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Stephen F. Austin

Title: Professor

Department: Vocal Studies

College: College of Music

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae Link


  • PhD, University of Iowa, 1992
    Major: Speech Pathology and Audiology:
    Specialization: Voice Science
    Dissertation: The Effect of Subglottal Resonance Upon Vocal Fold Vibration
  • MM, North Texas State University, 1983
    Major: Vocal Performance
  • BM, Howard Payne University, 1977
    Major: Vocal Performance

Current Scheduled Teaching

No current or future courses scheduled.

Previous Scheduled Teaching

MUAG 5610.001Comparative Pedagogy of SingingSpring 2023 SPOT
MUGC 6951.707Dissertation RecitalSpring 2023
MUGC 6954.724Dissertation RecitalSpring 2023
MUGC 6950.713Doctoral DissertationSpring 2023
MUAG 5701.724Master's RecitalSpring 2023
MUAG 4900.701Special ProblemsSpring 2023
MUAG 4900.704Special ProblemsSpring 2023
MUAG 4910.704Special ProblemsSpring 2023
MUAC 3503.701VOICESpring 2023 SPOT
MUAM 1503.701VoiceSpring 2023 SPOT
MUAM 3503.701VoiceSpring 2023 SPOT
MUAM 5503.701VoiceSpring 2023 SPOT
MUAM 6503.701VoiceSpring 2023 SPOT
MUGC 6951.707Dissertation RecitalFall 2022
MUGC 6953.728Dissertation RecitalFall 2022
MUGC 6954.724Dissertation RecitalFall 2022
MUGC 6950.718Doctoral DissertationFall 2022
MUAG 4300.001Science and Pedagogy of SingingFall 2022 Syllabus SPOT
MUAG 4310.001Science and Pedagogy of SingingFall 2022 Syllabus SPOT
MUAG 5300.001Science and Pedagogy of SingingFall 2022 SPOT
MUAC 3503.701VOICEFall 2022 SPOT
MUAM 1503.701VoiceFall 2022 SPOT
MUAM 3503.701VoiceFall 2022 SPOT
MUAM 5503.701VoiceFall 2022 SPOT
MUAM 6503.701VoiceFall 2022 SPOT
MUGC 6954.709Dissertation RecitalSummer 5W1 2022
MUAG 5300.001Science and Pedagogy of SingingSummer 10W 2022 SPOT
MUAG 5600.001Advanced Science and Pedagogy of SingingSpring 2022 SPOT
MUGC 6953.728Dissertation RecitalSpring 2022
MUGC 6954.724Dissertation RecitalSpring 2022
MUGC 6950.713Doctoral DissertationSpring 2022
MUGC 6944.713Graduate Artist Certificate RecitalSpring 2022
MUAG 5701.724Master's RecitalSpring 2022
MUAG 5900.709SPECIAL PROBLEMSSpring 2022
MUAG 6900.707Special ProblemsSpring 2022
MUAC 1503.701VOICESpring 2022 SPOT
MUAC 3503.701VOICESpring 2022 SPOT
MUAM 1503.701VoiceSpring 2022 SPOT
MUAM 3503.701VoiceSpring 2022 SPOT
MUAM 5503.701VoiceSpring 2022 SPOT
MUAM 6503.701VoiceSpring 2022 SPOT
MUGC 6952.725Dissertation RecitalFall 2021
MUGC 6953.728Dissertation RecitalFall 2021
MUGC 6954.724Dissertation RecitalFall 2021
MUGC 6943.710Graduate Artist Certificate RecitalFall 2021
MUAG 5701.724Master's RecitalFall 2021
MUAG 4300.001Science and Pedagogy of SingingFall 2021 Syllabus SPOT
MUAG 4310.001Science and Pedagogy of SingingFall 2021 Syllabus SPOT
MUAG 5300.001Science and Pedagogy of SingingFall 2021 SPOT
MUAC 1503.701VOICEFall 2021 SPOT
MUAC 3503.701VOICEFall 2021 SPOT
MUAM 1503.701VoiceFall 2021 SPOT
MUAM 3503.701VoiceFall 2021 SPOT
MUAM 5503.701VoiceFall 2021 SPOT
MUAM 6503.701VoiceFall 2021 SPOT
MUGC 6954.701Dissertation RecitalSummer 5W2 2021
MUAG 6900.701Special ProblemsSummer 3W1 2021
MUAG 5610.001Comparative Pedagogy of SingingSpring 2021 SPOT
MUGC 6951.707Dissertation RecitalSpring 2021
MUGC 6952.725Dissertation RecitalSpring 2021
MUGC 6954.724Dissertation RecitalSpring 2021
MUGC 6942.719Graduate Artist Certificate RecitalSpring 2021
