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Jingbiao Cui

Title: Chair

Department: Physics

College: College of Science

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae Link


  • PhD, University of Science and Technology of China, 1993
    Major: Physics
  • MS, University of Science and Technology of China, 1992
    Major: Physics
  • BS, Anhui University, 1989
    Major: Physics

Current Scheduled Teaching

PHYS 3030.501Laboratory in Modern PhysicsFall 2024
PHYS 3030.502Laboratory in Modern PhysicsFall 2024
PHYS 3010.001Modern PhysicsFall 2024 Syllabus
PHYS 3010.201Modern PhysicsFall 2024 Syllabus
PHYS 5910.763Special ProblemsFall 2024

Previous Scheduled Teaching

PHYS 3030.501Laboratory in Modern PhysicsSpring 2024
PHYS 3030.502Laboratory in Modern PhysicsSpring 2024 SPOT
PHYS 5910.755Special ProblemsSpring 2024
PHYS 6940.775Individual ResearchFall 2023
PHYS 3030.501Laboratory in Modern PhysicsFall 2023 SPOT
PHYS 3030.502Laboratory in Modern PhysicsFall 2023 SPOT
PHYS 5910.763Special ProblemsFall 2023
PHYS 6950.759Doctoral DissertationSpring 2023
PHYS 3030.501Laboratory in Modern PhysicsSpring 2023 SPOT
PHYS 3030.502Laboratory in Modern PhysicsSpring 2023 SPOT
PHYS 5910.755Special ProblemsSpring 2023
PHYS 6950.768Doctoral DissertationFall 2022
PHYS 6940.700Individual ResearchFall 2022
PHYS 3030.501Laboratory in Modern PhysicsFall 2022 SPOT
PHYS 3030.502Laboratory in Modern PhysicsFall 2022 SPOT
PHYS 3030.503Laboratory in Modern PhysicsFall 2022 SPOT
PHYS 5910.763Special ProblemsFall 2022
PHYS 6950.751Doctoral DissertationSpring 2022
PHYS 6940.768Individual ResearchSpring 2022
PHYS 3030.501Laboratory in Modern PhysicsSpring 2022 Syllabus SPOT
PHYS 3030.502Laboratory in Modern PhysicsSpring 2022 Syllabus SPOT
PHYS 3030.503Laboratory in Modern PhysicsSpring 2022 SPOT
PHYS 5910.759Special ProblemsSpring 2022
PHYS 6950.768Doctoral DissertationFall 2021
PHYS 6940.700Individual ResearchFall 2021
PHYS 3030.501Laboratory in Modern PhysicsFall 2021 Syllabus SPOT
PHYS 3030.502Laboratory in Modern PhysicsFall 2021 Syllabus SPOT
PHYS 3030.503Laboratory in Modern PhysicsFall 2021 Syllabus SPOT
PHYS 5910.763Special ProblemsFall 2021
PHYS 6940.768Individual ResearchSpring 2021
PHYS 3030.501Laboratory in Modern PhysicsSpring 2021 Syllabus SPOT
PHYS 3030.502Laboratory in Modern PhysicsSpring 2021 Syllabus
PHYS 3030.503Laboratory in Modern PhysicsSpring 2021
PHYS 3030.504Laboratory in Modern PhysicsSpring 2021
PHYS 6940.700Individual ResearchFall 2020
PHYS 3030.501Laboratory in Modern PhysicsFall 2020 SPOT
PHYS 6940.768Individual ResearchSpring 2020
PHYS 3030.501Laboratory in Modern PhysicsSpring 2020
PHYS 6940.700Individual ResearchFall 2019

Published Intellectual Contributions

    Abstracts and Proceedings

  • Ojo, I., Hathaway, E., Gonzalez, R., Adhikari, P., Vishal, S., Kunam, B., Yousef, K., Cui, J., Choi, W., Perez, J. (2023). Properties of Defects Produced by Electron Irradiation of Graphene at 25 keV and Dosages Between 10^15 and 10^17 e^/cm^2. Commerce, Spring 2023 Texas Section APS Meeting.
  • Subedi, M., Perez, J., Rout, B., Koirala, P., Lyu, T., Yan, H., Hathaway, E., Cui, J. (2022). Pressure-Dependent Behavior and Low and High Temperature Photoluminescence (Pl) of Isotope Free Boron Arsenide. MRS Fall Meeting and Exhibit.
  • Ojo, I., Hathaway, E., Femi-Oyetoro, J., Cui, J., Perez, J.M. (2021). Production of Defects in Suspended Graphene with High Density and Low Healing Energy Using Electron Irradiation. Virtual, 2021 MRS Fall Meeting and Exhibit.
  • Femi-Oyetoro, J., Yao, K., Jiang, Y., Hathaway, E., Ojo, I., Squires, B., Neogi, A., Cui, J., Philipose, U., Perez, J.M. (2021). Structural and Optical Stability of Bilayer and Few-Layer MoS2 in Ambient Air. 66 Virtual, 2021 Joint Spring Meeting of the Texas Sections of APS, AAPT and Zone 13 of the SPS.
  • Ojo, I., Yao, K., Banerjee, D., Femi-Oyetoro, J., Hathaway, E., Jiang, Y., Squires, B., Jones, D., Neogi, A., Cui, J., Philipose, U., Agarwal, A., Lu, E., Yao, S., Khare, M., Marshall, G., Perez, J.M. (2020). Growth of Monolayer MoS2 on Hydrophobic Substrates as a Method to Prevent Ambient Degradation.. Arlington, TX, Virtual Fall 2020 American Physical Society Texas Section Meeting.
  • Femi-Oyetoro, J., Yao, K., Hathaway, E., Jiang, Y., Ojo, I., Squires, B., Neogi, A., Cui, J., Philipose, U., Gadiyaram, N., Zhou, W., Perez, J.M. (2020). Multi-Layer Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Encapsulation of Reactive Van der Waals Materials for Stable Heterostructure Devices. Arlington, TX, Virtual Fall 2020 American Physical Society Texas Section Meeting.
  • Book Chapter

  • Geng, X., Cui, J. (2016). Large-Scale Fabrication of High-Quality Graphene Layers by Graphite Intercalation. Graphene Science Handbook. 468--485. CRC Press.
  • Conference Proceeding

