lanier, D., Dietz, T. L. (2009). Elder criminal victimization: Its relative rate compared to non-elders, 1992-2005. Social Science Journal. 46, 442-458.
Dietz, T. L. (2007). Predictors of Reported Current and Lifetime Substance Use Related Problems among a National Sample of Homeless. Substance Use & Misuse. 42(11), 1745-1766.
Dietz, T. L., Jasinski, J. L. (2007). The Effect of Item Order on Reports of Intimate Partner Violence: An Examination of the Revised Conflict Tactics Scales. Social Science Research. 36(1), 353-373.
Dietz, T. L. (2006). Data Analysis Exercises to Teach Research in Sociology of Aging On-line: An Examination of Student Satisfaction. Educational Gerontology. 32(10), 807-824.
Nabors, E. L., Dietz, T. L., Jasinski, J. L. (2006). Domestic Violence Beliefs and Perceptions among College Students. Violence and Victims. 21(6), 783-799.
Dietz, T. L. (2006). The Effect of Data Analysis Modules in a Large Enrollment Introductory Sociology Course: Lessons for the Social Sciences. Innovative Higher Education. 31(1), 27-42.
Dietz, T. L., Wright, J. D. (2005). Age and Gender Differences and Predictors of Victimization of the Homeless. Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect. 17(1), 37-60.
Dietz, T. L., Castora, M. (2005). Attitudes Toward Welfare State Spending for Old Age Programs: An Analysis of Period and Cohort Differences. Care Management Journals: The Journal of Long Term Home Health Care. 6(4), 205-214.
Dietz, T. L., Wright, J. D. (2005). Victimization of the Elderly Homeless. Care Management Journals: The Journal of Long Term Home Health Care. 6(1), 15-22.
Jasinski, J. L., Dietz, T. L. (2003). Domestic Violence and Stalking among Older Adults: An Assessment of Risk Markers. Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect. 15(1), 3-18.
Dietz, T. L., Jasinski, J. L. (2003). Explaining Female Perpetrated Partner Violence and Aggression: Masculinity, Femininity, and Violence. Women & Criminal Justice. 15(1), 81-100.
Dietz, T. L., Wright, J. D. (2003). Racial and Ethnic Identity of Older Adults Residing in Assisted Living Facilities in Central Florida. Care Management Journals: The Journal of Long Term Home Health Care. 3(4), .
Dietz, T. L. (2002). Predictors of Success in Large Enrollment Introductory Courses: An Examination of the Impact of Learning Communities and Virtual Learning Resources on Student Success in an Introductory Level Sociology Course. Teaching Sociology. 30(1), 80-88.
Dietz, T. L. (2001). The Mexican American Elderly and Supplemental Security Income: Reasons and Characteristics Associated with Non-Use. Journal of Applied Gerontology. 20(3), 292-306.
Tsang, C. R., Dietz, T. L. (2001). The Unrelenting Significance of Minority Statuses: Gender, Ethnicity, and Economic Attainment Since Affirmative Action. Sociological Spectrum. 21(1), 61-80.
Dietz, T. L. (2000). Disciplining Children: Characteristics Associated with the Use of Corporal Punishment and Non-Violent Discipline. Child Abuse & Neglect. 24(12), 1529-1542.
Dietz, T. L. (1998). An Examination of Violence and Gender Role Portrayals in Video Games: Implications for Gender Socialization and Aggressive Behavior. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research. 38(5/6), 425-442.
Dietz, T. L., John, R., Roy, L. C. (1998). Intra-ethnic Diversity: Patterns of Service Utilization among Four Groups of Hispanic Elderly. International Journal on Aging and Human Development. 46(3), 247-266.
Dietz, T. L. (1997). Familial Support and the Older Mexican American. Southwest Journal on Aging. 12(1/2), 38-45.
Dietz, T. L. (1997). Family and Formal Assistance with Activity Limitations: Who Helps the Mexican American Elderly?. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences. 19(3), 334-353.
John, R., Roy, L. C., Dietz, T. L. (1997). Setting Priorities in Aging Populations: Formal Service Use among Mexican American Female Elders. Journal of Aging & Social Policy. 9(1), 69-86.
Dietz, T. L. (1997). The Mexican American Elderly and Formal Service Utilization: Effective Policy and Programming. Southwest Journal on Aging. 13(1), 45-51.
Roy, L. C., Dietz, T. L., John, R. K. (1996). Determining Patterns of Formal Service Use among Mexican American Elderly: Improving Empirical Techniques for Policy and Practice. Journal of Gerontological Social Work. 26(3-4), 65-81.
John, R. K., Dietz, T. L., Giddings, R., Roy, L. C., Salvini, M. (1996). Improving American Indian Eldercare Through Enhanced Community Educational Resources. Gerontology & Geriatrics Education. 17(1), 65-82.
John, R. K., Salvini, M., Dietz, T. L., Giddings, R., Roy, L. C. (1996). Training in Support of the American Indian Eldercare Campaign: Replication of an American Indian Home-Care Training Program. Educational Gerontology. 22(8), 723-734.
Dietz, T. L. (1995). Patterns of Intergenerational Assistance within the Mexican American Family: Is the family taking care of the older generation's needs?. Journal of Family Issues. 16(3), 344-356.

