Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae Link
PhD, University of Hamburg, 1998
Major: Mathematics
Current Scheduled Teaching
MATH 6950.725 | Doctoral Dissertation | Spring 2025 |
MATH 6510.001 | Topics in Algebra | Spring 2025 |
Texas Education Code 51.974 (HB 2504) requires each institution of higher education to make available to the public, a syllabus for undergraduate lecture courses offered for credit by the institution.
Previous Scheduled Teaching
MATH 6950.702 | Doctoral Dissertation | Fall 2024 |
MATH 6950.730 | Doctoral Dissertation | Spring 2024 |
MATH 5530.001 | Modern Algebra | Spring 2024 |
MATH 6900.709 | Special Problems | Spring 2024 |
MATH 6950.711 | Doctoral Dissertation | Fall 2023 |
MATH 5520.001 | Modern Algebra | Fall 2023 |
MATH 5900.706 | Special Problems | Spring 2023 |
MATH 5910.702 | Special Problems | Spring 2023 |
MATH 5910.705 | Special Problems | Spring 2023 |
MATH 6510.001 | Topics in Algebra | Spring 2023 |
MATH 4520.001 | Introduction to Functions of a Complex Variable | Fall 2022 |
MATH 5400.002 | Introduction to Functions of a Complex Variable | Fall 2022 |
MATH 5900.719 | Special Problems | Fall 2022 |
MATH 6700.001 | Selected Topics in Advanced Mathematics | Spring 2022 |
MATH 5910.702 | Special Problems | Spring 2022 |
MATH 5520.001 | Modern Algebra | Fall 2021 |
MATH 4900.702 | Special Problems | Fall 2021 |
MATH 5900.726 | Special Problems | Fall 2021 |
MATH 5900.705 | Special Problems | Spring 2021 |
MATH 6510.001 | Topics in Algebra | Spring 2021 |
MATH 3000.002 | Real Analysis I | Fall 2020 |
MATH 5900.703 | Special Problems | Fall 2020 |
MATH 5120.001 | Introduction to Analysis | Spring 2020 |
MATH 5110.001 | Introduction to Analysis | Fall 2019 |
Texas Education Code 51.974 (HB 2504) requires each institution of higher education to make available to the public, a syllabus for undergraduate lecture courses offered for credit by the institution.
Published Intellectual Contributions
- Ryan, N.C., Tornaría, G., Schmidt, R. (2016). Formulas for central values of twisted spin L-functions attached to paramodular forms. Other. 85 (298) 907–929.
- Böcherer, S., Schmidt, R. (2005). On the Hecke operator U(p). Other. 45 (4) 807–829.
- Schmidt, R., Johnson-Leung, J., Roberts, B. (2024). Stable Klingen Vectors and Paramodular Newforms. 2342 xvii + 362 pp.. Springer Lecture Notes in Mathematics.
- Roberts, B., Schmidt, R. (2007). Local newforms for GSp(4). 1918 viii+307. Springer, Berlin.
- Berndt, R., Schmidt, R. (1998). Elements of the representation theory of the Jacobi group. xiv+213. Birkhäuser/Springer Basel AG, Basel.
- Roberts, B., Schmidt, R. (2011). On the number of local newforms in a metaplectic representation. Arithmetic geometry and automorphic forms. 19 505–530. Int. Press, Somerville, MA.
- Roberts, B., Schmidt, R. (2006). On modular forms for the paramodular groups. Automorphic forms and zeta functions. 334–364. World Sci. Publ., Hackensack, NJ.!!!
- Schmidt, R., Pitale, A., Saha, A. (2017). A note on the growth of nearly holomorphic vector-valued Siegel modular forms. L-functions and Automorphic Forms.
- Schmidt, R., Pitale, A., Saha, A. (2015). Representations of SL(2,R) and nearly holomorphic modular forms. Other. 1973 141-153. Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University.
- Schmidt, R., Cohen, J.S. (2025). Fourier-Jacobi modules of depth-zero supercuspidals of GSp_4. Manuscripta Math. 176
- Schmidt, R., Roy, M., Yi, S. (2023). Dimension formulas for Siegel modular forms of level 4. Other. 69 759-840.
