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Gergely Zaruba

Title: Chair

Department: Computer Science and Engineering

College: College of Engineering

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae Link


  • PhD, University of Texas at Dallas, 2001
    Major: Computer Science
    Dissertation: Link Activation Methods in Advanced Mobile Radio Networks
  • MS, Technical University of Budapest, 1997
    Major: Technical Informatics Engineering (Computer Engineering)
    Dissertation: Video Conference Application for the EMMA Teleconference Service

Current Scheduled Teaching

No current or future courses scheduled.

Previous Scheduled Teaching

No previous courses scheduled.

Published Intellectual Contributions

    Book Chapter

  • Bokhari, F., Zaruba, G. (2012). Partially overlapping channel assignments in wireless mesh networks. Wireless Mesh Networks-Efficient Link Scheduling, Channel Assignment and Network Planning Strategies. InTech.
  • Huang, R., Z\'aruba, Gergely V, Das, S. (2008). Device localization in ubiquitous computing environments. Advances in Ubiquitous Computing: Future Paradigms and Directions. 83--116. IGI Global.
  • Conference Proceeding

  • Odeyomi, O., Zaruba, G. (2023). Byzantine-Resilient Federated Learning With Differential Privacy Using Online Mirror Descent.
  • Burns, N.B., Daniel, K., Huber, M., Z\'aruba, Gergely. (2021). An Automatic Calibration Technique for Force Sensors in a Dynamic Smart Floor Environment. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC). 2471--2478.
  • Odeyomi, O.T., Zaruba, G. (2021). Differentially-private federated learning with long-term budget constraints using online lagrangian descent. 2021 IEEE World AI IoT Congress (AIIoT). 0001--0006.
  • Odeyomi, O., Zaruba, G. (2021). Differentially-private federated learning with long-term constraints using online mirror descent. 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT). 1308--1313.
  • Odeyomi, O.T., Zaruba, G. (2021). Privacy-Preserving Online Mirror Descent for Federated Learning with Single-Sided Trust. 2021 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI). 1--7.
  • Fraidouni, N., Zaruba, G. (2019). A Matrix Completion Approach for Predicting lncRNA-disease association. Proceedings of the International Conference on Bioinformatics \& Computational Biology (BIOCOMP). 61--66.
  • Titov, M., Zaruba, G., De, K., Klimentov, A., Jha, S., Collaboration, A., others. (2018). A study of the applicability of recommender systems for the Production and Distributed Analysis system PanDA of the ATLAS Experiment. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 1085 (4) 042028.
  • Fraidouni, N., Zaruba, G. (2018). Graph regularized matrix factorization for miRNA-disease association prediction. Proceedings of the International Conference on Bioinformatics \& Computational Biology (BIOCOMP). 10--16.
  • Fraidouni, N., Zaruba, G. (2017). A correlation based matrix completion approach to gene expression prediction. Computational Advances in Bio and Medical Sciences (ICCABS), 2017 IEEE 7th International Conference on. 1--6.
  • Fraidouni, N., Zaruba, G. (2017). A correlation based matrix completion approach to gene expression prediction. 2017 IEEE 7th International Conference on Computational Advances in Bio and Medical Sciences (ICCABS). 1--6.
  • Fraidouni, N., Zaruba, G. (2017). A Robust Principal Component Analysis via Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers to Gene-Expression Prediction. 2017 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI). 1214--1219.
  • Huber, M., Zaruba, G., Burns, N.B., Daniel, K.M. (2017). SmartCare: an Introduction. Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom Workshops), 2017 IEEE International Conference on. 394--400.
  • Huber, M., Z\'aruba, Gergely, Burns, N.B., Daniel, K. (2017). SmartCare: an introduction. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom Workshops). 394--400.
  • Burns, N.B., Sassaman, P., Daniel, K.M., Huber, M., Zaruba, G. (2016). PESTO: Data integration for visualization and device control in the SmartCare project. Pervasive Computing and Communication Workshops (PerCom Workshops), 2016 IEEE International Conference on. 1--6.
  • Burns, N.B., Sassaman, P., Daniel, K., Huber, M., Z\'aruba, Gergely. (2016). PESTO: Data integration for visualization and device control in the SmartCare project. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communication Workshops (PerCom Workshops). 1--6.
  • Asudeh, A., Zhang, G., Hassan, N., Li, C., Zaruba, G. (2015). Crowdsourcing pareto-optimal object finding by pairwise comparisons. Proceedings of the 24th ACM International on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. 753--762.
  • Asudeh, A., Zhang, G., Hassan, N., Li, C., Zaruba, G. (2015). Crowdsourcing pareto-optimal object finding by pairwise comparisons. Proceedings of the 24th ACM International on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. 753--762.
  • Zaruba, G., Farkas, K. (2014). General chairs welcome welcome message from the general chairs. Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom), 2014 IEEE International Conference on. 1--1.
  • Zaruba, G., Farkas, K. (2014). General chairs welcome welcome message from the general chairs. 2014 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom). 1--1.
  • Eary, C.R., Kumar, M., Zaruba, G. (2013). DiTON: Towards facilitating distributed transactions in opportunistic networks. Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PERCOM Workshops), 2013 IEEE International Conference on. 377--380.
  • Eary, C., Kumar, M., Zaruba, G. (2013). DiTON: Towards facilitating distributed transactions in opportunistic networks. 2013 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PERCOM Workshops). 377--380.
  • Bokhari, F.S., Zaruba, G. (2013). i-POCA: Interference-aware partially overlapping channel assignment in 802.11-based meshes. World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM), 2013 IEEE 14th International Symposium and Workshops on a. 1--6.
  • Bokhari, F.S., Z\'aruba, Gergely V. (2013). i-POCA: Interference-aware partially overlapping channel assignment in 802.11-based meshes. 2013 IEEE 14th International Symposium on" A World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks"(WoWMoM). 1--6.
  • Reddy, T.S., Zaruba, G., Huber, M. (2012). A Game Theoretic Framework for Communication in Fully Observable Multiagent Systems. Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), 2012 11th International Conference on. 1 697--702.
  • Reddy, T.S., Zaruba, G., Huber, M. (2012). A Game Theoretic Framework for Communication in Fully Observable Multiagent Systems. 2012 11th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications. 1 697--702.
  • Titov, M., Zaruba, G., Klimentov, A., De, K. (2012). A probabilistic analysis of data popularity in atlas data caching. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 396 (3) 032106.
