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Nada M. Shabout

Title: Professor

Department: Art History

College: College of Visual Arts and Design

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae Link


  • PhD, University of Texas at Arlington, 1999
    Major: Humanities
    Dissertation: Modern Arab Art and the Metamorphosis of the Arabic Letter
  • MA, University of Texas at Arlington, 1991
    Major: Humanities
  • BFA, University of Texas at Arlington, 1988
    Major: Art
  • BS, University of Texas at Arlington, 1984
    Major: Architecture

Current Scheduled Teaching

ARTH 5849.723Art History Research ProjectSpring 2025
ARTH 4825.001Topics in Islamic and / or Middle Eastern ArtSpring 2025 Syllabus

Previous Scheduled Teaching

ARTH 5825.001Seminar in Islamic and / or Middle Eastern ArtFall 2024 SPOT
ART 5900.723Special ProblemsFall 2024
ARTH 4825.001Topics in Islamic and / or Middle Eastern ArtFall 2024 Syllabus SPOT
ARTH 4848.001Art History Senior SeminarFall 2023 Syllabus SPOT
ARTH 5825.001Seminar in Islamic and / or Middle Eastern ArtFall 2023 SPOT
ARTH 5825.001Seminar in Islamic and / or Middle Eastern ArtFall 2022 SPOT
ARTH 5825.601Seminar in Islamic and / or Middle Eastern ArtFall 2022 SPOT
ART 5900.723Special ProblemsFall 2022
ARTH 4825.001Topics in Islamic and / or Middle Eastern ArtFall 2022 Syllabus SPOT
ARTH 5849.723Art History Research ProjectSpring 2022
ART 5900.723Special ProblemsSpring 2022
ARTH 5849.723Art History Research ProjectFall 2021
ARTH 5825.001Seminar in Islamic and / or Middle Eastern ArtFall 2021 SPOT
ARTH 5825.601Seminar in Islamic and / or Middle Eastern ArtFall 2021 SPOT
ART 5900.723Special ProblemsFall 2021
AEAH 5849.723Art History Research ProjectSpring 2021
AEAH 4813.001Postmodernism and the Visual Arts 1945 PresentSpring 2021 Syllabus SPOT
ART 5900.723Special ProblemsSpring 2021
ART 5910.723Special ProblemsSpring 2021
AEAH 4825.001Topics in Islamic and / or Middle Eastern ArtSpring 2021 Syllabus SPOT
ART 4940.001Understanding Art MuseumsSpring 2021 Syllabus SPOT
AEAH 4813.002Postmodernism and the Visual Arts 1945 PresentFall 2020 Syllabus SPOT
AEAH 5825.001Seminar in Islamic and / or Middle Eastern ArtFall 2020 SPOT
AEAH 5825.026Seminar in Islamic and / or Middle Eastern ArtFall 2020
AEAH 5825.601Seminar in Islamic and / or Middle Eastern ArtFall 2020 SPOT
AEAH 5900.723Special ProblemsFall 2020
ART 5900.723Special ProblemsFall 2020
AEAH 4825.001Topics in Islamic and / or Middle Eastern ArtFall 2020 Syllabus SPOT
AEAH 5849.723Art History Research ProjectSpring 2020
AEAH 4813.001Postmodernism and the Visual Arts 1945 PresentSpring 2020 Syllabus
AEAH 5825.001Seminar in Islamic and / or Middle Eastern ArtSpring 2020
ART 5900.723Special ProblemsSpring 2020
AEAH 4825.001Topics in Islamic and / or Middle Eastern ArtSpring 2020 Syllabus
AEAH 5849.723Art History Research ProjectFall 2019
AEAH 4813.002Postmodernism and the Visual Arts 1945 PresentFall 2019 Syllabus SPOT
ART 5900.723Special ProblemsFall 2019
AEAH 4825.001Topics in Islamic and / or Middle Eastern ArtFall 2019 Syllabus SPOT
AEAH 5849.723Art History Research ProjectSpring 2019
AEAH 4813.001Postmodernism and the Visual Arts 1945 PresentSpring 2019 Syllabus SPOT
AEAH 5825.001Seminar in Islamic and / or Middle Eastern ArtSpring 2019 SPOT
AEAH 5801.001Topics in Art HistorySummer 3W1 2018 SPOT
AEAH 5801.791Topics in Art HistorySummer 3W1 2018 SPOT
AEAH 5849.723Art History Research ProjectSpring 2018
AEAH 4813.001Postmodernism and the Visual Arts 1945 PresentSpring 2018 Syllabus SPOT
AEAH 5825.001Seminar in Islamic and / or Middle Eastern ArtSpring 2018 SPOT
ART 5900.723Special ProblemsSpring 2018
AEAH 4825.001Topics in Islamic and / or Middle Eastern ArtSpring 2018 Syllabus SPOT