Presentations Given

Keynote/Plenary Address

Dietz, T. L., Alpha Kappa Delta Induction Ceremony for Texas Wesleyan University, Texas Wesleyan University, Fort Worth, Texas. (2010).


Dietz, T. L. (Author), Society for the Study of Social Problems, Older Workers: A Cross-cultural Examination of Attitudes toward Older Employees and Their Effect on the Work Enviornment, New York, NY, United States of America. (20192019).

Dietz, T. L. (Author), Andrade, L. (Author), Society for the Study of Social Problems, Cracking the Glass Ceiling in Higher Education, Las Vegas, NV, United States of America. (20112011).


University Service

Committee Member, Evaluation of Prior Learning. (November 1, 2021 – Present).

Committee Member, Faculty Credentialing Committee. (August 8, 2017 – Present).

Faculty Advisor, Women in Business Student Organization. (August 2012 – Present).

Committee Member, FIREL Business Law Clinical Professor Search Committee. (20192019).

Committee Member, MGMT Clinical Faculty Search Committee. (20192019).

Committee Member, Department of Management Chair Search Committee. (20182019).

Committee Member, Doctoral Comprehensive Exam Committee. (20182019).

Committee Member, Vice Provost for International Efforts Search Committee. (January 14, 20162018).

Southwestern Social Science Association. (20102013).

Assurance of Learning - Institutional Service, Associate Dean for Assessment and Academic Reporting. (20092011).

Southwestern Social Science Association. (20092009).

Professional Service

Committee Member, Society for the Study of Social Problems. (August 2017 – Present).

Committee Member, Society for the Study of Social Problems. (August 2015 – Present).

Committee Member, Southwestern Social Science Association. (2010 – Present).

Editorial Review Board Member, Journal of Social Service Research. (2009 – Present).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Social Service Research. (2009 – Present).

Board of Advisors, Southwestern Social Science Association, New Orleans, Louisiana. (2009 – Present).

Program Organizer, Southwestern Social Science Association. (April 2008 – Present).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, The Gerontologist. (March 2022March 2022).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, The Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences. (February 2022February 2022).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, The Psychology of Violence. (June 2021June 2021).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Human Resource Management. (May 2021May 2021).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Human Resource Management Journal. (February 15, 2020May 15, 2020).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, The Open Biomedical Engineering Journal. (April 15, 2020May 8, 2020).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Human Resource Management. (20192019).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Psychology, Crime, and Law. (20192019).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Texas A&M University. (20192019).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Substance Abuse and Misuse. (July 2017July 2017).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Social Service Research. (June 1, 2017June 21, 2017).

Discussant, Southwestern Social Science Association, Austin, Tx. (April 12, 2017April 15, 2017).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Taylor and Francis, Denton, TX. (January 15, 2017February 10, 2017).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Forensice Criminology, Denton, TX. (January 16, 2017February 8, 2017).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Feminist Criminology. (20162016).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Child & Adolescent Mental Health, Denton, Texas. (20162016).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journals of Gerontology, Denton, Texas. (20162016).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Sex Roles (Journal). (20162016).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Violence Against Women. (20162016).

Committee Chair, Society for the Study of Social Problems. (August 2015August 2016).

Committee Member, Society for the Study of Social Problems. (August 2015August 2016).

Board of Directors, Society for the Study of Social Problems. (20122013).

Board of Directors, Society for the Study of Social Problems. (20112012).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Psychology of Violence. (20102010).

Committee Chair, Society for the Study of Social Problems. (20102010).

Committee Member, Society for the Study of Social Problems. (20102010).

Committee Member, Southwestern Social Science Association. (20102010).

Editorial Review Board Member, American Sociological Association. (20092010).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Teaching Sociology. (20092010).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Justice Quarterly. (20092009).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Sex Roles. (20092009).

Board of Advisors, Society for the Study of Social Problems. (20092009).

Committee Member, Society for the Study of Social Problems. (20092009).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Sociological Spectrum. (20092009).

Reviewer, Journal Article, The Gerontologist. (20092009).

Other, The SoTL Commons Conference. (20092009).

Public Service

Task Force Chair, Feral Cat Community -- Cooke County, Gainesville, TX. (June 2017 – Present).

Board Member, Gainesville Independent School District Foundation, Gainesville, Texas. (March 2016 – Present).

Other, Kindred Hearts Animal Transport, Texas. (2015 – Present).

Other, DASH Meals on Wheels, Gainesville, TX. (2014 – Present).

Committee Member, Krum Feral Cat Oversight Committee, Krum, Texas. (2014 – Present).

Other, UNT Feral Cat Group, Denton, Texas. (2011 – Present).

Other, National Brittany Rescue and Adoption Network, Valley View, TX. (September 12, 2019September 14, 2019).

Committee Member, Abigail's Arms Family Crisis Center, Gainesville, Texas. (August 1, 2016January 1, 2018).

Committee Member, GISD Educational Foundation -- Grant Review Committee, Gainesville, Texas. (November 1, 2017December 8, 2017).


Other, Southwestern Social Science Association, various, United States of America. (April 15, 2008 – Present).