  • Titov, M., Z\'aruba, G, Klimentov, A., De, K. (2012). A probabilistic analysis of data popularity in ATLAS data caching. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 396 (3) 032106.
  • Eary, C.R., Kumar, M. (2012). Delay tolerant lazy release consistency for distributed shared memory in opportunistic networks. World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM), 2012 IEEE International Symposium on a. 1--6.
  • Reddy, T.S., Gopikrishna, V., Zaruba, G., Huber, M. (2012). Inverse reinforcement learning for decentralized non-cooperative multiagent systems. Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), 2012 IEEE International Conference on. 1930--1935.
  • Reddy, T.S., Gopikrishna, V., Zaruba, G., Huber, M. (2012). Inverse reinforcement learning for decentralized non-cooperative multiagent systems. 2012 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC). 1930--1935.
  • Klimentov, A., Vaniachine, A., De, K., Wenaus, T., Panitkin, S., Yu, D., Zaruba, G., Titov, M. (2012). PanDA: Next generation workload management and analysis system for big data. High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SCC), 2012 SC Companion:. 1521--1522.
  • Klimentov, A., Vaniachine, A., De, K., Wenaus, T., Panitkin, S., Yu, D., Zaruba, G., Titov, M. (2012). PanDA: Next generation workload management and analysis system for big data. 2012 SC Companion: High Performance Computing, Networking Storage and Analysis. 1521--1522.
  • De, K., Klimentov, A., Panitkin, S., Titov, M., Vaniachine, A., Wenaus, T., Yu, D., Zaruba, G. (2012). Poster: Panda: Next generation workload management and analysis system for big data. High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SCC), 2012 SC Companion:. 1523--1523.
  • De, K., Klimentov, A., Panitkin, S., Titov, M., Vaniachine, A., Wenaus, T., Yu, D., Z\'aruba, G. (2012). Poster: Panda: Next generation workload management and analysis system for big data. 2012 SC Companion: High Performance Computing, Networking Storage and Analysis. 1523--1523.
  • Davies, J.J., Kamangar, F.A., Zaruba, G., Huber, M., Athitsos, V. (2011). Use of RSSI and time-of-flight wireless signal characteristics for location tracking. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments. 18.
  • Davies, J.J., Kamangar, F., Zaruba, G., Huber, M., Athitsos, V. (2011). Use of RSSI and time-of-flight wireless signal characteristics for location tracking. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments. 1--7.
  • Bokhari, F., Zaruba, G. (2010). AntMesh: an efficient data forwarding scheme for load balancing in multi-radio infrastructure mesh networks. Mobile Adhoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), 2010 IEEE 7th International Conference on. 558--563.
  • Bokhari, F., Zaruba, G. (2010). AntMesh: an efficient data forwarding scheme for load balancing in multi-radio infrastructure mesh networks. The 7th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (IEEE MASS 2010). 558--563.
  • Iqbal, A., Zhou, L., Huber, M., Zaruba, G. (2010). Optimizing trajectories of mobile beacons to localize sensor networks. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments. 44.
  • Iqbal, A., Zhou, L., Huber, M., Z\'aruba, Gergely. (2010). Optimizing trajectories of mobile beacons to localize sensor networks. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments. 1--7.
  • Michopoulos, J., Zaruba, G. (2009). A Portable Computational Cluster for Modeling and Simulation. ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. 49--54.
  • Michopoulos, J., Zaruba, G. (2009). A Portable Computational Cluster for Modeling and Simulation. International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. 48999 49--54.
  • Bokhari, F., Zaruba, G. (2009). AMIRA: interference-aware routing using ant colony optimization in wireless mesh networks. Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 2009. WCNC 2009. IEEE. 1--6.
  • Bokhari, F., Zaruba, G. (2009). AMIRA: interference-aware routing using ant colony optimization in wireless mesh networks. 2009 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference. 1--6.
  • Govindaswamy, V.V., Zaruba, G., Balasekaran, G. (2009). Receiver Window Modified Random Early Detection queues with RECHOKe. Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2009. CCECE'09. Canadian Conference on. 142--147.
  • Govindaswamy, V.V., Zaruba, G., Balasekaran, G. (2009). Receiver Window Modified Random Early Detection queues with RECHOKe. 2009 Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering. 142--147.
  • Govindaswamy, V.V., Zaruba, G., Balasekaran, G. (2008). Analyzing the accuracy of CHOKe hits, CHOKe misses and CHOKe-RED drops. Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2008. CCECE 2008. Canadian Conference on. 000089--000094.
  • Govindaswamy, V.V., Zaruba, G., Balasekaran, G. (2008). Analyzing the accuracy of CHOKe hits, CHOKe misses and CHOKe-RED drops. 2008 Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering. 000089--000094.
  • Victor, V., Zaruba, Gergely, Balasekaran, G. (2008). ANALYZING THE ACCURACY OF CHOKE HITS, CHOKE MISSES AND CHOKE-RED DROPS.
  • Mutka, M., Becker, C., Dey, A., Lau, F., Zaruba, G. (2008). Message from the Program Chair and Vice Chairs. 6th Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications, PerCom 2008.
  • Mutka, M., Becker, C., Dey, A., Lau, F., Z\'aruba, Gergely. (2008). Message from the Program Chair and Vice Chairs. 6th Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications, PerCom 2008.
  • Ramachandran, D., Maiti, A., Mwangi, G., Huber, M., Levine, D., Kamangar, F.A., Schoech, R., Zaruba, G. (2008). Technology to Help Patients Adhere to Treatment Plans-A Brief Introduction to the Teleherence Project. Proceedings of the Biotechnology and Bioinformatics Symposium (BIOT-2008), Arlington, Texas.
  • Ramachandran, D., Maiti, A., Mwangi, G., Huber, M., Levine, D., Kamangar, F., Schoech, R., Z\'aruba, GV. (2008). Technology to Help Patients Adhere to Treatment Plans-A Brief Introduction to the Teleherence Project. Proceedings of the Biotechnology and Bioinformatics Symposium (BIOT-2008), Arlington, Texas.
  • Thor, A.T., Zaruba, G., Levine, D., De, K., Wenaus, T.J. (2008). ViGs: A grid simulation and monitoring tool for ATLAS workflows. Many-Task Computing on Grids and Supercomputers, 2008. MTAGS 2008. Workshop on. 1--9.
  • Thor, A.T., Z\'aruba, Gergely V, Levine, D., De, K., Wenaus, T.J. (2008). ViGs: A grid simulation and monitoring tool for ATLAS workflows. 2008 Workshop on Many-Task Computing on Grids and Supercomputers. 1--9.
  • Huang, R., Zaruba, G. (2007). Beacon deployment for sensor network localization. Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 2007. WCNC 2007. IEEE. 3188--3193.
  • Huang, R., Z\'aruba, Gergely V. (2007). Beacon deployment for sensor network localization. 2007 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference. 3188--3193.
  • Huang, R., Zaruba, G., Huber, M. (2007). Complexity and error propagation of localization using interferometric ranging. Communications, 2007. ICC'07. IEEE International Conference on. 3063--3069.