AEAH 4813.001Postmodernism and the Visual Arts 1945 PresentFall 2017 Syllabus SPOT
AEAH 5825.001Seminar in Islamic and / or Middle Eastern ArtFall 2017 SPOT
AEAH 5825.791Seminar in Islamic and / or Middle Eastern ArtFall 2017 SPOT
AEAH 4825.001Topics in Islamic and / or Middle Eastern ArtFall 2017 Syllabus SPOT
AEAH 5801.001Topics in Art HistorySummer 3W1 2017 SPOT
AEAH 5801.791Topics in Art HistorySummer 3W1 2017 SPOT
AEAH 4812.005Modernism and the Visual Arts 1890 1945Spring 2017 Syllabus SPOT
AEAH 5825.001Seminar in Islamic and / or Middle Eastern ArtSpring 2017 SPOT
AEAH 4825.001Topics in Islamic and / or Middle Eastern ArtSpring 2017 Syllabus SPOT
AEAH 4812.005Modernism and the Visual Arts 1890 1945Spring 2016 Syllabus SPOT
AEAH 5825.001Seminar in Islamic and / or Middle Eastern ArtSpring 2016 SPOT
AEAH 4813.001Postmodernism and the Visual Arts 1945 PresentFall 2015 Syllabus SPOT
AEAH 4813.002Postmodernism and the Visual Arts 1945 PresentFall 2015 Syllabus SPOT
ART 5900.723Special ProblemsFall 2015
AEAH 5849.723Art History Research ProjectSpring 2015
AEAH 4813.003Postmodernism and the Visual Arts 1945 PresentSpring 2015 Syllabus
AEAH 5825.001Seminar in Islamic and / or Middle Eastern ArtSpring 2015
AEAH 5825.791Seminar in Islamic and / or Middle Eastern ArtSpring 2015
ART 5900.723Special ProblemsFall 2014
ART 5900.723Special ProblemsSpring 2014
AEAH 4825.001Topics in Islamic and / or Middle Eastern ArtSpring 2014 Syllabus
AEAH 5825.001Seminar in Islamic and / or Middle Eastern ArtFall 2013
ART 4900.723Special ProblemsFall 2013
AEAH 5825.001Seminar in Islamic and / or Middle Eastern ArtSpring 2013
AEAH 4825.001Topics in Islamic and / or Middle Eastern ArtFall 2012 Syllabus
AEAH 5849.723Art History Research ProjectSpring 2012
AEAH 4813.001Postmodernism and the Visual Arts 1945 PresentSpring 2012 Syllabus
AEAH 5825.001Seminar in Islamic and / or Middle Eastern ArtFall 2011
ART 5900.723Special ProblemsFall 2011
AEAH 5848.001Seminar in Art HistorySpring 2011
AEAH 5825.001Seminar in Islamic and / or Middle Eastern ArtSpring 2010
ART 5900.723Special ProblemsSpring 2010
AEAH 5825.001Seminar in Islamic and / or Middle Eastern ArtFall 2009
ART 5900.723Special ProblemsFall 2009
AEAH 4815.001Twentieth Century ArchitectureFall 2009
AEAH 5825.001Seminar in Islamic and / or Middle Eastern ArtSpring 2009
AEAH 5825.791Seminar in Islamic and / or Middle Eastern ArtSpring 2009
AEAH 4815.001Twentieth Century ArchitectureSpring 2009
AEAH 5849.723Research ProjectFall 2008
ART 5955.723Research ProjectFall 2007
ART 4072.001Seminar in Art HistoryFall 2007
ART 5360.001Seminar in Nineteenth Century ArtFall 2007
ART 3330.001Twentieth Century Architecture and InteriorsFall 2007
ART 5190.083Seminar in Art HistorySummer 8W1 2007
ART 4070.081Topics in Art HistorySummer 8W1 2007
ART 1200.001Art AppreciationSpring 2007
ART 5955.723Research ProjectSpring 2007
ART 5190.001Seminar in Art HistoryFall 2006
ART 5900.723Special ProblemsFall 2006
ART 5900.790Special ProblemsFall 2006
ART 4070.001Topics in Art HistoryFall 2006
ART 3330.001Twentieth Century Architecture and InteriorsFall 2006
ART 1200.001Art AppreciationSpring 2006
ART 5950.723Master's ThesisSpring 2006
ART 5190.001Seminar in Art HistorySpring 2006
ART 4900.723Special ProblemsSpring 2006
ART 5900.791Special ProblemsSpring 2006
ART 1200.001Art AppreciationFall 2005
ART 3330.001Twentieth Century Architecture and InteriorsFall 2005
ART 1200.001Art AppreciationSpring 2005
ART 5950.723Master's ThesisSpring 2005
ART 5190.001Seminar in Art HistorySpring 2005
ART 5190.791Seminar in Art HistorySpring 2005
ART 4900.723Special ProblemsSpring 2005
ART 1200.001Art AppreciationFall 2004
ART 5950.723Master's ThesisFall 2004
ART 5900.723Special ProblemsFall 2004
ART 3330.001Twentieth Century Architecture and InteriorsFall 2004

