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Ana Lopez

Title: Professor

Department: Studio Art

College: College of Visual Arts and Design

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae Link


  • MA, Parsons School of Design/ The Smithsonian Associates, 2007
    Major: History of American Decorative Arts
  • MFA, Cranbrook Academy of Art, 1999
    Major: Art - Metalsmithing
  • BFA, Miami University, 1996
    Major: Art - Sculpture

Current Scheduled Teaching

ASTU 5015.501Creative ProjectFall 2024
ASTU 3405.501Intermediate Metalsmithing and Jewelry: TechnologyFall 2024 Syllabus
ASTU 4400.501Senior Metalsmithing and Jewelry StudioFall 2024 Syllabus

Previous Scheduled Teaching

ASTU 5001.504Graduate SeminarSpring 2024 SPOT
ASTU 3403.501Intermediate Metalsmithing and Jewelry: PlasticitySpring 2024 Syllabus SPOT
ASTU 5020.760MFA ExhibitionSpring 2024
ASTU 4400.501Senior Metalsmithing and Jewelry StudioSpring 2024 Syllabus SPOT
ART 5900.760Special ProblemsSpring 2024
ASTU 3403.501Intermediate Metalsmithing and Jewelry: PlasticitySpring 2023 Syllabus SPOT
ASTU 5020.760MFA Project in Lieu of ThesisSpring 2023
ASTU 5001.503Praxis: Rotating TopicsSpring 2023 SPOT
ASTU 4400.501Senior Metalsmithing and Jewelry StudioSpring 2023 Syllabus SPOT
ASTU 3405.501Intermediate Metalsmithing and Jewelry: TechnologyFall 2022 Syllabus SPOT
ASTU 5015.760MFA Project In Lieu of Thesis ResearchFall 2022
ASTU 5001.503Praxis: Rotating TopicsFall 2022 SPOT
ASTU 3403.501Intermediate Metalsmithing and Jewelry: PlasticitySpring 2022 Syllabus SPOT
ASTU 5020.760MFA Project in Lieu of ThesisSpring 2022
ASTU 5001.503Praxis: Rotating TopicsSpring 2022 SPOT
ASTU 3405.501Intermediate Metalsmithing and Jewelry: TechnologyFall 2021 Syllabus SPOT
ASTU 5015.760MFA Project In Lieu of Thesis ResearchFall 2021
ART 4450.760Professional InternshipFall 2021
ASTU 4400.501Senior Metalsmithing and Jewelry StudioFall 2021 Syllabus SPOT
ART 4900.760Special ProblemsFall 2021
ART 5900.760Special ProblemsFall 2021
ASTU 3402.501Intermediate Metalsmithing and Jewelry: Color and SurfaceSpring 2021 Syllabus SPOT
ASTU 3403.501Intermediate Metalsmithing and Jewelry: PlasticitySpring 2021 Syllabus SPOT
ASTU 5001.503Praxis: Rotating TopicsSpring 2021 SPOT
ART 4900.760Special ProblemsSpring 2021
ASTU 2402.501Beginning JewelryFall 2020 Syllabus SPOT
ASTU 3405.501Intermediate Metalsmithing and Jewelry: TechnologyFall 2020 Syllabus SPOT
ASTU 5001.503Praxis: Rotating TopicsFall 2020 SPOT
ASTU 4400.501Senior Metalsmithing and Jewelry StudioFall 2020 Syllabus SPOT
ART 4900.760Special ProblemsFall 2020 Syllabus
ASTU 3000.501Interdisciplinary: Rotating TopicsSpring 2020 Syllabus
ASTU 3403.501Intermediate Metalsmithing and Jewelry: PlasticitySpring 2020 Syllabus
ASTU 5001.504Praxis: Rotating TopicsSpring 2020
ART 4900.760Special ProblemsSpring 2020
ASTU 5000.501Topics in Studio ArtSpring 2020
ASTU 4150.501Advanced Metalsmithing & Jewelry Studio ISpring 2019 Syllabus SPOT
ASTU 3165.501Intermediate Metalsmithing & Jewelry : TechnologySpring 2019 Syllabus SPOT
ASTU 5020.760MFA ExhibitionSpring 2019 SPOT
ART 4900.760Special ProblemsSpring 2019
ASTU 5015.760Creative ProjectFall 2018
ASTU 3155.501Intermediate Metalsmithing & Jewelry : PlasticityFall 2018 Syllabus SPOT