  • Huang, R., Zaruba, G., Huber, M. (2007). Complexity and error propagation of localization using interferometric ranging. 2007 IEEE International Conference on Communications. 3063--3069.
  • Govindaswamy, V.V., Zaruba, G., Balasekaran, G. (2007). RECHOKe: a scheme for detection, control and punishment of malicious flows in IP networks. Global Telecommunications Conference, 2007. GLOBECOM'07. IEEE. 16--21.
  • Govindaswamy, V.V., Z\'aruba, Gergely, Balasekaran, G. (2007). RECHOKe: a scheme for detection, control and punishment of malicious flows in IP networks. IEEE GLOBECOM 2007-IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference. 16--21.
  • Huang, R., Zaruba, G. (2007). Static path planning for mobile beacons to localize sensor networks. Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops, 2007. PerCom Workshops' 07. Fifth Annual IEEE International Conference on. 323--330.
  • Huang, R., Zaruba, G. (2007). Static path planning for mobile beacons to localize sensor networks. Fifth annual IEEE international conference on pervasive computing and communications workshops (PerComW'07). 323--330.
  • Thor, A., Zaruba, G., Levine, D. (2006). A broker and job advertisement based grid scheduling framework. Proceedings of the Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems Conference (PDCS 2006), Dallas, Texas.
  • Thor, A., Z\'aruba, GV, Levine, D. (2006). A broker and job advertisement based grid scheduling framework. Proceedings of the Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems Conference (PDCS 2006), Dallas, Texas.
  • Govindaswamy, V.V., Zaruba, G., Balasekaran, G. (2006). Analyzing the Receiver Window Modification Scheme of TCP Queues. INFOCOM 2006. 25th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications. Proceedings. 1--6.
  • Govindaswamy, V.V., Z\'aruba, Gergely, Balasekaran, G. (2006). Analyzing the Receiver Window Modification Scheme of TCP Queues. Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM 2006. 25TH IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications. 1--6.
  • Kalvala, J., Zaruba, G. (2006). Differentiated priority scheduling and adaptive segmentation for Bluetooth piconets. System Sciences, 2006. HICSS'06. Proceedings of the 39th Annual Hawaii International Conference on. 9 233b--233b.
  • Kalvala, J., Z\'aruba, Gergely. (2006). Differentiated Priority Scheduling and Adaptive Segmentation for Bluetooth Piconets. Proceedings of the 39th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'06). 9 233b--233b.
  • Govindaswamy, V.V., Zaruba, G., Balasekaran, G. (2006). Receiver-window modified random early detection (red-RWM) active queue management scheme: modeling and analysis. Communications, 2006. ICC'06. IEEE International Conference on. 1 158--163.
  • Govindaswamy, V.V., Z\'aruba, Gergely, Balasekaran, G. (2006). Receiver-window modified random early detection (red-RWM) active queue management scheme: modeling and analysis. 2006 IEEE International Conference on Communications. 1 158--163.
  • Kim, T.H., Ha, J.Y., Choi, S., Kwon, W.H. (2006). Virtual channel management for densely deployed IEEE 802.15. 4 LR-WPANs. Pervasive Computing and Communications, 2006. PerCom 2006. Fourth Annual IEEE International Conference on. 11--pp.
  • Seshadri, V., Zaruba, G., Huber, M. (2005). A bayesian sampling approach to in-door localization of wireless devices using received signal strength indication. Pervasive Computing and Communications, 2005. PerCom 2005. Third IEEE International Conference on. 75--84.
  • Seshadri, V., Zaruba, G., Huber, M. (2005). A bayesian sampling approach to in-door localization of wireless devices using received signal strength indication. Third IEEE international conference on pervasive computing and communications. 75--84.
  • Jayanna, D., Zaruba, G. (2005). A dynamic and distributed scatternet formation protocol for real-life Bluetooth scatternets. System Sciences, 2005. HICSS'05. Proceedings of the 38th Annual Hawaii International Conference on. 320b--320b.
  • Jayanna, D., Z\'aruba, Gergely V. (2005). A dynamic and distributed scatternet formation protocol for real-life Bluetooth scatternets. Proceedings of the 38th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. 320b--320b.
  • Huang, R., Zaruba, G. (2005). Location tracking in mobile ad hoc networks using particle filters. International Conference on Ad-Hoc Networks and Wireless. 85--98.
  • Huang, R., Z\'aruba, Gergely V. (2005). Location tracking in mobile ad hoc networks using particle filters. Ad-Hoc, Mobile, and Wireless Networks: 4th International Conference, ADHOC-NOW 2005, Cancun, Mexico, October 6-8, 2005. Proceedings 4. 85--98.
  • Zaruba, G., Kargl, F., Lawrence, E. (2005). Minitrack Chair's Introduction: Wireless Personal Area and Ad-Hoc Networks. System Sciences, 2005. HICSS'05. Proceedings of the 38th Annual Hawaii International Conference on. 319--319.
  • Zaruba, G., Kargl, F., Lawrence, E. (2005). Minitrack Chair's Introduction: Wireless Personal Area and Ad-Hoc Networks. Proceedings of the 38th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. 319--319.
  • Govindaswamy, V., Zaruba, G., Balasekaran, G. (2004). A QoS scheme to address communication latency issues for critical network flows in best-effort networks using mobile agents. Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2004. Canadian Conference on. 2 891--896.
  • Govindaswamy, V., Zaruba, G., Balasekaran, G. (2004). A QoS scheme to address communication latency issues for critical network flows in best-effort networks using mobile agents. Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering 2004 (IEEE Cat. No. 04CH37513). 2 891--896.
  • Kargl, F., Lawrence, E., Zaruba, G. (2004). Introduction to the minitrack on wireless personal area networks (WPANs). System Sciences, 2004. Proceedings of the 37th Annual Hawaii International Conference on. 1--pp.
  • Kargl, F., Lawrence, E., Z\'aruba, Gergely V. (2004). Introduction to the minitrack on wireless personal area networks (WPANs). 37th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2004. Proceedings of the. 9 1--pp.
  • Sambandan, K., Zaruba, G., Levine, D. (2004). On the Reliability and Additional Overhead of Reliable On-Demand Multicast Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.. PDPTA. 1494--1500.
  • Sambandan, K., Z\'aruba, Gergely V, Levine, D. (2004). On the Reliability and Additional Overhead of Reliable On-Demand Multicast Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.. PDPTA. 1494--1500.
  • Zaruba, G., Gupta, V. (2004). Simplified Bluetooth device discovery-Analysis and simulation. System Sciences, 2004. Proceedings of the 37th Annual Hawaii International Conference on. 9--pp.
  • Z\'aruba, Gergely V, Gupta, V. (2004). Simplified Bluetooth device discovery-Analysis and simulation. 37th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2004. Proceedings of the. 9--pp.