Published Intellectual Contributions

    Abstracts and Proceedings

  • Shabout, N., Mikdadi, S. (2019). The Global Circulation of Art and the New Market: Abu Dhabi Art Talks 2018. Abu Dhabi, Au Dhabi Art.
  • Articles in Exhibition Catalogue

  • Shabout, N.M. (2015). Odes of Line, Color and New Symbols: Modern Iraqi Art. A Century of Iraqi Art. Bonham’s Auction Catalogue.
  • Shabout, N.M. (2014). Utopian Reality: Dia Azzawi, 1964-1974. Dia Azzawi: Selected Works 1964-1974. 14-27. London,
  • Shabout, N.M. (2013). Converging on Beauty. Islamic Art Revival Series Second Exhibition of Contemporary Islamic Art.
  • Shabout, N.M. (2012). Rethinking Contemporary Arab Art. Arab Express: The Latest Art from the Arab World. Mori Art Museum.
  • Shabout, N.M. (2012). Rethinking Contemporary Arab Art. Arab Express: The Latest Art from the Arab World. Mori Art Museum.
  • Shabout, N.M. (2012). To Keep the Dream Alive. Modern Iraqi Art: A Collection. Publication Department of Meem with Art Advisory Associates Ltd.
  • Shabout, N.M. (2012). My Roulatte. Hala Al-Khalifa. Doha, Katara Art Center.
  • Shabout, N.M., Dercon, C., Shalem, A. (2010). The Challenge of Arab Art. Future of Tradition - Tradition of Future. Munich, Prestel Publishers.
  • Shabout, N.M. (2010). The War of Difference. Beyond The War: Contemporary Iraqi Artists of the Diaspora. New York, NY, LTMH Gallery.
  • Shabout, N.M. (2010). Equality through a Bottle. Fair Skies, Mahmoud al-Obaidi. Beirut, Ajial Gallery.
  • Shabout, N.M. (2010). Eloquent Protests. Waraq, Hayv Kahraman. San Francisco, Frey Norris Gallery.
  • Book

