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Dr. Xiaohui Yuan

Associate Professor

University of North Texas

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

(940) 565-4256



  • PhD, Tulane University, 2004
    Major: Computer Science
    Dissertation: Adaptive Fusion Using Wavelet and Subband Noise Modeling
  • MS, Tulane University, 2003
    Major: Computer Science
  • BS, Hefei Univ. of Tech, 1996
    Major: Electrical Engineering

Professional Positions

  • Associate Professor, UNT. UNT. (2012 - Present).
  • Assistant Professor, UNT. UNT. (2006 - 2012).

Professional Memberships

  • SPIE. (2008 - Present).
  • IEEE. (2001 - Present).


Teaching Experience

    University of North Texas

  • CSCE 2050 - Computer Science III, 11 courses.
  • CSCE 2900 - Special Problems in Computer Science and Engineering, 2 courses.
  • CSCE 3110 - Data Structures and Algorithms, 1 course.
  • CSCE 4010 - Social Issues in Computing, 16 courses.
  • CSCE 4011 - Engineering Ethics, 6 courses.
  • CSCE 4240 - Introduction to Digital Image Processing, 6 courses.
  • CSCE 4890 - Directed Study, 4 courses.
  • CSCE 4930 - Topics in Computer Science and Engineering, 3 courses.
  • CSCE 4950 - Special Problems in Computer Science and Engineering, 2 courses.
  • CSCE 4999 - Senior Thesis, 2 courses.
  • CSCE 5216 - Pattern Recognition, 12 courses.
  • CSCE 5222 - Feature Engineering, 5 courses.
  • CSCE 5225 - Digital Image Processing, 3 courses.
  • CSCE 5900 - Special Problems, 5 courses.
  • CSCE 5933 - Topics in Computer Science and Engineering, 6 courses.
  • CSCE 5934 - Directed Study, 23 courses.
  • CSCE 5950 - Master's Thesis, 23 courses.
  • CSCE 6260 - Advanced Topics in Pattern Recognition and Image Processing, 15 courses.
  • CSCE 6900 - Special Problems, 6 courses.
  • CSCE 6940 - Individual Research, 34 courses.
  • CSCE 6950 - Doctoral Dissertation, 36 courses.

Directed Student Learning

  • Dissertation Committee Chair, "tbd," Computer Science and Engineering. (2019).
  • Dissertation Committee Chair, Computer Science and Engineering. (2017).
  • Dissertation Committee Chair, Computer Science and Engineering. (2017).
  • Dissertation Committee Chair, Computer Science and Engineering. (2016).
  • Dissertation Committee Chair, Computer Science and Engineering. (2016).
  • Major Professor, "Registration of Point Sets with Large and Uneven Non-rigid Deformation," Computer Science and Engineering. (2017 - 2022).
  • Major Professor, "An Investigation of Scale Factor in Deep Networks for Scene Recognition," Computer Science and Engineering. (2017 - 2021).
  • Dissertation Committee Chair, Computer Science and Engineering. (2016 - 2018).
  • Other, Computer Science and Engineering. (2014 - 2018).
  • Postdoctoral Research Supervision, Computer Science and Engineering. (2014 - 2018).
  • Dissertation Committee Chair, "N/A," Computer Science and Engineering. (2014 - 2017).
  • Other, "N/A," (2014 - 2015).
  • Other, "Automatic Removal of Complex Shadows from Indoor Videos," (2013 - 2015).
  • Other, "Learning from Small Data Set for Object Recognition in Mobile Platforms," (2011 - 2015).
  • Other, "Biometric security," (2014 - 2014).
  • Other, "N/A," (2013 - 2014).
  • Dissertation Committee Chair, Computer Science and Engineering. (2011 - 2014).
  • Other, (2011 - 2013).
  • Other, (2011 - 2013).
  • Other, (2011 - 2013).
  • Other, "Boosting for Learning from Imbalanced, Multi-class Data Sets," (2009 - 2013).
  • Other, (2008 - 2013).
  • Other, (2012 - 2012).
  • Other, (2010 - 2012).
  • Other, (2010 - 2012).
  • Other, (2010 - 2012).
  • Other, (2009 - 2012).
  • Other, "Incremental Learning from Large Data Sets," (2007 - 2012).
  • Other, "Elicitation of Protein-Protein Interactions From Biomedical Literature using Association Rule Discovery," (2008 - 2010).
  • Other, "Urban Surface Characterizatio nusing LiDAR and Aerial Imagery," (2008 - 2009).

Awards and Honors

  • Air Force Summer Faculty Fellow, AFOSR. (2013).
  • Air Force Summer Faculty Fellow, AFOSR. (2012).
  • Thank a teacher program, UNT. (2012).
  • Transformative Instruction Initiative (TII) Fellow, UNT. (2012).
  • Air Force Summer Faculty Fellow, AFOSR. (2011).
  • Thank a teacher program, UNT. (2011).
  • Junior Faculty Summer Research Fellowship, UNT. (2008).
  • Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement award, Oak Ridge Associated Universities. (2008).
  • Junior Faculty Summer Research Fellowship, UNT. (2007).


Published Intellectual Contributions


  • Yuan, X., Krit, S., Elhoseny, M. (2021). Distributed Systems and Intelligent Systems.
  • Elhoseny, M., Yuan, X., Krit, S. (2020). Distributed Sensing and Intelligent Systems: Proceedings of ICDSIS 2020.
  • Yuan, X., Elhoseny, M. (2020). Urban Intelligence and Applications: Proceedings of ICUIA 2019.
  • Book Chapter

  • Parvathi, R., Yuan, X. (2023). Stock Market Analysis and Prediction Using ARIMA, Facebook Prophet, and Stacked Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Network. Scalable and Distributed Machine Learning and Deep Learning Patterns. 104--122. IGI Global.
  • Namdari, H., Nanda, D., Yuan, X. (2022). Progress in Computer Vision: Object Recognition. Bridging Human Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence. 75--82. Springer Nature.
  • Fan, Y., Zou, J., Liu, S., Yin, Q., Guan, X., Yuan, X. (2020). A Thin Client Error-Correcting Data Storage Framework Based on Blockchain. Urban Intelligence and Applications. 29--38. Springer, Cham.
  • Yang, S., Liu, X., Yuan, X., Chen, Q., Tong, S. (2020). A Unified Coherent-Incoherent Target Decomposition Method for Polarimetric SAR. Urban Intelligence and Applications. 69--79. Springer, Cham.
  • Fan, Y., Ouyang, T., Yuan, X. (2020). Controller Placements for Improving Flow Set-Up Reliability of Software-Defined Networks. Urban Intelligence and Applications. 3--13. Springer, Cham.
  • Liu, J., Miao, H., Yuan, X., Shi, J. (2020). Photonic Crystal Microstrip Antenna Array Design Using an Improved Boolean Particle Swarm Optimization. Urban Intelligence and Applications. 39--53. Springer, Cham.
  • Shi, J., Yuan, X., Elhoseny, M., Yuan, X. (2020). Weakly supervised deep learning for objects detection from images. Urban Intelligence and Applications. 231--242. Springer, Cham.
  • Yuan, X., Abouelenien, M., Elhoseny, M. (2018). A Boosting-Based Decision Fusion Method for Learning from Large, Imbalanced Face Data Set. Quantum Computing: An Environment for Intelligent Large Scale Real Application. 433--448. Springer, Cham.
  • Yuan, X., Feng, D., Zuo, Z. (2018). Automatic Construction of Aerial Corridor from Discrete LiDAR Point Cloud. Quantum Computing: An Environment for Intelligent Large Scale Real Application. 449--465. Springer, Cham.
  • Yuan, X., Situ, N., Yuan, X., Zouridakis, G. (2013). Automated Melanoma Screening and Early Detection. Computer Aided Cancer Detection and Diagnosis: Recent Advance. 173--210. SPIE Press.
  • Yuan, X., Sun, W., Han, D., Wang, J., Zhang, C., Yuan, X. (2012). Quality of Service in Networking for Smart Grid. Communication and Networking in Smart Grid. 166--180. CRC Press.
  • Conference Proceeding

