Yu Wu
University of North Texas
Information Technology and Decision Sciences
(940) 565-3735


PhD, University of Central Florida, 2007.
Major: Business Administration
Degree Specialization: Management Information Systems
Dissertation Title: Effects of IT Governance Mechanisms on Information Security
MS, University of Central Florida, 2003.
Major: Management Information Systems

Licensures and Certifications

ISACA Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA). (2012 – Present).

CompTIA Security+. (2006 – Present).

Certified Novell Administrator. (2000 – Present).

Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer. (2000 – Present).

Professional Memberships

Information System Audit and Control Association. (Present).


Teaching Experience

University of North Texas
BCIS 2610, Introduction to Computers in Business, 1 course.
BCIS 3610, Basic Information Systems, 2 courses.
BCIS 3630, Object Oriented Programming for Business, 3 courses.
BCIS 3680, Enterprise Oriented Programming, 30 courses.
BCIS 4630, Fundamentals of Information Technology Security, 32 courses.
BCIS 4670, Continuing Seminar in Computer Based Information Systems, 1 course.
BCIS 4740, Administration and Policy in Information Security, 4 courses.
BCIS 4900, Special Problems, 4 courses.
BCIS 4910, Special Problems, 1 course.
BCIS 5110, Structure of Programming Languages, 2 courses.
BCIS 5630, Information Technology Security, 12 courses.
BCIS 5740, Information Security Management, 2 courses.
BCIS 5900, Special Problems, 4 courses.
BCIS 6940, Individual Research, 3 courses.
BCIS 6950, Doctoral Dissertation, 5 courses.
DSCI 5330, Enterprise Applications of Business Intelligence, 2 courses.

Non-Credit Instruction

Other. (20122012).

Other. (20122012).

Other. (20122012).

Other. (20122012).

Other. (20122012).

Other. (20112011).

Other. (20102010).

Other. (20082008).

Other. (20082008).

Directed Student Learning

Dissertation Committee Chair, Information Technology and Decision Sciences. (August 26, 2019May 13, 2022).

Dissertation Committee Member, Information Technology and Decision Sciences. (August 25, 2018May 14, 2019).

Dissertation Committee Member, Information Technology and Decision Sciences. (August 28, 2017May 18, 2018).

Dissertation Committee Member. (20122012).

Dissertation Committee Member. (20122012).

Dissertation Committee Member. (20112011).

Other. (20112011).

Other. (20112011).

Dissertation Committee Member. (20102010).

Other. (20102010).

Dissertation Committee Member. (20092009).

Other. (20092009).

Other. (20082008).

Other. (20082008).