  • Shabout, N.M., Porter, V., Kamarof, L., Rogers, S. (2024). Treasures of Modern and Contemporary Art from the Farjam Collection. Treasures of Modern and Contemporary Art from the Farjam Collection. North Carolina, Duke University Press.
  • Shabout, N. (2021). Shifting Terrains: Art, Environment and Urbanism in Iraq. 15, double issue (1-2) 268. London, UK, Journal of Contemporary Iraq and The Arab World, Intellect Books.
  • Shabout, N., Elgibreen, E. After Illusion, Saudi Arabia National Pavilion, 58th Venice Biennale. Drago Publishing.
  • Shabout, N.M., Rogers, S., Lenssen, A. (2018). Modern Art in the Arab Art : Primary Documents. NYC, MoMA Publications.
  • Shabout, N.M. (2012). Forever Now: Five Anecdotes from the Permanent Collection. Mathaf: Arab Museum of Modern Art, Doha. Bloomsbury, Qatar Foundation Publishing.
  • Nada Shabout, Wassan al-Khudhairi. (2010). Interventions: A Dialogue Between the Modern and the Contemporary. Mathaf: Arab Museum of Modern Art, Doha, Qatar. Milan, Skira Publisher.
  • Nada SHabout, Wassan al-Khudhairi. (2010). Sajjil: A Century of Modern Art. Mathaf: Arab Museum of Modern Art, Doha, Qatar. Milan, Skira Publisher.
  • Zainab Bahrani and Nada Shabout. (2009). Modernism and Iraq. New York, Columbia University, Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Art Gallery.
  • Salwa Mikdadi and Nada Shabout. (2009). New Vision: Arab Art in the Twenty-First Century. Transglobe Publishing Ltd. and Thames & Hudson.
  • Nada Shabout. (2007). Dafatir: Contemporary Iraqi Book Art. Denton, TX, UNT Art Gallery.
  • Nada Shabout. (2007). Modern Arab Art: Formation of an Arab Aesthetic. Gainesville, University of Florida Press.
  • Book Chapter