- Schmidt, R., Pitale, A., Saha, A., Horinaga, S. (2022). The special values of the standard L-functions for GSp_{2n} × GL_{1}. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 375 (10) 6947–6982.
- Schmidt, R., Pitale, A., Saha, A. (2021). Integrality and cuspidality of pullbacks of nearly holomorphic Siegel Eisenstein series. Other. 66 405-434.
- Schmidt, R., Pitale, A., Saha, A. (2021). Lowest weight modules of Sp_4(R) and nearly holomorphic Siegel modular forms. Other. 61 745-814.
- Schmidt, R., Roy, M., Yi, S. (2021). On counting cuspidal automorphic representations for GSp(4). Forum Mathematicum. 33 (3) 821-843.
- Schmidt, R. (2020). Paramodular forms in CAP representations of GSp(4). Acta Arithmetica. 194 319-340.
- Schmidt, R., Pitale, A., Saha, A. (2020). On the standard L-function for GSp_{2n} \times GL_1 and algebraicity of symmetric fourth L-values for GL_2. Other.
- Schmidt, R., Dickson, M., Pitale, A., Saha, A. (2020). Explicit refinements of Bocherer’s conjecture for Siegel modular forms of squarefree level. Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan. 72 (1) 251-301.
- Schmidt, R., Shukla, A. (2019). On Klingen Eisenstein series with level in degree two. Other. 34 (3)
- Schmidt, R., Poor, C., Yuen, D.S. (2019). Paramodular forms of level 16 and supercuspidal representations. Moscow Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory. 8 (4)
- Pitale, A., Schmidt, R., Farmer, D., Ryan, N. (2019). Analytic L-functions: Definitions, Theorems, and Connections. Other.
- Schmidt, R., Poor, C., Yuen, D.S. (2018). Paramodular forms of level 8 and weights 10 and 12. Other. 14 417-467.
- Schmidt, R., Turki, S. (2018). Triply imprimitive representations of GL(2). Other. 146 971-981.
- Schmidt, R., Tran, L. (2018). Zeta integrals for GSp(4) via Bessel models. Other. 296 437–480.
- Schmidt, R. (2017). Archimedean aspects of Siegel modular forms of degree 2. Other.
- Stewart, S., Schmidt, R. (2017). Accommodation in the formal world of mathematical thinking. Other. 48 (1) 40-49.
- Schmidt, R. (2017). Packet structure and paramodular forms. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society.
- Schmidt, R., Pitale, A., Saha, A. (2017). Local and global Maass relations. Other. 2017 1-23.
- Roberts, B., Schmidt, R. (2016). Some results on Bessel functionals for GSp(4). Other. 21 467–553.
- Schmidt, R., Pitale, A. (2014). Bessel models for GSp(4): Siegel vectors of square-free level. Other. 136 134-164.
- Schmidt, R., Pitale, A., Saha, A. (2014). Transfer of Siegel cusp forms of degree 2. Other. 232 (1090) 109.
- Narita, H., Pitale, A., Schmidt, R. (2013). Irreducibility criteria for local and global representations. Other. 141 (1) 55–63.
- Farmer, D.W., Pitale, A., Ryan, N.C., Schmidt, R. (2013). Survey article: Characterizations of the Saito-Kurokawa lifting. Other. 43 (6) 1747–1757.
- Saha, A., Schmidt, R. (2013). Yoshida lifts and simultaneous non-vanishing of dihedral twists of modular $L$-functions. Other. 88 (1) 251–270.
- Farmer, D.W., Ryan, N.C., Schmidt, R. (2011). Testing the functional equation of a high-degree Euler product. Other. 253 (2) 349–366.
- Schmidt, R. (2009). A remark on a paper of Ibukiyama and Skoruppa. Other. 79 (2) 189–191.
- Pitale, A., Schmidt, R. (2009). Bessel models for lowest weight representations of GSp(4,R). Other. (7) 1159–1212.
- Pitale, A., Schmidt, R. (2009). Integral representation for L-functions for GSp_4 x GL_2. Other. 129 (6) 1272–1324.
- Pitale, A., Schmidt, R. (2009). Ramanujan-type results for Siegel cusp forms of degree 2. Other. 24 (1) 87–111.