  • Kargl, F., Lawrence, E., Zaruba, G. (2004). Wireless Personal Area Networks: Minitrack Introduction. Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 37th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'04)-Track 9-Volume 9. 90305.
  • Kargl, F., Lawrence, E., Gergely, V., others. (2004). Wireless Personal Area Networks: Minitrack Introduction. 37th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2004. Proceedings of the. 10 90305--90305.
  • Zaruba, G., Chlamtac, I. (2003). Accelerating Bluetooth inquiry for personal area networks. Global Telecommunications Conference, 2003. GLOBECOM'03. IEEE. 2 702--706.
  • Z\'aruba, Gergely V, Chlamtac, I. (2003). Accelerating Bluetooth inquiry for personal area networks. GLOBECOM'03. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (IEEE Cat. No. 03CH37489). 2 702--706.
  • Kamangar, F.A., Levine, D., Zaruba, G., Chitturi, N. (2003). Distributed Network Monitoring Using Mobile Agents Paradigm.. PDPTA. 951--957.
  • Kamangar, F., Levine, D., Z\'aruba, Gergely V, Chitturi, N. (2003). Distributed Network Monitoring Using Mobile Agents Paradigm.. PDPTA. 951--957.
  • Huang, R., Zaruba, G. (2003). Effect of ingress buffering on self-similarity of optical burst traffic. OptiComm 2003: Optical Networking and Communications. 5285 302--312.
  • Huang, R., Zaruba, G. (2003). Effect of ingress buffering on self-similarity of optical burst traffic. OptiComm 2003: Optical Networking and Communications. 5285 302--311.
  • Zaruba, G., Das, S.K., Basu, K. (2003). Introduction to the minitrack on wireless LANs and PANs. System Sciences, 2003. Proceedings of the 36th Annual Hawaii International Conference on. 310--310.
  • Z\'aruba, Gergely V, Das, S.K., Basu, K. (2003). Introduction to the minitrack on wireless LANs and PANs. 36th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2003. Proceedings of the. 1 310--310.
  • Zaruba, G., Chaluvadi, V.K., Suleman, A.M. (2003). Labar: Location area based ad hoc routing for gps-scarce wide-area ad hoc networks. Pervasive Computing and Communications, 2003.(PerCom 2003). Proceedings of the First IEEE International Conference on. 509--513.
  • Z\'aruba, Gergely V, Chaluvadi, V.K., Suleman, A.M. (2003). Labar: Location area based ad hoc routing for gps-scarce wide-area ad hoc networks. Proceedings of the First IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications, 2003.(PerCom 2003).. 509--513.
  • Huang, R., Zaruba, G., Huber, M. (2003). Link longevity Kalman-estimator for ad hoc networks. Vehicular Technology Conference, 2003. VTC 2003-Fall. 2003 IEEE 58th. 5 2819--2823.
  • Huang, R., Z\'aruba, Gergely V, Huber, M. (2003). Link longevity Kalman-estimator for ad hoc networks. 2003 IEEE 58th Vehicular Technology Conference. VTC 2003-Fall (IEEE Cat. No. 03CH37484). 5 2819--2823.
  • Levine, D., Thomas, R., Kamangar, F.A., Zaruba, G. (2003). Mobile Agents for Pervasive Computing Using a Novel Method of Message Passing.. PDPTA. 1380--1386.
  • Levine, D., Thomas, R., Kamangar, F., Z\'aruba, Gergely V. (2003). Mobile Agents for Pervasive Computing Using a Novel Method of Message Passing.. PDPTA. 1380--1386.
  • Z\'aruba, Gergely V, Wu, W., Kumar, M.J., Das, S.K. (2003). MOBILITY SUPPORT USING INTELLIGENT USER SHADOWS FOR NEXT-GENERATION WIRELESS NETWORKS. Proc. International Conference on Third Generation Wireless and Beyond (3Gwireless’ 03).
  • Zaruba, G., Levine, D. (2002). Accelerated Neighbor Discovery in Bluetooth Based Personal Area Networks.. PDPTA. 1767--1773.
  • Z\'aruba, Gergely V, Levine, D. (2002). Accelerated Neighbor Discovery in Bluetooth Based Personal Area Networks.. PDPTA. 1767--1773.
  • Zaruba, G., Basagni, S., Chlamtac, I. (2001). Bluetrees-scatternet formation to enable Bluetooth-based ad hoc networks. ICC 2001. IEEE International Conference on Communications. Conference Record (Cat. No. 01CH37240). 1 273--277.
  • Farago, Andr\'as, Myers, A.D., Syrotiuk, V.R., Zaruba, G. (2000). A new approach to MAC protocol optimization. Global Telecommunications Conference, 2000. GLOBECOM'00. IEEE. 3 1742--1746.
  • Farago, A., Myers, A.D., Syrotiuk, V.R., Zaruba, G. (2000). A new approach to MAC protocol optimization. Globecom'00-IEEE. Global Telecommunications Conference. Conference Record (Cat. No. 00CH37137). 3 1742--1746.
  • Chlamtec, I., Farago, A., Myers, A., Syrotiuk, V., Zaruba, G. (2000). A performance comparison of hybrid and conventional MAC protocols for wireless networks. Vehicular Technology Conference Proceedings, 2000. VTC 2000-Spring Tokyo. 2000 IEEE 51st. 1 201--205.
  • Chlamtec, I., Farago, A., Myers, A., Syrotiuk, V., Zaruba, G. (2000). A performance comparison of hybrid and conventional MAC protocols for wireless networks. VTC2000-Spring. 2000 IEEE 51st Vehicular Technology Conference Proceedings (Cat. No. 00CH37026). 1 201--205.
  • Chlamtac, I., Myers, A.D., Syrotiuk, V.R., Zaruba, G. (2000). An adaptive medium access control (MAC) protocol for reliable broadcast in wireless networks. Communications, 2000. ICC 2000. 2000 IEEE International Conference on. 3 1692--1696.
  • Chlamtac, I., Myers, A.D., Syrotiuk, V.R., Zaruba, G. (2000). An adaptive medium access control (MAC) protocol for reliable broadcast in wireless networks. 2000 IEEE International Conference on Communications. ICC 2000. Global Convergence Through Communications. Conference Record. 3 1692--1696.
  • Zaruba, G., Chlamtac, I., Das, S.K. (2000). An integrated admission-degradation framework for optimizing real-time call mix in wireless cellular networks. Proceedings of the 3rd ACM international workshop on Modeling, analysis and simulation of wireless and mobile systems. 44--51.
  • Z\'aruba, Gergely, Chlamtac, I., Das, S.K. (2000). An integrated admission-degradation framework for optimizing real-time call mix in wireless cellular networks. Proceedings of the 3rd ACM international workshop on Modeling, analysis and simulation of wireless and mobile systems. 44--51.
  • Chlamtac, I., Farago, A., Myers, A., Syrotiuk, V., Zaruba, G. (1999). Adapt: a dynamically self-adjusting media access control protocol for ad hoc-networks. Global Telecommunications Conference, 1999. GLOBECOM'99. 1 11--15.
  • Chlamtac, I., Farago, A., Myers, A., Syrotiuk, V., Zaruba, G. (1999). Adapt: a dynamically self-adjusting media access control protocol for ad hoc-networks. Seamless Interconnection for Universal Services. Global Telecommunications Conference. GLOBECOM'99.(Cat. No. 99CH37042). 1 11--15.
  • Bjorkman, N., Csel\'enyi, Istv\'an, Latour-Henner, A., Zaruba, G. (1997). The EMMA multimedia conference service. Information, Communications and Signal Processing, 1997. ICICS., Proceedings of 1997 International Conference on. 3 1691--1695.
  • Bjorkman, N., Csel\'enyi, Istv\'an, Latour-Henner, A., Z\'aruba, Gergely. (1997). The EMMA multimedia conference service. Proceedings of ICICS, 1997 International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing. Theme: Trends in Information Systems Engineering and Wireless Multimedia Communications (Cat.. 3 1691--1695.
  • Journal Article

