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Song Fu

Title: Professor

Department: Computer Science and Engineering

College: College of Engineering

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae Link


  • PhD, Wayne State University, 2008
    Major: Computer Engineering
    Dissertation: Failure-Aware Reconfigurable Distributed Virtual Machine for Dependable and High Productivity Computing
  • MS, Nanjing University, 2002
    Major: Computer Science
  • BS, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1999
    Major: Computer Science

Current Scheduled Teaching

CSCE 5934.807Directed StudySpring 2025
CSCE 6950.907Doctoral DissertationSpring 2025
CSCE 6940.907Individual ResearchSpring 2025

Previous Scheduled Teaching

CSCE 5934.807Directed StudyFall 2024
CSCE 6950.807Doctoral DissertationFall 2024
CSCE 6940.807Individual ResearchFall 2024
CSCE 5620.002Real Time Operating SystemsFall 2024 SPOT
CSCE 6940.807Individual ResearchSummer 10W 2024
CSCE 5934.807Directed StudySpring 2024
CSCE 6950.907Doctoral DissertationSpring 2024
CSCE 6940.907Individual ResearchSpring 2024
CSCE 5160.001Parallel Processing and AlgorithmsSpring 2024 SPOT
CSCE 5934.807Directed StudyFall 2023
CSCE 6950.807Doctoral DissertationFall 2023
CSCE 6940.807Individual ResearchFall 2023
CSCE 5620.002Real Time Operating SystemsFall 2023 SPOT
CSCE 6950.708Doctoral DissertationSpring 2023
CSCE 6940.708Individual ResearchSpring 2023
CSCE 5160.001Parallel Processing and AlgorithmsSpring 2023 SPOT
CSCE 6950.807Doctoral DissertationFall 2022
CSCE 6950.808Doctoral DissertationFall 2022
CSCE 6940.807Individual ResearchFall 2022
CSCE 6940.808Individual ResearchFall 2022
CSCE 4999.707Senior ThesisFall 2022
CSCE 6950.808Doctoral DissertationSummer 10W 2022
CSCE 6950.708Doctoral DissertationSpring 2022
CSCE 6940.708Individual ResearchSpring 2022
CSCE 6950.808Doctoral DissertationFall 2021
CSCE 6940.808Individual ResearchFall 2021
CSCE 4620.001Real Time Operating SystemsFall 2021 Syllabus SPOT
CSCE 5620.001Real Time Operating SystemsFall 2021 SPOT
CSCE 6950.808Doctoral DissertationSummer 10W 2021
CSCE 2900.808Special Problems in Computer Science and EngineeringSummer 10W 2021
CSCE 6950.708Doctoral DissertationSpring 2021
CSCE 6940.708Individual ResearchSpring 2021
CSCE 6933.002Advanced Topics in Computer Science and EngineeringFall 2020 SPOT
CSCE 6950.808Doctoral DissertationFall 2020
CSCE 6940.808Individual ResearchFall 2020
CSCE 5950.808Master's ThesisFall 2020
CSCE 3600.002Principles of Systems ProgrammingFall 2020 Syllabus SPOT
CSCE 3600.005Principles of Systems ProgrammingFall 2020 Syllabus SPOT
CSCE 3600.201Principles of Systems ProgrammingFall 2020 SPOT
CSCE 3600.202Principles of Systems ProgrammingFall 2020 SPOT
CSCE 3600.203Principles of Systems ProgrammingFall 2020 SPOT
CSCE 3600.204Principles of Systems ProgrammingFall 2020 SPOT
CSCE 3600.205Principles of Systems ProgrammingFall 2020 SPOT
CSCE 3600.206Principles of Systems ProgrammingFall 2020 SPOT
CSCE 3600.207Principles of Systems ProgrammingFall 2020 SPOT
CSCE 3600.208Principles of Systems ProgrammingFall 2020 SPOT
CSCE 3600.221Principles of Systems ProgrammingFall 2020 SPOT
CSCE 3600.224Principles of Systems ProgrammingFall 2020 SPOT
CSCE 3600.235Principles of Systems ProgrammingFall 2020 SPOT
CSCE 3600.273Principles of Systems ProgrammingFall 2020 SPOT
CSCE 3600.285Principles of Systems ProgrammingFall 2020 SPOT
CSCE 6950.808Doctoral DissertationSummer 10W 2020
CSCE 5934.708Directed StudySpring 2020
CSCE 6950.708Doctoral DissertationSpring 2020
CSCE 6940.708Individual ResearchSpring 2020
CSCE 5950.708Master's ThesisSpring 2020
CSCE 4620.001Real Time Operating SystemsSpring 2020 Syllabus
CSCE 5620.001Real Time Operating SystemsSpring 2020
CSCE 5610.001Computer System ArchitectureFall 2019 SPOT
CSCE 5934.808Directed StudyFall 2019
CSCE 6950.808Doctoral DissertationFall 2019
CSCE 6940.808Individual ResearchFall 2019
CSCE 5950.808Master's ThesisFall 2019
CSCE 6900.808Special ProblemsFall 2019
CSCE 4610.001Computer Systems ArchitectureSpring 2019 Syllabus SPOT
CSCE 4890.808Directed StudySpring 2019
CSCE 6950.808Doctoral DissertationSpring 2019
CSCE 6940.808Individual ResearchSpring 2019
CSCE 4999.808Senior ThesisSpring 2019
CSCE 4890.808Directed StudyFall 2018
CSCE 5934.808Directed StudyFall 2018
CSCE 6950.808Doctoral DissertationFall 2018
CSCE 6940.808Individual ResearchFall 2018
CSCE 4999.808Senior ThesisFall 2018
CSCE 6950.808Doctoral DissertationSummer 10W 2018
CSCE 4610.001Computer Systems ArchitectureSpring 2018 Syllabus SPOT
CSCE 5934.808Directed StudySpring 2018
CSCE 6950.808Doctoral DissertationSpring 2018
CSCE 6940.808Individual ResearchSpring 2018
CSCE 4999.808Senior ThesisSpring 2018
CSCE 5934.808Directed StudyFall 2017
CSCE 6950.808Doctoral DissertationFall 2017
CSCE 6940.808Individual ResearchFall 2017
CSCE 4620.001Real Time Operating SystemsFall 2017 Syllabus SPOT
CSCE 5620.001Real Time Operating SystemsFall 2017 SPOT
CSCE 5620.600Real Time Operating SystemsFall 2017 SPOT
CSCE 5900.808Special ProblemsFall 2017
CSCE 5934.808Directed StudySummer 10W 2017
CSCE 6940.808Individual ResearchSummer 10W 2017
CSCE 5934.808Directed StudySpring 2017
CSCE 6950.808Doctoral DissertationSpring 2017
CSCE 4999.808Senior ThesisSpring 2017 Syllabus
CSCE 5934.808Directed StudyFall 2016
CSCE 6950.808Doctoral DissertationFall 2016
CSCE 6940.808Individual ResearchFall 2016
CSCE 5640.001Operating System DesignFall 2016 SPOT
CSCE 4620.001Real Time Operating SystemsFall 2016 Syllabus SPOT
CSCE 5620.001Real Time Operating SystemsFall 2016 SPOT
CSCE 5900.808Special ProblemsFall 2016
CSCE 5934.808Directed StudySummer 10W 2016
CSCE 2900.808Special Problems in Computer Science and EngineeringSummer 10W 2016
CSCE 6680.001Advanced Distributed ComputingSpring 2016 SPOT
CSCE 5934.808Directed StudySpring 2016
CSCE 6950.808Doctoral DissertationSpring 2016
CSCE 6940.808Individual ResearchSpring 2016
CSCE 4890.808Directed StudyFall 2015
CSCE 5934.808Directed StudyFall 2015
CSCE 6950.808Doctoral DissertationFall 2015
CSCE 6940.808Individual ResearchFall 2015
CSCE 5640.001Operating System DesignFall 2015 SPOT
CSCE 5640.600Operating System DesignFall 2015 SPOT
CSCE 5620.001Real Time Operating SystemsFall 2015 SPOT
CSCE 5910.808Special ProblemsFall 2015
CSCE 5950.808Master's ThesisSummer 10W 2015
CSCE 6680.001Advanced Distributed ComputingSpring 2015
CSCE 4890.808Directed StudySpring 2015
CSCE 5934.808Directed StudySpring 2015
CSCE 6950.808Doctoral DissertationSpring 2015
CSCE 6940.808Individual ResearchSpring 2015
CSCE 5950.808Master's ThesisSpring 2015
CSCE 4890.808Directed StudyFall 2014
CSCE 6950.808Doctoral DissertationFall 2014
CSCE 5950.808Master's ThesisFall 2014
CSCE 4620.001Real Time Operating SystemsFall 2014 Syllabus
CSCE 5620.001Real Time Operating SystemsFall 2014
CSCE 3730.001Reconfigurable LogicFall 2014 Syllabus
CSCE 5934.808Directed StudySummer 10W 2014
CSCE 6940.808Individual ResearchSummer 10W 2014
CSCE 5950.808Master's ThesisSummer 10W 2014
CSCE 6680.001Advanced Distributed ComputingSpring 2014
CSCE 4890.808Directed StudySpring 2014
CSCE 6950.808Doctoral DissertationSpring 2014
CSCE 6940.808Individual ResearchSpring 2014
CSCE 5950.808Master's ThesisSpring 2014
CSCE 4890.808Directed StudyFall 2013
CSCE 5934.808Directed StudyFall 2013
CSCE 6950.808Doctoral DissertationFall 2013
CSCE 6940.808Individual ResearchFall 2013
CSCE 5950.808Master's ThesisFall 2013
CSCE 5620.001Real Time Operating SystemsFall 2013
CSCE 3730.001Reconfigurable LogicFall 2013 Syllabus
CSCE 5900.808Special ProblemsFall 2013
CSCE 4890.808Directed StudySummer 5W2 2013
CSCE 6680.001Advanced Distributed ComputingSpring 2013
CSCE 4890.808Directed StudySpring 2013
CSCE 5934.808Directed StudySpring 2013
CSCE 6950.808Doctoral DissertationSpring 2013
CSCE 6940.808Individual ResearchSpring 2013
CSCE 5934.808Directed StudyFall 2012
CSCE 6950.808Doctoral DissertationFall 2012
CSCE 6940.808Individual ResearchFall 2012
CSCE 4600.001Introduction to Operating SystemsFall 2012 Syllabus
CSCE 5640.001Operating System DesignFall 2012
CSCE 3730.001Reconfigurable LogicFall 2012 Syllabus
CSCE 6950.808Doctoral DissertationSummer 10W 2012
CSCE 6680.001Advanced Distributed ComputingSpring 2012
CSCE 5934.808Directed StudySpring 2012
CSCE 6950.808Doctoral DissertationSpring 2012
CSCE 4890.808Directed StudyFall 2011
CSCE 5934.808Directed StudyFall 2011
CSCE 3730.001Reconfigurable LogicFall 2011 Syllabus
CSCE 5900.808Special ProblemsFall 2011
CSCE 5934.808Directed StudySummer 10W 2011
CSCE 4890.808Directed StudySpring 2011
CSCE 5933.003Topics in Computer Science and EngineeringSpring 2011
CSCE 3730.001Reconfigurable LogicFall 2010 Syllabus