MUAC 1503.701VOICESpring 2021 SPOT
MUAC 3503.701VOICESpring 2021 SPOT
MUAM 1503.701VoiceSpring 2021 SPOT
MUAM 3503.701VoiceSpring 2021 SPOT
MUAM 5503.701VoiceSpring 2021 SPOT
MUAM 6503.701VoiceSpring 2021 SPOT
MUAS 6503.701VoiceSpring 2021 SPOT
MUGC 6954.724Dissertation RecitalFall 2020
MUGC 6941.714Graduate Artist Certificate RecitalFall 2020
MUAG 4300.001Science and Pedagogy of SingingFall 2020 Syllabus SPOT
MUAG 4310.001Science and Pedagogy of SingingFall 2020 Syllabus SPOT
MUAG 5300.001Science and Pedagogy of SingingFall 2020 SPOT
MUAC 1503.701VOICEFall 2020 SPOT
MUAC 3503.701VOICEFall 2020 SPOT
MUAM 1503.701VoiceFall 2020 SPOT
MUAM 3503.701VoiceFall 2020 SPOT
MUAM 5503.701VoiceFall 2020 SPOT
MUAM 6503.701VoiceFall 2020 SPOT
MUPH 5018.001Voice in Performing Arts HealthFall 2020 SPOT
MUAG 5600.001Advanced Science and Pedagogy of SingingSpring 2020
MUGC 6951.707Dissertation RecitalSpring 2020
MUGC 6953.728Dissertation RecitalSpring 2020
MUGC 6954.724Dissertation RecitalSpring 2020
MUGC 6950.713Doctoral DissertationSpring 2020
MUGC 5944.711Graduate Artist Certificate RecitalSpring 2020
MUAG 5701.724Master's RecitalSpring 2020
MUAG 4910.704Special ProblemsSpring 2020
MUAG 6900.703Special ProblemsSpring 2020
MUAG 6910.704Special ProblemsSpring 2020
MUAC 1503.701VOICESpring 2020
MUAC 3503.701VOICESpring 2020
MUAM 3503.701VoiceSpring 2020
MUAM 5503.701VoiceSpring 2020
MUAM 6503.701VoiceSpring 2020
MUGC 6951.707Dissertation RecitalFall 2019
MUGC 6953.728Dissertation RecitalFall 2019
MUGC 6954.724Dissertation RecitalFall 2019
MUGC 5943.701Graduate Artist Certificate RecitalFall 2019
MUAG 5701.724Master's RecitalFall 2019
MUPH 6200.001Performing Arts Health PracticumFall 2019 SPOT
MUPH 6100.001Performing Arts Health Research MethodsFall 2019 SPOT
MUAG 4300.001Science and Pedagogy of SingingFall 2019 Syllabus SPOT
MUAG 5300.001Science and Pedagogy of SingingFall 2019 SPOT
MUAC 1503.701VOICEFall 2019 SPOT
MUAC 3503.701VOICEFall 2019 SPOT
MUAM 3503.701VoiceFall 2019 SPOT
MUAM 5503.701VoiceFall 2019 SPOT
MUAM 6503.701VoiceFall 2019 SPOT
MUPH 5018.001Voice in Performing Arts HealthFall 2019 SPOT
MUGC 5900.701Special ProblemsSummer 10W 2019
MUGC 6900.701Special ProblemsSummer 5W1 2019
MUAG 5610.001Comparative Pedagogy of SingingSpring 2019 SPOT
MUGC 6952.725Dissertation RecitalSpring 2019
MUGC 6953.728Dissertation RecitalSpring 2019
MUGC 6954.724Dissertation RecitalSpring 2019
MUGC 5942.708Graduate Artist Certificate RecitalSpring 2019
MUAC 1503.701VOICESpring 2019 SPOT
MUAM 1503.701VoiceSpring 2019 SPOT
MUAM 5503.701VoiceSpring 2019 SPOT
MUAM 6503.701VoiceSpring 2019 SPOT
MUGC 6953.728Dissertation RecitalFall 2018
MUGC 6954.724Dissertation RecitalFall 2018
MUGC 5941.701Graduate Artist Certificate RecitalFall 2018
MUAG 4300.001Science and Pedagogy of SingingFall 2018 Syllabus SPOT
MUAG 5300.001Science and Pedagogy of SingingFall 2018 SPOT
MUAC 1503.701VOICEFall 2018 SPOT
MUAM 1503.701VoiceFall 2018 SPOT
MUAM 5503.701VoiceFall 2018 SPOT
MUAM 6503.701VoiceFall 2018 SPOT
MUAG 5600.001Advanced Science and Pedagogy of SingingSpring 2018 SPOT
MUGC 6951.707Dissertation RecitalSpring 2018
MUGC 6952.725Dissertation RecitalSpring 2018
MUGC 6954.724Dissertation RecitalSpring 2018
MUAM 1503.701VoiceSpring 2018 SPOT
MUAM 5503.701VoiceSpring 2018 SPOT
MUAM 6503.701VoiceSpring 2018 SPOT
MUAS 1503.701VoiceSpring 2018 SPOT