  • Bhattarai, R., Chen, J., Hoang, T., Cui, J., Shen. (2020). Anisotropic optical properties of 2D silicon telluride. MRS Advances. 5 (35) 1881-1889.
  • George, D., Hassan, S., Adewole, M., Lowell, D., Li, L., Ding, J., Cui, J., Zhang, H., Philipose, U., Lin, Y. (2017). Holographic fabrication of hole arrays in AZO for study of surface plasmon resonances. Advanced Fabrication Technologies for Micro/Nano Optics and Photonics X. 10115 1011518.
  • Armstrong, J., Cui, J., Chen, T. (2014). ALD processed MgZnO buffer layers for Cu (In, Ga) S 2 solar cells. 2014 IEEE 40th Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC). 0304--0307.
  • Sun, W., Geng, X., Armstrong, J.C., Cui, J., Chen, T. (2014). Experimental and theoretical study on band gap tuning of Cu 2 ZnSn (S 1- x Se x) 4 absorbers for thin-film solar cells. 2014 IEEE 40th Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC). 0421--0424.
  • Mohammed, M.Z., Al-Hilo, A.A., Li, Z., AbdulAlmohsin, S., Armstrong, J., Chen, T., Cui, J. (2013). Cu 2 O/SWNTs/n-Si heterojunctions for enhanced light harvesting. 2013 IEEE 39th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC). 0599--0604.
  • Al-Hilo, A.A., Mohammed, M.Z., Armstrong, J.C., Cui, J., Chen, T. (2013). Fabrication and characterization of Si/ZnO branched heterojunction structures. 2013 IEEE 39th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC). 2628--2632.
  • Thomas, M.A., Cui, J. (2013). Improving thin film solar cells with atomic layer deposited ZnO: Highly tunable buffer, intrinsic, and top contact layers in a single fabrication process. 2013 IEEE 39th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC). 1187--1191.
  • Sun, W., Brozak, M., Armstrong, J.C., Cui, J. (2013). Solar cell structures based on ZnO/CdS core-shell nanowire arrays embedded in Cu 2 ZnSnS 4 light absorber. 2013 IEEE 39th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC). 2042--2046.
  • Armstrong, J., Cui, J. (2013). Solution processed Cu (In, Ga) S 2 for nanowire solar cells. 2013 IEEE 39th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC). 2557--2561.
  • AbdulAmohsin, S., Cui, J., Mohammed, M. (2013). Study on ZnO/P3HT: PCBM nanowire solar cells. 2013 IEEE 39th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC). 2685--2689.
  • Ji, L., Thomas, M.A., Cui, J., Varadan, V.V. (2012). Blazed pyramidal gratings for enhanced light trapping in very thin film solar cells. 2012 38th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference. 000338--000341.
  • Mohammed, M., Li, Z., Cui, J., Chen, T. (2012). Electric and optical transport of MWNT/silicon junctions. 2012 38th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference. 002315--002320.
  • Wu, K., Cui, J. (2012). Fabrication of hierarchical ZnO/TiO 2 core-shell nanostructures for advanced photovoltaic devices. 2012 38th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference. 002553--002556.
  • Thomas, M.A., Cui, J. (2012). Investigations of the optical properties of ZnO-metal oxide core-shell nanowire arrays for use in advanced optoelectronics. 2012 38th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference. 001931--001936.
  • AbdulAmohsin, S., Cui, J. (2012). Surface modified ZnO nanorod arrays for hybrid solar cell applications. 2012 38th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference. 002296--002300.
  • Cui, J., Gibson, U. (2010). All-Oxide Embedded-Nanowire Solar Cell. Optical Nanostructures for Photovoltaics. PWE2.
  • Ley, L., Cui, J., Stammler, M., Ristein, J. (2001). Field Emission from Graphite-Diamond Composites. Proceedings of the Sixth Applied Diamond Conference/Second Frontier Carbon Technology Joint Conference(ADC/FCT 2001). 1
  • Cui, J., Robertson, J., Milne, W. (2000). Field emission from nanostructured Carbon. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. 675 W6.
  • Cui, J.B., Zhang, W.P., Fang, R.C., Wang, C., Zhou, G., Wu, J.X. (1991). Interface properties of a-C:H/a-SiOx:H multilayer. SPIE Proceedings. 1519 419--423.
  • Zhang, W.P., Cui, J.B., Xie, S., Song, Y.Z., Wang, C., Zhou, G., Wu, J.X. (1991). Structure and optical properties of aC: H/a-SiOx: H multilayer thin films. International Conference on Thin Film Physics and Applications. 1519 23--25.
  • Journal Article