ASTU 5150.501Jewelry and Metalworking StudioFall 2018 SPOT
ASTU 4150.501Advanced Metalsmithing & Jewelry Studio ISpring 2018 Syllabus SPOT
ASTU 3170.501Intermediate Metalsmithing & Jewelry : Mechanisms & MultiplesSpring 2018 Syllabus SPOT
ASTU 5020.760MFA ExhibitionSpring 2018 SPOT
ART 4900.760Special ProblemsSpring 2018 SPOT
ART 5900.760Special ProblemsSpring 2018
ASTU 5015.760Creative ProjectFall 2017
ASTU 3165.501Intermediate Metalsmithing & Jewelry : TechnologyFall 2017 Syllabus SPOT
ASTU 5150.501Jewelry and Metalworking StudioFall 2017 SPOT
ART 5900.760Special ProblemsFall 2017
ASTU 4151.501Advanced Metalsmithing & Jewelry Studio IISpring 2017 Syllabus SPOT
ASTU 4152.501Advanced Metalsmithing & Jewelry Studio IIISpring 2017 Syllabus SPOT
ASTU 3155.501Intermediate Metalsmithing & Jewelry : PlasticitySpring 2017 Syllabus SPOT
ASTU 5020.760MFA ExhibitionSpring 2017
ART 4900.760Special ProblemsSpring 2017 SPOT
ART 5900.760Special ProblemsSpring 2017 SPOT
ART 4900.760Special ProblemsFall 2016
ART 5900.760Special ProblemsFall 2016
ASTU 5000.501Topics in Studio ArtFall 2016 SPOT
AEAH 4840.001Topics in the History of CraftsFall 2016 Syllabus SPOT
AEAH 5840.001Topics in the History of CraftsFall 2016 SPOT
ASTU 4150.501Advanced Metalsmithing & Jewelry Studio ISpring 2016 Syllabus SPOT
ASTU 5015.760Creative ProjectSpring 2016
ASTU 3160.501Intermediate Metalsmithing & Jewelry : AdornmentSpring 2016 Syllabus SPOT
ASTU 5150.760Jewelry and Metalworking StudioSpring 2016
ASTU 5020.760MFA ExhibitionSpring 2016
ART 4900.760Special ProblemsSpring 2016
AEAH 4840.001History of CraftsFall 2015 Syllabus SPOT
AEAH 5840.001History of CraftsFall 2015 SPOT
ASTU 2150.503Metalsmithing and Jewelry IFall 2015 Syllabus SPOT
ASTU 5020.760MFA ExhibitionFall 2015
ART 5900.760Special ProblemsFall 2015
ASTU 4150.501Advanced Metalsmithing & Jewelry Studio ISpring 2015 Syllabus
ASTU 3165.501Intermediate Metalsmithing & Jewelry : TechnologySpring 2015 Syllabus
ASTU 5015.760Creative ProjectFall 2014
AEAH 4840.001History of CraftsFall 2014 Syllabus
AEAH 5840.001History of CraftsFall 2014
ASTU 5150.760Jewelry and Metalworking StudioFall 2014
ASTU 2150.504Metalsmithing and Jewelry IFall 2014 Syllabus
ASTU 4150.501Advanced Metalsmithing & Jewelry Studio ISpring 2014 Syllabus
ASTU 2150.501Metalsmithing and Jewelry ISpring 2014 Syllabus
ASTU 5020.760MFA ExhibitionSpring 2014
ART 4900.760Special ProblemsSpring 2014
ASTU 4150.760Advanced Metalsmithing & Jewelry Studio IFall 2013
ASTU 5015.760Creative ProjectFall 2013
AEAH 4840.001History of CraftsFall 2013 Syllabus
AEAH 5840.001History of CraftsFall 2013
AEAH 5840.791History of CraftsFall 2013
ASTU 5150.501Jewelry and Metalworking StudioFall 2013
ART 4900.760Special ProblemsFall 2013
ASTU 3170.501Intermediate Metalsmithing & Jewelry : Mechanisms & MultiplesSpring 2013 Syllabus
ASTU 5150.501Jewelry and Metalworking StudioSpring 2013
ART 4900.760Special ProblemsSpring 2013
ASTU 3155.501Intermediate Metalsmithing & Jewelry : PlasticitySpring 2012 Syllabus
ASTU 4150.501Metalsmithing and Jewelry StudioSpring 2012 Syllabus
ART 4900.760Special ProblemsSpring 2012
AEAH 4840.001History of CraftsFall 2011 Syllabus
AEAH 5840.001History of CraftsFall 2011
ASTU 5150.501Jewelry and Metalworking StudioFall 2011
