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Marcus L. Young

Title: Associate Professor

Department: Materials Science and Engineering

College: College of Engineering

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae Link


  • PhD, Northwestern University, 2006
    Major: Material Science Engineering
  • BS, Colorado School of Mines, 2002
    Major: Metallurgical & Material Science Engineering
  • BFA, University of North Texas, 1997
    Major: Ceramics
  • BFA, University of North Texas, 1997
    Major: Sculpture

Current Scheduled Teaching

MTSE 6950.017Doctoral DissertationSpring 2025
MTSE 2996.001Honors College Mentored Research ExperienceSpring 2025
MTSE 6940.017Individual ResearchSpring 2025
MTSE 6940.236Individual ResearchSpring 2025
MTSE 6940.237Individual ResearchSpring 2025
MTSE 5950.017Master's ThesisSpring 2025
MTSE 2000.001Stuff Matters: Materials and CivilizationSpring 2025 Syllabus

Previous Scheduled Teaching

MTSE 6950.017Doctoral DissertationFall 2024
MTSE 5100.001Fundamental Concepts of Materials ScienceFall 2024 SPOT
MTSE 3000.001Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering IFall 2024 SPOT
MTSE 6940.005Individual ResearchFall 2024
MTSE 6940.017Individual ResearchFall 2024
MTSE 6940.217Individual ResearchFall 2024
MTSE 5950.017Master's ThesisFall 2024
MTSE 5900.017Special Problems in Materials ResearchFall 2024
MTSE 6950.030Doctoral DissertationSummer 5W2 2024
MTSE 5950.013Master's ThesisSummer 10W 2024
MTSE 5900.117Special Problems in Materials ResearchSummer 10W 2024
MTSE 6950.017Doctoral DissertationSpring 2024
MTSE 5100.006Fundamental Concepts of Materials ScienceSpring 2024 SPOT
MTSE 3000.006Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering ISpring 2024 Syllabus SPOT
MTSE 6940.017Individual ResearchSpring 2024
MTSE 6940.236Individual ResearchSpring 2024
MTSE 6940.237Individual ResearchSpring 2024
MTSE 5950.017Master's ThesisSpring 2024
MTSE 3060.006Phase Transformations in MaterialsSpring 2024 Syllabus SPOT
MTSE 5900.017Special Problems in Materials ResearchSpring 2024
MTSE 6950.017Doctoral DissertationFall 2023
MTSE 5100.001Fundamental Concepts of Materials ScienceFall 2023 SPOT
MTSE 3000.001Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering IFall 2023 Syllabus SPOT
MTSE 6940.017Individual ResearchFall 2023
MTSE 5950.017Master's ThesisFall 2023
MTSE 6900.019Special ProblemsFall 2023
MTSE 5900.017Special Problems in Materials ResearchFall 2023
MTSE 5950.013Master's ThesisSummer 10W 2023
MTSE 6950.017Doctoral DissertationSpring 2023
MTSE 6940.017Individual ResearchSpring 2023
MTSE 5950.017Master's ThesisSpring 2023
MTSE 3050.004Mechanical Properties of MaterialsSpring 2023 Syllabus SPOT
MTSE 3060.006Phase Transformations in MaterialsSpring 2023 Syllabus SPOT
MTSE 6900.019Special ProblemsSpring 2023
MTSE 5900.017Special Problems in Materials ResearchSpring 2023
MTSE 5800.037Special Studies in Materials ScienceSpring 2023
MTSE 6950.017Doctoral DissertationFall 2022
MTSE 5100.001Fundamental Concepts of Materials ScienceFall 2022 SPOT
MTSE 3000.001Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering IFall 2022 Syllabus SPOT
MTSE 6940.017Individual ResearchFall 2022
MTSE 5950.017Master's ThesisFall 2022
MTSE 5900.017Special Problems in Materials ResearchFall 2022
MTSE 6950.022Doctoral DissertationSummer SUM 2022
MTSE 6940.017Individual ResearchSummer 5W2 2022
MTSE 5950.013Master's ThesisSummer 10W 2022
MTSE 5950.023Master's ThesisSummer 5W2 2022
MTSE 6950.017Doctoral DissertationSpring 2022
MTSE 6940.017Individual ResearchSpring 2022
MTSE 5950.017Master's ThesisSpring 2022
MTSE 5900.017Special Problems in Materials ResearchSpring 2022
MTSE 6950.017Doctoral DissertationFall 2021
MTSE 6940.017Individual ResearchFall 2021
MTSE 6940.217Individual ResearchFall 2021
MTSE 5950.017Master's ThesisFall 2021
MTSE 5900.017Special Problems in Materials ResearchFall 2021
MTSE 5900.712Special Problems in Materials ResearchFall 8W2 2021
MTSE 6940.017Individual ResearchSummer 5W2 2021
MTSE 5950.013Master's ThesisSummer 10W 2021
MTSE 5900.117Special Problems in Materials ResearchSummer 10W 2021
MTSE 6950.017Doctoral DissertationSpring 2021
MTSE 6940.017Individual ResearchSpring 2021
MTSE 6940.117Individual ResearchSpring 2021
MTSE 5950.017Master's ThesisSpring 2021
MTSE 3060.006Phase Transformations in MaterialsSpring 2021 Syllabus SPOT
MTSE 5930.017Research Problems in Lieu of ThesisSpring 2021
MTSE 6900.017Special ProblemsSpring 2021
MTSE 6950.017Doctoral DissertationFall 2020
MTSE 3000.001Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering IFall 2020 Syllabus SPOT
MTSE 6940.017Individual ResearchFall 2020
MTSE 6940.117Individual ResearchFall 2020
MTSE 6940.217Individual ResearchFall 2020
MTSE 5950.017Master's ThesisFall 2020
MTSE 4910.017Materials Science ResearchFall 2020
MTSE 4910.022Materials Science ResearchFall 2020
MTSE 5920.017Research Problems in Lieu of ThesisFall 2020
MTSE 6950.017Doctoral DissertationSpring 2020
MTSE 6940.017Individual ResearchSpring 2020
MTSE 6940.117Individual ResearchSpring 2020
MTSE 5950.017Master's ThesisSpring 2020
MTSE 4020.015Materials in MedicineSpring 2020 Syllabus
MTSE 3060.006Phase Transformations in MaterialsSpring 2020 Syllabus
MTSE 6900.017Special ProblemsSpring 2020
MTSE 5900.017Special Problems in Materials ResearchSpring 2020
MTSE 6950.017Doctoral DissertationFall 2019
MTSE 6950.800Doctoral DissertationFall 2019
MTSE 3000.001Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering IFall 2019 Syllabus SPOT
MTSE 6940.017Individual ResearchFall 2019
MTSE 6940.117Individual ResearchFall 2019
MTSE 5950.017Master's ThesisFall 2019
MTSE 5900.017Special Problems in Materials ResearchFall 2019
MTSE 4500.017Internship in Materials ScienceSummer 5W2 2019
MTSE 6950.017Doctoral DissertationSpring 2019
MTSE 6940.017Individual ResearchSpring 2019
MTSE 3060.006Phase Transformations in MaterialsSpring 2019 Syllabus SPOT
MTSE 5920.017Research Problems in Lieu of ThesisSpring 2019
MTSE 5930.017Research Problems in Lieu of ThesisSpring 2019
MTSE 6910.017Special ProblemsSpring 2019
MTSE 5900.017Special Problems in Materials ResearchSpring 2019
MTSE 6950.017Doctoral DissertationFall 2018
MTSE 3000.001Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering IFall 2018 Syllabus SPOT
MTSE 6940.017Individual ResearchFall 2018
MTSE 6940.117Individual ResearchFall 2018
MTSE 5950.017Master's ThesisFall 2018
MTSE 5900.017Special Problems in Materials ResearchFall 2018
MTSE 5800.011Special Studies in Materials ScienceFall 8W2 2018
MTSE 5800.017Special Studies in Materials ScienceFall 2018 SPOT
MTSE 5950.013Master's ThesisSummer 5W1 2018
MTSE 6950.017Doctoral DissertationSpring 2018
MTSE 6940.017Individual ResearchSpring 2018
MTSE 6940.117Individual ResearchSpring 2018
MTSE 5950.017Master's ThesisSpring 2018
MTSE 3060.006Phase Transformations in MaterialsSpring 2018 Syllabus SPOT
MTSE 5900.017Special Problems in Materials ResearchSpring 2018
MTSE 5800.017Special Studies in Materials ScienceSpring 2018
MTSE 6950.017Doctoral DissertationFall 2017
MTSE 3000.001Fundamentals of Materials Science and EngineeringFall 2017 Syllabus SPOT
MTSE 6940.017Individual ResearchFall 2017
MTSE 6940.117Individual ResearchFall 2017
MTSE 6940.217Individual ResearchFall 2017
MTSE 5950.017Master's ThesisFall 2017
MTSE 6900.017Special ProblemsFall 2017
MTSE 6910.017Special ProblemsFall 2017
MTSE 5900.017Special Problems in Materials ResearchFall 2017
MTSE 3000.001Fundamentals of Materials Science and EngineeringSummer 5W1 2017 Syllabus
MTSE 6950.017Doctoral DissertationSpring 2017
MTSE 3996.701Honors College Mentored Research ExperienceSpring 2017
MTSE 3060.006Phase Transformations in MaterialsSpring 2017 Syllabus SPOT
MTSE 6900.017Special ProblemsSpring 2017
MTSE 5900.017Special Problems in Materials ResearchSpring 2017
MTSE 6950.017Doctoral DissertationFall 2016
MTSE 3000.001Fundamentals of Materials Science and EngineeringFall 2016 Syllabus SPOT
MTSE 6940.017Individual ResearchFall 2016
MTSE 6940.117Individual ResearchFall 2016
MTSE 6940.217Individual ResearchFall 2016
MTSE 6900.017Special ProblemsFall 2016
MTSE 4900.013Special Topics in Materials Science and EngineeringSummer 10W 2016
MTSE 6950.017Doctoral DissertationSpring 2016
MTSE 6940.017Individual ResearchSpring 2016
MTSE 6940.117Individual ResearchSpring 2016
MTSE 3060.006Phase Transformations in MaterialsSpring 2016 Syllabus SPOT
MTSE 6950.017Doctoral DissertationFall 2015
ENGR 3450.001Engineering MaterialsFall 2015 Syllabus SPOT
MTSE 3996.001Honors College Mentored Research ExperienceFall 2015
MTSE 6940.217Individual ResearchFall 2015
MTSE 5950.017Master's ThesisFall 2015
MTSE 6900.017Special ProblemsFall 2015
MTSE 5900.017Special Problems in Materials ResearchFall 2015
MTSE 5900.017Special Problems in Materials ResearchSummer SUM 2015
MTSE 6950.017Doctoral DissertationSpring 2015
MTSE 6940.017Individual ResearchSpring 2015
MTSE 6940.117Individual ResearchSpring 2015
MTSE 5950.017Master's ThesisSpring 2015
MTSE 3060.006Phase Transformations in MaterialsSpring 2015 Syllabus
MTSE 5900.017Special Problems in Materials ResearchSpring 2015
MTSE 5800.017Special Studies in Materials ScienceSpring 2015
ENGR 3450.002Engineering MaterialsFall 2014 Syllabus
MTSE 6940.017Individual ResearchFall 2014
MTSE 5950.017Master's ThesisFall 2014
MTSE 6900.017Special ProblemsFall 2014
MTSE 5900.017Special Problems in Materials ResearchFall 2014
MTSE 5900.017Special Problems in Materials ResearchSummer SUM 2014
MTSE 6940.017Individual ResearchSpring 2014
MTSE 3060.006Phase Transformations in MaterialsSpring 2014 Syllabus
MTSE 4100.017Senior Research Project IISpring 2014
MTSE 5900.017Special Problems in Materials ResearchSpring 2014
ENGR 3450.002Engineering MaterialsFall 2013 Syllabus
MTSE 6940.017Individual ResearchFall 2013
MTSE 4090.017Senior Research Project IFall 2013
MTSE 6940.017Individual ResearchSummer 5W1 2013
MTSE 6940.017Individual ResearchSummer 5W2 2013
MTSE 6940.017Individual ResearchSpring 2013
MTSE 3060.006Phase Transformations in MaterialsSpring 2013 Syllabus