  • Zhuang, C., Yuan, X., Guo, X., Wei, Z., Xu, J., Fan, Y. (2023). Improved Convolutional Neural Networks by Integrating High-frequency Information for Image Classification. Proceedings of the 2023 2nd Asia Conference on Algorithms, Computing and Machine Learning. 429--434.
  • Chen, T., Lyu, Z., Yuan, X., Wei, Z., Shi, L., Fan, Y. (2022). Edge Collaborative Task Scheduling and Resource Allocation Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning. Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications: 17th International Conference, WASA 2022, Dalian, China, November 24--26, 2022, Proceedings, Part III. 598--606.
  • Prasad, S., Prasad, A., Arockiasamy, K., Yuan, X. (2022). Emulation and Analysis of Software-Defined Networks for the Detection of DDoS Attacks. Computer, Communication, and Signal Processing: 6th IFIP TC 5 International Conference, ICCCSP 2022, Chennai, India, February 24--25, 2022, Revised Selected Papers. 213--231.
  • Li, X., Wei, Z., lyu, Z., Yuan, X., Xu, J., Zhang, Z. (2022). Federated Reinforcement Learning Based on Multi-head Attention Mechanism for Vehicle Edge Caching. Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications: 17th International Conference, WASA 2022, Dalian, China, November 24--26, 2022, Proceedings, Part III. 648--656.
  • Maharjan, A., Yuan, X. (2022). Registration of Human Point Set Using Automatic Key Point Detection and Region-Aware Features. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision. 741--749.
  • Wang, W., Chen, Z., Yuan, X., Guan, F. (2021). An adaptive weak light image enhancement method. Twelfth International Conference on Signal Processing Systems. 11719 1171902.
  • Qiao, Z., Yuan, X., Zhuang, C., Meyarian, A. (2021). Attention Pyramid Module for Scene Recognition. International Conference on Pattern Recognition 2020.
  • Xun, L., Feng, X., Chen, C., Yuan, X., Lu, Q. (2021). Graph Attention-Based Deep Neural Network for 3D Point Cloud Processing. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME). 1--6.
  • Meyarian, A., Yuan, X., Farnod, B.R., Shi, J., Liu, J. (2020). A Task-Aware Network for Multi-task Learning. International Conference on Urban Intelligence and Applications. 47--58.
  • Zhuang, C., Yuan, X., Wang, W. (2020). Boundary Enhanced Network for Improved Semantic Segmentation. International Conference on Urban Intelligence and Applications. 172--184.
  • Meyarian, A., Namdari, H., Yuan, X., Albert, M.V., Roeske, J.C. (2020). Phantom Tumor Tracking in Dual-Energy Fluoroscopy using a Kalman Filter. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM). 2023--2026.
  • Maharjan, A., Yuan, X. (2020). Point Set Registration of Large Deformation Using Auxiliary Landmarks. International Conference on Urban Intelligence and Applications. 86--98.
  • Li, J., Guo, X., Yuan, X. (2020). Semi-global Alignment of Range Videos. International Conference on Urban Intelligence and Applications. 18--26.
  • Fan, Y., Shen, G., Jin, Z., Hu, D., Shi, L., Yuan, X. (2020). Stackelberg game based edge computing resource management for mobile blockchain. Proceedings of the ACM Turing Celebration Conference-China. 225--229.
  • Fan, Y., Shen, G., Yuan, X., Xu, J. (2020). Target Track Recognition from Few-Labeled Radar Data with Outliers. International Conference on Urban Intelligence and Applications. 206--214.
  • Qiao, Z., Yuan, X., Elhoseny, M. (2020). Urban Scene Recognition via Deep Network Integration. International Conference on Urban Intelligence and Applications. 135--149.
  • Yuan, X., Gu, L., Chen, T., Elhoseny, M., Wang, W. (2018). A Fast and Accurate Retina Image Verification Method Based on Structure Similarity. 2018 IEEE Fourth International Conference on Big Data Computing Service and Applications (BigDataService). 181--185.
  • Xu, L., Xiang, J., Yuan, X. (2018). CRNet: Classification and Regression Neural Network for Facial Beauty Prediction. Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia. 661--671.
  • Xu, J., Yuan, X., Wei, Z., Han, J., Shi, L., Lyu, Z. (2017). A Wireless Sensor Network Recharging Strategy by Balancing Lifespan of Sensor Nodes. Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 2017 IEEE. 1--6.
  • Ye, Y., Zuo, Z., Yuan, X., Zhang, S., Zeng, X., An, Y., Chen, B. (2017). Geographically weighted regression model for urban traffic black-spot analysis. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2017 IEEE International. 4866--4869.
  • Yang, S., Zhang, Q., Yuan, X., Chen, Q., Liu, X. (2017). Superpixel-based classification using semantic information for polarimetric SAR imagery. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2017 IEEE International. 3700--3703.
  • Wang, W., Yuan, X., Tang, S. (2017). Touching particles separation based on area ratio of circular mask. Control Conference (CCC), 2017 36th Chinese. 2043--2046.
  • Wang, L., Fang, F., Yuan, X., Luo, Z., Liu, Y., Wan, B., Zhao, Y. (2017). Urban function zoning using geotagged photos and openstreetmap. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2017 IEEE International. 815--818.
  • Wang, W., Yuan, X., Wu, X., Liu, Y., Ghanbarzadeh, S. (2016). An efficient method for image dehazing. Image Processing (ICIP), 2016 IEEE International Conference on. 2241--2245.
  • Feng, D., Yuan, X. (2016). Automatic construction of aerial corridor for navigation of unmanned aircraft systems in class G airspace using LiDAR. Airborne Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance (ISR) Systems and Applications XIII. 9828 98280I.
  • Feng, D., Yuan, X. (2016). Digital terrain model extraction in SUAS clearance survey using LiDar data. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016 IEEE International. 791--794.
  • Fan, Y., Xia, Y., Liu, Y., Yuan, X. (2016). Electricity Cost Management for Cloud Data Centers under Diverse Delay Constraints. Cyber Security and Cloud Computing (CSCloud), 2016 IEEE 3rd International Conference on. 12--19.
  • Yang, S., Chen, Q., Yuan, X., Xu, Q., Liu, X. (2016). Evaluation of entropy/alpha/anisotropy based on adaptive coherency matrix estimation. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016 IEEE International. 4980--4983.
  • Wang, H., Liu, X., Yuan, X., Liang, D. (2016). Multi-perspective terrestrial LiDAR point cloud registration using planar primitives. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016 IEEE International. 6722--6725.
  • Chan, L., Xu, L., Yuan, X., Shshidhar, N. (2015). Digital Forensics in Social Networks and the Cloud. International Workshop on Sensor, Peer-to-peer and Social Networks, ICNC Workshop.
  • Chen, L., Xu, L., Yuan, X., Shashidhar, N. (2015). Digital forensics in social networks and the cloud: Process, approaches, methods, tools, and challenges. Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), 2015 International Conference on. 1132--1136.
  • X. Yuan, I.T. (2015). Image reconstruction from sub-apertures of circular spotlight SAR. SPIE Defense + Security. 9458
  • Hamouda, E., Yuan, X., Ouda, O., Hamza, T., Chen, L. (2014). Binary biometric template generation towards security and class separability. Fifth International Conference on Computing, Communications and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT). 1--6.
  • Elhoseny, M., Yuan, X., El-Minir, H.K., Riad, A. (2014). Extending self-organizing network availability using genetic algorithm. Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), 2014 International Conference on. 1--6.
  • Yuan, X., Liu, S., Schmidt, J.D., Anisimov, I. (2014). Micro-mirror array simulation and far-field diffraction analysis. Cyber Sensing 2014. 9097 90970I.
  • Amsden, N.D., Chen, L., Yuan, X. (2014). Transmitting hidden information using steganography via Facebook. Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), 2014 International Conference on. 1--7.
  • Abouelenien, M., Yuan, X. (2013). Boosting for learning from multiclass data sets via a regularized loss function. 2013 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing (GrC). 4--9.
