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Deanna Bush

Title: Adjunct Faculty

Department: Music History, Theory and Ethnomusicology

College: College of Music

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae Link


  • PhD, Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester, 1982
    Major: Dissertation
  • MM, Eastman School of Music, 1966
    Major: Voice Performance
  • BM, Eastman School of Music, 1965
    Major: Voice Performance

Current Scheduled Teaching

No current or future courses scheduled.

Previous Scheduled Teaching

MUMH 4050.002Symphonic LiteratureSpring 2019 Syllabus SPOT
MUMH 1610.004Music as CommunicationFall 2018 Syllabus SPOT
MUMH 4050.002Symphonic LiteratureSpring 2018 Syllabus SPOT
MUMH 1610.004Music as CommunicationFall 2017 Syllabus SPOT
MUMH 4050.002Symphonic LiteratureSpring 2017 Syllabus SPOT
MUMH 1600.004Music in Human ImaginationFall 2016 Syllabus SPOT
MUAG 6900.701Special ProblemsFall 2016
MUMH 5010.001Introduction to Research in MusicSummer 5W1 2016 SPOT
MUMH 4050.002Symphonic LiteratureSpring 2016 Syllabus SPOT
MUMH 1600.004Music in Human ImaginationFall 2015 SPOT
MUMH 5640.001Performance Practice: Classic / RomanticSummer 5W1 2015 SPOT
MUMH 4050.002Symphonic LiteratureSpring 2015 Syllabus
MUMH 6160.001Major ComposersFall 2014
MUMH 1600.004Music in Human ImaginationFall 2014 Syllabus
MUMH 5010.001Introduction to Research in MusicSummer 5W1 2014
MUMH 5640.001Performance Practice: Classic / RomanticSummer 5W1 2014
MUMH 4050.002Symphonic LiteratureSpring 2014
MUMH 1600.004Music in Human ImaginationFall 2013
MUMH 5640.001Performance Practice: Classic / RomanticSummer 5W1 2013
MUMH 5910.701Special ProblemsSummer 5W1 2013
MUMH 4050.002Symphonic LiteratureSpring 2013
MUMH 1600.003Music in Human ImaginationFall 2012
MUMH 6540.001Performance Practice: Classic / RomanticSummer 5W2 2012
MUMH 5341.001Western Music History, 1700 1800Summer 5W2 2012
MUMH 6750.001Classical MusicSpring 2012
MUMH 6540.001Performance Practice: Classic / RomanticSpring 2012
MUMH 5010.002Introduction to Research in MusicFall 2011
MUMH 4070.002Operatic LiteratureFall 2011
MUMH 6540.001Performance Practice: Classic / RomanticFall 2011
MUMH 6540.001Performance Practice: Classic / RomanticSummer 5W1 2011
MUMH 5341.001Western Music History, 1700 1800Summer 5W1 2011
MUMH 4760.001Chamber Music LiteratureSpring 2011
MUMH 6750.001Classical MusicSpring 2011
MUMH 6540.001Performance Practice: Classic / RomanticSpring 2011
MUMH 5900.701Special ProblemsSpring 2011
MUMH 5010.001Introduction to Research in MusicFall 2010
MUMH 1600.003Music in Human ImaginationFall 2010
MUMH 6540.001Performance Practice: Classic / RomanticFall 2010
MUMH 5010.002Introduction to Research in MusicSummer 5W1 2010
MUMH 6540.001Performance Practice: Classic / RomanticSummer 5W1 2010
MUMH 5110.001History of OperaSpring 2010
MUMH 6540.001Performance Practice: Classic / RomanticSpring 2010
MUAG 6900.703Special ProblemsSpring 2010
MUMH 4910.701Special ProblemsSpring 2010
MUMH 5010.002Introduction to Research in MusicFall 2009
MUMH 5010.003Introduction to Research in MusicFall 2009
MUMH 6540.001Performance Practice: Classic / RomanticFall 2009
MUMH 5010.001Introduction to Research in MusicSummer 5W1 2009
MUMH 5341.001Western Music History, 1700 1800Summer 5W1 2009
MUMH 4760.001Chamber Music LiteratureSpring 2009
MUMH 6750.001Classical MusicSpring 2009
MUMH 6540.001Performance Practice: Classic / RomanticSpring 2009
MUMH 5010.002Introduction to Research in MusicFall 2008
MUMH 5010.004Introduction to Research in MusicFall 2008
MUMH 1600.004Music in Human ImaginationFall 2008
MUMH 6540.001Performance Practice: Classic / RomanticFall 2008
MUMH 6900.704Special ProblemsFall 2008
MUMH 5010.001Introduction to Research in MusicSummer 5W1 2008