MUGC 6954.724Dissertation RecitalFall 2017
MUAG 4300.001Science and Pedagogy of SingingFall 2017 Syllabus SPOT
MUAG 5300.001Science and Pedagogy of SingingFall 2017 SPOT
MUAG 6900.705Special ProblemsFall 2017
MUAM 1503.701VoiceFall 2017 SPOT
MUAM 3503.701VoiceFall 2017 SPOT
MUAM 5503.701VoiceFall 2017 SPOT
MUAM 6503.701VoiceFall 2017 SPOT
MUGC 6954.724Dissertation RecitalSpring 2017
MUGC 6953.728Dissertation RecitalFall 2016
MUGC 6954.724Dissertation RecitalFall 2016
MUGC 5943.701Graduate Artist Certificate RecitalFall 2016
MUAG 5701.724Master's RecitalFall 2016 SPOT
MUAG 4300.001Science and Pedagogy of SingingFall 2016 Syllabus SPOT
MUAG 5300.001Science and Pedagogy of SingingFall 2016 SPOT
MUAM 1503.701VoiceFall 2016 SPOT
MUAM 3503.701VoiceFall 2016 SPOT
MUAM 5503.701VoiceFall 2016 SPOT
MUAM 6503.701VoiceFall 2016 SPOT
MUAS 5503.710VoiceFall 2016
MUAS 5503.716VoiceFall 2016
MUAG 6900.701Special ProblemsSummer 5W2 2016
MUAG 5600.001Advanced Science and Pedagogy of SingingSpring 2016 SPOT
MUGC 6952.725Dissertation RecitalSpring 2016
MUGC 6953.728Dissertation RecitalSpring 2016
MUGC 6954.724Dissertation RecitalSpring 2016
MUGC 5942.708Graduate Artist Certificate RecitalSpring 2016
MUAG 5701.724Master's RecitalSpring 2016
MUAG 6900.702Special ProblemsSpring 2016
MUAM 1503.701VoiceSpring 2016 SPOT
MUAM 5503.701VoiceSpring 2016 SPOT
MUAM 6503.701VoiceSpring 2016 SPOT
MUAS 5503.713VoiceSpring 2016
MUAS 5503.715VoiceSpring 2016
MUGC 6951.707Dissertation RecitalFall 2015
MUGC 6953.728Dissertation RecitalFall 2015
MUGC 6954.724Dissertation RecitalFall 2015
MUGC 5941.701Graduate Artist Certificate RecitalFall 2015
MUAG 4300.001Science and Pedagogy of SingingFall 2015 Syllabus SPOT
MUAG 5300.001Science and Pedagogy of SingingFall 2015 SPOT
MUAG 6900.705Special ProblemsFall 2015
MUAM 1503.701VoiceFall 2015 SPOT
MUAM 3503.701VoiceFall 2015 SPOT
MUAM 5503.701VoiceFall 2015 SPOT
MUAM 6503.701VoiceFall 2015 SPOT
MUAS 5503.701VoiceFall 2015 SPOT
MUAS 5503.715VoiceFall 2015 SPOT
MUGC 6953.701Dissertation RecitalSummer 5W1 2015
MUAG 6910.701Special ProblemsSummer 5W1 2015
MUAG 5610.001Comparative Pedagogy of SingingSpring 2015
MUGC 6951.707Dissertation RecitalSpring 2015
MUGC 6952.725Dissertation RecitalSpring 2015
MUGC 6953.728Dissertation RecitalSpring 2015
MUGC 6954.724Dissertation RecitalSpring 2015
MUAG 5701.724Master's RecitalSpring 2015
MUAG 6900.704Special ProblemsSpring 2015
MUAG 6900.705Special ProblemsSpring 2015
MUAM 1503.701VoiceSpring 2015
MUAM 3503.701VoiceSpring 2015
MUAM 5503.701VoiceSpring 2015
MUAM 6503.701VoiceSpring 2015
MUAS 5503.710VoiceSpring 2015
MUAS 5503.715VoiceSpring 2015
MUAG 4712.702Voice Senior Recital CapstoneSpring 2015 Syllabus
MUGC 6952.725Dissertation RecitalFall 2014
MUGC 6954.724Dissertation RecitalFall 2014
MUAG 5701.723Master's RecitalFall 2014
MUAG 4300.001Science and Pedagogy of SingingFall 2014 Syllabus
MUAG 5300.001Science and Pedagogy of SingingFall 2014
MUAG 4700.701Senior RecitalFall 2014
MUAM 1503.701VoiceFall 2014
MUAM 3503.701VoiceFall 2014
MUAM 5503.701VoiceFall 2014
MUAM 6503.701VoiceFall 2014
MUAS 5503.710VoiceFall 2014
MUAS 5503.715VoiceFall 2014
MUGC 6954.711Dissertation RecitalSummer 5W1 2014
MUAG 5900.704SPECIAL PROBLEMSSummer 5W1 2014
MUAG 5600.001Advanced Science and Pedagogy of SingingSpring 2014
MUGC 6951.707Dissertation RecitalSpring 2014