Published Intellectual Contributions

    Book Chapter

  • Kovacevich, B., Crawford, D.M., Carl, M., Burgess, M., Young, M.L. (2023). Mesoamerican Jades and Greenstones from the Dallas Museum of Art. The Catalogue: Art of the Americas at the Dallas Museum of Art. 1-167. Dallas, Dallas Museum of Art. 3940 North Elm Street
  • Meredith, C.S., Herl, Z., Young, M.L. (2019). Mechanical Behavior and Deformation Mechanisms of Mg-based Alloys in Shear Using In-Situ Synchrotron Radiation X-Ray Diffraction. Dynamic Behavior of Materials, Volume 1. 283-296. Springer International Publishing.
  • Young, M.L., Ley, N.A., Segovia, S., Wheeler, R.W., Karakoc, O., Demblon, A., Karaman, I. (2019). Characterization and Processing of High Temperature Shape Memory Alloys for Aerospace Applications. AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum.
  • Conference Proceeding

  • Matthew Carl and Marcus L. Young. (2015). Complimentary Analytical Methods for Analysis of Ag-Plated Cultural Heritage Objects.
  • Correction

  • Carl, M., Smith, J., Wheeler, R.W., Yang, R., Van Doren, Brian, Young, M.L. (2021). High-energy synchrotron radiation X-ray diffraction measurements during in situ aging of a NiTi-15 at. % Hf high temperature shape memory alloy (vol 5, 100220, 2019). Materialia. 15
  • Journal Article