Published Intellectual Contributions

    Book Chapter

  • Guan, Q., DeBardeleben, N., Blanchard, S., Fu, S., Davis, C.H., Jones, W. (2016). Analyzing the Robustness of HPC Applications Using a Fine-Grained Soft Error Fault Injection Tool. 277-305. Innovative Research and Applications in Next-Generation High Performance Computing.
  • Conference Proceeding

  • Xu, I., Haque, M., Fu, S. (2024). Driving the Future: AI in Transportation. 491-499. European Conference on the Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (ICAIR).
  • Olvera, A., Fu, S. (2024). Optimizing Quantum Processor Utilization with the Quantum Unified Device Architecture. IEEE MetroCon Conference.
  • Qu, D., Chen, Q., Bai, T., Lu, H., Fan, H., Zhang, H., Fu, S., Yang, Q. (2024). SiCP: Simultaneous Individual and Cooperative Perception for 3D Object Detection in Connected and Automated Vehicles. 8905-8912. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS).
  • Qu, D., Chen, Q., Zhu, Y., Zhu, Y., Avedisov, S., Fu, S., Yang, Q. (2024). HEAD: A Bandwidth-Efficient Cooperative Perception Approach for Heterogeneous Connected and Autonomous Vehicles. European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), Cooperative Intelligence for Embodied AI.
  • Kvapil, J., Borca-Tasciuc, G., Bossi, H., Corrales Morales, Y., Da Costa, H., Da Silva, C., Fu, S., Liu, M. (2024). Intelligent Experiments through Real-time AI: Fast Data Processing and Autonomous Detector Control for sPHENIX and Future EIC Detectors. The 42nd International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP).
  • He, Y., Liang, S., Fu, S. (2024). Impact of Environmental Factors on Flash Storage Performance in Autonomous Vehicles: An Empirical and Analytical Study. 206-217. IEEE International Conference on Mobility: Operations, Services, and Technologies (MOST).
  • Karri, V., Manjunath, A., Sharma, S., Fu, S., Dahotre, N. (2024). Machine Learning-based Prediction of Evolution of Thermal Profiles During Additive Manufacturing. TMS Annual Conference & Exhibition, Additive Manufacturing.
  • Gu, Z., Krishna Karri, V., Sharma, S., Tran, H., Manjunath, A., Chen, D., Fu, S., Dahotre, N. (2023). Deep Learning for Microstructure Segmentation and Defect Detection in Additive Manufacturing Systems. IEEE International Conference on Smart Data (SmartData).
  • Jiang, B., Cheng, X., Li, Y., Fu, S., Yang, Q., Liu, M., Olvera, A. (2023). Output-Directed Dynamic Quantization for DNN Acceleration. 645-654. International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP).
  • Bai, T., Shao, D., He, Y., Fu, S., Yang, Q. (2023). P3: A Privacy-Preserving Perception Framework for Building Vehicle-Edge Perception Networks Protecting Data Privacy. 2023 32nd International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN). 1--10.
  • Tang, S., Wang, S., Fu, S., Yang, Q. (2023). Perception Workload Characterization and Prediction on the Edges with Memory Contention for Connected Autonomous Vehicles. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Edge Computing and Communications (EDGE). 104--114.
  • Dhakal, S., Chen, Q., Qu, D., Carillo, D., Yang, Q., Fu, S. (2023). Sniffer Faster R-CNN: A Joint Camera-LiDAR Object Detection Framework with Proposal Refinement. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Mobility, Operations, Services and Technologies (MOST). 1--10.
  • Kvapil , J., Bossi, H., Corrales Morales, Y., Da Costa, H., Da Silva, C., Liu, M., Fu, S., Hao, C., Purschke, M. (2023). A Real-Time AI-FPGA-based Triggering System for sPHENIX at RHIC Primary. International Conference on on Electronics for Particle Physics (TWEPP).
  • He, Y., Fu, S. (2023). 2D Error Correction Code for Flash Memory. Flash Memory Summit Conference & Exhibition.
  • Sharma, S., Parsazadeh, M., Gu, Z., Dahotre, N., Fu, S. (2023). A High-Fidelity Numerical Model Informed Machine Learning Framework for Melt Pool Prediction in Laser Additive Manufacturing. TMS Annual Conference & Exhibition, Materials Processing Fundamentals.
  • Tang, S., Whitney, K., Wang, B., Fu, S., Yang, Q. (2022). Characterization of Real-Time Object Detection Workloads on Vehicular Edge. 2022 Fifth International Conference on Connected and Autonomous Driving (MetroCAD). 30--38.
  • Bai, T., Wang, H., Guo, J., Ma, X., Talasila, M., Tang, S., Fu, S., Yang, Q. (2022). Online Self-Evolving Anomaly Detection for Reliable Cloud Computing. 1-10. IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC), Best Paper Nomination.
  • Jiang, B., Cheng, X., Tang, S., Ma, X., Gu, Z., Fu, S., Yang, Q., Liu, M. (2022). MLCNN: Cross-Layer Cooperative Optimization and Accelerator Architecture for Speeding Up Deep Learning Applications.. International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS. 1184-1194.
  • Sharma, S., Di, W., Gu, Z., Pantawane, M., Fu, S., Dahotre, N. (2022). A Physics Informed Machine Learning Framework for Melt Pool Geometry Prediction in Laser Powder Bed Fusion. TMS Annual Conference & Exhibition, Additive Manufacturing for Energy Applications.
  • Qiu, C., Yadav, S., Squicciarini, A., Yang, Q., Fu, S., Zhao, J., Xu, C. Distributed Data-Sharing Consensus in Cooperative Perception of Autonomous Vehicles. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS) 2022.
  • Tang, S., Fu, S., Yang, Q. (2021). VECFrame: A Vehicular Edge Computing Framework for Connected Autonomous Vehicles. 1-10. IEEE International Conference on Edge Computing (EDGE).
  • Dhakal, S., Qu, D., Carrillo, D., Yang, Q., Fu, S. (2021). OASD: An Open Approach to Self-Driving Vehicle. 2021 Fourth International Conference on Connected and Autonomous Driving (MetroCAD). 54--61.
  • Nutt, M., Yang, Q., Fu, S. (2021). PlateGuard: License Plate Privacy Protection for Internet of Vehicles. 2021 Fourth International Conference on Connected and Autonomous Driving (MetroCAD). 41--47.
  • Tang, S., Gu, Z., Fu, S., Yang, Q. (2021). Vehicular Edge Computing for Multi-Vehicle Perception. 2021 Fourth International Conference on Connected and Autonomous Driving (MetroCAD). 9--16.
  • Nguyen, K., Ryu, T., Zhang, J., Ma, X., Yang, Q., Fu, S., Palacharla, P., Wang, N., Wang, X. (2021). CoConv: Learning Dynamic Cooperative Convolution for Image Recognition. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME).
  • Ma, X., Guo, J., Tang, S., Qiao, Z., Chen, Q., Yang, Q., Fu, S., Palacharla, P., Wang, N., Wang, X. (2021). LEARNING CONNECTED ATTENTIONS FOR CONVOLUTIONAL NEURAL NETWORKS. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME) 2021.