MUGC 6954.724Dissertation RecitalSpring 2014
MUAG 5701.730Master's RecitalSpring 2014
MUAG 4700.701Senior RecitalSpring 2014
MUAG 4900.701Special ProblemsSpring 2014
MUAG 4900.703Special ProblemsSpring 2014
MUAC 6503.701VOICESpring 2014
MUAM 1503.701VoiceSpring 2014
MUAM 3503.701VoiceSpring 2014
MUAM 5503.701VoiceSpring 2014
MUAM 6503.701VoiceSpring 2014
MUAS 5503.713VoiceSpring 2014
MUAS 5503.715VoiceSpring 2014
MUGC 6952.709Dissertation RecitalFall 2013
MUGC 6954.725Dissertation RecitalFall 2013
MUAG 5701.722Master's RecitalFall 2013
MUAG 4300.001Science and Pedagogy of SingingFall 2013 Syllabus
MUAG 6900.703Special ProblemsFall 2013
MUAC 6503.701VOICEFall 2013
MUAM 1503.701VoiceFall 2013
MUAM 3503.701VoiceFall 2013
MUAM 5503.701VoiceFall 2013
MUAM 6503.701VoiceFall 2013
MUAS 5503.713VoiceFall 2013
MUGC 6953.701Dissertation RecitalSummer 5W2 2013
MUGC 6954.714Dissertation RecitalSummer 5W1 2013
MUAG 4300.001Science and Pedagogy of SingingSummer 5W2 2013 Syllabus
MUAG 5910.700SPECIAL PROBLEMSSummer 5W2 2013
MUAG 6900.701Special ProblemsSummer 5W2 2013
MUAG 5610.001Comparative Pedagogy of SingingSpring 2013
MUGC 6951.703Dissertation RecitalSpring 2013
MUGC 6952.703Dissertation RecitalSpring 2013
MUGC 6954.734Dissertation RecitalSpring 2013
MUAG 5701.722Master's RecitalSpring 2013
MUAG 4900.704Special ProblemsSpring 2013
MUAG 5900.705SPECIAL PROBLEMSSpring 2013
MUAC 5503.701VoiceSpring 2013
MUAC 6503.701VOICESpring 2013
MUAM 1503.701VoiceSpring 2013
MUAM 3503.701VoiceSpring 2013
MUAM 5503.701VoiceSpring 2013
MUAM 6503.701VoiceSpring 2013
MUGC 6954.722Dissertation RecitalFall 2012
MUAG 4300.001Science and Pedagogy of SingingFall 2012
MUAC 5503.701VoiceFall 2012
MUAC 6503.701VOICEFall 2012
MUAM 1503.701VoiceFall 2012
MUAM 3503.701VoiceFall 2012
MUAM 5503.701VoiceFall 2012
MUAM 6503.701VoiceFall 2012
MUGC 6953.701Dissertation RecitalSummer 5W2 2012
MUAG 4300.001Science and Pedagogy of SingingSummer 5W2 2012
MUAG 4900.701Special ProblemsSummer 5W2 2012
MUAG 5900.701SPECIAL PROBLEMSSummer 5W2 2012
MUAG 6900.702Special ProblemsSummer 5W2 2012
MUGC 5900.701Special ProblemsSummer 5W2 2012
MUAG 5600.001Advanced Science and Pedagogy of SingingSpring 2012
MUGC 6951.718Dissertation RecitalSpring 2012
MUGC 6952.714Dissertation RecitalSpring 2012
MUGC 6953.717Dissertation RecitalSpring 2012
MUGC 6954.708Dissertation RecitalSpring 2012
MUGC 6954.734Dissertation RecitalSpring 2012
MUGC 6942.705Graduate Artist Certificate RecitalSpring 2012
MUGC 5950.712Master's ThesisSpring 2012
MUAC 6503.701VOICESpring 2012
MUAM 1503.701VoiceSpring 2012
MUAM 3503.701VoiceSpring 2012
MUAM 5503.701VoiceSpring 2012
MUAM 6503.701VoiceSpring 2012
MUGC 6951.713Dissertation RecitalFall 2011
MUGC 6952.710Dissertation RecitalFall 2011
MUGC 6953.711Dissertation RecitalFall 2011
MUGC 6954.714Dissertation RecitalFall 2011
MUGC 5950.707Master's ThesisFall 2011
MUAG 4300.001Science and Pedagogy of SingingFall 2011
MUAG 6900.702Special ProblemsFall 2011
MUAG 6900.703Special ProblemsFall 2011
MUAC 6503.701VOICEFall 2011
MUAM 1503.701VoiceFall 2011
MUAM 3503.701VoiceFall 2011
MUAM 5503.701VoiceFall 2011
MUAM 6503.701VoiceFall 2011
MUGC 5950.703Master's ThesisSummer 5W1 2011
MUAG 4300.001Science and Pedagogy of SingingSummer 5W1 2011
MUAC 1503.703VOICESummer 5W1 2011
MUAC 3503.703VOICESummer 5W1 2011
MUAC 6503.703VOICESummer 5W1 2011
MUAM 6503.703VoiceSummer 5W1 2011
