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Lisa R. Kennon

Title: Associate Professor

Department: Hospitality, Event and Tourism Management

College: College of Merchandising, Hospitality and Tourism

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae Link


  • PhD, Texas Woman's University, 1997
    Major: Nutrition
    Specialization: Institutional Administration
    Dissertation: Improving Senior Health Through Food Safety Education and Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point
  • MS, University of North Texas, 1987
    Major: Home Economics
  • BS, University of North Texas, 1985
    Major: Vocational Home Economics Education
  • AS, Grayson County College, 1983
    Major: Home Economics

Current Scheduled Teaching

CMHT 5350.001Contemporary Issues and Trends in Merchandising and Hospitality ManagementFall 2024
HMGT 1420.401Food SanitationFall 2024 Syllabus
HMGT 1420.403Food SanitationFall 8W2 2024 Syllabus
HMGT 5250.402Restaurant DevelopmentFall 2024
HMGT 5790.407Field Experience in Hospitality and TourismSummer 10W 2024

Previous Scheduled Teaching

CMHT 5350.001Contemporary Issues and Trends in Merchandising and Hospitality ManagementSpring 2024 SPOT
HMGT 1420.001Food SanitationSpring 2024 Syllabus SPOT
HMGT 1420.002Food SanitationSpring 8W2 2024 SPOT
HMGT 4600.001Information Technology in Hospitality and TourismSpring 2024 Syllabus SPOT
CMHT 5350.001Contemporary Issues and Trends in Merchandising and Hospitality ManagementFall 2023 Syllabus SPOT
HMGT 1420.001Food SanitationFall 2023 Syllabus SPOT
HMGT 1420.003Food SanitationFall 8W2 2023 Syllabus SPOT
HMGT 5920.001Problem in Lieu of ThesisFall 2023
HMGT 5920.002Problem in Lieu of ThesisFall 2023
HMGT 5250.002Restaurant DevelopmentFall 2023 Syllabus SPOT
HMGT 1420.001Food SanitationSpring 2023 Syllabus SPOT
HMGT 1420.002Food SanitationSpring 8W2 2023 Syllabus SPOT
CMHT 5100.001Introduction to Research in Merchandising and HospitalitySpring 2023 Syllabus SPOT
HMGT 5920.014Problem in Lieu of ThesisSpring 2023 SPOT
HMGT 5920.018Problem in Lieu of ThesisSpring 2023
HMGT 1420.001Food SanitationFall 2022 Syllabus SPOT
CMHT 5100.001Introduction to Research in Merchandising and HospitalityFall 2022 SPOT
HMGT 5250.002Restaurant DevelopmentFall 2022 SPOT
HMGT 5790.002Field Experience in Hospitality and TourismSummer 10W 2022
CMHT 5350.001Contemporary Issues and Trends in Merchandising and Hospitality ManagementSpring 2022 SPOT
HMGT 5790.002Field Experience in Hospitality and TourismSpring 2022
CMHT 5100.001Introduction to Research in Merchandising and HospitalitySpring 2022 Syllabus SPOT
CMHT 5100.001Introduction to Research in Merchandising and HospitalityFall 2021 SPOT
HMGT 5920.001Problem in Lieu of ThesisFall 2021
HMGT 5920.002Problem in Lieu of ThesisFall 2021 SPOT
HMGT 5250.002Restaurant DevelopmentFall 2021 SPOT
HMGT 5790.002Field Experience in Hospitality and TourismSummer 10W 2021
HMGT 5920.002Problem in Lieu of ThesisSummer 10W 2021
HMGT 1420.002Food SanitationSpring 2021 Syllabus SPOT
CMHT 5100.001Introduction to Research in Merchandising and HospitalitySpring 2021 Syllabus SPOT
CMHT 5100.601Introduction to Research in Merchandising and HospitalitySpring 2021 SPOT
HMGT 5790.002Field Experience in Hospitality and TourismFall 2020
HMGT 1420.002Food SanitationFall 2020 Syllabus SPOT
CMHT 5100.001Introduction to Research in Merchandising and HospitalityFall 2020 SPOT
HMGT 5250.002Restaurant DevelopmentFall 2020 SPOT
CMHT 5350.001Contemporary Issues and Trends in Merchandising and Hospitality ManagementSpring 2020
CMHT 5100.001Introduction to Research in Merchandising and HospitalitySpring 2020
CMHT 5100.601Introduction to Research in Merchandising and HospitalitySpring 2020
HMGT 5790.002Field Experience in Hospitality and TourismFall 2019
CMHT 5100.001Introduction to Research in Merchandising and HospitalityFall 2019 Syllabus SPOT
CMHT 5100.601Introduction to Research in Merchandising and HospitalityFall 2019 Syllabus SPOT
HMGT 5920.002Problem in Lieu of ThesisFall 2019