  • Odeyomi, O.T., Akintade, O.O., Olowu, T.O., Zaruba, G. (2022). A Review of the Convergence of 5G/6G Architecture and Deep Learning. Other.
  • Odeyomi, O., Zaruba, G. (2021). Predicting Succinylation Sites in Proteins with Improved Deep Learning Architecture. Other.
  • Fraidouni, N., Z\'aruba, Gergely V. (2018). Computational techniques to recover missing gene expression data. Elsevier.
  • Eary, C.R., Kumar, M., Zaruba, G. (2017). DiTON: Distributed transactions in opportunistic networks. 109 176--183. Elsevier.
  • Eary, C., Kumar, M., Zaruba, G. (2017). DiTON: Distributed transactions in opportunistic networks. Other. 109 176--183. Elsevier.
  • Asudeh, A., Zaruba, G., Das, S.K. (2016). A general model for MAC protocol selection in wireless sensor networks. Other. 36 189--202. Elsevier.
  • Asudeh, A., Zaruba, G., Das, S.K. (2016). A general model for MAC protocol selection in wireless sensor networks. Other. 36 189--202. Elsevier.
  • Eary, C.R., Kumar, M., Zaruba, G. (2016). Delay tolerant lazy release consistency for distributed shared memory in opportunistic networks. Other. 29 57--72. Elsevier.
  • Eary, C., Kumar, M., Zaruba, G. (2016). Delay tolerant lazy release consistency for distributed shared memory in opportunistic networks. Other. 29 57--72. Elsevier.
  • Govindaswamy, V.V., Zaruba, G., Balasekaran, G. (2015). Enhancing Internet Robustness against Malicious Flows Using RECHOKe. 5 (3) 54--66. Scientific \& Academic Publishing.
  • Elahi, M.M., Rajpurohit, K., Rosenberger, J.M., Zaruba, G., Priest, J.W. (2015). Optimizing real-time vehicle sequencing of a paint shop conveyor system. Other. 55 61--72. Pergamon.
  • Elahi, M.M., Rajpurohit, K., Rosenberger, J.M., Zaruba, G., Priest, J. (2015). Optimizing real-time vehicle sequencing of a paint shop conveyor system. Other. 55 61--72. Pergamon.
  • Zaruba, Gergely, Farkas, Karoly. (2014). General Chairs Message Welcome Message from the General Chairs.
  • Govindaswamy, V.V., Zaruba, G., Balasekaran, G. (2014). Mathematical Modeling of the RED-RWM Active Queue Management Scheme. 4 (2) 49--65. Scientific \& Academic Publishing.
  • Govindaswamy, V.V., Zaruba, G., Balasekaran, G. (2012). Easing Congestion in Computer Networks using the Receiver-Window Modification (RWM) Scheme. 2 (5) 62--74. Scientific \& Academic Publishing.
  • Jideofor, V., Young, C., Zaruba, G., Daniel, K. (2012). Intelligent sensor floor for fall prediction and gait analysis. Other.
  • Bokhari, F., Zaruba, G. (2012). On the use of smart ants for efficient routing in Wireless Mesh Networks.
  • Bokhari, F., Zaruba, G. (2012). On the use of smart ants for efficient routing in Wireless Mesh Networks. Other.
  • Bokhari, F., Z\'aruba, Gergely. (2012). Partially overlapping channel assignments in wireless mesh networks. Other. 103. IntechOpen.
  • Govindaswamy, V., Zaruba, G. (2010). Complementing Current Active Queue Management Schemes With RECHOKe And Receiver-window Modification (RWM). Available electronically from http://hdl. handle. net/10106/248..
  • Iqbal, A. (2009). Increasing Localization Precision In Sensor Networks With Mobile Beacons-A Genetic Path Planning Approach. Computer Science \& Engineering.
  • Iqbal, A. (2009). Increasing Localization Precision In Sensor Networks With Mobile Beacons-A Genetic Path Planning Approach. Computer Science \& Engineering.
  • Huang, R., Zaruba, G. (2009). Monte Carlo localization of wireless sensor networks with a single mobile beacon. Wireless Networks. 15 (8) 978. Springer US.
  • Huang, R., Z\'aruba, Gergely V. (2009). Monte Carlo localization of wireless sensor networks with a single mobile beacon. Wireless Networks. 15 978--990. Springer US.
  • Becker, C., Zaruba, Gergely V. (2008). IEEE PerCom 2008 Work-in-Progress Session Message from the Technical Program Vice-Chairs.
  • Mutka, M., Becker, C., Dey, A.K., Lau, F., Z\'aruba, Gergely. (2008). PerCom 2008 special issue. Other. Elsevier BV. The Journal's web site is located at http://www. elsevier. com~….
  • Huang, R., Zaruba, G. (2007). Incorporating data from multiple sensors for localizing nodes in mobile ad hoc networks. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. 6 (9) IEEE.
  • Huang, R., Zaruba, G. (2007). Incorporating data from multiple sensors for localizing nodes in mobile ad hoc networks. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. 6 (9) 1090--1104. IEEE.
  • Zaruba, G., Huber, M., Kamangar, F.A., Chlamtac, I. (2007). Indoor location tracking using RSSI readings from a single Wi-Fi access point. Wireless Networks. 13 (2) 221--235. Springer-Verlag New York, Inc..
  • Z\`aruba, Gergely V, Huber, M., Kamangar, F., Chlamtac, I. (2007). Indoor location tracking using RSSI readings from a single Wi-Fi access point. Wireless Networks. 13 221--235. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  • Huang, R., Zaruba, G. (2007). Location tracking in mobile ad hoc networks using particle filters. 5 (3) 455--470. Elsevier.
  • Huang, R., Z\'aruba, Gergely V. (2007). Location tracking in mobile ad hoc networks using particle filters. Other. 5 (3) 455--470. Elsevier.
  • Nivas, T., Zaruba, G. (2007). Upper bound of sensor network lifetime: A flow optimization approach.
  • Nivas, T., Zaruba, G. (2007). Upper bound of sensor network lifetime: A flow optimization approach. Other.
