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Bruce C. Bond

Title: Adjunct Faculty

Department: English

College: College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae Link


  • PhD, University of Denver, 1987
    Major: English
    Specialization: Modern Poetry
  • MA, University of Denver, 1982
    Major: Music
    Specialization: Performance
  • MA, Claremont Graduate School, 1977
    Major: English
  • BA, Pomona College; Dartmouth College; Swarthmore College, 1976
    Major: English

Current Scheduled Teaching

ENGL 3150.001Beginning Poetry WritingSpring 2025 Syllabus

Previous Scheduled Teaching

ENGL 3150.002Beginning Poetry WritingFall 2024 Syllabus SPOT
ENGL 3150.002Beginning Poetry WritingFall 2023 Syllabus SPOT
ENGL 4110.002Advanced Poetry WritingFall 2022 Syllabus SPOT
ENGL 3150.002Beginning Poetry WritingFall 2021 Syllabus SPOT
ENGL 4110.001Advanced Poetry WritingSpring 2020 Syllabus
ENGL 6941.709Directed ResearchSpring 8W2 2020
ENGL 6941.709Directed ResearchSpring 2020
ENGL 6950.709Doctoral DissertationSpring 2020
ENGL 3150.002Intermediate Creative Writing: PoetrySpring 2020 Syllabus
ENGL 5950.709Master's ThesisSpring 2020
ENGL 5420.002Creative Writing: PoetryFall 2019 SPOT
ENGL 6941.709Directed ResearchFall 2019
ENGL 6950.709Doctoral DissertationFall 2019
ENGL 3150.002Intermediate Creative Writing: PoetryFall 2019 Syllabus SPOT
ENGL 5950.709Master's ThesisFall 2019
ENGL 5910.709Special ProblemsFall 2019
ENGL 6950.709Doctoral DissertationSummer 10W 2019
ENGL 4110.001Advanced Poetry WritingSpring 2019 Syllabus SPOT
ENGL 6941.709Directed ResearchSpring 2019
ENGL 6950.709Doctoral DissertationSpring 2019
ENGL 4951.703Honors College Capstone ThesisSpring 2019
ENGL 3150.002Intermediate Creative Writing: PoetrySpring 2019 Syllabus SPOT
ENGL 5950.709Master's ThesisSpring 2019
ENGL 5900.709Special ProblemsSpring 2019
ENGL 6941.709Directed ResearchFall 2018
ENGL 6950.709Doctoral DissertationFall 2018
ENGL 3996.002Honors College Mentored Research ExperienceSummer 5W2 2018
ENGL 5420.001Creative Writing: PoetrySpring 2018 SPOT
ENGL 6941.709Directed ResearchSpring 2018
ENGL 6950.709Doctoral DissertationSpring 2018
ENGL 3150.002Intermediate Creative Writing: PoetrySpring 2018 Syllabus SPOT
ENGL 6941.709Directed ResearchFall 2017
ENGL 6950.709Doctoral DissertationFall 2017
ENGL 3150.002Intermediate Creative Writing: PoetryFall 2017 Syllabus SPOT
ENGL 5910.709Special ProblemsFall 2017
ENGL 5800.001Studies in Literary GenresFall 2017 SPOT
ENGL 5420.001Creative Writing: PoetrySpring 2017 SPOT
ENGL 6941.709Directed ResearchSpring 2017
ENGL 6950.709Doctoral DissertationSpring 2017
ENGL 3150.004Intermediate Creative Writing: PoetrySpring 2017 Syllabus SPOT
ENGL 6941.709Directed ResearchFall 2016
ENGL 6950.709Doctoral DissertationFall 2016
ENGL 3150.001Intermediate Creative Writing: PoetryFall 2016 Syllabus SPOT
ENGL 3150.002Intermediate Creative Writing: PoetryFall 2016 Syllabus SPOT
ENGL 4110.001Advanced Poetry WritingSpring 2016 Syllabus SPOT
ENGL 6950.709Doctoral DissertationSpring 2016
ENGL 5140.001Form and Theory: PoetrySpring 2016 SPOT
ENGL 6950.709Doctoral DissertationFall 2015
ENGL 6950.771Doctoral DissertationFall 2015
ENGL 5950.709Master's ThesisFall 2015
ENGL 6950.709Doctoral DissertationSummer 5W1 2015
ENGL 5420.001Creative Writing: PoetrySpring 2015
ENGL 6941.709Directed ResearchSpring 2015
ENGL 6950.709Doctoral DissertationSpring 2015
ENGL 3150.003Intermediate Creative Writing: PoetrySpring 2015 Syllabus
ENGL 5950.709Master's ThesisSpring 2015
ENGL 4110.002Advanced Poetry WritingFall 2014 Syllabus
ENGL 6941.709Directed ResearchFall 2014
ENGL 6950.709Doctoral DissertationFall 2014
ENGL 5950.709Master's ThesisFall 2014
ENGL 5900.709Special ProblemsSummer 10W 2014
ENGL 4110.001Advanced Poetry WritingSpring 2014 Syllabus
ENGL 6941.709Directed ResearchSpring 2014
ENGL 6950.709Doctoral DissertationSpring 2014
ENGL 3150.003Intermediate Creative Writing: PoetrySpring 2014 Syllabus
ENGL 5950.709Master's ThesisSpring 2014
ENGL 5900.709Special ProblemsSpring 2014
ENGL 5420.001Creative Writing: PoetryFall 2013
ENGL 6941.709Directed ResearchFall 2013
ENGL 6950.709Doctoral DissertationFall 2013
ENGL 5950.709Master's ThesisFall 2013
ENGL 5950.709Master's ThesisSummer 5W1 2013
ENGL 4110.001Advanced Poetry WritingSpring 2013 Syllabus
ENGL 6941.709Directed ResearchSpring 2013
ENGL 3150.003Intermediate Creative Writing: PoetrySpring 2013 Syllabus
ENGL 5950.709Master's ThesisSpring 2013
ENGL 4900.709Special ProblemsSpring 2013
ENGL 4910.709Special ProblemsSpring 2013
ENGL 5900.709Special ProblemsSpring 2013
ENGL 6941.709Directed ResearchFall 2012
ENGL 3150.002Intermediate Creative Writing: PoetryFall 2012 Syllabus
ENGL 3150.003Intermediate Creative Writing: PoetryFall 2012 Syllabus
ENGL 5950.709Master's ThesisFall 2012
ENGL 4900.709Special ProblemsFall 2012
ENGL 5910.709Special ProblemsFall 2012
ENGL 5950.709Master's ThesisSummer 5W2 2012
ENGL 5950.709Master's ThesisSummer 5W1 2012
ENGL 4900.709Special ProblemsSummer 5W1 2012
ENGL 5900.709Special ProblemsSummer 5W1 2012
ENGL 4110.001Advanced Poetry WritingSpring 2012 Syllabus
ENGL 5420.001Creative Writing: PoetrySpring 2012
ENGL 5950.709Master's ThesisSpring 2012
ENGL 4900.709Special ProblemsSpring 2012
ENGL 3150.002Intermediate Creative Writing: PoetryFall 2011 Syllabus
ENGL 3150.003Intermediate Creative Writing: PoetryFall 2011 Syllabus
ENGL 5950.709Master's ThesisFall 2011
ENGL 5910.709Special ProblemsFall 2011
ENGL 5950.709Master's ThesisSummer 5W2 2011
ENGL 4110.001Advanced Poetry WritingSpring 2011 Syllabus
ENGL 5420.001Creative Writing: PoetrySpring 2011
ENGL 5950.709Master's ThesisSpring 2011
ENGL 4900.709Special ProblemsSpring 2011
ENGL 5950.709Master's ThesisFall 2010
ENGL 4110.001Advanced Poetry WritingSpring 2010
ENGL 3150.004Intermediate Creative Writing: PoetrySpring 2010
ENGL 5950.709Master's ThesisSpring 2010
ENGL 5420.001Creative Writing: PoetryFall 2009
ENGL 6950.709Doctoral DissertationFall 2009
ENGL 3150.003Intermediate Creative Writing: PoetryFall 2009
ENGL 5950.709Master's ThesisFall 2009
ENGL 4900.709Special ProblemsFall 2009
ENGL 5950.709Master's ThesisSummer 5W1 2009
ENGL 4110.001Advanced Poetry WritingSpring 2009
ENGL 6950.709Doctoral DissertationSpring 2009
ENGL 5140.001Form and Theory: PoetrySpring 2009
ENGL 5950.709Master's ThesisSpring 2009
ENGL 5950.709Master's ThesisFall 2008
ENGL 5950.709Master's ThesisSummer 5W1 2008
ENGL 4110.002Advanced Poetry WritingSpring 2008
ENGL 6950.709Doctoral DissertationSpring 2008
ENGL 3150.002Intermediate Creative Writing: PoetrySpring 2008
ENGL 5950.709Master's ThesisSpring 2008
ENGL 5900.709Special ProblemsSpring 2008
ENGL 5420.001Creative Writing: PoetryFall 2007
ENGL 6950.709Doctoral DissertationFall 2007
ENGL 5950.709Master's ThesisFall 2007
ENGL 6530.001Seminar in American Literature, 1865 to the PresentFall 2007
ENGL 4900.709Special ProblemsFall 2007
ENGL 6942.709Directed ResearchSummer 5W1 2007
ENGL 6950.709Doctoral DissertationSummer 5W2 2007
ENGL 5950.709Master's ThesisSummer 5W2 2007
ENGL 5950.709Master's ThesisSummer 5W1 2007
ENGL 4900.709Special ProblemsSummer 5W1 2007
ENGL 5900.709Special ProblemsSummer 5W2 2007
ENGL 5420.001Creative Writing: PoetrySpring 2007
ENGL 6941.709Directed ResearchSpring 2007
ENGL 6950.709Doctoral DissertationSpring 2007
ENGL 3150.002Intermediate Creative Writing: PoetrySpring 2007
ENGL 4900.709Special ProblemsSpring 2007
ENGL 4110.001Advanced Poetry WritingFall 2006
ENGL 6950.709Doctoral DissertationFall 2006
ENGL 3150.003Intermediate Creative Writing: PoetryFall 2006
ENGL 5950.709Master's ThesisFall 2006
ENGL 5950.709Master's ThesisSummer 5W1 2006
ENGL 6950.709Doctoral DissertationSpring 2006
ENGL 3150.001Intermediate Creative Writing: PoetrySpring 2006
ENGL 3150.002Intermediate Creative Writing: PoetrySpring 2006
ENGL 5950.709Master's ThesisSpring 2006
ENGL 4110.001Advanced Poetry WritingFall 2005
ENGL 5420.001Creative Writing: PoetryFall 2005
ENGL 3150.003Intermediate Creative Writing: PoetryFall 2005
ENGL 5950.709Master's ThesisFall 2005
ENGL 6942.709Directed ResearchSummer 5W1 2005
ENGL 5950.709Master's ThesisSummer 5W2 2005
ENGL 5950.709Master's ThesisSummer 5W1 2005
ENGL 4110.002Advanced Poetry WritingSpring 2005
ENGL 6941.709Directed ResearchSpring 2005
ENGL 6942.709Directed ResearchSpring 2005
ENGL 6944.709Directed ResearchSpring 2005
ENGL 3150.002Intermediate Creative Writing: PoetrySpring 2005
ENGL 5950.709Master's ThesisSpring 2005
ENGL 5900.709Special ProblemsSpring 2005
ENGL 5910.709Special ProblemsSpring 2005
ENGL 5420.001Creative Writing: PoetryFall 2004
ENGL 6944.709Directed ResearchFall 2004
ENGL 5140.001Form and Theory: PoetryFall 2004
ENGL 3150.003Intermediate Creative Writing: PoetryFall 2004
ENGL 5950.709Master's ThesisFall 2004
ENGL 5900.709Special ProblemsFall 2004

