Yi-Ting Chang
Teaching Fellow
University of North Texas
Department of Psychology
Email: yi-tingchang@my.unt.edu
Teaching Experience
- PSYC 3620 - Developmental Psychology, 1 course.
- PSYC 3650 - Experimental Methods, 3 courses.
University of North Texas
Published Intellectual Contributions
- Rogers, R., Pan, M., Hartigan, S., Chang, Y., Donson, J. (2024). Workplace Deceptions during the pandemic: Differences in conspiracy beliefs, psychological functioning, and Covid-19 experiences.. Psychological Reports. 127 (4) 1941–1968.
Journal Article
Presentations Given
- Chang, Y. (Author & Presenter), Rogers, R. (Author), Sandlin, S.H. (Author), Ryan-Jones, L. (Author), American Psychology-Law Society Conference, Cross-cultural validation of the Chinese SIRS-2 and IOP-29: Etic and emic approaches in Taiwan, American Psychology-Law Society, Los Angeles, CA, United States of America. (2024).
- Rogers, R. (Author & Presenter), Chang, Y. (Author), Williamson-Butler, S. (Author), Annual conference of the American Psychology-Law Society, Ethical boundaries in forensic and clinical practices: A critical review with cross-cultural perspectives, American Psychology-Law Society, Philadelphia, PA, United States of America. (2023).