Faculty Profile



PhD, University of Washington, 2017.
Major: Education: Learning Sciences
Degree Specialization: Human Development
Dissertation Title: Sparking and Sustaining Adolescent Learning: Embodied Values, Contextualized Literacies, and Developing Identities at the Public Library
MLIS, University of Washington, 2007.
Major: Library and Information Science
Certificate, Western Washington University, 2004.
Major: Elementary Education (K-8)
BA, University of Washington, 1997.
Major: Drama

Current Scheduled Teaching*

INFO 6950.770, Doctoral Dissertation, Summer 2024
INFO 6660.036, Readings in Information Science, Summer 2024

* Texas Education Code 51.974 (HB 2504) requires each institution of higher education to make available to the public, a syllabus for undergraduate lecture courses offered for credit by the institution.

Previous Scheduled Teaching*

INFO 5410.001, Adult Materials and Reading Interests, Spring 2024 Syllabus SPOT
INFO 6950.737, Doctoral Dissertation, Spring 2024
INFO 5415.800, Graphic Novels and Comics, Spring 3W1 2024 Syllabus SPOT
INFO 5445.001, History and Culture of Youth Information Services, Spring 2024 Syllabus SPOT
INFO 6900.730, Special Problems, Spring 2024
INFO 6950.048, Doctoral Dissertation, Fall 2023
INFO 4900.001, Special Problems, Fall 2023
INFO 5415.800, Graphic Novels and Comics, Spring 3W1 2023 Syllabus SPOT
INFO 5445.001, History and Culture of Youth Information Services, Spring 2023 SPOT
INFO 4900.001, Special Problems, Spring 2023
INFO 5960.001, Library and Information Sciences Institute or Seminar, Fall 2022 Syllabus SPOT
INFO 4900.001, Special Problems, Fall 2022
INFO 5415.800, Graphic Novels and Comics, Spring 3W1 2022 Syllabus SPOT
INFO 4960.001, Information Science Institute/Seminar, Spring 2022 Syllabus SPOT
INFO 6900.711, Special Problems, Spring 2022
INFO 5415.001, Graphic Novels and Comics, Fall 2021 Syllabus SPOT
INFO 5415.005, Graphic Novels and Comics, Fall 2021 Syllabus SPOT
INFO 5960.001, Library and Information Sciences Institute or Seminar, Fall 2021 Syllabus SPOT
INFO 5960.005, Library and Information Sciences Institute or Seminar, Fall 2021 Syllabus SPOT
INFO 5415.001, Graphic Novels and Comics, Summer 10W 2021 SPOT
INFO 5415.005, Graphic Novels and Comics, Summer 10W 2021 SPOT
INFO 6900.705, Special Problems, Summer 10W 2021
INFO 5410.001, Adult Materials and Reading Interests, Spring 2021 Syllabus SPOT
INFO 5410.005, Adult Materials and Reading Interests, Spring 2021 Syllabus SPOT
INFO 5415.800, Graphic Novels and Comics, Spring 3W1 2021 Syllabus SPOT
INFO 5415.850, Graphic Novels and Comics, Spring 3W1 2021 Syllabus SPOT
INFO 5445.001, History and Culture of Youth Information Services, Spring 2021 Syllabus SPOT
INFO 5445.005, History and Culture of Youth Information Services, Spring 2021 Syllabus SPOT
INFO 5415.001, Graphic Novels and Comics, Fall 2020 Syllabus SPOT
INFO 5415.005, Graphic Novels and Comics, Fall 2020 Syllabus SPOT
INFO 5960.001, Library and Information Sciences Institute or Seminar, Fall 2020 Syllabus SPOT
INFO 5960.005, Library and Information Sciences Institute or Seminar, Fall 2020 Syllabus SPOT
INFO 5415.001, Graphic Novels and Comics, Summer 10W 2020 Syllabus SPOT
INFO 5415.005, Graphic Novels and Comics, Summer 10W 2020 Syllabus SPOT
INFO 5410.001, Adult Materials and Reading Interests, Spring 2020 Syllabus
INFO 5410.005, Adult Materials and Reading Interests, Spring 2020 Syllabus
INFO 5445.001, History and Culture of Youth Information Services, Spring 2020 Syllabus
INFO 5445.005, History and Culture of Youth Information Services, Spring 2020 Syllabus
INFO 5900.701, Special Problems, Spring 2020
INFO 5415.001, Graphic Novels and Comics, Fall 2019 Syllabus SPOT
INFO 5415.005, Graphic Novels and Comics, Fall 2019 Syllabus SPOT

* Texas Education Code 51.974 (HB 2504) requires each institution of higher education to make available to the public, a syllabus for undergraduate lecture courses offered for credit by the institution.