Published Intellectual Contributions


  • Bond, B. (2019). Words Written Against the Walls of the City. Baton Rouge, LA, LSU Press.
  • Bond, B. (2019). Plurality and the Poetics of Self. New York, New York, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Bond, B.C. (2018). Arrow (chapbook, single-poem sequence). Loveland, Ohio, Seven Kitchens Press.
  • Bond, B.C. (2018). Dear Reader. Anderson, South Carolina, Parlor Press.
  • Bond, B.C. (2018). Frankenstein's Children. Sandpoint, Idaho, Lost Horse Press.
  • Bond, B.C. (2018). Rise and Fall of the Lesser Sun Gods. Denver, Colorado, Elixir Press.
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). Blackout Starlight: New and Selected Poems. Baton Rouge, LA, Louisiana State University Press.
  • Bond, B., Rhodes, M. (2017). Sacrum. New York, New York, Four Way Books.
  • Bond, B. (2016). Black Anthem. Tampa, Florida, University of Tampa Press.
  • Bond, B. (2016). Gold Bee. Southern Illinois University Press.
  • Bond, B., Callaway, M., Easterly, J. (2015). For the Lost Cathedral (full-length book of poems). Baton Rouge, Louisiana, LSU Press.
  • Bruce Bond. (2015). Immanent Distance: Poetry and the Metaphysics of the Near at Hand (full-length book of literary criticism).
  • Aron Wiesenfeld (visual artist). (2015). The Other Sky (full-length book of poems with art by Aron Wiesenfeld and preface by Stephen Dunn). Wilkes Barre, PA, Etruscan Press.
  • Bond, B., Brady, P. (2013). Choir of the Wells (A tetralogy. Large volume including four new full-length books of poetry: The Burning Casket, Water Scripture, Earth's Apprentice, and Homage to Phosphorus). Wilkes-Barre, PA, Etruscan Press.
  • Bond, B., Callaway, M., Easterly, J. (2012). The Visible. Baton Rouge, LA, Louisiana State University Press.
  • Bond, B., Brady, P. (2009). Peal. Wilkes-Barre, PA, Etruscan Press.
  • Bond, B., Easterly, J. (2008). Blind Rain. Baton Rouge, LA, Louisiana State University Press.
  • Bond, B., Moody, R. (2007). The Anteroom of Paradise.  Revised edition.. Eugene, Oregon, Silverfish Review Press.
  • Bond, B., Brady, P. (2003). Cinder. Silver Spring, MD, Etruscan Press.
  • Bond, B., Shomer, E. (2001). The Throats of Narcissus. Fayetteville, AR, University of Arkansas Press.
  • Bond, B., Poulin, A. (1997). Radiography. Rochester, NY, BOA Editions, Ltd..
  • Bond, B. (1996). National Blood (chapbook). Denton, TX, Trilobite Poetry Series.
  • Bond, B. (1995). Broken Circle (chapbook). Davis, CA, Archangel Books.
  • Bond, B. (1995). The Possible (chapbook). Eugene, OR, Silverfish Review Press.
  • Bond, B. (1991). The Anteroom of Paradise. Princeton, NJ, Quarterly Review of Literature, Princeton University.
  • Bond, B. (1990). Independence Days. Topeka, KS, Woodley Press, Washburn University.
  • Bond, B. (1989). The Ivory Hours (chapbook). Amherst, MA, Heatherstone Press.
  • Book Chapter

  • Bond, B.C., , D. (2018). Anthem published in Best American Poetry 2018. Best American Poetry Series. 2018 13. New York, New York, Scribners.
  • Bond, B.C. (2018). Gold Bee (poem in anthology). Other. 8 Texas Review Press.
  • Bond, B.C. (2018). Lydia (poem in anthology). Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2018). Wave (poem in anthology). Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). Homage to a Painter of Small Things published in Best American Poetry 2017. Best American Poetry Series. 2017 12-13. New York, New York, Scribners.
  • Bond, B.C., LaBerge, P. (2014). "Ode to a Skeleton Key" (poem in anthology) (republication). The Best of Adroit.. 40. Philadelphia, PA, Adroit Publications.
  • Bond, B.C., Hix, H. (2014). "The Invention of the Clouds" (poem in anthology). Ley Lines.. 192-193. Wilfrid Laurier University Press.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). "The Missing Link" (poem in anthology). 26. Seattle, WA, Wordfarm Press.
  • Bond, B.C., Duhamell, D., Lehman, D. (2013). "The Unfinished Slave" (poem in anthology; endnote). Best American Poetry 2013. 19 164-165. NY, Scribners.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). "Advent" (poem in anthology). Poetry Calendar 2013. Bertrem, Alhambra Press.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). "Flag" (poem in anthology). The New American Poetry of Engagement: A 21st-Century Anthology. 29-31. Jefferson, NC, McFarland Publishers.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). "Ringtone" (poem and prose statement in an anthology). The New American Poetry of Engagement: A 21st-Century Anthology. 32. Jefferson, NC, McFarland Publishers.
  • Bond, B., Keniston, A., Gray, J. (2012). "Sufficiency and the Act of the Mind" (essay). The New American Poetry of Engagement: A 21st-Century Anthology. 210-211. Jefferson, NC, McFarland Publishers.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). "The Altars of September" (poem in anthology) . The New American Poetry of Engagement: A 21st-Century Anthology. 28-29. Jefferson, NC, McFarland Publishers.
  • Bond, B. (2011). "An Abundance of Lack: The Fullness of Desire in the Poetry of Robert Hass"  (essay) (republication). Poetry for Students, volume 37 republication. 37 340-344. Bristol, Gale Publications, Cengage Learning.
  • Bond, B.C., Buckley, C., Howell, C. (2011). "Elegy for Weldon Kees" with prose commentary on the life and work of Weldon Kees (poem in anthology). Aspects of Robinson: Homage to Weldon Kees. 150-151. Omaha, NE, The Backwaters Press.
  • B, B., Rosko, E., Vander Zee, A. (2011). "The Summons of the Line" (essay) . A Broken Thing: Contemporary Poets on the Line. 53-54. Iowa City, IA, University of Iowa Press.
  • Bond, B.C. (2009). "Body and Soul". Poetry Calendar 2009. 196-197. Bertem, Alhambra Press.
  • Bond, B.C., Kooser, T., Kitchen, J. (2009). "Cardinal" (poem in anthology) . The Poets Guide to the Birds. 26 Tallahassee, FL, Anhinga Press.
  • Bond, B.C., Van Cleave, R., Prevost, C. (2009). "North: 1991" (poem in anthology) . 101 Contemporary Odes. 38-39. Chattanooga, TN, C & R Press.
  • Bond, B.C., Wagoner, D., Lehman, D. (2009). "Ringtone" (poem in anthology) . Best American Poetry 2009. 8. NY, Scribners.
  • Bond, B.C., Conlon, K. (2009). "The Invisible" (poem in anthology) . American Poets Against the War. 29-30. Dublin, Metropolitan Arts Press.
  • Bond, B.C. (2008). "Ash". Poetry Calendar 2008. 177. Bertem, Alhambra Press.
  • Bond, B.C. (2008). "The Feast of the Seven Sorrows" (poem in anthology). Big Land, Big Sky, Big Hair: The Best of the Texas Poetry Calendar's First Decade. 165. Austin, TX, Dos Gatos Press.
  • Bond, B.C. (2007). "Liberation of Dissonance". Poetry Calendar 2007. Bertem, Alhambra Press.
  • Bond, B.C., Houghton, H., Draper, M. (2007). "Thelonious Sphere Monk" (poem in anthology) . The Music Lover's Poetry Anthology. 221-222. NY, Persea Books.
  • Bond, B., Lee, M. (2006). "Immanent Distance: Silence and the Poetry of Charles Simic" (essay). Poetry Criticism. 69 273-277. Detroit, MI, Gail Research.
  • Bond, B., Giannelli, A. (2006). "Metaphysics of the Image in Charles Wright and Paul Cézanne" (essay) . High Lonesome: On the Poetry of Charles Wright. 221-229. Oberlin, OH, Oberlin College Press.
  • Bond, B.C., Lee, D.D. (2006). "The Secret" (poem in anthology) . Shade. 42-48. Marshfield, MA, Four Way Books.
  • Bond, B.C., Maddox, M. (2005). "Acoustic Shadows" (poem in anthology) . Commonwealth: Contemporary Poets on Pennsylvania. 139-140. State College, PA, Penn State University Press.
  • Bond, B.C., Maddox, M. (2005). "Pleasure Gap" (poem in anthology) . Commonwealth: Contemporary Poets on Pennsylvania. 127-128. State College, PA, Penn State University Press.
  • Bond, B.C., Miller, P., Hickok, G.V. (2005). "Terra Incognita" (poem in anthology) . Chance of a Ghost. 83-85. Kansas City, MO, Helicon Nine Editions.
  • Bond, B.C., Komunyakaa, Y., Lehman, D. (2003). "Art Tatum" (poem in anthology) . Best American Poetry 2003. 37-38. NY, Scribner.
  • Bond, B.C., Van Cleave, R.G., Suarez, V. (2003). "Host" (poem in anthology) . Verspers: Religion & Spirituality in Twenty-first Century America. 16. Iowa City, IA, University of Iowa Press.
  • Bond, B.C., Hix, H.L. (2003). "To the Skywalkers" (poem in anthology) . Wild and Whirling Words. 19-20. Silver Spring, MD, Etruscan Press.
  • Bond, B.C., Van Cleave, R.G., Suarez, V. (2003). "Transparencies" (poem in anthology). Verspers: Religion & Spirituality in Twenty-first Century America. 17-19. Iowa City, IA, University of Iowa Press.
  • Bond, B.C., Suarez, V., Van Cleave, R.G. (2002). "Aim" (poem in anthology) . 9mm: Poets Respond To Violence in America. 23. Iowa City, IA, University of Iowa Press.
  • Bond, B.C., Addonizio, K., Dumesnil, C. (2002). "Second Skin" (poem in anthology) . Dorothy Parker's Elbow: Tattoos on Writers, Writers on Tattoos. 200. New York, Warner Books.
  • Bond, B.C., Suarez, V., Van Cleave, R.G. (2001). "A Flock of Phantom Limbs Gathers at the Border" (poem in anthology) . American Diaspora: Poetry of Exile. 329-330. Iowa City, IA, University of Iowa Press.
  • Bond, B.C., Levin, P. (2001). "Isaac" (poem in anthology) . The Penguin Book of the Sonnet: 500 Years of a Classic Tradition in English. 319. New York, Penguin Books.
  • Bond, B.C., Suarez, V., Van Cleave, R.G. (2001). "The Sirens of Los Angeles" (poem in anthology) . American Diaspora: Poetry of Exile. 301-302. Iowa City, IA, University of Iowa Press.
  • Bond, B.C., Armstrong, J., Woodman, J. (2000). "Circular Breathing" (poem in anthology). E: The Emily Dickinson Award Anthology: A Commemorative Edition of the Best Poems of 1999. 24-25. Flagstaff, AZ, University West Press.
  • Bond, B.C., Craig, D., McCann, J. (2000). "Cruor Dei" (poem in anthology). Place of Passage. 173-174. Ashland, OR, Story Line Press.
  • Bond, B.C., Mercer, L., Davis, B. (2000). "Feast of the Seven Sorrows" (poem in anthology) . Texas Poetry Calendar. Fredericksburg, TX, Flying Cow Productions.
  • Bond, B.C., Clements, B. (1999). "Art Pepper" (poem in anthology) . Best Texas Writing II. 14-15. Garland, TX, Firewheel Editions.
  • Bond, B.C., Ahearn, J., Clements, B. (1998). "Homage to Szymon Laks" (poem in anthology) . Best Texas Writing 1996. 5-6. Richardson, TX, Rancho Loco Press.
  • Bond, B.C., Crisafuli, A. (1995). "Pomegranate" (poem in anthology) . The Denny Poems. 18. Lincoln, IL, Lincoln College.
  • Bond, B.C., Weiss, T., Weiss, R. (1993). "Caravaggio: The Supper at Emmaus" (poem in anthology) . The Quarterly Review of Literature Poetry Series: 50th Anniversary Anthology. (Poetry Series XII) 44-45. Princeton, NJ, Quarterly Review of Literature Press.
  • Bond, B.C., Weiss, T., Weiss, R. (1993). "Cardinal" (poem in anthology) . The Quarterly Review of Literature Poetry Series: 50th Anniversary Anthology. (Poetry Series XII) 45. Princeton, NJ, Quarterly Review of Literature Press.
  • Bond, B.C., Weiss, T., Weiss, R. (1993). "Elegiac Stanzas" (poem in anthology) . The Quarterly Review of Literature Poetry Series: 50th Anniversary Anthology. (Poetry Series XII) 45-46. Princeton, NJ, Quarterly Review of Literature Press.
  • Bond, B.C., DeMaria, R., Meyer, E.H. (1993). "Gallery of Rivers" (poem in anthology) . A Contemporary Reader for Creative Writing. 86-87. NY, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
  • Bond, B.C., Weiss, T., Weiss, R. (1993). "Legacy" (poem in anthology) . The Quarterly Review of Literature Poetry Series: 50th Anniversary Anthology. (Poetry Series XII) 46-48. Princeton, NJ, Quarterly Review of Literature Press.
  • Bond, B.C., Weiss, T., Weiss, R. (1993). "Margin of Need" (poem in anthology) . The Quarterly Review of Literature Poetry Series: 50th Anniversary Anthology. (Poetry Series XII) 48-49. Princeton, NJ, Quarterly Review of Literature Press.
  • Bond, B.C., Weiss, T., Weiss, R. (1993). "North: 1991" (poem in anthology) . The Quarterly Review of Literature Poetry Series: 50th Anniversary Anthology. (Poetry Series XII) 49-50. Princeton, NJ, Quarterly Review of Literature Press.
  • Bond, B.C., Weiss, T., Weiss, R. (1993). "On Certainty" (poem in anthology) . The Quarterly Review of Literature Poetry Series: 50th Anniversary Anthology. (Poetry Series XII) 50-51. Princeton, NJ, Quarterly Review of Literature Press.
  • Bond, B.C., Weiss, T., Weiss, R. (1993). "Taps" (poem in anthology) . The Quarterly Review of Literature Poetry Series: 50th Anniversary Anthology. (Poetry Series XII) 52-53. Princeton, NJ, Quarterly Review of Literature Press.
  • Bond, B.C., Weiss, T., Weiss, R. (1993). "The Last Great Flood" (poem in anthology) . The Quarterly Review of Literature Poetry Series: 50th Anniversary Anthology. (Poetry Series XII) 53. Princeton, NJ, Quarterly Review of Literature Press.
  • Bond, B.C., Weiss, T., Weiss, R. (1993). "The Possible" (poem in anthology) . The Quarterly Review of Literature Poetry Series: 50th Anniversary Anthology. (Poetry Series XII) 51-52. Princeton, NJ, Quarterly Review of Literature Press.
  • Bond, B.C., Braham, J., Morgan, V. (1992). "Bach's Idiot Son" (poem in anthology) . Anniversary Edition: Heatherstone Poets and New Voices. 2. Amherst, MA, Heatherstone Press.
  • Bond, B.C., Braham, J., Morgan, V. (1992). "Planetarium" (poem in anthology) . Anniversary Edition: Heatherstone Poets and New Voices. 1. Amherst, MA, Heatherstone Press.
  • Book Review