MUAS 1503.703VoiceSummer 5W1 2011
MUAG 5610.001Comparative Pedagogy of SingingSpring 2011
MUGC 6951.705Dissertation RecitalSpring 2011
MUGC 6952.705Dissertation RecitalSpring 2011
MUGC 6953.701Dissertation RecitalSpring 2011
MUGC 6954.723Dissertation RecitalSpring 2011
MUGC 5950.709Master's ThesisSpring 2011
MUAG 4910.705Special ProblemsSpring 2011
MUAG 6900.704Special ProblemsSpring 2011
MUAM 1503.701VoiceSpring 2011
MUAM 3503.701VoiceSpring 2011
MUAM 5503.701VoiceSpring 2011
MUAM 6503.701VoiceSpring 2011
MUGC 6951.709Dissertation RecitalFall 2010
MUGC 6954.729Dissertation RecitalFall 2010
MUAG 4910.705Special ProblemsFall 2010
MUAG 6900.710Special ProblemsFall 2010
MUAM 1503.701VoiceFall 2010
MUAM 3503.701VoiceFall 2010
MUAM 5503.701VoiceFall 2010
MUAM 6503.701VoiceFall 2010
MUGC 5950.704Master's ThesisSummer 5W2 2010
MUAC 1503.701VOICESummer 5W2 2010
MUAC 3503.701VOICESummer 5W2 2010
MUAC 5503.701VoiceSummer 5W2 2010
MUAC 6503.701VOICESummer 5W2 2010
MUAM 3503.701VoiceSummer 5W2 2010
MUAM 6503.701VoiceSummer 5W2 2010
MUAS 1503.701VoiceSummer 5W2 2010
MUAS 3503.701VoiceSummer 5W2 2010
MUAS 5503.701VoiceSummer 5W2 2010
MUAG 5600.001Advanced Science and Pedagogy of SingingSpring 2010
MUGC 5950.709Master's ThesisSpring 2010
MUAG 4900.707Special ProblemsSpring 2010
MUAM 1503.701VoiceSpring 2010
MUAM 3503.701VoiceSpring 2010
MUAM 5503.701VoiceSpring 2010
MUAM 6503.701VoiceSpring 2010
MUGC 6952.708Dissertation RecitalFall 2009
MUGC 5950.706Master's ThesisFall 2009
MUAG 4300.001Science and Pedagogy of SingingFall 2009 Syllabus
MUAG 4910.702Special ProblemsFall 2009
MUAC 6503.701VOICEFall 2009
MUAM 1503.701VoiceFall 2009
MUAM 3503.701VoiceFall 2009
MUAM 5503.701VoiceFall 2009
MUAM 6503.701VoiceFall 2009
MUGC 6954.703Dissertation RecitalSummer 5W2 2009
MUGC 5950.701Master's ThesisSummer 5W2 2009
MUAG 6900.703Special ProblemsSummer 5W2 2009
MUAG 6910.701Special ProblemsSummer 5W2 2009
MUAC 1503.701VOICESummer 5W2 2009
MUAM 3503.701VoiceSummer 5W2 2009
MUAM 5503.701VoiceSummer 5W2 2009
MUAM 6503.701VoiceSummer 5W2 2009
MUAS 3503.701VoiceSummer 5W2 2009
MUAG 5610.001Comparative Pedagogy of SingingSpring 2009
MUGC 6951.711Dissertation RecitalSpring 2009
MUGC 6953.704Dissertation RecitalSpring 2009
MUGC 6953.713Dissertation RecitalSpring 2009
MUGC 6954.725Dissertation RecitalSpring 2009
MUGC 6900.701Special ProblemsSpring 2009
MUGC 6900.702Special ProblemsSpring 2009
MUAM 3503.701VoiceSpring 2009
MUAM 5503.701VoiceSpring 2009
MUAM 6503.701VoiceSpring 2009
MUGC 6952.710Dissertation RecitalFall 2008
MUGC 6953.705Dissertation RecitalFall 2008
MUGC 6954.708Dissertation RecitalFall 2008
MUAG 4300.001Science and Pedagogy of SingingFall 2008
MUAC 6503.701VOICEFall 2008
MUAM 1503.701VoiceFall 2008
MUAM 3503.701VoiceFall 2008
MUAM 5503.701VoiceFall 2008
MUAM 6503.701VoiceFall 2008
MUGC 6952.702Dissertation RecitalSummer 5W2 2008
MUGC 6954.702Dissertation RecitalSummer 5W2 2008
MUAC 1503.701VOICESummer 5W2 2008
MUAC 3503.701VOICESummer 5W2 2008
MUAM 1503.701VoiceSummer 5W2 2008
MUAM 3503.701VoiceSummer 5W2 2008
MUAM 6503.701VoiceSummer 5W2 2008
MUAS 1503.701VoiceSummer 5W2 2008
MUAS 3503.701VoiceSummer 5W2 2008
MUAS 5503.701VoiceSummer 5W2 2008
MUAG 5600.001Advanced Science and Pedagogy of SingingSpring 2008
MUGC 6952.716Dissertation RecitalSpring 2008
MUGC 6953.708Dissertation RecitalSpring 2008
MUGC 6954.723Dissertation RecitalSpring 2008