  • Shabout, N.M. (2025). Enemy of the People: Jewad Selim and the Baghdad Group of Modern Art. Postwar – Towards A Global Art History, ca. 1945-1965. NC, Duke University Press.
  • Shabout, N.M. (2025). I Paint for Man. JEWAD SELIM. CATALOGUE RAISONNÉ OF PAINTINGS AND SCULPTURES. Milano, Skira.
  • Shabout, N.M. (2024). Iraqi Modernism. Dyala Nusseibeh, ed., Richard Mille Art Book 2023, Icon/Iconic. Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi Culture and Tourism.
  • Shabout, N.M. (2023). Performing Modernity through the Arabic Letter: Textual Abstract Formations. Scripts & Calligraphy: Paths to The Soul, Second Edition. Milano, Skira.
  • Shabout, N.M. (2023). Contemporary Aesthetics of Urgency. A Picture of Poetry: The Artist's Books of Dia al-Azzawi. Milano, Skira.
  • Shabout, N. (2019). Contemporary Trajectories: Iraqi Art in Context. Sheila Blair and Jonathan Bloom, eds., Islamic Art: Past, Present and Future. Yale University Press.
  • Shabout, N. (2019). On Modern Arab Visual Creation in a Global Context. in Jean-Francois Charnier and Simone Verde, eds., Louvre Abu Dhabi. Skira Publishing.
  • Shabout, N.M. (2018). Modernism, Palestine and the Arab World. Nabil Anani. London, Al-Saqi Press.
  • Shabout, N.M., Kholeif, O. (2015). Collecting Modern Iraqi Art. Imperfect Chronology: Arab Art from the Modern to the Contemporary. London, Prestel.
  • Shabout, N.M., Keshmirshekan, H. (2015). Framing the Discipline of Contemporary Art of the Arab World through the Press. Contemporary Art and Discourses from the Middle East. London, I.B. Tauris.
  • Shabout, N.M., Lindgren, A.C., Ross, S. (2015). Modernism and the visual arts in the Middle East and North Africa. The Modernist World. Routledge.
  • Shabout, N.M., Rogers, S. (2014). Darat al-Funun: From a Mirage to a Home. Anthology on the Shoman Private Collection. Shoman Foundation.
  • Nada Shabout. (2012). Bifurcations of Iraq's Visual Culture. We are All Iraqis: Aesthetics and Politics in a Time of War. 3-25. Syracuse University Press.
  • Nada Shabout. (2012). Collecting Iraqi Art. Archives, Museums and Collecting Practices in the Modern Arab World. Ashgate Publishing Ltd.
  • Nada Shabout. (2011). In Lieu of the Sublime. Art in Iraq Today. Skira Publisher.
  • Nada Shabout. (2010). "The Challenge of Arab Art." In Editors, Chris Dercon and Avinoam Shalem, Future of Tradition - Tradition of Future..
  • Nada Shabout. (2010). Images and Status: Visualizing Iraqi Women. Muslim Women in War and Crisis: from Reality to Representation. Austin, University of Texas Press.
  • Nada Shabout. (2010). Trading Cultures: The Boundary Issues of Globalization. History of Visual Culture: Western Civilization from the 18th to the 21st Century. Berg Publishers.
  • Nada Shabout. (2010). Usurping History: Iraqi Art, Monuments and Artists. Homeworks IV: A Forum on Cultural Practices. Beirut,
  • Shabout, N.M. (2009). Dia al-Azzawi. Dia al-Azzawi: Retrospective. 1-27. Abu Dhabi, Meem for ADMAF.
  • Nada Shabout. (2006). Forgotten Era: Modern and Contemporary Iraqi Art. Créations Artistiques Contemporaines en Pays d'Islam: des Arts en Tension. Paris, Editions Kimé.
  • Nada Shabout. (2006). Preservation of Iraqi Modern Heritage in the Aftermath of the US Invasion of 2003. An anthology on Ethics in the Art World. Allworth Press.
  • Book Review

  • Nada Shabout. (2007). The Politics of Art History, a book review of Gannit Ankori, Palestinian Art. Arab Studies Quarterly. 29 (2) 57-61.
  • Nada Shabout. (2006). Women and the Politics of Presentation, a book review of Carol Malt, Women’s Voices in Middle Eastern Museums: Case Studies. Jordan. H-Gender-MidEast.
  • Nada Shabout. (2004). Review of "Architects and the 'Building World' from Chambers to Ruskin: Constructing Authority, by Brian Hanson, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2003. Newsletter of the Historians of British Art.
  • Broadcast Media

  • Shabout, N.M. (2017). Intercultural bridges and the Memory Matrix (Part 1&2) , with Roger Malina, Shafaq Ahmed, Azra Askamija and Nada Shabout. Dallas, TX,
  • Shabout, N.M. (2016). “Freedom in the non-structure” – Saleem Al-Bahloly in conversation with the art historian Nada Shabout.
  • Catalogue Essay