  • Gu, Z., Tang, S., Jiang, B., Huang, S., Guan, Q., Fu, S. (2021). Characterizing Job-Task Dependency in Cloud Workloads Using Graph Learning. 2021 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW).
  • Jiang, B., Cheng, X., Tang, S., Ma, X., Gu, Z., Zhao, H., Fu, S. (2021). APCNN: Explore Multi-Layer Cooperation for CNN Optimization and Acceleration on FPGA. The 2021 ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays.
  • Chen, H., Tang, S., Fu, S. (2020). A Middleware Approach to Leverage Distributed Data Deduplication Capability on HPC and Cloud Storage Systems. IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData).
  • Tang, S., Chen, B., Hochstetler, J., Hirsch, J., Fu, S. (2020). Cooperative Mixed Reality Leveraging Edge Computing and Communication. ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC).
  • Ma, X., Qiao, Z., Guo, J., Tang, S., , Q., Yang, Q., Fu, S. (2020). Cascaded Context Dependency: An Extremely Lightweight Module For Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. The 27th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP).
  • Ma, X., Guo, J., Chen, Q., Tang, S., Yang, Q., Fu, S. (2020). Attention Meets Normalization and Beyond. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME).
  • Tang, S., Chen, H., Hochstetler, J., Hirsch, J., Fu, S. (2020). Exploring Edge Computing in Multi-Person Mixed Reality for Cooperative Perception. USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Edge Computing (HotEdge).
  • Ma, X., Fu, S. (2020). Position-Aware Recalibration Module: Learning From Feature Semantics and Feature Position. The 29th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI).
  • Guo, J., Ma, X., Sansom, A., McGuire, M., Kalaani, A., Chen, Q., Tang, S., Yang, Q., Fu, S. (2020). SPANet: Spatial Pyramid Attention Network for Enhanced Image Recognition. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo. 1-6. IEEE.
  • Ma, X., Qiao, Z., Yang, Q., Fu, S. (2020). Accurate Object Detection in Smart Transportation Using Multiple Cameras. The Third IEEE International Conference on Connected and Autonomous Driving (MetroCAD 2020). IEEE.
  • Guo, J., Yang, Q., Fu, S., Boyles, R., Turner, S., Clarke, K. (2020). Towards Trustworthy Perception InformationSharing on Connected and Autonomous Vehicles. The Third IEEE International Conference on Connected and Autonomous Driving (MetroCAD 2020). IEEE.
  • Li, Z., Fu, S. (2019). Accelerating RNN on FPGA with Efficient Conversion of High-Level Designs to RTL. IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data). 1-10. IEEE.
  • Liang, S., Qiao, G., Tang, S., Hochstetler, J., Fu, S., Shi, W., Chen, H. (2019). An Empirical Study of Quad-Level Cell NAND Flash SSDs for Big Data Applications. IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data). 1-10. IEEE.
  • Tang, S., Gu, Z., Yang, Q., Fu, S. (2019). Smart Home IoT Anomaly Detection based on Ensemble Model Learning From Heterogeneous Data. IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data). 1-8. IEEE.
  • Chen, Q., Ma, X., Tang, S., Guo, J., Yang, Q., Fu, S. (2019). F-cooper: feature based cooperative perception for autonomous vehicle edge computing system using 3D point clouds. Proceedings of the 4th ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing. 88--100.
  • Tang, S., Hochstetler, J., Li, Y., Fu, S. (2019). Low-latency High-level Data Sharing for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Internet (ICII).
  • Chen, Q., Tang, S., Hochstetler, J., Guo, J., Li, Y., Xiong, J., Yang, Q., Fu, S. (2019). Low-latency High-level Data Sharing for Connected and Autonomous Vehicular Networks. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Internet (ICII). 10. IEEE.
  • Qiao, G., Fu, S., Chen, H., Settlemyer, B. (2019). Exploring Declustered Software RAID for Enhanced Reliability and Recovery Performance. The 38th IEEE International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS). 10. IEEE.
  • Qiao, G., Fu, S., Chen, H., Settlemyer, B. (2019). Building Reliable High-Performance Storage Systems: An Empirical and Analytical Study. The 21st IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (Cluster). 10. IEEE.
  • Sun, H., Liu , W., Huang, J., Fu, S., Qiao, G., Shi, W. (2019). Near-Data Processing-Enabled and Time-Aware Compaction Optimization for LSM-tree-based Key-Value Stores. The 48th IEEE International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP). 11. ACM.
  • Li, Z., Fu, S., Blanchard, S., Lang, M. (2019). Topology-Aware Event Sequence Mining for Understanding HPC System Behavior and Detecting Anomalies. The 21st IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC). 10. IEEE.
  • Chen, Q., Tang, S., Yang, Q., Fu, S. (2019). Cooper: Cooperative Perception for Connected Autonomous Vehicles Based on 3D Point Clouds. 2019 IEEE 39th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS). 514-524.
  • Qiao, G., Fu, S., Chen, H., Settlemyer, B. (2019). Characterizing and Modeling Reliability of Declustered RAID. The 49th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN). IEEE.
  • Huang, S., Liang, S., Fu, S., Shi, W., Tiwari, D., Chen, H. (2019). Characterizing Disk Health Degradation and Proactively Protecting Against Disk Failures for Reliable Storage Systems. IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC). 10. IEEE.
  • Qiao, Z., Liang, S., Fu, S., Damera, N., Chen, H., Lang, M. (2018). ACTOR: Active Cloud Storage with Energy-Efficient On-Drive Data Processing. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData). 1--9.
  • Liang, S., Qiao, Z., Hochstetler, J., Huang, S., Fu, S., Shi, W., Tiwari, D., Chen, H., Settlemyer, B., Montoya, D. (2018). Reliability Characterization of Solid State Drives in a Scalable Production Datacenter. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData). 1--9.
  • Li, Z., Davidson, M., Fu, S., Blanchard, S., Lang, M. (2018). Converting Unstructured System Logs into Structured Event List for Anomaly Detection. Proceedings of the 13th ACM International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security. 1--15.
  • Qiao, Z., Hochstetler, J., Liang, S., Fu, S., Chen, H., Settlemyer, B. (2018). Incorporate Proactive Data Protection in ZFS Towards Reliable Storage Systems. 2018 IEEE Intl Conf on Big Data Intelligence and Computing (DataCom). 904--911.
