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Scott J. Hamilton

Title: Clinical Assistant Professor

Department: Information Technology and Decision Sciences

College: College of Business

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae Link


  • PhD, University of North Texas, 2019
    Major: Sociology
    Dissertation: As the Need Presents Itself: Social Identity Theory and Signaling in Online Crowdfunding Campaigns
  • MA, Texas State University - San Marcos, 2012
    Major: Sociology
  • BS, Southwestern Assemblies of God University, 2007
    Major: Counseling Psychology

Current Scheduled Teaching

DSCI 5350.003Big Data AnalyticsFall 2024
DSCI 2710.001Data Analysis with SpreadsheetsFall 2024 Syllabus
DSCI 2710.404Data Analysis with SpreadsheetsFall 2024 Syllabus
DSCI 2710.406Data Analysis with SpreadsheetsFall 2024 Syllabus
DSCI 2710.701Data Analysis with SpreadsheetsFall 8W2 2024
DSCI 2710.004Data Analysis with SpreadsheetsSummer 5W2 2024 Syllabus SPOT
DSCI 2710.700Data Analysis with SpreadsheetsSummer 8W1 2024 Syllabus SPOT

Previous Scheduled Teaching

DSCI 2710.004Data Analysis with SpreadsheetsSummer 5W2 2024 Syllabus SPOT
DSCI 2710.700Data Analysis with SpreadsheetsSummer 8W1 2024 Syllabus SPOT
DSCI 5350.001Big Data AnalyticsSpring 2024 SPOT
DSCI 2710.001Data Analysis with SpreadsheetsSpring 2024 Syllabus SPOT
DSCI 2710.006Data Analysis with SpreadsheetsSpring 2024 Syllabus SPOT
DSCI 2710.001Data Analysis with SpreadsheetsFall 2023 Syllabus SPOT
DSCI 2710.004Data Analysis with SpreadsheetsFall 2023 Syllabus SPOT
DSCI 2710.006Data Analysis with SpreadsheetsFall 2023 Syllabus SPOT
DSCI 2710.701Data Analysis with SpreadsheetsFall 8W2 2023 Syllabus SPOT
DSCI 2710.001Data Analysis with SpreadsheetsSummer 5W1 2023 Syllabus SPOT
DSCI 2710.700Data Analysis with SpreadsheetsSummer 8W1 2023 Syllabus SPOT
DSCI 3710.006Business Statistics with SpreadsheetsSpring 2023 Syllabus SPOT
DSCI 2710.001Data Analysis with SpreadsheetsSpring 2023 Syllabus SPOT
DSCI 2710.005Data Analysis with SpreadsheetsSpring 2023 Syllabus SPOT
DSCI 2710.001Data Analysis with SpreadsheetsFall 2022 Syllabus SPOT
DSCI 2710.004Data Analysis with SpreadsheetsFall 2022 Syllabus SPOT
DSCI 2710.006Data Analysis with SpreadsheetsFall 2022 Syllabus SPOT
DSCI 2710.001Data Analysis with SpreadsheetsSummer 5W1 2022 Syllabus SPOT
DSCI 2710.003Data Analysis with SpreadsheetsSummer 5W2 2022 Syllabus SPOT
DSCI 5350.003Big Data AnalyticsSpring 2022 SPOT
DSCI 2710.001Data Analysis with SpreadsheetsSpring 2022 Syllabus SPOT
DSCI 5180.003Introduction to the Business Decision ProcessSpring 2022 Syllabus SPOT
DSCI 2710.001Data Analysis with SpreadsheetsFall 2021 Syllabus SPOT
DSCI 2710.002Data Analysis with SpreadsheetsFall 2021 Syllabus SPOT
DSCI 2710.005Data Analysis with SpreadsheetsFall 2021 Syllabus SPOT
JOUR 5000.801Introduction to Digital Communications AnalyticsSummer 8W1 2021 SPOT
JOUR 5251.801Quantitative Research Fundamentals in Digital CommunicationSummer 8W2 2021 SPOT
JOUR 5901.720Advanced Problems in Digital Communication AnalyticsSpring 8W2 2021
JOUR 5341.201Cutting Edge Techniques for the Digital Communication AnalystSpring 8W1 2021 SPOT
JOUR 5000.201Introduction to Digital Communications AnalyticsSpring 8W1 2021 SPOT
JOUR 5261.201Qualitative Research Fundamentals in Digital CommunicationSpring 8W2 2021 SPOT
JOUR 5251.201Quantitative Research Fundamentals in Digital CommunicationSpring 8W1 2021 SPOT
JOUR 5331.201Social Media AnalyticsSpring 8W2 2021 SPOT
JOUR 5901.720Advanced Problems in Digital Communication AnalyticsFall 8W1 2020
JOUR 5581.201Capstone Seminar in Digital Communication AnalyticsFall 8W2 2020 SPOT
JOUR 5000.201Introduction to Digital Communications AnalyticsFall 8W1 2020 SPOT
JOUR 5261.202Qualitative Research Fundamentals in Digital CommunicationFall 8W2 2020 SPOT
JOUR 5331.202Social Media AnalyticsFall 8W2 2020 SPOT
JOUR 5000.201Introduction to Digital Communications AnalyticsSummer 8W1 2020 SPOT
JOUR 5000.901Introduction to Digital Communications AnalyticsSummer 8W1 2020
JOUR 5251.201Quantitative Research Fundamentals in Digital CommunicationSummer 8W2 2020 SPOT
JOUR 5251.901Quantitative Research Fundamentals in Digital CommunicationSummer 8W2 2020 SPOT
JOUR 5581.201Capstone Seminar in Digital Communication AnalyticsSpring 8W2 2020
JOUR 5000.201Introduction to Digital Communications AnalyticsSpring 8W1 2020
JOUR 5261.201Qualitative Research Fundamentals in Digital CommunicationSpring 8W2 2020
JOUR 5261.901Qualitative Research Fundamentals in Digital CommunicationSpring 8W2 2020
JOUR 5251.201Quantitative Research Fundamentals in Digital CommunicationSpring 8W1 2020
JOUR 5000.801Introduction to Digital Communications AnalyticsFall 8W1 2019 Syllabus SPOT
JOUR 5261.802Qualitative Research Fundamentals in Digital CommunicationFall 8W2 2019 Syllabus SPOT
JOUR 5251.801Quantitative Research Fundamentals in Digital CommunicationFall 8W1 2019 Syllabus SPOT
JOUR 5000.801Introduction to Digital Communications AnalyticsSpring 8W1 2019 SPOT
JOUR 5261.801Research Fundamentals for Digital Communication IISpring 8W2 2019 SPOT
PACS 3020.070Fundamentals of Inquiry and DiscoverySummer 8W1 2018 Syllabus SPOT