  • Cooper, S.R., Ghoshal, A., Murugan, M., Blair, V.L., Aouadi, S.M., Voevodin, A.A., Young, M.L. (2024). Combinatorial processing and evaluation of the phase evolution and oxidation behavior of Hf-Al-Si refractory complex concentrated alloys. Acta Materialia. 276 120114. Elsevier BV.
  • Cooper, S.R., Ghoshal, A., Murugan, M., Blair, V.L., Aouadi, S.M., Voevodin, A.A., Young, M.L. (2024). Combinatorial processing and evaluation of the phase evolution and oxidation behavior of Hf-Al-Si refractory complex concentrated alloys. Acta Materialia. 276
  • Wall, M.T., Wang, Y., McCool, J.E., White, C.G., Young, M.L. (2024). Non-destructive Compositional and Structural Analysis of Early Chinese Currencies. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 55 (6) 1836-1848. Springer Science and Business Media LLC.
  • Kolek, A.N., Cooper, S.R., Behler, K.D., Ghoshal, A., Moore, T.W., Wright, A.J., Blair, V.L., Reidy, R.F., Young, M.L., Voevodin, A.A., Aouadi, S.M. (2024). High‐temperature ablation of hot‐pressed HfC–SiC ceramics. International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology. 21 (2) 1010-1021. Wiley.
  • Knight, W., Gantz, F., Carl, M., Young, M.L., Kovacevich, B., Crawford, D., Torok, E., Baas, F. (2024). Complementary scientific techniques for the study of Mesoamerican greenstone objects. Other. 12 (1) Springer Science and Business Media LLC.
  • John, N.S., Ashmore, B., Wall, M.T., Wheeler, R.W., Young, M.L., Giri, A.K. (2023). Comparative analysis of process-induced strain glass states in austenitic and martensitic NiTi shape memory alloy plates. Other. 2
  • kolek, a., Cooper, S., Behler, K.D., Ghoshal, A., Moore, T.W., Wright, A.J., Blair, V.L., Reidy, R.F., Young, M.L., Voevodin, A.A., Aouadi, S.M. High temperature ablation study of hot pressed HfC-SiC ceramics. Wiley.
  • Kuo, P., Ley, N.A., Young, M.L., Du, J. (2023). Phase Evolution and Crystallization Mechanism of Glass Ceramic Solid-State Electrolyte from In Situ Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 127 (34) 17051-17062.
  • Kuo, P., Ley, N.A., Young, M.L., Du, J. (2023). Phase Evolution and Crystallization Mechanism of Glass Ceramic Solid-State Electrolyte from In Situ Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 127 (34) 17051-17062. American Chemical Society (ACS).
  • Yamazaki, T., Montagnoli, A.L., Young, M.L., Takeuchi, I. (2023). Tuning the temperature range of superelastic Ni-Ti alloys for elastocaloric cooling via thermal processing. Other. 5 (2) 024020. IOP Publishing.
  • Smith, J., Young, M.L. (2023). APAV: An Open-Source Python Package for Mass Spectrum Analysis in Atom Probe Tomography. Journal of Open Source Software. 8 (83) 4862. United States of America, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. 3940 North Elm Street
  • Ashmore, B., Young, M.L., Giri, A. (2023). Synchrotron Radiation X-ray Diffraction Measurements of the Thermal Response of a Processing-Induced NiTi Strain Glass Alloy. Shape Memory and Superelasticity. 9 (1) 87-96. Springer Science and Business Media LLC.
  • Ashmore, B., Young, M.L., Giri, A. (2023). Synchrotron Radiation X-ray Diffraction Measurements of the Thermomechanical Response of a Processing-induced NiTi Strain Glass Alloy. Shape Memory and Superelasticity. 9 87-96. Springer.
  • Gamboa, G., Wright, Z., Berman, D., Aouadi, S.M., Young, M.L., Ku, N., Brennan, R.E. (2023). Experimental investigation and simulation of Al/B4C metal matrix composites produced using magnetic field-assisted freeze-casting of porous ceramic structures. MRS Advances. 8 59-65. Springer.
  • Kolek, A.N., Cooper, S.R., Behler, K.D., Ghoshal, A., Moore, T.W., Wright, A.J., Blair, V.L., Reidy, R.F., Young, M.L., Voevodin, A.A., Aouadi, S.M. (2023). High-temperature ablation of hot-pressed HfC–SiC ceramics. International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology.
  • Gantz, F., Stroud, H., Fuller, J.C., Adams, K., Caltagirone, P.E., Ozcan, H., Karaman, I., Hartl, D.J., Stebner, A.P., Trehern, W., Turner, T., Wheeler, R.W., Young, M.L., Benafan, O. (2022). Aerospace, Energy Recovery, and Medical Applications: Shape Memory Alloy Case Studies for CASMART 3rd Student Design Challenge. Shape Memory and Superelasticity. 8 (2) 150-167.
  • Bakkar, S., Thapliyal, S., Ku, N., Berman, D., Aouadi, S.M., Brennan, R.E., Young, M.L. (2022). Controlling anisotropy of porous B4C structures through magnetic field-assisted freeze-casting. Ceramics International. 48 (5) 6750-6757.
  • Wall, M.T., Ren, Y., Hesterberg, T., Ellis, T., Young, M.L. (2022). Effects of micro-alloying with lead for battery grid material. Other. 55
  • Gantz, F., Wall, M.T., Young, M.L., Forbes, D.J. (2022). Extending Fatigue Life of NiTiHf Shape Memory Alloy Wires Through Rapid Thermal Annealing. Shape Memory and Superelasticity. 8 (4) 439-451.
  • Cooper, S., Young, M.L., Aouadi, S.M., Voevodin, A.A., Ghoshal, A., Muthuvel, M., Robles, L. (2022). Predicting Thermal Stability of Advanced Thermal/Environmental Barrier Coatings (T/EBC) for Gas Turbine Engines. AD1172726 24. USA, US ARMY Report.
  • Bakkar, S., Thapliyal, S., Ku, N., Berman, D., Aouadi, S.M., Brennan, R.E., Young, M.L. (2022). Controlling anisotropy of porous B4C structures through magnetic field-assisted freeze-casting. Ceramics International. 48 (5) 6750-6757.
  • Cockerill, I., See, C.W., Young, M.L., Wang, Y., Zhu, D. (2021). Designing Better Cardiovascular Stent Materials: A Learning Curve. Advanced Functional Materials. 31 (1)
  • Gantz, F., Ley, N.A., Young, M.L. (2021). Effect of Nickel Content on Processing of Ni-Rich NiTiHf High-Temperature Shape Memory Alloys. Shape Memory and Superelasticity. 7 (2) 262-269.
  • Wall, M.T., Smith, J., Carl, M., Young, M.L., Hesterberg, T., Ellis, T. (2021). Growth Mechanisms of Nano-to Micro-Sized Lead Sulfate Particles. ACS Omega. 6 (16) 10557-10567.
  • Yu, H., Qiu, Y., Young, M.L. (2021). Influence of Ni4Ti3 precipitate on pseudoelasticity of austenitic NiTi shape memory alloys deformed at high strain rate. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 804 140753.
  • Smith, J.D., Huh, J., Shelton, A., Reidy, R.F., Young, M.L. (2021). Laser-Assisted Field Evaporation of RBa2Cu3O7-delta (R = Gd, Sm) High-Temperature Superconducting Coated Conductors. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 27 (6) 1338-1355.
  • Wall, M.T., Carl, M., Smith, J., Ren, Y., Raiford, M., Hesterberg, T., Ellis, T., Young, M.L. (2021). Novel characterization of lead-based micro-alloys for battery applications. Other. 44
  • Gantz, F., Rider, J., Ley, N.A., Ward, J.M., Smith, J., Young, M.L., Forbes, D. (2021). Processing, Preaging, and Aging of NiTi-20 at.% Hf High-Temperature Shape Memory Alloy from Laboratory to Industrial Scale. Shape Memory and Superelasticity. 7 (3) 447-457.
