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Hannah M. Tarver

Title: Librarian

Department: Library - DL - Digital Projects

College: University of North Texas

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae Link


  • MLS, University of North Texas, 2008
    Major: Information Organization
  • BA, Northern Arizona University, 2006
    Major: English

Current Scheduled Teaching

No current or future courses scheduled.

Previous Scheduled Teaching

No previous courses scheduled.

Published Intellectual Contributions

    Book Chapter

  • Hannah Tarver & Mark Phillips. (2016). Metadata Enhancement Through Name Authority in the UNT Digital Library. Dynamic Research Support in Academic Libraries. 133-147. London, Facet.
  • Cited Research

  • Bodian, L., Chartier, M., Dickson, M., Dykas, F., Finnigan, L., Flynn, K., Gentry, S., Graciani, P., Guegen, G., Hale, M.L., Leonard, A., Mowry, A., Park, C., Payant, A., Tarver, H., White, R., Wittmann, R. (2020). [Response Data: Survey of Benchmarks in Metadata Quality].
  • Phillips, M.E., Tarver, H.M., Zavalina, O.L. (2019). Metadata Record Graphs for Six Collections from the UNT Libraries' Digital Collections. 67.
  • Conference Proceeding

  • Tarver, H., Hale, M.L., White, R., Gentry, S., Chartier, M., Wittmann, R.J. (2022). Metadata Quality in Digital Libraries: An Analysis of Survey Response Data. Other. 162-172. iPRES.
  • Tarver, H., Phillips, M.E. (2021). EPIC: A Proposed Model for Approaching Metadata Evaluation. 1355 6. Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
  • Phillips, M.E., Tarver, H.M., Zavalina, O.L. (2019). Using Metadata Record Graphs to Understand Controlled Vocabulary and Keyword Usage for Subject Representation in the UNT Theses and Dissertations Collection. Other. Proceedings of the Electronic Theses and Dissertations Conference. 2019 (1) 61-76. Associação Portuguesa de Biblioteconomia, Arquivística e Documentação.
  • Phillips, M.E., Zavalina, O.L., Tarver, H.M. (2019). Using Metadata Record Graphs to Understand Digital Library Metadata. Other. 49-58. Dublin Core Metadata Initiative.
  • Phillips, M.E., Tarver, H.M. (2018). Experiments in Operationalizing Metadata Quality Interfaces: A Case Study at the University of North Texas. Other. 15-23. Dublin Core Metadata Initiative.
  • Zavalina, O.L., Phillips, M.E., Tarver, H.M. (2017). Quality assurance and evaluation of change for patent metadata. Proceedings of the 80th Association for Information Science and Technology Annual Meeting. Association for Information Science and Technology.
  • Tarver, H.M., Zavalina, O.L., Phillips, M.E. (2016). An Exploratory Study of the Description Field in the Digital Public Library of America. Other. 34-44. Dublin Core Metadata Initiative.
  • Tarver, H.M., Zavalina, O.L., Phillips, M.E. (2016). A Case Study of Metadata Creation in the University of North Texas Libraries' Digital Collections. 12. International Federation of Library Associations.
  • Alemneh, D.G., Zavalina, O.L., Tarver, H.M., Zavalina, O.L., Phillips, M.E., Kizhakkethil, P. (2015). Knowledge Representation and Subject Access in Electronic Theses and Dissertations: Analysis of Creators’ and Users’ Assumptions and Expectations. International Council on Knowledge Management.
  • Zavalina, O.L., Phillips, M.E., Kizhakkethil, P., Alemneh, D.G., Tarver, H.M. (2015). Representation of Recorded Knowledge and Extended Date/Time Format: A Case Study of the Digital Public Library of America. International Council on Knowledge Management.
  • Daniel ALEMNEH* , Mark PHILLIPS, Laura WAUGH, Hannah TARVER, & Ana KRAHMER. (2015). A Peer-to-Peer Approach to Review Compliance with Trustworthy Repository Audit and Certification (TRAC).
  • Hannah Tarver, Mark Phillips, Oksana Zavelina, & Priya Kizhakkethil. (2015). An Exploratory Analysis of Subject Metadata in the Digital Public Library of America. 30-40.
  • Hannah Tarver & Mark Phillips. (2015). Exploratory Analysis of Metadata Edit Events in the UNT Libraries' Digital Collections. Other. 50-62. Dublin Core Metadata Initiative.
  • Oksana Zavalina, Priya Kizhakkethil, Daniel Gelaw Alemneh, Mark Phillips, & Hannah Tarver. (2015). Building a Framework of Metadata Change to Support Knowledge Management. 14 (1) 16. World Scientific Publishing Co..
  • Hannah Tarver, Oksana Zavelina, Mark Phillips, Daniel Alemneh, & Shadi Shakeri. (2014). How Descriptive Metadata Changes in the UNT Libraries' Collections: A Case Study. Other. 43-52. Dublin Core Metadata Initiative.
  • Tarver, H., Shakeri, S. (2014). How Descriptive Metadata Changes in the UNT Libraries’ Digital Collections: A Case Study. 43-52
  • Laura Waugh, Hannah Tarver, & Mark Phillips. (2014). Introducing Name Authority into an ETD Collection. Library Management. Proceedings of the Electronic Theses and Dissertations Conference. 35 (4/5) 16.
  • Tarver, H.M., Waugh, L., Phillips, M.E., Hicks, W.L. (2013). Implementing Name Authority Control into Institutional Repositories: A Staged Approach. Open Repositories.
  • Hannah Tarver, Laura Waugh, Mark Phillips, & Will Hicks. (2013). Implementing Name Authority Control into Institutional Repositories: A Staged Approach. 4.
  • Hannah Tarver & Mark Phillips. (2013). Lessons Learned in Implementing the Extended Date/Time Format in a Large Digital Library. Other. 60-70. Dublin Core Metadata Initiatie.
  • Hannah Tarver. (2010). Better Guidelines, Better Functionality: How Metadata Supports the Cycle of System Improvement at the University of North Texas. 12. Dublin Core Metadata Initiative.
  • Journal Article