Published Intellectual Contributions

Conference Proceeding
Hanus, B., Wu, Y. (2012). The role of situation awareness in detecting criminal intrusions: A different perspective on information security awareness. The 18th Americas Conference on Information Systems.
Yang, M., Wu, Y. (2012). Using virtualization to ensure uninterrupted access to software applications for financial services firms. 5623-5630. The 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
Wu, Y. (2012). Enabling constructivist learning in a graduate information security course. 157-163. Sixteenth Colloquium for Information Systems Security Education.
Hanus, B., Wu, Y. (2011). Impact of users' security awareness on desktop security behavior: A protection motivation theory perspective. Las Vegas, NV: The 10th Security Conference.
Paul, B., Wu, Y., Prytutok, V. R., Harden, G. (2010). Social network position measured by constraint and centrality: Performance effect on IT professionals. 921-926. San Diego, CA: Decision Sciences Institute.
Wu, Y. (2010). TCP three-way handshake as a pedagogical tool. 49-56. Baltimore, MD: Fourteenth Colloquium for Information Systems Security Education. http://www.cisse.info/archives/14th-colloquium/papers?download=156:0851-2010
Wu, Y. (2008). We govern, therefore we are secure: Effects of IT governance on information security services. Academy of Management Conference.
Wu, Y., Saunders, C. (2006). Control of agency problems in information security. Security Conference, Proceedings of the Fifth Security Conference.
Wu, Y. (2006). Controlling Adverse Selection in Information Security Budgeting: An IT Governance Approach. 4554-4559. Americas Conference on Information Systems.
Wu, Y., Li, Y., Saunders, C. (2006). Trust in B2B Commerce: Taxonomy and Roles. 1789-1797. Americas Conference on Information Systems.
Wu, Y., Saunders, C. (2005). Decision making, IT governance, and information systems security. 3239-3247. Americas Conference on Information Systems, Proceedings of the 11th Americas Conference on Inf.
Wu, Y., Van Slyke, C. (2005). Interface complexity and elderly users: Revisited. 289-294. Information Systems Conference Southern Association, Proceedings of the 2005 Southern Association of In.
Saunders, C., Wu, Y., Li, Y., Weisfeld, S. (2004). Interorganizational trust in B2B relationships. 272-279. International Conference on Electronic Commerce, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference.
Journal Article
Wu, Y., Hanus, B., Xue, B., Mahto, R. V. (2023). Information security ignorance: An exploration of the concept and its antecedents. Information & Management. 60(2), 103753.
Hanus, B., Wu, Y., Parrish, J. L. (2022). Phish me, phish me not: Analysis of Phishing Antecedents in Humans. Journal of Computer Information Systems. 62(3), 516-526.
Liang, H., Xue, Y., Pinsonneault, A., Wu, Y. (2019). What users do besides problem-focused coping in the IT security context: An emotion-focused coping perspective. MIS Quarterly.
Hanus, B., Windsor, J. C., Wu, Y. (2018). Definition and multidimensionality of security awareness: Close encounters of the second order. The Data Base for Advances in Information Systems.
Wu, Y., Saunders, C. S. (2016). Governing the fiduciary relationship in information security services. Decision Support Systems. 92, 57-67.
Hanus, B., Wu, Y. (2016). Impact of users' security awareness on desktop security behavior: A Protection Motivation Theory perspective. Information Systems Management. 33(1), 2-16.
Visinescu, L. L., Azogu, O., Ryan, S., Wu, Y., Kim, D. (2016). Better safe than sorry: A study of investigating individuals’ protection of privacy in the use of storage as cloud computing service. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. 32(11), 885-900.
Schuessler, J. H., Windsor, J., Wu, Y. (2014). Assessing information systems security effectiveness in large versus small businesses. Journal of Information System Security. 10(1), 3-39.
Peak, D., Prybutok, V., Gibson, M., Wu, Y., Xu, C. (2014). User perceptions of aesthetic visual design variables: A pluralistic, Web-based experiment. Informing Science. 17, 25-57.
Han, B., Wu, Y., Windsor, J. User's adoption of free third-party security apps. Journal of Computer Information Systems. 54(3), 77-86.
Wu, Y., Prybutok, V. R., Koh, C. E., Hanus, B. (2012). A nomological model of RFID privacy concern. Business Process Management Journal. 18(3), 420-444.
Burton, P., Wu, Y., Prybutok, V. R., Harden, G. (2012). Differential effects of strong and weak social network ties as communication links on knowledge workers' performance. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication. 55(3), 239-253. http://libproxy.library.unt.edu:2253/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6212489
Wu, Y., Guynes, C. S., Windsor, J. (2012). Security awareness programs. Review of Business Information Systems. 16(4), 165-168.
Guynes, S., Wu, Y., Windsor, J. (2011). E-Commerce/network security considerations. International Journal of Management & Information Systems. 15(2), 1-7.
Wu, Y., Saunders, C. S. (2011). Governing information security: Governance domains and decision rights allocation patterns. Information Resources Management Journal. 24(1), 28-45.
Peak, D. A., Prybutok, V. R., Wu, Y., Xu, C. (2011). Integrating the visual design discipline with information systems research and practice. Informing Science. 14, 161-181. http://www.inform.nu/Articles/Vol14/ISJv14p161-181Peak603.pdf
Koh, C. E., Prybutok, V. R., Ryan, S. D., Wu, Y. (2010). A model for mandatory use of software technologies: An integrative approach by applying multiple levels of abstraction of informing science. Informing Science. 13, 177-203. http://www.inform.nu/Articles/Vol13/ISJv13p177-203Koh561.pdf
Paul, B., Wu, Y., Prybutok, V. R. (2010). Social network position and its relationship to performance of IT professionals. Informing Science. 13, 121-137. http://www.inform.nu/Articles/Vol13/ISJv13p121-137Burton554.pdf
Wu, Y., Li, Y. (2009). Trust in B2B commerce: Taxonomy and roles. International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations.
Hornik, S., Johnson, R. D., Wu, Y. (2007). When technology does not support learning: Conflicts between epistemological beliefs and technology support in virtual learning environments. Journal of Organizational and End User Computing. 19(2), 23-46.
Wu, Y. (2010). Benefits of virtualization in security lab design. ACM inroads - The SIGCSE Bulletin.
Scholarly Note
Wu, Y., Saunders, C. (2003). Further along the road to the IT artifact. Communications of the Association for Information Systems. 12, 562-567.