  • Huang, R., Zaruba, G., Das, S. (2006). Device localization in ubiquitous computing environments.
  • Kargl, F., Lawrence, E., Zaruba, G. (2006). HICSS'06: Proceedings of the 39th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences-Volume 09 January 2006 https://doi. org/10.1109/HICSS. 2006.329.
  • Kamangar, F.A., Levine, D., Zaruba, G., Thomas, R., Wu, J., Sheng, L. (2005). A hardware method for functional unit assignment is presented, based on the principle that a functional unit's power consumption is approximated by the switching activity of its inputs. Since computing the Hamming distance of the inputs in hardware is expensive, only a portion of the inputs are examined. Integers often have many identical top bits, due to sign extension, and floating points often.... Other. 31 (1) 101--103.
  • Govindaswamy, V.V., Zaruba, G., Balasekaran, G. (2005). Complementing Current Active Queue Management Schemes with Receiver-Window Modification (RWM).
  • Govindaswamy, V.V., Z\'aruba, Gergely, Balasekaran, G. (2005). Complementing Current Active Queue Management Schemes with Receiver-Window Modification (RWM). Other.
  • Zaruba, G., Kamangar, F.A., Huber, M., Levine, D. (2005). CONNECT: a personal remote messaging and monitoring system to aid people with disabilities. IEEE Communications Magazine. 43 (9) 101--109. IEEE.
  • Z\'aruba, Gergely, Kamangar, F., Huber, M., Levine, D. (2005). CONNECT: A personal remote messaging and monitoring system to aid people with disabilities. IEEE Communications Magazine. 43 (9) 101--109. IEEE.
  • Kamangar, F.A., Levine, D., Zaruba, G., Thomas, R. (2005). Mobile agent connection establishment and management (CEMA)—message EXCHANGE for pervasive computing environments. Other. 31 (1) 79--99. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  • Kamangar, F., Levine, D., Z\'aruba, Gergely V, Thomas, R. (2005). Mobile agent connection establishment and management (CEMA)—message EXCHANGE for pervasive computing environments. Other. 31 79--99. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  • Das, S.K., Basu, K., Holder, L.B., Kumar, M., Yeraballi, R., Zaruba, G., Lin, H., others. (2004). Game theory based resource management framework for revenue maximization and differentiated services in competitive wireless data networks.
  • Zaruba, G., Johansson, P. (2004). Guest editorial: Advances in research of wireless personal area networking and bluetooth enabled networks. 9 (1) 7--8. Springer Netherlands.
  • Z\'aruba, Gergely V, Johansson, P. (2004). Guest editorial: Advances in research of wireless personal area networking and bluetooth enabled networks. Other. 9 (1) 7--8. Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg.
  • Z\'aruba, Gergely V, Das, S.K. (2004). Off-the-shelf enablers of ad hoc networks. Other. 47--68. John Wiley \& Sons, Inc. Hoboken, NJ, USA.
  • Griffith, D., Subramaniam, S., Mishra, M., Ganguly, S., Z\'aruba, Gergely V, Cinkler, T., Gumaste, A., Salvador, M.R., Telecom, C., Solutions, I., others. (2003). General Chairs Nasir Ghani, Tennessee Technological University (USA) Krishna M. Sivalingam, University of Maryland, Baltimore County (USA) Technical Program Committee Cochairs Arun K. Somani, lowa State University (USA). Other. SPIE.
  • Zaruba, G., Chlamtac, I., Das, S.K. (2002). A prioritized real-time wireless call degradation framework for optimal call mix selection. 7 (2) 143--151. Springer-Verlag New York, Inc..
  • Z\'aruba, Gergely V, Chlamtac, I., Das, S.K. (2002). A prioritized real-time wireless call degradation framework for optimal call mix selection. Other. 7 143--151. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  • Myers, A.D., Zaruba, G., Syrotiuk, V.R. (2002). An adaptive generalized transmission protocol for ad hoc networks. 7 (6) 493--502. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  • Myers, A.D., Z\'aruba, Gergely V, Syrotiuk, V.R. (2002). An adaptive generalized transmission protocol for ad hoc networks. Other. 7 (6) 493--502. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  • Zaruba, G. (2002). Link activation methods in advanced mobile radio networks..
  • Z\'aruba, Gergely V, Wu, W., Kumar, M.J., Das, S.K. (2002). NGIneUS: Intelligent User Shadows for Next Generation Wireless Services. Other.
  • Farago, A., Myers, A.D., Syrotiuk, V.R., Zaruba, G. (2000). Meta-MAC protocols: Automatic combination of MAC protocols to optimize performance for unknown conditions. 18 (9) 1670--1681. IEEE.
  • Farago, A., Myers, A.D., Syrotiuk, V.R., Zaruba, G. (2000). Meta-MAC protocols: Automatic combination of MAC protocols to optimize performance for unknown conditions. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. 18 (9) 1670--1681. IEEE.
  • Farkas, K\'aroly, Zaruba, G., Csel\'enyi, Istv\'an. (1998). SIGNE Rule-Base Subsystem FOR Multimedia Teleservices.
  • Farkas, K\'aroly, Z\'aruba, Gergely, Csel\'enyi, Istv\'an. (1998). SIGNE Rule-Base Subsystem FOR Multimedia Teleservices.
  • Csel\'enyi, Istv\'an, Gisgard, C., Haraszti, P\'eter, Latour-Henner, A., Szab\'o, Istv\'an, Zaruba, G. (1996). Multipurpose Middleware for Broadband Multimedia Applications. 1 1--12.
  • Csel\'enyi, Istv\'an, Gisgard, C., Haraszti, P\'eter, Latour-Henner, A., Szab\'o, Istv\'an, Z\'aruba, Gergely. (1996). Multipurpose Middleware for Broadband Multimedia Applications. Other.
  • Other