  • Bond, B. (2004). "The Naked and the Charmed: A Review of Collected Poems by Robert Mezey (University of Arkansas Press, 2000)" (review-essay). 258-264. Passages North.
  • Bond, B. (2001). "Review of After Greece by Christopher Bakken (Kirksville, MO, Truman State University Press, 2001)" (review-essay). The Texas Review. 22 (3 & 4) 131-133.
  • Bond, B. (1999). "A Review of Perpendicular as I by Margorie Maddox (Charlotte, NC: Sandstone Press, 1995)" (review-essay). 73 (3) 149-151. Prairie Schooner.
  • Bond, B.C. (1996). "The Eye of the Open Wound: A Review of Deborah Keenan's Happiness (St. Paul, MN: Coffee House Press, 1995)" (review-essay). 90 (4) 63-65. Poet Lore.
  • Bond, B. (1996). "Compulsive Wonder: Reviews of Housekeeping in a Dream by Laura Kasischke (Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon University Press: 1995); The Stonecutter's Hand by Richard Tillinghast (Boston, David Godine: 1995); and Original Love by Molly Peacock (NY, Norton: 1995)" (review-essay). 35 (4) 734-744. Michigan Quarterly Review.
  • Bond, B.C. (1996). "The Solitary Wilderness of Vanishing Forms: A Review of Susan Stewart's The Forest (University of Chicago Press: Chicago, 1995)" (review-essay) . 91 (2) 59-63. Poet Lore.
  • Bond, B.C. (1995). "News from the Underworld: A Review of Richard Foerster's Patterns of Descent (Alexandria, VA: Orchises Press, 1993)" (review-essay). 89 (4) 58-59. Poet Lore.
  • Critical Review

  • Bond, B.C., Hix, H. (2003). Close Reading and Critical Response to Eight Poems. Other. 28, 22-24, 72-73, 101-102, 121-122, 144-145, 1980199. Silver Spring, MD, Etruscan Press.
  • Introduction

  • Bond, B.C., Wagenaar, M. (2017). Introduction to Southern Tongues Leave Us Shining. Southern Tongues Leave Us Shining. Pasadena, CA, Red Hen Press.
  • Bond, B., Robbins, L. (2015). Introduction to Freaked. Denver, CO, Elixir Press.
  • Bond, B. (2012). Introduction to "Regeneration" by Henry Vaughan. Poetry East. 74 & 75 129.
  • Journal Article

  • Bond, B.C. (2018). Commentary on 'eternal, restless' by David McCombs. Cumberland River Review. 100.
  • Bond, B.C. (2018). Diane Glancy and the Poetics of History. Kenyon Review.
  • Bond, B.C. (2018). Lesser Gods and the Suns They Bear. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). "Poetry, Thought, and the Teaching Arts: From Workshop to the Poems as Questions Project".
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). "Reclamations of the Marvelous". The Kenyon Review. 39 (3) 77-104.
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). "The Postmodern Split: Poetry, Theory, and the Metaphysics That Would Not Die". Philosophy and Literature. 40 (2) 558-567.
  • Bond, B. (2016). "The Limits of Metaphor". Western Humanities Review. 69.2 (Winter 2015) 39-50.
  • Bond, B. (2016). "The New in the News: Poetry, Authenticity, and Historical Imagination". Spoon River Poetry Review. 4 (1) 108-119.
  • Bond, B. (2015). "Children of a Difficult Labor". Poets' Quarterly.
  • Bond, B. (2015). "The Age of Technique". Coldfront.
  • Bond, B. (2015). "The Genius of the Medium: Identity and Alterity in Poetic Practice" (critical essay). 32 Poems.
  • Bond, B., Brady, P. (2015). "The Light that Breaks: Poetry and Subversion" (essay). Other. 210-212. Wilkes-Barre, PA, Etruscan Press.
  • Bond, B.C. "The Music of What Matters". Poets' Quarterly.
  • Bond, B. (2015). "Zeno's Arrow, Cupid's Bow: Structure, Process, and Poetry's Dream of the Unified Field." (essay). Kenyon Review. 37 (1) 82-104.
  • Bond, B. (2014). "Empathy and the Poetic Imagination.". Coldfront.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). "Homage to the Sacrum" (poem). Yale Review. 102 (4) 32-33.
  • Bond, B. (2014). "Mercury's Passage: Poetry, Fracture, and the Talking Cure" (critical essay). Kenyon Review. 36 (4) 164-186.
  • Bond, B. (2014). "Poetry and Community" (essay). 32 Poems.
  • Bond, B. (2014). "The Wind in the Fire: Sentimentality and the Movement of the Mind" (critical essay). The Georgia Review. 68 (1) 114-127.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). Interview with Adam Tavel.. The Puritan.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). Interviewed by Karen Schubert (5727 words).. Poets' Quarterly.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). Other.
  • Bond, B. (2014). "Connection and Estrangement: Bruce Bond on 'How Humans Came to Love' by Doug Ramspeck" (criticism). 32 Poems.
  • Bond, B. (2013). "Friending the Absence" (short essay on a featured original poem). Beloit Poetry Journal.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). "Out of the Well: an Interview with Bruce Bond" (Interviewed by Adam Tavel). The Puritan. 23
  • Bond, B. (2013). "The Eolian Self" (essay). 32 Poems.
  • Bond, B. (2013). Commentary on "Regeneration" by Henry Vaughan.. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). "Black Morning" (poem) (republication). Verse Daily.
  • Bond, B. (2012). "A Poem's Turn: Waking Up the Bones" (essay). Voltage Poetry.
  • Bond, B. (2012). "Authenticity and the Myth of the Lyric Subject: The Summons of Olson's Legacy" (critical essay). Kenyon Review. 34 (4) 156-177.
  • Bond, B. (2012). "Contributors Marginalia: Bruce Bond on 'Strict Traffic' by Jessica Piazza" (review). 32 Poems.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). "Pill" (poem in anthology). Best American Poetry Series. 16-17. NY, Scribners.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). The Bond Church of Sedlic. Harvard Review. 42 91-93.
  • Bond, B. (2012). "Sufficiency and the Act of the Mind.". Republication.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). "Sufficiency and the Act of the Mind" (essay) (republication). Other.
  • Bond, B. (2011). Audubon. Beloit Poetry Journal. 62 (2) 17-19.
  • Bond, B. (2011). Audubon and Elegy. Beloit Poetry Journal.
  • Bond, B.C. (2011). Eden. Other. Book 1
  • Bond, B. (2011). Sufficiency and the Act of the Mind. Asheville Poetry Review. 18 (1) 159-161.
  • Bond, B. (2002). "Form's Future: Negative Capability, Apprenticeship, and the Poetic Line."  (essay - electronic republication). Other.
  • Bond, B. (2001). "Form's Future: Negative Capability, Apprenticeship, and the Poetic Line" (essay) . Other. 33 (6) 46-49.
  • Bond, B., Nelson, C. (2000). "Metaphysics of the Image in Charles Wright and Paul Cézanne" (essay - electronic republication). Other.
  • Bond, B. (1996). "The Double Fall of Madame I" (essay) . The Ohio Review. 55 29-36.
  • Bond, B. (1994). "Metaphysics of the Image in Charles Wright and Paul Cézanne" (essay) . The Southern Review. 30 (1) 116-124.
  • Bond, B. (1991). "The Unfinished Child: Contradictory Desire in Glück's Ararat" (essay). New England Review. 14 (1) 216-223.
  • Bond, B. (1990). "An Abundance of Lack: The Fullness of Desire in the Poetry of Robert Hass" (essay) . Kenyon Review. 22 (4) 46-53.
  • Bond, B.C. (1988). Immanent Distance: Silence and the Poetry of Charles Simic. Mid-American Review. 8 (1) 89-96.
  • Bond, B.C. (1988). Pressures of the Real: A Political Reading of Ashbery's 'It was Raining in the Capital'. Indiana Review. 12 (1) 80-88.
  • Personal Essay

  • Chris Tanasecu, Curator. (2014). "Poetry and Community" (essay) (republication). Poetry and Communities Project.. University of Ottawa.
  • Poem