  • Yuan, X., Moinzadeh, A., Lu, Y., Harden, D., Yuan, X. (2013). Cross-Domain Integration of home automation, entertainment, and e-Health using Wireless Sensor and Actuator Network. 120th ASEE Annual Conf. and Expo.. 7953--1.
  • Gomathisankaran, M., Yuan, X., Kamongi, P. (2013). Ensure privacy and security in the process of medical image analysis. 2013 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing (GrC). 120--125.
  • Yuan, X., Abouelenien, M., Giritharan, B., Liu, J., Yuan, X. (2013). Geometric Incremental Support Vector Machine for Object Detection from Capsule Endoscopy Videos.
  • Abouelenien, M., Yuan, X. (2013). Incremental SampleBoost for Efficient Learning from Multi-Class Data Sets. 2nd Workshop on Data Mining for Medicine and Healthcare, in conjunction with 13th SIAM International Conference on Data Mining.
  • Abouelenien, M., Yuan, X. (2013). Study on Parameter Selection Using SampleBoost.. FLAIRS Conference.
  • Yuan, X., Abouelenien, M. (2012). A boosting method for learning from uneven data for improved face recognition. Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), 2012 11th International Conference on. 2 119--122.
  • Palaniswamy, S., Duraisamy, P., Alam, M.S., Yuan, X. (2012). A new time-adaptive discrete bionic wavelet transform for enhancing speech from adverse noise environment. Optical Pattern Recognition XXIII. 8398 83980M.
  • Yuan, X., Samuel, J. (2012). A Text Mining and Visualization Tool for Generating Protein Interaction Hypothesis. 4th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology.
  • Duraisamy, P., Yuan, X., El Saba, A., Palanisamy, S. (2012). Contrast enhancement and assessment of OCT images. 2012 International Conference on Informatics, Electronics \& Vision (ICIEV). 91--95.
  • Abouelenien, M., Yuan, X. (2012). Improved Action Recognition Using an Efficient Boosting Method. International Conference on Advanced Machine Learning Technologies and Applications. 193--202.
  • *M. Abouelenien and X. Yuan. (2012). Improving classification performance for the minotiry class in highly imbalanced dataset using boosting.
  • *M. Abouelenien and X. Yuan. (2012). SampleBoost for Capsule Endoscopy Categorization and Abnormality Detection.
  • Abouelenien, M., Yuan, X. (2012). Sampleboost: Improving boosting performance by destabilizing weak learners based on weighted error analysis. Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2012 21st International Conference on. 585--588.
  • B. Giritharan and X. Yuan. (2011). Balancing the training dataset using convex skin.
  • Yuan, X., Ang, D. (2010). A model-driven classification and recursive segmentation method for automatic panel extraction from biological and medical papers. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine Workshops (BIBMW). 500--505.
  • Nawarathna, R.D., Oh, J., Yuan, X., Lee, J., Tang, S.J. (2010). Abnormal image detection using texton method in wireless capsule endoscopy videos. International Conference on Medical Biometrics. 153--162.
  • Duraisamy, P., Shen, Y., Yuan, X. (2010). Image registration error analysis using pattern recognition algorithms. Mathematics of Data/Image Coding, Compression, and Encryption with Applications XII. 7799 77990J.
  • Samuel, J., Yuan, X., Yuan, X., Walton, B. (2010). Mining online full-text literature for novel protein interaction discovery. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine Workshops (BIBMW). 277--282.
  • D. Keathly, T. Schneider, and X. Yuan. (2010). Realistic Synthetic Populations for Epi-Simulation.
  • B. Giritharan and X. Yuan. (2010). Resampling Method for Balancing Training Data in Video Analysis.
  • Yuan, X. (2010). Segmentation of blurry object by learning from examples. Medical Imaging 2010: Image Processing. 7623 76234G.
  • Giritharan, B., Panchakarla, S., Yuan, X. (2010). Segmentation of CE videos by finding convex skin. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine Workshops (BIBMW). 158--163.
  • Duraisamy, P., Ei-Saba, A., Yuan, X., Giri, B. (2010). Visual contrast enhancement of optical coherence tomography images by combined and image fusion methods. Computing Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), 2010 International Conference on. 1--1.
  • B. Giritharan, X. Yuan, J. Liu. (2009). Incremental Classification Learning for Anomaly Detection in Medical Images.
  • Yu, Y., Yuan, X., Sarma, V., Liu, X. (2009). Residential Building Reconstruction from Sparse LiDAR Data. the 2nd International conference on Earth Observation for Global Changes.
  • V. Sarma, X. Yuan, L. Hu, Y. Yu, and X. Liu. (2009). Road Extraction from LiDAR using Geometric and Elevation Features.
  • X. Yuan, L. Hu, B. P. Buckles, L. Steinberg, V. Sarma. (2008). "An Adaptive Method for the Construction of Digital Terrain Model from LiDAR Data", the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Boston, MA.
  • J. Liu and X. Yuan. (2008). "Automated Breast Cancer Diagnosis using Level-set Statistics and Support Vector Machines", the 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vancouver, BC.
  • B. Giritharan, X. Yuan, J. Liu, B. Buckles, S. Tang, and J. Oh. (2008). "Bleeding Detection from Capsule Endoscopy Videos" , the 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vancouver, BC.
  • X. Zhu, Y. Yu, X. Yuan, B. Buckles, and X. Liu. (2008). "The Extraction of Urban Roads Based On Aerial Images and LiDAR Point-Cloud", Annual Conference of the Computer Application Federation of China Instrument and Control Society, Hefei, China.
  • Belkhouche, M.Y., Buckles, B., Yuan, X., Steinberg, L. (2008). A Preprocessing Method for Automatic Break Lines Detection. IGARSS 2008-2008 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. 2 II--253.
  • Yuan, X., Hu, L., Buckles, B., Steinberg, L., Sarma, V. (2008). An adaptive method for the construction of digital terrain model from Lidar data. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2008. IGARSS 2008. IEEE International. 2 II--828.
  • Buckles, B., Steinberg, L., Yuan, X., Liu, X., Hu, L., Belkhouche, Y. (2008). Analysis, modeling, and rendering of urban flood events. Proceedings of the 2008 international conference on Digital government research. 431--432.
  • Giritharan, B., Yuan, X., Liu, J., Buckles, B., Oh, J., Tang, S.J. (2008). Bleeding detection from capsule endoscopy videos. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2008. EMBS 2008. 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE. 4780--4783.
  • Liu, J., Yuan, X., Buckles, B. (2008). Breast cancer diagnosis using level-set statistics and support vector machines. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2008. EMBS 2008. 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE. 3044--3047.
  • 朱晓强, 余烨, 刘晓平, 袁晓辉. (2008). 基于航拍图像和 LiDAR 点云的城市道路提取. 全国第 19 届计算机技术与应用 (CACIS) 学术会议论文集 (上册).
  • X. Yuan and B. P. Buckles. (2007). "A Wavelet-based Noise-aware Method for Fusing Noisy Imagery", IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, San Antonio, TX.
  • X. Yuan, C. Ozturk, G. Chi-Fishman. (2007). "Accurate 3D Tongue Tissue Strain Synthesis using Pseudo-wavelet Reconstruction-based Tagline Detection", SPIE Medical Imaging, San Diego, California.
  • J. Lee, J. Oh, S. K. Shah, X. Yuan and S. J. Tang. (2007). "Automatic Classification of Digestive Organs in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Videos", the 22nd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Seoul, Korea.
  • X. Yuan, B. Giritharan, and J. Oh. (2007). "Gradient Vector Flow Driven Active Shapes for Image Segmentation", IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo, Beijing, China.
  • J. Liu and X. Yuan. (2007). "Obscure Bleeding Detection in Endoscopy Images Using Support Vector Machine", the 7th Int'l Conf. on Optimization: Techniques and Applications, Kobe, Japan.
  • J. Zou, X. Yuan, and G. Chi-Fishman. (2007). "Tongue MRI Segmentation: Integrating Graph Cut and Mean Shift into Level Set", Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB, San Jose, CA.
  • Yuan, X., Buckles, B. (2007). A wavelet-based noise-aware method for fusing noisy imagery. Image Processing, 2007. ICIP 2007. IEEE International Conference on. 6 VI--385.