  • Zaruba, G., Huber, M., Levine, D., Kamangar, F.A. (2012). Location and tracking system, method and device using wireless technology.
  • Zaruba, G., Huber, M., Levine, D., Kamangar, F.A. (2012). Location and tracking system, method and device using wireless technology.
  • Schoech, R.J., Zaruba, G., Huber, M., Levine, D., Kamangar, F.A. (2011). System and Method for Service Management.
  • Schoech, R.J., Zaruba, G., Huber, M., Levine, D., Kamangar, F.A. (2011). System and Method for Service Management.
  • Zaruba, G., Huber, M., Kamangar, F.A., Levine, D. (2009). Location and tracking system using wireless technology.
  • Zaruba, G., Huber, M., Kamangar, F.A., Levine, D. (2009). Location and tracking system using wireless technology.
  • Mutka, M., Becker, C., Dey, A.K., Lau, F., Zaruba, G. (2008). PerCom 2008 special issue. Elsevier.
  • Zaruba, G., Das, S.K. (2004). Off-the-shelf enablers of ad hoc networks. 47--66. IEEE Press/Wiley, Hoboken, NJ.
  • Ph.D. Thesis

  • Lin, H. (2004). Game theory based resource management framework for revenue maximization and differentiated services in competitive wireless data networks. The University of Texas at Arlington.
  • Zaruba, G. (2001). Link activation methods in advanced mobile radio networks. The University of Texas at Dallas.
  • Technical Report