  • Bond, B. (2019). "Possession" Published in Plume 7 anthology.. Other. NY, NY, Plume Editions, MadHat Press.
  • Bond, B.C. (2018). A Child's Guide to Metaphysics. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2018). A Rise in the River. The Seattle Review. 10 (1-2) 18-28.
  • Bond, B.C. (2018). Alethea. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2018). Angel. Gettysburg Review. 31 (2) 322-323.
  • Bond, B.C. (2018). Arcade. Poetry East. 93-94 146.
  • Bond, B.C. (2018). Automaton. Poetry East. 93-94 148.
  • Bond, B.C. (2018). Black Umbrella. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2018). Bomb. Descant.
  • Bond, B.C. (2018). Bridge. Poetry Northwest. 8 (1) 49.
  • Bond, B.C. (2018). Choler. Other. 33 (1) 1-3.
  • Bond, B.C. (2018). Clarity. Other. 36 20-23.
  • Bond, B.C. (2018). Colossus. Poetry East. 93-94 147.
  • Bond, B.C. (2018). Dear Reader (sections 40, 41). The Florida Review. 97-98.
  • Bond, B.C. (2018). Elegy. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2018). Fable. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2018). Hyperion. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2018). Ink (poem in anthology). Other. 8 Texas Review Press.
  • Bond, B.C. (2018). Lesser Sun Gods of the Modern Day. The Laurel Review. 51 7-11.
  • Bond, B.C. (2018). Mandolin. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2018). Memorial. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2018). One Day. Poetry East. 93-94 149.
  • Bond, B.C. (2018). Palm. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2018). Politics. Other. 36 17-19.
  • Bond, B.C. (2018). Purchase. Descant.
  • Bond, B.C. (2018). Revelation. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2018). Selfie. Cumberland River Review.
  • Bond, B.C. (2018). Song. Cumberland River Review. The First Five Years 101.
  • Bond, B.C. (2018). Spy. Prairie Schooner. 92 (1) 55-57.
  • Bond, B.C. (2018). The Arctic Variations. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2018). The Boy Soprano. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2018). The Brides of Niagara. Prairie Schooner. 92 (1) 54-55.
  • Bond, B.C. (2018). The Call. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2018). The Calling (sections 1-9). Southern Humanities Review. 51 (3) 75-82.
  • Bond, B.C. (2018). The Gallery of Inanimate Objects. River Styx. 99 68-69.
  • Bond, B.C. (2018). The Invisible Hand (republication). Other. 8 Texas Review Press.
  • Bond, B.C. (2018). The Monument. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2018). The Snows of Los Angeles. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2018). The Stars of Los Angeles. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2018). The Throat Singers of Tuva. Southwest Review. 102 (3-4) 331.
  • Bond, B.C. (2018). Two. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2018). Verklärte Nacht. The Yale Review. 106 (4) 91-92.
  • Bond, B.C. (2018). Zion. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). "Summons.". Descant. 55 32-33.
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). Agnosia. 5 (2) 8.
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). Anthem. Denver Quarterly. 51 (3) 14.
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). Belladonna. Birmingham Poetry Review. 44 111-113.
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). Black Chalk. Cincinnati Review. 14 (2) 130.
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). Blackbird. Brilliant Corners. 12 (2) 12-13.
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). Bone Flute. Birmingham Poetry Review. 44 110.
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). Breath. Asheville Poetry Review. 24 (1) 179-182.
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). Casualty. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). Charon's Return. Other. 199-201 78-79.
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). Cloud Chamber. Brilliant Corners. 12 (2) 14-15.
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). Corpus Memoria in Plume 6. Other. 43. Ashevile, North Carolina, Madhat Press.
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). Dear Reader (sections 1-12).
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). Elegy for the Last Man to Walk the Moon. Crazyhorse. 92 12-14.
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). Epistrophy. Asheville Poetry Review. 23 (1) 109-110.
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). Ex Nihilo. Image. 94 46-47.
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). Hands. The Laurel Review. 50.1 26-27.
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). Horror Vacuii. Stirring: A Literary Collection. 19 (2)
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). Kalliope. The Adroit Journal.
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). Keats. 34 50-56.
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). Lakes of the Southern Plains. The North American Review. 302 (1) 40.
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). Lamella. Other. 211 (2) 126-127.
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). Lorca. Michigan Quarterly Review. 56 (2) 204.
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). Manifesto. The Laurel Review. 50.1 32-34.
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). Maria. Boston Review.
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). Measure. Blackbird. 16 (2)
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). Milton.
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). Monster. The Laurel Review. 50.1 28-29.
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). Nostalgia for the Infinite. Birmingham Poetry Review. 44 114-115.
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). Ocean. Descant. 55 30-31.
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). Paradise. Blackbird. 16 (2)
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). Pomegranate. Poetry East. 90 96.
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). Power. Colorado Review. 44.1 118-119.
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). Ra. Asheville Poetry Review. 23 (1) 111-112.
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). Refuge. Pleiades. 38 (1) 144-146.
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). Rimbaud. Poetry East. 86 22.
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). Spill. The Florida Review. 41 (4) 113-114.
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). The Art. Southern Humanities Review. 50 (3 & 4) 56.
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). The Body. Brilliant Corners. 12 (2) 16-17.
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). The Border. Image. 94 49-54.
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). The Ghost in the Shape of an Unnamed Flower. The Laurel Review. 50.1 30-31.
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). The Invention of the Harp. The Dialogist. 4 (2)
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). The Numerous. Alaska Quarterly Review. 34 (1 & 2) 281-282.
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). The Octaves. The Literary Review. 60 (1) 28-32.
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). The Stones of April. Other. 199-201 80-81.
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). The Ventriloquist (republication). Verse Daily.
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). The Well (republication). Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). What the Prosthesis Says to the Missing Leg. The Epoch Journal. 66 (1) 68-69.
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). Wolves. The Literary Review. 60 (1) 33-34.
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). Work. Asheville Poetry Review. 23 (1) 104-108.
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). Wozzeck. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). Bone. Missouri Review.
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). Consolation of Shadows. Http:/
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). Blackout Starlight.
  • Bond, B.C. (2017). Hackberry (republication).
  • Bond, B., LaBerge, P., Tahajian, T. (2016). "Children of a Difficult Labor". Other. 261-265. Math Paper Press.
  • Bond, B.C. (2016). Afterword. Gettysburg Review. 24 (9) 610.
  • Bond, B.C. (2016). Black. Stirring: A Literary Collection. 17 (4)
  • Bond, B.C., LaBerge, P., Tahajian, T. (2016). Blue Instrument. Other. 266-270. Singapore, Math Paper Press.
  • Bond, B.C. (2016). Book of the Dead. 18 (2) 100.
  • Bond, B.C. (2016). Charon.
  • Bond, B.C. (2016). Confession. 11 (2) 16.
  • Bond, B.C. (2016). Contagions of the Visible.
  • Bond, B.C. (2016). Cremona (republication). Farragos Wainscot Anthology. 89.
  • Bond, B.C. (2016). Cézanne.
  • Bond, B.C. (2016). Dusk. The Southeast Review. 34 (1) 16.
  • Bond, B.C. (2016). Eye. AGNI. 84 238.
  • Bond, B.C. (2016). Ferry. Hayden's Ferry Review. 57 99.
  • Bond, B.C., D'Ambra, A. (2016). For the Lost Cathedral (sections 6-11).
  • Bond, B.C. (2016). Furrow. The Fiddlehead. 269 39-40.
  • Bond, B.C. (2016). Gift. Autumn 16.
  • Bond, B.C. (2016). Glass Island. Poetry East. 86 21.
  • Bond, B.C. (2016). Gold.
  • Bond, B.C. (2016). Golden Ratio. The Laurel Review. 49 7-10.
  • Bond, B.C. (2016). Hackberry. The Fiddlehead. 269 42-43.
  • Bond, B.C. (2016). Harvest of the Willows. Poetry Northwest. 10 (2) 33.
  • Bond, B.C. (2016). Hero.
  • Bond, B.C. (2016). Homage to a Painter of Small Things. Raritan. 35 (3) 54-55.
  • Bond, B.C. (2016). Islands of the Arctic. Crazyhorse. 89 56-57.
  • Bond, B.C. (2016). Ivory. Cutthroat.
  • Bond, B.C. (2016). Midas. Entropy
  • Bond, B.C. (2016). Mouth. 11 (2) 15.
  • Bond, B.C. (2016). New Moon.
  • Bond, B.C. (2016). No. 51/52 118.
  • Bond, B.C. (2016). Pavane for a Dead Princess. 51/52 120.
  • Bond, B.C. (2016). Resurrection. The Southern Review. 52 (4) 669-671.
  • Bond, B.C. (2016). Semper Fidelis. Beloit Poetry Journal. 66 (2) 30-31.
  • Bond, B.C. (2016). Sleep Machine. Western Humanities Review. 70 (2) 186-189.
  • Bond, B.C. (2016). Sonatina. River Styx. 95 35.
  • Bond, B.C., Hankins, L. (2016). Soul (republication). Other. 56-59. Asheville, Tennessee, Orison Books.
  • Bond, B.C. (2016). The Birds of New Haven. The Cortland Review. 72
  • Bond, B.C. (2016). The Books of Lazarus. Poetry East. 86 23.
  • Bond, B.C. (2016). The Carriers. The Yale Review. 104 (2) 80.
  • Bond, B.C. (2016). The Earth Movers. Fall
  • Bond, B.C. (2016). The Interiors. The Fiddlehead. 269 41.
  • Bond, B.C. (2016). The Narrow Roads of Winter. Raritan. 35 (3) 56.
  • Bond, B.C. (2016). The Organization. The Laurel Review. 49 (1) 56-57. organization
  • Bond, B.C. (2016). The Personal God.
  • Bond, B.C. (2016). The Progress. The Los Angeles Review. http://blog.lareviewof bond/)
  • Bond, B.C. (2016). The Rood. Fall
  • Bond, B.C. (2016). The Starry Dynamo. Poetry East. 86 24.
  • Bond, B.C. (2016). The Theater Piano. 51/52 119.
  • Bond, B.C. (2016). The Tower. Poetry East. 86 25.
  • Bond, B.C. (2016). The Underground Railroad. The Los Angeles Review.
  • Bond, B.C. (2016). There. 5 (1) 48.
  • Bond, B.C. (2016). Third Eye.
  • Bond, B.C. (2016). Tooth. Pleiades. 36.2 36.
  • Bond, B.C. (2016). Wind Machine. The Los Angeles Review.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). A Brief History of the Human Ear. Boston Review. November/December 47.
  • Bond, B.C., Brady, P. (2015). "Invisible Hand" (poem in anthology). Other. 207-209. Lewisburg, PA, Bucknell University Press.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). Allegiance. Blackbird.
  • Bond, B. (2015). Archipelago (with commentary). Winter Tangerine.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). Beethoven. Prairie Schooner. 89 (3) 42-46.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). Blood. New England Review. 36 (2) 21-22.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). Bosch. Copper Nickel. 21 45.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). Café. Poetry East. 84 & 85 16-17.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). Cell. The Dialogist.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). Cello. The Georgia Review. 69 (3) 453-455.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). Children of a Difficult Labor. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). Children of Sativa. Other. 50 187.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). Children of Sativa. Other. 16
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). Chisel. The Dialogist.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). Circle. Verse Daily. http:/
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). Circle. Copper Nickel. 21 44.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). Cities. Taos Journal of International Poetry & Art.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). Conviction. The Dialogist.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). Cremona. Farrago's Wainscot.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). Cross of Nails. Image. 84 25.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). Dolls. Taos Journal of International Poetry & Art.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). Easter. Colorado Review. 42 (1) 119.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). Economy. OmniVerse.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). Edvard Munch. Poetry East. 84 & 85 13.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). Elegy for John Cage. The Antigonish Review. 182 43.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). Emerson. The Dialogist.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). Faschista. Other. 22 (1) 44-45.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). Freaks. OmniVerse.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). Geppetto in Hell. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). Gold Bee. Crab Orchard Review. 20 (1) 47-49.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). Grace. Sewanee Review. 123 (2) 208.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). Highjack. The Dialogist.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). Hole. The Antigonish Review. 182 44.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). Honey. Boston Review.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). Ice Station Zebra. Crab Orchard Review. 20 (1) 50-52.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). Kafka. Sewanee Review. 123 (2) 207.
  • Bond, B.C. Luminous Ink. Taos Journal of International Poetry & Art.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). Manet. 10 (2) 3.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). Notes. MiPOesias. 43.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). Prima Materia. The Fiddlehead. 262 62-64.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). Proximity. 10 (2) 4.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). Rubric. Spoon River Poetry Review. 40 (2) 102.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). Smetana. 32 Poems. 13 (1) 6.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). Smetana (republication). Verse Daily.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). Soliloquy in Black. Asheville Poetry Review. 22 (1) 44-45.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). Soliloquy of a Tornado in the Distance. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). Soul. Prairie Schooner. 89 (3) 38-40.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). Star. Taos Journal of International Poetry & Art.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). String. Prairie Schooner. 89 (3) 46-47.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). Swell. 32 Poems. 13 (2) 31.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). The Anatomy Lesson. New Ohio Review. 18 26-27.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). The Bells of Prague. The Antioch Review. 73 (4) 644.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). The Birth of the X-Ray. The Kenyon Review. 38 (5) 37-38.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). The Burning Cross. Sewanee Review. 123 (2) 207.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). The Cherry Orchard. Crab Orchard Review. 20 (1) 53-55.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). The Delta. Down the Dark River. 16 Hammond, LA, Louisiana Literature Press.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). The Frogs. MiPOesias. 45.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). The Genealogy of Clouds. The Cortland Review.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). The House. 11 181. upstreet.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). The Invention of the Radio Telescope. Poetry East. 84 & 85 14-15.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). The Red Coat. Sewanee Review. 123 (2) 208.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). The Red Phone. 10 (2) 1-2.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). The Reeds. The Common.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). The Sculpture Garden. The Seattle Review. 8 (1) 16-24.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). The Ventriloquist. Blackbird. http:/
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). Tree of Life. The Common. 10 196.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). Trinity. The Southern Review. 51 (2) 325.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). Turing. The Kenyon Review. 38 (5) 38.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). Virtual. The Fiddlehead. 262 59-61.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). Wings. The Kenyon Review. 38 (5) 39-41.
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). Circle (republication).
  • Bond, B.C. (2015). Trinity (republication).
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). After Light. Pleiades. 34 (1) 121-122.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). Ascension. Missouri Review. 37 (3) 62.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). Black Vinyl. Other. 31 (1-2) 7.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). Blindsight. Other. 29 (2) 104-105.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). Camera Obscura. Other. 8 (2) 2.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). Consolation. Other. 63 (1) 76.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). Creation Myths. The Fiddlehead. 260 48.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). Dawn. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). Dead Zoo. The Journal.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). Dickinson. Subtropics. 17 12.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). Dust. Other. 9 (1&2) 1.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). Déjà Vu. Missouri Review.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). Earth. The Fiddlehead. 258 63.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). Edison. Waxwing.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). Elegy for Keith Moon. Radio Silence: A Magazine of Literature and Rock and Roll.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). Glass. Missouri Review. 37 (3) 65.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). Gnomon. West Branch. 76 10.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). Guardian. The Fiddlehead. 258 64.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). Hair. MiPOesias. 44.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). Halo. The Los Angeles Review. 15 50.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). Heart Murmur. Prairie Schooner. 88 (3) 15.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). Heaven's Gate. The Journal.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). Here Be Monsters. Other. 16
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). Hourglass. Gettysburg Review. 27 (1) 65.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). Kafka's Dream. Other. 16
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). Luminescence of the Oceans. Stand. 12 (2) 29.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). May 3rd. Queen's Quarterly. 121 (3) 476-477.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). Metaphysics of the Literal Heart. B O D Y.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). Name. The Fiddlehead. 260 47.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). Nameless. Other. 16
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). Phenomenon. Stand. 12 (2) 30.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). Planetarium ("Planetario") (with translation of the poem into Italian by Angela D'a S). Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). Pledge. The Florida Review. 37 (2) 126.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). Polyphony. Saint Katherine Review. 4 (2) 7-8.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). Pythagoras. New Ohio Review. 15 88.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). Quake. Other. 16
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). Sacrum. The Yale Review. 102 (4) 32-33.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). Sea of Trees. The New Guard. 3 175-176.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). Small. Waxwing.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). Smoke. Miramar Poetry Journal.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). Symmetry. Other. 16
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). The Abyssal Plain (republication). Verse Daily.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). The Chain. Prairie Schooner. 88 (3) 16.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). The City. The Common. 7 (140-142)
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). The Clocks. West Branch. 76 11.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). The Fabulist. Missouri Review. 37 (3) 64.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). The Falling Sickness. Other. 29 (2) 102-103.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). The Invention of Paradise. Southwest Review. 99 (4) 593.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). The Irrevocable. Birmingham Poetry Review. 41 62.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). The Oath Breakers. Other. 3 35-36.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). The Paintings of Chauvet Cave. New Welsh Review. 105 37.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). The Saved. Missouri Review. 37 (3) 61.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). The Second Hand. West Branch. 76 12.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). The Tadpoles. The Journal.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). The Window. Queen's Quarterly. 121 (3) 472-474.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). Three. Other. 26 54.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). Touch. Missouri Review. 37 (3) 63.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). Voice. Other. 31 (1-2) 8.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). Wheel. Stand. 12 (2) 31.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). Widow. Birmingham Poetry Review. 41 63.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). Winter Garden. Stand. 12 (2) 30.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). Witness. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). X. Salt Hill. 32 7.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). Yeats. Miramar Poetry Journal. 2 73.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). Zoephobia. Waxwing.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). Gnomon (republication). Verse Daily.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). Homage to a Philosopher of History as a Small Child. Image. 81 120-121.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). A Brief Guide to Metaphysics. Other. 18 25.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). Air. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). Art Lande. Descant. 52 53.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). Beethoven's Ear Horn. Descant. 52 54.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). Book of Kells. Cincinnati Review. 10 (1) 18.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). Choreomania. Crab Orchard Review. 18 (1) 17-19.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). Chris McCandless. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). Columbarium. The Journal. 37 (3) 71.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). Dahmer. Descant. 52 55.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). Donor. Ostrich Review Journal. 3
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). Face. Beloit Poetry Journal. 63 (4) 5-6.
  • Bond, B.C., Porvin, A. (2013). Flag ("Флаг") (poem translated in Russian by Aleksey Porvin).. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). Ginsberg. Kenyon Review. winter/selections/bruce-bond-763879/
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). Girl with Dog. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). Ground Zero. Cave Wall. 12 10-11.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). History. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). January. Atlanta Review. 28.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). Lebensraum. Sewanee Review. 71 (1) 44-45.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). Limestone. Sewanee Review. 71 (1) 44.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). Map. Tampa Review. 45/46 86.
  • Bond, B.C., Porvin, A. (2013). Milk ("МОЛОКО") (poem translated in Russian by Aleksey Porvin).. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). Monument for Another Country. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). Myth. New Welsh Review. 99 100.
  • Bond, B.C., Porvin, A. (2013). Native Tongue (“РОДНОЙ ЯЗЫК”) (translated in Russian by Aleksey Porvin).. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). Ode to a Skeleton Key. The Adroit Journal. 6 112.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). Open. The Literary Review. 56 (4) 149.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). Pieta. Sewanee Review. 71 (1) 43.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). Quinceanera. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). Receiver. The Southern Review. 43 (4) 678.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). Relic. Other. 8 (1) 32.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). Saint Sebastian. The Southern Review. 43 (4) 679.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). Schopenhauer. Kenyon Review. winter/selections/bruce-bond-763879/
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). Shame. Crazyhorse. 83 80.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). Song. Cumberland River Review. 2 (1)
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). Spaceship. Southern Humanities Review. 47 (2) 166-167.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). The Abyssal Plain. 32 Poems. 11 (2) 6.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). The Crown. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). The Delta. Other. 202 (4) 322-323.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). The Gold Pill. Saint Katherine Review. 3 (1&2) 14.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). The Holy. Asheville Poetry Review. 20 (1) 145-147.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). The Inheritance. The Greensboro Review. 94 81.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). The Invention of the Cry Track. Kenyon Review.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). The Ladder. Sewanee Review. 71 (1) 45.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). The Lesson. Columbia: A Journal of Literature and Art. 51 119-120.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). The Magus. Saint Katherine Review. 3 (1&2) 15.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). The Night. Other. 28 (1) 36-41.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). The Noosphere. Ostrich Review Journal.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). The Purification of the Temple. The Georgia Review. 67 (2) 313-316.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). The Somnambulist. Tirage Monthly. 1
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). The Tree of Forgetting. Blackbird. 12 (1)
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). The Well. Ostrich Review Journal.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). Thicket. Other. (59) 145-147.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). Thomas. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). Via Negativa. Conte: A Journal of Narrative Writing. 8 (2)
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). Water Scripture (republication). The Adroit Journal. 6 109-111.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). Whitman. Kenyon Review.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). Widows of the Atacama Desert. Crazyhorse. 83 78-79.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). Words Against the Walls of the City. Colorado Review. 40 117-121.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). Shame (republication). Verse Daily.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). Black Morning. Southern Indiana Review. 20 (2) 1.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). Corpus Callosum. Atlanta Review. 29.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). Mistakes. Atlanta Review. 2.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). The Theorist. Southern Indiana Review. 20 (2) 2.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). Wanderlust. The Literary Review. 56 (4) 150.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). Museum. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). The Delta (poem of the week) (republication). Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). Words Against the Walls of the City (republication). Verse Daily.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). After. B O D Y.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). The Middle Way. B O D Y.
  • Bond, B.C. (2013). The Perfectionist. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. What the Given Says to the Made (republication). Verse Daily.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). A Bridge Made of Water. Pilot Light: A Journal of 21st Century Poetics and Criticism 3. 3
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Advent. Image. 72 21-22.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Agoraphobia. The Fiddlehead. 251 60.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Aliens. Crab Orchard Review. 17 (1) 28.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Ambition. Prairie Schooner. 86 (2) 60.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Arendt. New Welsh Review. 97 66.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Bell. Cumberland River Review. 1 (1)
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Bridal. Writer's Bloc. 10.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Camouflage. Writer's Bloc. 11.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Canaan. Quadrant: Journal of the C.G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology. 42 (1) 66.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Convalescence. The Southern Review. 48 (3) 478-479.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Crossfire. Colorado Review. 39 (1) 115.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Crown. 32 Poems. 10 (1) 4.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Cyclops. The Southern Review. 48 (3) 480-481.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Echo. Connecticut Review. 34 (2) 158.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Echoes of a Lost Tongue (republication). Other. 5 41-43.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Elegy for John Muir. Quadrant: Journal of the C.G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology. 42 (1) 67.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Energeia. Borderlands. 37 2.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Flowerbed (featured in conjunction with art from Aron Wiesenfeld). The Common.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Follow. The Literary Review. 55 (4) 56-57.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Genesis. Yale Review. 100 (3) 120.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Glossolalia. Cutthroat. 12 (1) 86-89.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Graviton. Poetry Northwest. 52 (1) 19.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Hallway (featured in conjunction with art from Aron Wiesenfeld). The Common.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Hendrix. The Journal. 32 (2)