  • Yuan, X., Ozturk, C., Chi-Fishman, G. (2007). An accurate tongue tissue strain synthesis using pseudo-wavelet reconstruction-based tagline detection. Medical Imaging 2007: Image Processing. 6512 651244.
  • Yuan, X., Ozturk, C., Chi-Fishman, G. (2007). An accurate tongue tissue strain synthesis using pseudo-wavelet reconstruction-based tagline detection. Medical Imaging 2007: Image Processing. 6512 651244.
  • Oh, J., Shah, S., Yuan, X., Tang, S. (2007). Automatic classification of digestive organs in wireless capsule endoscopy videos. The 22nd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, SAC07, Soul.
  • Yuan, X., Giritharan, B., Oh, J. (2007). Gradient Vector Flowdriven Active Shape for Image Segmentation. Multimedia and Expo, 2007 IEEE International Conference on. 2058--2061.
  • X. Yuan, C. Ozturk and G. Chi-Fishman. (2006). "A pseudo wavelets-based method for accurate tagline tracing on tagged MR images of the tongue, SPIE Medical Imaging, San Diego, California.
  • X. Yuan and G. Chi-Fishman. (2006). "Image registration using shape-constrained mutual information and genetic algorithms, SPIE Medical Imaging, San Diego, California.
  • X. Yuan and G. Chi-Fishman. (2006). "Volumetric Tongue Reconstruction by Fusing Bidirectional MR Images, the 3rd IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Arlington, Virginia.
  • Yuan, X., Ozturk, C., Chi-Fishman, G. (2006). A pseudo wavelet-based method for accurate tagline tracing on tagged mr images of the tongue. Medical Imaging 2006: Image Processing. 6144 61440P.
  • Yuan, X., Chi-Fishman, G. (2006). Image registration using shape-constrained mutual information and genetic algorithms. Medical Imaging 2006: Image Processing. 6144 61442S.
  • Yuan, X., Chi-Fishman, G. (2006). Volumetric tongue reconstruction by fusing bidirectional MR images. Biomedical Imaging: Nano to Macro, 2006. 3rd IEEE International Symposium on. 1352--1355.
  • X. Yuan, J. Zhang, B. P. Buckles. (2005). "A Real-Coded Genetic Algorithm for Shape Constrained MR Image Registration,EMBC'05.
  • J. Zhang, X. Yuan. (2005). "Analysis of Segmentation Performance Using Super-resolved Images", Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Texture Analysis and Synthesis, page 155-160.
  • J. Zhang, X. Yuan and B. P. Buckles. (2005). "Function Granularity Estimation for Multimodal Optimization", International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, v14, n1-2, page 199-213.
  • X. Yuan, J Zhang, X. Yuan and B. P. Buckles. (2005). "Multi-scale Feature Identification Using Evolution Strategies", Image and Vision Computing, v23, n6, page 555-563.
  • Zhang, J., Yuan, X. (2005). Analysis of Segmentation Performance on Super-resolved Images. Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Texture Analysis and Synthesis,--2005--Р. 155--160.
  • X. Yuan, J. Zhang and B. P. Buckles. (2004). "EvolutionStrategies Based Image Registration via Feature Matching", Information Fusion, v5, n4, page 269-282.
  • J. Zhang, X. Yuan and B. P. Buckles. (2004). "Multimodal Function Optimization Using Subspace FDC", FLAIRS'04, Miami, Florida.
  • J. Zhang, X. Yuan and B. P. Buckles. (2004). "Population Sizing based on Landscape Feature". Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v2724.
  • J. Yuan, X. Li, X. Yuan. (2004). "Real-Time Sensor Fusion Framework for Distributed Intelligent Sensors", FLAIRS'04, Miami, Florida.
  • X. Yuan and B. P. Buckles. (2004). "Subband Noise Estimation for Adaptive Wavelet Shrinkage", International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Cambridge, UK.
  • J. Zhang, X. Yuan and B. P. Buckles. (2004). "Subspace FDC for Sharing Distance Estimation", IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Portland, Oregon.
  • Xiaohui, Y., Zhaoshan, Y., Buckles, B. (2004). A computational vision approach to improve fusion performance. SPIE. 4875 505--512.
  • Zhang, J., Yuan, X., Buckles, B. (2004). Multimodal Function Optimization Using Local Ruggedness Information.. FLAIRS Conference. 380--386.
  • Yuan, X., Li, X., Yuan, X. (2004). Real-Time Sensor Fusion Framework for Distributed Intelligent Sensors.. FLAIRS Conference. 134--140.
  • Yuan, X., Buckles, B. (2004). Subband noise estimation for adaptive wavelet shrinkage. Pattern Recognition, 2004. ICPR 2004. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on. 4 885--888.
  • Zhang, J., Yuan, X., Buckles, B. (2004). Subspace FDC for sharing distance estimation. Evolutionary Computation, 2004. CEC2004. Congress on. 2 1735--1742.
  • X. Yuan, J. Zhang and B. P. Buckles. (2003). "Fusing Multiple Images with Evidential Reasoning", SPIE'03: Multisensor, Multisource Information Fusion: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications VII (OR44), Orlando, Florida, 21- 25.
  • X. Yuan, X. Yuan, F. Yang, B. P. Buckles, J Peng. (2003). "Gene Expression: Decision Trees vs. SVMs", FLAIRS'03, St. Augustine, Florida.
  • X. Yuan, J. Zhang, Jane Yuan and B. P. Buckles. (2003). "Low Level Fusion of Imagery Based on Dempster-Shafer Theory", FLAIRS'03, St. Augustine, Florida.
  • J. Zhang, X. Yuan and B. P. Buckles. (2003). "Sample Complexity of Real-Coded Evolutionary Algorithms", FLAIRS'03, St. Augustine, Florida.
  • Yuan, X., Zhang, J., Buckles, B. (2003). Fusing multiple images with evidential reasoning. Multisensor, Multisource Information Fusion: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications 2003. 5099 58--65.
  • Yuan, X., Yuan, X., Yang, F., Peng, J., Buckles, B. (2003). Gene Expression Classification: Decision Trees vs. SVMs.. FLAIRS conference. 2003 92--97.
  • Yuan, X., Zhang, J., Buckles, B. (2003). Hybrid fusion approach based on fuzzy feature and evidential reasoning. Fuzzy Systems, 2003. FUZZ'03. The 12th IEEE International Conference on. 2 961--965.
  • Yuan, X., Zhang, J., Yuan, X., Buckles, B. (2003). Low Level Fusion of Imagery Based on Dempster-Shafer Theory.. FLAIRS Conference. 475--480.
  • Zhang, J., Yuan, X., Buckles, B. (2003). Population sizing based on landscape feature. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. 1624--1625.
  • Zhang, J., Yuan, X., Buckles, B. (2003). Sample Complexity of Real-Coded Evolutionary Algorithms.. FLAIRS Conference. 239--244.
  • X. Yuan, Z. Yuan and B. P. Buckles. (2002). "A Computational Vision Approach to Improve Fusion Performance", SPIE, v4875, n1, p 505-512.
  • J. Zhang, X. Yuan and B. P. Buckles. (2002). "A Fast Evolution Strategies Based Approach to Image Registration", Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, New York, New York, July, 2002.
  • X. Yuan, J. Zhang, B. P. Buckles and Z. Yuan. (2002). "Feature Based Approach for Image Correspondence Estimation", SPIE, v4875, n2, page 663-670.
  • X. Yuan, B. P. Buckles, Z. Yuan, J. Zhang. (2002). "Mining Negative Association Rule" the 7th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, p623-628, Taormina-Giardini Naxos, Italy, July 1-3, 2002.
  • Zhang, J., Yuan, X., Buckles, B. (2002). An evolution strategies based approach to image registration. Proceedings of the 4th Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation. 1249--1256.
  • Yuan, X., Yuan, Z., Buckles, B. (2002). Computational vision approach to improve fusion performance. Second International Conference on Image and Graphics. 4875 505--513.
  • Yuan, X., Zhang, J., Buckles, B., Yuan, Z. (2002). Feature-based approach for image correspondence estimation. Second International Conference on Image and Graphics. 4875 663--671.
  • Yuan, X., Buckles, B., Yuan, Z., Zhang, J. (2002). Mining negative association rules. Computers and Communications, 2002. Proceedings. ISCC 2002. Seventh International Symposium on. 623--628.
  • I. Gokcen, I. H. Pineda, X. Yuan, C. Koutsougeras and B. P. Buckles. (2000). "Image Segmentation Using Ant Colony System", Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, July 2000.
  • Gokeen, I., Pineda, I., Yuan, X., others. (2000). Image segmentation using ant colony system. The 5th Ibero American Symposium on Pattren Recognition, Lisben.
  • Journal Article