MUAG 4910.704Special ProblemsSpring 2008
MUAG 6900.703Special ProblemsSpring 2008
MUAC 6503.701VOICESpring 2008
MUAM 1503.701VoiceSpring 2008
MUAM 3503.701VoiceSpring 2008
MUAM 5503.701VoiceSpring 2008
MUAM 6503.701VoiceSpring 2008
MUGC 6951.706Dissertation RecitalFall 2007
MUGC 6954.720Dissertation RecitalFall 2007
MUAG 4300.001Science and Pedagogy of SingingFall 2007
MUAG 6900.701Special ProblemsFall 2007
MUAG 6910.701Special ProblemsFall 2007
MUAC 6503.701VOICEFall 2007
MUAM 1503.701VoiceFall 2007
MUAM 3503.701VoiceFall 2007
MUAM 5503.701VoiceFall 2007
MUAM 6503.701VoiceFall 2007
MUAC 1503.701VOICESummer 5W2 2007
MUAC 3503.701VOICESummer 5W2 2007
MUAM 3503.701VoiceSummer 5W2 2007
MUAM 5503.701VoiceSummer 5W2 2007
MUAS 1503.701VoiceSummer 5W2 2007
MUAS 6503.701VoiceSummer 5W2 2007
MUAG 5610.001Comparative Pedagogy of SingingSpring 2007
MUGC 6952.711Dissertation RecitalSpring 2007
MUAG 6900.701Special ProblemsSpring 2007
MUAM 1503.701VoiceSpring 2007
MUAM 3503.701VoiceSpring 2007
MUAM 5503.701VoiceSpring 2007
MUAM 6503.701VoiceSpring 2007
MUGC 6951.701Dissertation RecitalFall 2006
MUAG 4300.001Science and Pedagogy of SingingFall 2006
MUAG 6900.702Special ProblemsFall 2006
MUAG 6900.705Special ProblemsFall 2006
MUAG 6900.706Special ProblemsFall 2006
MUAC 1503.701VOICEFall 2006
MUAC 3503.701VOICEFall 2006
MUAC 6503.701VOICEFall 2006
MUAM 1503.701VoiceFall 2006
MUAM 3503.701VoiceFall 2006
MUAM 5503.701VoiceFall 2006
MUAM 6503.701VoiceFall 2006
MUAC 1503.701VOICESummer 5W2 2006
MUAC 3503.701VOICESummer 5W2 2006
MUAM 1503.701VoiceSummer 5W2 2006
MUAM 3503.701VoiceSummer 5W2 2006
MUAM 5503.701VoiceSummer 5W2 2006
MUAS 1503.701VoiceSummer 5W2 2006
MUAS 5503.701VoiceSummer 5W2 2006
MUAS 6503.701VoiceSummer 5W2 2006
MUAG 5600.001Advanced Science and Pedagogy of SingingSpring 2006
MUGC 6951.719Dissertation RecitalSpring 2006
MUAC 1503.701VOICESpring 2006
MUAC 3503.701VOICESpring 2006
MUAC 6503.701VOICESpring 2006
MUAM 1503.701VoiceSpring 2006
MUAM 3503.701VoiceSpring 2006
MUAM 5503.701VoiceSpring 2006
MUAM 6503.701VoiceSpring 2006
MUGC 6952.716Dissertation RecitalFall 2005
MUGC 6953.711Dissertation RecitalFall 2005
MUAG 4300.001Science and Pedagogy of SingingFall 2005
MUAG 6900.701Special ProblemsFall 2005
MUAC 1503.701VOICEFall 2005
MUAC 6503.701VOICEFall 2005
MUAM 1503.701VoiceFall 2005
MUAM 3503.701VoiceFall 2005
MUAM 5503.701VoiceFall 2005
MUAM 6503.701VoiceFall 2005
MUGC 6951.701Dissertation RecitalSummer 5W2 2005
MUGC 6953.701Dissertation RecitalSummer 5W2 2005
MUGC 5950.702Master's ThesisSummer 5W2 2005
MUAC 1503.701VOICESummer 5W2 2005
MUAC 6503.701VOICESummer 5W2 2005
MUAM 1503.701VoiceSummer 5W2 2005
MUAM 3503.701VoiceSummer 5W2 2005
MUAM 5503.701VoiceSummer 5W2 2005
MUAM 6503.701VoiceSummer 5W2 2005
MUAS 5503.701VoiceSummer 5W2 2005
MUAG 5610.001Comparative Pedagogy of SingingSpring 2005
MUGC 5950.710Master's ThesisSpring 2005
MUAC 1503.701VOICESpring 2005
MUAC 3503.701VOICESpring 2005
MUAC 6503.701VOICESpring 2005
MUAM 1503.701VoiceSpring 2005
MUAM 3503.701VoiceSpring 2005
MUAM 5503.701VoiceSpring 2005
MUGC 5950.710Master's ThesisFall 2004
MUAG 4300.001Science and Pedagogy of SingingFall 2004
MUAG 6900.703Special ProblemsFall 2004
MUAC 1503.701VOICEFall 2004
MUAC 3503.701VOICEFall 2004
MUAC 5503.701VoiceFall 2004
MUAC 6503.701VOICEFall 2004
MUAM 1503.701VoiceFall 2004
MUAM 5503.701VoiceFall 2004