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Homage to Phosphorus. Hayden's Ferry Review. 50 140-141.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Homage to Sebastian Stenzel. Prairie Schooner. 86 (2) 60-61.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Ice. Crab Orchard Review. 17 (1) 29.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Idolatry. Raritan. 32 (2) 42-44.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). In. Bellingham Review. 35 (64) 73-75.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Ink. Raritan. 32 (2) 40-41.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Mirror. The Journal. 32 (1)
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Monotheism. Image. 72 19-20.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Mysterium. The Journal. 32 (2)
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Ode to a Shadow Puppet. Denver Quarterly. 46 (4) 31-32.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Once. Denver Quarterly. 46 (4) 30.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). One. Other. 1
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Phantom Joy. The Laurel Review. 46 (1) 3-4.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Proud Flesh. The Georgia Review. 67 (1) 152-153.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Robitussin. Harvard Review. 45 94-96.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Runoff (featured in conjunction with art from Aron Wiesenfeld). The Common.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Sarabande. Other. 7 (1) 18.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Scenic View (featured in conjunction with art from Aron Wiesenfeld). The Common.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Seize. The Laurel Review. 45 (2) 42.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Shell. The Laurel Review. 45 (2) 43.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Shutter. The Cortland Review.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Sleeper. Crab Orchard Review. 17 (1) 26-27.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Snow. Stand. 11 (2) 198.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Survivor. Poetry Northwest. 7 (2) 16.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). The Blindness of Needles. Raritan. 32 (2) 36.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). The Delegate's Daughter (poem published in conjunction with art by Aron Wiesenfeld). Connotation Press.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). The Door in the Song of the Many. Poetry Northwest. 7 (2) 16.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). The Enlightenment. Subtropics. 13 12.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). The Gate. Pleiades. 32 (1) 1.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). The Invention of Fire. Crab Orchard Review. 17 (1) 25.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). The Listening Chamber. Other. 28 29.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). The New World. Other. 1
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). The Shore. Other. 61 (2) 238-239.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). The Smokers. The Literary Review. 55 (4) 54-55.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). The Unfinished Slave. The Antioch Review. 70 (1) 77.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). The Wedding Party (poem published in conjunction with art by Aron Wiesenfeld). Connotation Press.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Threnody (St. Petersburg Review Poetry Prize, 1st place). St. Petersburg Review. 4/5 100-101.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Tinnitus. Bellevue Literary Review. 12 (1) 134-135.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Tusk. Quarterly West. (76)
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Tympanum. Stand. 11 (2) 198.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Victor (poem published in conjunction with art by Aron Wiesenfeld). Connotation Press.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Vitruvian Man. Yale Review. 100 (3) 121.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). What the Given Says to the Made. Southwest Review. 97 (3) 408.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Wind. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Winter. 32 Poems. 10 (1) 5.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Yedid Nefesh. The Fiddlehead. 251 60.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Native Tongue (republication). Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Postcard of Atomic Bomb Test, Yucca Flat, 1953 (republication). Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). The Invisible Hand. Raritan. 32 (2) 37-39.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). The Shore (republication). Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Night Arrival. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Nest. Other. 9
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Branch. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Day Moon (republication). Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Homage to the Left Hand. Verse Daily.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Audubon (republication). Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Four Preludes for the Choir of the Wells. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2012). Jahrzeit. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2011). A Little History of Waves. IO: A Journal of New American Poets Poets. 1
  • Bond, B.C. (2011). Arrows. Pleiades. 31 (2) 138.
  • Bond, B.C. (2011). Benthos. The New South. 4 (2) 122-123.
  • Bond, B.C. (2011). Blake. Quadrant: Journal of the C.G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology. 41 (2) 88.
  • Bond, B.C. (2011). Boo. Other. 17 (1) 13.
  • Bond, B.C. (2011). Carbon. 32 Poems. 9 (2) 9.
  • Bond, B.C. (2011). Chalk. Other. 2
  • Bond, B.C. (2011). Chimera. Ploughshares. 37 (1) 45-46.
  • Bond, B.C. (2011). Cézanne's Doubt. The Fiddlehead. 249 59-61.
  • Bond, B.C. (2011). Death Mask. Sewanee Review. 119 (1) 114-116.
  • Bond, B.C. (2011). Dirt. Other. Book 1
  • Bruce Bond. (2011). Echoes of a Lost Tongue. Other. 31 (2) 1-3.
  • Bond, B.C. (2011). Echolalia (republication). A Way of Happening.
  • Bond, B.C. (2011). Elegy for the Spanish Republic. AGNI. 73 120-121.
  • Bond, B.C. (2011). Fiat Lux. IO: A Journal of New American Poets Poets.
  • Bond, B.C. (2011). Flint. Other. 2
  • Bond, B.C. (2011). For the Lost Cathedral (sections 4 and 8). Other. 3-4.
  • Bond, B.C. (2011). Homage to William Blake. Saint Katherine Review. 1 (4) 14-16.
  • Bond, B.C. (2011). Hopkins' Cow. Sewanee Theological Review. 55 (1) 77.
  • Bond, B.C. (2011). Horn (republication). Arcadia.
  • Bond, B.C. (2011). Hymn. Image. 67 104.
  • Bond, B.C. (2011). John Cole and the Waterfall. Poetry East. 71, 72, 73 52-53.
  • Bond, B.C. (2011). Jon Faddis and the High Note. Asheville Poetry Review.
  • Bond, B.C. (2011). Memento. Sewanee Review. 119 (1) 113.
  • Bond, B.C. (2011). New York Drive. The Fiddlehead. 249 56-58.
  • Bond, B.C. (2011). Oracle. Other. 26 (1) 8.
  • Bond, B.C. (2011). Pill. Colorado Review. 38 (1) 94-95.
  • Bond, B.C. (2011). Purity. Other. 26 (1) 2-3.
  • Bond, B.C. (2011). Radium. Other. 2
  • Bond, B.C. (2011). Rearview. Other. 1-2.
  • Bond, B.C. (2011). Saturn. IO: A Journal of New American Poets Poets.
  • Bond, B.C. (2011). Seraphim. Quadrant: Journal of the C.G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology. 41 (2) 88.
  • Bond, B.C. (2011). Siren. River Styx. 86 24.
  • Bond, B.C. (2011). Small Hands of the Lesser Gods. Poetry East. 71, 72, 73 54.
  • Bond, B.C. (2011). Tallow. Sewanee Review. 119 (1) 109-110.
  • Bond, B.C. (2011). The Collector. The Fiddlehead. 249 50-54.
  • Bond, B.C. (2011). The Desert Fathers. Other. 26 (1) 6-7.
  • Bond, B.C. (2011). The Fire Eater. Salt Hill. 28 15-16.
  • Bond, B.C. (2011). The Invention of Clouds. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2011). The Island. Other. 6 (1) 12-13.
  • Bond, B.C. (2011). The Raising of the Bells. Image. 67 105.
  • Bond, B.C. (2011). The Visible. Other. 26 (1) 4-5.
  • Bond, B.C. (2011). The Whiteness of the Cane (poem in anthology). Two Weeks: A Digital Anthology of Contemporary Poetry.
  • Bond, B.C. (2011). Volition (with prose statement). Missouri Review.
  • Bond, B.C. (2011). Water. Poetry East. 71, 72, 73 50-51.
  • Bond, B.C. (2011). Zero. Alaska Quarterly Review. 28 (3 & 4) 248-249.
  • Bond, B.C. (2011). My Death Space Dot Com. Other. 199 (2) 120.
  • Bond, B.C. (2011). Water Scripture. Third Coast. 14-16.
  • Bond, B.C. (2011). Arrows (republication). Verse Daily.
  • Bond, B.C. (2011). My Mother's Closet. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2010). Blaze (republication). Battistrada Arts Review.
  • Bond, B.C. (2010). Djembe (republication). Battistrada Arts Review.
  • Bond, B.C. (2010). Elegy for a Coffin in the Shape of a Guitar. The Laurel Review. 44 (1) 15-16.
  • Bond, B.C. (2010). Elegy for the Future. The Laurel Review. 44 (1) 14.
  • Bond, B.C. (2010). Empire of Light. Southwest Review. 95 (3) 476.
  • Bond, B.C. (2010). For the Lost Cathedral (sections 3, 5, and 7) (republication). Battistrada Arts Review.
  • Bond, B.C. (2010). For the Lost Cathedral (sections 6, 9, and 11). Blackbird.
  • Bond, B.C. (2010). Four Masks. River Styx. 81, 82 139-141.
  • Bond, B.C. (2010). Gargoyle. The Hopkins Review. 3 (3) 373-374. Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • Bond, B.C. (2010). Gorecki. Boulevard. 25 (2&3) 62-63.
  • Bond, B.C. (2010). Heat. Poetry East. 69 74.
  • Bond, B.C. (2010). Homage to the Left Hand. Triquarterly. 135, 136 262-263.
  • Bond, B.C. (2010). Lamp. Crab Orchard Review. 15 (1) 26-27.
  • Bond, B.C. (2010). Lyonel Feininger. AGNI. 71 42-43.
  • Bond, B.C. (2010). Masters of the Plein Air (republication). Battistrada Arts Review.
  • Bond, B.C. (2010). Milk. Crab Orchard Review. 15 (1) 30-32.
  • Bond, B.C. (2010). Ode to a Pair of Spectacles. Triquarterly. 135, 136 259-260.
  • Bond, B.C. (2010). Seed. Shenandoah. 60 (3) 18.
  • Bond, B.C. (2010). The Cutting of Flowers. Poetry East. 67, 68 71.
  • Bond, B.C. (2010). The Girl Who Feared the Wind. Crab Orchard Review. 15 (1) 28-29.
  • Bond, B.C. (2010). The Harvest. Triquarterly. 136, 136 261.
  • Bond, B.C. (2010). The Harvest (republication). Battistrada Arts Review.
  • Bond, B.C. (2010). The Lost Year. Prairie Schooner. 84 (3) 68-69.
  • Bond, B.C. (2010). The Remorse of Narcissus (republication). Battistrada Arts Review.
  • Bond, B.C. (2010). The Unspeakable (republication). Battistrada Arts Review.
  • Bond, B.C. (2010). The Winds (republication). Battistrada Arts Review.
  • Bond, B.C. (2010). Zeno. Prairie Schooner. 84 (3) 68-69.
  • Bond, B.C. (2010). Empire of Light (republication). Verse Daily.
  • Bond, B.C. (2009). A Boy in the Thicket. Raritan. 24 (2) 103-104.
  • Bond, B.C. (2009). Ammonite. Raritan. 24 (2) 101.
  • Bond, B.C. (2009). Asylum. Other. 18.
  • Bond, B.C. (2009). Blaze. The Southern Review. 45 (4) 606-607.
  • Bond, B.C. (2009). Blink. Iowa Review. 38 (3) 130.
  • Bond, B.C. (2009). Cobalt. Other. IV (2) 26.
  • Bond, B.C. (2009). Constellation. The Laurel Review. 43 (2) 18-19.
  • Bond, B.C. (2009). Crush. Other. IV (1) 65-66.
  • Bond, B.C. (2009). Day Moon. Iowa Review. 38 (3) 140-141.
  • Bond, B.C. (2009). Elegy for the Lost Book. Smartish Pace. 16 36-37.
  • Bond, B.C. (2009). Far. Other. 15 (1) 15-16.
  • Bond, B.C. (2009). Homage to Lead. Callaloo. 32 (1) 223-224.
  • Bond, B.C. (2009). Homage to the Foot. Other. 56 58-59.
  • Bond, B.C. (2009). Masters of the Plein Air. New Letters. 72 (2&3) 180-181.
  • Bond, B.C. (2009). Memoirs of the Five Senses. Western Humanities Review. 63 (2) 110-111.
  • Bond, B.C. (2009). People. Gettysburg Review. 22 (4) 577-579.
  • Bond, B.C. (2009). Play. Denver Quarterly. 44 (1) 19-20.
  • Bond, B.C. (2009). Privacy. Other. 58 (2) 213.
  • Bond, B.C. (2009). Quicksilver. Other. IV (2) 25.
  • Bond, B.C. (2009). Salt. The Antioch Review. 67 (2) 308.
  • Bond, B.C. (2009). Sand. Smartish Pace. 26 37.
  • Bond, B.C. (2009). The Blue Marble. Smartish Pace. 16 37.
  • Bond, B.C. (2009). The Convalescence of Summer. Denver Quarterly. 44 (1) 18.
  • Bond, B.C. (2009). The Missing Link. 32 Poems. 7 (2) 1.
  • Bond, B.C. (2009). The News. Gettysburg Review. 22 (4) 576.
  • Bond, B.C. (2009). The Unspeakable. The Seattle Review. 2 (1) 91-92.
  • Bond, B.C. (2009). The Winds. Raritan. 24 (2) 102.
  • Bond, B.C. (2009). Underworld. Other. 14 71.
  • Bond, B.C. (2009). Water Clock. Virginia Quarterly Review. 85 (4) 53.
  • Bond, B.C. (2009). Sand. Verse Daily.
  • Bond, B.C. (2008). Abyss of Birds. Prairie Schooner. 82 (3) 37-38.
  • Bond, B.C. (2008). Bizet. Crab Orchard Review. 13 (1) 37-39.
  • Bond, B.C. (2008). Bizet. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2008). Choir. AGNI. 67 234-235.
  • Bond, B.C. (2008). Djembe. Elixir. 6 3-5.
  • Bond, B.C. (2008). Elegy. Boston Review. 33 (5) 32.
  • Bond, B.C. (2008). Elegy for Tim Buckley. Colorado Review. 35 (1) 74-75.
  • Bond, B.C. (2008). Elysium. Image. 58 74.
  • Bond, B.C. (2008). Homage to the Ear. Western Humanities Review. LXII (1) 56-57.
  • Bond, B.C. (2008). Hunger . Blackbird. 7 (1)
  • Bond, B.C. (2008). Isaac. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2008). Lark Ascending. Other. 3 (1) 64-65.
  • Bond, B.C. (2008). Ringtone. Ploughshares. 34 (1) 20.
  • Bond, B.C. (2008). Scar. Crab Orchard Review. 13 (1) 36.
  • Bond, B.C. (2008). The Burning Boy. Prairie Schooner. 82 (3) 35-37.
  • Bond, B.C. (2008). The Human Share. Image. 58 74.
  • Bond, B.C. (2008). The Last Days of Jaco Pastorius. AGNI. 67 236-238.
  • Bond, B.C. (2008). The Remorse of Narcissus. Alaska Quarterly Review. 25 (3 & 4) 201-202.
  • Bond, B.C. (2008). Tropical. Southwest Review. 93 (1) 75-76.
  • Bond, B.C. (2008). Tuning Fork. Subtropics. 6 13-14.
  • Bond, B.C. (2008). White. Elixir. 6 1-2.
  • Bond, B.C. (2008). Wichita. Other. 46 20-22.
  • Bond, B.C. (2008). Will. Verse Daily.
  • Bond, B.C. (2008). Peal. Third Coast. 110.
  • Bond, B.C. (2008). Tuning Fork. Verse Daily.
  • Bond, B.C. (2008). Scar. Verse Daily.
  • Bond, B.C. (2008). Elegy for Tim Buckley. Verse Daily.
  • Bond, B.C. (2008). Horn. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2007). A Diet of Angels. The Georgia Review. 61 (1) 52-53.
  • Bond, B.C. (2007). Body and Soul. Yale Review. 95 (3) 62-63.
  • Bond, B.C. (2007). Confessions of a Music Box. Harvard Review. 32 18.
  • Bond, B.C. (2007). Cruor Dei. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2007). Rock. Poetry Northwest. 2 (2) 6.
  • Bond, B.C. (2007). The Return. New Orleans Review. 32 (2) 32-37.
  • Bond, B.C. (2007). Two Dreams with a Brief Waking in the Middle. River Styx. 74 17.
  • Bond, B.C. (2007). Wake. The Penguin Review. 28.
  • Bond, B.C. (2007). Spruce. Other. 1 (9)
  • Bond, B.C. (2007). Confessions of a Music Box. Verse Daily.
  • Bond, B.C. (2007). Blind Rain. Sewanee Review. 115 (2) 174-175.
  • Bond, B.C. (2007). Uroborus. Sewanee Review. 115 (5) 172-173.
  • Bond, B.C. (2007). Dream Vision from the Book of Dogs. Farrago's Wainscot.
  • Bond, B.C. (2007). Estate. Cincinnati Review. 3 (2) 43.
  • Bond, B.C. (2007). The Beasts of Paradise. Cincinnati Review. 3 (2) 44-45.
  • Bond, B.C. (2007). The Drowning. Farrago's Wainscot.
  • Bond, B.C. (2006). Flag. Triquarterly. 125 234-236.
  • Bond, B.C. (2006). Grove. Passages North. 21 (1) 163-164.
  • Bond, B.C. (2006). Lupus. Denver Quarterly. 40 (3) 21-22.
  • Bond, B.C. (2006). Madam Zero. Iowa Review. 36 (1) 147-148.
  • Bond, B.C. (2006). Morning Elegy. Other. 132.
  • Bond, B.C. (2006). The Embalmer's Daughter Studies Ears. Passages North. 21 (1) 161-162.
  • Bond, B.C. (2006). Two Dreams with a Brief Waking in the Middle. Naked Punch Review. 08 48. London,
  • Bond, B.C. (2006). The Invention of Song. The New Republic. 235 (4,490) 24.
  • Bond, B.C. (2006). Ash. Virginia Quarterly Review. 82 (4) 173.
  • Bond, B.C. (2006). Nerval's Lute. Willow Springs. 58 61.
  • Bond, B.C. (2006). Bach's Idiot Son. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2006). Black Iris. Verse Daily.
  • Bond, B.C. (2006). Planetarium. Verse Daily.
  • Bond, B.C. (2006). Wake. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2006). Black Iris. Columbia Poetry Review. 108.
  • Bond, B.C. (2005). Afterlife. Colorado Review. 32 (1) 87.
  • Bond, B.C. (2005). Exile's Song. The Massachusetts Review. 46 (3) 462.
  • Bond, B.C. (2005). From the Buried Archives of Twins. The National Poetry Review. 4 28.
  • Bond, B.C. (2005). Liberation of Dissonance. Western Humanities Review. 59 (2) 16.
  • Bond, B.C. (2005). Luggage. Prairie Schooner. 79 (3) 82-83.
  • Bond, B.C. (2005). Microscope. 32 Poems. 3 (1) 20.
  • Bond, B.C. (2005). Terra Incognita. Prairie Schooner. 79 (3) 83-86.
  • Bond, B.C. (2005). The Quick. Boulevard. 59 & 60 191-192.
  • Bond, B.C. (2005). To the Skywalkers. Green Mountains Review. 42 (2) 27-28.
  • Bond, B.C. (2005). Liberation of Dissonance. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2004). Anonymity. Iowa Review. 34 (3) 107-109.
  • Bond, B.C. (2004). Descendant. Passages North. 25 (1) 177-178.
  • Bond, B.C. (2004). Flame. Other. 5 (1) 126-127.
  • Bond, B.C. (2004). Glass Enclosure. Brilliant Corners. 8 (2) 5-6.
  • Bond, B.C. (2004). Mantra. River Styx. 68 11.
  • Bond, B.C. (2004). North. Western Humanities Review. 58 (2) 74-75.
  • Bond, B.C. (2004). Rehearsals for the New Order. Southwest Review. 88 (4) 517.
  • Bond, B.C. (2004). The Invisible. Harvard Review. 26 42-43.
  • Bond, B.C. (2004). Wake. The Georgia Review. 58 (3) 639-640.
  • Bond, B.C. (2004). Weight. The Minnesota Review. (61-62) 50.
  • Bond, B.C. (2004). Will. Ploughshares. 30 (4) 19-20.
  • Bond, B.C. (2004). The Ghost of Weather. Verse Daily.
  • Bond, B.C. (2004). Rehearsals for the New Order. Verse Daily.
  • Bond, B.C. (2004). River. Other. 338 23.
  • Bond, B.C. (2004). The Ghost of Weather. Crab Orchard Review. 9 (1) 35.
  • Bond, B.C. (2004). Transparencies. Crab Orchard Review. 9 (1) 36-38.
  • Bond, B.C. (2003). Black Sun. Artful Dodge. 42/43 45.
  • Bond, B.C. (2003). Blue Instrument. The Southern Review. 39 (4) 684-687.
  • Bond, B.C. (2003). Compass. Other. 10 12-13.
  • Bond, B.C. (2003). Crucifix. Gettysburg Review. 16 (1) 68.
  • Bond, B.C. (2003). Elegy for the Living. Indiana Review. 25 (1) 83.
  • Bond, B.C. (2003). Faith. Descant. 42 67-68.
  • Bond, B.C. (2003). Joy. Descant. 42 69.
  • Bond, B.C. (2003). Pilgrim. Passages North. 24 (1) 222-223.
  • Bond, B.C. (2003). River. Artful Dodge. (42/43) 43-44.
  • Bond, B.C. (2003). The Fall. River Styx. (63/64) 150-153.
  • Bond, B.C. (2002). Art Tatum. The Paris Review. 161 197-198.
  • Bond, B.C. (2002). Fallen Star of the Third Eye. Other. 31 (1) 70-73.
  • Bond, B.C. (2002). Palimpsest. Crab Orchard Review. 8 (1) 48-49.
  • Bond, B.C. (2002). The Island City of Dmitri Shostakovich. The Paris Review. 161 195-197.
  • Bond, B.C. (2002). The Lovers of Rome. The Paris Review. 161 192-195.
  • Bond, B.C. (2002). Vigil. Beloit Poetry Journal. 52 (4) 5.
  • Bond, B.C. (2002). Babel. Image. 36 29-30.
  • Bond, B.C. (2002). Rebirth. Colorado Review. 24 (3) 16.
  • Bond, B.C. (2002). The Chimneys. Verse Daily.
  • Bond, B.C. (2002). Mercy. Verse Daily.
  • Bond, B.C. (2001). Bodhisattva. Denver Quarterly. 36 (1/2) 29.
  • Bond, B.C. (2001). Chants. Denver Quarterly. 35 (4) 7-8.
  • Bond, B.C. (2001). Cortege. The Epoch Journal. 50 (2) 185-186.
  • Bond, B.C. (2001). Dementia Praecox. Colorado Review. 28 (1) 120-121.
  • Bond, B.C. (2001). Elemental. Boulevard. 17 (1 & 2) 28-29.
  • Bond, B.C. (2001). Monument. Passages North. 22 (1) 144.
  • Bond, B.C. (2001). Polyphony. Other. 45 (1) 78-79.
  • Bond, B.C. (2001). Terminal. River Styx. 61 65-66.
  • Bond, B.C. (2001). The Altars of September. Harvard Review. 21 6-7.
  • Bond, B.C. (2001). The Shine. Other. 18 (1) 327.
  • Bond, B.C. (2001). Toccata. Passages North. 22 (1) 143.
  • Bond, B.C. (2001). Vigil. Beloit Poetry Journal. 52 (2) 33.
  • Bond, B.C. (2001). Cruor Dei. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2000). 1979. Witness. 14 (1) 44-45.
  • Bond, B.C. (2000). A Flock of Phantom Limbs Gathers at the Border. The Southeast Review. 20 (2) 123.
  • Bond, B.C. (2000). Amnesia. Western Humanities Review. 54 (1) 53-53.
  • Bond, B.C. (2000). Cinder. The Americas Review. 11 65.
  • Bond, B.C. (2000). Coltrane's Teeth. Crab Orchard Review. (5, 7) 40-41.
  • Bond, B.C. (2000). Lester Young. Poetry Northwest. 40 (4) 12-13.
  • Bond, B.C. (2000). Rope. Black Warrior Review. 27 (1) 18.
  • Bond, B.C. (2000). The Drowning. Iowa Review. 30 (2) 117-118.
  • Bond, B.C. (2000). The Flies. Black Warrior Review. 27 (1) 16-17.
  • Bond, B.C. (2000). The O at the End of the World. Controlled Burn. 57-58.
  • Bond, B.C. (2000). The Sirens of Los Angeles. The Ohio Review. 61 184-185.
  • Bond, B.C. (2000). Two Rivers. Chelsea. 67 116-117.
  • Bond, B.C. (2000). The O at the End of the World. Other.
  • Bond, B.C. (2000). Django. Brilliant Corners. 4 (2) 5-7.
  • Bond, B.C. (2000). Oval. The Paris Review. 154 260-261.
  • Bond, B.C. (2000). The Throats of Narcissus. Colorado Review. 27 141-144.
  • Bond, B.C. (2000). Reincarnation. Other. 6 19.
  • Bond, B.C. (1999). Breathing. Chelsea. 65 56-57.
  • Bond, B.C. (1999). Dream Vision from the Book of Dogs. The North American Review. 284 (3) 19.
  • Bond, B.C. (1999). Mandala. River Styx. 55 97-102.
  • Bond, B.C. (1999). The Weight. The North American Review. 284 (2) 15.
  • Bond, B.C. (1999). Babble. Columbia: A Journal of Literature and Art. 32 99.
  • Bond, B.C. (1999). Heaven. Columbia: A Journal of Literature and Art. 32 97-98.
  • Bond, B.C. (1999). Monument for Leone Vivante. Denver Quarterly. 34 (2) 11.
  • Bond, B.C. (1999). Ascension. Western Humanities Review. 53 (1) 65-66.
  • Bond, B.C. (1999). Bill Evans. Michigan Quarterly Review. 38 (1) 26-28.
  • Bond, B.C. (1998). The Chimneys. River Styx. 53 20.
  • Bond, B.C. (1998). Alien Hand. Triquarterly. 103 102-103.
  • Bond, B.C. (1998). Digging up the Briars. Triquarterly. 103 100-101.
  • Bond, B.C. (1998). Thelonious Sphere Monk. Yale Review. 86 (4) 123-124.
  • Bond, B.C. (1998). Mercy. Colorado Review. 15 (1) 16-17.
  • Bond, B.C. (1998). Testament. Ploughshares. 24 (1) 168-169.
  • Bond, B.C. (1997). Cruor Dei. The Paris Review. 143 96-98.
  • Bond, B.C. (1997). Echolalia. Boulevard. 13 (1 & 2)
  • Bond, B.C. (1997). Ghost in the Machine. Other. 35 (1) 44.
  • Bond, B.C. (1997). Narcissus. The Paris Review. 143 95-96.
  • Bond, B.C. (1997). Passacaglia. The Ohio Review. 56 72-73.
  • Bond, B.C. (1997). The Strangeness of Knowing Well. The Ohio Review. 56 74.
  • Bond, B.C. (1997). Tombeau. Connecticut Review. 14 (2) 129.
  • Bond, B.C. (1997). Art Pepper. Ploughshares. 23 (1) 28-30.
  • Bond, B.C. (1997). Postcard of Atomic Bomb Test, Yucca Flat, 1953. The Journal. 21 (1) 45-46.
  • Bond, B.C. (1996). Born Blind. Chelsea. 60 76.
  • Bond, B.C. (1996). Litany. Other. 40 (1) 122.
  • Bond, B.C. (1996). Nocturne. Chelsea. 60 77.
  • Bond, B.C. (1996). The Phoenix. AGNI. 44 46.
  • Bond, B.C. (1996). Aim. Denver Quarterly. 31 (2) 14.
  • Bond, B.C. (1996). The General's Leg. Shenandoah. 46 (3) 92-93.
  • Bond, B.C. (1996). The Page Turner. River Styx. 33.
  • Bond, B.C. (1996). Host. Other. 168 (5) 273.
  • Bond, B.C. (1996). Homage to Szymon Laks. The Georgia Review. (2) 358-359.
  • Bond, B.C. (1996). Divorce. The Threepenny Review. 65 12.
  • Bond, B.C. (1996). Pomegranate. The Paris Review. 38 (138) 111.
  • Bond, B.C. (1995). All Saints Eve. The Laurel Review. 29 (2) 103.
  • Bond, B.C. (1995). Confederate Dead. Sewanee Review. 53 (3) 335-336.
  • Bond, B.C. (1995). Native Tongue. Yale Review. 83 (4) 83.
  • Bond, B.C. (1995). Photograph of the 5th Vermont at Camp Griffin, Virginia. Sewanee Review. 53 (3) 337.
  • Bond, B.C. (1995). Postcard from Cold Harbor. Sewanee Review. CIII (3) 338.
  • Bond, B.C. (1995). The Rowers. Southwest Review. 80 (4) 444.
  • Bond, B.C. (1995). Feast of the Seven Sorrows. Western Humanities Review. 46 (4) 361.
  • Bond, B.C. (1995). Isaac. Western Humanities Review. 46 (4) 360.
  • Bond, B.C. (1994). Confederate Dead. Sewanee Review. CII (3) 38-39.
  • Bond, B.C. (1993). Broken Circle. Western Humanities Review. 47 (2) 163.
  • Bond, B.C. (1993). Cardinal. Shenandoah. 43 (2) 105.
  • Bond, B.C. (1993). Documentary. The Paris Review. 128 139-140.
  • Bond, B.C. (1993). Invisible Man. Southwest Review. 77 (1) 136-137.
  • Bond, B.C. (1993). Naked Eye. The Paris Review. 128 141.
  • Bond, B.C. (1993). New York Movie, 1939. Quarterly West. 36 118-119.
  • Bond, B.C. (1993). Open Throat. The Threepenny Review. 55 22.
  • Bond, B.C. (1993). Radiography. Western Humanities Review. 47 (3) 252-255.
  • Bond, B.C. (1993). Taps. Other. 159 (6) 337.
  • Bond, B.C. (1993). The Possible. Shenandoah. 43 (2) 104.
  • Bond, B.C. (1992). Acoustic Shadows. Missouri Review. 13 (3) 161.
  • Bond, B.C. (1992). Bach's Idiot Son. The Quarry. 41 (4) 68.
  • Bond, B.C. (1992). Book of the Living. Missouri Review. 13 (3) 164-165.
  • Bond, B.C. (1992). Caravaggio: The Supper at Emmaus. The Southern Review. 28 (3) 635-637.
  • Bond, B.C. (1992). Chinatown. Missouri Review. 13 (3) 162-163.
  • Bond, B.C. (1992). Easter Sunday. The Quarterly. 22 218.
  • Bond, B.C. (1992). Elegiac Stanzas. The Southern Review. 28 (3) 635-637.
  • Bond, B.C. (1992). Infidelity. Other. 23 28-29.
  • Bond, B.C. (1992). Legacy. Missouri Review. 13 (3) 166-167.
  • Bond, B.C. (1992). Margin of Need. Western Humanities Review. 45 (2) 309.
  • Bond, B.C. (1992). Messiaen. The Quarry. 41 (4) 67.
  • Bond, B.C. (1992). Robin's Voice. Other. 16 68.
  • Bond, B.C. (1992). The Last Great Flood. Missouri Review. 13 (3) 160.
  • Bond, B.C. (1991). Asylum. Other. 26 (1) 232-233.
  • Bond, B.C. (1991). Augustus Purchases His New Teeth. Hawai?i Review. 15 (1) 17-19.
  • Bond, B.C. (1991). Emigrant's Song. The Mississippi Review. 19 (3) 168-169.
  • Bond, B.C. (1991). Gallery of Rivers. Missouri Review. 14 (1) 150.
  • Bond, B.C. (1991). Golden Dragon. Hawai?i Review. 1 (1) 17-19.
  • Bond, B.C. (1991). Guido's Hand. Pacific Review. 9 50.
  • Bond, B.C. (1991). Medals: A Processional of Rooms. AGNI. 34 104-105.
  • Bond, B.C. (1991). Naked Guest. Other. 22 (3) 25.
  • Bond, B.C. (1991). North: 1991. Queen's Quarterly. 98 (4) 926-927.
  • Bond, B.C. (1991). On Certainty. Other. 158 (5) 268-269.
  • Bond, B.C. (1991). Palm City, 1942. American Literary Review. 2 (1) 93-94.
  • Bond, B.C. (1991). Paper Lobby. The Wallace Stevens Journal. 15 (2) 229-230.
  • Bond, B.C. (1991). Pleasure Gap. Great Stream Review. 2 (1) 35.
  • Bond, B.C. (1991). Red Bay. American Literary Review. 2 (1) 95-96.
  • Bond, B.C. (1991). Still Life with Lemons. Other. (90-91) 206-207.
  • Bond, B.C. (1991). The Affliction of Miracles. Great Stream Review. 2 (1) 36.
  • Bond, B.C. (1991). Visitation. AGNI. 103.
  • Bond, B.C. (1990). A Narcoleptic in Los Angeles. Gargoyle Magazine. (37/38) 36.
  • Bond, B.C. (1990). Anonymous Rhenish Painting. The Quarterly. 15 (1) 183-184.
  • Bond, B.C. (1990). Breaking the Fall. Xanadu: A Literary Journal. 13 36-37.
  • Bond, B.C. (1990). County of Words. Sou'wester. 31-32.
  • Bond, B.C. (1990). Denial. Alaska Quarterly Review. 8 (1) 119.
  • Bond, B.C. (1990). Disappearances. Other. 14 (1) 132.
  • Bond, B.C. (1990). Elegy for Weldon Kees. The Quarterly. 15 (1) 181.
  • Bond, B.C. (1990). Hospice. Ploughshares. 15 (4) 28.
  • Bond, B.C. (1990). Independence Days. Sou'wester. 30.
  • Bond, B.C. (1990). Katherine's Eye. The Quarterly. 15 (1) 181-182.
  • Bond, B.C. (1990). Lady in a Wood. Other. 14 (1) 133.
  • Bond, B.C. (1990). Motet. Carolina Quarterly. 43 (1) 42-43.
  • Bond, B.C. (1990). Paradise Carnival. Denver Quarterly. 25 (2) 10-11.
  • Bond, B.C. (1990). Planetarium. Other. 156 (3) 152.
  • Bond, B.C. (1990). Prayer. Missouri Review. 13 (1) 156-157.
  • Bond, B.C. (1990). Processionals. Paintbrush: A Journal of Poetry, Translations, and Letters. (42, 33 and 34) 24.
  • Bond, B.C. (1990). Tattoo. Prairie Schooner. 64 (2) 95-96.
  • Bond, B.C. (1990). The Burning of John Dee's Library. The Quarterly. 15 (1) 185-188.
  • Bond, B.C. (1990). The Fall. Wind Magazine. 20 (66) 4.
  • Bond, B.C. (1990). The Radio. Western Humanities Review. 44 (3) 323.
  • Bond, B.C. (1990). The White Birch. Wind Magazine. 20 (66) 4.
  • Bond, B.C. (1990). Whistler: The White Girl. The New Republic. 203 (21) 41.
  • Bond, B.C. (1990). Winter's Apprentice. The Quarterly. 15 (1) 179-180.
  • Bond, B.C. (1990). Alban Berg. The New Republic. 46.
  • Bond, B.C. (1990). Piano. The New Republic. 36.
  • Bond, B.C. (1990). Bach's Idiot Son. The New Republic. 37.
  • Bond, B.C. (1990). Satie. Ars Musica Denver. 27.
  • Bond, B.C. (1990). Stravinsky. Ars Musica Denver. 26.
  • Bond, B.C. (1990). To an Imaginary Daughter. Yankee. 127.
  • Bond, B.C. (1989). Book of the Living. Bitter Root Journal. 24 (97) 55.
  • Bond, B.C. (1989). Cezanne: Apples and Oranges. Southwest Review. 74 (1) 77.
  • Bond, B.C. (1989). Insomniac's Creed. Alaska Quarterly Review. 8 (1) 120.
  • Bond, B.C. (1989). Ives. Other. 15 (3) 111.
  • Bond, B.C. (1989). Kurt Weill. The Antioch Review. 47 (2) 189.
  • Bond, B.C. (1989). Mahler: Kindertotenlieder. Other. 9 (1) 43.
  • Bond, B.C. (1989). Melancholia: the Prize. New Mexico Humanities Review. 31 108.
  • Bond, B.C. (1989). Stravinsky. West Branch. 25 45.
  • Bond, B.C. (1989). The Ivory Hours. Shenandoah. 39 (4) 71-72.
  • Bond, B.C. (1989). The Oracle of Remembered Things. Midwest Quarterly. 30 (4) 437.
  • Bond, B.C. (1989). The Weathercock. The Greensboro Review. 47 120.
  • Bond, B.C. (1989). Wozzeck: Variations. Mudfish. 4 20.
  • Bond, B.C. (1989). The Final Days of Robert Schumann. Other. 24-25.
  • Bond, B.C. (1988). Bartok. Kansas Quarterly. 20 (4) 67.
  • Bond, B.C. (1988). Driving East in January. The Wisconsin Review. 22 (2) 54-55.
  • Bond, B.C. (1988). Elsewhere. South Coast Poetry Journal. 6 40.
  • Bond, B.C. (1988). Heirloom Clock. Other. 2 (1) 52-53.
  • Bond, B.C. (1988). Hugo Wolf. The Journal. 11 (2) 15.
  • Bond, B.C. (1988). Ives. Poetry Northwest. 28 (4) 25.
  • Bond, B.C. (1988). Jean Returns from Wintering in Phoenix. The Laurel Review. 22 (1) 48-49.
  • Bond, B.C. (1988). Nocturne for Marie Curie. High Plains Literary Review. 3 (2) 106.
  • Bond, B.C. (1988). Ravel. Pacific Review. 6 14.
  • Bond, B.C. (1988). Red Weather. The Laurel Review. 22 (1) 48.
  • Bond, B.C. (1988). Romance in Harvest Hills. International Poetry Review. 14 (1) 106.
  • Bond, B.C. (1988). Satie. Denver Quarterly. 23 (3) 35.
  • Bond, B.C. (1988). Schoenberg. The Journal. 11 (2) 15.
  • Bond, B.C. (1988). Shostakovich. Kansas Quarterly. 20 (4) 68.
  • Bond, B.C. (1988). Small Talk. The Laurel Review. 22 (1) 49.
  • Bond, B.C. (1988). That the Future is Not What Frees Us. Other. 16 (1) 62.
  • Bond, B.C. (1988). The Art of Memory: Neighborhoods. Chariton Review. 14 (1) 63.
  • Bond, B.C. (1988). The Consolation of Open Spaces. Chariton Review. 14 (1) 62.
  • Bond, B.C. (1988). The Day the Tumor Moves In. Southern Poetry Review. 28 (3) 52.
  • Bond, B.C. (1988). The Drowning. International Poetry Review. 14 (1) 105-106.
  • Bond, B.C. (1988). The Elephants of Kitum. International Poetry Review. 14 (1) 105.
  • Bond, B.C. (1988). The Symphony Dreams of Dying. The Wisconsin Review. 22 (2) 55.
  • Bond, B.C. (1988). Varese. Pacific Review. 6 15.
  • Bond, B.C. (1988). Webern. Pacific Review. 6 16.
  • Bond, B.C. (1987). Van Gogh: The Night Cafe. The Apalachee Quarterly. 27 42-43.
  • Bond, B.C. (1986). Clay Pigeons. Other. 13
  • Bond, B.C. (1986). First Watch. Blue Unicorn. 10 (2) 24.
  • Bond, B.C. (1986). House Fever. Nebo. 16.
  • Bond, B.C. (1986). Matisse: The Red Studio. Sonora Review. 12 27.
  • Bond, B.C. (1986). Messiaen. The Georgia Review. 40 (4) 952.
  • Bond, B.C. (1986). Night Pools. Other. 14 (3-4) 38.
  • Bond, B.C. (1986). Vermeer: The Maidservant. Sonora Review. 12 25-26.
  • Poems