  • YU, Y., LIU, X., YUAN, X., Bill P, B. City Modeling and Simulation for Flood Disaster Assessment.
  • Qiao, Z., Yuan, X., Zhang, C., Shi, J., Xia, J. Data-oriented Scene Recognition.
  • Elhoseny, M., Yuan, X., Krit, S. Distributed Sensing and Intelligent Systems.
  • Zhuang, C., Yuan, X., Gu, L., Wei, Z., Fan, Y., Guo, X. (2025). Frequency Regulated Channel-Spatial Attention module for improved image classification. Expert Systems with Applications. 260 125463. Elsevier.
  • Xu, J., Li, K., Fan, Y., Yuan, X. (2023). A label information vector generative zero-shot model for the diagnosis of compound faults. Expert Systems with Applications. 233 120875. Pergamon.
  • Wang, C., Zhang, J., He, J., Luo, W., Yuan, X., Gu, L. (2023). A two-stream network with complementary feature fusion for pest image classification. Other. 124 106563. Pergamon.
  • Qiao, Z., Yuan, X. (2023). Designing Deep Networks for Scene Recognition. Other.
  • Qiao, Z., Yuan, X., Zhang, R., Chen, T., Zhang, C. (2023). Efficient deep-narrow residual networks using dilated pooling for scene recognition. Expert Systems with Applications. 234 121018. Pergamon.
  • Sangaiah, A.K., Wang, X., Lin, Y., Jianwei, N., Yuan, X. (2023). Guest Editorial Cognitive Cyber-Physical Systems With AI Based Solutions in Medical Informatics. Other. 27 (2) 586--587. IEEE.
  • Wang, W., Yan, D., Wu, X., He, W., Chen, Z., Yuan, X., Li, L. (2023). Low-light image enhancement based on virtual exposure. Other. 118 117016. Elsevier.
  • Ramasamy, G., Singh, T., Yuan, X. (2023). Multi-Modal Semantic Segmentation Model using Encoder Based Link-Net Architecture for BraTS 2020 Challenge. Procedia Computer Science. 218 732--740. Elsevier.
  • Xu, Z., Zhou, B., Yang, Z., Yuan, X., Zhang, Y., Lu, Q. (2023). NeatSankey: Sankey diagrams with improved readability based on node positioning and edge bundling. Other. 113 10--20. Pergamon.
  • Yuan, X., Maharjan, A. (2023). Non-rigid point set registration: recent trends and challenges. Other. 56 4859--4891. Springer Netherlands.
  • Zhou, L., Yuan, X., Liu, Y., Chen, Z., Xie, P. (2023). Secure map legends based on just noticeable distortion and watermark bit recovery. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 82 29037--29056. Springer US.
  • Meyarian, A., Yuan, X. (2023). Voting Network for Contour Levee Farmland Segmentation and Classification. Other. https--arxiv.
  • Jia, L., Zhai, H., Yuan, X., Jiang, Y., Ding, J. (2022). A Parallel Convolution and Decision Fusion-Based Flower Classification Method. Other. 10 (15) 2767. MDPI.
  • Liu, Y., Feng, C., Yuan, X., Zhou, L., Wang, W., Qin, J., Luo, Z. (2022). Clip-aware Expressive Feature Learning for Video-based Facial Expression Recognition. Information Sciences. 598 182--195. Elsevier.
  • Liu, G., Fan, Y., Zhang, J., Wen, P., Lyu, Z., Yuan, X. (2022). Deep flight track clustering based on spatial--temporal distance and denoising auto-encoding. Expert Systems with Applications. 198 116733. Pergamon.
  • Prasad, A., Prasad, S., Arockiasamy, K., Karthika, P., Yuan, X. (2022). Detection of DDoS Attack in Software-Defined Networking Environment and Its Protocol-wise Analysis using Machine Learning. Other. 10 (3) 147--153.
  • Liu, Y., Fan, H., Yuan, X., Xiang, J. (2022). GL-GAN: Adaptive Global and Local Bilevel Optimization for Generative Adversarial Network. Pattern Recognition. 123 108375--1.
  • Yuan, X., Maharjan, A. (2022). Non-rigid point set registration: recent trends and challenges. Other. 1--33. Springer Netherlands.
  • Wang, W., Chen, Z., Yuan, X. (2022). Simple low-light image enhancement based on Weber--Fechner law in logarithmic space. Other. 106 116742. Elsevier.
  • Xu, J., Zhou, L., Zhao, W., Fan, Y., Ding, X., Yuan, X. (2022). Zero-shot learning for compound fault diagnosis of bearings. Expert Systems with Applications. 190 116197--1.
  • Meyarian, A., Yuan, X., Liang, L., Wang, W., Gu, L. (2022). Gradient convolutional neural network for classification of agricultural fields with contour levee. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 43 (1) 75-94. Informa UK Limited.
  • Chen, Q., Li, Y., Yuan, X. (2021). A Hybrid Method for Muscle Artifact Removal from EEG Signals. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 353 109104--1.
  • Yuan, X., Shi, J., Gu, L. (2021). A Review of Deep Learning Methods for Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Imagery. Expert Systems with Applications. 169 114417. Pergamon.
  • Yuan, X., Elhoseny, M. (2021). Artificial Intelligence as a maturing and growing technology: An urgent need for intelligent systems.. Other. 40 (2) 2671.
  • Fan, Y., Liu, J., Yao, R., Yuan, X. (2021). COVID-19 Detection from X-ray Images using Multi-Kernel-Size Spatial-Channel Attention Network. Pattern Recognition. 108055--1. Pergamon.
  • Xu, J., Shi, Y., Yuan, X., Lu, S. (2021). Cross-category Mechanical Fault Diagnosis based on Deep Few-Shot Learning. IEEE Sensors. 21 (24) 27698--27709.
  • Chen, T., Yin, H., Yuan, X., Gu, Y., Ren, F., Sun, X. (2021). Emotion recognition based on fusion of long short-term memory networks and SVMs. Digital Signal Processing. 117 103153. Academic Press.
  • Fan, Y., Shen, G., Xu, X., Xu, J., Yuan, X. (2021). Flight Track Pattern Recognition Based on Few Labeled Data with Outliers. Journal of Electronic Imaging. 30 (3) 031204--1.
  • Liu, Y., Ye, T., Zeng, Z., Zhang, Y., Wang, G., Chen, N., Mao, C., Yuan, X. (2021). Generative adversarial network-enabled learning scheme for power grid vulnerability analysis. Other. 17 (2) 138--151. Inderscience Publishers (IEL).
  • Maharjan, A., Yuan, X., Lu, Q., Fan, Y., Chen, T. (2021). Non-Rigid Registration of Point Clouds using Landmarks and Stochastic Neighbor Embedding. Journal of Electronic Imaging. 30 (3) 031202--1.
  • Zhao, Z., Xu, W., Chen, A., Han, Y., Xia, S., Xiang, C., Wang, C., Jiao, J., Wang, H., Yuan, X., others. (2021). Protein functional module identification method combining topological features and gene expression data. BMC Genomics. 22 (1) 1--14. Springer.
  • Yuan, X., Qiao, Z., Meyarian, A. (2021). Scale Attentive Network for Scene Recognition. Neurocomputing. Elsevier.
  • Fang, B., Han, X., Wang, Z., Yuan, X. (2021). SLAM algorithm based on bounding box and deep continuity in dynamic scene. Other. 21 (4) 349--364.
  • Yuan, X., Agaian, S.S., Wang, W., Elhoseny, M. (2021). Special Section Guest Editorial: Advances in Urban Imaging and Applications. Journal of Electronic Imaging. 30 (3) 031201. International Society for Optics and Photonics.
  • Liang, L., Meyarian, A., Yuan, X., Runkle, B.R., Mihaila, G., Qin, Y., Daniels, J., Reba, M.L., Rigby, J.R. (2021). The first fine-resolution mapping of contour-levee irrigation using deep Bi-Stream convolutional neural networks. Other. 105 102631. Elsevier.
  • Fan, Y., Jin, Z., Shen, G., Hu, D., Shi, L., Yuan, X. (2021). Three-stage Stackelberg game based edge computing resource management for mobile blockchain. Other. 1--15. Springer US.
  • Qiao, Z., Yuan, X. (2021). Urban land-use analysis using proximate sensing imagery: a survey. Other. 35 (11) 2129--2148.
  • Fang, B., Mei, G., Yuan, X., Wang, L., Wang, Z., Wang, J. (2021). Visual SLAM for Robot Navigation in Healthcare Facility. Pattern Recognition. 113 107822--1.
  • Wang, W., Yuan, X., Chen, Z., Wu, X., Gao, Z. (2021). Weak-Light Image Enhancement Method Based on Adaptive Local Gamma Transform and Color Compensation. Journal of Sensors. 2021 5563698--1. Hindawi.
  • Elhoseny, M., Yuan, X. (2020). : Fuzzy Systems in Distributed Sensing Applications, Guest editors: Mohamed Elhoseny and X. Yuan. Other. 38 (2) 1133--1133. IOS Press Nieuwe Hemweg 6B, 1013 BG Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  • Maseleno, A., Yuan, X., Balas, V.E. (2020). : Intelligent Algorithms for Complex Information Services-Recent Advances and Future Trends, Guest editors: Andino Maseleno, Xiaohui Yuan and Valentina E. Balas. Other. 39 (4) 4811--4811. IOS Press Nieuwe Hemweg 6B, 1013 BG Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  • Fan, Y., Zou, J., Liu, S., Yin, Q., Guan, X., Yuan, X., Wu, W., Du, D. (2020). A blockchain-based data storage framework: A rotating multiple random masters and error-correcting approach. Other. 1--19. Springer US.
  • Wang, W., Yuan, X., Wu, X., Dong, Y. (2020). An airlight estimation method for image dehazing based on gray projection. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 79 (37) 27185--27203. Springer US.
  • Wang, W., Wu, X., Yuan, X., Gao, Z. (2020). An experiment-based review of low-light image enhancement methods. IEEE Access. 8 87884--87917. IEEE.