  • Chen, H., Guan, Q., Fu, S. (2018). UNS: A Portable, Mobile, and Exchangeable Namespace for Supporting Fetch-from-Anywhere Big Data Eco-Systems. 2018 IEEE Intl Conf on Big Data Intelligence and Computing (DataCom). 889--896.
  • Qiao, Z., Hochstetler, J., Liang, S., Fu, S., Chen, H., Settlemyer, B. (2018). Developing Cost-Effective Data Rescue Schemes to Tackle Disk Failures in Data Centers. International Conference on Big Data. 194--208.
  • Li, Z., Davidson, M., Fu, S., Blanchard, S., Lang, M. (2018). Event Block Identification and Analysis for Effective Anomaly Detection to Build Reliable HPC Systems. The 20th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC). 1--8.
  • Kumar, M., Gupta, S., Patel, T., Wilder, M., Shi, W., Fu, S., Engelmann, C., Tiwari, D. (2018). Understanding and Analyzing Interconnect Errors and Network Congestion on a Large Scale HPC System. 2018 48th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN). 107--114.
  • Huang, S., Fu, S. (2017). Research on Power Saving and Energy Efficiency for Data-Centric Computing on Production HPC Systems. 1--6. IEEE International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference (IGSC).
  • Fu, S., Chen, H., Qiao, G. (2017). A Machine Learning based Disk Health Monitoring for Supporting Always-On Extreme Scale Storage Systems. ACM International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC).
  • Li, Z., Davidson, M., Fu, S., Blanchard, S., Lang, M. (2017). Event Block Analysis for Effective Anomaly Detection on Production HPC Systems. Proceedings of ACM International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC).
  • Huang, S., Fu, S., Shi, W., Tiwari, D. (2017). Proactive Disk Failure Management and Data Protection for Highly Available Storage Systems. Proceedings of ACM International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC).
  • Kumar, M., Tiwari, D., Shi, W., Gupta , S., Fu, S. (2017). Towards Understanding Interconnect Failures in HPC Systems. Proceedings of Greater Chicago Area Systems Research Workshop (GCASR).
  • Huang, S., Deng , Z., Fu, S. (2016). Quantifying Topology Criticality for Fault Impact Analysis in Software-Defined Networks. 1--8. The 35th IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC).
  • Hochstetler, J., Hochstetler, L., Fu, S. (2016). An Optimal Police Patrol Planning Strategy for Smart City Safety. 1--8. The 14th IEEE International Conference on Smart City (SmartCity).
  • Baseman, E., Blanchard, S., Li, Z., Fu, S. (2016). Relational Synthesis of Text and Numeric Data for Anomaly Detection on Computing System Logs. 1--8. The 15th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA).
  • Huang, S., Fu, S., Pakin , S., Lang, M. (2016). Characterizing Power and Energy Efficiency of Legion Runtime and Applications: An Early Experience. 1--10. IEEE International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference (IGSC).
  • Chen, H., Fu, S. (2016). Parallel Erasure Coding: Exploring Task Parallelism in Erasure Coding for Enhanced Bandwidth. 1--6. IEEE International Conference on Networking, Architecture and Storage (NAS).
  • Chen, H., Fu, S. (2016). Improving Coding Performance and Energy Efficiency of Erasure Coding Process for Storage Systems. 1--6. IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD).
  • Qiao, G., Liang, S., Jiang, H., Fu, S. (2015). A Customizable MapReduce Framework for Complex Data-Intensive Workflows on GPUs. The 34th IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications ConferencT.
  • Chen, H., Fu, S. (2015). A Parallel, Reliable and Scalable Storage Software Infrastructure for Active Storage System and I/O Environments. 8. The 34th IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference.
  • Guan, Q., Debardeleben, N., Blanchard, S., Fu, S. (2015). Addressing Statistical Significance of Fault Injection: Empirical Studies of the Soft Error Susceptibility. 10. The 21st IEEE International Symposium on Dependable Computing.
  • Huang, S., Fu, S., Debardeleben, N., Guan, Q., Xu, C. (2015). Differentiated Failure Remediation with Action Selection for Resilient Computing. 10. The 21st IEEE International Symposium on Dependable Computing.
  • Guan, Q., DeBardeleben, N., Blanchard, S., Fu, S. (2015). Empirical Studies of the Soft Error Susceptibility of Sorting Algorithms to Statistical Fault Injection. Proceedings of Fault Tolerance for HPC at eXtreme Scale in the 24th International ACM Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC).
  • Huang, S., Lang, M., Pakin, S., Fu, S. (2015). Measurement and Characterization of Haswell Power and Energy Consumption. 10. E2SC, IEEE International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC).
  • Qiao, Z., Liang, S., Jiang, H., Fu, S. (2015). MR-Graph: a Customizable GPU MapReduce. IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Cloud Computing.
  • Guan, Q., DeBardeleben, N., Blanchard , S., Fu, S. (2015). Addressing Statistical Significance of Fault Injection: Empirical Studies of the Soft Error Susceptibility. 10. The 21st IEEE/IFIP International Symposium on Dependable Computing.
  • Huang, S., Fu, S., DeBardeleben, N., Guan, Q., Xu, C. (2015). Differentiated Failure Remediation with Action Selection for Resilient Computing. 10. The 21st IEEE/IFIP International Symposium on Dependable ComputinT.
  • Huang, S., Lang, M., Pakin, S., Fu, S. (2015). Measurement and Characterization of Haswell Power and Energy Consumption. 10. E2SC, IEEE/ACM International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC).
  • Huang, S., Fu, S., Zhang, Q., Shi, W. (2015). Characterizing Disk Failures with Quantified Disk Degradation Signatures: An Early Experience. 10. IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC).
  • Ren, H., Shao, J., Arigong, B., Zhou, M., Fu, S., Kim, H., Zhang, H. (2015). Simplified Doherty Power Amplifier Structures. IEEE Symposium on Wireless and Microwave Circuits and Systems (WMCS).
  • Arigong, B., Zhou, M., Ren, H., Shao, J., Fu, S., Kim, H., Zhang, H. (2015). System Application of Planar Couplers. IEEE Symposium on Wireless and Microwave Circuits and Systems (WMCS).
  • Guan, Q., DeBardeleben, N., Blanchard, S., Fu, S. (2015). Soft Error Susceptibility of Sorting Algorithms. 7. IEEE International Workshop on Silicon Errors in Logic - System Effects (SELSE).
  • Journal Article