  • Bond, B. (2019). "The Lost Language 23" and "Scar 19". The Hopkins Review. Baltimore, MD,
  • Popular Press Article

  • Bond, B.C. (2014). 76 11. West Branch.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). 76 10. West Branch.
  • Bond, B.C. (2014). 76 12. West Branch.
  • Bond, B. (2006). Preface to the book Rebekah Orders Lasagna by John Jenkinson. xi-xii. Topeka, KS, Woodley Press.
  • Bond, B., Heyen, W. (2002). "The Language of Disaster" (essay) . September 11, 2001: American Writers Respond. 54-57. Silver Spring, MD, Etruscan Press.
  • Bond, B. (1999). "Immanent Distance: Silence and the Poetry of Charles Simic" (essay - electronic republication). Contemporary Literary Criticism/ Select 4. Detroit, MI, Gail Research.
  • Bond, B., Weigl, B. (1996). "Immanent Distance: Silence and the Poetry of Charles Simic" (essay - republication). Charles Simic: Essays on the Poetry. 156-163. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press.
  • Bond, B., Andrews, T. (1995). "Metaphysics of the Image in Charles Wright and Paul Cézanne" (essay - republication). The Point Where All Things Meet: Essays on Charles Wright. 264-273. Oberlin, OH, Oberlin College Press.
  • Bond, B., Matuz, R. (1991). "Immanent Distance: Silence and the Poetry of Charles Simic" (essay - republication). Contemporary Literary Criticism, 68.. 68 367-369. Detroit, MI, Gail Research.
  • poem