  • Shabout, N.M. (2022). To Be A Woman.... Afifa Aleiby: Rivers Converging exhibition. Berlin, Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery Berlin.
  • Shabout, N. (2022). To Point to the Stars. Mohamed Ahmed Ibrahim: Between Sunrise and Sunset / Works: 1986-2022. National Pavillion UAE/Venice Biennale.
  • Shabout, N. (2021). When Images Speak, What do they Say?. When Images Speak: Highlights from the Dubai Collection. Dubai,
  • Shabout, N. (2021). Jewad Selim. Monument for the Unknown Political Prisoner. Berlin, Germany, Atelierhaus Dahlem gGmbH, Berlin.
  • Shabout, N. (2020). Asserting Contemporaneity: Miniature Painting today. Miniature 2.0. Istanbul,
  • Shabout, N. (2020). Who We Are and How We Are Seen. Elena del Rivero: The Frozen Archive. Madrid, Old Slaughter House.
  • Shabout, N. (2020). Mediating Abstraction through the Arabic Letter. Taking Shape: Abstraction from The Arab World, 1950s-1980s. Munich, Hirmer Publishers.
  • Shabout, N. (2019). Dafatir: Testimonies of Forgotten Times. Theater of Operations: The Gulf Wars 1991-2011. NYC, MoMA PS1.
  • Shabout, N.M. (2018). A Dialogue with Modernism. Dia Al-Azzawi: A Retrospective (From 1963 Until Tomorrow). Doha, Mathaf: Arab Museum of Modern Art and Skira Press.
  • Shabout, N.M. (2018). The Baghdad Group for Modern Art: A Legacy for a Future. That Feverish Leap into the Fierceness of Life Exhibition Catalogue, Curated by Sam Bardaouil and Till Fellrath, Art Dubai Press, 2018. Dubai,
  • Shabout, N.M. (2017). Into Existence: Shakir Hassan Al Said’s Retractive Journey. Archaic: The Pavilion of Iraq. London, Mousse Publishing, Ruya Foundation.
  • Shabout, N.M. (2017). Textures of Significance: Hanaa Malallah. From Figuration to Abstraction. London, Park Gallery.
  • Mouasher, M. (2016). Localizing and Globalizing Aesthetics in Arab Art. Modern and Contemporary Arab Art from the Levant. Amsterdam, Schilt Publishing.
  • Shabout, N.M., Stanly, T., Tuqan, S. (2016). What’s in A Name?: Contemplating the “Islamic” in the “Contemporary. Jameel Prize 4, Victoria & Albert Museum.
  • Conference Proceeding

  • Shabout, N.M., Robinson, D. (2015). Ghosts of Future Pasts: Iraqi Culture in a State of Suspension. Through the Roadblocks Reader. NeMe.
  • Encyclopedia Article

  • Shabout, N.M., Ross, S. (2016). Selim, Jewad, Azzawi, Dia, Haidar, Kadhim, Nasiri, Rafa, Huroufiyah, Umar, Madiha. Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism (REM). Routledge.
  • Journal Article

