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Arkadii Krokhin

Title: Professor

Department: Physics

College: College of Science

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae Link


  • PhD, Kiev State University, Ukraine, 1983
    Major: Physics and Mathematics
  • MS, Kharkov State University, Ukraine, 1978
    Major: Physics

Current Scheduled Teaching

PHYS 5710.001Advanced Classical Mechanics IFall 2024 Syllabus
PHYS 6940.765Individual ResearchFall 2024

Previous Scheduled Teaching

PHYS 6950.763Doctoral DissertationSpring 2024
PHYS 6030.001Electromagnetic Theory IISpring 2024 SPOT
PHYS 6940.765Individual ResearchSpring 2024
PHYS 4955.700Senior Thesis CapstoneSpring 2024
PHYS 6950.765Doctoral DissertationFall 2023
PHYS 5720.001Electromagnetic Theory IFall 2023 Syllabus SPOT
PHYS 4950.759Senior ThesisFall 2023
PHYS 6900.765Special ProblemsFall 2023
PHYS 6950.763Doctoral DissertationSpring 2023
PHYS 6000.001Mathematical Methods of Physics ISpring 2023 SPOT
PHYS 5910.750Special ProblemsSpring 2023
PHYS 5710.001Advanced Classical Mechanics IFall 2022 SPOT
PHYS 6950.765Doctoral DissertationFall 2022
PHYS 6950.761Doctoral DissertationSummer 5W2 2022
PHYS 6950.765Doctoral DissertationSpring 2022
PHYS 6030.001Electromagnetic Theory IISpring 2022 SPOT
PHYS 6950.765Doctoral DissertationFall 2021
PHYS 5720.001Electromagnetic Theory IFall 2021 Syllabus SPOT
PHYS 6940.765Individual ResearchFall 2021
PHYS 6900.765Special ProblemsFall 2021
PHYS 6950.765Doctoral DissertationSpring 2021
PHYS 4220.001Electromagnetic WavesSpring 2021 Syllabus SPOT
PHYS 4220.201Electromagnetic WavesSpring 2021 Syllabus SPOT
PHYS 6940.765Individual ResearchSpring 2021
PHYS 5710.001Advanced Classical Mechanics IFall 2020 Syllabus SPOT
PHYS 6950.765Doctoral DissertationFall 2020
PHYS 6940.765Individual ResearchFall 2020
PHYS 3220.001MechanicsFall 2020 Syllabus SPOT
PHYS 6950.765Doctoral DissertationSpring 2020
PHYS 6940.765Individual ResearchSpring 2020
PHYS 1710.002MechanicsSpring 2020 Syllabus
PHYS 1710.206MechanicsSpring 2020
PHYS 1710.207MechanicsSpring 2020
PHYS 1710.208MechanicsSpring 2020
PHYS 1710.209MechanicsSpring 2020
PHYS 1710.210MechanicsSpring 2020
PHYS 6950.765Doctoral DissertationFall 2019
PHYS 6940.765Individual ResearchFall 2019
PHYS 4220.001Electromagnetic WavesSpring 2019 Syllabus SPOT
PHYS 4220.201Electromagnetic WavesSpring 2019 SPOT
PHYS 6940.765Individual ResearchSpring 2019
PHYS 5900.765Special ProblemsSpring 2019
PHYS 5710.001Advanced Classical Mechanics IFall 2018 SPOT
PHYS 6950.765Doctoral DissertationFall 2018
PHYS 6940.765Individual ResearchFall 2018
PHYS 3220.001MechanicsFall 2018 Syllabus SPOT
PHYS 6950.765Doctoral DissertationSpring 2018
PHYS 2220.004Electricity and MagnetismSpring 2018 Syllabus SPOT
PHYS 2220.213Electricity and MagnetismSpring 2018 SPOT
PHYS 2220.216Electricity and MagnetismSpring 2018 SPOT
PHYS 6940.765Individual ResearchSpring 2018
PHYS 5910.765Special ProblemsSpring 2018
PHYS 5710.001Advanced Classical Mechanics IFall 2017 SPOT
PHYS 6950.765Doctoral DissertationFall 2017
PHYS 6940.765Individual ResearchFall 2017
PHYS 3220.002MechanicsFall 2017 Syllabus SPOT
PHYS 5900.765Special ProblemsFall 2017
PHYS 6950.765Doctoral DissertationSpring 2017
PHYS 5910.765Special ProblemsSpring 2017
PHYS 5450.001Survey of Solid State PhysicsSpring 2017 SPOT
PHYS 5710.001Advanced Classical Mechanics IFall 2016 SPOT
PHYS 6950.765Doctoral DissertationFall 2016
PHYS 3220.002MechanicsFall 2016 Syllabus SPOT
PHYS 4900.765Special ProblemsFall 2016
PHYS 6450.001Advanced Solid State PhysicsSpring 2016 SPOT
PHYS 6950.765Doctoral DissertationSpring 2016
PHYS 4910.765Special ProblemsSpring 2016
PHYS 5910.765Special ProblemsSpring 2016
PHYS 5450.001Survey of Solid State PhysicsSpring 2016 SPOT
PHYS 4210.001Electricity and MagnetismFall 2015 Syllabus SPOT
PHYS 4210.201Electricity and MagnetismFall 2015
PHYS 6940.765Individual ResearchFall 2015
PHYS 3210.001MechanicsFall 2015 Syllabus SPOT
PHYS 3210.201MechanicsFall 2015
PHYS 5910.765Special ProblemsFall 2015
PHYS 6030.002Electromagnetic Theory IISpring 2015
PHYS 6940.765Individual ResearchSpring 2015
PHYS 5720.001Electromagnetic Theory IFall 2014
PHYS 6940.765Individual ResearchFall 2014
PHYS 6940.765Individual ResearchSummer 10W 2014
PHYS 6030.002Electromagnetic Theory IISpring 2014
PHYS 6940.765Individual ResearchSpring 2014
PHYS 5910.765Special ProblemsSpring 2014
PHYS 5720.001Electromagnetic Theory IFall 2013
PHYS 6940.765Individual ResearchFall 2013
PHYS 6030.002Electromagnetic Theory IISpring 2013
PHYS 5910.765Special ProblemsSpring 2013
PHYS 5720.001Electromagnetic Theory IFall 2012
PHYS 6950.765Doctoral DissertationSpring 2012
PHYS 6030.002Electromagnetic Theory IISpring 2012
PHYS 6950.765Doctoral DissertationFall 2011
PHYS 5720.001Electromagnetic Theory IFall 2011
PHYS 6950.765Doctoral DissertationSpring 2011
PHYS 4110.001Statistical and Thermal PhysicsSpring 2011
PHYS 4110.201Statistical and Thermal PhysicsSpring 2011
PHYS 6950.765Doctoral DissertationFall 2010
PHYS 5910.765Special ProblemsFall 2010
PHYS 6950.765Doctoral DissertationSpring 2010
PHYS 4220.001Electromagnetic WavesSpring 2010
PHYS 4220.201Electromagnetic WavesSpring 2010
PHYS 6940.765Individual ResearchSpring 2010
PHYS 6950.765Doctoral DissertationFall 2009
PHYS 6000.001Mathematical Methods of Physics IFall 2009
PHYS 4910.765Special ProblemsFall 2009
PHYS 5910.765Special ProblemsFall 2009
PHYS 6950.780Doctoral DissertationSummer 5W1 2009
PHYS 6950.765Doctoral DissertationSpring 2009
PHYS 6110.001Statistical Mechanics ISpring 2009
PHYS 6950.765Doctoral DissertationFall 2008
PHYS 3210.001MechanicsFall 2008
PHYS 3210.201MechanicsFall 2008
PHYS 6950.765Doctoral DissertationSummer 5W2 2008
PHYS 6950.765Doctoral DissertationSpring 2008
PHYS 6110.001Statistical Mechanics ISpring 2008
PHYS 6950.765Doctoral DissertationFall 2007
PHYS 6940.765Individual ResearchFall 2007
PHYS 1710.003MechanicsFall 2007
PHYS 1710.201MechanicsFall 2007
PHYS 1710.210MechanicsFall 2007
PHYS 6910.765Special ProblemsSummer 5W1 2007
PHYS 6950.765Doctoral DissertationSpring 2007
PHYS 6940.765Individual ResearchSpring 2007
PHYS 6110.001Statistical Mechanics ISpring 2007
PHYS 6450.001Advanced Solid State PhysicsFall 2006
PHYS 6950.765Doctoral DissertationFall 2006
PHYS 4950.003Senior ThesisFall 2006
PHYS 6950.765Doctoral DissertationSummer 10W 2006
PHYS 6950.765Doctoral DissertationSpring 2006
PHYS 4950.004Senior ThesisSpring 2006
PHYS 6110.001Statistical Mechanics ISpring 2006
PHYS 6950.765Doctoral DissertationFall 2005
PHYS 1710.005MechanicsFall 2005
PHYS 1710.205MechanicsFall 2005
PHYS 6110.002Statistical Mechanics ISpring 2005
PHYS 1710.003MechanicsFall 2004
PHYS 1710.203MechanicsFall 2004
PHYS 6900.765Special ProblemsFall 2004