  • Zhu, S., Luo, X., Yuan, X., Xu, Z. (2020). An improved long short-term memory network for streamflow forecasting in the upper Yangtze River. Other. 1--17. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
  • Elhoseny, M., Yuan, X. (2020). Editorial for special issue on fuzzy systems in distributed sensing applications. Other. 38 (2) 1135--1135. IOS Press.
  • Lu, Q., Huang, J., Zhang, Q., Yuan, X., Li, J. (2020). Evaluation on visualization methods of dynamic collaborative relationships for project management. Other. 1--14. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
  • Liu, Y., Cai, W., Yuan, X., Xiang, J. (2020). GL-GAN: Adaptive global and local bilevel optimization model of image generation. Other.
  • Wu, X., Gao, Z., Yuan, X., Wang, W. (2020). Input and output strictly passive H∞ control of continuous switched singular systems. Other. 39 328--1. Springer.
  • Qin, F., Fang, S., Wang, L., Yuan, X., Elhoseny, M., Yuan, X. (2020). Kernel learning for blind image recovery from motion blur. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 79 (29) 21873--21887.
  • Xia, Y., Sun, N., Wang, H., Yuan, X., Gu, L., Wang, C., Gao, Q. (2020). RESEARCH ON KNOWLEDGE QUESTION ANSWERING SYSTEM FOR AGRICULTURE DISEASE AND PESTS BASED ON KNOWLEDGE GRAPH. Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis. 21 (7) 1487--1496. YOKOHAMA PUBL 101, 6-27 SATSUKIGAOKA AOBA-KU, YOKOHAMA, 227-0053, JAPAN.
  • Shankar, K., Elhoseny, M., Kumar, R.S., Lakshmanaprabu, S., Yuan, X. (2020). Secret image sharing scheme with encrypted shadow images using optimal homomorphic encryption technique. Other. 11 (5) 1821--1833. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
  • Fan, Y., Yang, B., Hu, D., Yuan, X., Xu, X. (2020). Social-and content-aware prediction for video content delivery. IEEE Access. 8 29219--29227. IEEE.
  • Yang, S., Yuan, X., Liu, X., Chen, Q. (2020). Superpixel generation for polarimetric SAR using Hierarchical Energy maximization. Other. 135 104395. Pergamon.
  • Wei, Z., Xia, C., Yuan, X., Sun, R., Lyu, Z., Shi, L., Ji, J. (2020). The path planning scheme for joint charging and data collection in WRSNs: A multi-objective optimization method. Journal of Network and Computer Applications. 156 102565. Academic Press.
  • Yuan, X., Fang, B., Guo, X., Wang, Z., Li, Y., Elhoseny, M. (2019). Collaborative Task Assignment of Interconnected, Affective Robots towards Autonomous Healthcare Assistant. Journal of Future Generation Computer Systems. 92 241-251.
  • Yuan, X., Yang, G., Ma, K., Li, J., Lu, Q. (2019). Expectation-based 3D Edge Bundling, Multimedia Tools and Applications. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 78(24) 35099–35118.
  • Yuan, X., Lu, Q., Liu, Y., Huang, J., Hu, Q. (2019). License Plate Detection and Recognition using Hierarchical Feature Layers from CNN. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 78(11) 15665–15680.
  • Qiang, L., Chun-yuan, Z., Chao, C., Ye, Y., Xiao-hui, Y. (2019). 3D Object Recognition Based on Voxel Features Reorganization Network. Other. 40 (2) 240.
  • Lu, Q., Lu, Y., Xiao, M., Yuan, X., Jia, W. (2019). 3D-FHNet: Three-Dimensional Fusion Hierarchical Reconstruction Method for Any Number of Views. IEEE Access. 7 172902--172912. IEEE.
  • Luo, X., Yuan, X., Zhu, S., Xu, Z., Meng, L., Peng, J. (2019). A hybrid support vector regression framework for streamflow forecast. Journal of Hydrology. 569 184--193. Elsevier.
  • Lu, Q., Zhang, H., Yuan, X., Chen, C. (2019). A Method for Visual Analysis of Urban Power Supply Data Based on Power Line Layout Optimization. Other. 40 (1) 24--31.
  • Yuan, X., Fang, B., Elhoseny, M. (2019). Advanced parallel and distributed computing for big urban data. Journal of Supercomputing.
  • Lu, Q., Xiao, M., Lu, Y., Yuan, X., Yu, Y. (2019). Attention-based dense point cloud reconstruction from a single image. IEEE Access. 7 137420--137431. IEEE.
  • Ouyang, W., Xu, B., Yuan, X. (2019). Color Segmentation in Multi-color Images using Node-Growing Self-Organizing Map. Color Research and Application. 44 184--193.
  • Yang, G., Ma, K., Yuan, X., Li, J., Lu, Q. (2019). Expectation-based 3D edge bundling. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 78 (24) 35099--35118. Springer US.
  • Zhu, S., Yuan, X., Xu, Z., Luo, X., Zhang, H. (2019). Gaussian mixture model coupled recurrent neural networks for wind speed interval forecast. Other. 198 111772. Elsevier.
  • Yuan, X., Elhoseny, M. (2019). Intelligent data aggregation inspired paradigm and approaches in IoT applications. Other. 37 (1) 3--7. IOS Press.
  • Gu, L., Han, Y., Wang, C., Chen, W., Jiao, J., Yuan, X. (2019). Module overlapping structure detection in PPI using an improved link similarity-based Markov clustering algorithm. Other. 31 (5) 1481--1490. Springer London.
  • Yuan, X., Wang, W., Chen, Z., , X. (2019). Adaptive image enhancement method for correcting low-illumination images. Information Sciences. 496 25-41.
  • Ouyang, W., Xu, B., Hou, J., Yuan, X. (2019). Fabric Defect Detection Using Activation Layer Embedded Convolutional Neural Network. IEEE Access. 7 70130-70140.
  • Ouyang, W., Xu, B., Yuan, X. (2019). Color Segmentation in Multicolor Images Using Node-Growing Self-Organizing Map. Color Research & Application. 44 (2) 184-193.
  • Yuan, X., Rao, H., Shi, X., Rodrigue, A.K., Feng, J., Xia, Y., Elhoseny, M., Gu, L. (2019). Feature Selection Based on Artificial Bee Colony and Gradient Boosting Decision Tree. Applied Soft Computing. 74 634-642.
  • Kong, L., Yuan, X., Maharjan, A.M. (2018). A Hybrid Framework for Automatic Joint Detection of Human Poses in Depth Frames. Pattern Recognition. Pergamon.
  • Kong, L., Yuan, X., Maharjan, A.M. (2018). A Hybrid Framework for Automatic Joint Detection of Human Poses in Depth Frames. Pattern Recognition. 77 216--225. Pergamon.
  • Yuan, X., Xie, L., Abouelenien, M. (2018). A regularized ensemble framework of deep learning for cancer detection from multi-class, imbalanced training data. Pattern Recognition. 77 160--172. Pergamon.
  • Jia, L., Chen, W., Ding, J., Yuan, X., Shen, B., Li, M. (2018). Collision Analysis and an Efficient Double Array Construction Method.. Other. 14 (4)
  • Liu, Y., Yuan, X., Gong, X., Xie, Z., Fang, F., Luo, Z. (2018). Conditional Convolution Neural Network Enhanced Random Forest for Facial Expression Recognition. Pattern Recognition. 84 251--261. Pergamon.
  • Luo, Z., Lv, H., Fang, F., Zhao, Y., Liu, Y., Xiang, X., Yuan, X. (2018). Dynamic Taxi Service Planning by Minimizing Cruising Distance Without Passengers. IEEE Access. 6 70005--70016. IEEE.
  • Chen, T., Ju, S., Yuan, X., Elhoseny, M., Ren, F., Fan, M., Chen, Z. (2018). Emotion recognition using empirical mode decomposition and approximation entropy. Other. 72 383--392. Pergamon.
  • Gu, L., Han, Y., Wang, C., Chen, W., Jiao, J., Yuan, X. (2018). Module overlapping structure detection in PPI using an improved link similarity-based Markov clustering algorithm. Other. 1--10. Springer London.
  • Elhoseny, M., Tharwat, A., Yuan, X., Hassanien, A.E. (2018). Optimizing K-coverage of mobile WSNs. Expert Systems with Applications. 92 142--153. Pergamon.
  • Gu, L., Xia, Y., Yuan, X., Wang, C., Jiao, J. (2018). Research on the model for tobacco disease prevention and control based on case-based reasoning and knowledge graph. Other. 32 (5) 1947--1952.
  • Shankar, K., Elhoseny, M., Kumar, R.S., Lakshmanaprabu, S., Yuan, X. (2018). Secret image sharing scheme with encrypted shadow images using optimal homomorphic encryption technique. Other. 1--13. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
  • Wang, W., Yuan, X., Wu, X., Ji, T., Feng, L. (2018). Seperating Touching Particles: A Concavity-Based Method Using the Area Ratio of a Circular Mask. Other. 4 (2) 24--32. IEEE.
  • Xu, L., Xiang, J., Yuan, X. (2018). Transferring Rich Deep Features for Facial Beauty Prediction. Other.
  • Fang, F., Yuan, X., Wang, L., Liu, Y., Luo, Z. (2018). Urban Land-Use Classification From Photographs. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. (99) 1--5. IEEE.
  • Yuan, X., Elhoseny, M., El-Minir, H.K., Riad, A.M. (2017). A Genetic Algorithm-Based, Dynamic Clustering Method Towards Improved WSN Longevity. Other. 25 (1) 21--46. Springer US.
  • Zhou, G., Zeng, P., Yuan, X., Chen, S., Choo, K.R. (2017). An Efficient Code-Based Threshold Ring Signature Scheme with a Leader-Participant Model. Other. 2017 Hindawi.
  • Yuan, X., Kong, L., Feng, D., Wei, Z. (2017). Automatic feature point detection and tracking of human actions in time-of-flight videos. Other. 4 (4) 677--685. IEEE.