Published Intellectual Contributions


  • Austin, S.F. (2017). Provenance: Historic Vocal Pedagogy Viewed through a Contemporary Lens. Gahanna, Ohio, Inside View Press.
  • Austin, S.F. (2007). Carlo Bassini, Bassini' s Art of Singing.
  • Book Chapter

  • Austin, S.F. (2002). 'Scientific Support for the two-register theory of the singing voice' in The Modern Singing Master. A Festrchrift in honor of Cornelius Reid..
  • Book Review

  • Austin, S.F. (1995). Listening: An Introduction to the Perceptions of Auditory Events" by S. Handel. Appeared in Ear & Hearing, Vol. 16 No. 4, July/August, 1995..
  • Journal Article

  • Austin, S.F. (2016). L'ultimo Canzone!. Journal of Singing. 73 (1) 91.
  • Austin, S.F. (2016). Sound an Alarm!. Journal of Singing. 72 (5) 629.
  • Austin, S.F. (2016). Vibrato by the Seashore. Journal of Singing. 72 (4) 491.
  • Austin, S.F. (2016). Read the Footnotes! Garcia on the Timbres. Journal of Singing. 72 (3) 363.
  • Austin, S.F. (2015). More from Lamperti. Journal of Singing. 72 (1) 93.
  • Austin, S.F. (2015). Notes on Garcia's Memoire on the Human Voice. Journal of Singing. 71 (5) 629.
  • Austin, S.F. (2015). Words! Words! Words! More from Garcia. Journal of Singing. 71 (4) 513.
  • Austin, S.F. (2015). Sterling is Gold!. Journal of Singing. 71 (3) 359.
  • Austin, S.F. (2014). More from 'Hints on Singing'. Journal of Singing. 71 (2) 233.
  • Austin, S.F. (2014). A Little 'Vocal Wisdom'. Journal of Singing. 71 (1) 89.
  • Austin, S.F. (2014). Is It Time for a Change?. Journal of Singing. 70 (5) 603.
  • Austin, S.F. (2014). Herman Klein: A Contemporary Link to Mozart (IV). Journal of Singing. 70 (4) 479.
  • Austin, S.F. (2014). Herman Klein: A Contemporary Link to Mozart (III). Journal of Singing. 70 (3) 335.
  • Austin, S.F. (2013). Building Strong Voices 12 Different Ways, Pt. 2. Vol. 69, No. 4. Mar/Apr 2013.
  • Austin, S.F. (2013). Adolphe Nourrit - The Rest of the Story. Journal of Singing. 70 (2) 229.
  • Austin, S.F. (2013). Timeless Advice from The Etude. Journal of Singing. 70 (1) 97.
  • Austin, S.F. (2013). Building Strong Voices 12 Different Ways, Pt. 3. Vol. 69, No. 1. Jan/Feb 2013.
  • Austin, S.F. (2013). Building Strong Voices 12 Different Ways, Pt. 3. Vol. 69, No. 5. May/June 2013.
  • Austin, S.F. (2012). Hints on Singing: Hints Indeed! Vol. 69, No. 2. Nov/Dec 2012. Journal of Singing. 69 (2)
  • Austin, S.F. (2012). The Greatest Generation. Vol. 69, No. 1. Sept/Oct 2012. Journal of Singing. 69 (1)
  • Austin, S.F. (2012). Awesome Voice. Vol. 68, No. 5. May/June 2012. Journal of Singing. 68 (5)
  • Austin, S.F. (2012). Bobble-Heads. Vol. 68, No. 4. Mar/Apr 2012. Journal of Singing. 68 (4)
  • Stephen F. Austin. (2011). Auch kleine dinge . Journal of Singing, Volume 67 No. 4 Mar/April, 2011, 459..
  • Austin, S.F. (2011). Canaries in the Coal Mine: The Pure Vowel.Volume 68 No. 1. Journal of Singing, Sept/Oct, 2011, Pg. 83..
  • Stephen F. Austin. (2011). Pedagogy from the Archives: Pathways to Vocal Pedagogy . Journal of Singing, Volume 67 No. 3 Jan/Feb, 2011 Pg. 99 Journal of Singing.
  • Stephen F. Austin. (2011). Singers on Singing. Journal of Singing, Volume 67 No. 5. May/June, 2011, 103..
  • Stephen F. Austin. (2011). A Footnote to History.. Journal of Singing. 68 (2) 207.
  • Austin, S.F. (2011). Canaries in the Coal Mine: The Pure Vowel. Vol. 68, No. 1. Sept/Oct 2011. Journal of Singing. 68 (1)
  • Austin, S.F. (2011). Singers on Singing. Vol 67, No. 5. May/June 2011. Journal of Singing. 67 (5)
  • Austin, S.F. (2011). Auch Kleine Dinge. Vol. 67, No. 4. Mar/Apr 2011. Journal of Singing. 67 (4)
  • Austin, S.F. (2010). Carlo Bassini's The Art of Singing, Part 1. Volume 66 No. 1 May. Pg. 591..
  • Austin, S.F. (2010). Carlo Bassini's The Art of Singing, Part 2. Volume 67 No. 1, September. Pg. 69..
  • Austin, S.F. (2009). Stockhausen's Method of Singing Part 3.Volume 65 No 5. Pg.601..
  • Austin, S.F. (2009). Stockhausen's Method of Singing, Part 2. Journal of Singing. 65 (4) 481.
  • Austin, S.F. (2009). Stockhausen's Method of Singing, Part 1. Journal of Singing. 65 (3) 359.
  • Austin, S.F. (2008). Building Strong Voices: Twelve Different Ways!(Part 2). Choral Journal,Vol. 48:8. Feb, 2008. Pg. 59-73..
  • Austin, S.F. (2008). Filling the Gap with Guideppe Aprile, Journal of Singing. Vol 64, November, 2008. Pg. 225. Journal of Singing. 65 (2)
  • Austin, S.F. (2008). Plugging the Holes. Journal of Singing, Volume: 64:4. March, 2008. Pg. 497..
  • Austin, S.F. (2007). Building Strong Voices: Twelve Different Ways!(Part 1). Choral Journal, 48:7 Dec, 2007: Pg. 55‑66..
  • Austin, S.F. (2007). Buried Treasure: The Voice Teacher's Problems. Journal of Singing, Volume 63. Date: January, 2007, Page 325..
  • Austin, S.F. (2007). First Things First. Journal of Singing, Volume 64. Date: September, 2007. Page 89..
  • Austin, S.F. (2007). Herman Klein; A Contemporary Link to Mozart (I). Journal of Singing, Volume 63. Date: March, 2007. Page 469..
  • Austin, S.F. (2007). Herman Klein; Contemporary Link to Mozart (II). Journal of Singing, Volume 63. Date: May, 2007. Page 577..
