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Pamela K. Scott-Bracey

Title: Clinical Associate Professor

Department: Multidisciplinary Innovation

College: College of Applied and Collaborative Studies

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae Link


  • PhD, University of North Texas, 2011
    Major: Applied Technology & Performance Improvement
  • MS, Mississippi College, 2007
  • BS, University of Southern Mississippi, 2006

Current Scheduled Teaching

BAAS 4100.701Managing a 21st Century CareerFall 8W2 2024
APMG 2011.510Project Workshop: BeginnerFall 2024 Syllabus

Previous Scheduled Teaching

BAAS 3000.900Pathways to Civic EngagementSpring 8W1 2024 Syllabus SPOT
NCPS 4900.501Special ProblemsSpring 8W2 2024 Syllabus SPOT
SPDA 3121.521Connections II: Problem Analysis WorkshopFall 2023 Syllabus SPOT
BAAS 4100.901Managing a 21st Century CareerFall 8W2 2023 Syllabus SPOT
MGMT 3820.002Management ConceptsSummer 5W1 2023 Syllabus SPOT
BAAS 4100.901Managing a 21st Century CareerSpring 8W2 2023 Syllabus SPOT
BAAS 3000.901Pathways to Civic EngagementSpring 8W1 2023 Syllabus SPOT
SPDA 3120.521Connections II: Problem AnalysisFall 2022 Syllabus SPOT
SPDA 3121.521Connections II: Problem Analysis WorkshopFall 2022 Syllabus SPOT
BAAS 4100.900Managing a 21st Century CareerFall 2022 Syllabus SPOT
BAAS 4100.901Managing a 21st Century CareerSpring 8W2 2022 Syllabus SPOT
BAAS 3000.070Pathways to Civic EngagementSpring 8W2 2022 Syllabus SPOT
BAAS 3000.901Pathways to Civic EngagementSpring 8W1 2022 Syllabus SPOT
BAAS 4100.001Managing a 21st Century CareerFall 2021 Syllabus SPOT
BAAS 3000.901Pathways to Civic EngagementFall 8W2 2021 Syllabus SPOT

Published Intellectual Contributions

    Abstracts and Proceedings

  • Scott-Bracey, P. (2014). Earn your business/technology teacher certification…online!.
  • Scott-Bracey, P. (2014). Successful recruitment and retention techniques for online teacher education programs.
  • Book Chapter

  • Allen, J.M., Scott-Bracey, P. (2020). Supporting Workforce Wisdom in a Global Economy.
  • Scott-Bracey, P. (2019). Business Foundations and Management.
  • Turner, J., Allen, J.M., Scott-Bracey, P. (2018). Multilevel theory model development and dissemination.
  • Scott-Bracey, P. (2017). Aligning teaching and learning with state standards.
  • Scott-Bracey, P. (2016). Technology tools for innovative instruction.
  • Mayes, R.R., Scott-Bracey, P. (2015). Identifying corporate social responsibility (CSR) curricula of leading U.S. executive MBA programs.
  • Gavrilova Aguilar, M., Allen, J.M., Scott-Bracey, P. (2012). Examining Diversity Curriculum in Leading EMBA Programs in the United States.
  • Allen, J.M., Pasquini, L.A., Scott-Bracey, P. (2012). Learning and performance innovation.
  • Conference Proceeding

  • Scott-Bracey, P.K., Coats, L. (2023). Interrogating the System: Black Women Faculty Experiences Matter.
  • Scott-Bracey, P.K., Gavrilova Aguilar, M.C. (2023). Creating Inclusive Classrooms by Establishing Collaborative Safe Spaces for Faculty. Kansas City, MO,
  • Scott-Bracey, P.K., Coats, L. (2022). Cultivating Excellence: Impact of Family on Black Women Faculty Persistence in the Academy.
  • Gavrilova Aguilar, M.C., Scott-Bracey, P.K., Allen, J.M. (2019). HR competencies and university curricula alignment.
  • Scott-Bracey, P. (2018). The demise of business teacher education in a southeastern state.
  • Scott-Bracey, P. (2017). Online business teacher education: The Good, the bad, and the ugly truths.
  • Scott-Bracey, P. (2016). Enhancing the 4C’s through game use in business education classrooms.
  • Scott-Bracey, P. (2016). The good, the bad, and the ugly truths of an online teacher education program.
  • Scott-Bracey, P. (2015). A comparative review of Mississippi business teacher certification methods.
  • Scott-Bracey, P. (2015). An analysis of the business education licensure requirements in Mississippi.
  • Scott-Bracey, P. (2015). Integrating global academic essentials: Common core, 21st Century skills, and technology.
  • Scott-Bracey, P. (2014). Business teacher education enrollment requirements: A comparative review.
  • Scott-Bracey, P. (2014). Technology tools for delivering content and engaging students in 21st century learning.
  • Scott-Bracey, P. (2013). Across state lines: A comparative study of career and technical education (CTE) teacher education program training and requirements..
  • Scott-Bracey, P., Gavrilova Aguilar, M. (2011). Perceptions of Technology Integration Training Methods Among Technology Teachers in Texas.
  • Scott-Bracey, P. (2011). Perceptions of Technology Integration Training Methods Among Texas CTE Teachers.
  • Scott-Bracey, P. (2010). Self-regulated learning vs. Self-directed learning: Twins or just friends?.
  • Scott-Bracey, P. (2010). TEKS 2007 to 2010: Addressing the curriculum changes in the IT and AAVTC clusters.
  • Journal Article