Published Intellectual Contributions

    Conference Proceeding

  • Gerhart, N., Torres, R., Hamilton, S.J. (2022). Understanding the Nature of Online News Addiction. (1) AMERICAS CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION SYSTEMS (AMCIS).
  • Journal Article

  • Shamroukh, S., Hamilton, S.J. Navigating the Crossroads: Unraveling Individual Preferences in Data/Business Analytics Skill Acquisition through the Prism of Python and SAS Enterprise Miner.
  • Gerhart, N., Torres, R.R., Hamilton, S.J. Understanding the Role of Psychosocial Factors in Online News Addiction. Computers in Human Behavior.
  • Hamiltn, S.J., Chatterjee, S., Parrish, J.L. Assessing Information Quality in Hijacked Hashtags.
  • Newsletter

  • Hamilton, S.J. (2022). Altruism, Morality, and Social Solidarity Section Fall Newsletter.
  • Hamilton, S.J. (2022). Altruism, Morality, and Social Solidarity Section Spring 22 Newsletter.
Summative Rating
Challenge and
Engagement Index
Response Rate

out of 5

out of 7
students responded
  • Overall Summative Rating (median):
    This rating represents the combined responses of students to the four global summative items and is presented to provide an overall index of the class’s quality. Overall summative statements include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 5 = Excellent, 3 = Good, and 1= Very poor):
    • The course as a whole was
    • The course content was
    • The instructor’s contribution to the course was
    • The instructor’s effectiveness in teaching the subject matter was
  • Challenge and Engagement Index:
    This rating combines student responses to several SPOT items relating to how academically challenging students found the course to be and how engaged they were. Challenge and Engagement Index items include the following (response options include a Likert scale ranging from 7 = Much higher, 4 = Average, and 1 = Much lower):
    • Do you expect your grade in this course to be
    • The intellectual challenge presented was
    • The amount of effort you put into this course was
    • The amount of effort to succeed in this course was
    • Your involvement in course (doing assignments, attending classes, etc.) was