Published Intellectual Contributions

    Abstracts and Proceedings

  • A. Krokhin, J. Arriaga, Edgar Reyes. (2003). Optical Properties of Dielectric and Mag­netic Photonic Crystals in the Low-Frequency Limit.
  • Arkady Krokhin, Jes´us Arriaga, and Peter Halevi. (2002). Homogenization of pho­tonic crystals.
  • T.M. Fromhold, A.A. Krokhin, A.E. Belyaev, C.R. Tench, S. Bujkiewicz, P.B. Wilkinson, F.W. Sheard, L. Eaves, and M. Henini. (2001). Chaotic quantum transport in superlattices.
  • A.A. Krokhin, A.E. Belyaev, T.M. Fromhold, C.R. Tech, H.M. Murphy, S. Bujkiewicz, P.B. Wilkinson, F.W. Sheard, L. Eaves, and M. Henini. (2001). Suppression of miniband transport in magnetic field: role of injection process.
  • A.A.Krokhin and I.V.Krive. (1996). Persistent current in a multichannel Wigner crys­tal ring.
  • G.A. Luna-Acosta, A.A.A.Krokhin, M.A. Rodr´ıguez-Meza and P.H. Hern´andez-Tejeda. (1995). Ballistic transport of a 2D rippled mesoscopic channel. Classical regime, in:"Chaos in Mesoscopic Systems", eds. G. Casati and H. Cerdeira (Work Sci­entific, Singapore, 1995), p.193.
  • Book Chapter

  • Dhillon, Bozhko, A., Walker, Neogi, A., Krokhin, A. (2023). Non-reciprocal transmission & localization. 115-130. Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Sanchez-Dehesa, J., Krokhin, A. (2016). Introduction to Acoustics of Phononic Crystals. Homogenization at Low Frequencies. Other. 25. NY, Springer.
  • Fromhold, T., Krokhin, A., Bujkiewic, S., Wilkinson, P., Fowler, D., Patane, A., Eaves, L., Hardwick, D., Balanov, A., Greenaway, M., Henning, A. (2010). Using Stochastic Webs to Control the Quantum Transport of Electrons in Semiconductor Superlattices. Other. 225-254. Berlin, Springer-Verlag.
  • A. A. Krokhin. (1996). Articles "Helicon" and "Helicon-phonon resonance" in Encyclopedia of Solid State.
  • 1 E.A.Kaner, A.A. Krokhin, and N.M.Makarov. (1992). Spatial dispersion and surface electromagnetic absorption in metals. In the book "Spatial dispersion in solids and plasmas" edited by P. Halevi.
  • 3 E.A. Kaner, N.M. Makarov, A.A. Krokhin, and V.A. Yampolskii. (1982). Spatial dis­persion and surface absorption of electromagnetic waves in metals, in : 'Modern problems of theoretical physics and biophysics', issue dedicated to the 70th an­niversary of academician A.S. Davydov.
  • Conference Proceeding