  • Caltagirone, P.E., Wheeler, R.W., Benafan, O., Bigelow, G., Karaman, I., Calkins, F.T., Kuntz, M.L., Leal, Pedro B. C., Nicholson, D.E., Ozcan, H., Stebner, A.P., Turner, T., Young, A.W., Young, M.L., Zamani, N. (2021). Shape Memory Alloy-Enabled Expandable Space Habitat-Case Studies for Second CASMART Student Design Challenge. Shape Memory and Superelasticity. 7 (2) 280-303.
  • Rubink, W., Ageh, V., Lide, H., Ley, N., Young, M.L., Casem, D., Faierson, E., Scharf, T.W. (2021). Spark plasma sintering of B4C and B4C-TiB2 composites: Deformation and failure mechanisms under quasistatic and dynamic loading. Other.
  • Ley, N.A., Young, M.L., Hornbuckle, B.C., Field, D.M., Limmer, K.R. (2021). Toughness enhancing mechanisms in age hardened Fe-Mn-Al-C steels. Other. 820
  • Bakkar, S., Wall, M., Ku, N., Berman, D., Aouadi, S.M., Brennan, R.E., Young, M.L. (2021). Al/Al2O3 metal matrix composites produced using magnetic field-assisted freeze-casting of porous ceramic structures. Journal of Materials Research. 36 (10) 2094-2106.
  • Smith, J.D., Huh, J., Sheldon, A., Reidy, R.F., Young, M.L. Laser-Assisted Field Evaporation of RBa(2)Cu(3)O(7-δ) (R = Gd, Sm) High-Temperature Superconducting Coated Conductors. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 27 (6) 1338-1355.
  • Bakkar, S., Thapliyal, S., Ku, N., Berman, D., Aouadi, S.M., Brennan, R.E., Young, M.L. (2021). Controlling anisotropy of porous B4C structures through magnetic field-assisted freeze-casting. Ceramics International.
  • Reynolds, C., Herl, Z., Ley, N., Choudhuri, D., Lloyd, J., Young, M.L. (2020). Comparing CALPHAD predictions with high energy synchrotron radiation X-ray diffraction measurements during in situ annealing of Al0.3CoCrFeNi high entropy alloy. Materialia. 12 100784.
  • Bakkar, S., Lee, J., Ku, N., Berman, D., Aouadi, S.M., Brennan, R.E., Young, M.L. (2020). Design of porous aluminum oxide ceramics using magnetic field-assisted freeze-casting. Journal of Materials Research. 35 (21) 2859-2869.
  • Wall, M.T., Pantawane, M.V., Joshi, S.S., Gantz, F., Ley, N.A., Mayer, R., Spires, A., Young, M.L., Dahotre, N.B. (2020). Laser-coated CoFeNiCrAlTi high entropy alloy onto a H13 steel die head. Surface and Coatings Technology. 387 125473. Elsevier.
  • Cockerill, I., Su, Y., Lee, J.H., Berman, D., Young, M.L., Zheng, Y., Zhu, D. (2020). Micro-/Nanotopography on Bioresorbable Zinc Dictates Cytocompatibility, Bone Cell Differentiation, and Macrophage Polarization. Nano Letters. 20 (6) 4594-4602.
  • Cockerill, I., Su, Y., Sinha, S., Qin, Y., Zheng, Y., Young, M.L., Zhu, D. (2020). Porous zinc scaffolds for bone tissue engineering applications: A novel additive manufacturing and casting approach. Other. 110
  • Cockerill, I., Su, Y., Bitten, R., Cloarec, B., Aouadi, S.M., Zhu, D., Young, M.L. (2020). Salt Preform Texturing of Absorbable Zn Substrates for Bone-Implant Applications. JOM. 72 (5) 1902-1909.
  • Akanda, S.R., Wheeler, R.W., Rozman, K.A., Rider, J., Dogan, O.N., Young, M.L., Hawk, J.A. (2020). Tensile deformation behaviour of a dissimilar metal weldment of P91 and 347H steels. Other. 56 (5)
  • Ley, N.A., Wheeler, R.W., Benafan, O., Young, M.L. (2019). Characterization of Thermomechanically Processed High-Temperature Ni-Lean NiTi-20 at.% Hf Shape Memory Wires. Shape Memory and Superelasticity. 5 (4) 476-485.
  • Young, A.W., Ley, N.A., Wheeler, R.W., Benafan, O., Young, M.L. (2019). Microstructural and Thermomechanical Comparison of Ni-Rich and Ni-Lean NiTi-20 at.% Hf High Temperature Shape Memory Alloy Wires. Shape Memory and Superelasticity. 5 (4) 397-406.
  • Cockerill, I., Su, Y., Bitten, R., Cloarec, B., Aouadi, S.M., Zhu, D., Young, M.L. (2019). Salt Preform Texturing of Absorbable Zn Substrates for Bone-Implant Applications. JOM.
  • Dutt, A.K., Gwalani, B., Tungala, V., Carl, M., Mishra, R.S., Tamirisakandala, S.A., Young, M.L., Cho, K.C., Brennan, R.E. (2019). A novel nano-particle strengthened titanium alloy with exceptional specific strength. Scientific Reports. 9
  • Ley, N.A., Segovia, S., Gorsse, S., Young, M.L. (2019). Characterization and Modeling of NbNiTaTiW and NbNiTaTiW-Al Refractory High-Entropy Alloys. Other. 50A (10) 4867-4876.
  • Yu, H., Young, M.L. (2019). Effect of temperature on high strain rate deformation of austenitic shape memory alloys by phenomenological modeling. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 797 194-204.
  • Ley, N.A., Smith, J., Wheeler, R.W., Young, M.L. (2019). Effects of thermo-mechanical processing on precipitate evolution in Ni-rich high temperature shape memory alloys. Other. 8 100496.
  • Carl, M., Smith, J., Wheeler, R.W., Ren, Y., Van Doren, B., Young, M.L. (2019). High-energy synchrotron radiation X-ray diffraction measurements during in situ aging of a NiTi-15 at. % Hf high temperature shape memory alloy. Other. 5 100220.
  • Murguia, S.B., Clauser, A., Dunn, H., Fisher, W., Mello, L., Snir, Y., Young, M.L. (2019). NiTi shape memory alloy helixes through the hydriding–dehydring method. Other. 5 100210.
  • Gwalani, B., Gorsse, S., Soni, V., Carl, M., Ley, N., Smith, J., Ayyagari, A.V., Zheng, Y., Young, M.L., Mishra, R.S., Banerjee, R. (2019). Role of copper on L12 precipitation strengthened fcc based high entropy alloy. Other. 6 100282.
  • Gwalani, B., Gorsse, S., Soni, V., Carl, M., Ley, N., Smith, J., Ayyagari, A.V., Zheng, Y., Young, M.L., Mishra, R.S., Banerjee, R. (2019). Role of copper on L1 2 precipitation strengthened fcc based high entropy alloy. Other. 6
  • Young, A.W., Torgerson, T., Ley, N.A., Gomez, K., Benafan, O., Young, M.L. (2019). Effects of Sn Addition on NiTi Shape Memory Alloys. Shape Memory and Superelasticity. 5 (1) 125-135. Springer Nature America, Inc.
  • Blackert, E., Bakkar, S., Briseño-Murguia, S., Kramer, M., Barclay, J., Carl, M., Smith, J., Young, M.L., Aouadi, S.M. (2018). Textured TNZT surfaces via hydrothermal treatments for bone implant applications. Thin Solid Films. 667 64 - 68.
  • Komarasamy, M., Shukla, S., Ley, N., Liu, K., Cho, K., McWilliams, B., Brennan, R., Young, M.L., Mishra, R.S. (2018). A novel method to enhance CSL fraction, tensile properties and work hardening in complex concentrated alloys - Lattice distortion effect. Other. 736 383-391.
  • Ley, N., Joshi, S.S., Zhang, B., Ho, Y., Dahotre, N.B., Young, M.L. (2018). Laser coating of a CrMoTaWZr complex concentrated alloy onto a H13 tool steel die head. Surface and Coatings Technology. 348 150--158. Elsevier.
  • Murguia, S.B., Clauser, A., Dunn, H., Fisher, W., Snir, Y., Brennan, R.E., Young, M.L. (2018). Low-Pressure and Low-Temperature Hydriding-Pulverization-Dehydriding Method for Producing Shape Memory Alloy Powders. Shape Memory and Superelasticity. 4 (2) 313-326.
  • Wheeler, R.W., Smith, J., Ley, N.A., Giri, A., Young, M.L. (2018). Processing-induced strain glass states in a Ni49.5Ti50.5 shape memory alloy. Applied Physics Letters. 113 (13)