  • Bond, B. (2020). "Arioso" and "Skin" published in Plume. Other. NY, NY,
  • Bond, B. (2019). "Parkland" and "Proof" published in Image. Other. Seattle, WA, Image.
  • Bond, B. (2019). "Skull" published in Literary Matters. Other. NY, NY, Literary Matters.
  • Bond, B. (2019). Behemoth published in Image. Other. Seattle, WA, Image.
  • Bond, B. (2019). Angel. Gettysburg Review.
  • Bond, B. (2019). Angels, The Party, and Wilderness published in South Florida Poetry Journal.
  • Bond, B. (2019). Ax published in Poetry Northwest.
  • Bond, B. (2019). Bells published in Michigan Quarterly Review. The Michigan Quarterly Review. Ann Arbor, MI,
  • Bond, B. (2019). Mark. Pleiades.
  • Bond, B. (2019). Minaret. Gettysburg Review. Gettysburg, PA,
  • Bond, B. (2019). O published in The Fiddlehead.
  • Bond, B. (2019). Paper Ship published in decomp magazine.
  • Bond, B. (2019). Phalanx published in Volt. Other.
  • Bond, B. (2019). Southern Music published in Witness. Witness. Las Vegas, NV,
  • Bond, B. (2019). Sparrow published in Narrative. Other. San Francisco, CA,
  • Bond, B. (2019). The Cradle published in Verse Daily.
  • Bond, B. (2019). The Experience. Brilliant Corners.
  • Bond, B. (2019). The Garden published in Narrative.
  • Bond, B. (2019). The Lost Language 20 published in The Dialogist. The Dialogist.
  • Bond, B. (2019). Willow published in Pedestal.
  • poems

