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Karen R. Harker

Title: Librarian

Department: Library - Collection Management

College: University of North Texas

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae Link


  • MS, University of North Texas,
    Major: Advanced Data Analytics
  • MPH, University of Texas School of Public Health, 2007
    Major: Public Health
    Specialization: Epidemiology
  • MLS, Texas Woman's University, 1999
    Major: Library and Information Science
  • BLS, Regent's College, University of the State of New York, 1995
    Major: Liberal Studies
    Specialization: Sociology, Psychology

Current Scheduled Teaching

No current or future courses scheduled.

Previous Scheduled Teaching

No previous courses scheduled.

Published Intellectual Contributions

    Abstracts and Proceedings

  • Harker, K.R. (2018). Connecting the silos: Systematic data collection for library and collections assessment. Knowledge Discovery and Data Design Innovation. Singapore, World Scientific Publishing.
  • Book Chapter

  • Lund, B., Harker, K.R., Kaplan-Rakowski, R. (2024). Using AI to support the transition from schooling to employment for autistic individuals. In A. Walters (Ed.), Transforming special education through artificial intelligence. (pp. 379–400). IGI Global.
  • Harker, K.R. (2022). The Impact of Open Access on Library Collections. Global View of Open Access and Scholarly Communications. 29. Hershey, PA, IGI Global.
  • Harker, K.R., Klein, J.B. (2018). A Voice of Their Own – Letting Library Collections Tell Their Story: The UNT Libraries Collection Map. Academic Libraries and the Academy: Strategies and Approaches to Demonstrate Your Value, Impact, and Return on Investment. 2 (Ch. 40) Chicago, IL, Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL).
  • Sassen, C.J., Harker, K.R., O'Toole, E.M. (2017). Professional Development Assessment Paella. Library Assessment Cookbook. Chicago, Illinois, Association of College and Research Libraries.
  • Marshall, D., Crawford, L.S., Harker, K.R. (2017). No Dust in the Stacks: Creating a Customized Local Serials Collection on the Fly.. Innovation in Libraries and Information Services (Advances in Library Administration and Organization, Volume 35). 35 277-288. Bingley, Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
  • Conference Proceeding

  • Hergert, C., Byrne, S., Harker, K.R. (2021). Creating a Local Usage Collection System: PySUSHI. International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries. Book of Proceedings, 14th International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries. 14 81-86. Newcastle, University of Northumbria.
  • Byrne, S., Hergert, C., Harker, K.R. (2021). Who still checks stuff out? A look at physical circulation during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries. Book of Proceedings: 14th International Conference on Performance Measurements in Libraries. 14 324-329. New, University of Northumbria.
  • Harker, K.R., Keshmiripour, S., McIntosh, M.C., O'Toole, E.M., Sassen, C.J. (2019). Assessing the Success of a Mentoring Program for Academic Librarians. Library Assessment Conference 2018. Association of Research Libraries.
  • Harker, K.R., Crawford, L.S., Condrey, C. (2019). The Collection Assessment Is Done...Now What?. Proceedings of the 2018 Library Assessment Conference Building Effective, Sustainable, Practical Assessment. 714-720. Washington D.C., Association of Research Libraries.
  • Andrews, P., Harker, K.R., Krahmer, A.J. (2018). Applying the Analytic Hierarchy Process to an Institutional Repository Collection. 37-40. ACM/IEEE-CS.
  • Sassen, C.J., Harker, K.R., O'Toole, E.M. (2017). Assessing the Success of a Mentoring Program Beyond Satisfaction Surveys. In Domínguez, N., Berkeley, B., Barka, N., Chrisman, T., Kelley, B., & Westfall, E. (Eds.). (2017). 10th annual mentoring conference proceedings: A Decade of Cultivating an Inclusive Mentoring Community. 2 1015-1017.
  • Sassen, C.J., Harker, K.R., O'Toole, E.M. (2016). Assessing the Success of a Professional Development Program Using Multiple Measures. 2016 Library Assessment Conference.. 71. Washington, D.C., Association of Research Libraries.
  • Harker, K.R., Enoch, T.C., Crawford, L.S. (2015). Keeping it Real: A Comprehensive and Transparent Evaluation of Electronic Resources.
  • Enoch, Todd & Harker, Karen. (2015). The Quick and the Dirty: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Database Overlap at the Journal Title Level. The Serials Librarian. The Serials Librarian. 68 (1-4) 249-254.
  • Avery, Beth F.; Harker, K.. (2013). Patron driven acquisitions: or I wish I knew then .... 38th Annual IAMSLIC Conference Proceedings, 2012. 38 2. International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers; You do not have access to modify this field.International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers.
  • Infographic Handout