  • Krokhin, A., Neogi, A., Walker, E., Arriaga, J. (2017). Nonreciprocal transmission of sound through a 2D phononic crystal with viscous background and broken P-symmetry of the unit cell. 13th International Conference on Theoretical and Computational Acoustics, ICTCA 2017. 2017-July 79.
  • Walker, E., Reyes, D., Rojas, M.M., Krokhin, A., Neogi, A. (2014). Funneled focusing of planar acoustic waves utilizing the metamaterial properties of an acoustic lens. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 8994
  • Llopis, A., Pereira, S.M., Watson, I.M., Krokhin, A., Neogi, A. (2011). Nano-scale strain mapping using near-field spectroscopy. Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
  • Llopis, A., Pereira, S.M., Watson, I.M., Krokhin, A., Neogi, A. (2011). Nano-scale strain mapping using near-field spectroscopy. 2011 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics: Laser Science to Photonic Applications, CLEO 2011.
  • Gumen, L., Nagaraj, N., Neogi, A., Krokhin, A. (2010). Long-range surface plasmons on highly anisotropic dielectric substrates. Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials. 19 (4) 613-619.
  • Garner, B.W., Neogi, A., Krokhin, A., Asakawa, K. (2008). Tunable photonic crystals incorporating variable refractive index organic polymers. 2008 8th IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology, IEEE-NANO. 108-109.
  • Krokhin, A., McNeil, D., Neogi, A. (2006). Anisotropy in photonic crystals and plasmonic materials. Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
  • Erratum, Journal

  • Llopis, A., Lin, J., Pereira, S.M., Trindade, T., Martins, M.A., Watson, I.M., Krokhin, A., Neogi, A. (2013). Erratum: Electrostatic mechanism of strong enhancement of light emitted by semiconductor quantum wells (Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (2013) 87 (201304)). Other. 87 (23)
  • Journal Article