  • Ley, N.A., Joshi, S.S., Zhang, B., Ho, Y., Dahotre, N.B., Young, M.L. (2018). Laser Coating of a CrMoTaWZr Complex Concentrated Alloy onto a H13 Tool Steel Die Head. Surface & Coatings Technology. 348 150-158.
  • Carl, M., Van Doren, Brian, Young, M.L. (2018). In Situ Synchrotron Radiation X-ray Diffraction Study on Phase and Oxide Growth during a High Temperature Cycle of a NiTi-20 at.% Zr High Temperature Shape Memory Alloy. Shape Memory and Superelasticity. 4 (1) 174-185.
  • Yu, H., Young, M.L. (2018). Three-dimensional modeling for deformation of austenitic NiTi shape memory alloys under high strain rate. Smart Materials and Structures. 27 (1) 015031. IOP Publishing.
  • Zhu, D., Su, Y., Young, M.L., Ma, J., Zheng, Y., Tang, L. (2017). Biological Responses and Mechanisms of Human Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells to Zn and Mg Biomaterials. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 9 (33) 27453-27461.
  • Snir, Y., Carl, M., Ley, N.A., Young, M.L. (2017). Effects of Hydrogen Charging on the Phase Transformation of Martensitic NiTi Shape Memory Alloy Wires. Shape Memory and Superelasticity. 3 (4) 443-456.
  • Qiu, Y., Young, M.L., Nie, X. (2017). High Strain Rate Compression of Martensitic NiTi Shape Memory Alloy at Different Temperatures. Other. 48A (2) 601-608.
  • Yu, H., Young, M.L. (2017). One-dimensional thermomechanical model for high strain rate deformation of austenitic shape memory alloys. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 710 (Supplement C) 858 - 868.
  • Carl, M., Smith, J., Van Doren, B., Young, M.L. (2017). Effect of Ni-Content on the Transformation Temperatures in NiTi-20 at. % Zr High Temperature Shape Memory Alloys. 7 (12) 511. MDPI AG.
  • Strickland, J.N., Ohl, B., Young, M.L. (2016). Anisotropic Nature of Raw, Radially Strained, and Radially Strained and Aged Steel Tubes. 6 (4) 1-16.
  • Qiu, Y., Young, M.L., Nie, X. (2016). High Strain Rate Compression of Martensitic NiTi Shape Memory Alloy at Different Temperatures. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 1–8.
  • Carl, M., Zhang, B., Young, M.L. (2016). Texture and Strain Measurements from Bending of NiTi Shape Memory Alloy Wires. Shape Memory and Superelasticity. 2 (3) 254–263.
  • Zhang, B., Young, M.L. (2016). High Energy Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction Measurements of Simple Bending of Pseudoelastic NiTi Shape Memory Wires. 31 (2) 104-109.
  • Carl, M., Young, M.L. (2016). Complementary analytical methods for analysis of Ag-plated cultural heritage objects. Microchemical Journal. 126 307 - 315.
  • Komarasamy, M., Mishra, R.S., Mukherjee, S., Young, M.L. (2015). Friction Stir-Processed Thermally Stable Immiscible Nanostructured Alloys. JOM. 67 (12) 2820–2827.
  • Qiu, Y., Yu, H., Young, M.L. (2015). Mechanical Properties of NiTi-Based Foam with High Porosity for Implant Applications. Shape Memory and Superelasticity. 1 (4) 479–485.
  • Qiu, Y., Young, M.L., Nie, X. (2015). Influence of Dynamic Compression on Phase Transformation of Martensitic NiTi Shape Memory Alloys. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 46 (10) 4661–4668.
  • Y. Qiu, M.L. Young, and X. Nie. (2015). High Strain Rate Compression of Martensitic NiTi Shape Memory Alloys. 1 (3) 310-318.
  • M.L. Young and D.C. Dunand. (2015). Comparing Compositions of Modern Cast Bronze Sculptures: Optical Emission Spectroscopy vs. X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy. Journal of Minerals, Metals and Materials (JOM) Society, Vol. 53, No. 9, pp. 67 (7) 1646-1658.
  • Turner, E., Carl, M., Young, M.L., Thurman, J.A. (2015). Laser Engraved Enamel.
  • Buenconsejo, Pio John S., Zarnetta, R., Young, M.L., Brunken, H., Mehta, A., Ludwig, A. (2014). On the mechanism that leads to vanishing thermal hysteresis of the B2-R phase transformation in multilayered (TiNi)/(W) shape memory alloy thin films. Thin Solid Films. 564 79-85.
  • Novak, T.G., Vora, H.D., Mishra, R.S., Young, M.L., Dahotre, N.B. (2014). Synthesis of Al0. 5CoCrCuFeNi and Al0. 5CoCrFeMnNi High-Entropy Alloys by Laser Melting. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B. 45 (5) 1603–1607. Springer US.
  • Dahotre, N.B., Mishra, R.S., Young, M.L. (2014). Synthesis of Al0.5CoCrCuFeNi and Al0.5CoCrFeMnNi High-entropy Alloys by Laser Melting.
  • Young, M.L. (2014). Synthesis of Al0.5CoCrCuFeNi and Al0.5CoCrFeMnNi High-entropy Alloys by Laser Melting. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B.
  • Young, M.L. (2014). On the mechanism that leads to vanishing thermal hysteresis of the B2-R phase transformation in multilayered (TiNi)/(W) shape memory alloy thin films. Thin Solid Films.
  • Meger, R.A., Cairns, Richard L., III, Douglass, S.R., Huhman, B., Neri, J.M., Carney, C.J., Jones, H.N., Cooper, K., Feng, J., Brintlinger, T.H., Sprague, J.A., Michopoulos, J.G., Young, M.L., DeGiorgi, V., Leung, A., Baucom, J.N., Wimmer, S. (2013). EM Gun Bore Life Experiments at Naval Research Laboratory. Other. 41 (5) 1533-1537.
  • O. Benafan, J. Brown, F.T. Calkins, P. Kumar, A. Stebner, T. Turner, R. Vaidyanathan, J. Webster, and M.L. Young. (2013). Shape Memory Alloy Actuator Design: CASMART Collaborative Best Practices and Case Studies. International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design. 10999 1569-1713.
  • Young, M.L. (2013). Strain Mapping of Crack Extension in Pseudoelastic NiTi Shape Memory Alloys during Static Loading. Acta Materialia.
  • M.L. Young. (2012). Archaeometallurgy using Synchrotron Radiation: A Review.
  • M.L. Young, J.DeFouw, J. Frenzel, and D.C. Dunand. (2012). Cast Replicated NiTiCu Foams with Superelastic Properties.
  • Young, M.L., DeFouw, J.D., Frenzel, J., Dunand, D.C. (2012). Cast-Replicated NiTiCu Foams with Superelastic Properties. Other. 43A (8) 2939-2944.
  • D. Kurumlu, E.J. Payton, M.L. Young, M. Schöbel, G. Requena, and G. Eggeler. (2012). High Temperature Strength and Damage Evolution in Short Fiber Reinforced Aluminum Alloys Studied by Miniature Creep Testing and Synchrotron Microtomography.
  • Young, M.L., Frotscher, M., Bei, H., Simon, T., George, E.P., Eggeler, G. (2012). Nanoindentation of pseudoelastic NiTi containing Ni4Ti3 precipitates. International Journal of Materials Research. 103 (12) 1434-1439.
  • D. Hunter, W. Osborn, K. Wang, N.V. Kazantseva, J. R. Hattrick-Simpers, R. Suchoski, R. Takahashi, M.L. Young, A. Mehta, L.A. Bendersky, S.E. Lofland, M. Wuttig, and I. Takeuchi. (2011). Giant magnetostriction in annealed Co1-xFex thin films.
  • M.L. Young, F. Casadio, J. Marvin, W.T. Chase, and D.C. Dunand. (2010). An Ancient Chinese Bronze Fragment Reexamined after 50 Years: Contributions from Modern and Traditional Techniques.
  • M.L. Young, M.F.-X. Wagner, J. Frenzel, W.W. Schmahl, and G. Eggeler. (2010). Phase Volume Fractions and Strain Measurements in an Ultrafine-grained NiTi Shape-memory Alloy during Tensile Loading.
  • Review