ASTU 4150.760Metalsmithing and Jewelry StudioFall 2011
AEAH 4840.001History of CraftsSpring 2011 Syllabus
AEAH 5840.001History of CraftsSpring 2011
ASTU 4150.501Metalsmithing and Jewelry StudioSpring 2011 Syllabus
ART 4900.760Special ProblemsSpring 2011
ART 5900.760Special ProblemsSpring 2011
ASTU 5015.760Creative ProjectFall 2010
ASTU 5150.501Jewelry and Metalworking StudioFall 2010
ASTU 2150.502Metalsmithing and Jewelry IFall 2010 Syllabus
ASTU 3150.501Metalsmithing and Jewelry IIFall 2010 Syllabus
ASTU 3160.501Metalsmithing and Jewelry IIIFall 2010 Syllabus
ASTU 5020.760MFA ExhibitionFall 2010
ART 5900.760Special ProblemsFall 2010
ASTU 5150.501Jewelry and Metalworking StudioSummer 3W1 2010
ASTU 4150.501Metalsmithing and Jewelry StudioSummer 3W1 2010
AEAH 4840.001History of CraftsSpring 2010
AEAH 5840.001History of CraftsSpring 2010
ASTU 3150.502Metalsmithing and Jewelry IISpring 2010
ASTU 3160.502Metalsmithing and Jewelry IIISpring 2010
ASTU 4150.501Metalsmithing and Jewelry StudioSpring 2010
ART 4900.760Special ProblemsSpring 2010
ART 5900.760Special ProblemsSpring 2010
ASTU 5150.501Jewelry and Metalworking StudioFall 2009
ASTU 3150.501Metalsmithing and Jewelry IIFall 2009
ASTU 3160.501Metalsmithing and Jewelry IIIFall 2009
AEAH 4840.001History of CraftsSpring 2009
AEAH 5840.001History of CraftsSpring 2009
ASTU 4150.502Metalsmithing and Jewelry StudioSpring 2009
ART 4900.760Special ProblemsSpring 2009
ASTU 5150.501Jewelry and Metalworking StudioFall 2008
ASTU 2150.502Metalsmithing and Jewelry IFall 2008
ASTU 3150.501Metalsmithing and Jewelry IIFall 2008
ASTU 3160.501Metalsmithing and Jewelry IIIFall 2008
ART 5810.501Jewelry and Metalworking StudioSummer 3W1 2008
ART 4810.501Metalsmithing and Jewelry StudioSummer 3W1 2008
ART 4310.001History of CraftsSpring 2008
ART 5311.001History of CraftsSpring 2008
ART 3910.501Metalsmithing and Jewelry IISpring 2008
ART 3912.501Metalsmithing and Jewelry IIISpring 2008
ART 4810.501Metalsmithing and Jewelry StudioSpring 2008
ART 5810.501Jewelry and Metalworking StudioFall 2007
ART 2820.502Metalsmithing and Jewelry IFall 2007
ART 3910.501Metalsmithing and Jewelry IIFall 2007
ART 3912.501Metalsmithing and Jewelry IIIFall 2007
ART 2820.502Metalsmithing and Jewelry ISpring 2007
ART 3910.501Metalsmithing and Jewelry IISpring 2007
ART 3912.501Metalsmithing and Jewelry IIISpring 2007
ART 4810.501Metalsmithing and Jewelry StudioSpring 2007
ART 5900.760Special ProblemsSpring 2007
ART 5810.501Jewelry and Metalworking StudioFall 2006
ART 2820.502Metalsmithing and Jewelry IFall 2006
ART 3910.501Metalsmithing and Jewelry IIFall 2006
ART 3912.501Metalsmithing and Jewelry IIIFall 2006
ART 4900.760Special ProblemsFall 2006
ART 2820.502Metalsmithing and Jewelry ISpring 2006
ART 3910.501Metalsmithing and Jewelry IISpring 2006
ART 3912.501Metalsmithing and Jewelry IIISpring 2006
ART 4810.501Metalsmithing and Jewelry StudioSpring 2006
ART 4900.760Special ProblemsSpring 2006
ART 5810.502Jewelry and Metalworking StudioFall 2005
ART 5810.792Jewelry and Metalworking StudioFall 2005
ART 2820.502Metalsmithing and Jewelry IFall 2005
ART 3910.501Metalsmithing and Jewelry IIFall 2005
ART 3912.501Metalsmithing and Jewelry IIIFall 2005
ART 4900.760Special ProblemsFall 2005