Published Publications

Published Intellectual Contributions

Abstracts and Proceedings
Kim, J., Hong, L., Evans, S. A., Ali, I., Rice-Oyler, E. (2023). Toward an understanding of data literacy needs in community colleges: A conceptual framework. ACRL 2023.
Marino, J., Moore, J., Evans, S., Schultz-Jones, B. A. (2019). A Design Approach to a Wicked Problem: Designing Data Literacy Leadership Services for Librarians. Urbana–Champaign, Illinois: University of Illinois. https://www.ideals.illinois.edu/handle/2142/103341
Book Chapter
Ryan, S. E., Evans, S. A., Hawamdeh, S. M. (2023). Public Libraries as Key Knowledge Infrastructure Needed to Empower Communities, Promote Economic Development, and Foster Social Justice. Public Libraries as Key Knowledge Infrastructure Needed to Empower Communities, Promote Economic Development, and Foster Social Justice. 53, 203-218. Leeds, England: Emerald Publishing Limited.
Ward, S. J., Evans, S. A., Campana, K., Mills, J. (2019). Playing to Learn, Learning to Play: The Significance of Play and Making Programs in the Library. Create, Innovate, and Serve: A Radical Approach to Children's and Youth Services. 37-48. Chicago, Illinois: ALA Neal-Schuman.
Evans, S. A., Campana, K., Mills, J. (2019). Why Teens Need the Library and the Library Needs Teens. Create, Innovate, and Serve: A Radical Approach to Children's and Youth Services. 201-209. Chicago, Illinois: ALA Neal-Schuman.
Evans, S., Doughty, A. A. (2018). Mediating Adolescence: Public Librarians, Teenage Culture, and Young Adult Literature. Broadening Critical Boundaries in Children's and Young Adult Literature and Culture. 139-159. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Conference Proceeding
Kim, J., Hong, L., Evans, S. A., Rice-Oyler, E., Ali, I. Development and Validation of a Data Literacy Assessment Scale. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology.
Jim, C., Evans, S., Grant, A. (2021). Multidimensional Approaches to Illustrate the Digital Divide among K-12 Students. IASL Conference Proceedings. Edmonton, Alberta: University of Alberta Libraries.
Davis, R., Frens, J., Sharma, N., Muralikumar, M. D., Aragon, C., Evans, S. (2020). Mentorship Network Structure: How Relationships Emerge Online and What They Mean for Amateur Creators. Other. 36-45. Pittsburg, PA: Carnegie Mellon University: ETC Press. https://2020.connectedlearningsummit.org/proceedings/
Herman, B., Aragon, C., Evans, S., Shanley, L. (2020). Advancing Diversity in Human Centered Data Science Education through Games. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology. 57(1), . Association for Information Science and Technology.
Marino, J., Evans, S., Moore, J., Smith, D. L., Schultz-Jones, B., Elkins, A. (2019). Preparing library professionals for data literacy leadership: Administrator perspectives. Chicago, Illinois: Association of Library and Information Science Education. https://www.ideals.illinois.edu/handle/2142/105330
Yin, K., Aragon, C., Evans, S. A., Davis, K. (2017). Where No One Has Gone Before: The First Meta-Dataset of the World's Largest Fanfiction Repository. Association for Computing Machinery.
Evans, S. A., Davis, K., Evans, A., Campbell, J., Randall, D., Yin, K., Aragon, C. (2017). More Than Peer Production: Fanfiction Communities as Sites of Distributed Mentoring. Association for Computing Machinery.
Campbell, J., Aragon, C., Evans, S. A., Evans, A., Randall, D. P. (2016). Thousands of Positive Reviews: Distributed Mentoring in Online Fan Communities. Association for Computing Machinery.
Journal Article
Evans, S. A., Hong, L., Kim, J., Rice-Oyler, E., Ali, I. (2023). Community College Students’ Self-Assessment of Data Literacy: Exploring Differences Amongst Demographic, Academic, and Career Characteristics. Information and Learning Sciences. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/ILS-06-2023-0065/full/html
Sosnowski, J., Tokunaga, T., Evans, S. A. (2021). Participatory Action Research in Education: Benefits and Tensions Across Contexts. Annals of Anthropological Practice. American Anthropological Association. https://anthrosource-onlinelibrary-wiley-com.libproxy.library.unt.edu/doi/10.1111/napa.12174
