Faculty Profile

Rhonda Reger

College of Business
College of Business



PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign, 1988.
Major: Business Administration
Degree Specialization: Strategic Management
Dissertation Title: Competitive Positioning in the Chicago Banking Market: Mapping the Mind of the Strategist.
MBA, University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign, 1983.
Major: Business Administration
Degree Specialization: General Management
BBA, Texas A&M University, 1979.
Major: Marketing

Current Scheduled Teaching*

MGMT 6020.730, Research Proposal Seminar, Summer 2024

* Texas Education Code 51.974 (HB 2504) requires each institution of higher education to make available to the public, a syllabus for undergraduate lecture courses offered for credit by the institution.

Previous Scheduled Teaching*

MGMT 6950.001, Doctoral Dissertation, Spring 2024
MGMT 5760.001, Strategic Management, Spring 8W1 2024 Syllabus SPOT
MGMT 5760.002, Strategic Management, Spring 8W2 2024 Syllabus SPOT
MGMT 6010.001, Management Scholar Development Seminar, Fall 2023 SPOT
MGMT 6900.730, Special Problems, Fall 2023
MGMT 6020.730, Research Proposal Seminar, Summer 10W 2023
MGMT 6900.730, Special Problems, Summer 10W 2023
MGMT 6950.005, Doctoral Dissertation, Spring 2023
MGMT 6820.001, Seminar in Organizational Theory, Spring 2023 Syllabus SPOT
MGMT 6950.707, Doctoral Dissertation, Fall 2022
MGMT 3850.003, Foundations of Entrepreneurship, Fall 2022 Syllabus SPOT
MGMT 3850.004, Foundations of Entrepreneurship, Fall 2022 Syllabus SPOT
MGMT 6900.730, Special Problems, Summer 10W 2022
BUSI 5190.040, Administrative Strategy, Spring 2022 Syllabus SPOT
MGMT 6950.005, Doctoral Dissertation, Spring 2022
MGMT 6010.001, Management Scholar Development Seminar, Spring 2022 Syllabus SPOT
MGMT 6950.707, Doctoral Dissertation, Fall 2021
MGMT 5760.002, Strategic Management, Fall 8W1 2021 Syllabus SPOT
MGMT 6900.001, Special Problems, Summer 10W 2021 Syllabus
MGMT 6900.704, Special Problems, Summer 5W2 2021
BUSI 5190.040, Administrative Strategy, Spring 2021 Syllabus SPOT
MGMT 6820.001, Seminar in Organizational Theory, Spring 2021 Syllabus SPOT
MGMT 6900.703, Special Problems, Spring 2021
MGMT 3850.004, Foundations of Entrepreneurship, Fall 2020 Syllabus SPOT
MGMT 6900.703, Special Problems, Fall 2020

* Texas Education Code 51.974 (HB 2504) requires each institution of higher education to make available to the public, a syllabus for undergraduate lecture courses offered for credit by the institution.