  • Burke, M., Tarver, H., Phillips, M.E., Zavalina, O. (2022). Using existing metadata standards and tools for a digital language archive: a balancing act. The Electronic Library. 40 (5) 579-. Emerald Insight.
  • Burke, M., Phillips, M.E., Tarver, H., Zavalina, O.L. (2022). Using existing metadata standards and tools for a language archive: A balancing act. The Electronic Library. 40 (5) 579-593. Emerald Publishing.
  • Tarver, H., Phillips, M.E., Krahmer, A.J. (2022). EPIC: An Iterative Model for Metadata Improvement. Other. 15 (4) 244-253. Inderscience.
  • Phillips, M.E., Tarver, H. (2021). Investigating the Use of Metadata Record Graphs to Analyze Subject Headings in the Digital Public Library of America. The Electronic Library. Proceedings of JCDL 2020 Workshop 4 “Organizing Big Data, Information, and Knowledge”. 39 (3)
  • Phillips, M.E., Zavalina, O.L., Tarver, H.M. (2020). Exploring the utility of metadata record graphs and network analysis for metadata quality evaluation and augmentation. Other. Inderscience Enterprises Ltd..
  • Graham, S., Lee, D., Radio, E., Tarver, H.M. (2018). University of North Texas Name App. Other. "Who is This?": Moving from Authority Control to Identity Management. 22 (5) 24-27. American Association of Law Libraries.
  • Zavalina, O.L., Alemneh, D.G., Kizhakkethil, P., Phillips, M.E., Tarver, H.M. (2015). Extended date/time format (EDTF) in the digital public library of America’s metadata: Exploratory analysis. Other. 52 (1) 1–5.
  • Tarver, H.M., Waugh, L., Alemneh, D.G., Phillips, M.E. (2015). Managing Serials in a Large Digital Library: Case Study of the UNT Libraries Digital Collections. Other. 68 (1-4) 353–360. Routledge.
  • Mark Phillips & Hannah Tarver. (2014). Enhancing Descriptive Metadata Records with Freely-Available APIs. Other. (24) 14.
  • Mark Phillips, Hannah Tarver, & Stacy Frakes. (2014). Implementing a Collaborative Workflow for Metadata Analysis, Quality Improvement, and Mapping. Other. (23) 9.
  • Hannah Tarver & Mark Phillips. (2013). Integrating Image-Based Research Datasets into an Existing Digital Repository Infrastructure. Cataloging and Classification Quarterly. 51 (1-3) 238-250.
  • Poem