Evans, S. A. (2021). "We Need People to be Woken Up and See This!" Teens Learning Through Critical Textual Analysis. Annals of Anthropological Practice. American Anthropological Association. https://anthrosource-onlinelibrary-wiley-com.libproxy.library.unt.edu/doi/10.1111/napa.12172
Evans, S. A. (2019). “Book Nerds” United: The Reading Lives of Diverse Adolescents at the Public Library. The International Journal of Information, Diversity, & Inclusion. 3(2), 23. Toronto, Ontario: University of Toronto Library. https://jps.library.utoronto.ca/index.php/ijidi/article/view/32589
Mills, J. E., Goldsmith, A. Y., Campana, K., Patin, B. J., Evans, S. A. (2015). Putting Youth First: The Radical Eliza T. Dresang. Journal of Research on Libraries and Young Adults. 5, . Chicago, Illinois: Young Adult Library Services. http://www.yalsa.ala.org/jrlya/2015/01/putting-youth-first-the-radical-eliza-t-dresang/
McCutchen, D., Stull, S., Logan-Herrera, B., Lotas, S., Evans, S. (2013). Putting Words to Work: Effects of Morphological Instruction on Children's Writing. Journal of Learning Disabilities. 47(1), 86-97.
Magazine/Trade Publication
Evans, S. A. (2018). Research Roundup: Youth Activism through Community Engagement. Young Adult Library Services. 16(2), 14-16.
Evans, S. A., Randall, D. P., Campbell, J., Davis, K., Aragon, C., Evans, A. (2016). How Fan Fiction Mentors Can Change Lives. School Library Journal. https://www.slj.com/?detailStory=how-fan-fiction-mentors-can-change-lives
Martens, M., Evans, S. A., Alexiusson, M. (2023). Newsletter Special Issue: International Views on Banned Books. The Hague: International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions Section Libraries for Children and Young Adults.
Byun, M., Evans, S. A., Herman, B., Aragon, C., Rojas-Ponce, D. S. (2022). Game Development as Speculative Design: Teaching Data Science Ethics Using Decentralized Research Groups. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology. 59(1), 630-632.
Evans, S. A., Keeton, k., Molina, L. N., Byun, M. (2022). Going Back to Get the Stories: Oral Histories of Childhood Reading from Diverse Perspectives. Association of Library and Information Science Education.
Evans, S. A., Molina, L. N., Davis-McElligatt, J. C. (2022). Turning Ourselves Inside Out: Reading and Creating Graphic Medicine in Community. 2164-2165. 16th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS). https://2022.isls.org/proceedings/
Evans, S. A., Molina, L. N., Davis-McElligatt, J. C. (2022). Using Graphic Medicine to Bring Underrepresented Voices Forward Through Public Library Health Literacy Programs. American Educational Research Association.
Kim, J., Hong, L., Evans, S. A. (2019). Defining Data Literacy: An Empirical Study of Data Literacy Dimensions. Association of Library and Information Science Education. https://hdl.handle.net/2142/110887
Evans, S. A. (2014). Beyond Databases: Librarians in a Project-Based Language Arts Curriculum. (3), 1633-1634. The International Conference of the Learning Sciences. https://archive.isls.org/conferences/icls/2014/Proceedings.html
Evans, S. A., Lu, K., Head, A. (2015). Zach Sims: Learning Real Life Skills That Matter. Smart Talk Interview. (22), . Project Information Literacy. https://www.projectinfolit.org/zach-sims-smart-talk.html
Evans, S. A., Head, A. (2014). Sari Feldman: Making Public Libraries More Relevant Than Ever. Smart Talk Interview. (21), . Project Information Literacy. https://www.projectinfolit.org/sari-feldman-smart-talk.html
Evans, S. A., Head, A. (2014). Katie Davis: Who is the Learner of Tomorrow?. Smart Talk Interview. (20), . Project Information Literacy. https://projectinfolit.org/smart-talk-interviews/who-is-the-learner-of-tomorrow/
Evans, S. A., Head, A. (2014). Eric Gordon: How Games Promote Lifelong Learning and Civic Engagement. Smart Talk Interview. (19), . Project Information Literacy. https://projectinfolit.org/smart-talk-interviews/how-games-promote-lifelong-learning-and-civic-engagement/
Head, A., Evans, S. A. (2014). Cathy Davidson: How Disruption and Distraction are Remaking Learning. Smart Talk Interview. (18), . Project Information Literacy. https://projectinfolit.org/smart-talk-interviews/how-disruption-and-distraction-are-remaking-learning/