  • Ojo, I., Hathaway, E., Li, J., Gonzalez, R., Jiang, Y., Cui, J., Perez, J. (2023). Effects of electron irradiation on graphene drums. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A. 42 (1) 012201-1. American Vacuum Society.
  • Gonzalez-Rodriguez, R., Hathaway, E., Hurley, N., Lin, Y., Cui, J. (2023). Nitrogen and aluminum-nitrogen doped graphene for non-volatile resistive memory applications. Materials Today. 37 107154.
  • Lee, B., Gonzalez-Ridgriguez, R., Valimukhametova, A., Zub, O., Lyle, V., Fannon, O., Cui, J., Naumov, A.V. (2023). Biocompatible Aluminum-Doped Graphene Quantum Dots for Dual-Modal Fluorescence and Ultrasound Imaging Applications. 6 17512. ACS Applied Nano Materials.
  • He, B., He, G., Zhu, L., Cui, J., Fortunato, E., Martins, R. (2023). Electrospun Highly Aligned IGZO Nanofiber Arrays with Low‐Thermal‐Budget for Challenging Transistor and Integrated Electronics. Advanced Functional Materials. 10 2310264.
  • Khadijah, A., Li, S., Sidhik, S., Kamau, S., Hou, J., Hurley, N., Alzaid, A., Wang, S., Yan, H., Deng, J., Omary, M.A., Mohite, A.D., Cui, J., Lin, Y. Fabrications of twisted moiré photonic crystal and random moiré photonic crystal and their potential applications in light extraction. Nanotechnology.
  • Hathaway, E., Gonzalez-Ridgriguez, R., Lin, Y., Cui, J. (2023). Elucidating the Degradation Mechanisms in Silicon Telluride through Multimodal Characterization. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 127 13800.
  • Gonzalez-Ridriguez, R., Hathaway, E., Paulette, H., Coffer, J.L., Lin, Y., Cui, J. (2023). Two-Dimensional Quantum-Confined CsPbBr3 in Silicene for LED Applications. 6 4028. ACS Applied Nano Materials.
  • Ojo, I., Hathaway, E., Gonzales, R., Adhikari, P., Sathish, V., Kunam, B., Khalid, Y., Cui, J., Choi, W., Perez, J. (2022). Effects on Graphene of Electron Irradiation at 25 keV and Dosages Up to 10^18 electrons/cm^2. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A. 41 (1) 012201.
  • Rodriguez, R., Hathaway, E., Lin, Y., Coffer, J., Cui, J. (2022). Encapsulated MAPbBr3 in nickel oxide nanotubes and their electroluminescence. Nanoscale. 14 6417-6424.
  • Lin, Y., Hathaway, E., Habis, F., Wang, Y., Rodriguez, R.G., Alnasser, K., Hurley, N., Cui, J. (2022). Enhanced Emission from Defect Levels in Multilayer MoS2. Other. 2201059.
  • Lin, H., He, G., Jiang, S., Dai, Z., Zheng, G., Lu, J., Qiao, L., Cui, J. (2022). Fermi level unpinning achievement and transport modification in Hf1-xYbxOy/Al2O3/GaSb laminated stacks by doping engineering. Journal of Materials Science & Technology. 121 130-139.
  • Gonzalez Rodriguez, R., del Castillo, R., Hathaway, E., Lin, Y., Coffer, J., Cui, J. (2022). Silicene/Silicene Oxide Nanosheets for Broadband Photodetectors. 5 4325-4335.
  • Hathaway, E., , J., Rodriguez, R., Lin, Y., Cui, J. (2022). Raman Study of Silicon Telluride Nanoplates and Their Degradation. Nanotechnology 33 265703.
  • Femi-Oyetoro, J., Yao, K., Hathaway, E., Jiang, Y., Ojo, I., Squires, B., Neogi, A., Cui, J., Philipose, U., Gadiyaram, N., Zhou, W., Perez, J.M. (2021). Structural Stability of Bilayer MoS2 in Ambient Air. 8 2101188. Advanced Materials Interfaces.
  • Alnasser, K., Kamau, S., Hurley, N., Cui, J., Lin, Y. (2021). Photonic Band Gaps and Resonance Modes in 2D Twisted Moiré Photonic Crystal. Photonics. 8 (10) 408.
  • Kamau, S., Hassan, S., Alnasser, K., Zhang, H., Cui, J., Lin, Y. (2021). Broadband Absorption in Patterned Metal/Weakly-Absorbing-Spacer/Metal with Graded Photonic Super-Crystal. Photonics. 8 (4) 114.
  • Alnasser, K., Kamau, S., Hurle, N., Cui, J., Lin, Y. (2021). Resonance modes in moiré photonic patterns for twistoptics. OSA Continuum. 4 (4) 1339.
  • Chen, J., Bhattarai, R., Cui, J., Shen, X., Hoang, T. (2020). Anisotropic optical properties of single Si 2 Te 3 nanoplates. Scientific Reports. 9 (1) 1-9.
  • Zhang, C., He, G., Fang, Z., Fang, Y., Xia, Y., Yang, B., Wang, W., Alam, F., Cui, J. (2020). Eco-Friendly Fully Water-Driven HfGdO Gate Dielectrics and Its Application in Thin-Film Transistors and Logic Circuits. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. 67 (3) 1001-1008.
  • Wu, K., Chen, J., Li, Cui, J. (2020). Growth of Si2Te3/Si heterostructured nanowire and its photoresponse property. Optik. 207 163475.
  • Yu, P., Zhou, L., Jia, Z., Wu, Cui, J. (2020). Morphology and property tuning of Te nanostructures in a hydrothermal growth. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. 31 (19) 16332-16337.
  • Wu, K., Jia, Z., Zhou, L., Yuan, S., Cui, J. (2020). Study on the effect of methanol on the morphology and optical properties of ZnO. Optik. 205 164250.
  • Yao, K., Banerjee, D., Femi-Oyetoro, J.D., Hathaway, E., Jiang, Y., Squires, B., Jones, D.C., Neogi, A., Cui, J., Philipose, U., Agarwal, A., Lu, E., Yao, S., Khare, M., Ojo, I.A., Marshall, G., Perez, J. (2020). Growth of Monolayer MoS2on Hydrophobic Substrates as a Novel and Feasible Method to Prevent the Ambient Degradation of Monolayer MoS2. MRS Advances.
  • Adewole, M., Cui, J., Lowell, D., Hassan, S., Jiang, Y., Singh, A., Ding, J., Zhang, H., Philipose, U., Lin, Y. (2019). Electrically tunable, sustainable, and erasable broadband light absorption in graphene sandwiched in Al 2 O 3 oxides. Optical Materials Express. 9 (3) 1095--1104. Optical Society of America.
  • He, G., Wang, D., Ma, R., Liu, M., Cui, J. (2019). Interface chemistry and leakage current mechanism of HfGdON/Ge gate stack modulated by ALD-driven interlayer. RSC Advances. 9 (58) 33800--33805. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Liang, S., He, G., Wang, D., Hao, L., Zhang, M., Cui, J. (2019). Modulating the Interface Chemistry and Electrical Properties of Sputtering-Driven HfYO/GaAs Gate Stacks by ALD Pulse Cycles and Thermal Treatment. ACS Omega. 4 (7) 11663--11672. American Chemical Society.
  • Chen, J., Wu, K., Shen, X., Hoang, T.B., Cui, J. (2019). Probing the dynamics of photoexcited carriers in Si2Te3 nanowires. Journal of Applied Physics. 125 (2) 024306. AIP Publishing.
  • Yang, B., He, G., Zhang, Y., Zhang, C., Xia, Y., Alam, F., Cui, J. (2019). Solution-Processed DyO x for Aging Diffusion ZnSnO Transistors and Applications in Low-Voltage-Operating Logic Circuits. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. 66 (8) 3479--3484. IEEE.
  • Wu, K., Cui, J. (2019). Study of ZnO Nanoparticles-Decorated TiO2 Facets Heterostructures and Their Photocatalytic Activity. Solid State Phenomena. 298 175--180.
  • Li, L., Chen, J., Wu, K., Cao, C., Shi, S., Cui, J. (2019). The Stability of Metallic MoS2 Nanosheets and Their Property Change by Annealing. Other. 9 (10) 1366. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute.
  • Cao, C., Zhang, G., Ye, J., Sun, Z., Hua, R., Cui, J. (2018). CdS decorated titania nanotube arrays by ultrasonic assistance and covered with ZnO film: enhanced transient photoelectric response and stability. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. 29 (2) 1123--1130. Springer US.