Published Intellectual Contributions


  • Lopez, A. (2009). Metalworking Through History: An Encyclopedia..
  • Book Review

  • Lopez, A. (2019). Under the Covers. Metalsmith. 39 (1) 24-25. Eugene, Oregon, Society of North American Goldsmiths.
  • Lopez, A.M. (2018). The Shape of Craft. Metalsmith. 38 (3) 26-27. Seattle, Washington, Society of North American Goldsmiths. 2530 Lipscomb St
  • Cited Research

  • Lopez, A. (2022). Image of Air Diffuser 1: Commemoration. Mine Sanatı ve Teknikleri (Enameling Art and Techniques).
  • Encyclopedia Article

  • Lopez, A. (2011). Lopez, Ana M. "Celtic Metalwork," World History Encyclopedia. Andrea, Alfred J. and Carolyn Neel, eds. Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO, 2011..
  • Magazine/Trade Publication

  • Lopez, A.M. (2021). Monel Metal: As Modern as Tomorrow. Metalsmith. 42 (3) 30-37. Eugene, Oregon, Society of North American Goldsmiths.
  • Lopez, A.M. (2020). Forging Community in Austin, Texas. Metalsmith Tech. 3 (2) 27-28. Eugene, Oregon, Society of North American Goldsmiths.
  • Lopez, A.M. (2019). Tech Event: Looking Forward: Contemporary Blacksmithing and Metal Design Symposium.. Metalsmith Tech. 2 (2) 34-5. Eugener, Oregon, Society of North American Goldsmiths.
  • Lopez, A.M. (2018). The Mother Lode and Mother Makers. Art Jewelry Forum.
  • Lopez, Ana M.. (2015). Modern Opulence in Vienna: The Wittgenstein Vitrine. Metalsmith. 35 (3) 64-5. Society of North American Goldsmiths.
  • Ana M. Lopez. (2013). Lopez, Ana M. "A Large Scale Torch-Fired Enameling Kiln," SNAGNews, Society of North American Goldsmiths technical article, January 2013. Society of North American Goldsmiths.
  • Ana M. Lopez. (2013). Lopez, Ana M. "Forging On: America's Women Blacksmiths," Metalsmith, v. 3 no. 33, June 2013, 40-45.. Metalsmith. Society of North American Goldsmiths.
  • Personal Essay

  • Lopez, A. (2022). Juror's Statement. Alchemy 6, Enamelist Society exhibition catalog.
  • Ana M. Lopez. (2011). "East West and Out There: Cloisonne Enamel Vessels by Harlan Butt" in National Parks Project by Harlan Butt.
  • Textbook

  • Lopez, A. (2022). Artist at Work: Ana M. Lopez’s Wearable Art.”. Art for Everyone. 165. Oxford University Press.

Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research


  • Lopez, A., "Institute for Advancement of the Arts," sponsored by UNT, University of North Texas, $8470.51 Funded. (2023 - 2024).
  • Lopez, A.M. (Principal), "Winterthur Maker-Creator Fellowship," sponsored by Winterthur Museum, Gardens and Library, International, $875 Funded. (2019 - 2019).
  • Lopez, A.M. (Principal), "Winterthur Maker-Creator Fellowship," sponsored by Winterthur Museum, Gardens and Library, International, Funded. (2019 - 2019).
  • Grant - Research

  • Lopez, A. (Principal), "Small Grant," sponsored by College of Visual Arts and Design, University of North Texas, $111.28 Funded. (2023 - 2024).
  • Lopez, A. (Principal), "Small Grant," sponsored by College of Visual Arts and Design, University of North Texas, $1000 Funded. (2023 - 2023).
  • Lopez, A. (Principal), "Flagship," sponsored by College of Visual Arts and Design, University of North Texas, $9937 Funded. (2023 - 2023).
  • Lopez, A. (Principal), "Small Grant," sponsored by College of Visual Art sand Design, University of North Texas, $1000 Funded. ( - 2023).
  • Lopez, A.M. (Principal), "Small Grant," sponsored by University of North Texas, University of North Texas, $1000 Funded. (2022 - 2022).
  • Lopez, A.M., "Scholarly and Creative Activity," University of North Texas, $5000 Funded. (2020 - 2021).
  • Lopez, A.M., "Small Grant," University of North Texas, $184.86 Funded. (2020 - 2021).
  • Lopez, A.M. (Principal), "Small Grant," University of North Texas, $989.72 Funded. (2021 - 2021).
  • Lopez, A.M., "Small Grant," University of North Texas, $938.42 Funded. (2021 - 2021).
  • Lopez, A.M., "Small Grant," University of North Texas, $556.5 Funded. (2019 - 2020).
  • Lopez, A.M., "Small Grant," University of North Texas, $750 Funded. (2019 - 2019).
  • Lopez, A., "Small Grant," University of North Texas, $900 Funded. ( - 2018).
  • Lopez, A., "Small Grant," University of North Texas, $400 Funded. ( - 2018).
  • Lopez, A., "Scholarly and Creative Activity award," University of North Texas, $5000 Funded. (2017 - 2017).
  • Lopez, A., "Small Grant," University of North Texas, $1000 Funded. (2016 - 2016).
  • Lopez, A. (Principal), "Alternative Kiln Development for Torch-Fired Enamels," sponsored by Small Grants, University of North Texas, Funded. (2012 - 2012).
  • Sponsored Research

  • Lopez, A. (Principal), "Donation," sponsored by Bohlin Company, National, $3000 Funded. ( - 2023).
  • Lopez, A. (Principal), "Donation," sponsored by Deedie Rose, Private, $1000 Funded. ( - 2023).
Summative Rating
Challenge and
Engagement Index
Response Rate

out of 5

out of 7
students responded
  • Overall Summative Rating (median):
    This rating represents the combined responses of students to the four global summative items and is presented to provide an overall index of the class’s quality. Overall summative statements include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 5 = Excellent, 3 = Good, and 1= Very poor):
    • The course as a whole was
    • The course content was
    • The instructor’s contribution to the course was
    • The instructor’s effectiveness in teaching the subject matter was
  • Challenge and Engagement Index:
    This rating combines student responses to several SPOT items relating to how academically challenging students found the course to be and how engaged they were. Challenge and Engagement Index items include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 7 = Much higher, 4 = Average, and 1 = Much lower):
    • Do you expect your grade in this course to be
    • The intellectual challenge presented was
    • The amount of effort you put into this course was
    • The amount of effort to succeed in this course was
    • Your involvement in course (doing assignments, attending classes, etc.) was