  • Titov, M., Zaruba, G., De, K., Klimentov, A. (2017). A study of the applicability of recommender systems for the Production and Distributed Analysis system PanDA of the ATLAS Experiment. ATL-COM-SOFT-2017-076.
  • Titov, M., De, K., Klimentov, A., Zaruba, G. (2012). Predicting data popularity using Bayesian networks over ATLAS grid sites. ATL-COM-SOFT-2012-152.
  • Titov, M., De, K., Klimentov, A., Z\'aruba, G. (2012). Predicting data popularity using Bayesian networks over ATLAS grid sites. ATL-COM-SOFT-2012-152.
  • Zaruba, G., Wu, W., Kumar, M.J., Das, S.K. (2002). NGIneUS: Intelligent User Shadows for Next Generation Wireless Services. Technical Report.

Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research

    Grant - Teaching

  • Maharjan, A. (Supporting), Yuan, X. (Principal), Guo, X. (Co-Principal), Keathly, D.M. (Supporting), Morozov, K. (Supporting), Zaruba, G. (Supporting), "NSF S-STEM SCHOLARSHIP," sponsored by National Science Foundation (NSF), Federal, $1999954 Funded. (2025).
  • Sponsored Research

  • Makedon, F. (Principal), Huang, H. (Co-Principal), Athitsos, V. (Co-Principal), Gatchel, R.J. (Co-Principal), Huber, M. (Co-Principal), Zaruba, G. (Co-Principal), Elmasri, R.A. (Co-Principal), Daniel, K.M. (Co-Principal), "MRI: Development of iRehab, an Intelligent Closed-loop Instrument for Adaptive Rehabilitation," sponsored by National Science Foundation (NSF), Federal, $879890 Funded. (2013 - 2018).
  • Zaruba, G. (Principal), "TTP: Small: Collaborative: Defending Against Website Fingerprinting in Tor," sponsored by National Science Foundation (NSF), Federal, $150000 Funded. (2016 - 2018).
  • Huber, M. (Principal), Zaruba, G. (Co-Principal), Kamangar, F.A. (Co-Principal), "EAGER: Functional Imitation of Observed Tasks by Co-Robots," sponsored by National Science Foundation (NSF), Federal, $139968 Funded. (2015 - 2017).
  • Zaruba, G. (Principal), Athitsos, V. (Co-Principal), Huber, M. (Co-Principal), Kamangar, F.A. (Co-Principal), Gao, J.X. (Co-Principal), Huang, H. (Co-Principal), Huang, J. (Co-Principal), Makedon, F. (Co-Principal), Mariottini, G. (Co-Principal), Levine, D. (Co-Principal), "Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need - Educating Health Informatics Researchers at the Computer Science and Engineering Department of the University of Texas at Arlington," sponsored by Department of Education, Federal, $544420 Funded. (2012 - 2017).
  • De, K. (Principal), Zaruba, G. (Co-Principal), Farbin, A. (Co-Principal), "Next Generation Workload Management and Analysis Sytem for Big Data," sponsored by Department of Energy (DoE), Federal, $704488 Funded. (2012 - 2016).
  • Huber, M. (Principal), Ahmad, I. (Co-Principal), Daniel, K.M. (Co-Principal), Zaruba, G. (Co-Principal), "REU Site: Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Intelligent Environments for Healthy Living and Aging in Place," sponsored by National Science Foundation (NSF), Federal, $244989 Funded. (2012 - 2016).
  • Daniel, K.M. (Principal), Huber, M. (Co-Principal), Levine, D. (Co-Principal), Kamangar, F.A. (Co-Principal), Zaruba, G. (Co-Principal), "Health Care and Other Facilites," sponsored by Health Resources & Services Administration, Federal, $643500 Funded. (2010 - 2015).
  • Zaruba, G. (Principal), Kamangar, F.A. (Co-Principal), Levine, D. (Co-Principal), Huber, M. (Co-Principal), "Teleherence: Monitoring/Increasing Treatment Adherence via Web Telecommunications," sponsored by National Institutes of Health, Federal, $465942 Funded. (2007 - 2011).
  • Zaruba, G. (Principal), "PerCom Support from European Office of Aerospace Research," sponsored by European Office of Aerospace Research and Development, Federal, $5000 Funded. (2010 - 2011).
  • Zaruba, G. (Principal), "IGRA-Lanjiang Zhou," sponsored by LitePoint Corporation, Private, $4376.83984375 Funded. (2010 - 2010).
  • Zaruba, G. (Principal), "NeTS: IEEE PerCom 2009 Student Travel Support," sponsored by National Science Foundation (NSF), Federal, $25000 Funded. (2009 - 2009).
  • Zaruba, G. (Principal), Huber, M. (Co-Principal), Kamangar, F.A. (Co-Principal), Levine, D. (Co-Principal), "PLR: Mesh Networked, Two-Way Personal Locator Radios and Relays," sponsored by National Institute of Justice (NIJ), Federal, $264879 Funded. (2007 - 2009).
  • Lei, Y. (Co-Principal), Priest, J.W. (Principal), Rosenberger, J.M. (Co-Principal), Levine, D. (Co-Principal), Zaruba, G. (Co-Principal), Huber, M. (Co-Principal), "Logistics, Distribution, and Supply Chain Research and Technology Demonstration Project," sponsored by Arlington Chambre of Commerce, Local, $227357 Funded. (2007 - 2008).
  • Zaruba, G. (Principal), Huber, M. (Co-Principal), Levine, D. (Co-Principal), "UTA/TPD: Research and Development in a Software Security Environment," sponsored by TheftProof Data, Inc., Private, $93425 Funded. (2007 - 2008).
  • Kamangar, F.A. (Principal), Zaruba, G. (Co-Principal), Huber, M. (Co-Principal), Levine, D. (Co-Principal), "Remote Monitoring and Control of Sensor/Actuator Nodes in Cellular Networks," Private, $85122 Funded. (2006 - 2007).
Summative Rating
Challenge and
Engagement Index
Response Rate

out of 5

out of 7
students responded
  • Overall Summative Rating (median):
    This rating represents the combined responses of students to the four global summative items and is presented to provide an overall index of the class’s quality. Overall summative statements include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 5 = Excellent, 3 = Good, and 1= Very poor):
    • The course as a whole was
    • The course content was
    • The instructor’s contribution to the course was
    • The instructor’s effectiveness in teaching the subject matter was
  • Challenge and Engagement Index:
    This rating combines student responses to several SPOT items relating to how academically challenging students found the course to be and how engaged they were. Challenge and Engagement Index items include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 7 = Much higher, 4 = Average, and 1 = Much lower):
    • Do you expect your grade in this course to be
    • The intellectual challenge presented was
    • The amount of effort you put into this course was
    • The amount of effort to succeed in this course was
    • Your involvement in course (doing assignments, attending classes, etc.) was