  • Shi, S., Wang, P., Cui, J., Sun, Z. (2018). Microstructure and Doping/Temperature-Dependent Photoluminescence of ZnO Nanospears Array Prepared by Hydrothermal Method. Nanoscale Research Letters. 13 (1) 223. SpringerOpen.
  • Wu, K., Cui, J. (2018). Morphology control of Si 2 Te 3 nanostructures synthesized by CVD. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. 29 (18) 15643--15648. Springer US.
  • Wu, K., Chen, J., Shen, X., Cui, J. (2018). Resistive switching in Si2Te3 nanowires. AIP Advances. 8 (12) 125008. AIP Publishing.
  • Wu, K., Cui, J. (2018). Synthesis of TiO2 nanocrystals with exposed {001]} facets and improved photocatalytic activity. Other. 164 556--560. Urban \& Fischer.
  • Jiang, Y., Lin, Y., Cui, J., Philipose, U. (2018). Effects of Strategically Placed Water Droplets on Monolayer Growth of Molybdenum Disulfide. Journal of Nanomaterials. 2018 8 pages. Hindawi.
  • Cao, C., Ni, J., Zhang, G., Ye, J., Hua, R., Cui, J. (2017). Annealing effects on the compact titania nanotube arrays: Evolution of microstructure and enhanced photoelectric response. Other. 71 454--460. Pergamon.
  • George, D., Adewole, M., Hassan, S., Lowell, D., Cui, J., Zhang, H., Philipose, U., Lin, Y. (2017). Coupling of Surface Plasmon Polariton in Al-Doped ZnO with Fabry-P\'erot Resonance for Total Light Absorption. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. 4 (2) 35.
  • George, D., Li, L., Lowell, D., Ding, J., Cui, J., Zhang, H., Philipose, U., Lin, Y. (2017). Electrically tunable diffraction efficiency from gratings in Al-doped ZnO. Applied Physics Letters. 110 (7) 071110. AIP Publishing.
  • Wu, K., Sun, W., Jiang, Y., Chen, J., Li, L., Cao, C., Shi, S., Shen, X., Cui, J. (2017). Structure and photoluminescence study of silicon based two-dimensional Si2Te3 nanostructures. Journal of Applied Physics. 122 (7) 075701. AIP Publishing.
  • Zhang, G., Cao, C., Ye, J., Hua, R., Cui, J. (2016). Communication—Ultrafast Anodized Titania Nanotube Arrays Loaded with Quantum Dots via Ultrasonic Assistance. ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology. 5 (9) P526--P528. The Electrochemical Society.
  • Thomas, M.A., Cui, J. (2016). Electrodeposition of ZnO nanostructures: growth, doping, and physical properties. Other. 1--28. Springer International Publishing.
  • Cao, C., Zhang, G., Ye, J., Hua, R., Sun, Z., Cui, J. (2016). Fast growth of self-aligned titania nanotube arrays with excellent transient photoelectric responses. Electrochimica Acta. 211 552--560. Pergamon.
  • George, D., Li, L., Jiang, Y., Lowell, D., Mao, M., Hassan, S., Ding, J., Cui, J., Zhang, H., Philipose, U., others. (2016). Localized surface plasmon polariton resonance in holographically structured Al-doped ZnO. Journal of Applied Physics. 120 (4) 043109. AIP Publishing.
  • Geng, X., Sun, W., Wu, W., Chen, B., Al-Hilo, A., Mourad, B., Zhu, H., Watanabe, F., Cui, J., Chen, T. (2016). Pure and stable metallic phase molybdenum disulfide nanosheets for hydrogen evolution reaction. Nature Communications. 7 10672. Nature.
  • Cao, C., Zhang, G., Ye, J., Hua, R., Sun, Z., Cui, J. (2015). Current vs Time Curve Analysis for the Anodic Preparation of Titania Nanotube Arrays. ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology. 4 (12) N151--N156. The Electrochemical Society.
  • Meng, F., Wang, L., Cui, J., Li, A., Tang, H. (2015). Experimental and theoretical investigations of the origin of magnetism in undoped CeO2. Science of Advanced Materials. 7 (4) 663--669. American Scientific Publishers.
  • George, D., Lutkenhaus, J., Ding, J., Zhang, H., Cui, J., Philipose, U., Lin, Y. (2015). Holographic fabrication of nanoantenna templates through a single reflective optical element. Applied Optics. 54 (10) 2720--2724. Optical Society of America.
  • Li, J., Liu, X., Cui, J., Sun, J. (2015). Hydrothermal synthesis of self-assembled hierarchical tungsten oxides hollow spheres and their gas sensing properties. Other. 7 (19) 10108--10114. American Chemical Society.
  • Armstrong, J., Cui, J. (2015). Three-dimensional structures based on ZnO/CdS and ZnO/(Zn, Mg) O core--shell nanowires embedded in Cu (In, Ga) S2 for solar cell applications. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 141 356--363. North-Holland.
  • Mohammed, M., Li, Z., Cui, J., Chen, T. (2014). Acid-doped multi-wall carbon nanotube/n-Si heterojunctions for enhanced light harvesting. Solar Energy. 106 171--176. Pergamon.
  • Wei, H., He, G., Chen, X., Cui, J., Zhang, M., Chen, H., Sun, Z. (2014). Interfacial thermal stability and band alignment of Al2O3/HfO2/Al2O3/Si gate stacks grown by atomic layer deposition. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 591 240--246. Elsevier.
  • He, G., Gao, J., Chen, H., Cui, J., Sun, Z., Chen, X. (2014). Modulating the interface quality and electrical properties of HfTiO/InGaAs gate stack by atomic-layer-deposition-derived Al2O3 passivation layer. Other. 6 (24) 22013--22025. American Chemical Society.
  • He, G., Chen, X., Zhang, J., Zhang, M., Chen, X., Sun, Z., Liu, M., Lv, J., Cui, J. (2014). Nitridation of Metalorganic-Chemical-VaporDeposited Al2O3 Gate Dielectrics by NH3 Annealing. Science of Advanced Materials. 6 (5) 915--922. American Scientific Publishers.
  • Armstrong, J.C., Cui, J. (2014). Optimization of solution-processed Cu (In, Ga) S 2 by tuning series and shunt resistance. Journal of Materials Research. 29 (11) 1309--1316. Cambridge University Press.
  • Armstrong, J., Cui, J., Chen, T. (2014). Study Of Solution Processed Cu (In, Ga) S 2 By Post-Deposition Treatments. Other. 1670 Cambridge University Press.
  • Geng, X., Wu, W., Li, N., Sun, W., Armstrong, J., Al-hilo, A., Brozak, M., Cui, J., Chen, T. (2014). Three-dimensional structures of MoS2 nanosheets with ultrahigh hydrogen evolution reaction in water reduction. Advanced Functional Materials. 24 (39) 6123--6129.
  • Wu, K., Wu, X., Cui, J. (2014). ZnO Hierarchical Nanostructures for Advanced Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell Applications. Other. 6 (3) 263--267. American Scientific Publishers.
  • Meng, F., Wang, L., Cui, J. (2013). Controllable synthesis and optical properties of nano-CeO2 via a facile hydrothermal route. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 556 102--108. Elsevier.
  • Sun, W., Wu, K., Thomas, M.A., Meng, F., Song, X., Sun, Z., Zhang, Z., Cui, J. (2013). Current oscillations in the layer-by-layer electrochemical deposition of vertically aligned nanosheets of zinc hydroxide nitrate. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 160 (11) D558--D564. The Electrochemical Society.
  • Song, X., Shi, S., Cao, C., Chen, X., Cui, J., He, G., Sun, Z. (2013). Effect of Ag-doping on microstructural, optical and electrical properties of sputtering-derived ZnS films. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 551 430--434. Elsevier.