  • Young, M.L. (2012). Archaeometallurgy using synchrotron radiation: a review. Reports on Progress in Physics. 75 (3)
  • posted-content

  • Gantz, F., Cooper, S.R., Smith, J.D., Young, M.L. Compositional Changes of H-Phase Precipitates in NiTiHf Shape Memory Alloys Using Atom Probe Tomography. Elsevier BV.

Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research


  • Young, M.L. (Principal), Reidy, R.F. (Co-Principal), "Characterization of Superconducting Thin Film Materials," sponsored by Superconductor Technologies Inc, Private, $155000 Funded. (2017).
  • Shepherd, N.D. (Co-Principal), Mishra, R.S. (Principal), Baskes, M.I. (Co-Principal), Reidy, R.F. (Co-Principal), Scharf, T.W. (Co-Principal), Young, M.L. (Co-Principal), Banerjee, R. (Co-Principal), Srivilliputhur, S.G. (Co-Principal), Mukherjee, S. (Co-Principal), Agrawal, P. (Co-Principal), "Hierarchically Structured Materials Systems for Enhanced Dynamic Performance," sponsored by ARL, Federal, $5250000 Funded. (2023 - 2024).
  • Shepherd, N.D. (Co-Principal), Mishra, R.S. (Principal), Scharf, T.W. (Co-Principal), Srivilliputhur, S.G. (Co-Principal), Reidy, R.F. (Co-Principal), Young, M.L. (Co-Principal), Banerjee, R. (Co-Principal), "Technical Proposal for Advanced Ballistics Technology: A Mechanisms-based Approach to Designing Materials Systems for Enhanced Dynamic Performance," sponsored by ARL, Federal, $4250000 Funded. (2022 - 2023).
  • Mishra, R.S. (Principal), Scharf, T.W. (Co-Principal), Srivilliputhur, S.G. (Co-Principal), Jiang, Y. (Co-Principal), Mukherjee, S. (Co-Principal), Young, M.L. (Co-Principal), Banerjee, R. (Co-Principal), Reidy, R.F. (Co-Principal), Shepherd (Co-Principal), "Technical Proposal for Advanced Ballistics Technology: A Mechanisms-based Approach to Designing Materials Systems for Enhanced Dynamic Performance," sponsored by US Army Research Laboratory - ARL, Federal, $5500000 Funded. (2021 - 2022).
  • Young, M.L. (Co-Principal), Zhu, D. (Principal), "Novel surface-modified bioresorbable zinc-based stent materials," sponsored by NIH, Federal, $1752638 Funded. (2018 - 2022).
  • Young, M.L. (Principal), "Thermoelastic Active Regenerators with Giant DeltaT," sponsored by US DoE subcontract from University of Maryland, Federal, $32126 Funded. (2021 - 2022).
  • Berman, D. (Co-Principal), Young, M.L. (Principal), Aouadi, S.M. (Co-Principal), Voevodin, A.A. (Co-Principal), "Advanced Manufacturing, Processing and Characterization of Light Weight and Adaptive Materials," sponsored by US Army Research Laboratory - ARL, Federal, $187500 Funded. (2018 - 2021).
  • Mishra, R.S., Scharf, T.W., Srivilliputhur, S.G., Jiang, Y., Mukherjee, S., Young, M.L., Shepherd, N., Reidy, R.F., "Technical Proposal for Advanced Ballistics Technology: A Mechanisms-based Approach to Designing Materials Systems for Enhanced Dynamic Performance," sponsored by US Army Research Laboratory - ARL, Federal, $3250000 Funded. (2020 - 2021).
  • Young, M.L., "Characterization of Pb-based Battery Material," sponsored by RSR Technologies, Private, $85000 Funded. (2020 - 2021).
  • Young, M.L., "Development and Characterization of High Temperature Shape Memory Alloys for Aerospace Actuation Devices," sponsored by Boeing, Private, $50000 Funded. (2020 - 2020).
  • Young, M.L., "Damping and Actuation Capabilities of High Temperature Strain Glass Alloys," sponsored by US ARL CRADA Task, Federal, $60000 Funded. (2019 - 2020).
  • Young, M.L. (Principal), "Mechanical and Microstructural Study of Welded Steels," sponsored by NETL, National, $30000 Funded. (2020 - 2020).
  • Dahotre, N. (Co-Principal), Mishra, R.S. (Principal), Reidy, R.F. (Co-Principal), Young, M.L. (Co-Principal), Banerjee, R. (Co-Principal), Scharf, T.W. (Co-Principal), Srivilliputhur, S.G. (Co-Principal), Du, J. (Co-Principal), Xia, Z. (Co-Principal), Mukherjee, S. (Co-Principal), Voevodin, A.A. (Co-Principal), "Technical Proposal for Advanced Ballistics Technology: A Mechanisms-based Approach to Designing Materials Systems for Enhanced Dynamic Performance," sponsored by US Army Research Laboratory, Federal, $2000000 Funded. (2018 - 2020).
  • Mishra, R.S. (Principal), Banerjee, R. (Co-Principal), Dahotre, N.B. (Co-Principal), Du, J. (Co-Principal), Mukherjee, S. (Co-Principal), Reidy, R.F. (Co-Principal), Scharf, T.W. (Co-Principal), Srivilliputhur, S.G. (Co-Principal), Verbeck, G.F. (Co-Principal), Voevodin, A.A. (Co-Principal), Xia, Z. (Co-Principal), Young, M.L. (Co-Principal), "Technical Proposal for Advanced Ballistics Technology: A Mechanisms-based Approach to Designing Materials Systems for Enhanced Dynamic Performance," sponsored by US Army Research Laboratory - ARL, Federal, $1000000 Funded. (2018 - 2020).
  • Young, M.L., "Characterization of Pb-based Battery Materials," sponsored by RSR Technologies, Private, $160000 Funded. (2017 - 2020).
  • Young, M.L. (Principal), "Carbide Evolution in AF9628 Alloys," sponsored by AFRL, Federal, $15000 Funded. (2019 - 2019).
  • Young, M.L. (Co-Principal), Choi, W. (Principal), Shi, S.Q. (Co-Principal), "High efficiency Zn-ion battery by additive manufacturing," sponsored by UNT AMMPI, University of North Texas, $30000 Funded. (2018 - 2019).
  • Mishra, R.S. (Principal), Banerjee, R. (Co-Principal), Mukherjee, S. (Co-Principal), Reidy, R.F. (Co-Principal), Scharf, T.W. (Co-Principal), Xia, Z. (Co-Principal), Young, M.L. (Co-Principal), "Technical Proposal for Advanced Ballistics Technology Materials Development, Characterization and Computational Modeling Activities; You do not have access to modify this field.Technical Proposal for Advanced Ballistics Technology Materials Development, Characterization and Computational Modeling Activities," sponsored by ARL subcontract through Temple University - Of The Commonwealth System of Higher Education; You do not have access to modify this field.ARL subcontract through Temple University - Of The Commonwealth System of Higher Education, Federal, $2197537 Funded. (2017 - 2018).
  • Mishra, R.S. (Principal), Banerjee, R. (Co-Principal), Mukherjee, S. (Co-Principal), Reidy, R.F. (Co-Principal), Scharf, T.W. (Co-Principal), Xia, Z. (Co-Principal), Young, M.L. (Co-Principal), "Technical Proposal for Advanced Ballistics Technology Materials Development, Characterization and Computational Modeling Activities," sponsored by ARL subcontract through Temple University - Of The Commonwealth System of Higher Education, Federal, $3754970 Funded. (2016 - 2017).
  • Young, M.L., "Fundamental Studies on Precipitation and Transformation Temperatures in NiTiZr High Temperature Shape Memory Alloy," sponsored by ATI Specialty Alloys and Components, Private, $59948 Funded. (2015 - 2017).
  • Young, M.L., "Development and Characterization of High Temperature Shape Memory Alloys for Aerospace Actuation Devices," sponsored by Boeing through Texas Experimental Engineering Station (TEES) at Texas A&M, Private, $50000 Funded. (2016 - 2016).
  • Young, M.L. (Principal), "Mechanical Testing and Microstructural Characterization of Steel Pipes," sponsored by Halliburton, Private, $65000 Funded. (2014 - 2015).
  • Young, M.L., "Precipitation Control of ATI 718 Plus® Alloy for Engine Applications," sponsored by ATI Specialty Materials, Private, $5000 Funded. (2015 - 2015).
  • Young, M. (Principal), "Fundamental Studies on Precipitation and Transformation Temperatures in NiTiHf High Temperature Shape Memory Alloy," sponsored by ATI Wah Chang, Private, $32000 Funded. (2013 - 2014).
  • Mishra, R.S., Scharf, T.W., Srivilliputhur, S.G., Jiang, Y., Mukherjee, S., Young, M.L., Shepherd, N., Reidy, R.F., "Technical Proposal for Advanced Ballistics Technology: A Mechanisms-based Approach to Designing Materials Systems for Enhanced Dynamic Performance," sponsored by US Army Research Laboratory - ARL, Federal, Funded. (2020 - 2021).
  • Young, M.L., "Damping and Actuation Capabilities of High Temperature Strain Glass Alloys," sponsored by US ARL CRADA Task, Federal, Funded. (2019 - 2020).
  • Young, M.L. (Principal), "Mechanical Testing and Microstructural Characterization of Steel Pipes," sponsored by Halliburton, Private, Funded. (2014 - 2015).
  • Young, M.L., "Precipitation Control of ATI 718 Plus� Alloy for Engine Applications," sponsored by ATI Specialty Materials, Private, Funded. (2015 - 2015).
  • Young, M. (Principal), "Fundamental Studies on Precipitation and Transformation Temperatures in NiTiHf High Temperature Shape Memory Alloy," sponsored by ATI Wah Chang, Private, Funded. (2013 - 2014).
  • Fellowship