  • Scott-Bracey, P. (2017). 50 ways to use social media professionally in business education.
  • Scott-Bracey, P. (2016). Professional development for promoting 21st century skills and common core state standards in foreign language and social studies classrooms..
  • Scott-Bracey, P. (2016). Using job postings to enhance 21st century learning in business education classrooms.
  • Scott-Bracey, P. (2014). Differentiating instruction using technology.
  • Allen, J.M., Gavrilova Aguilar, M., Scott-Bracey, P. (2010). Learning in 2010: Instructional challenges for adult career and technical education.
  • Manuscript

  • Scott-Bracey, P. (2011). An examination of soft skills listed in Texas electronic job postings and undergraduate business information systems syllabi..
  • Personal Essay

  • Scott-Bracey, P. (2003). Home is Where the Heart is.
  • Poster

  • Scott-Bracey, P. (2015). Enhancing technology integration in Mississippi foreign language and social studies classrooms.
  • Textbook

  • Scott-Bracey, P.K. (2021). Administrative Management and Procedures. 50. Dubuque, IA, Kendall Hunt.

Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research

    Grant - Service

  • Scott-Bracey, P.K. (Principal), Gavrilova Aguilar, M.C. (Co-Principal), Allen, J.M. (Co-Principal), Reis, A.E. (Co-Principal), "Inclusive Mentoring and Teaching Reading Group," sponsored by UNT Faculty Success, University of North Texas, $5000 Funded. (2022 - 2023).
  • Scott-Bracey, P.K., "Preparing Black Female Faculty for Prominence, Power, and Presence in the Academy," sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, $56942 Funded. (2016 - 2018).
  • Scott-Bracey, P.K., "Graduate Recruitment Assistance Grant," sponsored by MSU Graduate School, Other, $5000 Funded. (2016 - 2017).
  • Scott-Bracey, P.K., "21st Century Community Learning Centers Project," sponsored by MS Department of Education, State, $950000 Funded. (2015 - 2016).
  • Scott-Bracey, P.K., "Minigrant for Organizations," sponsored by Mississippi arts Commission, Private, $3000 Funded. (2015 - 2016).
  • Grant - Teaching

  • Scott-Bracey, P., "GenCyber 2019," sponsored by National Science Foundation and the National Security Administration, Federal, $100000 Funded. (2019 - 2020).
  • Scott-Bracey, P.K., "Integrating Global Academic Essentials: Standards, 21st Century Skills, & Technology (GAETI 2018)," sponsored by Mississippi IHL, State, $39300 Funded. (2018 - 2019).
  • Scott-Bracey, P.K., "GenCyber 2018," sponsored by National Science Foundation and the National Security Administration, Federal, $100000 Funded. (2017 - 2019).
  • Scott-Bracey, P.K., "Integrating Global Academic Essentials: Standards, 21st Century Skills, & Technology (GAETI 2017)," sponsored by Mississippi IHL, State, $97300 Funded. (2017 - 2018).
  • Scott-Bracey, P.K., "Integrating Global Academic Essentials: Standards, 21st Century Skills, & Technology (GAETI 2016)," sponsored by Mississippi IHL, State, $90000 Funded. (2016 - 2017).
  • Scott-Bracey, P.K., "Integrating Global Academic Essentials: Common Core, 21st Century Skills, & Technology (GAETI 2015)," sponsored by Mississippi IHL, State, $90000 Funded. (2015 - 2016).
  • Scott-Bracey, P.K., "Schilling Special Teaching Project Award," sponsored by MSU Office of the Provost and Vice President, Other, $3000 Funded. (2015 - 2016).
  • Scott-Bracey, P.K., "Training Tomorrow’s Teachers," sponsored by Mississippi Educational Computing Association, Private, $1000 Funded. (2015 - 2016).
  • Scott-Bracey, P.K., "Integrating Global Academic Essentials: Common Core, 21st Century Skills, & Technology (GAETI 2014)," sponsored by Mississippi IHL, State, $90000 Funded. (2014 - 2015).
  • Sponsored Research

  • Scott-Bracey, P.K., "SEC Travel Grant," sponsored by Southeastern Conference, Regional, $1250 Funded. (2016 - 2017).
  • Scott-Bracey, P.K., "The Intersection of Mentoring and Socialization: Increasing Faculty of Color Presence in Academia," sponsored by MSU Office of Research and Economic Development, Other, $2000 Funded. (2015 - 2016).
  • Scott-Bracey, P.K., "Graduate Recruitment Assistance Grant," sponsored by MSU Graduate School, Other, $3000 Funded. (2014 - 2015).
Summative Rating
Challenge and
Engagement Index
Response Rate

out of 5

out of 7
students responded
  • Overall Summative Rating (median):
    This rating represents the combined responses of students to the four global summative items and is presented to provide an overall index of the class’s quality. Overall summative statements include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 5 = Excellent, 3 = Good, and 1= Very poor):
    • The course as a whole was
    • The course content was
    • The instructor’s contribution to the course was
    • The instructor’s effectiveness in teaching the subject matter was
  • Challenge and Engagement Index:
    This rating combines student responses to several SPOT items relating to how academically challenging students found the course to be and how engaged they were. Challenge and Engagement Index items include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 7 = Much higher, 4 = Average, and 1 = Much lower):
    • Do you expect your grade in this course to be
    • The intellectual challenge presented was
    • The amount of effort you put into this course was
    • The amount of effort to succeed in this course was
    • Your involvement in course (doing assignments, attending classes, etc.) was