  • Shi, S., Li, J., Wang, X., Sun, Z., Jiang, X., Cui, J., Chen, X. (2013). Effect of Molybdenum Doping and Annealing on Photoluminescence of Sputtering-Derived Zinc Oxide Films. Other. 6 (03) 1350024. World Scientific Publishing Company.
  • Wu, K., Cui, J. (2013). Electrodeposition of 3D Hierarchical ZnO Nanoflowers and Their Optical Properties. Other. 2 (1) R1--R4. The Electrochemical Society.
  • Fleetham, T.B., Bakkan, N., Mudrick, J.P., Myers, J.D., Cassidy, V.D., Cui, J., Xue, J., Li, J. (2013). Enhanced open-circuit voltage in organic photovoltaic cells with partially chlorinated zinc phthalocyanine. Journal of Materials Science. 48 (20) 7104--7114. Springer US.
  • Thomas, M., Cui, J. (2013). Highly uniform 2D growth, substrate transfer, and electrical characterization of electrodeposited ZnO thin films. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 160 (6) D218--D225. The Electrochemical Society.
  • Lv, J., Wang, F., Zhou, Z., Liu, C., Gong, W., Feng, Y., Chen, X., Tang, Y., He, G., Shi, S., others. (2013). Hydrothermal Synthesis of Zinc Blende Phases in Wurtzite ZnO Phases and Their Temperature-Dependent Photoluminescence. Science of Advanced Materials. 5 (6) 617--622. American Scientific Publishers.
  • Meng, F., Bo, Q., Zhang, C., Cui, J., Zhang, Q. (2013). Microstructure and Optical Characteristics of Rod-Like Nanoscale CeO2 Synthesized by Hydrothermal Method. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 13 (10) 6653--6659. American Scientific Publishers.
  • Thomas, M.A., Armstrong, J.C., Cui, J. (2013). New approach toward transparent and conductive ZnO by atomic layer deposition: Hydrogen plasma doping. Other. 31 (1) 01A130. AVS.
  • AbdulAlmohsin, S., Armstrong, J., Cui, J. (2012). CdS nanocrystal-sensitized solar cells with polyaniline as counter electrode. Other. 4 (4) 043108. AIP.
  • Thomas, M., Cui, J. (2012). Core-shell nanowire arrays of metal oxides fabricated by atomic layer deposition. Other. 30 (1) 01A116. AVS.
  • AbdulAlmohsin, S., Li, Z., Mohammed, M., Wu, K., Cui, J. (2012). Electrodeposited polyaniline/multi-walled carbon nanotube composites for solar cell applications. Synthetic Metals. 162 (11-12) 931--935. Elsevier.
  • AbdulAlmohsin, S., Cui, J. (2012). Graphene-enriched P3HT and porphyrin-modified ZnO nanowire arrays for hybrid solar cell applications. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 116 (17) 9433--9438. ACS Publications.
  • Thomas, M., Cui, J. (2012). Highly tunable electrical properties in undoped ZnO grown by plasma enhanced thermal-atomic layer deposition. Other. 4 (6) 3122--3128. ACS Publications.
  • Mohammed, M., Li, Z., Cui, J., Chen, T. (2012). Junction investigation of graphene/silicon Schottky diodes. Nanoscale Research Letters. 7 (1) 302. SpringerOpen.
  • Thomas, M., Sun, W., Cui, J. (2012). Mechanism of Ag doping in ZnO nanowires by electrodeposition: experimental and theoretical insights. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 116 (10) 6383--6391. ACS Publications.
  • Shi, S., He, G., Zhang, M., Song, X., Li, J., Wang, X., Cui, J., Chen, X., Sun, Z. (2012). Microstructural, optical and electrical properties of molybdenum doped ZnO films deposited by magnetron sputtering. Science of Advanced Materials. 4 (2) 193--198. American Scientific Publishers.
  • Wang, X., Li, J., Shi, S., Song, X., Cui, J., Sun, Z. (2012). Microstructure and opto-electric properties of Cu/ITO thin films. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 536 231--235. Elsevier.
  • AbdulAlmohsin, S., Mohammed, M., Li, Z., Thomas, M., Wu, K., Cui, J. (2012). Multi-walled carbon nanotubes as a new counter electrode for dye-sensitized solar cells. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 12 (3) 2374--2379. American Scientific Publishers.
  • Meng, F., Lu, F., Wang, L., Cui, J., L\"u, Jianguo. (2012). Novel fabrication and synthetic mechanism of CeO2 nanorods by a chloride-assisted hydrothermal method. Science of Advanced Materials. 4 (10) 1018--1023. American Scientific Publishers.
  • Wu, K., Fang, Q., Wang, W., Thomas, M.A., Cui, J. (2012). On the origin of an additional Raman mode at 275 cm- 1 in N-doped ZnO thin films. Journal of Applied Physics. 111 (6) 063530. AIP.
  • Li, J., Wang, X., Shi, S., Song, X., Lv, J., Cui, J., Sun, Z. (2012). Optical and wetting properties of CuAlO2 films prepared by radio frequency magnetron sputtering. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 95 (1) 431--435.
  • Thomas, M.A., Cui, J., Watanabe, F. (2012). Structure and Photoluminescence of Metal Oxide Core-Shell Nanowire Arrays. ECS Transactions. 45 (7) 41--50. The Electrochemical Society.
  • Caglar, Y., Oral, D.D., Caglar, M., Ilican, S., Thomas, M.A., Wu, K., Sun, Z., Cui, J. (2012). Synthesis and characterization of (CuO) x (ZnO) 1- x composite thin films with tunable optical and electrical properties. Thin Solid Films. 520 (21) 6642--6647. Elsevier.
  • Thomas, M.A., Cui, J. (2012). The Effects of an O2 Plasma on the Optical Properties of Atomic Layer Deposited ZnO. ECS Transactions. 45 (7) 87--95. The Electrochemical Society.
  • Wu, K., Sun, Z., Cui, J. (2012). Unique Approach toward ZnO growth with tunable properties: Influence of methanol in an electrochemical process. Other. 12 (6) 2864--2871. American Chemical Society.
  • Cui, J. (2012). Zinc oxide nanowires. Materials Characterization. 64 43--52. Elsevier.
  • Wu, K., Cui, J., Kong, X., Wang, Y. (2011). Temperature dependent upconversion luminescence of Yb/Er codoped NaYF4 nanocrystals. Journal of Applied Physics. 110 (5) 053510. AIP.
  • Cui, J., Gibson, U.J. (2010). A simple two-step electrodeposition of Cu2O/ZnO nanopillar solar cells. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 114 (14) 6408--6412. ACS Publications.
  • Jiang, L., Zhu, Y., Cui, J. (2010). Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide assisted self-assembly of NiTe2 nanoflakes: Nanoflake arrays and their photoluminescence properties. Journal of Solid State Chemistry. 183 (10) 2358--2364. Academic Press.
  • Zeng, H., Cui, J., Cao, B., Gibson, U., Bando, Y., Golberg, D. (2010). Electrochemical deposition of ZnO nanowire arrays: organization, doping, and properties. Science of Advanced Materials. 2 (3) 336--358. American Scientific Publishers.
  • Thomas, M., Cui, J. (2010). Electrochemical route to p-type doping of ZnO nanowires. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 1 (7) 1090--1094. ACS Publications.
  • Cao, S., Zhu, Y., Cui, J. (2010). Iron hydroxyl phosphate microspheres: Microwave-solvothermal ionic liquid synthesis, morphology control, and photoluminescent properties. Journal of Solid State Chemistry. 183 (7) 1704--1709. Academic Press.
  • Jiang, L., Zhu, Y., Cui, J. (2010). Nanostructures of metal tellurides (PbTe, CdTe, CoTe2, Bi2Te3, and Cu7Te4) with various morphologies: a general solvothermal synthesis and optical properties. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. 2010 (19) 3005--3011. WILEY-VCH Verlag Weinheim.