  • Young, M.L., "Processing, Development, Characterization, and Modeling of Phase Stable High Temperature Multi-component Alloys," sponsored by Air Force Research Lab – Summer Faculty Fellowship Progra, Federal, Funded. (2016 - 2016).
  • Young, M.L., "Processing, Development, Characterization, and Modeling of Phase Stable High Temperature Multi-component Alloys," sponsored by Air Force Research Lab � Summer Faculty Fellowship Progra, Federal, Funded. (2016 - 2016).
  • Grant - Research

  • Voevodin, A.M. (Principal), Voevodin, A.A. (Co-Principal), Young, M.L., "Ultra-High Temperature Stable Morphing Materials for Hypersonic Applications," sponsored by DoD, Federal, $800000 Funded. (2022 - 2027).
  • Young, M.L. (Principal), Dahotre, N.B. (Co-Principal), "Evaluation of Alloy Coating Materials in Forging Die Applications," sponsored by DLA BAA, Federal, $596911 Funded. (2021 - 2025).
  • Young, M.L. (Principal), Aouadi, S.M. (Co-Principal), Voevodin, A.A. (Co-Principal), "Ex situ and in situ Investigation of the Thermomechanical Behavior of Shape Morphing Materials from Room Temperature to Ultra-High Temperatures," sponsored by DoD, Federal, $2639251 Funded. (2023 - 2024).
  • Aouadi, S.M. (Principal), Voevodin, A.A. (Co-Principal), Young, M.L. (Co-Principal), "High Temperature Materials and Bonding Interface Development," sponsored by DoD, Federal, $100000 Funded. (2021 - 2022).
  • Young, M.L., "Adaptive Aerostructures for Revolutionary Civil Supersonic Transportation," sponsored by NASA University Leadership Initiative Program, Federal, $374820 Funded. (2017 - 2022).
  • Young, M.L., "Lightweight, Ultra High Compaction Bolt-On De-Orbit Device for Spacecraft," sponsored by NASA SBIR with L’Garde, Inc., National, $100000 Funded. (2020 - 2022).
  • Young, M.L., "Thermo-mechanical Studies on NiTi-based High Temperature Shape Memory Alloys," sponsored by NASA Glenn Research Center, Federal, $45000 Funded. (2019 - 2020).
  • Dahotre, N.B. (Principal), Aouadi, S.M. (Co-Principal), Young, M.L. (Co-Principal), Voevodin, A.A., Berman, D., "Advanced Manufacturing, Processing and Characterization of Light Weight and Adaptive Materials," Federal, $452403 Funded. (2018 - 2019).
  • Young, M.L. (Principal), "Damping and Actuation Capabilities of High Temperature Strain Glass Alloys," sponsored by US ARL CRADA, Federal, $60000 Funded. (2018 - 2019).
  • Young, M.L., "Processing Studies on NiTiHf High Temperature Shape Memory Alloys," sponsored by Cost Extension for NASA Glenn Research Center, Federal, $59967 Funded. (2017 - 2018).
  • Young, M.L., "Field Responsive Properties of Adaptive Strain Glass," sponsored by US ARL CRADA Task, Federal, $120000 Funded. (2017 - 2018).
  • Young, M.L., "Characterization of a High Entropy Alloy Welding Process for Application to Forging Dies," sponsored by FIERF Micro-Grant, Private, $9995 Funded. (2017 - 2018).
  • Aouadi, S.M., Young, M.L., "REU Site: Advanaced Processing and Materials Characterization," sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, $330000 Funded. (2015 - 2018).
  • Young, M.L., "3D Printing of a Maya Effigy Vase and a Maya Limestone Panel," sponsored by Dallas Museum of Art, Private, $2952 Funded. (2016 - 2018).
  • Young, M.L., "Shape Memory Alloys for Active Layers," sponsored by US ARL CRADA Task, Federal, $64987 Funded. (2016 - 2017).
  • Young, M.L. (Principal), Reidy, R.F. (Co-Principal), "Characterization of Superconducting Thin Film Materials," sponsored by Superconductor Technologies Inc, Private, $40262 Funded. (2016 - 2017).
  • Scharf, T.W., Mishra, R.S., Banerjee, R., Mukherjee, S., Reidy, R.F., Xia, Z., Young, M.L., "Technical Proposal for Advanced Ballistics Technology Materials Development, Characterization and Computational Modeling Activitie," sponsored by Temple University, University of North Texas, $3754970.00 Funded. (2016 - 2017).
  • Young, M.L., "Processing Studies on NiTiHf High Temperature Shape Memory Alloys," sponsored by NASA Glenn Research Center, Federal, $42923 Funded. (2016 - 2017).
  • Young, M.L. (Principal), Collins, P.C. (Principal), "Exploration of New Forging Materials: Hybrid Titanium Alloys and High Entropy Alloys," sponsored by Forging Industry Educational & Research Foundation (FIERF), Private, $23000 Funded. (2014 - 2016).
  • Young, M.L. (Principal), Collins, P.C. (Principal), "Cultural and Technical Exchanges on Advanced Materials (C-TEAM)," sponsored by Partners of the Americas, International, $25000 Funded. (2014 - 2015).
  • Young, M. (Principal), "Thermo-mechanical Behavior of Single Crystal Superelastic NiTi Shape Memory Alloys with and without Ni4Ti3 Precipitates," sponsored by Ralph E. Powe Junior Enhancement Award, International, $10000 Funded. (2014 - 2015).
  • Young, M. (Principal), "Investigation of Passivation Films of Zinc Electrodeposits," sponsored by UNT I-GRO, University of North Texas, $5000 Funded. (2014 - 2014).
  • Young, M.L. (Principal), "Fundamental Mechanisms involved in Cyclical Mechanical Loading and Unloading of NiTi & NiTi-based Shape Memory Alloy Wires," sponsored by UNT ROP, University of North Texas, $10000 Funded. (2013 - 2014).
  • Young, M. (Co-Principal), Bostanci, H. (Co-Principal), "Development of Novel Surfaces for Enhanced Thermal Management of High Power Devices," sponsored by UNT RIG, University of North Texas, $7500 Funded. (2013 - 2013).
  • Young, M.L. (Principal), Dahotre, N.B. (Co-Principal), "Innovative Alloy Coatings in Forging Die Applications.," sponsored by Advanced Technology International, NFP, Funded. (2021 - 2024).
  • Voevodin, A.A. (Principal), Berman, D. (Principal), Young, M.L. (Principal), Dahotre, N.B. (Principal), Banerjee, R. (Principal), Mishra, R.S. (Principal), Aouadi, S.M. (Principal), "Advanced Manufacturing, Processing and Characterization of Light Weight and Adaptive Materials," sponsored by U.S. Army Research Laboratory, FED, Funded. (2018 - 2022).
  • Du, J. (Co-Principal), Young, M.L. (Principal), Dahotre, N.B. (Co-Principal), Shepherd, N.D. (Principal), Banerjee, R. (Principal), Mishra, R.S. (Principal), Reidy, R.F. (Principal), Srivilliputhur, S.G. (Principal), Mukherjee, S. (Principal), Scharf, T.W. (Principal), Jiang, Y. (Principal), Xia, Z. (Principal), "Technical Proposal for Advanced Ballistics Technology: A Mechanisms-based Approach to Designing Materials Systems for Enhanced Dynamic Performance," sponsored by U.S. Army Research Laboratory, FED, Funded. (2018 - 2022).