Awarded Grants

Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research

Evans, S. A. (Other), "Global Fellowship for Understanding," Sponsored by University of Washington, National, $3500 Funded. (2011).
Grant - Research
Evans, S. A. (Principal), Davis-McElligatt, J. (Co-Principal), Champlin, S. (Co-Principal), Smith, D. L. (Co-Principal), Olness, G. (Co-Principal), "What Health Looks Like: Using Graphic Medicine to Bring Underrepresented Voices Forward Through Public Library Health Literacy Programs," Sponsored by College of Information, University of North Texas, $5000 Funded. (November 13, 2020 – Present).
Kim, J., Evans, S. (Co-Principal), Hong, L. (Co-Principal), "Students data literacy needs in community colleges: Perceptions of librarians, students and faculty," Sponsored by Institute of Museum and Library Services, Federal, $118996 Funded. (August 1, 2022July 31, 2024).
Evans, S. A. (Principal), Aragon, C. R. (Co-Principal), Herman, B. R. (Co-Principal), "Diversifying Human-Centered Data Science through the Research and Design of Ethical Games," Sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, $114049 Funded. (December 1, 2021November 30, 2023).
Smith, D. L. (Principal), Tyler-Wood, T. L. (Co-Principal), Zhang, X. (Co-Principal), Kuon, T. A. (Supporting), Evans, S. A. (Supporting), Schultz-Jones, B. A. (Supporting), Moore, J. (Supporting), "School librarians facilitating the success of English language learners," Sponsored by Institute for Museum and Library Science (IMLS), Federal, $132893 Funded. (September 2021August 2023).
Champlin, S. (Principal), Cartwright, A. D. (Co-Principal), Evans, S. (Co-Principal), Henry, L. R. (Co-Principal), "Designing a Community-Driven Health Communications Toolkit to Engage Male Audiences," Sponsored by College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (CLASS) Scholarly and Creative Activity Award, University of North Texas, $4700 Funded. (November 2020August 2023).
Evans, S. (Co-Principal), Simpson, L. (Co-Principal), "Raise Up Radio: Family and Youth Engagement in Library-Supported Learning via Radio," Sponsored by Institute of Museum and Library Services, Federal, $422276 Funded. (August 1, 2021July 31, 2023).
Evans, S. (Principal), Hong, L. (Co-Principal), "Comparative Study of Data Literacy Education for College Freshmen in US and China," Sponsored by University of North Texas, University of North Texas, $1500 Funded. (December 18, 20192020).
Evans, S. A. (Principal), Moore, J. E. (Co-Principal), Schultz-Jones, B. A. (Co-Principal), Smith, D. L. (Supporting), Elkins, A. (Supporting), Marino, J. (Supporting), "Preparing Librarians for Data Literacy Leadership," Sponsored by Institute of Museum and Library Services, Federal, $45598 Funded. (April 1, 2018October 31, 2019).
Evans, S. A., "We Need Diverse Voices: Multicultural Adolescents Critically Analyzing Multicultural Picture Books," Sponsored by Young Adult Library Services Association / Voices of Youth Advocates, National, $1000 Funded. (June 2017May 2018).
Grant - Teaching
Evans, S. A. (Principal), "Faculty Summer Grant," Sponsored by University of North Texas Provost Office, University of North Texas, $2500 Funded. (May 26, 2021August 15, 2021).
Summative Rating
Challenge and
Engagement Index
Response Rate

out of 5

out of 7
students responded
  • Overall Summative Rating (median):
    This rating represents the combined responses of students to the four global summative items and is presented to provide an overall index of the class’s quality. Overall summative statements include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 5 = Excellent, 3 = Good, and 1= Very poor):
    • The course as a whole was
    • The course content was
    • The instructor’s contribution to the course was
    • The instructor’s effectiveness in teaching the subject matter was
  • Challenge and Engagement Index:
    This rating combines student responses to several SPOT items relating to how academically challenging students found the course to be and how engaged they were. Challenge and Engagement Index items include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 7 = Much higher, 4 = Average, and 1 = Much lower):
    • Do you expect your grade in this course to be
    • The intellectual challenge presented was
    • The amount of effort you put into this course was
    • The amount of effort to succeed in this course was
    • Your involvement in course (doing assignments, attending classes, etc.) was