  • Cui, J., Thomas, M., Soo, Y., Kandel, H., Chen, T. (2009). Effects of nitrogen on the growth and optical properties of ZnO thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 42 (15) 155407. IOP Publishing.
  • Thomas, M., Cui, J. (2009). Electrochemical growth and characterization of Ag-doped ZnO nanostructures. Other. 27 (3) 1673--1677. AVS.
  • Thomas, M., Cui, J. (2009). Investigations of acceptor related photoluminescence from electrodeposited Ag-doped ZnO. Journal of Applied Physics. 105 (9) 093533. AIP.
  • Cui, J., Soo, Y., Kandel, H., Thomas, M., Chen, T., Daghlian, C. (2009). Investigations of ZnO thin films deposited by a reactive pulsed laser ablation. Other. 52 (1) 99--103. SP Science in China Press.
  • Cui, J., Thomas, M., Kandel, H., Soo, Y., Chen, T. (2009). Low temperature doping of ZnO nanostructures. Other. 52 (2) 318--323. SP Science in China Press.
  • Cui, J., Thomas, M. (2009). Power dependent photoluminescence of ZnO. Journal of Applied Physics. 106 (3) 033518. AIP.
  • Cui, J. (2009). Structural and optical properties of periodically ordered ZnO nanowires. Other. 52 (2) 313--317. SP Science in China Press.
  • Chen, T., Wu, K., Li, Q., Chen, B., Wang, S., Kandel, H., Soo, Y., Tipparach, U., Cui, J., Seo, H., others. (2009). Structure and transport studies on nanometer YBCO/PBCGO multilayers. Other. 54 (15) 2698--2702. SP Science in China Press.
  • Tar-Pin, C., Ke, W., Qi, L., Ben, C., ShonZeng, W., Kandel, H., Soo, Y., Tipparach, U., JingBiao, C., Seo, H., others. (2009). Structure and transport studies on nanometer YBCO/PBCGO multilayers. Other. 54 (15) 2698--2702. SCIENCE PRESS 16 DONGHUANGCHENGGEN NORTH ST, BEIJING 100717, PEOPLES R CHINA.
  • Cui, J. (2008). Defect control and its influence on the exciton emission of electrodeposited ZnO nanorods. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 112 (28) 10385--10388. ACS Publications.
  • Cui, J. (2008). Growth condition dependence of zinc oxide nanostructures on Si substrates in an electrochemical process. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. 19 (8-9) 908--914. Springer US.
  • Cui, J., Soo, Y., Chen, T., Gibson, U. (2008). Low-temperature growth and characterization of Cl-doped ZnO nanowire arrays. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 112 (12) 4475--4479. ACS Publications.
  • Ilican, S., Caglar, Y., Caglar, M., Yakuphanoglu, F., Cui, J. (2008). Preparation of Sb-doped ZnO nanostructures and studies on some of their properties. Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures. 41 (1) 96--100. North-Holland.
  • Xu, Y., Li, Z., Dervishi, E., Saini, V., Cui, J., Biris, A.R., Lupu, D., Biris, A.S. (2008). Surface area and thermal stability effect of the MgO supported catalysts for the synthesis of carbon nanotubes. Journal of Materials Chemistry. 18 (47) 5738--5745. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Cui, J., Soo, Y., Thomas, A., Kandel, H., Chen, T., Daghlian, C. (2008). Variable temperature photoluminescence of pulsed laser deposited ZnO thin films. Journal of Applied Physics. 104 (4) 043521. AIP.
  • Zhang, Y.P., Ding, S., Mielenz, J.R., Cui, J., Elander, R.T., Laser, M., Himmel, M.E., McMillan, J.R., Lynd, L.R. (2007). Fractionating recalcitrant lignocellulose at modest reaction conditions. Other. 97 (2) 214--223. Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley Company.
  • Cui, J., Gibson, U. (2007). Low-temperature fabrication of single-crystal ZnO nanopillar photonic bandgap structures. Nanotechnology. 18 (15) 155302. IOP Publishing.
  • Zeng, Q., Baker, I., Cui, J., Yan, Z. (2007). Structural and magnetic properties of nanostructured Mn--Al--C magnetic materials. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 308 (2) 214--226. North-Holland.
  • Zhang, Y.P., Cui, J., Lynd, L.R., Kuang, L.R. (2006). A transition from cellulose swelling to cellulose dissolution by o-phosphoric acid: evidence from enzymatic hydrolysis and supramolecular structure. Biomacromolecules. 7 (2) 644--648. American Chemical Society.
  • Cui, J., Gibson, U. (2006). Surface physics, nanoscale physics, low-dimensional systems-Thermal modification of magnetism in cobalt-doped ZnO nanowires grown at low temperatures. Other. 74 (4) 45416--45416. Woodbury, NY: published by the American Physical Society through the~….
  • Cui, J., Zeng, Q., Gibson, U.J. (2006). Synthesis and magnetic properties of Co-doped ZnO nanowires. Journal of Applied Physics. 99 (8) 08M113. AIP.
  • Cui, J., Gibson, U. (2006). Thermal modification of magnetism in cobalt-doped ZnO nanowires grown at low temperatures. Physical Review B. 74 (4) 045416. APS.
  • Zeng, Q., Baker, I., Sun, Y., Cui, J., Daghlian, C. (2006). Thickness dependence of the microstructure and magnetic anisotropy of sputtered Fe 50 Ni 50 films. Journal of Applied Physics. 99 (8) 08M302. AIP.
  • Cui, J., Gibson, U.J. (2006). Two-Dimensional Organization of Single Crystal ZnO Nanopillars. Other. 957 Cambridge University Press.
  • Cui, J., Gibson, U. (2005). Electrodeposition and room temperature ferromagnetic anisotropy of Co and Ni-doped ZnO nanowire arrays. Applied Physics Letters. 87 (13) 133108. AIP.
  • Cui, J., Gibson, U.J. (2005). Enhanced nucleation, growth rate, and dopant incorporation in ZnO nanowires. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 109 (46) 22074--22077. ACS Publications.
  • Cui, J., Daghlian, C., Gibson, U., R\"usche, R. (2005). Geithner P and Ley L. Other. 2005 97.
  • Cui, J., Daghlian, C.P., Gibson, U.J. (2005). Gold nanoparticle mediated formation of aligned nanotube composite films. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 109 (23) 11456--11460. ACS Publications.
  • Cui, J., Daghlian, C., Gibson, U., P\"usche, R, Geithner, P., Ley, L. (2005). Low-temperature growth and field emission of ZnO nanowire arrays. Journal of Applied Physics. 97 (4) 044315. AIP.
  • Cui, J., Daghlian, C., Gibson, U. (2005). Solubility and electrical transport properties of thiolated single-walled carbon nanotubes. Journal of Applied Physics. 98 (4) 044320. AIP.
  • Cui, J., Daghlian, C.P., Gibson, U.J. (2004). Solubility and Electrical Response of Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes with Thiolate Mediated Gold Nanoparticle Attachment. Other. 858 Cambridge University Press.
  • Cui, J., Burghard, M., Kern, K. (2003). Reversible sidewall osmylation of individual carbon nanotubes. Nano Letters. 3 (5) 613--615. ACS Publications.
  • Cui, J., Sordan, R., Burghard, M., Kern, K. (2002). Carbon nanotube memory devices of high charge storage stability. Applied Physics Letters. 81 (17) 3260--3262. AIP.
  • Cui, J., Robertson, J. (2002). Control of field emission current of individual sites by a local resistor. Other. 20 (1) 19--24. AVS.
  • Cui, J., Robertson, J. (2002). Field emission from chemical vapor deposition diamond surface with graphitic patches. Other. 20 (1) 238--242. AVS.
  • Cui, J., Burghard, M., Kern, K. (2002). Room temperature single electron transistor by local chemical modification of carbon nanotubes. Nano Letters. 2 (2) 117--120. ACS Publications.