HMGT 5250.002Restaurant DevelopmentFall 2019 SPOT
HMGT 5250.004Restaurant DevelopmentFall 2019
HMGT 5790.002Field Experience in Hospitality and TourismSummer 10W 2019
HMGT 5790.001Field Experience in Hospitality and TourismSpring 2019
CMHT 5100.001Introduction to Research in Merchandising and HospitalitySpring 2019 SPOT
CMHT 5100.601Introduction to Research in Merchandising and HospitalitySpring 2019 SPOT
HMGT 5920.002Problem in Lieu of ThesisSpring 2019
HMGT 5920.004Problem in Lieu of ThesisSpring 2019
HMGT 5790.001Field Experience in Hospitality and TourismFall 2018
HMGT 5920.001Problem in Lieu of ThesisFall 2018
HMGT 5920.002Problem in Lieu of ThesisFall 2018
HMGT 5250.002Restaurant DevelopmentFall 2018 SPOT
HMGT 5790.002Field Experience in Hospitality and TourismSummer 10W 2018
HMGT 5920.002Problem in Lieu of ThesisSummer 10W 2018
CMHT 5350.001Contemporary Issues and Trends in Merchandising and Hospitality ManagementSpring 2018 SPOT
HMGT 5790.002Field Experience in Hospitality and TourismSpring 2018
CMHT 5100.001Introduction to Research in Merchandising and HospitalitySpring 2018 SPOT
CMHT 5100.601Introduction to Research in Merchandising and HospitalitySpring 2018 SPOT
HMGT 5920.001Problem in Lieu of ThesisSpring 2018
HMGT 5920.002Problem in Lieu of ThesisSpring 2018
HMGT 5790.002Field Experience in Hospitality and TourismFall 2017
CMHT 5100.001Introduction to Research in Merchandising and HospitalityFall 2017 SPOT
CMHT 5100.601Introduction to Research in Merchandising and HospitalityFall 2017 SPOT
HMGT 5250.002Restaurant DevelopmentFall 2017 SPOT
HMGT 5250.004Restaurant DevelopmentFall 2017
HMGT 5920.001Problem in Lieu of ThesisSummer 10W 2017
HMGT 5790.001Field Experience in Hospitality and TourismSpring 2017
HMGT 5790.002Field Experience in Hospitality and TourismSpring 2017
HMGT 1420.002Food SanitationSpring 2017 Syllabus SPOT
HMGT 5950.001Master's ThesisSpring 2017
HMGT 5920.001Problem in Lieu of ThesisSpring 2017 SPOT
HMGT 5920.002Problem in Lieu of ThesisSpring 2017
HMGT 1420.002Food SanitationFall 2016 Syllabus SPOT
CMHT 5100.001Introduction to Research in Merchandising and HospitalityFall 2016 SPOT
CMHT 5350.001Contemporary Issues and Trends in Merchandising and Hospitality ManagementSpring 2016
CMHT 5100.001Introduction to Research in Merchandising and HospitalitySpring 2016
CMHT 5100.001Introduction to Research in Merchandising and HospitalityFall 2015 SPOT
HMGT 5250.002Restaurant DevelopmentFall 2015 SPOT
HMGT 4820.001Facilities Planning, Equipment, Layout and DesignSpring 2015 Syllabus
CMHT 5100.001Introduction to Research in Merchandising and HospitalitySpring 2015
CMHT 5100.001Introduction to Research in Merchandising and HospitalityFall 2014
HMGT 5250.002Restaurant DevelopmentFall 2014
CMHT 5350.001Contemporary Issues and Trends in Merchandising and Hospitality ManagementSpring 2014
CMHT 5100.001Introduction to Research in Merchandising and HospitalitySpring 2014
HMGT 4600.002Information Technology in Hospitality and TourismFall 2013 Syllabus
CMHT 5100.001Introduction to Research in Merchandising and HospitalityFall 2013
HMGT 5250.002Restaurant DevelopmentFall 2013
HMGT 5250.004Restaurant DevelopmentFall 2013
HMGT 4820.002Facilities Planning, Equipment, Layout and DesignSpring 2013 Syllabus
HMGT 2860.001Management Foundations in the Hospitality IndustrySpring 2013 Syllabus
HMGT 3600.001Management of Human Resources in the Hospitality IndustrySpring 2013 Syllabus
SMHM 5100.001Introduction to Research in Merchandising and HospitalityFall 2012
HMGT 5250.002Restaurant DevelopmentFall 2012
HMGT 5250.004Restaurant DevelopmentFall 2012
SMHM 5350.001Contemporary Issues and Trends in Merchandising and Hospitality ManagementSpring 2012
SMHM 5250.002Restaurant DevelopmentFall 2011
SMHM 5800.001Seminar in Various Areas of ConcentrationFall 2011
SMHM 5820.001Facilities Planning, Equipment Layout and DesignSpring 2011
SMHM 5820.301Facilities Planning, Equipment Layout and DesignSpring 2011