  • Feng, W., Tang, S., Wang, S., He, Y., Chen, D., Yang, Q., Fu, S. (2024). Characterizing Perception Deep Learning Algorithms and Applications for Vehicular Edge Computing. Algorithms. 18 1-31. Algorithms.
  • Gu, Z., Krishna, K., Parsazadeh, M., Sharma, S., Manjunath, A., Tran, H., Fu, S., Dahotre, N. (2024). Deep Learning Based Melt Pool and Porosity Detection in Components Fabricated by Laser Powder Bed Fusion. Progress in Additive Manufacturing. 10 53–70.
  • Dhakal, S., Carrillo, D., Qu, D., Yang, Q., Fu, S. (2024). Sniffer Faster R-CNN ++: An Efficient Camera-LiDAR Object Detector with Proposal Refinement on Fused Candidates. 1 (2) 1-18. ACM Journal on Autonomous Transportation Systems.
  • Kvapil, J., Borca-Tasciuc, G., Bossi, H., Corrales Morales, Y., Da Costa, H., Fu, S., Liu, M. (2024). A Demonstrator for a Real-time AI-FPGA-based Triggering System for sPHENIX at RHIC. 19 (2) 7 pages. Journal of Instrumentation.
  • Gu, Z., Sharma, S., Riley, D., Fu, S., Dahotre, N. (2023). A Universal Predictor-Based Machine Learning Model for Optimal Process Maps in Laser Powder Bed Fusion Process. Other. 34 3341–3363.
  • Gu, Z., Tran, H., Manjunath, A., Chen, D., Fu, S. (2023). AI Automated Microstructure Analysis for Intelligent Manufacturing. Journal of Robotics and Automation Technology.
  • Guo, J., Carrillo, D., Chen, Q., Yang, Q., Fu, S., Lu, H., Guo, R. (2022). Slim-FCP: Lightweight-Feature-Based Cooperative Perception for Connected Automated Vehicles. Other. 9 (17) 15630--15638. IEEE.
  • Bai, T., Fu, S., Yang, Q. (2022). Privacy-Preserving Object Detection with Secure Convolutional Neural Networks for Vehicular Edge Computing. Other. 14 (11) 1-17.
  • Sun, H., Wang, Q., Yue, Y., Fu, S. (2022). A Storage Computing Architecture with Multiple NDP Devices for Accelerating Compaction Performance in LSM-Tree based KV Stores. Journal of Systems Architecture. 130 1-16. Elsevier.
  • Guo, J., Carrillo, D., Tang, S., Chen, Q., Yang, Q., Fu, S., Wang, X., Wang, N., Palacharla, P. (2021). CoFF: Cooperative spatial feature fusion for 3-D object detection on autonomous vehicles. Other. 8 (14) 11078--11087. IEEE.
  • Yang, Q., Fu, S., Wang, H., Fang, H. (2021). Machine-learning-enabled cooperative perception for connected autonomous vehicles: Challenges and opportunities. IEEE Network. 35 (3) 96--101. IEEE.
  • Li, X., Wang, X., Yang, Q., Fu, S. (2021). Signal Processing for TDM MIMO FMCW Millimeter-Wave Radar Sensors. IEEE Access. IEEE.
  • Kumar, M., Gupta, S., Patel, T., Shi, W., Fu, S., Engelmann, C., Tiwari, D. (2021). Study of Interconnect Errors, Network Congestion, and Applications Characteristics for Throttle Prediction on a Large Scale HPC System. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), vol. 65 (2005) pp. 153 29-43. Elsevier.
  • Ma, X., Guo, J., Sansom, A., McGuir, M., Kalaani, A., Chen, Q., Tang, S., Yang, Q., Fu, S. (2021). Spatial Pyramid Attention for Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. 23 3048 - 3058. IEEE.
  • Abazari, F., Analoui, M., Takabi, H., Fu, S. (2019). MOWS: multi-objective workflow scheduling in cloud computing based on heuristic algorithm. Other. 93 119-132. Elsevier.
  • Sun, H., Liu, W., Qiao, Z., Fu, S., Shi, W. (2018). DStore: A Holistic Key-Value Store Exploring Near-Data Processing and On-Demand Scheduling for Compaction Optimization. IEEE Access. 6 61233-61253.
  • Guan, Q., DeBardeleben, N., Blanchard, S., Fu, S. (2017). Addressing Statistical Significance of Fault Injection: Empirical Studies of the Soft Error Susceptibility. 10 (4) 16. International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking.
  • Zhang, Z., Lang, M., Pakin, S., Fu, S. (2016). TracSim: Simulating and Scheduling Trapped Power Capacity to Maximize Machine Room Throughput. Parallel Computing. 57 108-124.
  • Arigong, B., Ding, J., Ren, H., Zhou, M., Zhou, R., Fu, S., Kim, H., Zhang, H. (2015). An Improved Design of Dual-band 3dB 180° Directional Coupler. Progress In Electromagnetics Research (PIER). 56 (153-162)
  • Shao, J., Ren, H., Zhou, M., Arigong, B., Ding, J., Fu, S., Kim, H., Zhang, H. (2015). Design of a Dual-Band Sequential Power Amplifier. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters.
  • Shao, J., Ren, H., Zhou, M., Arigong, B., Ding, J., Fu, S., Kim, H., Zhang, H. (2015). Design of Dual-Band GaN Doherty Power Amplifier Using a Simplified Structure. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. 57 (4) 5.
  • Shao, J., Zhou, R., Yoon, S., Fu, S., Kim, H.S., Zhang, H. (2015). Design of a Tunable Sequential Power Amplifier. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. 57 (4) 953-956.
  • Poster