  • Tarver, H.M. (2009). Ode to Controlled Vocabulary.
  • Poster

  • Duran, A., Graciani, P., Gushee, L., Long, K., Tarver, H.M., Tomfohrde, K., Washington, A., Woodward, N. (2019). Developing Metadata Guidelines for DPLA TxHub. Other. Austin, Texas,
  • Fernandez, M., Tarver, H. (2019). Facilitating User Access through the Extraction of Documents from Digital Archives.
  • Alemneh, D.G., Phillips, M.E., Waugh, L., Tarver, H.M., Krahmer, A.J. (2015). A Peer-to-Peer Approach to Review Compliance with Trustworthy Repository Audit and Certification (TRAC). International Conference on Knowledge Management.
  • Waugh, L., Tarver, H.M., Phillips, M.E., Alemneh, D.G., Krahmer, A.J. (2015). A Collaborative Approach to the Trusted Repository Audit Checklist.
  • Scholarly Note

  • Tarver, H.M. (2018). Identity Management at the University of North Texas. "Who Is This?": Moving from Authority Control to Identity Management.
  • White Paper

  • Tarver, H., Miles, C.A., Zipperer, R.A. (2021). Improving Subjects in the Digital Collections with Data: White Paper. 42.
  • Fox, N.T., Phillips, M.E., Tarver, H.M. (2020). Programmatic Extraction of ‘Documents’ from Web Archives: Identifying Document Characteristics from Content Selector Interviews.
  • Gentry, S., Hale, M.L., Payant, A., Tarver, H., White, R., Wittmann, R. (2020). Survey of Benchmarks in Metadata Quality: Initial Findings. 35.
  • Fox, N.T., Tarver, H.M., Phillips, M.E. (2019). Identifying Gaps in Tools and Interfaces for Assessing Metadata Quality.
  • Laura Waugh, Hannah Tarver, Mark Phillips, & Daniel Alemneh. (2015). Comparison of Full-text Versus Metadata Searching in an Institutional Repository: Case Study of the UNT Scholarly Works. 4.
  • Krahmer, A.J., Tarver, H.M., Barker, T., Berrios, R., Fisher, S. (2012). Lessons Learned: Digitization of Cooke County Ledgers. 24.
  • Barker, T., Barrios, R., Fisher, S., Krahmer, A.J., Tarver, H.M. (2012). Lessons Learned: Digitization of Cooke County Ledgers. 24.

Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research

    Grant - Research

  • Tarver, H. (Principal), Miles, C. (Supporting), Zipperer, R. (Supporting), "Improving Subjects in the Digital Collections with Data," sponsored by UNT Libraries, University of North Texas, $1500 Funded. (2020 - 2021).
  • Tarver, H.M. (Supporting), "Development of a Statewide Aggregation Service for Texas Digital Collections," sponsored by Texas State Library and Archives Commission, State, $74920 Funded. (2016 - 2018).
  • Tarver, H. (Supporting), "Development of a Statewide Aggregation Service for Texas Digital Collections," sponsored by Texas State Library and Archives Commission, State, Funded. (2016 - 2018).
Summative Rating
Challenge and
Engagement Index
Response Rate

out of 5

out of 7
students responded
  • Overall Summative Rating (median):
    This rating represents the combined responses of students to the four global summative items and is presented to provide an overall index of the class’s quality. Overall summative statements include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 5 = Excellent, 3 = Good, and 1= Very poor):
    • The course as a whole was
    • The course content was
    • The instructor’s contribution to the course was
    • The instructor’s effectiveness in teaching the subject matter was
  • Challenge and Engagement Index:
    This rating combines student responses to several SPOT items relating to how academically challenging students found the course to be and how engaged they were. Challenge and Engagement Index items include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 7 = Much higher, 4 = Average, and 1 = Much lower):
    • Do you expect your grade in this course to be
    • The intellectual challenge presented was
    • The amount of effort you put into this course was
    • The amount of effort to succeed in this course was
    • Your involvement in course (doing assignments, attending classes, etc.) was