Presentations Given


Wu, Y., We govern, therefore we are secure: Effects of IT governance on information security services, Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim, California. (2008).

Wu, Y., Controlling adverse selection in information security budgeting: An IT governance approach, Americas Conference on Information Systems, Acapulco, Mexico. (2006).

Wu, Y., Li, Y., Saunders, C., Trust in B2B Commerce: Taxonomy and Roles, Americas Conference on Information Systems, Acapulco, Mexico. (2006).

Wu, Y., Saunders, C., Control of agency problems in information security, Security Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada. (2006).

Wu, Y., Saunders, C., Decision making, IT governance, and information systems security, Americas Conference on Information Systems, Omaha, Nebraska. (2005).

Wu, Y., Van Slyke, C., Interface complexity and elderly users: Revisited, Southern Association of Information Systems Conference, Savannah, Georgia. (2005).

Saunders, C., Li, Y., Weisfeld, S., Interorganizational trust in B2B relationships, International Conference on Electronic Commerce, Delft, Netherlands. (2004).


University Service

Other, Assessment Coordinator. (August 21, 2023 – Present).

Program Coordinator, Programming Courses Coordinator. (August 21, 2023 – Present).

Committee Member, Reappointment, Promotion & Tenure Committee. (August 21, 2023 – Present).

Other, Assessment Coordinator. (August 29, 2022August 20, 2023).

Member, Clinical Faculty Search Committee. (August 29, 2022August 20, 2023).

Program Coordinator, Programming Courses Coordinator. (August 29, 2022August 20, 2023).

Member, Reappointment, Promotion & Tenure Committee. (August 29, 2022August 20, 2023).

Program Coordinator, Assessment Coordinator. (August 24, 2021August 28, 2022).

Member, Clinical Faculty Search Committee. (August 24, 2021August 28, 2022).

Member, Endowed Chair in Cybersecurity/AI Search Committee. (August 24, 2021August 28, 2022).

Member, Ph.D. Exam Pool Committee. (August 24, 2021August 28, 2022).

Program Coordinator, Programming Courses Coordinator. (August 24, 2021August 28, 2022).

Member, Reappointment, Promotion & Tenure Committee. (August 24, 2021August 28, 2022).

Program Coordinator, Assessment Coordinator. (August 24, 2020August 23, 2021).

Committee Member, Executive Committee. (August 24, 2020August 23, 2021).

Committee Member, Ph.D. Exam Pool Committee. (August 24, 2020August 23, 2021).

Committee Member, Promotion & Tenure Committee. (August 24, 2020August 23, 2021).

Program Coordinator, Assessment Coordinator. (August 26, 2019August 23, 2020).

Committee Member, Executive Committee. (August 26, 2019August 23, 2020).

Member, Personnel Affairs Committee. (August 26, 2019August 23, 2020).

Committee Member, Ph.D. Exam Pool Committee. (August 26, 2019August 23, 2020).

Member, Promotion & Tenure Committee. (August 26, 2019August 23, 2020).

Program Coordinator, Assessment Coordinator. (August 27, 2018August 25, 2019).

Member, Executive Committee. (August 27, 2018August 25, 2019).

Committee Member, Personnel Affairs Committee. (August 27, 2018August 25, 2019).

Committee Member, Ph.D. Exam Pool Committee. (August 27, 2018August 25, 2019).

Member, Promotion & Tenure Committee. (August 27, 2018August 25, 2019).

Committee Member, Academic Curriculum Committee. (August 28, 2017August 27, 2018).

Program Coordinator, Assessment Coordinator. (August 28, 2017August 27, 2018).

Committee Member, Executive Committee. (August 28, 2017August 27, 2018).

Committee Member, Ph.D. Exam Pool Committee. (August 28, 2017August 27, 2018).

Committee Member, ITDS Representative to CoB Library Committee. (August 28, 2017August 26, 2018).

Committee Member, Promotion & Tenure Committee. (August 28, 2017August 26, 2018).

Member, Library Committee. (August 28, 2017August 25, 2018).

Program Coordinator, Assessment Coordinator. (January 17, 2017August 27, 2017).

