Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae Link
PhD, Ohio State University,
Major: Art Education
Dissertation: Indian art education & teacher identity as Deleuzo-Guattarian assemblage: Narratives in a postcolonial globalization context
MA, The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, 2003
Major: Art Education
Dissertation: Reclaiming social agency through art education: The role of popular iconography and of the book form as text in contemporary India
BFA, College of Art, Delhi, 1998
Major: Applied Art
Dissertation: Rusana: Brand design & advertising campaign
Certificate, Triveni Kala Sangam, 1998
Major: Photography
Current Scheduled Teaching
ART 6950.729 | Doctoral Dissertation | Spring 8W2 2025 |
ART 6950.729 | Doctoral Dissertation | Spring 2025 |
ARTE 4795.001 | Topics in Art Education | Spring 2025 |
Texas Education Code 51.974 (HB 2504) requires each institution of higher education to make available to the public, a syllabus for undergraduate lecture courses offered for credit by the institution.
Previous Scheduled Teaching
ARTE 4760.001 | Art Education: Global Aesthetics | Fall 2024 |
ARTE 5753.001 | Contemporary Trends in Art Education | Fall 2024 |
ART 6950.729 | Doctoral Dissertation | Fall 2024 |
ART 6950.729 | Doctoral Dissertation | Spring 8W2 2024 |
ARTE 5710.001 | Foundations for Urban Art Education Studies | Fall 2023 |
ART 5900.729 | Special Problems | Fall 2023 |
ART 5900.729 | Special Problems | Spring 2023 |
ARTE 4795.001 | Topics in Art Education | Spring 2023 |
ART 5900.729 | Special Problems | Fall 2022 |
ARTE 5773.001 | Curriculum Theory in Art Education | Spring 2022 |
ARTE 5787.001 | Introduction to Research in Art Education | Fall 2021 |
Texas Education Code 51.974 (HB 2504) requires each institution of higher education to make available to the public, a syllabus for undergraduate lecture courses offered for credit by the institution.
Published Intellectual Contributions
- Sharma, M., Alexander, A. (2023). The Routledge Companion to Decolonizing Art, Craft, and Visual Culture Education. (1st Edition) New York, New York, Routledge.
- Mishra, N.R., Sharma, M. (2024). Development of Hybrid Identities: Impact of Urbanization and Migration on Tribal Artists. Cross Culturalization of Tribal Communities. Interview by Nishita Biswas.. TMYS Review.
- Sharma, M., Shin, R., Lim, M., Lee, O., Han, S. (2023). Desi/Pardesi/Videshi: International (Re)locations in a Time of Nationalism. Counternarratives from Asian American Art Educators: Identities, Pedagogies, and Practice Beyond The Western Paradigm. 45-53. New York, NY, Routledge.
- Sharma, M., Knochel, A.D., Sahara, O. (2023). Patriotism and Nationalism: Sounds of Dissent and Resistance in Contemporary India. Global Media Arts Education Mapping Global Perspectives of Media Arts in Education. 61-77. Camden, Palgrave MacMillan: Palgrave Studies in Educational Futures (PSEF).
- Sharma, M., Wilson, G., Boyd, J., Kraehe, A. (2022). The Water and the Bridge: Dilemmas of In-betweenness. A Love Letter to This Bridge Called My Back. 118–122. Tucson, AZ, University of Arizona Press.
- Sharma, M., Kiefer-Boyd, K., Hoeptner-Polling, L., Klein, S., Knight, W., Miles, A. (2021). Halla bol! Visual(izing) responses to violence against women in contemporary India. National Art Education Association Women's Caucus Lobby Activism: Feminism(s)+ art education. 199-208. Alexandria, VA, NAEA Press.
- Garber, E., Hochtritt, L., Sharma, M. (2018). Introduction: Makers, Crafters, Educators: Working for Cultural Change. Makers, Crafters, Educators. 1--13. Routledge.
- Sharma, M. (2017). Activating Art Education Learning by Mapping Community Cultures. Convergence of Contemporary Art, Visual Culture, and Global Civic Engagement. 170--184. IGI Global.
- Sharma, M. (2011). Navjot Altaf: What public, whose art?. Art as Social Justice: Culture as Commons. 1 116--118. Routledge.