  • Dhillon, J., Walker, E., Krokhin, A., Neogi, A. (2023). Energy trapping in a phononic crystal cavity enhanced by nonreciprocal acoustic wave transmission. Other. 203 109192. Elsevier. 2436 S Interstate 35 E
  • Heo, H., Krokhin, A., Neogi, A., Cui, Z., Yuan, Z., Hua, Y., Ju, J., Walker, E. (2023). Multifunctional Acoustic Device Based on a Phononic Crystal with Independently Controlled Asymmetric Rotating Rods. Physical Review. 19 054008.
  • Shymkiv, D., MAZUMDER, A., Arriaga, J., Krokhin, A. (2023). Optimization of Nonreciprocal Transmission Through Dissipative Phononic Crystals With Machine Learning Techniques. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control. 3 186.
  • Jin, Y., Yang, T., Choi, T., Dahotre, N., Neogi, A., Krokhin, A. (2022). Polarization rotator for shear elastic waves. Applied Physics Letters. 121 (042201) Denton, 3940 N. Elm St. Suite F115N
  • Jin, Y., Walker, E., Choi, T., Neogi, A., Krokhin, A. (2022). Simultaneous negative reflection and refraction and reverse-incident right-angle collimation of sound in a solid-fluid phononic crystal. Journal of Acoustical Society of America. 151 (4) 2723-2731. Denton, 3940 N. Elm St. Suite F115N
  • Ibarias, M., Doporto, J., Krokhin, A., Arriaga, J. (2022). Tuning the decay of sound in a viscous metamaterial. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 380 20220007.
  • Jin, Y., Wang, T., Krokhin, A., Choi, T.Y., Mishra, R.S., Neogi, A. (2022). Ultrasonic elastography for nondestructive evaluation of dissimilar material joints. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 299
  • Pantawane, M.V., Yang, T., Jin, Y., Joshi, S.S., Dasari, S., Sharma, A., Krokhin, A., Srinivasan, S.G., Banerjee, R., Neogi, A., others. (2021). Crystallographic texture dependent bulk anisotropic elastic response of additively manufactured Ti6Al4V. Scientific Reports. 11 (1) 1--10. Nature Publishing Group.
  • Pantawane, M.V., Yang, T., Jin, Y., Joshi, S.S., Dasari, S., Sharma, A., Krokhin, A., Srinivasan, S.G., Banerjee, R., Neogi, A., others. (2021). Crystallographic texture dependent bulk anisotropic elastic response of additively manufactured Ti6Al4V. Scientific Reports. 11 (1) 1--10. Nature Publishing Group.
  • Choi, T., Jin, Y., Zubov, Y., Yang, T., Choi, T., Choi, T. (2021). Spatial Decomposition of a Broadband Pulse Caused by Strong Frequency Dispersion of Sound in Acoustic Metamaterial Superlattice. 14 (1) 125. Materials (Basel).
  • Pantawane, M.V., Yang, T., Jin, Y., Mazumder, S., Pole, M., Dasari, S., Krokhin, A., Neogi, A., Mukherjee, S., Banerjee, R., others. (2021). Thermomechanically influenced dynamic elastic constants of laser powder bed fusion additively manufactured Ti6Al4V. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 811 140990. Elsevier.
  • Pantawane, M.V., Yang, T., Jin, Y., Mazumder, S., Pole, M., Dasari, S., Krokhin, A., Neogi, A., Mukherjee, S., Banerjee, R., others. (2021). Thermomechanically influenced dynamic elastic constants of laser powder bed fusion additively manufactured Ti6Al4V. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 811 140990. Elsevier.
  • Choi, T., Jin, Y., Wang, T., Krokhin, A., Mishra, R., Neogi, A. (2021). Ultrasonic elastography for nondestructive evaluation of dissimilar material joints." Journal of Materials Processing Technology. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 299 117301.
  • Bronnikov, K., Arriaga, J., Krokhin, A., Drachev, V. (2021). Sub-Diffraction-Limit Imaging System with two Interfacing Hyperbolic Metamaterials. Physical Review A. 16 044054.
  • Roccapriore, K., KROKHIN, A., Nazarikov, G., Drachev, V., Krokhin, A. (2021). Surface plasmon at a metal-dielectric interface with an epsilon-near-zero transition layer. Physical Review B. 103 L161404.
  • Dhillon, J., Bozhko, A., Walker, E., Neogi, A., Krokhin, A. (2021). Localization of ultrasound in 2D phononic crystal with randomly oriented asymmetric scatterers. Journal of Applied Physics. 129 134701.
  • Pantwane, M., Yang, T., Jin, Y., Joshi, S., Dasari, S., , A., Krokhin, A., Srivilliputhur, S.G., Banerjee, R., Neogi, A., Dahotre, N. (2021). Crystallographic texture dependent bulk anisotropic elastic response of additively manufactured Ti6Al4V. Scientific Reports. No. 11 633.
  • Jin, Y., Zubov, Y., Yang, T., Choi, T.Y., Krokhin, A., Neogi, A. (2021). Spatial decomposition of a broadband pulse caused by strong frequency dispersion of sound in acoustic metamaterial superlattice. Materials. 14 (1) 1-8.
  • Choi, T., Walker, E., Zubov, Y., Shymkiv, D., Wages, D., Choi, T., Choi, T., Choi, T. (2020). Nonreciprocal acoustics in viscous environment. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Science. Denton,
  • Jin, Y., Yang, T., Heo, H., Krokhin, A., Shi, S.Q., Dahotre, N.B., Choi, T., Neogi, A. (2020). Novel 2D dynamic elasticity maps for inspection of anisotropic properties in fused deposition modeling objects. Other. 12 (9) 1966. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute.
  • Jin, Y., Yang, t., Choi, T., Choi, T., Choi, T.Q., Choi, T., Choi, T., Choi, T. (2020). Novel 2D Dynamic Elasticity Maps for Inspection of Anisotropic Properties in Fused Deposition Modeling Objects. 12 (9) 1966. Polymers.
  • Zubov, Y., Djafari-Rouhani, B., Jin, Y., Sofield, M., Walker, E., Neogi, A., Krokhin, A. (2020). Long-range nonspreading propagation of sound beam through periodic layered structure. Other. 3 (1)
  • Heo, H., Walker, E., Zubov, Y., Shymkiv, D., Wages, D., Krokhin, A., Choi, T.Y., Neogi, A. (2020). Non-reciprocal acoustics in a viscous environment: Nonreciprocal acoustics. Other. 476 (2244)
  • Ibarias, M., Zubov, Y., Arriaga, J., Krokhin, A. (2020). Phononic crystal as a homogeneous viscous metamaterial. Physical Review X. 2 022053 -7.
  • Jin, Y., Heo, H., Walker, E., Krokhin, A., Choi, T., Neogi, A. (2020). The effects of temperature and frequency dispersion on sound speed in bulk poly (vinyl alcohol) poly (N-isopropylacrylamide) hydrogels caused by the phase transition. Ultrasonics. 104
  • Jin, Y., Walker, E., Krokhin, A., Heo, H., Choi, T.Y., Neogi, A. (2020). Enhanced Instantaneous Elastography in Tissues and Hard Materials Using Bulk Modulus and Density Determined without Externally Applied Material Deformation. Other. 67 (3) 624-634.