  • Milne, W., Ilie, A., Cui, J., Ferrari, A., Robertson, J. (2001). Field emission from nano-cluster carbon films. Diamond and Related Materials. 10 (2) 260--264. Elsevier.
  • Cui, J., Robertson, J., Milne, W. (2001). Field emission site densities of nanostructured carbon films deposited by a cathodic arc. Journal of Applied Physics. 89 (10) 5707--5711. AIP.
  • Cui, J., Robertson, J., Milne, W. (2001). Improved electron emission from carbon film using a resistive layer. Journal of Applied Physics. 89 (6) 3490--3493. AIP.
  • Cui, J., Robertson, J., Milne, W. (2001). The effect of film resistance on electron field emission from amorphous carbon films. Diamond and Related Materials. 10 (3-7) 868--872. Elsevier.
  • Cui, J., Ristein, J., Stammler, M., Janischowsky, K., Kleber, G., Ley, L. (2000). Hydrogen termination and electron emission from CVD diamond surfaces: a combined secondary electron emission, photoelectron emission microscopy, photoelectron yield, and field emission study. Diamond and Related Materials. 9 (3-6) 1143--1147. Elsevier.
  • Cui, J., Ristein, J., Ley, L. (2000). Photoelectron emission characteristics of diamond near the band gap. Diamond and Related Materials. 9 (3-6) 1036--1040. Elsevier.
  • Cui, J., Stammler, M., Ristein, J., Ley, L. (2000). Role of hydrogen on field emission from chemical vapor deposited diamond and nanocrystalline diamond powder. Journal of Applied Physics. 88 (6) 3667--3673. AIP.
  • Ristein, J., Maier, F., Riedel, M., Cui, J., Ley, L. (2000). Surface electronic properties of diamond. Physica Status Solidi (a). 181 (1) 65--76. WILEY-VCH Verlag Berlin GmbH Berlin.
  • Ristein, J., Cui, J., Graupner, R., Maier, F., Riedel, M., Mantel, B., Stammler, M., Ley, L. (2000). The Role of Adsorbates and Defects on Diamond Surfaces (NDFCT 319). Other. 10 (6) 363--382.
  • Cui, J., Ristein, J., Ley, L. (1999). Dehydrogenation and the surface phase transition on diamond (111): Kinetics and electronic structure. Physical Review B. 59 (8) 5847. American Physical Society.
  • Shang, N., Fang, R., Liao, Y., Cui, J. (1999). Deposition of (100) and (110) textured diamond films on aluminum nitride ceramics via hot filament chemical vapor deposition. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 38 (3R) 1500. IOP Publishing.
  • Cui, J., Graupner, R., Ristein, J., Ley, L. (1999). Electron affinity and band bending of single crystal diamond (111) surface. Diamond and Related Materials. 8 (2-5) 748--753. Elsevier.
  • Ley, L., Graupner, R., Cui, J., Ristein, J. (1999). Electronic properties of single crystalline diamond surfaces. Carbon. 37 (5) 793--799. Elsevier.
  • Cui, J., Ristein, J., Ley, L. (1999). Low-threshold electron emission from diamond. Physical Review B. 60 (23) 16135. APS.
  • Cui, J., Shang, N., Fang, R. (1998). Discharge induced enhancement of diamond nucleation on Si via hot filament chemical vapor deposition. Journal of Applied Physics. 83 (11) 6072--6075. AIP.
  • Cui, J., Ristein, J., Ley, L. (1998). Electron affinity of the bare and hydrogen covered single crystal diamond (111) surface. Physical Review Letters. 81 (2) 429. American Physical Society.
  • Cui, J., Shang, N., Liao, Y., Li, J., Fang, R. (1998). Growth and characterization of diamond films deposited by dc discharge assisted hot filament chemical vapor deposition. Thin Solid Films. 334 (1-2) 156--160. Elsevier.
  • Nai-gui, S., Rong-chuan, F., Yin, H., Jin-qiu, L., Si-jin, H., Qing-yi, S., Jing-biao, C., Cun-yi, X. (1998). Investigation of diamond films deposited on LaAlO3 single crystal substrates by hot filament chemical vapor deposition. Other. 15 (2) 146. IOP Publishing.
  • Cui, J., Amtmann, K., Ristein, J., Ley, L. (1998). Noncontact temperature measurements of diamond by Raman scattering spectroscopy. Journal of Applied Physics. 83 (12) 7929--7933. AIP.
  • Shang, N., Fang, R., Cui, J., Li, J., Han, S., Shao, Q., Li, M., Le, D. (1998). Textured CVD diamond films grown on aluminum nitride (AlN) ceramics. Thin Solid Films. 334 (1-2) 178--181. Elsevier.
  • Shang, N., Fang, R., Han, S., Liao, Y., Cui, J. (1998). Transverse bias-enhanced nucleation of diamond in hot filament chemical vapor deposition. Materials Research Innovations. 2 (2) 79--82. Taylor \& Francis.
  • Jingbiao, C., Rongchuan, F. (1997). Characterization of the dia-mond growth process using optical emission spectroscopy [-J]. Other. 81
  • Cui, J., Fang, R. (1997). Characterization of the diamond growth process using optical emission spectroscopy. Journal of Applied Physics. 81 (6) 2856--2862. AIP.
  • Hong, C., Ji-fa, Z., Jing-biao, C., Rong-chuan, F. (1996). Deposition of diamond film on aluminum nitride ceramics and the study of their thermal conductance. Other. 13 (8) 625. IOP Publishing.
  • Jing-biao, C., Rong-chuan, F. (1996). Emission Spectroscopy for Hot Filament Diamond Growth Process with Positive Substrate Biasing. Other. 13 (3) 192. IOP Publishing.
  • Cui, J., Fang, R. (1996). Evidence of the role of positive bias in diamond growth by hot filament chemical vapor deposition. Applied Physics Letters. 69 (23) 3507--3509. AIP.
  • Cui, J., Ma, Y., Zhang, J., Chen, H., Fang, R. (1996). Growth and characterization of diamond film on aluminum nitride. Materials Research Bulletin. 31 (7) 781--785. Pergamon.
  • Cui, J., Fang, R. (1996). Investigation of Diamond Growth Process by in situ Optical Emission. Other. 12 (02) 102--104.
  • Jingbiao, C., Rongchuan, F. (1996). Investigation of Diamond Growth Process by in situ Optical Emission. Other. 12 (2) 102--104. PEKING UNIV PRESS PEKING UNIV, CHEMISTRY BUILDING, BEIJING 100871, PEOPLES R~….
  • Cui, J., Ma, Y., Fang, R. (1996). Species characterization for a direct-current-biased hot filament growth of diamond using spatial resolved optical emission spectroscopy. Applied Physics Letters. 69 (21) 3170--3172. AIP.
  • Jingbiao, C., Yurong, M., Rongchuan, F. (1996). Study of electron-enhanced hotfilament CVD diamond growth via in situ optical emission spectroscopy. Other. 26 1038.
  • Cui, J., Fang, R. (1996). The influence of bias on gaseous composition and diamond growth in a hot-filament chemical vapour deposition process. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 29 (11) 2759. IOP Publishing.
  • Jingbiao, C., Rongchuan, F. (1995). Thermal Diffusivity of Diamond Films With Substrates. Other. 12 (8) 477. IOP Publishing.
  • ZHAOQI, S., JINGBIAO, C., YI, Y., CHUNRONG, L. (1992). PREPARATION AND CV. Other. 4 71. Technomic Publishing Company.
  • Rongchuan, F., Qingshan, L., Jingbiao, C. (1992). Temperature dependence of photoluminescence in porous silicon. Other. 9 (8) 438. IOP Publishing.
  • Jingbiao, C., Weiping, Z. (1991). Interface properties of aC: H/a-SiOx: H multilayers. Other. 42 1074.
  • Weiping, Z., Jingbiao, C., Shan, X., Yizhou, S. (1991). Structure and optical properties of a C: H/a SiOx: H multiplayer thin films. Other. 42 1037.
  • Poster