  • Austin, S.F. (2007). Jaw Opening in Novice and Experienced Classically Trained Singers . Journal of Voice. Vol. 21 (1), 2007, pg 72-79..
  • Austin, S.F. (2006). Just for the 'Trill' of It! Journal of Singing, Volume: 62. Date: March, 2006..
  • Austin, S.F. (2006). Suoni Filati: The Messa di Voce. Journal of Singing, Volume: 62. Date: May, 2006, Page 573..
  • Austin, S.F. (2006). There's a hole in the middle, the middle, the middle.' In Defense of Garcia's Placement of the Falsetto in the Middle of the Singing Range in Both Men and Women. Journal of Singing, Volume: 62. Date: January, 2006..
  • Austin, S.F. (2006). Words from William Shakespeare. Journal of Singing, Volume: 63. Date: September, 2006. Page 87..
  • Austin, S.F. (2005). A Treasure chest - a physiological and pedagogical review of the low mechanism . Journal of Singing, Vol. 61, No. 3. Jan/Feb. 2005. Pg. 241-251..
  • Austin, S.F. (2005). Like the Squawk of a Capon - The tenor do di petto . Journal of Singing, Vol. 61, No. 3. Jan/Feb. 2005. Pg 309..
  • Austin, S.F. (2005). Singing as straight as you can point . Classical Singer Magazine, Vol. 18, No. 3. March, 2005. Pg. 50..
  • Austin, S.F. (2005). The Attack on the Coup de la glotte . Journal of Singing , Vol. 61, No. 5. May/June 2005. Pg 521..
  • Austin, S.F. (2005). Two-headed Llamas and the lutte vocale . Journal of Singing, Vol. 62, No. 1. Sept/Oct. 2005..
  • Austin, S.F. (2005). The voce chiusa. Journal of Singing. 61 (4) 421.
  • Austin, S.F. (2004). Aspirato: an exception to the rule . Journal of Singing, Vol. 60, No. 5. May/June, 2004. Pg. 33..
  • Austin, S.F. (2004). Portamento . Journal of Singing, Vol. 60, No. 3. Jan/Feb, 2004. Pg. 301..
  • Austin, S.F. (2004). Register unification - Give me a break! . Journal of Singing, Vol. 61, No. 2. Nov/Dec, 2004. Pg. 71..
  • Austin, S.F. (2004). Staccato . Journal of Singing, Vol. 60, No. 4. March/April, 2004. Pg. 405..
  • Austin, S.F. (2004). You say marcatto, I say martellato . Journal of Singing, Vol. 61, No. 1. Sept/Oct, 2004. Pg. 89..
  • Austin, S.F. (2000). Nasal Resonance-Fact or Fiction? Journal of Singing, Vol. 57, No. 2. Nov/Dec. 2000. Pg. 33-41..
  • Austin, S.F. (1999). Pedagogical Application of the Two-Register Theory . Australian Voice, Journal of The Australian National Association of Teachers of singing. 1999. Pg. 25-31..
  • Austin, S.F. (1998). Confessions of a Golf-Playing Voice Scientist, Australian Voice, Journal of The Australian National Association of Teachers of singing. 1998. Pg. 1-11..
  • Austin, S.F. (1997). "Movement of the velum during speech and singing in classically trained singers" Journal of Voice. Vol. 11(2), 1997, pg 212-221..
  • Austin, S.F. (1997). I couldn' t understand a single word! Australian Voice, Journal of The Australian National Association of Teachers of singing. 1997. Pg. 1-5..
  • Austin, S.F. (1997). The effect of subglottal resonance upon vocal fold vibration. Journal of Voice. Vol. 11(3), 1997. Pg 391-402..
  • Austin, S.F. (1996). Principles of Voice Science: Studio Applications. Australian Voice, Journal of The Australian National Association of Teachers of Singing. 1996. Pg. 1-9..
  • Austin, S.F. (1995). Nasal Resonance - Dispelling the Myth. Australian Voice, Journal of The Australian National Association of Teachers of Singing. Vol. 1, 1995, pg. 18-23..
  • Austin, S.F. (1991). Effect of estrogen replacement therapy in the menopausal singing voice. J. of Research in Singing, Vol. XIV, 2, p. 41-50. 1991.
  • Popular Press Article

  • Austin, S.F. (2008). Lean on Me!; The Art of the Appoggiatura. Volume 64 No 3. January. Pg. 363..
  • Austin, S.F. (2006). Flapping Jaws and Acoustic Laws: A Singer's Guide to Inertive Reactance.. Volume: 63. November, 2006. Pg. 211..
Summative Rating
Challenge and
Engagement Index
Response Rate

out of 5

out of 7
students responded
  • Overall Summative Rating (median):
    This rating represents the combined responses of students to the four global summative items and is presented to provide an overall index of the class’s quality. Overall summative statements include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 5 = Excellent, 3 = Good, and 1= Very poor):
    • The course as a whole was
    • The course content was
    • The instructor’s contribution to the course was
    • The instructor’s effectiveness in teaching the subject matter was
  • Challenge and Engagement Index:
    This rating combines student responses to several SPOT items relating to how academically challenging students found the course to be and how engaged they were. Challenge and Engagement Index items include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 7 = Much higher, 4 = Average, and 1 = Much lower):
    • Do you expect your grade in this course to be
    • The intellectual challenge presented was
    • The amount of effort you put into this course was
    • The amount of effort to succeed in this course was
    • Your involvement in course (doing assignments, attending classes, etc.) was