  • Jin, Y., Walker, E., Heo, H., Krokhin, A., Choi, T.Y., Neogi, A. (2020). Nondestructive ultrasonic evaluation of fused deposition modeling based additively manufactured 3D-printed structures. Smart Materials and Structures. 29 (4)
  • Jin, Y., Yang, T., Heo, H., Krokhin, A., Shi, S.Q., Dahotre, N.B., Choi, T.Y., Neogi, A. (2020). Novel 2D dynamic elasticity maps for inspection of anisotropic properties in fused deposition modeling objects. Other. 12 (9)
  • Jin, Y., Walker, E., Heo, H., Krokhin, A., Neogi, A., Choi, T. (2019). 2. Yuqi Jin , Hyeonu HeThe effects of temperature and frequency dispersion on sound speed in Bulk Poly (Vinyl Alcohol) (PVA) Poly (N-isopropyl acrylamide) (PNIPAm) Hydrogels caused by the phase transition. Ultrasonics. Denton,
  • Reyes, D., Walker, E., Zubov, Y., Heo, H., Krokhin, A., Neogi, A. (2019). All-acoustic signal modulation and logic operation via defect induced cavity effects in phononic crystal coupled-resonator acoustic waveguides. New Journal of Physics. 21 113012-10.
  • Neogi, A., Heo, H., Ju, J., Krokhin, A. (2019). Phononic crystal based tunable and nonreciprocal ultrasonic metamaterials. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 146 (4) 3002-3002. Acoustical Society of America (ASA).
  • CASTILLO-LÓPEZ, S., Krokhin, A., MAKAROV, N., PÉREZ-RODRÍGUEZ, F. (2019). Electrodynamics of superlattices with ultra-thin metal layers: quantum Landau damping and band gaps with nonzero density of states. Optical Materials Express. 9 (2) 673. OSA.
  • Zubov, Y., Djafari-Rouhani, B., Krokhin, A. (2018). Dynamical effective parameters of elastic superlattice with strong acoustic contrast between the constituents. Soviet Journal of Low Temperature Physics. 44 1638. New York, Consultants Bureau; American Institute of Physics.
  • Jin, Y., Heo, H., Walker, E., Krokhin, A., Neogi, A., Choi, T. Temperature-Dependent Mechanical Properties of Bulk Poly (Vinyl Alcohol) (PVA) Poly (N-isopropyl acrylamide) (PNIPAm) Hydrogel. Ultrasonics.
  • Zubov, Y., Ilinskaya, O.A., Krive, I.V., Krokhin, A. (2018). Transport properties and enhanced figure of merit of quantum dot-based spintronic thermoelectric device. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. 30 315303. IOP.
  • Walker, E., Neogi, A., Bozhko, A., Zubov, Y., Arriaga, J., Heo, H., Ju, J., Krokhin, A. (2018). Nonreciprocal linear transmission of sound in a viscous environment with broken P symmetry. Physical Review Letters. 120 204501.
  • Krokhin, A., Walker, E., Bozhko, A., Neogi, A. (2018). Linear nonreciprocal transmission of sound in a viscous fluid with asymmetric scattteres. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 143 (3) 1947-1947. Acoustical Society of America (ASA).
  • Bozhko, A., Sánchez-Dehesa, J., Cervera, F., Krokhin, A. (2017). Redirection and Splitting of Sound Waves by a Periodic Chain of Thin Perforated Cylindrical Shells. Other. 7 064034.
  • Krokhin, A., Arriaga, J., Gumen, L., Drachev, V. (2016). High-frequency homogenization for layered hyperbolic metamaterials. Physical Review B. 93 075418. American Physical Society.
  • Neogi, A., Gryczynski, K., Llopis, A., Lin, J., Main, K., Shimada, R., Wang, Z., Lee, J., Salamo, G., Krokhin, A. (2016). Metallic nanodroplet induced Coulomb catalysis for off-resonant plasmonic enhancement of photoemission in semiconductors. ACS Omega. 1 19-28. American Chemical Society.
  • Neogi, A., Gryczynski, K., Llopis, A., Lin, J., Main, K., Shimada, R., Wang, Z., Lee, J., Salamo, G., Krokhin, A. (2016). Metallic Nanodroplet Induced Coulomb Catalysis for Off-Resonant Plasmonic Enhancement of Photoemission in Semiconductors. ACS Omega. 1 (1) 19-28. American Chemical Society (ACS).
  • Drachev, V.P., Krokhin, A., Arriaga, J., Gumen, L.M. (2016). High-frequency homogenization for layered hyperbolic metamaterials. Physical Review B. 93 (7) 075418. New York, APS.
  • Krokhin, A., Neogi, A., Llopis, A., Mahat, M., Gumen, L., Pereira, S., Watson, I. (2015). Electrostatic enhancement of light emitted by semiconductor quantum well. Other. 647 012014. IOP Publishing.
  • Bozhko, A., Garcia-Chocano, V., Sanchez-Dehesa, J., Krokhin, A. (2015). Redirection of sound in straight fluid channel with elastic boundaries. Physical Review B. 91 094303. American Physical Society.
  • Walker, E., Reyes, D., Krokhin, A., Neogi, A. (2014). Anomalous temperature dependence of speed of sound of bulk poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) hydrogels near the phase transition. Ultrasonics. 54 1337.
  • Lin, J., Llopis, A., Krokhin, A., Pereira, S., Watson, I., Neogi, A. (2014). Comparison of electrostatic and localized plasmon induced light enhancement in hybrid InGaN/GaN quantum wells. Applied Physics Letters. 104 242106. AIP.
  • Usatenko, O., Melnik, S., Apostolov, S., Makarov, N., Krokhin, A. (2014). Iterative method for generating correlated binary sequences. Physical Review E. 90 053305. APS.
  • Walker, E., Reyes, D., Mayorga Rojas, M., Krokhin, A., Wang, Z., Neogi, A. (2014). Tunable ultrasonic phononic crystal controlled by infrared radiation. Applied Physics Letters. 105 143503.
  • Llopis, A., Lin, J., Pereira, S., Trindade, T., Martins, M., Watson, I., Krokhin, A., Neogi, A. (2013). Electrostatic mechanism of strong enhancement of light emitted by semiconductor quantum wells. Physical Review B. 87 201304(R).
  • Izrailev, F., Krokhin, A., Makarov, N. (2012). Anomalous localization in low-dimensional systems with correlated disorder. Physics Reports. 512 125–254. Elsevier.
  • García-Chocano, V., Nagaraj, N., López-Rios, T., Gumen, L., Sanchez-Dehesa, J., Krokhin, A. (2012). Resonant coupling of Rayleigh waves through a narrow fluid channel causing extraordinary acoustic absorption. Journal of Acoustical Society of America. 132 2807.
  • Carbonell, J., Sanchez-Dehesa, J., Arriaga, J., Gumen, L., Krokhin, A. (2011). Electromagnetic absorption in anisotropic photonic crystal of alumina cylinders. Other. 5 74. Elsevier.
  • Gumen, L., Arriaga, J., Krokhin, A. (2011). Metafluid with anisotropic dynamic mass. Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur. 37 975.
  • Garcia-Chocano, V., López-Rios, T., Krokhin, A., Sanchez-Dehesa, J. (2011). Resonant excitation of coupled Rayleigh waves in a short and narrow fluid channel clad between two identical metal plates. AIP Advances. 1 041501.
  • Slipchenko, T., Kadygrob, D., Bogdanis, D., Yampol’skii, V., Krokhin, A. (2011). Surface and waveguide Josephson plasma waves in slabs of layered superconductors. Physical Review B. 84 224512. American Physical Society.