- Sharma, M. (2021). Review of Community-Based Art Education Across the Lifespan: Finding Common Ground. Studies in Art Education. 62 (1) 96-99.
- Sharma, M. (2025). Critical Connections in Relational Universalities in Art Education. 1 (1) Karachi., The Journal of Art & Design Education Pakistan.
- Sharma, M. (2024). The Anxious Now and The Next Big Thing. Journal of Social Theory in Art Education. 43 Richmond, VA, Virginia Commonwealth University.
- Sharma, M. (2022). Jittered Orthodoxies. Visual Inquiry: Learning and Teaching Art. 10 (2) 217-19. Ubana, Illinois, University of Illinois Press.
- Sharma, M., Coats, C. (2021). Editorial: (En)countering (Un)certainty: Shifting Orientations through Imagination and Disruption. Journal of Social Theory in Art Education. 41 2-6.
- Sharma, M., Thatte, A. (2021). Exploring Craft Traditions of India: Heritage Crafts as a Curricular Gateway for Interdisciplinary Learning. Art Education Journal.
- Sharma, M., Thatte, A. (2021). Exploring Craft Traditions of India: Heritage Crafts as a Curricular Gateway for Interdisciplinary Learning. Art Education Journal. 74 (3) 43--47. Taylor \& Francis.
- Sharma, M. (2021). Review of Community-Based Art Education Across the Lifespan: Finding Common Ground. Studies in Art Education. 62 (1) 96--99. Routledge.
- Sharma, M. (2020). Guest Column for Caucus of Social Theory in Art Education. NAEA News. 62 (4)
- Sharma, M., Sutters, J.P. (2020). Travels, Encounters and Relationship Building in International Art Education.
- Sharma, M. (2019). A Metaphorical Conundrum.
- Sharma, M. (2019). Guest Column for Community Art Caucus. NAEA News. 61 (2)
- Black, R., Garber, E., Neff, Y.E., Sharma, M. (2016). A quest for sacred knowledge: Mentorship to partnership. Other. 5 (3) 273--290. Intellect.
- Sharma, M. (2016). Disney and the Ethnic Other: A Semiotic Analysis of American Identity. Other. 477 95--107. Peter Lang AG.
- Sharma, M. (2016). Identities of art education in contemporary India: Reality, Rhizome and Assemblage. Other. 19 (1)
- Sharma, M. (2016). Identities of art education in contemporary India: Reality, Rhizome and Assemblage Identidades da Arte Educa\cc\~ao na \'India Contempor\^anea: Realidade, Rizoma e Assembrage.
- Sharma, M. (2015). Mythical Beings and Becoming: Emerging Identities of Art Educators in India. Other. 32
- Sharma, M. (2014). Undisciplined Space. Other. 111--126. Rowman \& Littlefield Lanham, MD.
- Alexander, A., Sharma, M. (2013). (Pre) determined Occupations: The Post-Colonial Hybridizing of Identity and Art Forms in Third World Spaces. Journal of Social Theory in Art Education. 33 (1) 86--104.
- Sharma, M. (2002). Reclaiming Social Agency Through Art Education: The Role of Popular Iconography and of the Book Form as Text in Contemporary India. School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
- Sharma, M. (2022). Valuing service as labor. NAEA News. (Number 5) VA, NAEA.
- Garber, E., Hochtritt, L., Sharma, M. (2018). Makers, crafters, educators: Working for cultural change. Routledge.
- Sharma, M. (2012). Indian art education and teacher identity as Deleuzo-Guattarian assemblage: Narratives in a postcolonial globalization context. The Ohio State University.
Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research
- Du, Y. (Co-Principal), Evans, L.E. (Co-Principal), Roeschley, A. (Co-Principal), Sharma, M. (Co-Principal), Hyland, P. (Co-Principal), "Stewarding Cultural Heritage: Latino Art, Museums, and Preservation Fellowship (LAMP Fellowship)," sponsored by Institute of Museum and Library Services, Federal, $396362 Funded. (2023 - 2026).
- Sharma, M., "Inclusion and Diversity Curriculum Development Grant," sponsored by University of Arizona, State, $1500 Funded. ( - 2020).
- Sharma, M., "Faculty Professional Development Endowment," sponsored by University of Arizona, State, $5000 Funded. ( - 2018).