SMHM 4820.001Facilities Planning, Equipment, Layout and DesignSpring 2011 Syllabus
SMHM 4820.301Facilities Planning, Equipment, Layout and DesignSpring 2011
SMHM 3920.001Recent Developments in the Hospitality IndustrySpring 2011 Syllabus
SMHM 5350.001Contemporary Issues and Trends in Merchandising and Hospitality ManagementFall 2010
SMHM 5250.002Restaurant DevelopmentFall 2010
SMHM 3920.001Recent Developments in the Hospitality IndustrySpring 2010
SMHM 1420.002Food SanitationFall 2009
SMHM 3920.001Recent Developments in the Hospitality IndustryFall 2009
SMHM 5250.002Restaurant DevelopmentFall 2009
SMHM 4500.702Internship in Merchandising and Hospitality ManagementSummer 10W 2009
SMHM 5350.001Contemporary Issues and Trends in Merchandising and Hospitality ManagementSpring 2009
SMHM 3920.001Recent Developments in the Hospitality IndustrySpring 2009
SMHM 4820.001Facilities Planning, Equipment, Layout and DesignFall 2008
SMHM 4820.301Facilities Planning, Equipment, Layout and DesignFall 2008
SMHM 3920.001Recent Developments in the Hospitality IndustryFall 2008
SMHM 4500.702Internship in Merchandising and Hospitality ManagementSummer 10W 2008
SMHM 5950.707Master's ThesisSpring 2008
SMHM 3920.001Recent Developments in the Hospitality IndustrySpring 2008
SMHM 5250.002Restaurant DevelopmentSpring 2008
SMHM 5350.003Contemporary Issues and Trends in Merchandising and Hospitality ManagementFall 2007
SMHM 3920.001Recent Developments in the Hospitality IndustryFall 2007
SMHM 4500.702Internship in Merchandising and Hospitality ManagementSummer 10W 2007
SMHM 5820.001Facilities Planning, Equipment Layout and DesignSpring 2007
SMHM 5820.301Facilities Planning, Equipment Layout and DesignSpring 2007
SMHM 4820.001Facilities Planning, Equipment, Layout and DesignSpring 2007
SMHM 4820.301Facilities Planning, Equipment, Layout and DesignSpring 2007
SMHM 1420.001Food SanitationSpring 2007
SMHM 1420.002Food SanitationSpring 2007
SMHM 3920.001Recent Developments in the Hospitality IndustrySpring 2007
SMHM 4820.001Facilities Planning, Equipment, Layout and DesignFall 2006
SMHM 4820.301Facilities Planning, Equipment, Layout and DesignFall 2006
SMHM 1420.001Food SanitationFall 2006
SMHM 1420.002Food SanitationFall 2006
SMHM 3920.001Recent Developments in the Hospitality IndustryFall 2006
SMHM 5790.701Field Experiences in Various Areas of ConcentrationSummer 5W1 2006
SMHM 4500.702Internship in Merchandising and Hospitality ManagementSummer 10W 2006
SMHM 5820.001Facilities Planning, Equipment Layout and DesignSpring 2006
SMHM 5820.301Facilities Planning, Equipment Layout and DesignSpring 2006
SMHM 4820.001Facilities Planning, Equipment, Layout and DesignSpring 2006
SMHM 4820.301Facilities Planning, Equipment, Layout and DesignSpring 2006
SMHM 1420.001Food SanitationSpring 2006
SMHM 1420.002Food SanitationSpring 2006
SMHM 5250.002Restaurant DevelopmentSpring 2006
SMHM 4820.001Facilities Planning, Equipment, Layout and DesignFall 2005
SMHM 4820.301Facilities Planning, Equipment, Layout and DesignFall 2005
SMHM 5790.701Field Experiences in Various Areas of ConcentrationFall 2005
SMHM 1420.001Food SanitationFall 2005
SMHM 1420.002Food SanitationFall 2005
SMHM 3920.001Recent Developments in the Hospitality IndustryFall 2005
SMHM 4820.001Facilities Planning, Equipment, Layout and DesignSpring 2005
SMHM 4820.301Facilities Planning, Equipment, Layout and DesignSpring 2005
SMHM 5790.701Field Experiences in Various Areas of ConcentrationSpring 2005
SMHM 1420.001Food SanitationSpring 2005
SMHM 1420.002Food SanitationSpring 2005
SMHM 3920.001Recent Developments in the Hospitality IndustrySpring 2005
SMHM 5900.703Special Problems in Various Areas of ConcentrationSpring 2005
SMHM 4820.001Facilities Planning, Equipment, Layout and DesignFall 2004
SMHM 4820.301Facilities Planning, Equipment, Layout and DesignFall 2004
SMHM 1420.001Food SanitationFall 2004
SMHM 1420.002Food SanitationFall 2004
SMHM 5950.701Master's ThesisFall 2004
SMHM 3920.001Recent Developments in the Hospitality IndustryFall 2004