  • J. Carbonell, F. Cervera, J. Sánchez-Dehesa, J. Arriaga, L. Gumen, and A. Krokhin. (2010). Homogenization of two-dimensional anisotropic dissipative photonic crystal. Applied Physics Letters. 97 231122.
  • Nagaraj and A. A. Krokhin. (2010). Long-range surface plasmons in dielectric-metal-dielectric structure with highly anisotropic substrates. Physical Review B. 81 085426.
  • 86. L. Gumen, Nagaraj, A.Neogi, A. Krokhin. (2010). Long-range surface plasmons on highly anisotropic dielectric substrates. Other. 19 613.
  • Mauro Bologna, Fabio Vanni, Arkadii Krokhin, and Paolo Grigolini. (2010). Memory effects in fractional Brownian motion with Hurst exponent H<1/3. Physical Review E. 82 020102(R).
  • J. Wahrmund, J.-W. Kim, L.-Y. Chu, C. Wang, Y. Li, A. Fernandez-Nieves, D.A. Weitz, A. Krokhin, and Zhibing Hu. (2009).
  • A. A. Krokhin, V. M. K. Bagci, F. M. Izrailev, O. V. Usatenko, and V. A. Yampol'skii. (2009).
  • L.N. Gumen and A.A. Krokhin. (2008).
  • U. Kuhl, F. M. Izrailev, and A. A. Krokhin. (2008). Enhancement of localization in one-dimensional random potentials with long-range correlations.
  • 78. E. Diez, F. Izrailev, A. Krokhin, and A. Rodriguez. (2007).
  • V. A. Yampolskii, Sergey Savelev, O. V. Usatenko, S. S. Melnik, F. V. Kusmart¬sev, A. A. Krokhin, and Franco Nori. (2007). Controlled terahertz frequency response and transparency of Josephson chains and superconducting multilayers.
  • V. M. K. Bagci and A. A. Krokhin. (2007). Electron localization in a two-channel tight-binding model with correlated disorder.
  • Rasit Cakir, Arkadii Krokhin, and Paolo Grigolini. (2007). From the trajectory to the density memory.
  • Rasit Cakir, Arkadii Krokhin, and Paolo Grigolini. (2007). From the trajectory to the density memory.
  • F. M. Izrailev, A. A. Krokhin, N. M. Makarov, and O. V. Usatenko. (2007). Genera­tion of correlated binary sequences from white noise.
  • E. Feldman, L. Gumen, K. Gumennyk, A. Kalashyan, A. Krokhin, and L. Stefanovich. (2007). Kinetic theory of ordering of F.C.C. binary alloys of Cu3Au type.
  • A. A. Krokhin, A. Neogi, and D. McNeil. (2007). Long-range propagation of surface plasmons in a thin metallic film deposited on an anisotropic photonic crystal.
  • A.A. Krokhin, E. Reyes, and L. Gumen. (2007). Low-frequency index of refraction for a two-dimensional metallodielectric photonic crystal.
  • V. M. K. Bagci and A.A. Krokhin. (2007). Metalinsulator transition in DNA mole­cules induced by long-range correlations in the sequence of nucleotides.
  • R. Cakir, P. Grigolini, and A. Krokhin. (2006). Dynamical origin of memory and renewal.
  • D.P.A. Hardwick, S.L. Naylor, S. Bujkiewicz, T.M. Fromhold, D. Fowler, A. Patane, L. Eaves, A.A. Krokhin, P.B. Wilkinson, M. Henini, F.W. Sheard. (2006). E ff ect of inter-miniband tunneling on current resonances due to the formation of stochastic conduction networks in superlattices.
  • F.M. Izrailev, A.A. Krokhin, N.M.Makarov, S.S. Melnyk, O.V.Usatenko, and V.A. Yampolskii. (2006). Memory function versus binary correlator in additive Markov chain.
  • Z. Ye, W.D. Deering, A. Krokhin, and J.A. Roberts. (2006). Microwave absorption by an array of carbon nanotubes: A phenomenological model.
  • T.M. Fromhold, S. Bujkiewicz, A. Patane, S.P. Stapleton, D. Sherwood, D. Fowler, J. Cooper, L. Eaves, A.E. Belyaev, A.A. Krokhin, A. Neumann, P.B. Wilkinson, N.S. Sankeshwar, M. Henini, and F.W. Sheard. (2006). Stochastic Car­rier Dynamics in Semiconductor Superlattices.
  • E. Reyes, A.A. Krokhin, and J. Roberts. (2005). E ff ective dielectric constant of pho­tonic crystal of aligned anisotropic cylinders and the optical response of a peri­odic array of carbon nanotubes.
  • T. M. Fromhold, A. Patane, S. Bujkiewicz, P. B. Wilkinson, D. Fowler, D. Sher¬wood, S. P. Stapleton, A. A. Krokhin, L. Eaves, M. Henini, N. S. Sankeshwar, and F. W. Sheard. (2004). Chaotic electron di ff usion through stochastic webs enhances current flow in superlattices.
  • A.A. Krokhin, E. Reyes. (2004). Homogenization of magnetodielectric photonic crys­tals.
  • V. Dossetti, F. Izrailev, A.A. Krokhin. (2004). Resistance of a 1D random chain: Hamiltonian version of the transfer matrix approach.
  • L. Gumen, E. Feldman, V. Yurchenko, A. Krokhin. (2004). Screw misfit dislocations in soft substrates of epitaxial heterostructures.
  • Dossetti, F. Izrailev, A.A. Krokhin. (2004). Transport properties of 1D tight-binding disordered models: the Hamiltonian map approach.
  • S. P. Stapleton, S. Bujkiewicz, T. M. Fromhold, A. Patane, P. B. Wilkinson, A. Patane, L. Eaves, A. A. Krokhin, M. Henini, N. S. Sankeshwar, and F. W. Sheard. (2004). Use of stochastic web pattern to control electron transport in semicon­ductor superlattices.
  • J. Arriaga, A.A. Krokhin, P. Halevi. (2003). E ff ective dielectric constant of 2D pho­tonic crystals with high dielectric contrast.
  • A.A. Krokhin, L.N. Gumen, H.J. Padilla Martinez, and J. Arriaga. (2003). Optical frequencies of spectra of photonic crystals.
  • A.A. Krokhin, J. Arriaga, L. Gumen. (2003). Speed of sound in periodic elastic com­posites.
  • L. Gumen, E. Feldman, V. Yurchenko, A. Krokhin, P. Pereyra. (2003). Topological defects in 1D potential and superlattices.
  • L.N. Gumen, J. Arriaga, and A.A. Krokhin. (2002). Manifestation of quantum chaos in spectra of 2D photonic crystals.
  • A. Krokhin, F. Izrailev, U. Kuhl, H.-J. St¨ockmann, and S. Ulloa. (2002). Random 1D structures as filters for electrical and optical signals.
  • A.A. Krokhin, P. Halevi, and J. Arriaga. (2002). The long-wavelength limit (homog­enization) for two-dimensional photonic crystals.
  • E. Vigueras, A.A. Krokhin, T.J. Mckrell, and J. Galligan. (2001). Broadening of the tilt-e ff ect peak in the drag of dislocations in metals due to chaotic scattering of electrons.
  • T.M. Fromhold, A.A. Krokhin, P.B. Wilkinson, A.E. Belyaev, C.R. Tench, S. Bujkiewicz, F.W. Sheard, L. Eaves, and M. Henini. (2001). Chaotic quantum transport in superlattices.
  • P. Halevi, A.A. Krokhin, and J. Arriaga. (2001). Comment on "Photonic band gaps: Noncommuting Limits and the 'Acoustic Band' ".
  • T.M. Fromhold, A.A. Krokhin, C.R. Tench, S. Bujkiewicz, P.B. Wilkinson, F.W. Sheard, and L. Eaves. (2001). E ff ects of stochastic webs on chaotic electron trans­port in semiconductor superlattices.