  • Chen, H., Qiao, G., Fu, S. (2019). Applying SDN based data network on HPC Big Data Computing – Design, Implementation, and Evaluation. IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data). 2. IEEE.
  • Chen, Q., Yang, Q., Fu, S. (2019). A Cooperative Perception Framework for Connected Autonomous Vehicles. Annual GPU Technology Conference.
  • Qiao, Z., Fu, S., Chen, H., Settlemyer, B. (2018). Exploring Declustered RAID in ZFS for improved Storage Reliability and Availability. 2018 IEEE/ACM International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC).
  • Hochstetler, J., Padidela, R., Chen, Q., Yang, Q., Fu, S. (2018). Embedded Deep Learning for Vehicular Edge Computing. 2018 ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC).
  • Qiao, Z., Fu, S., Chen, H., Settlemyer, B. (2018). Characterizing Performance of Declustered RAID for HPC Storage Systems. 2018 DOE Los Alamos National Laboratory Research Symposium.
  • Liang, S., Qiao, Z., Fu, S., Shi, W. (2018). In-Depth Reliability Characterization of NAND Flash based Solid State Drives in High Performance Computing Systems. The 47th IEEE International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP).
  • Qiao, Z., Fu, S., Chen, H., Lang, M. (2017). Incorporating Proactive Data Rescue into ZFS Disk Recovery for Enhanced Storage Reliability. IEEE/ACM International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC).

Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research

    Grant - Research

  • Li, X. (Co-Principal), Fu, S. (Principal), Yang, Q. (Co-Principal), Ding, J. (Co-Principal), "IUCRC Phase I: Center for Electric, Connected and Autonomous Technologies for Mobility (eCAT)," sponsored by NSF, Federal, $750000 Funded. (2023 - 2028).
  • Fu, S. (Co-Principal), Padilla, P. (Principal), Barrio, B. (Co-Principal), Cartwright, A. (Co-Principal), Slaughter, L. (Co-Principal), "Adaptation: UNT CRECE," sponsored by NSF, Federal, $999809 Funded. (2023 - 2027).
  • Padilla, P.A. (Principal), Barrio, B.L. (Co-Principal), Cartwright, A.D. (Co-Principal), Slaughter, L.M. (Co-Principal), Fu, S. (Co-Principal), "UNT CRECE (Culturally Responsive, Equitable and Caring Environments)," sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, $999809 Funded. (2024 - 2027).
  • Yang , Q. (Principal), Fu, S. (Co-Principal), "Development and Demonstration of Zero-Emission Technologies for Commercial Fleets," sponsored by Department of Energy (DOE), Federal, $500678 Funded. (2022 - 2026).
  • Ding, J. (Principal), Kinshuk, X. (Co-Principal), Fu, S. (Co-Principal), Ludi, S.A. (Co-Principal), Chen, H. (Co-Principal), "HSI Implementation and Evaluation Project: Develop a High Quality Academic Environment for Broadening Participation of Hispanic Students in Computing," sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, $500000 Funded. (2022 - 2025).
  • Fu, S. (Principal), "Characterizing and Optimizing Autonomous Driving Workloads on Vehicular Edge," sponsored by Industry, National, $50000 Funded. (2024 - 2025).
  • Fu, S. (Principal), "Advanced Storage Solutions," sponsored by Industry, National, $150000 Funded. (2022 - 2025).
  • Yang, Q. (Principal), Fu, S. (Co-Principal), "Multi-Vehicle Cooperative Perception," sponsored by Toyota North America InfoTech Labs, International, $280000 Funded. (2022 - 2025).
  • Fu, S. (Principal), Morozov, K. (Co-Principal), "North Texas GenCyber Academy," sponsored by National Security Agency and National Science Foundation, Federal, $139042 Funded. (2022 - 2024).
  • Fu, S. (Principal), "University of North Texas GenCyber Academy," sponsored by National Security Agency and National Science Foundation, Federal, $134823 Funded. (2021 - 2023).
  • Fu, S. (Principal), Yang, Q. (Co-Principal), "REU Site: Vehicular Edge Computing and Security," sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, $359993 Funded. (2019 - 2023).
  • Fu, S., Zhao, X., Wang, J., "Travel: Student Travel Support for IEEE/ACM International Conferences on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2022) and Big Data Computing, Applications and Technologies (BDCAT 2022)," sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, $32000 Funded. (2022 - 2023).
  • Yang, Q. (Principal), Fu, S. (Co-Principal), Keathly, D. (Other), "CyberTraining: Implementation: Small: Collaborative and Integrated Training on Connected and Autonomous Vehicles Cyber Infrastructure," sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, $499841 Funded. (2020 - 2023).
  • Yang, Q. (Principal), Fu, S. (Co-Principal), "Mobile Edge Computing," sponsored by Fujitsu Laboratories of America, International, $90000 Funded. (2021 - 2023).
  • Fu, S. (Principal), Yang, Q. (Co-Principal), Li, X. (Co-Principal), "IUCRC Planning Grant University of North Texas: Center for Electric, Connected and Autonomous Technologies for Mobility (eCAT)," sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, $20000 Funded. (2021 - 2022).
  • Yang, Q. (Principal), Fu, S. (Co-Principal), "EAGER: SaTC: Privacy-Preserving Convolutional Neural Network for Cooperative Perception in Vehicular Edge Systems," sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, $99948 Funded. (2020 - 2022).
  • Fu, S. (Principal), "North Texas GenCyber Academy," sponsored by NSA, Federal, $79277 Funded. (2020 - 2022).
  • Fu, S. (Principal), Yang, Q. (Co-Principal), "Supplement: REU Site: Vehicular Edge Computing and Security: Research Experience for Undergraduates," sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, $20000 Funded. (2019 - 2021).
  • Fu, S. (Principal), "Exploring Declustered RAID and Proactive Data Protection to Develop Always-On HPC Storage Systems," sponsored by DOE Los Alamos National Laboratory, Federal, $180000 Funded. (2018 - 2021).
  • Kavi, K.M. (Principal), Fu, S. (Co-Principal), Zhao, H. (Co-Principal), "MRI Collaborative: Development of ESPRIT - Emerging systems’ performance and energy evaluation instruments and testbench," sponsored by Cost-Share from UNT for a NSF Grant, University of North Texas, $128572 Funded. (2018 - 2021).
  • Kavi, K.M. (Principal), Fu, S. (Co-Principal), Zhao, H. (Co-Principal), "MRl Collaborative: Development of ESPRIT - Emerging systems' performance and energy evaluation instruments and testbench," sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, $300001 Funded. (2018 - 2021).
  • Fu, S. (Principal), Shi, W. (Principal), "CSR: Medium: Exploiting Disk Performance Signatures for Cost-Effective Management of Large-Scale Storage Systems," sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, $700000 Funded. (2016 - 2021).
  • Mishra , R. (Principal), Fu, S. (Co-Principal), Manzo , M. (Co-Principal), "Advanced Process Monitoring Solution for Weld Quality Control," sponsored by Hitachi America, Ltd., National, $40000 Funded. (2021 - 2021).
  • Fu, S. (Principal), "REU Supplement: CSR: Medium: Collaborative Research: Wizard: Exploiting Disk Performance Signatures for Cost-Effective Management of Large-Scale Storage Systems," sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, $16000 Funded. (2017 - 2020).
  • Fu, S. (Principal), "Characterizing Flash Storage Failures for Building Reliable Storage Systems," sponsored by DOE Los Alamos National Laboratory, Federal, $40000 Funded. (2018 - 2018).
  • Fu, S. (Principal), "Developing Disk Health Analysis and Failure Prediction Tools for HPC Storage Systems," sponsored by DOE Los Alamos National Laboratory, Federal, $45000 Funded. (2016 - 2017).
  • Fu, S., "Anomaly Detection in DOE High Performance Computing Systems Logs Using Machine Learning," sponsored by DOE Los Alamos National Laboratory, Federal, $47000 Funded. (2016 - 2017).
  • Fu, S. (Principal), "Developing Scalable and Resilient Storage Systems by Exploring Open Ethernet Drives," sponsored by DOE Los Alamos National Laboratory, Federal, $85000 Funded. (2016 - 2017).
  • Fu, S. (Principal), "Advanced Distributed Computing on Amazon EC2 Cloud," sponsored by Amazon Inc., Other, $16000 Funded. (2012 - 2016).
  • Fu, S. (Principal), "Anomaly Detection in High Performance Computing Systems," sponsored by DOE, Federal, $90000 Funded. (2015 - 2016).
  • Fu, S. (Principal), "Power-Aware Job Scheduling Under a Power Cap for DOE Trinity Supercomputer," sponsored by DOE LANL, Federal, $53600 Funded. (2015 - 2015).
  • Fu, S. (Principal), "Soft Error Characterization and Resilience with GPGPUs," sponsored by NVIDIA, Other, $6000 Funded. (2014 - 2015).
  • Yang, Q. (Principal), Fu, S. (Co-Principal), ""Cyber Training: Implementation: Small: Collaborative Integrated Training on Connected and Autonomous Vehicles Cyber Infrastructure"," sponsored by National Science Foundation, FED, Funded. (2020 - 2023).
  • Yang, Q. (Principal), Fu, S. (Co-Principal), Keathly, D. (Other), "CyberTraining: Implementation: Small: Collaborative and Integrated Training on Connected and Autonomous Vehicles Cyber Infrastructure," sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, Funded. (2020 - 2023).
  • Yang, Q. (Co-Principal), Fu, S. (Principal), "REU Site: Vehicular Edge Computing and Security: Research Experience for Undergraduates," sponsored by National Science Foundation, FED, Funded. (2019 - 2022).
  • Yang, Q. (Principal), Fu, S. (Co-Principal), "EAGER: SaTC: Privacyÿ¿Preserving Convolutional Neural Network for Cooperative Perception in Vehicular Edge Systems," sponsored by National Science Foundation, FED, Funded. (2020 - 2022).
  • Zhao, H. (Co-Principal), Kavi, K.M. (Principal), Fu, S. (Co-Principal), "MRI Collaborative: Development of ESPRIT - Emerging Systems' Performance and Energy Evaluation Instruments and Testbench," sponsored by National Science Foundation, FED, Funded. (2018 - 2022).
  • Yang, Q. (Co-Principal), Fu, S. (Principal), Li, X. (Co-Principal), "IUCRC Planning Grant University of North Texas: Center for Electric, Connected and Autonomous Technologies for Mobility (eCAT)," sponsored by National Science Foundation, FED, Funded. (2021 - 2022).
  • Mishra, R.S. (Principal), "Microstructure and mechanical properties of 3DP printed metal alloy parts," sponsored by Hitachi America, Ltd., IND, Funded. (2020 - 2022).
  • Fu, S. (Principal), "GenCyber," sponsored by NSA, Federal, Funded. (2020 - 2021).
  • Fu, S. (Principal), Yang, Q. (Co-Principal), "Supplement: REU Site: Vehicular Edge Computing and Security: Research Experience for Undergraduates," sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, Funded. (2019 - 2021).
  • Fu, S. (Principal), "CSR: Medium: Collaborative Research: Wizard: Exploiting Disk Performance Signatures For Cost Effective Management of Large Scale Storage Systems," sponsored by National Science Foundation, FED, Funded. (2016 - 2021).
  • Fu, S. (Principal), Shi, W. (Principal), "CSR: Medium: Exploiting Disk Performance Signatures for Cost-Effective Management of Large-Scale Storage Systems," sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, Funded. (2016 - 2021).
  • Fu, S. (Principal), Yang, Q. (Co-Principal), Li, X. (Co-Principal), "IUCRC Preliminary Proposal Planning Grant University of North Texas: Center for Electric, Connected and Autonomous Technologies for Mobility (eCAT)," sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, Funded. (2020 - 2021).
  • Fu, S. (Principal), "Exploring Declustered RAID and Proactive Data Protection to Develop Always-On HPC Storage Systems," sponsored by Los Alamos National Laboratory, FED, Funded. (2018 - 2021).
  • Fu, S. (Principal), "REU Supplement: CSR: Medium: Collaborative Research: Wizard: Exploiting Disk Performance Signatures for Cost-Effective Management of Large-Scale Storage Systems," sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, Funded. (2017 - 2020).
  • Fu, S. (Principal), "Characterizing Flash Storage Failures (SSD, NVMeor Trinity Burst-buffer node/BBN)," sponsored by Los Alamos National Laboratory, FED, Funded. (2018 - 2018).
  • Fu, S. (Principal), "Characterizing Flash Storage Failures for Building Reliable Storage Systems," sponsored by DOE Los Alamos National Laboratory, Federal, Funded. (2018 - 2018).
  • Fu, S. (Principal), "Developing Disk Health Analysis and Failure Prediction Tools for HPC Storage Systems," sponsored by Los Alamos National Laboratory, FED, Funded. (2016 - 2017).
  • Fu, S. (Principal), "Anomaly Detection in DOE High Performance Computing Systems Logs Using Machine Learning," sponsored by Los Alamos National Laboratory, FED, Funded. (2015 - 2017).
  • Fu, S. (Principal), "Developing Scalable and Resilient Storage Systems by Exploring Open Ethernet Drives," sponsored by Los Alamos National Laboratory, FED, Funded. (2016 - 2017).
  • Fu, S. (Principal), "Advanced Distributed Computing on Amazon EC2 Cloud," sponsored by Amazon Inc., Other, Funded. (2012 - 2016).
  • Fu, S. (Principal), "Anomaly Detection in High Performance Computing Systems," sponsored by DOE, Federal, Funded. (2015 - 2016).
  • Fu, S. (Principal), "Power-Aware Job Scheduling Under a Power Cap for DOE Trinity Supercomputer," sponsored by DOE LANL, Federal, Funded. (2015 - 2015).
  • Grant - Service