Published Publications

Published Intellectual Contributions

Abstracts and Proceedings
Wang, X. J., Xia, J., Reger, R. K., Wang, J. (2023). How Societal Factors Influence IJV Completion: The Role of Constituent Perceptions.
Andrus, J., Chen, Y. N., Wang, X. J., Reger, R. K. (2023). Tempest in a Teapot? Market Reactions to Social Media Chatter About Social Movements,.
Channagiri Ajit, T., Ferrier, W., Reger, R. K. (2022). Why do High-Status Firms Become Targets of Competitive Attacks? An Examination of Two Explanations.. Academy of Management Proceedings. 2022(1), . Academy of Management.
Book Chapter
Reger, R. K., Pfarrer, M. (2021). Strategic Decision-Making and Organizational Actors.
Reger, R. K., Pfarrer, M. (2021). Strategic Decision-Making and Organizational Actors. Strategic Management: State of the Field and Its Future. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Wang, X., Reger, R. K. (2017). Rolling the Dice: What Methodological Choices Maximize Chances for Publication in Premier Strategic Management Journals?. Methodological Challenges and Advances in Managerial and Organizational Cognition (New Horizons in Managerial and Organizational Cognition, Volume 2). 345 - 351. ) Emerald Publishing Limited.
Rindova, V. P., Reger, R. K., Dalpiaz, E. (2012). The mind of the strategist and the eye of the beholder: The socio-cognitive perspective in strategy research. Handbook of Research on Competitive Strategy. 147-164. https://api.elsevier.com/content/abstract/scopus_id/84881840014
Conference Proceeding
Purnell, D. L., Reger, R. K., Legocki, K. (2023). Mic Check: How Does the Use of Hip-Hop Music in Advertising Impact Perceived Brand Authenticity and Behavioral Intention?. Society for Marketing Advances.
Pattnaik, S., Reger, R. K. (2022). Who Learns and What They Learn: Evidence from an Action-Based Entrepreneurship Training Program.. Academy of Management Proceedings. 2022(1), . Academy of Management.
Editorial, Journal
Reger, R. K. (2001). From the Special Issue Editor Managing in the information age. Journal of Management. 27(3), 233-234. https://api.elsevier.com/content/abstract/scopus_id/84992849180
Encyclopedia Article
Reger, R. K., Kincaid, P. A. (2021). Content and Text Analysis Methods for Organizational Research.
Reger, R. K., Kincaid, P. (2021). Content and Text Analysis Methods for Organizational Research. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Business and Management. 29 pages equivalent (single spaced, 12 point Times New Roman. Oxford, England: University of Oxford. https://doi.org/10.1093/acrefore/9780190224851.013.336
Journal Article
Boss, A. D., Yan, J. J., Reger, R. K. (2023). The unrelenting entrepreneur: Taking stock of research on entrepreneurial persistence and related constructs.
Boss, A. D., Yan, J. J., Reger, R. K. (2023). The unrelenting entrepreneur: Taking stock of research on entrepreneurial persistence and related constructs,. Journal of Business Venturing Insights. 20, . Durham: Elsevier Inc.. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2352673423000495
Boss, A. D., Yan, J. J., Reger, R. K. (2023). Keep on keeping on: A psychological approach to entrepreneurial persistence,.
Boss, A. D., Yan, J., Reger, R. K. (2023). The unrelenting entrepreneur: Taking stock of research on entrepreneurial persistence and related constructs.
Pattniak, S., Mmbaga, N., White, T. D., Reger, R. K. (2023). To Entrepreneur or Not to Entrepreneur? How Identity Discrepancies Influence Enthusiasm for Academic Entrepreneurship.
Wang, X., Reger, R. K., Pfarrer, M. (2021). Faster, Hotter, and More Linked in: Managing Social Disapproval in the Social Media Era. Academy of Management Review. 46(2), 275-298. Academy of Management. https://doi.org/10.5465/amr.2017.0375
Janardhanan, N. S., Lewis, K., Reger, R. K., Stevens, C. K. (2020). Getting to know you: Motivating cross-understanding for improved team and individual performance. Organization Science. 31(1), 103-118. https://api.elsevier.com/content/abstract/scopus_id/85084788743
Zavyalova, A., Pfarrer, M. D., Reger, R. K. (2017). Celebrity and infamy? The consequences of media narratives about organizational identity. Academy of Management Review. 42(3), 461-480. https://api.elsevier.com/content/abstract/scopus_id/85027042669
Zavyalova, A., Pfarrer, M. D., Reger, R. K., Hubbard, T. D. (2016). Reputation as a benefit and a burden? How stakeholders' organizational identification affects the role of reputation following a negative event. Academy of Management Journal. 59(1), 253-276. https://api.elsevier.com/content/abstract/scopus_id/84959314966
Zavyalova, A., Pfarrer, M. D., Reger, R. K., Shapiro, D. L. (2012). Managing the message: The effects of firm actions and industry spillovers on media coverage following wrongdoing. Academy of Management Journal. 55(5), 1079-1101. https://api.elsevier.com/content/abstract/scopus_id/84875762498
Livengood, R. S., Reger, R. K. (2010). That's our turf! identity domains and competitive dynamics. Academy of Management Review. 35(1), 48-66. https://api.elsevier.com/content/abstract/scopus_id/71949121324
Reger, R. K., Palmer, T. B. (1996). Managerial Categorization of Competitors: Using Old Maps to Navigate New Environments. Organization Science. 7(1), 22-39. https://api.elsevier.com/content/abstract/scopus_id/0030544810
Noble, C. H., Stafford, E. R., Reger, R. K. (1995). A new direction for strategic alliance research in marketing: Organizational cognition. Journal of Strategic Marketing. 3(3), 145-165. https://api.elsevier.com/content/abstract/scopus_id/0011073509
Lyles, M. A., Reger, R. K. (1993). MANAGING FOR AUTONOMY IN JOINT VENTURES: A LONGITUDINAL STUDY OF UPWARD INFLUENCE*. Journal of Management Studies. 30(3), 383-404. https://api.elsevier.com/content/abstract/scopus_id/84993031206
Reger, R. K., Huff, A. S. (1993). Strategic groups: A cognitive perspective. Strategic Management Journal. 14(2), 103-123. https://api.elsevier.com/content/abstract/scopus_id/84989040395
Reger, R. K., Duhaime, I. M., Stimpert, J. L. (1992). Deregulation, strategic choice, risk and financial performance. Strategic Management Journal. 13(3), 189-204. https://api.elsevier.com/content/abstract/scopus_id/84989040498
Note, Journal
Zavyalova, A., Pfarrer, M. D., Reger, R. K. (2018). Dialogue. Academy of Management Review. 43(2), 330-332. https://api.elsevier.com/content/abstract/scopus_id/85046169338
Summative Rating
Challenge and
Engagement Index
Response Rate

out of 5

out of 7
students responded
  • Overall Summative Rating (median):
    This rating represents the combined responses of students to the four global summative items and is presented to provide an overall index of the class’s quality. Overall summative statements include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 5 = Excellent, 3 = Good, and 1= Very poor):
    • The course as a whole was
    • The course content was
    • The instructor’s contribution to the course was
    • The instructor’s effectiveness in teaching the subject matter was
  • Challenge and Engagement Index:
    This rating combines student responses to several SPOT items relating to how academically challenging students found the course to be and how engaged they were. Challenge and Engagement Index items include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 7 = Much higher, 4 = Average, and 1 = Much lower):
    • Do you expect your grade in this course to be
    • The intellectual challenge presented was
    • The amount of effort you put into this course was
    • The amount of effort to succeed in this course was
    • Your involvement in course (doing assignments, attending classes, etc.) was