  • Bond, B. (2019). "Epigraph" and "Water" published in New American Writing. Other. NY, NY,
  • Bond, B. (2019). Atoll and Eco published in MANOA.
  • Bond, B. (2019). Book of Dolls 32 and 35 published in Shenandoah. Shenandoah.
  • Bond, B. (2019). Book of Dolls 38, 39, 40, and 41 published in Sugar House Review. Other. Salt Lake City, UT,
  • Bond, B. (2019). Book of Dolls 45 published in The Nation. Other. NY, NY,
  • Bond, B. (2019). Book of Dolls 5 and 10 published in Plume. Other.
  • Bond, B. (2019). Breathing and The Lost Language 6-10 published in Interim. Other. Las Vegas, NV,
  • Bond, B. (2019). From Narcissus in the Underworld 26, 28, 31, 32, and 33 published in South Florida Poetry Journal. Other.
  • Bond, B. (2019). Levinas. Blackbird.
  • Bond, B. (2019). Lumen and Convalescent. Poetry Northwest.
  • Bond, B. (2019). Narcissus in the Underworld 9, 26, 28, and 29 published in Willow Springs. Willow Springs.
  • Bond, B. (2019). Scar 13 and Scar 14 published in Florida Review. The Florida Review. Orlando, FL,
  • Bond, B. (2019). Scar 5, 7, 8, 9, and 10 published in American Journal of Poetry.
  • Bond, B. (2019). The Lamb, Wire, and Crash published in St. Petersburg Review. St. Petersburg Review.
  • Bond, B. (2019). The Lost Language 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 and Thorn published in Brilliant Corners. Brilliant Corners.
  • Bond, B. (2019). The Republic and Peacock published in Literary Matters.
  • Bond, B. (2019). Wine 1-11 published in St. Katherine Review.
  • Bond, B. (2019). Yah, Fathom, and Marginalia published in The Colorado Review. Colorado Review.
  • Bond, B. (2019). Zither, Pierce, and Poison published in SplitLevel.
Summative Rating
Challenge and
Engagement Index
Response Rate

out of 5

out of 7
students responded
  • Overall Summative Rating (median):
    This rating represents the combined responses of students to the four global summative items and is presented to provide an overall index of the class’s quality. Overall summative statements include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 5 = Excellent, 3 = Good, and 1= Very poor):
    • The course as a whole was
    • The course content was
    • The instructor’s contribution to the course was
    • The instructor’s effectiveness in teaching the subject matter was
  • Challenge and Engagement Index:
    This rating combines student responses to several SPOT items relating to how academically challenging students found the course to be and how engaged they were. Challenge and Engagement Index items include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 7 = Much higher, 4 = Average, and 1 = Much lower):
    • Do you expect your grade in this course to be
    • The intellectual challenge presented was
    • The amount of effort you put into this course was
    • The amount of effort to succeed in this course was
    • Your involvement in course (doing assignments, attending classes, etc.) was