Published Intellectual Contributions

    Abstracts and Proceedings

  • Connors, P.L., Schuelke, W.C., Kennon, L.R. (2019). Date Labels on Milk Cartons: Do Young Adults Get it?. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 51 (7S) S81.
  • Kennon, L.R., Brandon, L., Hawley, J. Crutsinger, C.. (2000). Assessment of Web-based Learning: Generating a Profile of Successful Distance Education Students.
  • Reynolds, J.R., Kennon, L.R. & Lee, S.Y.. (2000). Bed and Breakfasts: Marketing Strategies for Successful Results.
  • Kennon, L.R. & Reynolds, J.S.. (2000). Food Preparation and Handling Practices of Parents of Elementary School Children.
  • Kennon, L.R. and Bednar, C.. (2000). Food Safety Training for Volunteers Assisting with Home Delivered Meal Operations.
  • Reynolds, J.S., Kennon, L.R. & Kniatt, N.L.. (1999). From the golden arches to the golden pond:  Fast food and older adults.
  • Kennon, L.R. & Bednar, C.. (1999). Preparation and Consumption Practices of Elderly Consumers Regarding Food Safety at Home.
  • Kennon, L.R. & Bednar, C.. (1999). Ready, Set, Action: Producing an Educational Video Product.
  • Kennon, L.R., Bednar, C. Czajka-Narins, D. & Blevins, D.. (1998). A HACCP Model for Home Delivered Meal Systems.
  • Kennon, L.R. & Reynolds, J.S.. (1993). Employee Imaging:  An Analysis of First Impressions of Foodservice Employee Professionalism.
  • Reynolds, J.S., Kennon, L.R.. (1992). So Many Journals... So Little Time:  A Concise Guide for Hospitality Educators.
  • Kennon, L.R., Reynolds, J.S.. (1992). The New Food Gatekeeper:  The Influence of Children on the Family's Selection of a Restaurant.
  • Reynolds, J.S., Kennon, L.R., Whitaker, J.T., & Vlisides, D.. (1991). Developing A Successful Food and Beverage Model.
  • Book Chapter

  • Kennon, L.R. (1998). From the golden pond to golden arches: Fast foods and older adultsin Cummings, P.R., Kwansa, F.A. & Sussman, M.B. (Eds.) The Role of the Hospitality Industry in the Lives of Individuals and Families.
  • Book Review