  • Yu.L. Bolotin, V.Yu. Gonchar, A.A. Krokhin, P.H. Hern´andez-Tejeda, A. Tur, and V.V. Yanovsky. (2001). Local and global control of high-period unstable orbits in reversible maps.
  • E. Vigueras, E. Feldman, V. Yurchenko, L. Gumen, A. Krokhin. (2001). Misfit dislo­cations in epitaxial heterostructures with di ff erent elastic constants of substrate and epilayer.
  • F.M. Izrailev, A.A. Krokhin, and S. Ulloa. (2001). Mobility edge in aperiodic poten­tials with correlated disorder: perturbative approach.
  • P. Halevi, A.A. Krokhin, and J. Arriaga. (2001). Photonic crystal optics and homog­enization of 2D periodic composites.
  • A.A. Krokhin, T.M. Fromhold, A.E. Belyaev, H.M. Murphy, L. Eaves, D. Sherwood, P.C. Main, and M. Henini. (2001). Suppression of electron injection into a finite superlattice in an applied magnetic field.
  • U. Kuhl, F.M. Izrailev, A.A. Krokhin, and H.-J. St¨ockmann. (2000). Experimental observation of the mobility edge in a waveguide with correlated disorder.
  • G.A. Luna-Acosta, F.M. Izrailev, and A.A. Krokhin. (2000). On the dynamical and statistical properties of complex quantum systems.
  • A.A. Krokhin and F.M. Izrailev. (2000). Quantum localization in 1D correlated po­tentials: existence of the mobility edge.
  • L.N. Gumen, E.P. Feldman, V.M. Yurchenko, T.N. Melnik and A.A. Krokhin. (2000). Surface segregation of interacting atoms: analytical approach using a thermo­dynamic model.
  • A.A. Krokhin and F.M. Izrailev. (1999). Anderson localization and the mobility edge in 1D random potentials with long-range correlations.
  • Yu.L. Bolotin, V.Yu. Gonchar, A.A. Krokhin, A. Tur, and V.V. Yanovsky. (1999). Control of unstable high-period orbits in complex systems.
  • F.M. Izrailev and A.A. Krokhin. (1999). Localization and the mobility edge in one-dimensional potentials with correlated disorder.
  • P. Halevi, A.A. Krokhin, and J. Arriaga. (1999). Photonic crystal as optical compo­nents.
  • P. Halevi, A.A. Krokhin, and J. Arriaga. (1999). Photonic crystal optics and homog­enization of 2D periodic composites.
  • J.M. Galligan, L.N. Gumen, I.V. Krivoshey, A.A. Krokhin, and G.A. Luna-Acosta. (1998). Chaotic e ff ects in electron drag processes in metals.
  • E. Vigueras-Santiago, A.A. Krokhin, T. Mckrell, and J.M. Galligan. (1998). Creep at low temperatures: unzipping of dislocations, inertia, and criticality processes.
  • A.A. Krokhin and I.V. Krive. (1998). Persistent current with fractional period in a multichannel Wigner crystal ring.
  • G.A. Luna-Acosta, M.A. Rodr´ıguez, A. Krokhin, Kyungsun Na, and R.A. M´endez. (1998). Quantum and classical ballistic transport in a chaotic 2D electron channel.
  • A.A. Krokhin, L.N. Gumen, and J.M. Galligan. (1998). Tilt-e ff ect in the electron drag of dislocations in metals.
  • I.V. Krive and A.A. Krokhin. (1997). Aharonov-Bohm oscillations with fractional period in a multichannel Wigner crystal ring.
  • A.A. Krokhin, G.A. Luna-Acosta, and J. Madrigal-Melchor. (1997). Electromagnetic field generated by a charge particle moving slowly through a conducting media.
  • A.A. Krokhin, J. Arriaga, and P. Halevi. (1997). Speed of light in a 2D photonic crystal in the low-frequency limit.
  • G.A. Luna-Acosta, Kyungsun Na, L.E. Reichl, and A.A. Krokhin. (1996). Band struc­ture and quantum Poincare sections of a classically chaotic quantum rippled channel.
  • G.A. Luna-Acosta, A.A. Krokhin, M.A. Rodriguez, and P.H. Hern´andez-Tejeda. (1996). Classical chaos and ballistic transport in a mesoscopic rippled channel.
  • A.A. Krokhin and P. Halevi. (1996). Influence of a weak dissipation on the band structure of periodic composites.
  • J.M. Galligan, L.N. Gumen, and A.A. Krokhin. (1995). On the problem of the critical resolved shear stress saturation at low temperatures.
  • J. Slisko and A.A. Krokhin. (1995). Physics or fantasy?.
  • H. Hernandez-Cocoletzi, A.A. Krokhin, and P. Halevi. (1995). Reality of the eigen­frequencies of periodic elastic composites.
  • I.V. Krive and A.A. Krokhin. (1994). Excitonic mechanism of Aharonov-Casher os­cillations.
  • L. Wendler, V.M. Fomin, and A.A. Krokhin. (1994). Relation between persistent current and band structure of finite–width mesoscopic rings.
  • V.I. Kozub and A.A. Krokhin. (1993). Classical mesoscopic conductance fluctuations in systems with boundary scattering.
  • A.A. Krokhin, L.N. Gumen, V.P. Lebedev and V.S. Krylovskii. (1993). Electron dis­location drag in thin metal samples.
  • V.I. Kozub and A.A. Krokhin. (1992). Classical mesoscopic e ff ect due to scattering of conduction electrons by a rough boundary.
  • A.A. Krokhin, N.M. Makarov, and V.A. Yampolskii. (1991). Microscopic theory of conduction electron scattering from a random metal surface with mildly sloping asperities.
  • A.A. Krokhin, N.M. Makarov, and V.A. Yampol'skii. (1991). Theory of surface scat­tering of electrons in metal with gently sloping surface irregularities.
  • A.A. Krokhin, N.M. Makarov, V.A. Yampolskii and I.V. Yurkevich. (1990). Problem of localization and scattering of the conduction electrons at the rough metal surface.
  • A.A. Krokhin, N.M. Makarov, and V.A. Yampol'skii. (1989). Electromagnetic mech­anism of pulse nonlinearity suppression in metals.
  • L.N. Gumen and A.A. Krokhin. (1988). Nonlinear theory of electron drag of one-dimensional defects with a long-range potential.
  • A.A. Krokhin, I.B. Snapiro, and V.A. Yampol'skii. (1987). Nonlinear current-voltage characteristic of a thin metal plate with nondi ff usely scattering faces.
  • A.A. Krokhin, I.B. Snapiro, and V.A. Yampol'skii. (1986). Magnetodynamic nonlin­earity in a metal-dielectric-metal system.
  • A.A. Gabashvili, E.A. Kaner, and A.A. Krokhin. (1984). Damping of surface electro­magnetic wave in metal with rough surface.
  • A.A. Gabashvili and A.A. Krokhin. (1983). Damping of the magnetoplasmon propa­gating along a rough dielectric-semiconductor interface.
  • E.A. Kaner, A.A. Krokhin, N.M.Makarov, and V.A.Yampol'skii. (1982). Theory of adiabatic surface scattering of electrons in metals.
  • E.A. Kaner, A.A. Krokhin, N.M. Makarov, and V.A. Yampol'skii. (1981). Surface impedance of a metal with rough boundary in a parallel magnetic field.
  • E.A. Kaner, A.A. Krokhin, N.M. Makarov, and V.A. Yampol'skii. (1980). Surface absorption of electromagnetic waves in metals by random boundary inhomo­geneities.

Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research

    Grant - Research

  • Choi, T. (Co-Principal), Krokhin, A. (Co-Principal), Neogi, A. (Principal), "INTERN: GOALI: EFRI NewLaw: Non-reciprocal effects and Anderson localization of acoustic and elastic waves in periodic structures withbroken P-symmetry of the unit cell," sponsored by NSF, Federal, $50000 Funded. (2019).
  • Neu, J. (Co-Principal), Zhang, Z. (Principal), Kelber, J.A. (Co-Principal), Krokhin, A. (Co-Principal), Choi, T., "High-Contrast Elasto-Metamaterial Photonics for Adaptable and Stable Lasing," sponsored by Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Federal, $4437624 Funded. (2023 - 2025).
  • Neogi, A. (Principal), Choi, T. (Co-Principal), Krokhin, A. (Co-Principal), "EFRI: Non-reciprocal effects and Anderson localization of acoustic and elastic waves in periodic structures with broken P-symmetry of the unit cell for encryption," sponsored by NSF, Federal, $1998368 Funded. (2017 - 2024).
  • Choi, T. (Co-Principal), Krokhin, A. (Principal), "Supplement: GOALI: EFRI NewLaw: Non-reciprocal effects and Anderson localization of acoustic and elastic waves in periodic structures withbroken P-symmetry of the unit cell," sponsored by NSF, National, $99990 Funded. (2023 - 2024).
  • Krokhin, A. (Principal), Choi, T. (Co-Principal), "Supplement GOALI: EFRI NewLaw: Non-reciprocal effects and Anderson localization of acoustic and elastic waves in periodic structures with broken P-symmetry of the unit cell," sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, $110000 Funded. (2017 - 2023).
  • Choi, T. (Co-Principal), Krokhin, A. (Principal), "Supplement: GOALI: EFRI NewLaw: Non-reciprocal effects and Anderson localization of acoustic and elastic waves in periodic structures withbroken P-symmetry of the unit cell," sponsored by NSF, Federal, $99990 Funded. (2021 - 2022).
  • Neogi, A. (Principal), Krokhin, A. (Co-Principal), Choi, T. (Co-Principal), "GOALI: EFRI NewLaw: Non-reciprocal effects and Anderson localization of acoustic and elastic waves in periodic structures with broken P-symmetry of the unit cell," sponsored by National Science Foundation, National, $50000 Funded. (2019 - 2021).
  • Neogi, A., Krokhin, A., Choi, T., Walker, E. (Co-Principal), "Supplement: GOALI: EFRI NewLaw: Non-reciprocal effects and Anderson localization of acoustic and elastic waves in periodic structures with broken P-symmetry of the unit cell," sponsored by NSF, Federal, $99999 Funded. (2017 - 2021).
  • Krokhin, A. (Other), "Effective medium theory of periodic composites," sponsored by Department of Energy research grant # DE-FG02-06ER4631, Federal, $330000 Funded. (2009 - 2013).
  • Krokhin, A. (Other), "Effective medium theory of periodic composites," sponsored by Department of Energy research grant # DE-FG02-06ER4631, Federal, $290000 Funded. (2006 - 2009).
  • Krokhin, A. (Principal), Neogi, A. (Supporting), Choi, T. (Co-Principal), "GOALI: EFRI NewLaw: Non-Reciprocal Effects and Anderson Localization of Acoustic and Elastic Waves in Periodic Structures with Broken PSymmetry of the Unit Cell," sponsored by National Science Foundation, FED, Funded. (2017 - 2022).
  • Neogi, A., Krokhin, A., Choi, T., Walker, E. (Co-Principal), "Supplement: GOALI: EFRI NewLaw: Non-reciprocal effects and Anderson localization of acoustic and elastic waves in periodic structures with broken P-symmetry of the unit cell," sponsored by NSF, State, Funded. (2017 - 2021).
  • Neogi, A. (Principal), Choi, T. (Co-Principal), Krokhin, A. (Co-Principal), "EFRI: Non-reciprocal effects and Anderson localization of acoustic and elastic waves in periodic structures with broken P-symmetry of the unit cell for encryption," sponsored by NSF, Federal, Funded. (2017 - 2021).
  • Krokhin, A. (Co-Principal), Neogi, A. (Principal), Dahotre, N.B. (Co-Principal), Choi, T. (Co-Principal), "Nondestructive remote sensing of additive manufactured material properties based on Ultrasonic Elastography," sponsored by CTL Medical, IND, Funded. (2019 - 2020).
  • Krokhin, A. (Other), "Effective medium theory of periodic composites," sponsored by Department of Energy research grant # DE-FG02-06ER4631, Federal, Funded. (2009 - 2013).
  • Krokhin, A. (Other), "Effective medium theory of periodic composites," sponsored by Department of Energy research grant # DE-FG02-06ER4631, Federal, Funded. (2006 - 2009).
Summative Rating
Challenge and
Engagement Index
Response Rate

out of 5

out of 7
students responded
  • Overall Summative Rating (median):
    This rating represents the combined responses of students to the four global summative items and is presented to provide an overall index of the class’s quality. Overall summative statements include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 5 = Excellent, 3 = Good, and 1= Very poor):
    • The course as a whole was
    • The course content was
    • The instructor’s contribution to the course was
    • The instructor’s effectiveness in teaching the subject matter was
  • Challenge and Engagement Index:
    This rating combines student responses to several SPOT items relating to how academically challenging students found the course to be and how engaged they were. Challenge and Engagement Index items include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 7 = Much higher, 4 = Average, and 1 = Much lower):
    • Do you expect your grade in this course to be
    • The intellectual challenge presented was
    • The amount of effort you put into this course was
    • The amount of effort to succeed in this course was
    • Your involvement in course (doing assignments, attending classes, etc.) was