  • Shabout, N. (2020). Rethinking contemporary Arab Art. Madrid, Casa Arabe Journal AWRAQ.
  • Shabout, N., Rogers, S., Lenssen, A. (2020). On Language and Modern Art: A Reflection,” in the June 2020.. Middle East Studies Association Bulletin. Special Focus Roundtable, Modern Art in the Arab World: Primary Documents. 54(1) 71–79. US, Review of Middle East Studies (RoMES).
  • Shabout, N. (2020). Decolonizing Art History. Journal of Art Historiography. Art History. London, The Association of Art History.
  • Shabout, N.M. (2015). Dia Azzawi: Ballads to Bilad al-Sawad. Contemporary Practices: Visual Arts from the Middle East. 16
  • Shabout, N.M. (2014). Whose Space is it?. International Journal of Middle East Studies. 46 (1)
  • Nada Shabout. (2013). "A Makeover: Baghdad, the 2013 Arab Capital of Culture.".
  • Nada Shabout and Isis Nusair. (2013). "Cinquante ans d'art modern (tout) contre l'Occident" in Le dossier central de ce numéro est intitulé "L'Egypte en son miroir, Arts et littératures, XIXe-XXIe siècle.".
  • Shabout, N.M., Lenssen, A., Rogers, S., Ramadan, D. (2013). Introduction, the Longevity of Rupture: 1967 in Art and its Histories. Other. 2 (2) 14-18. MIT Press Journals.
  • Nada Shabout and Isis Nusair. (2013). The Cultural Costs of the 2003 US-Led Invasion of Iraq: A Conversation with Art Historian Nada Shabout. Feminist Studies. 39 (1) 119-148.
  • Shabout, N.M. (2011). Review of "Baghdad Mem/Wars" by Sama al-Shaibi and Dena al-Adeeb. Other.
  • Nada Shabout, Wassan al-Khudhairi. (2010). The Arabic Connection in Articulating North African Modernity in Art. Other. 109 (3) 329-343.
  • Shabout, N.M. (2010). Arab presence in Venice Biennale. Arab Studies Journal. XVIII (1) 356-360.
  • Shabout, N.M. (2009). "Are Images Global?" in the online journal Tate Papers in English, Autumn issue, and in the Nafas Art Magazine in English, Arabic, and German.
  • Nada Shabout. (2009). "Iraqi Art: Dafatir" in The State of the Arts in the Middle East.
  • Nada Shabout. (2009). Art without History? Evaluating 'Arab' Art. Other. 42 (1/2)
  • Nada Shabout. (2006). "Cultural Destruction and its Implications." Related Links:
  • Nada Shabout. (2006). "Recovering Iraq's Modern Heritage: Constructing and Digitally Documenting the Collection of the former Saddam Center for the Arts.".
  • Shabout, N.M. (2006). Historiographic Invisibilities: The Case of Contemporary Iraqi Art. International Journal for the Humanities. 3 (9) 53-64.
  • Nada Shabout. (2006). The 'Free' Art of Occupation: Images for a 'New' Iraq. Arab Studies Quarterly. 28 (3/4) 41-55.
  • Nada Shabout. (2006). The Politics of Presentation. Palace and Mosque: Islamic Art from the Victoria and Albert Museum exhibition. Arab Studies Journal. 234-40.
  • Shabout, N.M. (2006). The Iraqi Museum of Modern Art: Ethical Implications. Collections: A Journal for Museum and Archives Professionals. 2 (4) 285-298. Alta Mira Press.
  • Nada Shabout. (2005). "The Forgotten Era: Modern Art in Iraq".
  • Nada Shabout. (2005). "Understanding Islamic Aesthetics.".
  • Nada Shabout. (2004). "Report on Losses to Iraq's Modern Art Heritage.".
  • Nada Shabout. (1994). Turning the Outside In…The Russian Unofficial Movement 1953-1988. The 1950's unofficial movement in Russian art in conjunction with the New Russian art: Paintings From the Christian Keesee Collection.
  • Magazine/Trade Publication

  • Shabout, N. (2019). Frequently Asked Questions in Art. Selections. Beirut,
  • Shabout, N.M. (2018). Transregional Solidarity: The Arab Biennial in Retrospect. #5 Refractions of Socialist Solidarity, Mezosfera’s fifth thematic issue is published in conjunction with the Budapest presentation of the three-channel film Two Meetings and a Funeral, edited by Eszter Szakács. Budapest,
  • Shabout, N.M. (2017). On Identity, Iraq and Individuality: Nada Shabout Interviews Reem Alkadhi, Hayv Kahraman and Hanaa Malallah. Selections: A Dialogue Between Generations of Arab Women in Art #42. (#42) 62-79. Beirut,
  • Shabout, N.M. (2016). Dia Al-Azzawi: ‘I am Iraq’ in Harper Bazaar Art Arabia. (44) Harper Bazaar Art Arabia.
  • Newspaper

  • Shabout, N. (2021). An ancient treasure may be returned to Iraq. Many others are still lost. Washington DC, Washington Post.
  • Shabout, N.M. (2017). Opinion: Why You Should Care About Islamic Art. Richmond, Virginia, Style Weekly.
  • On Air Radio Art Review