  • Henson, B., Hardin, G., Hardin, C., Harker, K., Richardson, J. (2019). Information Literacy & Student Learning Outcomes Infographic Handout. Other. Where Does Information Literacy Fit? Mapping the Core. Association of College and Research Libraries/ American Library Association.
  • Infographic Poster

  • Henson, B., Hardin, G., Hargis, C., Harker, K., Richardson, J. (2019). Information Literacy & Student Learning Outcomes Infographic Poster. Other. Where Does Information Literacy Fit? Mapping the Core. Association of College and Research Libraries/ American Library Association.
  • Instruction manual

  • Crawford, L.S., Harker, K.R., Enoch, T.C. Tower Cakes for Ranking Subscription Resources. Assessment Cookbook.
  • Journal Article

  • Harker, K.R., Rowe, J.L., Hargis, C.N. (2024). Predicting Student Success With and Without Library Instruction Using Supervised Machine Learning Methods. Performance Measurement and Metrics. Leeds, Emerald Group.
  • Harker, K.R. (2022). The Depths of Cost-per-Use: Historical Context and Applications. Library Trends. 70 (3) 355-386. Baltimore, MD, Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • Rowe, J.L., Leuzinger, J., Hargis, C., Harker, K. (2021). The Impact of Library Instruction on Undergraduate Student Success: A Four Year Study. College & Research Libraries. 82 (1)
  • Harker, K.R., Keshmiripour, S., McIntosh, M.C., O'Toole, E.M., Sassen, C.J. (2019). Mixed-Methods Assessment of a Mentoring Program. Journal of Library Administration. 59 (8) 873-902. Routledge.
  • Harker, K.R., O'Toole, E.M., Sassen, C.J. (2018). Assessing an Academic Library Professional Development Program. portal: Libraries and the Academy. 18 (1) 199-223.
  • Harker, K.R., Condrey, C., Rodriguez, A.E., Billings, E. (2016). Reversals of Fortune: The New Normal of Collection Development. Against the Grain. 28 (4) 26-32. Charleston, SC,
  • Enoch, T.C., Harker, K.R. (2015). Planning for the Budget-ocalypse: The Evolution of a Serials/ER Cancellation Methodology.. Other. 68 (1-4) 282-289.
  • Harker, K.R., Sassen, C.J. (2015). Enhancing access to e-books. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice. 10 (1) 5-19. University of Alberta Libraries.
  • Rao U, Sidhartha T, Harker KR, Bidesi AS, Chen LA, Ernst M.. (2011). Relationship between adolescent risk preferences on a laboratory task and behavioral measures of risk-taking.. Journal of Adolescent Health. 48 (2) 151-158.
  • Shuval K, Harker K, Roudsari B, Groce NE, Mills B, Siddiqi Z, Shachak A.. (2011). Is qualitative research second class science? A quantitative longitudinal examination of qualitative research in medical journals. PLoS One. 2011 Feb 24;6(2):e16937. PubMed PMID: 21383987; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3044713.. PLOS One.
  • Jayaraman, S; Harker, K. (2010). Selecting the Innovative Interfaces, Inc. (III) Electronic Resource Management (ERM) System for University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Library. Journal of Hospital Librarianship. 10 (3) 315-320. Taylor & Francis.
  • Jayaraman, S; Harker, K. (2009). Evaluating the quality of a link resolver. Journal of Electronic Resources in Medical Libraries. 6 (2) 152-162. Taylor & Francis.
  • Culica Dan, Walton James W., Harker Karen, Prezio Elizabeth A.. (2008). Effectiveness of a Community Health Worker as Sole Diabetes Educator: Comparison of CoDE with Similar Culturally Appropriate Interventions. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved. 19 (4) 1076-1095. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved.
  • Magazine/Trade Publication