  • Wang, W., Yuan, X., Wu, X., Liu, Y. (2017). Dehazing for images with large sky region. Neurocomputing. 238 365--376. Elsevier.
  • Wang, W., Yuan, X., Wu, X., Liu, Y. (2017). Fast image dehazing method based on linear transformation. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. 19 (6) 1142--1155. IEEE.
  • Shen, Y., Liu, X., Yuan, X. (2017). Fractal Dimension of Irregular Region of Interest Application to Corn Phenology Characterization. Other. 10 (4) 1402--1412. IEEE.
  • Zhou, Y., Han, J., Yuan, X., Wei, Z., Hong, R. (2017). Inverse sparse group lasso model for robust object tracking. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. 19 (8) 1798--1810. IEEE.
  • Liu, Y., Xie, Z., Yuan, X., Chen, J., Song, W. (2017). Multi-level structured hybrid forest for joint head detection and pose estimation. Neurocomputing. 266 206--215. Elsevier.
  • Elhoseny, M., Shehab, A., Yuan, X. (2017). Optimizing robot path in dynamic environments using Genetic Algorithm and Bezier Curve. Other. 33 (4) 2305--2316. IOS Press.
  • Fang, B., Zhang, Q., Wang, H., Yuan, X. (2017). Personality driven task allocation for emotional robot team. Other. 1--8. Springer.
  • Wang, W., Yuan, X. (2017). Recent advances in image dehazing. Other. 4 (3) 410--436.
  • Kong, L., Yuan, X., Maharjan, A. A hybrid framework for automatic joint detection of human poses in depth frames. Pattern Recognition. 77 216-225. ScienceDirect.
  • Elhoseny, M., Elminir, H., Riad, A., Yuan, X. (2016). A secure data routing schema for WSN using elliptic curve cryptography and homomorphic encryption. Other. 28 (3) 262--275. Elsevier.
  • Yang, S., Chen, Q., Yuan, X., Liu, X. (2016). Adaptive coherency matrix estimation for polarimetric SAR imagery based on local heterogeneity coefficients. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 54 (11) 6732--6745. IEEE.
  • Feng, D., Yuan, X. (2016). Advancement of safety corridor and emergency management visualization in low altitude airspace. Other. 30 (4) 485--495.
  • Elhoseny, M., Yuan, X., El-Minir, H.K., Riad, A.M. (2016). An energy efficient encryption method for secure dynamic WSN. Other. 9 (13) 2024--2031.
  • Hamouda, E., Ouda, O., Yuan, X., Hamza, T. (2016). Optimizing discriminability of globally binarized face templates. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering. 41 (8) 2837--2846. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
  • Yuan, X., Gomathisankaran, M. (2016). Secure Medical Image Processing for Mobile Devices Using Cloud Services. International Society for Optics and Photonics.
  • Yuan, X., Abouelenien, M. (2015). A multi-class boosting method for learning from imbalanced data. International Journal of Granular Computing, Rough Sets and Intelligent Systems. 4 (1) 13--29. Inderscience Publishers (IEL).
  • Feng, D., Yuan, X. (2015). Advancement of security alarm aeronautical chart visualization in low altitude airspace. Other. 29 (3) 305--315.
  • Elhoseny, M., Yuan, X., Yu, Z., Mao, C., El-Minir, H.K., Riad, A.M. (2015). Balancing energy consumption in heterogeneous wireless sensor networks using genetic algorithm. IEEE Communications Letters. 19 (12) 2194--2197. IEEE.
  • Elhoseny, M., Elleithy, K., Elminir, H., Yuan, X., Riad, A. (2015). Dynamic Clustering of Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks using a Genetic Algorithm, Towards Balancing Energy Exhaustion. Other. 6 (8) 1243--1252.
  • Elhoseny, M., Elminir, H., Riad, A., Yuan, X., Elhoseny, M. (2015). Manuscript's title.
  • Hamouda, E., Yuan, X., Ouda, O., Hamza, T. (2015). Secure and Efficient Biometric-Data Binarization using Multi-Objective Optimization. Other. 8 (6) 1116--1127. Taylor \& Francis.
  • Yuan, X., Ang, D. (2014). A novel figure panel classification and extraction method for document image understanding. International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics. 9 (1) 22--36. Inderscience Publishers Ltd.
  • Hamouda, E., Ouda, O., Yuan, X., Hamza, T. (2014). A Survey on Biometric Templates Binarization. Other. 101 (1) 25--31.
  • Govindan, S.M., Duraisamy, P., Yuan, X. (2014). Adaptive wavelet shrinkage for noise robust speaker recognition. Digital Signal Processing. 33 180--190. Academic Press.
  • Elhoseny, M., Elminir, H., Riad, A., Yuan, X. (2014). Recent advances of secure clustering protocols in wireless sensor networks. International Journal of Computer Networks and Communications Security. 2 (11) 400--413.
  • Chennamma, H., Yuan, X. (2013). A survey on eye-gaze tracking techniques. Other.
  • Abouelenien, M., Yuan, X., Giritharan, B., Liu, J., Tang, S. (2013). Cluster-based sampling and ensemble for bleeding detection in capsule endoscopy videos. American Journal of Science and Engineering. 2 (1) 24--32.
  • Yuan, X., Malki, H., Song, G., Yuan, X. (2013). Developing System-Thinking Oriented Learning Modules of Networked Measurement Systems for Undergraduate Engineering Curriculum. Other. 23 1. Citeseer.
  • Yuan, X., Giritharan, B., Panchakarla, S. (2012). Learning from large dataset: segmentation of capsule endoscopy videos. International Journal of Functional Informatics and Personalised Medicine. 4 (1) 1--14. Inderscience.
  • X. Yuan, V. Sarma,. (2011). Automatic Urban Water Body Detection and Segmentation from Sparse ALSM Data via Spatially Constrained, Model-driven Clustering.
  • Yuan, X., Sarma, V. (2011). Automatic urban water-body detection and segmentation from sparse ALSM data via spatially constrained model-driven clustering. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. 8 (1) 73--77. IEEE.
  • Yuan, X., Walton, B.L., Leja, M.J., Yuan, X. (2011). COMPUTATIONAL MODEL OF ANGIOGENESIS: THREE DIMENSIONAL RECONSTRUCTION OF SWINE LIMB VESSEL NETWORKS. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 57 (14) E1256. Elsevier.
  • Yuan, X., Walton, B.L., Leja, M.J., Yuan, X. (2011). COMPUTATIONAL MODEL OF ANGIOGENESIS: THREE DIMENSIONAL RECONSTRUCTION OF SWINE LIMB VESSEL NETWORKS. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 57 (14S) E1256--E1256. American College of Cardiology Foundation Washington, DC.
  • X. Yuan and J. Yuan. (2011). Fusion of multi-planar images for improved three-dimensional object reconstruction.
  • Yuan, X., Yuan, X. (2011). Fusion of multi-planar images for improved three-dimensional object reconstruction. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics. 35 (5) 373--382. Pergamon.
  • 余烨, 刘晓平, 韩江洪, 袁晓辉, others. (2011). 从稀疏 LiDAR 数据中重建居民区建筑物. Other. 16 (9) 1681--1688.
  • X. Yuan and J. Zhang. (2010). A Multi-resolution Method for Tagline Detection and Indexing.
  • Yuan, X., Zhang, J., Buckles, B. (2010). A multiresolution method for tagline detection and indexing. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine. 14 (2) 507--513. IEEE.
  • Yuan, X., Sarma, V. (2010). Automatic urban water-body detection and segmentation from sparse ALSM data via spatially constrained model-driven clustering. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. 8 (1) 73--77. IEEE.
  • YU, Y., LIU, X., YUAN, X., Bill P, B. (2010). City Modeling and Simulation for Flood Disaster Assessment [J]. Other. 9
  • 余烨, 刘晓平, 袁晓辉, others. (2010). 面向洪水灾害评估的城市建模与仿真. Other. (9) 2136--2140.
  • Yuan, X., Ang, D. (2009). A Novel Panel Classification and Extraction Method for Document Image Understanding.
  • Liu, J., Yuan, X. (2009). Obscure bleeding detection in endoscopy images using support vector machines. Optimization and Engineering. 10 (2) 289--299. Springer US.
  • X. Liu, X. Zhu, Y. Yu, X. Yuan, B. Buckles. (2008). An Efficient Method for 3D Triangulation Construction from LiDAR Data Clouds.
  • 刘晓平, 朱晓强, 余烨, 袁晓辉. (2008). 基于 LiDAR 点云数据的三角网构建算法. Other. 19 (zk) 1--9.
  • Liu, J., Yuan, X. (2007). Obscure bleeding detection in endoscopy images using support vector machine. Other. 49 383. UNIVERSAL ACADEMY PRESS, INC..
  • Zhang, J., Yuan, X., Buckles, B. (2005). Function granularity estimation for multimodal optimization. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools. 14 (01n02) 199--213. World Scientific Publishing Company.
  • Yuan, X., Zhang, J., Yuan, X., Buckles, B. (2005). Multi-scale feature identification using evolution strategies. Other. 23 (6) 555--563. Elsevier.
  • Yuan, X., Zhang, J., Buckles, B. (2004). Evolution strategies based image registration via feature matching. Information Fusion. 5 (4) 269--282. Elsevier.
  • Yuan, X., Yuan, X., Buckles, B., Zhang, J. (2003). A comparison study of decision tree and SVM to classify gene sequence. Other.
  • Other