  • Yang, Q., Fu, S. (Co-Principal), "Automotive Radar-Cyclist Object Detection Dynamic Testing," sponsored by Emobilus, Local, $4044 Funded. (2020 - 2020).
  • Fu, S. (Co-Principal), "Expanding Recruitment and Collaboration with Universities in China," sponsored by UNT China Venture Fund, University of North Texas, $8000 Funded. (2016 - 2017).
  • Fu, S. (Co-Principal), "Expanding Collaboration with Universities in East China in Computer Science and Math Programs," sponsored by UNT Venture Fund, University of North Texas, $3000 Funded. (2014 - 2015).
  • Yang, Q. (Principal), Fu, S. (Co-Principal), "Automotive Radar-Cyclist Object Detection Dynamic Testing," sponsored by Emobilus, IND, Funded. (2020 - 2020).
  • Grant - Teaching

  • Li, C. (Principal), Fu, S. (Co-Principal), "UTA-UNT OurCS@DFW for Underrepresented Undergraduate Students," sponsored by Google exploreCSR, International, $15000 Funded. (2020 - 2021).
  • Fu, S. (Principal), "2021 GenCyber Grant Program University of North Texas," sponsored by National Security Agency, FED, Funded. (2021 - 2024).
  • Fu, S. (Principal), "University of North Texas GenCyber Academy," sponsored by National Security Agency, FED, Funded. (2020 - 2022).
  • Li, C. (Principal), Fu, S. (Co-Principal), "UTA-UNT OurCS@DFW for Underrepresented Undergraduate Students," sponsored by Google exploreCSR, International, Funded. (2020 - 2021).
  • Sponsored Research

  • Ding, J., Ludi, S.A., Fu, S., Kinshuk, K., Chen, H., "Developing a High-Quality Academic Environment for Broadening Participation of Hispanic Students in Computing," sponsored by NSF, Federal, $499517 Funded. (2022 - 2025).
  • Yang, Q. (Principal), Fu, S. (Co-Principal), "Mobile Edge Computing," sponsored by Fujitsu Laboratories of America, Inc., International, $30000 Funded. (2020 - 2021).
  • Yang, Q. (Principal), Fu, S. (Co-Principal), "Mobile Edge Computing," sponsored by Fujitsu Laboratories of America, Inc., International, Funded. (2020 - 2021).
  • Fu, S., "Advanced Storage Solutions," sponsored by Sage Microelectronics, International, Funded. (2020).
Summative Rating
Challenge and
Engagement Index
Response Rate

out of 5

out of 7
students responded
  • Overall Summative Rating (median):
    This rating represents the combined responses of students to the four global summative items and is presented to provide an overall index of the class’s quality. Overall summative statements include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 5 = Excellent, 3 = Good, and 1= Very poor):
    • The course as a whole was
    • The course content was
    • The instructor’s contribution to the course was
    • The instructor’s effectiveness in teaching the subject matter was
  • Challenge and Engagement Index:
    This rating combines student responses to several SPOT items relating to how academically challenging students found the course to be and how engaged they were. Challenge and Engagement Index items include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 7 = Much higher, 4 = Average, and 1 = Much lower):
    • Do you expect your grade in this course to be
    • The intellectual challenge presented was
    • The amount of effort you put into this course was
    • The amount of effort to succeed in this course was
    • Your involvement in course (doing assignments, attending classes, etc.) was