  • Harker, K. (1999). Order out of chaos: Using a Web database to manage access to electronic journals. 18 (1) 59-67.
  • Monograph

  • Harker, K.R., Klein, J.B. (2016). Collection Assessment. SPEC Kit. (352) 175. Washington, DC, Association of Research Libraries (ARL).
  • Research Report

  • Condrey, C., Harker, K.R. (2017). Campus Pride Report: Summary of UNT Libraries' Collections. Other. Denton, TX,
  • Crawford, L.S., Avery, B., Harker, K.R., Enoch, T.C., Condrey, C. (2015). White Paper: Redefining Collection Development at University of North Texas Libraries. z687.
  • Crawford, L.S., Avery, E.F., Harker, K.R., Enoch, T.C., Condrey, C. (2014). White Paper: Redefining Collection Development at University of North Texas Libraries. UNT Digital Library.

Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research

    Grant - Research

  • Harker, K.R. (Principal), Byrne, S. (Supporting), Leuzinger, J.A. (Supporting), Rodriguez, A.E. (Supporting), Brannon, S.D. (Supporting), Wolf, S.D. (Supporting), "UNT Libraries Dean's Innovation Grants (DIG)," sponsored by UNT Libraries, University of North Texas, $4975 Funded. (2022 - 2023).
  • Harker, K.R. (Principal), Hergert, C. (Co-Principal), Byrne, S. (Supporting), "UNT Libraries Dean's Innovation Grants (DIG)," sponsored by UNT Libraries, University of North Texas, $2850 Funded. (2021 - 2022).
  • Harker, K.R. (Co-Principal), Venner, M.A. (Co-Principal), Sassen, C.J. (Co-Principal), Keshmiripour, S. (Co-Principal), "Team Mentoring Grant," sponsored by UNT Office for Faculty Success, University of North Texas, $4734 Funded. (2019 - 2021).
  • Harker, K.R., Sassen, C.J. (Co-Principal), Leuzinger, J.A. (Co-Principal), Keshmiripour, S. (Co-Principal), "Team Mentoring Grant," sponsored by Office for Faculty Success, University of North Texas, $500 Funded. (2017 - 2018).
  • Harker, K.R., "Dean's Innovation Grants (DIG)," sponsored by UNT Libraries, University of North Texas, $2475 Funded. (2016 - 2017).
  • Harker, K.R. (Co-Principal), Hamner, J.H. (Supporting), Thomsett-Scott, E.C. (Supporting), Sassen, C.J. (Co-Principal), O'Toole, E.M. (Co-Principal), Welch, R. (Co-Principal), "Office for Faculty Success Mentoring Grant," sponsored by UNT Office for Faculty Success, University of North Texas, $4200 Funded. (2015 - 2016).
  • Harker, K.R. (Other), "MINES for Libraries: Usage of Electronic Resources," sponsored by UNT Libraries' Green Light to Greatness Award, Local, $5000 Funded. (2014 - 2015).
  • Harker, K.R. (Other), "Mining Art: Using MINES for Libraries® to learn what art students use and how art resources are used," sponsored by Association for Library Collections & Technical Services, National, $1500 Funded. (2014 - 2015).
Summative Rating
Challenge and
Engagement Index
Response Rate

out of 5

out of 7
students responded
  • Overall Summative Rating (median):
    This rating represents the combined responses of students to the four global summative items and is presented to provide an overall index of the class’s quality. Overall summative statements include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 5 = Excellent, 3 = Good, and 1= Very poor):
    • The course as a whole was
    • The course content was
    • The instructor’s contribution to the course was
    • The instructor’s effectiveness in teaching the subject matter was
  • Challenge and Engagement Index:
    This rating combines student responses to several SPOT items relating to how academically challenging students found the course to be and how engaged they were. Challenge and Engagement Index items include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 7 = Much higher, 4 = Average, and 1 = Much lower):
    • Do you expect your grade in this course to be
    • The intellectual challenge presented was
    • The amount of effort you put into this course was
    • The amount of effort to succeed in this course was
    • Your involvement in course (doing assignments, attending classes, etc.) was