MUMH 4900.703Special ProblemsSummer 5W1 2008
MUMH 5900.701Special ProblemsSummer 5W1 2008
MUMH 6900.701Special ProblemsSummer 10W 2008
MUMH 5341.001Western Music History, 1700 1800Summer 5W1 2008
MUMH 5110.001History of OperaSpring 2008
MUMH 5010.002Introduction to Research in MusicSpring 2008
MUGC 5950.709Master's ThesisSpring 2008
MUMH 6540.001Performance Practice: 1750 to PresentSpring 2008
MUMH 5010.003Introduction to Research in MusicFall 2007
MUGC 5950.705Master's ThesisFall 2007
MUMH 3510.001Music History and Literature Since 1750Fall 2007
MUMH 6540.001Performance Practice: 1750 to PresentFall 2007
MUMH 5910.702Special ProblemsFall 2007
MUMH 6900.707Special ProblemsFall 2007
MUMH 6900.708Special ProblemsFall 2007
MUMH 5010.002Introduction to Research in MusicSummer 5W2 2007
MUMH 5342.001Western Music History 1800 1900Summer 5W2 2007
MUMH 6750.001Classical MusicSpring 2007
MUGC 5950.716Master's ThesisSpring 2007
MUMH 6540.001Performance Practice: 1750 to PresentSpring 2007
MUMH 4920.700Senior Thesis in Music HistorySpring 2007
MUMH 4910.701Special ProblemsSpring 2007
MUMH 5341.001Western Music History, 1700 1800Spring 2007
MUGC 6950.709Doctoral DissertationFall 2006
MUMH 5010.001Introduction to Research in MusicFall 2006
MUMH 3510.001Music History and Literature Since 1750Fall 2006
MUMH 6540.001Performance Practice: 1750 to PresentFall 2006
MUMH 3510.001Music History and Literature Since 1750Summer 5W1 2006
MUMH 1600.001Music in Human ImaginationSummer 5W1 2006
MUGC 6950.714Doctoral DissertationSpring 2006
MUMH 5110.001History of OperaSpring 2006
MUMH 3510.001Music History and Literature Since 1750Spring 2006
MUMH 4070.001Operatic LiteratureSpring 2006
MUMH 4920.700Senior Thesis in Music HistorySpring 2006
MUMH 6900.702Special ProblemsSpring 2006
MUMH 3510.001Music History and Literature Since 1750Fall 2005
MUMH 6540.001Performance Practice: 1750 to PresentFall 2005
MUMH 4920.700Senior Thesis in Music HistoryFall 2005
MUMH 5341.001Western Music History, 1700 1800Fall 2005
MUMH 5010.001Introduction to Research in MusicSummer 5W1 2005
MUMH 6750.001Classical MusicSpring 2005
MUMH 6540.001Performance Practice: 1750 to PresentSpring 2005
MUMH 4920.700Senior Thesis in Music HistorySpring 2005
MUMH 5333.001Western Music History, 1600 1700Spring 2005
MUMH 3510.001Music History and Literature Since 1750Fall 2004
MUMH 1600.003Music in Human ImaginationFall 2004
MUMH 5711.001Seminar in MusicologyFall 2004
MUMH 4920.700Senior Thesis in Music HistoryFall 2004
Summative Rating
Challenge and
Engagement Index
Response Rate

out of 5

out of 7
students responded
  • Overall Summative Rating (median):
    This rating represents the combined responses of students to the four global summative items and is presented to provide an overall index of the class’s quality. Overall summative statements include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 5 = Excellent, 3 = Good, and 1= Very poor):
    • The course as a whole was
    • The course content was
    • The instructor’s contribution to the course was
    • The instructor’s effectiveness in teaching the subject matter was
  • Challenge and Engagement Index:
    This rating combines student responses to several SPOT items relating to how academically challenging students found the course to be and how engaged they were. Challenge and Engagement Index items include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 7 = Much higher, 4 = Average, and 1 = Much lower):
    • Do you expect your grade in this course to be
    • The intellectual challenge presented was
    • The amount of effort you put into this course was
    • The amount of effort to succeed in this course was
    • Your involvement in course (doing assignments, attending classes, etc.) was