  • Ojo, I., Cui, J., Perez, J. (2023). Electron Irradiation of Graphene in Air at Atmospheric Pressure: A Method for Hydrogenating Graphene for Hydrogen Storage Applications. University Research Day 2023.

Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research


  • Cui, J. (Principal), "Silicon Telluride, A 2D Material with Unique Variable Structure," sponsored by University of Memphis, Federal, $46907 Funded. (2020 - 2021).
  • Grant - Research

  • Cui, J. (Principal), Lin, Y. (Co-Principal), "Encapsulated perovskite in NiO nanotube for topological meta-photonic devices," sponsored by NSF, Federal, $382621 Funded. (2021).
  • Cui, J. (Co-Principal), Shen, X. (Principal), "Silicon Telluride, A 2D Material with Unique Variable Structure," sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, $392679 Funded. (2017 - 2020).
  • Cui, J. (Principal), Lin, Y. (Principal), "Encapsulated perovskite in NiO nanotube for topological meta-photonic devices," sponsored by National Science Foundation, FED, Funded. (2021 - 2024).
  • Cui, J. (Principal), "Silicon Telluride, A 2D Material with Unique Variable Structure," sponsored by The University of Memphis, NFP, Funded. (2020 - 2021).
  • Cui, J. (Co-Principal), Shen, X. (Principal), "Silicon Telluride, A 2D Material with Unique Variable Structure," sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, Funded. (2017 - 2020).
  • Grant - Teaching

  • Cui, J. (Co-Principal), Sabri, F. (Principal), "REU Site: Multidisciplinary Physics Research at the University of Memphis," sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, $252934 Funded. (2019 - 2022).
  • Cui, J. (Co-Principal), Sabri, F. (Principal), "REU Site: Multidisciplinary Physics Research at the University of Memphis," sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, Funded. (2019 - 2022).
Summative Rating
Challenge and
Engagement Index
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students responded
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    • The course as a whole was
    • The course content was
    • The instructor’s contribution to the course was
    • The instructor’s effectiveness in teaching the subject matter was
  • Challenge and Engagement Index:
    This rating combines student responses to several SPOT items relating to how academically challenging students found the course to be and how engaged they were. Challenge and Engagement Index items include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 7 = Much higher, 4 = Average, and 1 = Much lower):
    • Do you expect your grade in this course to be
    • The intellectual challenge presented was
    • The amount of effort you put into this course was
    • The amount of effort to succeed in this course was
    • Your involvement in course (doing assignments, attending classes, etc.) was