  • Shabout, N. (2020). Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UNT: Episode 48: Documenting Iraq's Missing Modern Art with Dr. Nada Shabout. Denton,
  • Other

  • Shabout, N.M. (2013). What role can the archive play in developing and sustaining a localised and culturally specific art history?. Ibraaz Platform 06.
  • Personal Essay

  • Shabout, N.M. (2016). Fading Memories, Brown Book.
  • Scholarly Preface

  • Shabout, N.M. (2024). The Strength of Passionate Research. Huda AbiFaris, ed., Revealing Recording Reflecting: Graphic Women from Southwest Asia and North Africa. Khatt Foundation.
  • Shabout, N.M. (2023). In Search of Meaning in History. A Museum in a Book: The Ibrahimi Collection. Milano, Skira Editore.
  • Shabout, N.M. (2023). Memories of Love and Knowledge. Myrna Ayad, ed., Alcove: Intimate Essays of Modern Arab Artists.
  • catalogue Raisonné

  • Shabout, N.M., Hess, V.D., Rashwan, H. (2017). Egypt and Early Arab Modernism. Mahmoud Said Catalogue Raisonné. Milan,

Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research


  • Shabout, N.M. (Principal), "Senior Humanities Research Fellow," sponsored by The NYU Abu Dhabi Humanities Research Fellowship for the Study of the Arab World, International, $130000 Funded. (2022 - 2023).
  • Shabout, N.M. (Principal), "Institute of Advanced Studies Fellowship 2022-2023," sponsored by Loughborough University, International, $10000 Funded. (2023 - 2023).
  • Grant - Research

  • Shabout, N.M. (Co-Principal), "NEH Collaborative Research Grant," sponsored by NEH, Federal, $10000 Funded. ( - 2024).
  • Shabout, N. (Principal), "Mapping Art Histories in the Arab World, Iran, and Turkey Project, 2019-2021," sponsored by Getty Foundation, National, $88000 Funded. (2019 - 2022).
  • Shabout, N.M., "Arts Writer Grant , 2017-2018," sponsored by Andy Warhol Foundation, International, $50000.00 Funded. (2018 - 2018).
  • Shabout, N.M., "Scholarly and Creative Activity Award," University of North Texas, $5000.00 Funded. ( - 2018).
  • Shabout, N.M. (Principal), "Mapping Art Histories in the Arab World, Iran, and Turkey," sponsored by The Getty Foundation, NFP, Funded. (2019 - 2023).
  • Shabout, N. (Principal), "Mapping Art Histories in the Arab World, Iran, and Turkey Project, 2019-2021," sponsored by Getty Foundation, National, Funded. (2019 - 2022).
  • Shabout, N., "Arts Writer Grant , 2017-2018," sponsored by Andy Warhol Foundation, International, Funded. (2018 - 2018).
  • Sponsored Research

  • Shabout, N.M. (Principal), "Developmental Leave," sponsored by UNT, University of North Texas, Funded. (2018 - 2019).
Summative Rating
Challenge and
Engagement Index
Response Rate

out of 5

out of 7
students responded
  • Overall Summative Rating (median):
    This rating represents the combined responses of students to the four global summative items and is presented to provide an overall index of the class’s quality. Overall summative statements include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 5 = Excellent, 3 = Good, and 1= Very poor):
    • The course as a whole was
    • The course content was
    • The instructor’s contribution to the course was
    • The instructor’s effectiveness in teaching the subject matter was
  • Challenge and Engagement Index:
    This rating combines student responses to several SPOT items relating to how academically challenging students found the course to be and how engaged they were. Challenge and Engagement Index items include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 7 = Much higher, 4 = Average, and 1 = Much lower):
    • Do you expect your grade in this course to be
    • The intellectual challenge presented was
    • The amount of effort you put into this course was
    • The amount of effort to succeed in this course was
    • Your involvement in course (doing assignments, attending classes, etc.) was