- Asgari, M., Schmidt, R. (2008). On the adjoint L-function of the p-adic GSp(4). Other. 128 (8) 2340–2358.
- Pitale, A., Schmidt, R. (2008). Sign changes of Hecke eigenvalues of Siegel cusp forms of degree 2. Other. 136 (11) 3831–3838.
- Schmidt, R. (2007). On classical Saito-Kurokawa liftings. Other. 604 211–236.
- Schmidt, R. (2005). Iwahori-spherical representations of GSp(4) and Siegel modular forms of degree 2 with square-free level. Other. 57 (1) 259–293.
- Schmidt, R. (2005). The Saito-Kurokawa lifting and functoriality. Other. 127 (1) 209–240.!!!
- Schmidt, R. (2003). On the spin L-function of Ikeda’s lifts. Other. 52 (1) 1–46.
- Schmidt, R. (2002). On the Archimedean Euler factors for spin $L$-functions. Other. 72 119–143.
- Schmidt, R. (2002). Some remarks on local newforms for GL(2). Other. 17 (2) 115–147.
- Schmidt, R. (2001). Local newforms with global applications in the Jacobi theory. Other. 86 (2) 253–283.
- Asgari, M., Schmidt, R. (2001). Siegel modular forms and representations. Other. 104 (2) 173–200.
- Schmidt, R. (1999). On old and new Jacobi forms. Other. 79 (1) 29–57.
- Schmidt, R. (1998). Spherical representations of the Jacobi group. Other. 68 273–296.
Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research
- Keaton, R. (Principal), Schmidt, R. (Co-Principal), "Automorphic Forms Workshop 2017," sponsored by U.S. Department of Defense, National Security Agency, Federal, Funded. (2017 - 2017).
- Schmidt, R. (Principal), Martin, K.L. (Co-Principal), Pitale, A. (Co-Principal), "Collaborative Research: Texas-Oklahoma Representations and Automorphic Forms (TORA)," sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, Funded. (2013 - 2015).
- Schmidt, R., "Computational Aspects of the Langlands Program," sponsored by ICERM, Federal, Funded. (2015 - 2015).
- Schmidt, R. (Principal), "New theoretical and computational methods for Siegel modular forms," sponsored by Simons Foundation, Private, $30000 Funded. (2019 - 2024).
- Pitale, A. (Principal), Martin, K.L. (Co-Principal), Schmidt, R. (Co-Principal), "Collaborative Research: Texas-Oklahoma Representations and Automorphic Forms (TORA)," sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, $13000 Funded. (2016 - 2018).
- Richter, O.K. (Principal), Schmidt, R. (Principal), "Lifts and congruences of automorphic forms," sponsored by Simons Foundation, FOND, Funded. (2021 - 2026).
- Allaart, P. (Principal), Schmidt, R. (Principal), "Non-integer base expansions and multifractal analysis," sponsored by Simons Foundation, FOND, Funded. (2020 - 2025).
- Krueger, J.E. (Principal), Schmidt, R. (Principal), "Forcing and Consistency Results," sponsored by Simons Foundation, FOND, Funded. (2019 - 2024).
- Schmidt, R. (Principal), "New theoretical and computational methods for Siegel modular forms," sponsored by Simons Foundation, FOND, Funded. (2019 - 2024).
- Urbanski, M. (Principal), Schmidt, R. (Principal), "Random and Conformal Dynamical Systems," sponsored by Simons Foundation, FOND, Funded. (2018 - 2023).
- Conley, C.H. (Principal), Schmidt, R. (Principal), "Contact Schwarzians, Extremal Projectors, and Infinitesimal Characters," sponsored by Simons Foundation, FOND, Funded. (2017 - 2022).
- Shepler, A.V. (Principal), Schmidt, R. (Principal), "Deformations," sponsored by Simons Foundation, FOND, Funded. (2016 - 2022).
- Richter, O.K. (Principal), Schmidt, R. (Principal), "Real-Analytic Automorphic Forms and Applications," sponsored by Simons Foundation, FOND, Funded. (2016 - 2022).
- Pitale, A. (Principal), Martin, K.L. (Co-Principal), Schmidt, R. (Co-Principal), "Collaborative Research: Texas-Oklahoma Representations and Automorphic Forms (TORA)," sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, Funded. (2016 - 2018).