  • Elhoseny, M., Yuan, X., Gunasekaran, M. (2019). Special issue on machine learning applications for self-organized wireless sensor networks. Other. 31 (1) 1--2. Springer London.
  • Ph.D. Thesis

  • Samuel, J.J. (2010). Elicitation of protein-protein interactions from biomedical literature using association rule discovery. University of North Texas.
  • Sarma, V., Yuan, X. (2009). Urban surface characterization using LiDAR and aerial imagery. University of North Texas.

Presentations Given

    Oral Presentation

  • Maharjan, A. (Author), Yuan, X. (Author), Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), Registration of Human Point Set Using Automatic Key Point Detection and Region-Aware Features, Waikoloa, Hawaii, United States of America. (2022 - 2022).
  • Paper

  • Maharjan, A. (Author), Yuan, X. (Author), Urban Intelligence and Applications: Second International Conference, ICUIA 2020, Point set registration of large deformation using auxiliary landmarks, Taiyuan, China, China. (2020 - 2020).

Media Contributions


  • "Dallas Fort Worth Higher Education Review," Dallas Fort Worth Higher Education Review. (January 1, 2020).
  • Newspaper

  • "Tracking where water goes: UNT professors' research on farm irrigation could inform US policy," Denton Record Chronicle. (July 12, 2022).

Contracts, Grants, Sponsored Research

    Grant - Research

  • Liang, L. (Principal), Yuan, X. (Co-Principal), "Integrated deep learning and remote sensing solutions for national agricultural irrigation system types mapping," sponsored by UNT, University of North Texas, $10000 Funded. (2022).
  • Liang, L., Yuan, X., "National rice irrigation system type mapping using multi-source land imaging strategies," sponsored by USGS, Federal, $180000 Funded. (2021).
  • Yuan, X. (Principal), Chen, Q. (Supporting), "S-STEM: Attracting and Cultivating AI Scholars through Multi-faceted Mentoring, Research Experiences, and Cohort Building.," sponsored by National Science Foundation (2424803), Federal, $1999954 Funded. (2025 - 2030).
  • Liang, L. (Principal), Yuan, X. (Co-Principal), "Multi-Source Imaging of Long-Term Irrigation Status and Type Changes in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley," sponsored by NASA, Federal, $449940 Funded. (2022 - 2025).
  • Lichtenberg, E.M. (Principal), Yuan, X. (Co-Principal), "Combining ecological data and modeling with remote sensing to identify managed pollinators toward landscape-crop pollination system evaluation," sponsored by Colleges of Science and Engineering, University of North Texas, $10000 Funded. (2024 - 2025).
  • Liang, L. (Principal), Yuan, X. (Co-Principal), "Detecting Irrigation System Types for Agricultural Lands Across the Nation," sponsored by USGS, Federal, $180000 Funded. (2021 - 2024).
  • Grant - Teaching

  • Maharjan, A. (Supporting), Yuan, X. (Principal), Guo, X. (Co-Principal), Keathly, D.M. (Supporting), Morozov, K. (Supporting), Zaruba, G. (Supporting), "NSF S-STEM SCHOLARSHIP," sponsored by National Science Foundation (NSF), Federal, $1999954 Funded. (2025).
  • Sponsored Research

  • Yuan, X. (Principal), "Human tracking using depth camera," sponsored by Physomodo, Private, $8000 Funded. (2018 - 2019).


University Service

  • Committee Member, award committee. (2019 - Present).
  • Committee Member, CSE graduate study committee. (2018 - Present).
  • Committee Member, faculty search committee. (2018 - Present).
  • Committee Member, graduate study committee. (2016 - Present).
  • Committee Chair, student award committee. (2016 - 2017).
  • Committee Member, Federation of North Texas Area Universities. (2013 - 2016).

Professional Service

  • Editor, Guest Editor, International Journal of Digital Earth. (2018 - Present).
  • Editor, Journal Editor, International Journal of Smart Sensor Technologies and Applications. (2018 - Present).
  • Reviewer, Grant Proposal, NASA panel. (2017 - Present).
  • Reviewer, Grant Proposal, NSF panel. (2016 - Present).
  • Editor, Associate Editor, American Journal of Science and Engineering. (2013 - Present).
  • Editor, Associate Editor, IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence. (2012 - Present).
  • Editor, Associate Editor, Journal of Biomedical Graphics and Computing. (2012 - Present).
  • Committee Chair, International Conference on Distributed Sensing and Intelligent Systems. (2020 - 2023).
  • Reviewer, Grant Proposal, Puerto Rico Science, Technology & Research Trust. (2021 - 2022).
  • Reviewer, Grant Proposal, National Science Center, Poland. (2020 - 2022).
  • Committee Chair, Int’l Conf. on Urban Intelligence and Applications. (2019 - 2021).
  • Editor, Guest Editor, special issue in International Journal of Computers and Applications. (2019 - 2020).
  • Editor, Guest Editor, special issue in International Journal of Web and Grid Services. (2019 - 2020).
  • Program Organizer, IEEE Big Data Service 2019. (2019 - 2019).
  • Program Organizer, Int’l Conf. on Urban Intelligence and Applications 2019. (2019 - 2019).
  • Editor, Guest Editor, special issue in Environmental Technology & Innovation. (2019 - 2019).
  • Editor, Guest Editor, special issue in International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. (2019 - 2019).
  • Editor, Guest Editor, special issue in Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. (2019 - 2019).
  • Editor, Guest Editor, Annals of Telecommunications. (2018 - 2019).
  • Chairperson, Int’l Conf. on Urban Intelligence and Applications. (2018 - 2019).
  • Committee Chair, IEEE Big Data Service. (2017 - 2019).
  • Program Organizer, IEEE Big Data Service 2018. (2018 - 2018).
  • Editor, Guest Editor, Sustainability. (2018 - 2018).
  • Editor, Guest Editor, Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing. (2017 - 2018).
  • Committee Chair, IEEE Int’l Conf. on Big Data Computing Service and Applications. (2017 - 2018).
  • Committee Member, IEEE Smart City Innovations. (2017 - 2018).
  • Committee Member, IEEE Smart World Congress. (2017 - 2018).
  • Committee Member, Int’l Conf. of Young Computer Scientists, Engineers and Educators. (2017 - 2018).
  • Committee Chair, Int’l Conf. on Advanced Wireless Information, Data, and Communication. (2017 - 2018).
  • Committee Member, Int’l Conf. on Internet of Things and Machine Learning. (2017 - 2018).
  • Program Organizer, IEEE Int’l Conf. on Big Data Computing Service and Applications 2017. (2017 - 2017).
  • Program Organizer, IEEE Smart World Congress 2017. (2017 - 2017).