Member, Academic Curriculum Committee. (August 24, 2015August 28, 2016).

Member, Assessment Coordinator. (August 24, 2015August 28, 2016).

Member, Library Committee. (August 24, 2015August 28, 2016).

Member, Ph.D. Exam Pool Committee. (August 24, 2015August 28, 2016).

Member, Promotion & Tenure Committee. (August 24, 2015August 28, 2016).

Member, Ph.D. Exam Pool Committee. (August 25, 2014August 28, 2015).

Member, Promotion & Tenure Committee. (August 25, 2014August 23, 2015).

ITDS Ph.D. Exam Pool Committee. (20102012).

Committee Member, Faculty Research Committee. (September 1, 2010August 31, 2011).

Other Institutional Service Activities, ITDS Dept. Secretary. (20102010).

Other Institutional Service Activities, ITDS Diversity Representative. (20102010).

ITDS Executive Committee. (20102010).

Other Institutional Service Activities, Attended Spring 2010 Graduation Ceremony. (20092009).

Other Institutional Service Activities, ITDS Diversity Representative. (20092009).

ITDS Ph.D. Exam Pool Committee. (20092009).

Other. (20082008).

Other Institutional Service Activities, Attended Fall 2008 graduation ceremony. (20082008).

Other Institutional Service Activities, ITDS Department Secretary. (20082008).

ITDS Personnel Affairs Committee. (20082008).

ITDS Ph.D. Exam Pool Committee. (20082008).

Other Institutional Service Activities, Attended Spring 2008 graduation ceremony. (20072007).

Professional Service

Reviewer, Journal Article, Information & Management. (January 1, 2021August 31, 2021).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Information & Management. (November 1, 2020December 29, 2020).

Reviewer, Journal Article, European Journal of Information Systems. (March 2019April 2019).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Information & Management. (August 21, 2018August 31, 2018).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, AMCIS. (January 1, 2018January 10, 2018).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Information Systems Management. (20162017).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Information & Management. (August 1, 2017November 30, 2017).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Information & Immigration. (December 1, 2016December 31, 2016).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, PACIS. (January 1, 2016January 31, 2016).

Reviewer, Journal Article, European Journal of Information Systems. (20142014).

Other, ICIS (International Conference on Information Systems). (20142014).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research. (20142014).

Reviewer, Journal Article, MIS Quarterly. (20142014).

Reviewer, Conference Paper, European Conference on Information Systems. (20132013).

Reviewer, Journal Article, European Journal of Information Systems. (20132013).

Reviewer, Conference Paper, ICIS (International Conference on Information Systems). (20132013).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Information and Management. (20132013).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Information Systems Journal. (20132013).

Reviewer, Journal Article, ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems. (20122012).

Reviewer, Conference Paper, Americas Conference on Information Systems. (20122012).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Computers and Security. (20122012).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Decision Support Systems. (20122012).

Reviewer, Conference Paper, Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. (20122012).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Information and Management. (20122012).

Reviewer, Conference Paper, International Conference of Information Systems. (20122012).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Electronic Markets ヨ The International Journal on Networked Business (ELMA). (20112011).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. (20112011).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Information Systems Management. (20112011).

Reviewer, Conference Paper, International Conference on Information Systems. (20112011).

Reviewer, Journal Article, MIS Quarterly. (20112011).

Reviewer, Conference Paper, Decision Sciences Institute. (20102010).

Reviewer, Conference Paper, Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. (20102010).

Reviewer, Conference Paper, Informing Science & IT Education Conference (InSITE). (20102010).

Committee Member, Joint Conference on eServices and Business Intelligence, Chengdu, China. (20102010).

Reviewer, Conference Paper, Americas Conference on Information Systems. (20092009).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Information Systems Americas Conference. (20092009).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Global Information Technology Management. (20092009).

Reviewer, Conference Paper, Americas Conference on Information Systems. (20072007).

Reviewer, Conference Paper, ICIS (International Conference on Information Systems). (20072007).

Reviewer, Conference Paper, ICIS (International Conference on Information Systems). (20072007).

Reviewer, Conference Paper, HICSS. (20062006).

Reviewer, Conference Paper, ICIS (International Conference on Information Systems). (20062006).

Reviewer, Conference Paper, ICIS (International Conference on Information Systems). (20062006).

Reviewer, Conference Paper, ICIS (International Conference on Information Systems). (20062006).

Reviewer, Conference Paper, HICSS. (20042004).