  • Young, M.L. (Principal), "Adaptive Aerostructures for Revolutionary Civil Supersonic Technologies Development," sponsored by Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station, ST, Funded. (2017 - 2022).
  • Young, M.L. (Principal), "Thermoelastic Active Regenerators with Giant DeltaT," sponsored by University of Maryland, NFP, Funded. (2020 - 2022).
  • Young, M.L. (Principal), "Lightweight, Ultra High Compaction Bolt-On De-Orbit Device for Spacecraft," sponsored by L'Garde, Inc., IND, Funded. (2020 - 2021).
  • Young, M.L. (Principal), "Thermo-mechanical Studies on NiTi-based High Temperature Shape Memory Alloys," sponsored by National Aeronautics & Space Administrat, FED, Funded. (2019 - 2021).
  • Young, M.L. (Co-Principal), Vaidyanathan, V.V. (Principal), "Novel Surface-Modified Bioresorbable Zinc-Based Stent Materials," sponsored by Stony Brook University, NFP, Funded. (2020 - 2021).
  • Young, M.L. (Principal), "Characterization of Pb-based Batteries," sponsored by RSR Technologies, Inc., IND, Funded. (2017 - 2021).
  • Young, M.L. (Principal), "Development and Mechanical Testing of Low Hysteresis Shape Memory Alloys," sponsored by The Boeing Company, IND, Funded. (2020 - 2020).
  • Young, M.L. (Principal), "Mechanical and Microstructural Study of Welded Steels," sponsored by National Energy Technology Laboratory (N, FED, Funded. (2020 - 2020).
  • Young, M.L. (Principal), Reidy, R.F. (Co-Principal), "Characterization of Superconducting Thin Film Materials," sponsored by Superconductor Technologies Inc., IND, Funded. (2016 - 2020).
  • Young, M.L. (Principal), "Damping and Actuation Capabilities of High Temperature Strain Glass Alloys," sponsored by US ARL CRADA, Federal, Funded. (2018 - 2019).
  • Young, M.L. (Principal), "Carbide Evolution in AF9628 Alloys," sponsored by Integrated Solutions for Systems, Inc., IND, Funded. (2019 - 2019).
  • Zhu, D. (Principal), Young, M.L. (Co-Principal), "Novel Surface-Modified Bioresorbable Zinc-Based Stent Materials," sponsored by National Institutes of Health, FED, Funded. (2018 - 2019).
  • Young, M.L. (Principal), "Processing Studies on NiTi-based High Temperature Shape Memory Alloys," sponsored by National Aeronautics & Space Administrat, FED, Funded. (2016 - 2018).
  • Young, M.L. (Principal), "Characterization of a High Entropy Alloy Welding Process for Application to Forging Dies," sponsored by Forging Foundation, FOND, Funded. (2017 - 2018).
  • Young, M.L. (Co-Principal), Banerjee, R. (Co-Principal), Mishra, R.S. (Principal), Reidy, R.F. (Co-Principal), Mukherjee, S. (Co-Principal), Scharf, T.W. (Co-Principal), Xia, Z. (Principal), "Technical Proposal for Advanced Ballistics Technology Materials Development, Characterization and Computational Modeling Activities," sponsored by Temple University - Of The Commonwealth, NFP, Funded. (2016 - 2018).
  • Young, M.L. (Principal), "Field Responsive Properties of Adaptive Strain Glass," sponsored by U.S. Army Research Laboratory, FED, Funded. (2017 - 2018).
  • Young, M.L. (Co-Principal), Aouadi, S.M. (Principal), "REU Site: Advanced Processing and Materials Characterization," sponsored by National Science Foundation, FED, Funded. (2015 - 2018).
  • Young, M.L., "3D Printing of a Maya Effigy Vase and a Maya Limestone Panel," sponsored by Dallas Museum of Art, Private, Funded. (2016 - 2018).
  • Young, M.L., "Shape Memory Alloys for Active Layers," sponsored by US ARL CRADA Task, Federal, Funded. (2016 - 2017).
  • Young, M.L. (Principal), "Processing and Characterization of Shape Memory Alloy Wires and Powders as Active/Adaptive Materials in Protective Systems," sponsored by Army Research Office, FED, Funded. (2016 - 2017).
  • Young, M.L. (Principal), "Fundamental Studies On Precipitation And Transformation Temperatures In NiTiZr High Temperature Shape Memory Alloy," sponsored by Allegheny Technologies Inc., IND, Funded. (2015 - 2017).
  • Young, M.L. (Principal), "Development and Characterization of High Temperature Shape Memory Alloys for Aerospace Actuation Devices," sponsored by Texas A&M University - College Station, ST, Funded. (2016 - 2016).
  • Young, M.L. (Principal), Collins, P.C. (Principal), "Exploration of New Forging Materials: Hybrid Titanium Alloys and High Entropy Alloys," sponsored by Forging Industry Educational & Research Foundation (FIERF), Private, Funded. (2014 - 2016).
  • Young, M.L. (Principal), Collins, P.C. (Co-Principal), "Nanometer Resolved Deformation Mapping of Advanced Non-Ferrous Structural Alloys," sponsored by Forging Foundation, FOND, Funded. (2014 - 2016).
  • Young, M. (Principal), "Thermo-mechanical Behavior of Single Crystal Superelastic NiTi Shape Memory Alloys with and without Ni4Ti3 Precipitates," sponsored by Ralph E. Powe Junior Enhancement Award, International, Funded. (2014 - 2015).
  • Grant - Teaching

  • Young, M.L. (Principal), Collins, P.C. (Other), "Cultural and Technical Exchanges for Advanced Materials (C-TEAM)," sponsored by Partners of the Americas, FOND, Funded. (2014 - 2015).
Summative Rating
Challenge and
Engagement Index
Response Rate

out of 5

out of 7
students responded
  • Overall Summative Rating (median):
    This rating represents the combined responses of students to the four global summative items and is presented to provide an overall index of the class’s quality. Overall summative statements include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 5 = Excellent, 3 = Good, and 1= Very poor):
    • The course as a whole was
    • The course content was
    • The instructor’s contribution to the course was
    • The instructor’s effectiveness in teaching the subject matter was
  • Challenge and Engagement Index:
    This rating combines student responses to several SPOT items relating to how academically challenging students found the course to be and how engaged they were. Challenge and Engagement Index items include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 7 = Much higher, 4 = Average, and 1 = Much lower):
    • Do you expect your grade in this course to be
    • The intellectual challenge presented was
    • The amount of effort you put into this course was
    • The amount of effort to succeed in this course was
    • Your involvement in course (doing assignments, attending classes, etc.) was