  • Kennon, L.R.. (2001). Pilaf, Pozole, and Pad Thai �" American Women and Ethnic Food.
  • Conference Proceeding

  • Malave, R., Kennon, L., Kniatt, N. (2016). Hospitality Career Fairs: What’s the ROI for Students, Industry, Faculty?. Dallas, TX, International Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education Annual Conference..
  • Journal Article

  • Siri, R., Kennon, L.R., Josiam, B.M., Spears, D.L. (2012). Exploring Indian tourists’ motivation and perception of Bangkok. Tourismos: An International Multidisciplinary Journal of Tourism. 7 (1) 61–79.
  • Siri, R., Kennon, L., Josiam, B.M., & Spears, D. L.. (2012). Indian tourists' satisfaction of Bangkok.. Journal of Services Research. 12 (1) 25-42.
  • Josiam, B.M., Huang, T.Y., Bahulkar, G., Spears, D.L., & Kennon, L.. (2012). Segmenting Taiwanese Travelers on Cruises in North America: Comparing Involvement and Cluster Approach.
  • Josiam, B.M., Huang, T., Bahulkar, G.A., Spears, D.L., Kennon, L.R. (2012). Segmenting Taiwanese Travelers on Cruises in North America: Comparing the Involvement and Cluster Approach: 探讨台湾旅客参加北美邮轮旅游的细分市场: 比较涉入程度及群集分析的观点. Journal of China Tourism Research. 8 (1) 78–96. Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Josiam, B.M., Huang, T., Spears, D.L., Kennon, L.R., Bahulkar, G.A. (2009). Understanding Ethnic Chinese Travelers on North American Cruise Tours: Motivations, Perceptions, and Satisfaction of Cruisers. Journal of China Tourism Research. 5 (1) 77-101. Informa UK Limited.
  • Kwon, J., Wilson, A., Bednar, C., & Kennon, L.. (2008). Food Safety Knowledge and Behaviors of Women, Infant, and Children (WIC) Program Participants in the United States.
  • Bednar, CM, Kwon, H, & Kennon, L.R.. (2007). Assessment of Food Safety Education Needs of Low Income Families.
  • Kennon, L.R. & Bednar, C.. (2005). An Analysis of Food Safety in the Distribution System of Home Delivered Meals in Texas.
  • Reynolds, J.S., Kennon, L.R. & Filler, E.J.. (2003). Bed and Breakfast and Restaurant Strategic Alliances:  Increasing Revenue While Alleviating Innkeeper Burnout.
  • Lee, S.Y., Reynolds, J.S. & Kennon, L.R.. (2003). Bed and Breakfast Industries:  Successful Marketing Strategies.
  • Joo, N. & Kennon, L.R.. (2002). A Survey of American and Canadian's Food Purchasing Practices and Perception of Restaurant Patronage.
  • Kennon, L.R. & Reynolds, J.S.. (2001). A Study of Factors Influencing Parental Patronage of Quick Service Restaurants.
  • Reynolds, J.S., Lee, S.Y, & Kennon, L.R.. (2001). An investigation of amenities in Texas bed and breakfasts.
  • Kennon, L.R. & Bednar, C.. (2001). Food safety training for volunteers assisting with home delivered meal operations in Texas.
  • Joo, N. & Kennon, L. R.. (2001). Patronage of quick-service restaurants by older South Koreans.
  • Joo, N. Kennon, L. Sim, Y, Lee, K. Jeong, H., Park, S. & Chun, J.. (2001). The perception and preference of Americans residing in Korea for Korean traditional food.
  • Kennon, L.R. & Reynolds, J.S.. (2000). Food preparation and handling practices of elementary school children.
  • Kennon, L.R., Bednar, C., Czajka-Narins, D.M., & Blevins, D.A.. (1998). A HACCP model for home delivered meal systems.
  • Reynolds, J.S. & Kennon, L.R.. (1998). From the golden pond to golden arches: Fast foods and older adults.
  • Kennon, L.R. & Bednar, C.. (1998). Improving Senior Health Through Food Safety Education.  A Five-Year Retrospective of the Massachusetts Avenue Building Assets Fund Grants Program 1992-1996.
  • Reynolds, J.S. & Kennon, L.R., Palakurthi, R.R.. (1998). Parents' perceptions of fast food consumption by children.  A Five-Year Retrospective of the Massachusetts Avenue Building Assets Fund Grants Program 1992-1996.
  • Reynolds, J.S. & Kennon, L.R.. (1995). Foodservice uniforms: Do they perpetuate the pigmalion effect?.
  • Reynolds, J.S. & Kennon, L.R., Palakurthi, R.R.. (1995). Parents' perceptions of fast food consumption by children.
  • Kennon, L.R. & Reynolds, J.S.. (1994). Foodservice industry uniforms: The influence on perceptions of social class (Cited as reference in: Nelson, K. & Bowen, J. (2000) The effect of employee uniforms on employee satisfaction. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly. (41)2, 86-95.).
  • Reynolds, J.S. & Kennon, L.R.. (1993). Developing written communication and management skills in hospitality students:  A case for the use of student course journals.
  • Reynolds, J.S. & Kennon, L.R.. (1993). The new food gatekeeper:  The influence of children on the family's selection of a restaurant.

Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research

    Grant - Research

  • Connors, P.L. (Principal), Kennon, L.R. (Co-Principal), Davenport, B.A. (Co-Principal), "Testing a Food Choice Innovation for Middle School Cafeterias," sponsored by USDA Economic Research Service, Federal, $29592.96 Funded. (2010 - 2012).
  • Connors, P.L. (Principal), Gibson, M.R. (Co-Principal), Kennon, L.R. (Co-Principal), "Collaborative Design of a Food Choice Innovation for Middle School," sponsored by Honors College, University of North Texas, University of North Texas, $8000 Funded. (2010 - 2011).
  • Connors, P.L. (Principal), Kennon, L.R., "Meeting State Standards for Food Served in Juvenile Detention Facilities," sponsored by Research Services, University of North Texas, University of North Texas, $3935 Funded. (2005 - 2006).
  • Kennon, L.R. (Other), "Development of a Consumer Food Safety Education Program for WIC Participants," sponsored by USDA NRI Competitive Grant, Federal, $131054 Funded. (2001 - 2003).
  • Kennon, L.R. (Other), "La Concina De Los Ninos: The Kitchen of the Children," sponsored by UNT Faculty Grant, University of North Texas, $2500 Funded. (1996 - 1996).
  • Kennon, L.R. (Other), "Nursing Home Directors and Employees Food Safety and HACCP Knowledge," sponsored by TWU - NFS Dept., Other, $1300 Funded. (1996 - 1996).
  • Kennon, L.R. (Other), "Mactrition: The Impact of Fast Foods on Children," sponsored by American Association of Family & Consumer Sciences, Private, $5000 Funded. (1993 - 1993).
  • Connors, P.L. (Principal), Kennon, L.R. (Co-Principal), Davenport, B.A. (Co-Principal), "Testing a Food Choice Innovation for Middle School Cafeterias," sponsored by USDA Economic Research Service, Federal, Funded. (2010 - 2012).
  • Grant - Teaching

  • Kennon, L.R. (Other), "Distributed Learning (WebCT) Hospitality Mgmt Dept. SMHM 5250 Restaurant Development," sponsored by UNT Teaching with Technology Grants, University of North Texas, $28000 Funded. (2000 - 2000).
Summative Rating
Challenge and
Engagement Index
Response Rate

out of 5

out of 7
students responded
  • Overall Summative Rating (median):
    This rating represents the combined responses of students to the four global summative items and is presented to provide an overall index of the class’s quality. Overall summative statements include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 5 = Excellent, 3 = Good, and 1= Very poor):
    • The course as a whole was
    • The course content was
    • The instructor’s contribution to the course was
    • The instructor’s effectiveness in teaching the subject matter was
  • Challenge and Engagement Index:
    This rating combines student responses to several SPOT items relating to how academically challenging students found the course to be and how engaged they were. Challenge and Engagement Index items include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 7 = Much higher, 4 = Average, and 1 = Much lower):
    • Do you expect your grade in this course to be
    • The intellectual challenge presented was
    • The amount of effort you put into this course was
    • The amount of effort to succeed in this course was
    • Your involvement in course (doing assignments, attending classes, etc.) was